| |
| com.sun.perseus.j2d.GraphicsProperties
All known Subclasses: com.sun.perseus.model.CompositeGraphicsNodeProxy,
GraphicsProperties | public interface GraphicsProperties (Code) | | This interface is used to access and set computed property values
for graphical characteristics such as fill or stroke color.
CAP_BUTT | int CAP_BUTT(Code) | | Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with no added
CAP_ROUND | int CAP_ROUND(Code) | | Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a round
decoration that has a radius equal to half of the width
of the pen.
CAP_SQUARE | int CAP_SQUARE(Code) | | Ends unclosed subpaths and dash segments with a square
projection that extends beyond the end of the segment
to a distance equal to half of the line width.
INITIAL_COLOR | RGB INITIAL_COLOR(Code) | | Default value for the current color
INITIAL_DISPLAY | boolean INITIAL_DISPLAY(Code) | | Default value for the display property
INITIAL_FILL | RGB INITIAL_FILL(Code) | | Default value for the fill paint
INITIAL_FILL_OPACITY | float INITIAL_FILL_OPACITY(Code) | | Default value for fill opacity
INITIAL_FILL_RULE | int INITIAL_FILL_RULE(Code) | | Default stroke-width value
INITIAL_OPACITY | float INITIAL_OPACITY(Code) | | Default value for opacity
INITIAL_STROKE | RGB INITIAL_STROKE(Code) | | Default value for the stroke paint
INITIAL_STROKE_OPACITY | float INITIAL_STROKE_OPACITY(Code) | | Default value for stroke opacity
INITIAL_STROKE_WIDTH | float INITIAL_STROKE_WIDTH(Code) | | Default stroke width
INITIAL_VISIBILITY | boolean INITIAL_VISIBILITY(Code) | | Default value for the visibility property
JOIN_BEVEL | int JOIN_BEVEL(Code) | | Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their
wide outlines with a straight segment.
JOIN_MITER | int JOIN_MITER(Code) | | Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until
they meet.
JOIN_ROUND | int JOIN_ROUND(Code) | | Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius
of half the line width.
WIND_EVEN_ODD | int WIND_EVEN_ODD(Code) | | The even-odd rule specifies that a point lies inside the
path if a ray drawn in any direction from that point to
infinity is crossed by path segments an odd number of times.
WIND_NON_ZERO | int WIND_NON_ZERO(Code) | | The non-zero rule specifies that a point lies inside the
path if a ray drawn in any direction from that point to
infinity is crossed by path segments a different number
of times in the counter-clockwise direction than the
clockwise direction.
getColor | RGB getColor()(Code) | | the current color property value. |
getDisplay | boolean getDisplay()(Code) | | true if the display is on. false otherwise |
getFillOpacity | float getFillOpacity()(Code) | | the opacity used for fill operations, in the [0, 1] range. |
getOpacity | float getOpacity()(Code) | | the opacity used for blending operations, in the [0, 1] range. |
getStrokeDashArray | float[] getStrokeDashArray()(Code) | | an array of float value describing alternance of solid and transparent sections on stroked paths, startingwith dash, followed by a gap. See Also: GraphicsProperties.getStrokeDashOffset |
getStrokeDashOffset | float getStrokeDashOffset()(Code) | | the offset in the dash array. |
getStrokeLineCap | int getStrokeLineCap()(Code) | | the style used to decorate the ends of unclosedpath segments. One of CAP_BUTT, CAP_ROUND or CAP_SQUARE. |
getStrokeLineJoin | int getStrokeLineJoin()(Code) | | the style used to decorate line segment intersections.Can be one of JOIN_BEVEL, JOIN_MITER, JOIN_ROUND |
getStrokeMiterLimit | float getStrokeMiterLimit()(Code) | | the limit of miter joins. Line joins which exceed this value are trimmed. The miter is expressed as the ratioof the miter length (i.e, the distance between the innerand the outer elbows) to the stroke width. |
getStrokeOpacity | float getStrokeOpacity()(Code) | | the opacity used for stroke operations, in the [0, 1] range. |
getStrokeWidth | float getStrokeWidth()(Code) | | the width to use for stroking. This is expressed in user space and is the width of the line measured on a perpendicular to the stroked path. |
getVisibility | boolean getVisibility()(Code) | | true if the node is visible. false otherwise |
setColor | void setColor(RGB color)(Code) | | Parameters: color - the new color property value |
setDisplay | void setDisplay(boolean display)(Code) | | Parameters: display - the new display property value |
setFill | void setFill(PaintServer fill)(Code) | | Parameters: fill - the new paint to use for fill operations |
setFillOpacity | void setFillOpacity(float fillOpacity)(Code) | | Parameters: fillOpacity - the new opacity to use for fill operations.The value is clamped to the [0, 1] range. |
setOpacity | void setOpacity(float opacity)(Code) | | Parameters: opacity - the new opacity to use for blending operations.The value is clamped to the [0, 1] range. |
setStroke | void setStroke(PaintServer stroke)(Code) | | Parameters: stroke - the new paint to use to fill stroked path |
setStrokeDashOffset | void setStrokeDashOffset(float strokeDashOffset)(Code) | | Parameters: strokeDashOffset - the offset, in user space, in the stroke's dash array. This is ignored if the dash arrayis null |
setStrokeLineCap | void setStrokeLineCap(int strokeLineCap)(Code) | | Parameters: strokeLineCap - the new line cap decoration style |
setStrokeOpacity | void setStrokeOpacity(float strokeOpacity)(Code) | | Parameters: strokeOpacity - the new opacity to use for stroke operations.The value is clamped to the [0, 1] range. |
setVisibility | void setVisibility(boolean visibility)(Code) | | Parameters: visibility - the new visibility property value |