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public class DocumentNode extends Viewport implements Document(Code)
A DocumentNode represents the root of an SVG document model. A DocumentNode is a Viewport and centralizes some functions such as the font data base, tree updates management and event dispatching. The DocumentNode also manages the RunnableQueue used to synchronize all access to the SVG document.
   $Id:,v 1.24 2006/06/29 10:47:30 ln156897 Exp $

Field Summary
final public static  floatDEFAULT_PIXEL_MM_SIZE
protected  VectoractiveMediaElements
     Set of currently active MediaElements.
protected  VectoractiveTraitAnims
     Set of currently active TraitAnimations.
protected  Vectoranimations
     Vector of animations.
protected  TransformbboxChunkTxf
     Transform used to compute bounding boxes on text chunks.
protected  TransformbboxGlyphTxf
     Transform used to compute bounding boxes on glyphs.
final protected  ClockParserclockParser
final protected  ColorParsercolorParser
protected  FontFacedefaultFontFace
     The default FontFace used by this RenderGraphics.
protected  StringdefaultNamespaceURI
     The default namespace URI for elements created in that document, in case the namespace URI in createElementNS is empty.
protected  DOMExceptiondelayedException
     Exceptions can be delayed and later thrown.
protected  StringdocURI
protected  ModelEventengineEvent
     We use a single instance of ModelEvent per DocumentNode instance.
protected  EventSupporteventSupport
     EventSupport is used for listener registration and event dispatching.
protected  HashtablefontFaceDB
     The FontFace data base used by this RenderGraphics.
protected  TransformhitChunkTxf
     Transform used to perform hit detection on text chunks.
protected  TransformhitGlyphTxf
protected  HashtableidToElement
protected  ImageLoaderimageLoader
     The ImageLoader handles the desired policy for loading image resources.
protected  FontFace[]initialFontFaces
     The set of initial FontFace used by this RenderingGraphics.
final protected  LengthParserlengthParser
     Parser used to convert unit and unitless floating point values to floats.
protected  HashtablenamespaceMap
     A map itself containing map of ElementHandlers namespaceURI -> Hashtable the contained Hashtable maps: localName -> ElementNode prototype.
protected  Hashtablenamespaces
     Maps namespaces to prefixes.
protected  NumberListParsernumberListParser
protected  TransformpaintChunkTxf
     Transform used to render text chunks.
protected  TransformpaintGlyphTxf
     Transform used to render glyphs.
final protected  PathParserpathParser
protected  booleanplaying
     Controls whether the document is 'playing'.
protected  Hashtableprefixes
     Maps prefixes to namespace entries.
protected  floatpxMMSize
     Size of a pixel, in millimeters.
protected  HashtablereservedIds
     Used to store nodes with ids before they are inserted into the document tree.
protected  RunnableHandlerrunHandler
     The associated RunnableHandler which should be notified when Runnable acting on this DocumentNode tree are run.
final protected  TimeConditionParsertimeConditionParser
protected  TimeContainerRootSupporttimeContainerRootSupport
     A DocumentNode is a root container.
protected  TransformListParsertransformListParser
protected  UnicodeParserunicodeParser
     Parser used to convert unicode ranges.
protected  HashtableunknownTraitsNS
     Used to store additional traits NS., i.e., traits which are not naturally supported by the element.
protected  HashtableunresolvedIDRefs
protected  UpdateListenerupdateListener
protected  RunnableQueueupdateQueue
     The associated RunnableQueue, if any, is managing updates to the DocumentNode and any of its descendants.
protected  float[]upt
     Coordinate in user space coordinates.
final protected  ViewBoxParserviewBoxParser

Constructor Summary
public  DocumentNode()

Method Summary
public  voidaddFontFace(FontFace fontFace)
     Adds a new FontFace to the data base available to the document.
 voidaddIdentifiedNode(ElementNode element)
     Adds the input element to the list of identified nodes.
protected  FontFace.MatchaddMatch(FontFace.Match firstMatch, FontFace.Match newMatch)
     Chains newMatch into the chain starting with firstMatch.
public  voidaddNamespacePrefix(String prefix, String namespaceURI, ModelNode node)
     Adds a new prefix to namespace mapping.
public  voidaddPrototype(ElementNode prototypeElement)
     To support the creation of elements in the createElementNS method, we supply prototypes to the DocumentNode so that it can create nodes of specific data types for the prototype's namespaceURI and localName.
  prototypeElement - the ElementNode which will be usedas a prototype in createElementNS.
public  voidapplyAnimations()
     Applies all currently active animations.
     Applies all currently active media if this document is playing.
public  voidcheckDelayedException()
final  voidcheckNCName(String name)
     Checks if the input trait name is valid and throws a DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if not.
public  ElementcreateElementNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName)
public  voiddispose()
     Should be called when a document node is no longer needed and could be garbage collected.
public  voiddump()
static  voiddump(ModelNode n, String prefix, PrintStream out)
public  TimegetCurrentTime()
     Returns the current time for the document, i.e., the time at which the document was last sampled.
public  FontFacegetDefaultFontFace()
public  DOMExceptiongetDelayedException()
public  ElementgetDocumentElement()
     For SVG files this must be SVGSVGElement, but return type is Element for DOM Core compatibility and to allow for future extensions.
public  ElementgetElementById(String id)
     If no such element exists, this returns null.
 ElementgetElementByIdAll(String id)
     Return the Element in the current document with the given unique ID.
public  EventSupportgetEventSupport()
public  ModelNodegetFirstComputedExpandedChild()
     Some node types (such as ElementNodeProxy) have expanded children that they compute in some specific way depending on the implementation.
     A DocumentNode has no expanded content, so this returns null.
protected  floatgetFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
     Returns the value of the given float property.
public  ImageLoadergetImageLoader()
     Gets the ImageLoader instance.
protected  floatgetInitialFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
     Returns the initial value of the given float-valued property.
public  FontFace[]getInitialFontFaces()
protected  intgetInitialPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
     Returns the initial value of the given packed property.
protected  ObjectgetInitialPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
     Returns the initial value of the given Object-valued property.
     A DocumentNode has no expanded content, so this returns null.
public  StringgetLocalName()
     returns the unprefixed node name.
public  StringgetNamespaceURI()
protected  intgetPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
     Returns the value of the given packed property.
public  NodegetParentNode()
     Returns the parent Node of this Node. the parent node or null if there is no parent (i.e.
public  floatgetPixelMMSize()
protected  ObjectgetPropertyState(int propertyIndex)
     Returns the value of the given Object-valued property.
public  RunnableHandlergetRunnableHandler()
public  StringgetURIBase()
     The node's URI base to use to resolve URI references If a URI base value was set on this node, then that value is returned.
 StringgetUnknownTraitsNS(ElementNode element, String namespaceURI, String traitName)
     Implementation helper.
public  UpdateListenergetUpdateListener()
public  RunnableQueuegetUpdateQueue()
protected  voidgrowFontFaceDB(Hashtable ffDB, FontFace[] fontFaceSet)
     Builds a Hashtable of font faces to map font family names to FontFace instances.
public  voidincrementTime(float seconds)
     Increments the animation or media timeline for this SVGImage (in seconds).
 ModelEventinitEngineEvent(String type, ModelNode target)
     Initializes the ModelEvent's singleton object with the input data.
public  voidinitializeTimingEngine()
     Initializes the timing engine.
public  voidinvokeAndWait(Runnable r)
     Waits until the given Runnable's run() has returned.
public  voidinvokeLater(Runnable r)
     Schedules the given Runnable object for a later invocation in the document's update thread, and returns.
If there is no updateQueue the Runnable is run before returning.
protected  booleanisAllowedChild(ElementNode node)
     Only and SVG child is allowed under a DocumentNode.
  node - the candidate child node.
final static  booleanisBaseChar(int c)
final static  booleanisCombiningChar(int c)
final static  booleanisExtender(int c)
final static  booleanisIdeographic(int c)
final static  booleanisLetter(int c)
final static  booleanisNCNameChar(char c)
public  booleanisPlaying()
protected  booleanisRemoveChildSupported()
protected  FontFace.MatchmatchFontFaces(Vector fontFamily, FontFace.Match lastMatch, TextProperties tp)
     Matches values in the input fontFamily map against the current context values.
  fontFamily - the 'candidate' FontFaces
  lastMatch - the last FontFace.Match.
public  voidpaint(RenderGraphics rg)
     Paints this node into the input RenderGraphics.
 voidremoveIdentifiedNode(ElementNode element)
 voidreserveId(ElementNode element)
     Reserves the given id.
protected  FontFace.MatchresolveFontFaces(TextProperties tp)
     This is where font matching happens.
public  voidresolveIDRef(IDRef idRef, String id)
     Invoked by IDRef instances when they need the given input id reference to be resolved to an ElementNode reference.
public  voidsafeInvokeAndWait(Runnable r)
     Waits until the given Runnable's run() has returned. Note: safeInvokeAndWait() may be called from any thread. This method checks if this thread is the update thread, in which case the Runnable is invoked directly.
public  voidsample(Time currentTime)
     This method is typically called by this element's time container when it samples. Note that if this element is not in the waiting or playing state, this does nothing.
public  voidsetDefaultFontFace(FontFace newDefaultFontFace)
protected  voidsetDelayedException(DOMException de)
public  voidsetDocumentURI(String docURI)
public  voidsetFontFaceSet(FontFace[] fontFaceSet)
     Sets the set of FontFaces that this Document uses to display text.
protected  voidsetFontFaceSetSilent(FontFace[] fontFaceSet)
     Sets the set of FontFaces this document uses but does not generate a modifyingNode notification.
public  voidsetImageLoader(ImageLoader imageLoader)
     Sets the ImageLoader for this document.
public  voidsetInitialFontFaces(FontFace[] newInitialFontFaces)
     Sets the intial set of FontFaces.
final public  voidsetLoaded(boolean isLoaded)
     When the document finishes loading, it notifies the ImageLoader so that it can start loading raster images, in case it waited for the load completion to start (e.g., as in SVGImageLoader).
public  voidsetPixelMMSize(float newPxMMSize)
public  voidsetPlaying(boolean isPlaying)
public  voidsetRunnableHandler(RunnableHandler runHandler)
 voidsetUnknownTraitsNS(ElementNode element, String namespaceURI, String traitName, String value)
     Implementation helper.
public  voidsetUpdateListener(UpdateListener updateListener)
     Sets the UpdateListener associated with this viewport.
public  voidsetUpdateQueue(RunnableQueue updateQueue)
 StringtoNamespace(String prefix, ModelNode node)
     Maps the input prefix name to a namespace value.
  prefix - the prefix to map.
  node - the node for which the prefix needs to be mapped.
public  StringtoPrefix(String namespaceURI, Element node)
     Maps the input namespace value to a prefix.
  namespaceURI - the URI to map.
  node - the node for which the namespace needs to be mapped.
protected  voidunhookExpandedQuiet()
     Utility method.
protected  DOMExceptionunsupportedTrait(String name)
public  voidvalidate()
     Invoked at the end of the parsing stage to validate things which cannot be validated earlier, such as unresolved use references or invalid animation settings.

Field Detail
final public static float DEFAULT_PIXEL_MM_SIZE(Code)
Default spatial resolution value (96dpi);

protected Vector activeMediaElements(Code)
Set of currently active MediaElements.

protected Vector activeTraitAnims(Code)
Set of currently active TraitAnimations.

protected Vector animations(Code)
Vector of animations. This is used only at parse time.
See Also:   DocumentNode.validate

protected Transform bboxChunkTxf(Code)
Transform used to compute bounding boxes on text chunks.

protected Transform bboxGlyphTxf(Code)
Transform used to compute bounding boxes on glyphs.

final protected ClockParser clockParser(Code)
Parser used to convert clock values

final protected ColorParser colorParser(Code)
Parser used to convert color values

protected FontFace defaultFontFace(Code)
The default FontFace used by this RenderGraphics.
See Also:   com.sun.perseus.builder.DefaultFontFace

protected String defaultNamespaceURI(Code)
The default namespace URI for elements created in that document, in case the namespace URI in createElementNS is empty.

protected DOMException delayedException(Code)
Exceptions can be delayed and later thrown. This is used, for example, to keep processing an invalid d attribute on a element and only throw the exception after the corresponding model node has been hooked to the tree (while the exception was thrown by the path parser during the processing of the d attribute). This is only used when loading a document to comply to the error processing required for , and processing of the 'd' and 'points' attributes.

protected String docURI(Code)
The Document URI

protected ModelEvent engineEvent(Code)
We use a single instance of ModelEvent per DocumentNode instance. This allows multiple instances of DocumentNodes to co-exist.

protected EventSupport eventSupport(Code)
EventSupport is used for listener registration and event dispatching.

protected Hashtable fontFaceDB(Code)
The FontFace data base used by this RenderGraphics. The Hashtable maps font-family names to a Vector of fonts with that font-family value.

protected Transform hitChunkTxf(Code)
Transform used to perform hit detection on text chunks.

protected Transform hitGlyphTxf(Code)
Transform used to perform hit testing on glyphs

protected Hashtable idToElement(Code)
Maps ids to ElementNode instances

protected ImageLoader imageLoader(Code)
The ImageLoader handles the desired policy for loading image resources.

protected FontFace[] initialFontFaces(Code)
The set of initial FontFace used by this RenderingGraphics.
It is the responsibility of the user of the Perseus software to make sure that the RenderGraphics initial fontFamiliy value is indeed the same as that of the various fonts in the initialFontFaces array.
If there is a mismatch, then text content that does not specify the font-family property will not match against the initialFontFaces instances and only the defaultFont will be used.
See Also:   com.sun.perseus.builder.DefaultFontFace

final protected LengthParser lengthParser(Code)
Parser used to convert unit and unitless floating point values to floats.

protected Hashtable namespaceMap(Code)
A map itself containing map of ElementHandlers namespaceURI -> Hashtable the contained Hashtable maps: localName -> ElementNode prototype.

protected Hashtable namespaces(Code)
Maps namespaces to prefixes.

protected NumberListParser numberListParser(Code)
Parser used to convert number list values

protected Transform paintChunkTxf(Code)
Transform used to render text chunks.

protected Transform paintGlyphTxf(Code)
Transform used to render glyphs.

final protected PathParser pathParser(Code)
Parser used to convert path data

protected boolean playing(Code)
Controls whether the document is 'playing'. This is used to disable the media elements like audio when the document is not playing and allows sampling the document without having the audio stream played.

protected Hashtable prefixes(Code)
Maps prefixes to namespace entries.

protected float pxMMSize(Code)
Size of a pixel, in millimeters. This is needed in unit conversion as well.

protected Hashtable reservedIds(Code)
Used to store nodes with ids before they are inserted into the document tree.

protected RunnableHandler runHandler(Code)
The associated RunnableHandler which should be notified when Runnable acting on this DocumentNode tree are run.

final protected TimeConditionParser timeConditionParser(Code)
Parser used to convert time condition values

protected TimeContainerRootSupport timeContainerRootSupport(Code)
A DocumentNode is a root container. This object provides support for root time container behavior.

protected TransformListParser transformListParser(Code)
Parser used to convert transform values

protected UnicodeParser unicodeParser(Code)
Parser used to convert unicode ranges.

protected Hashtable unknownTraitsNS(Code)
Used to store additional traits NS., i.e., traits which are not naturally supported by the element. elt -> Hashtable. The contained Hashtable maps: namespace -> Hashtable. The contained Hashtable maps: localname -> value.

protected Hashtable unresolvedIDRefs(Code)
Map of unresolved IDRefs (id -> Vector of referencing IDRefs)

protected UpdateListener updateListener(Code)
The associated UpdateListener is notified of all mutation events on this DocumentNode tree

protected RunnableQueue updateQueue(Code)
The associated RunnableQueue, if any, is managing updates to the DocumentNode and any of its descendants. In effect, the updateQueue provides the synchronization needed for updates to a document tree.

protected float[] upt(Code)
Coordinate in user space coordinates. This value is used as a working array for all nodes in the document tree.

final protected ViewBoxParser viewBoxParser(Code)
Parser used to convert viewBox values

Constructor Detail
public DocumentNode()(Code)
Default constructor

Method Detail
public void addFontFace(FontFace fontFace)(Code)
Adds a new FontFace to the data base available to the document.
  fontFace - the new FontFace which is now available.

void addIdentifiedNode(ElementNode element)(Code)
Adds the input element to the list of identified nodes.
  element - the new element with a non-null identifier
  NullPointerException - if the input element is null or if itsid is null.

protected FontFace.Match addMatch(FontFace.Match firstMatch, FontFace.Match newMatch)(Code)
Chains newMatch into the chain starting with firstMatch. This inserts the new matching font face according to the CSS2 font matching rules.
  firstMatch - the first match in the chain of matchingFontFace.Match instances.
  newMatch - the new FontFace.Match object toinsert into the chain. the head of the FontFace.Match chain afterinsertion of the new match.

public void addNamespacePrefix(String prefix, String namespaceURI, ModelNode node)(Code)
Adds a new prefix to namespace mapping. The scope is provided by the node parameter.
  prefix - the new namespace prefix.
  uri - the new namespace URI which maps to the prefix.
  node - the scope of the namespace prefix mapping. The mapping applies to all children, unless overridden.

public void addPrototype(ElementNode prototypeElement)(Code)
To support the creation of elements in the createElementNS method, we supply prototypes to the DocumentNode so that it can create nodes of specific data types for the prototype's namespaceURI and localName.
  prototypeElement - the ElementNode which will be usedas a prototype in createElementNS. Should not be null.
  IllegalArgumentException - If there is already a prototype node forthe given namespace and local name.

public void applyAnimations()(Code)
Applies all currently active animations.

void applyMedia()(Code)
Applies all currently active media if this document is playing.

public void checkDelayedException() throws DOMException(Code)

  DOMException - the delayed exception if one was set.

final void checkNCName(String name) throws DOMException(Code)
Checks if the input trait name is valid and throws a DOMException with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if not.
  name - the name whose syntax should be checked.
  DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if the trait name is syntactically incorrect (e.g., null or containingcharacters not conforming to the Namespaces in XML specification.
See Also:

public Element createElementNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName) throws DOMException(Code)

public void dispose()(Code)
Should be called when a document node is no longer needed and could be garbage collected.

public void dump()(Code)
Traces this viewport tree

static void dump(ModelNode n, String prefix, PrintStream out)(Code)
Debug: traces the input ModelNode, using the input prefix
  n - the node to dump
  prefix - the string used to prefix the node information
  out - the stream where the node structure is dumped.

public Time getCurrentTime()(Code)
Returns the current time for the document, i.e., the time at which the document was last sampled. the time at which the container was last sampled.

public FontFace getDefaultFontFace()(Code)
The default FontFace used by this RenderGraphics

public DOMException getDelayedException()(Code)
the delayed exception, if any

public Element getDocumentElement()(Code)
For SVG files this must be SVGSVGElement, but return type is Element for DOM Core compatibility and to allow for future extensions. Return null if document does not have an element child.

public Element getElementById(String id)(Code)
If no such element exists, this returns null. If more than one element has an id attribute with that value, what is returned is undefined.

Element getElementByIdAll(String id)(Code)
Return the Element in the current document with the given unique ID. The difference with getElementById is that this method may return a node that is not inserted in the document tree. This is used in ElementNode.setId().
  id - the ID of the object to be retrieved. the Element that matches with the given ID ornull if the ID is not present.
  NullPointerException - if id is null

public EventSupport getEventSupport()(Code)
The EventSupport instance associatedwith this DocumentNode

public ModelNode getFirstComputedExpandedChild()(Code)
Some node types (such as ElementNodeProxy) have expanded children that they compute in some specific way depending on the implementation. a reference to the node's first expanded child, or null if thereare no expanded children.

ModelNode getFirstExpandedChild()(Code)
A DocumentNode has no expanded content, so this returns null. a reference to the node's first expanded child, or null if thereare no expanded children. This forces the computation of expandedcontent if needed.

protected float getFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)
Returns the value of the given float property. the value of the given property, null if the property is unknown.

public ImageLoader getImageLoader()(Code)
Gets the ImageLoader instance. the ImageLoader associated to thisDocumentNode.

protected float getInitialFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)
Returns the initial value of the given float-valued property. the initial value of the given property, 0 if the property isunknown.

public FontFace[] getInitialFontFaces()(Code)
The set of FontFaces used to match the initial font-familyvalue

protected int getInitialPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)
Returns the initial value of the given packed property. the initial value of the given packed property, zero if the property is unknown.

protected Object getInitialPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)
Returns the initial value of the given Object-valued property. the initial value of the given property, null if the property isunknown.

ModelNode getLastExpandedChild()(Code)
A DocumentNode has no expanded content, so this returns null. a reference to the node's last expanded child, or null if thereare no expanded children. This forces the computation of expandedcontent if needed.

public String getLocalName()(Code)
returns the unprefixed node name. For an SVGElement, this returnsthe tag name without a prefix. In case of the Document node, stringnull/code> is returned.

public String getNamespaceURI()(Code)
null as per the DOM Level 2 specification for Documentnodes.

protected int getPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)
Returns the value of the given packed property. the value of the given property, null if the property is unknown.

public Node getParentNode()(Code)
Returns the parent Node of this Node. the parent node or null if there is no parent (i.e. if a node hasjust been created and not yet added to the tree, or if it has beenremoved from the tree, this is null).

public float getPixelMMSize()(Code)
the size of a px CSS unit in millimeters.

protected Object getPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)
Returns the value of the given Object-valued property. the value of the given property, null if the property is unknown.

public RunnableHandler getRunnableHandler()(Code)
the RunnableQueue.RunnableHandler which is notifiedof Runnable instances ran against this DocumentNode.

public String getURIBase()(Code)
The node's URI base to use to resolve URI references If a URI base value was set on this node, then that value is returned. Otherwise, this method returns the parent's URI base. If there is not URI base on this node and if there is not parent, then this method returns null. the node's URI base to use to resolve relative URI references.

String getUnknownTraitsNS(ElementNode element, String namespaceURI, String traitName)(Code)
Implementation helper. Returns the ElementNode's trait value if it was ever set.
  element - the ElementNode on which the trait might be set.
  namespaceURI - the trait's namespace URI
  traitName - the trait's local name. the trait value or null if the value was never set.

public UpdateListener getUpdateListener()(Code)
the UpdateListener associated with this viewport.
See Also:   DocumentNode.setUpdateListener

public RunnableQueue getUpdateQueue()(Code)
the RunnableQueue which managers updates to thisDocumentNode hierarchy.

protected void growFontFaceDB(Hashtable ffDB, FontFace[] fontFaceSet)(Code)
Builds a Hashtable of font faces to map font family names to FontFace instances.
  ffDB - the font data base to grow
  fontFaceSet - array of FontFace instances to addto the font data base.
See Also:   DocumentNode.setFontFaceSet

boolean inDocumentTree()(Code)
true if this node is hooked to the document tree, i.e., if it topmost ancestor is the DocumentNode.

public void incrementTime(float seconds)(Code)
Increments the animation or media timeline for this SVGImage (in seconds). As the name implies, this method is intended to move only forward in the timeline and typically should be used to animate SVG content in the "one-shot" rendering mode. Setting negative values will throw an Exception. It is important to note that setting large increments of time would result in dropping or skipping of frames as per the SVG animation model.
  IllegalArgumentException - if the specified time is negative.

ModelEvent initEngineEvent(String type, ModelNode target)(Code)
Initializes the ModelEvent's singleton object with the input data.
  type - the event type
  target - the event target
  time - the event time

public void initializeTimingEngine()(Code)
Initializes the timing engine.

public void invokeAndWait(Runnable r) throws InterruptedException(Code)
Waits until the given Runnable's run() has returned. Note: invokeAndWait() must not be called from the current thread (for example from the run() method of the argument).
  r - the Runnable to put at the end of the execution list.
  IllegalStateException - if there is an associated RunnableQueuewhich has exited or was not started.
  InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted while waiting for the input Runnable to completeits execution.

public void invokeLater(Runnable r)(Code)
Schedules the given Runnable object for a later invocation in the document's update thread, and returns.
If there is no updateQueue the Runnable is run before returning. Otherwise, the Runnable is scheduled in the associated updateQueue
  r - the Runnable to put at the end of theexecution list.
  IllegalStateException - if there is an associated RunnableQueue but that one has exitedor was not started.

protected boolean isAllowedChild(ElementNode node)(Code)
Only and SVG child is allowed under a DocumentNode.
  node - the candidate child node. true if the input node can be inserted under this CompositeNode

final static boolean isBaseChar(int c)(Code)

final static boolean isCombiningChar(int c)(Code)

final static boolean isExtender(int c)(Code)

final static boolean isIdeographic(int c)(Code)

final static boolean isLetter(int c)(Code)

final static boolean isNCNameChar(char c)(Code)

public boolean isPlaying()(Code)
true if the DocumentNode is in the playing state.

protected boolean isRemoveChildSupported()(Code)
false, as DocumentNode does not support removing children.

protected FontFace.Match matchFontFaces(Vector fontFamily, FontFace.Match lastMatch, TextProperties tp)(Code)
Matches values in the input fontFamily map against the current context values.
  fontFamily - the 'candidate' FontFaces
  lastMatch - the last FontFace.Match. Any newmatch sub-chain (i.e., for the input fontFamily) will be chained after lastMatch
  tp - the TextProperties defining the applicablefont selection properties the first FontFace.Match node, head ofthe chain of matches, linked in precedence order.
See Also:   DocumentNode.resolveFontFaces

public void paint(RenderGraphics rg)(Code)
Paints this node into the input RenderGraphics.
  rg - the RenderGraphics where the node should paint itself

void removeIdentifiedNode(ElementNode element)(Code)
Remove element from the list of identified nodes
  element - the element to remove from the list of identified nodes
  NullPointerException - if element is null or if its id is null.

void reserveId(ElementNode element)(Code)
Reserves the given id. This is used to be able to check for duplicate identifiers.
  element - the element reserving the id. Should not be null.The element id should not be null.

protected FontFace.Match resolveFontFaces(TextProperties tp)(Code)
This is where font matching happens. This method compares the font attributes (such as 'font-family' or 'font-weight') with the corresponding attributes in the FontFace set. At a minimum, this method returns a single font in the list: the defaultFontFace. This process follows the algorithm described in section 15.5 of the CSS2 specification ( In SVG Tiny, the font attributes on Text are: - font-family - font-size - font-style - font-weight Therefore, font matching is limited to these attributes (i.e., font-variant is not used). IMPORTANT NOTE: The FontFaces data base is built when the setFontFaceSet method is invoked, from the input array. The input array is expected to be in document order and the fontFaceDB hashtable's value Vectors contain values which are in the same order as in the array passed to setFontFaceSet. Therefore, the resolveFontFaces returns matches in document order. This is important for situations where a less specific FontFace (font-family:Arial, font-style: any) would appear before (in document order) a more specific FontFace (font-family:Arial, font-style: italic). In that case, only the less specific FontFace will be the match for a text with font-family set to Arial and font-style set to italic.
  tp - The TextProperties containing the font selectionproperties. a chain of FontFace.Match. The first element isalways the default font face. The next element (if any),is the first match, ordered according to the CSS2 font matchingrules.

public void resolveIDRef(IDRef idRef, String id)(Code)
Invoked by IDRef instances when they need the given input id reference to be resolved to an ElementNode reference. If there is a known ElementNode with the requested id, the IDRef's resolve() method is invoked immediately. Otherwise, the method will be called as soon as the id reference is resolved.
  idRef - the IDRef which needs to be resolved.
  id - the id the IDRef needs to resolve to anElementNode reference.

public void safeInvokeAndWait(Runnable r)(Code)
Waits until the given Runnable's run() has returned. Note: safeInvokeAndWait() may be called from any thread. This method checks if this thread is the update thread, in which case the Runnable is invoked directly. Otherwise, it delegates to the invokeAndWait method.
  r - the Runnable to put at the end of the execution list. Should not be null.
  runHandler - the RunnableHandler to notify once the Runnable has finished executing.Should not be null.
  IllegalStateException - if getThread() is null or if thethread returned by getThread() is the current one.

public void sample(Time currentTime)(Code)
This method is typically called by this element's time container when it samples. Note that if this element is not in the waiting or playing state, this does nothing. This method assumes that successive calls are made with increasing time values.
  currentTime - the time at which this element should be sampled.

public void setDefaultFontFace(FontFace newDefaultFontFace)(Code)
Sets the default FontFace, i.e., the FontFace which will always be the last element in the FontFace array returned from resolveFontFaces
  newDefaultFontFace - the fall back font
  IllegalArgumentException - if defaultFontFace is null

protected void setDelayedException(DOMException de)(Code)

  de - the new delayedException

public void setDocumentURI(String docURI)(Code)
Sets this document's URI
  docURI - the new document URI

public void setFontFaceSet(FontFace[] fontFaceSet)(Code)
Sets the set of FontFaces that this Document uses to display text.
  fontFaceSet - the set of font faces to use

protected void setFontFaceSetSilent(FontFace[] fontFaceSet)(Code)
Sets the set of FontFaces this document uses but does not generate a modifyingNode notification.
  fontFaceSet - the set of font faces to use

public void setImageLoader(ImageLoader imageLoader)(Code)
Sets the ImageLoader for this document.
  imageLoader - the new ImageLoader thisDocumentNode should use.

public void setInitialFontFaces(FontFace[] newInitialFontFaces)(Code)
Sets the intial set of FontFaces. The intent for this property is to provide a set of FontFaces that match the initial font-family property for varying values of font-weight and font-style. However, this can also be used to provide support for the logical font-faces. The RenderGraphics will keep a reference to the input array which should not be modified after it has been passed to this RenderGraphics.
  newInitialFontFaces - should not be null and should not containnull values
  IllegalArgumentException - if initialFontFaces is null or ifone of the array values is null.

final public void setLoaded(boolean isLoaded)(Code)
When the document finishes loading, it notifies the ImageLoader so that it can start loading raster images, in case it waited for the load completion to start (e.g., as in SVGImageLoader).
  isLoaded - the new loaded state

public void setPixelMMSize(float newPxMMSize)(Code)
Controls the size of a pixel in millimeters
  newPxMMSize - the new pixel size value, in millimeter

public void setPlaying(boolean isPlaying)(Code)

  isPlaying - the new playing state.

public void setRunnableHandler(RunnableHandler runHandler)(Code)

  runHandler - the RunnableHandler which listens to Runnable execution for this DocumentNode.

void setUnknownTraitsNS(ElementNode element, String namespaceURI, String traitName, String value)(Code)
Implementation helper. Checks that the unknownTraitNS map is not null for the given ElementNode before using it, for the requested namespaceURI.
  element - the ElementNode for which a table should be created for the given namespace URI.
  namespaceURI - the trait's namespace URI
  traitName - the trait's local name.
  value - the trait value. the namespaceURI's unknown traits table.

public void setUpdateListener(UpdateListener updateListener)(Code)
Sets the UpdateListener associated with this viewport. All updates made to this tree will be reported to the input UpdateListener
  updateListener - the new UpdateListener which willreceive notifications for updates on this tree.

public void setUpdateQueue(RunnableQueue updateQueue)(Code)

  updateQueue - the RunnableQueue which manages updates to this document tree.

String toNamespace(String prefix, ModelNode node)(Code)
Maps the input prefix name to a namespace value.
  prefix - the prefix to map.
  node - the node for which the prefix needs to be mapped. the namespace the prefix maps to for the node, or null if there is no such namespace prefix.

public String toPrefix(String namespaceURI, Element node)(Code)
Maps the input namespace value to a prefix.
  namespaceURI - the URI to map.
  node - the node for which the namespace needs to be mapped. the namespace the prefix maps to for the node, or null if there is no such namespace prefix.

protected void unhookExpandedQuiet()(Code)
Utility method. Unhooks the expanded content.

protected DOMException unsupportedTrait(String name)(Code)

  name - the trait name a DOMException describing the unsupported trait error.

public void validate() throws DOMException(Code)
Invoked at the end of the parsing stage to validate things which cannot be validated earlier, such as unresolved use references or invalid animation settings.
  DOMException - if there are validation errors.

Fields inherited from com.sun.perseus.model.Viewport
final public static int DEFAULT_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int DEFAULT_VIEWPORT_WIDTH(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int ZOOM_PAN_DISABLE(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int ZOOM_PAN_MAGNIFY(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int ZOOM_PAN_UNKNOWN(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int height(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Transform inverseTxf(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Transform transform(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int width(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int zoomAndPan(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from com.sun.perseus.model.Viewport
protected Transform appendTransform(Transform tx, Transform workTx)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getHeight()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Transform getInverseTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Transform getTransform()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Transform getTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getWidth()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getZoomAndPan()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ModelNode nodeHitAt(float[] pt)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void recomputeTransformState(Transform parentTransform)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setSize(int newWidth, int newHeight)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setTransform(Transform newTransform)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setZoomAndPan(int newZoomAndPan)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from com.sun.perseus.model.CompositeNode
protected ElementNode firstChild(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ElementNode lastChild(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from com.sun.perseus.model.CompositeNode
public void add(ElementNode element)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Node appendChild(Node newChild) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void clearLayouts()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ModelNode getFirstChildNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ModelNode getLastChildNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getLocalName()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getNamespaceURI()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public Node getParentNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Node insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isAllowedChild(ElementNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean isAncestor(ElementNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean isChild(Node node)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static boolean isIdBranch(ElementNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isRemoveChildSupported()(Code)(Java Doc)
void nodeHookedInDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
void nodeUnhookedFromDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
final void onHookedInDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
final void onUnhookedFromDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Node removeChild(Node oldChild) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void unhookChildrenQuiet()(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from com.sun.perseus.model.ModelNode
final public static int CAN_RENDER_CONDITIONS_MET_BITS(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_CONDITIONS_MET_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_DISPLAY_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_DISPLAY_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_EMPTY_PATH_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_EMPTY_PATH_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_EMPTY_VIEWBOX_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_EMPTY_VIEWBOX_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_IN_DOCUMENT_TREE_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_IN_DOCUMENT_TREE_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_NON_INVERTIBLE_TXF_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_NON_INVERTIBLE_TXF_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_PARENT_STATE_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_PARENT_STATE_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_PROXY_BITS_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_RENDERABLE_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_RENDERABLE_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_REQUIRED_EXTENSIONS_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_REQUIRED_EXTENSIONS_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_REQUIRED_FEATURES_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_REQUIRED_FEATURES_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_ZERO_FONT_SIZE_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_ZERO_FONT_SIZE_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_ZERO_HEIGHT_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_ZERO_HEIGHT_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_ZERO_WIDTH_BIT(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static int CAN_RENDER_ZERO_WIDTH_MASK(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected Transform IDENTITY(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int canRenderState(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean loaded(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ModelNode nextSibling(Code)(Java Doc)
protected DocumentNode ownerDocument(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ModelNode parent(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ModelNode prevSibling(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from com.sun.perseus.model.ModelNode
Box addBBox(Box bbox, Transform t)(Code)(Java Doc)
static Box addBBox(Box bbox, float x, float y, float width, float height)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, boolean useCapture) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc)
Box addNodeBBox(Box bbox, Transform t)(Code)(Java Doc)
static Box addShapeBBox(Box bbox, Path path, Transform t)(Code)(Java Doc)
static Box addTransformedBBox(Box bbox, float x, float y, float width, float height, Transform m)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Transform appendTransform(Transform tx, Transform workTx)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void clearLastRenderedTile()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void clearLayouts()(Code)(Java Doc)
void clearLayouts(ModelNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderDisplayBit(boolean display)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderEmptyPathBit(Path path)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderEmptyViewBoxBit(float[][] viewBox)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderFontSizeBit(float fontSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderHeightBit(float height)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderRequiredExtensionsBit(String[] requiredExtensions)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderRequiredFeaturesBit(String[] requiredFeatures)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderSystemLanguageBit(String[] systemLanguage)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderTransformBit(Transform transform)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void computeCanRenderWidthBit(float width)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void computeRenderingTile(Tile tile)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean contributeBBox()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void dispatchEvent(ModelEvent evt)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public ModelNode getFirstChildNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract ModelNode getFirstComputedExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract ModelNode getFirstExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected float getFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected float getInheritedFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected int getInheritedPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected Object getInheritedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
Transform getInverseTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public ModelNode getLastChildNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract ModelNode getLastExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Tile getLastRenderedTile()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ModelNode getNextSiblingNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public DocumentNode getOwnerDocument()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int getPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean getPaintNeedsLoad()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ModelNode getParent()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ModelNode getPreviousSiblingNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Object getPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Tile getRenderingTile()(Code)(Java Doc)
public SVGMatrix getScreenCTM()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Transform getTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String getURIBase()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected UpdateListener getUpdateListener()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean hasDescendants()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean hasNodeRendering()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean inDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isInDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isLoaded()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isPropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void modifiedNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void modifyingNode()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void modifyingNodeRendering()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ModelNode nodeHitAt(float[] pt)(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected ModelNode nodeHitAt(ModelNode node, float[] pt)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected static void nodeInserted(ModelNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void nodeRendered()(Code)(Java Doc)
void onHookedInDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
void onUnhookedFromDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc)
static void paint(ModelNode node, RenderGraphics rg)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void paint(RenderGraphics rg)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void propagateCanRenderState(int oldCanRenderState, int newCanRenderState)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void propagateFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void propagatePackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void propagatePropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void recomputeFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
void recomputeInheritedProperties()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void recomputePackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void recomputePropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void recomputeTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void recomputeTransformState(Transform parentTransform)(Code)(Java Doc)
void recomputeTransformState(Transform parentTransform, ModelNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected Transform recycleTransform(Transform tx, Transform workTx)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, boolean useCapture) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setLoaded(boolean isLoaded)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setParent(ModelNode newParent)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setParentQuiet(ModelNode newParent)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setPropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void unhookChildrenQuiet()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected void unhookExpandedQuiet()(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected void unhookQuiet(ModelNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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