A Simple Texture editor panel. This panel allows users to create a Texture
and will automatically create an associated TextureAttribute is required in
the appearance.
TODO - Add ability to remove the Texture object
TODO - When textures are created a single Appearance is assumed, this is OK,
but we need to plan more carefully when we remove the textures.
The SGNodeComponent tracks a list of nodes[components] which Reference
another node component.
TODO - Handle Multi Textures
author: Paul Byrne version: $Id: TexturePanel.java,v 1.1 2005/04/20 22:21:11 paulby Exp $
Returns the extra state information from the current editor which
is not stored in the scenegraph. If ret is null a new NodeState object
is created and returned otherwise ret is updated and returned
For transformGroup the structure will contain the list of
Fields inherited from org.jdesktop.j3dedit.scenegrapheditor.nodeeditors.NodeComponentEditorPanel