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class TextBoxLFImpl extends TextFieldLFImpl implements TextFieldLF(Code)
This is the look &s; feel implementation for TextBox.

Field Summary
protected  TextInfomyInfo
protected  booleanscrollInitialized
     A flag indicating the scroll indicator has been initialized for this textbox.

Constructor Summary
 TextBoxLFImpl(TextField tf)
     Creates TextFieldLF for the passed in TextField.

Method Summary
protected  intgetIndexAt(int x, int y)
protected  int[]getInputModeAnchor()
     This is a utility function to calculate the anchor point for the InputModeIndicator layer.
public  voidlDelete(int offset, int length)
     Notifies L&amsp;F of character deletion in the corresponding TextField.
 voidlGetContentSize(int size, int availableWidth)
     Sets the content size in the passed in array.
public  voidlInsert(char data, int offset, int length, int position)
     Notifies L&s;F of a character insertion in the corresponding TextBox.
 voidlPaintContent(Graphics g, int width, int height)
     Paints the content area of this TextField.
public  voidlSetChars()
     Notifies L&F of a content change in the corresponding TextBox.
public  voidlSetConstraints()
     Notifies L&s;F that constraints have to be changed.
public  voidlSetMaxSize(int maxSize)
     Notifies L&s;F of a maximum size change in the corresponding TextBox.
 booleanmoveCursor(int dir)
public  voidpaint(Graphics g, DynamicCharacterArray dca, char opChar, int constraints, Font font, int fgColor, int w, int h, int offset, int options, TextCursor cursor, TextInfo info)
     Paint the text, linewrapping when necessary
  g - the Graphics to use to paint with.
protected  voidsetCaretPosition(int pos)
     Set new cursor position.
 voiduCallScrollContent(int scrollType, int thumbPosition)
     Scroll content inside of the form.
  scrollType - scrollType.
protected  voiduScrollAt(int position)
     Perform a scrolling at the given position.
protected  voiduScrollByLine(int dir)
     Perform a line scrolling in the given direction.
protected  voiduScrollViewport(int dir)
     Perform a page flip in the given direction.

Field Detail
protected TextInfo myInfo(Code)
Contains line-break information for a blob of text

protected boolean scrollInitialized(Code)
A flag indicating the scroll indicator has been initialized for this textbox. This happens only once when the textbox first paints its contents.

Constructor Detail
TextBoxLFImpl(TextField tf)(Code)
Creates TextFieldLF for the passed in TextField.
  tf - The TextField associated with this TextFieldLF

Method Detail
protected int getIndexAt(int x, int y)(Code)
Get character index at the pointer position
  x - pointer x coordinate
  y - pointer y coordinate the character index

protected int[] getInputModeAnchor()(Code)
This is a utility function to calculate the anchor point for the InputModeIndicator layer. Override TextFieldLFImpl version for effeciency. anchor (x, y, w, h)

void lCallShowNotify()(Code)
Called by the system to notify this Item it is being shown

The default implementation of this method updates the 'visible' state

public void lDelete(int offset, int length)(Code)
Notifies L&amsp;F of character deletion in the corresponding TextField.
  offset - the beginning of the deleted region
  length - the number of characters deleted
  IllegalArgumentException - if the resulting contentswould be illegal for the current
  StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - if offsetand length do notspecify a valid range within the contents of the TextField

void lGetContentSize(int size, int availableWidth)(Code)
Sets the content size in the passed in array. Content is calculated based on the availableWidth. size[WIDTH] and size[HEIGHT] should be set by this method.
  size - The array that holds Item content size and location in Item internal bounds coordinate system.
  availableWidth - The width available for this Item

public void lInsert(char data, int offset, int length, int position)(Code)
Notifies L&s;F of a character insertion in the corresponding TextBox.
  data - the source of the character data
  offset - the beginning of the region of characters copied
  length - the number of characters copied
  position - the position at which insertion occurred

void lPaintContent(Graphics g, int width, int height)(Code)
Paints the content area of this TextField. Graphics is translated to contents origin.
  g - The graphics where Item content should be painted
  width - The width available for the Item's content
  height - The height available for the Item's content

public void lSetChars()(Code)
Notifies L&F of a content change in the corresponding TextBox.

public void lSetConstraints()(Code)
Notifies L&s;F that constraints have to be changed.

public void lSetMaxSize(int maxSize)(Code)
Notifies L&s;F of a maximum size change in the corresponding TextBox.
  maxSize - - the new maximum size

boolean moveCursor(int dir)(Code)
Move the text cursor in the given direction
  dir - direction to move true if the cursor was moved, false otherwise

public void paint(Graphics g, DynamicCharacterArray dca, char opChar, int constraints, Font font, int fgColor, int w, int h, int offset, int options, TextCursor cursor, TextInfo info)(Code)
Paint the text, linewrapping when necessary
  g - the Graphics to use to paint with. If g is null thenonly the first four arguments are used and nothing ispainted. Use this to return just the displayed string
  dca - the text to paint
  opChar - if opChar > 0 then an optional character to paint.
  constraints - text constraints
  font - the font to use to paint the text
  fgColor - foreground color
  w - the available width for the text
  h - the available height for the text
  offset - the first line pixel offset
  options - any of Text.[NORMAL | INVERT | HYPERLINK | TRUNCATE]
  cursor - text cursor object to use to draw vertical bar
  info - TextInfo structure to use for paint

protected void setCaretPosition(int pos)(Code)
Set new cursor position. Update text info if cursor position is changed
  pos - new position

boolean setVerticalScroll()(Code)
Used internally to set the vertical scroll position

void uCallScrollContent(int scrollType, int thumbPosition)(Code)
Scroll content inside of the form.
  scrollType - scrollType. Scroll type can be one of the following
See Also:   ScrollBarLayer.SCROLL_NONE
See Also:   
See Also:   ScrollBarLayer.SCROLL_PAGEUP
See Also:   ScrollBarLayer.SCROLL_PAGEDOWN
See Also:   ScrollBarLayer.SCROLL_LINEUP
See Also:   ScrollBarLayer.SCROLL_LINEDOWN
See Also:    or
See Also:   ScrollBarLayer.SCROLL_THUMBTRACK
  thumbPosition -

protected void uScrollAt(int position)(Code)
Perform a scrolling at the given position.
  context - position

protected void uScrollByLine(int dir)(Code)
Perform a line scrolling in the given direction. This method will attempt to scroll the view to show next/previous line.
  dir - the direction of the flip, either DOWN or UP

protected void uScrollViewport(int dir)(Code)
Perform a page flip in the given direction. This method will attempt to scroll the view to show as much of the next page as possible. It uses the locations and bounds of the items on the page to best determine a new location - taking into account items which may lie on page boundaries as well as items which may span several pages.
  dir - the direction of the flip, either DOWN or UP

Fields inherited from javax.microedition.lcdui.TextFieldLFImpl
TextField tf(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.microedition.lcdui.TextFieldLFImpl
void createNativeResource(int ownerId)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean equateNLA()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean equateNLB()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void itemDeleted()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lDelete(int offset, int length)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int lGetCaretPosition()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int lGetPreferredHeight(int w)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int lGetPreferredWidth(int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lHideNativeResource()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lInsert(char data, int offset, int length, int position)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetChars()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetConstraints()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetInitialInputMode(String characterSubset)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetMaxSize(int maxSize)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean lUpdateContents()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean lValidate(DynamicCharacterArray buffer, int constraints)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean uCallPeerStateChanged(int hint)(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from javax.microedition.lcdui.ItemLFImpl
final static int DEFAULT_LABEL_HEIGHT(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int HEIGHT(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int INVALID_SIZE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int WIDTH(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int X(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int Y(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean[] actualBoundsInvalid(Code)(Java Doc)
int[] bounds(Code)(Java Doc)
int cachedWidth(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean hasFocus(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean isNewLine(Code)(Java Doc)
Item item(Code)(Java Doc)
int nativeId(Code)(Java Doc)
int rowHeight(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean sizeChanged(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean supportsNativeScrolling(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean visibleInViewport(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from javax.microedition.lcdui.ItemLFImpl
abstract void createNativeResource(int ownerId)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void createTempNativeResource()(Code)(Java Doc)
void deleteNativeResource()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean equateNLA()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean equateNLB()(Code)(Java Doc)
Display getCurrentDisplay()(Code)(Java Doc)
int getLayout()(Code)(Java Doc)
native int getMinimumHeight0(int nativeId)(Code)(Java Doc)
native int getMinimumWidth0(int nativeId)(Code)(Java Doc)
native int getPreferredHeight0(int nativeId, int w)(Code)(Java Doc)
native int getPreferredWidth0(int nativeId, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
void initNativeResource()(Code)(Java Doc)
final public boolean isRequestedSizesValid()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lAddCommand(Command cmd, int i)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lCallHideNotify()(Code)(Java Doc)
void lCallPaint(Graphics g, int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lCallShowNotify()(Code)(Java Doc)
void lCallTraverseOut()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lCommitPendingInteraction()(Code)(Java Doc)
int lGetAdornedMinimumHeight()(Code)(Java Doc)
int lGetAdornedMinimumWidth()(Code)(Java Doc)
int lGetAdornedPreferredHeight(int width)(Code)(Java Doc)
int lGetAdornedPreferredWidth(int height)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected int lGetLockedHeight()(Code)(Java Doc)
int lGetLockedWidth()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int lGetMinimumHeight()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int lGetMinimumWidth()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int lGetPreferredHeight(int w)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int lGetPreferredWidth(int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lGetRequestedSizes()(Code)(Java Doc)
void lHideNativeResource()(Code)(Java Doc)
void lMove(int deltaX, int deltaY)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lRemoveCommand(Command cmd, int i)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lRequestInvalidate(boolean width, boolean height)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lRequestPaint()(Code)(Java Doc)
void lRequestPaint(int x, int y, int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetDefaultCommand(Command cmd, int i)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetLabel(String label)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetLayout(int layout)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lSetLocation(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetOwner(Screen oldOwner)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void lSetPreferredSize(int width, int height)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void lSetRequestedSizes(int mw, int mh, int pw, int ph)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lSetSize(int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
void lShowNativeResource()(Code)(Java Doc)
native void setLabel0(int nativeId, String label)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean shouldHExpand()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean shouldHShrink()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean shouldVExpand()(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean shouldVShrink()(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallHideNotify()(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallKeyPressed(int keyCode)(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallKeyReleased(int keyCode)(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallKeyRepeated(int keyCode)(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallPaint(Graphics g, int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract boolean uCallPeerStateChanged(int hint)(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallPointerDragged(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallPointerPressed(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallPointerReleased(int x, int y)(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallShowNotify()(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallSizeChanged(int w, int h)(Code)(Java Doc)
boolean uCallTraverse(int dir, int viewportWidth, int viewportHeight, int[] visRect_inout)(Code)(Java Doc)
void uCallTraverseOut()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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