001: package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session;
003: /*
004: * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Colin Bell and Johan Compagner
005: * colbell@users.sourceforge.net
006: * jcompagner@j-com.nl
007: *
008: * Modifications Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jason Height
009: *
010: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
011: * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
012: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
013: * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
014: *
015: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
016: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
018: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
019: *
020: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
021: * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
022: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
023: */
024: import java.io.File;
025: import java.util.ArrayList;
027: import javax.swing.Action;
028: import javax.swing.JFrame;
029: import javax.swing.JMenu;
030: import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
031: import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
032: import javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent;
033: import javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener;
035: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.IApplication;
036: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.action.ActionCollection;
037: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.gui.session.ToolsPopupController;
038: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.preferences.SquirrelPreferences;
039: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.resources.SquirrelResources;
040: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.action.*;
041: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.event.IResultTabListener;
042: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.event.ISQLExecutionListener;
043: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.event.ISQLPanelListener;
044: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.event.ISQLResultExecuterTabListener;
045: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.mainpanel.ISQLResultExecuter;
046: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.mainpanel.SQLHistoryItem;
047: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.mainpanel.SQLPanel;
048: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.mainpanel.SqlPanelListener;
049: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.util.PrintUtilities;
050: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManager;
051: import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManagerFactory;
053: /**
054: * This class is the API through which plugins can work with the SQL Panel.
055: *
056: * @author <A HREF="mailto:colbell@users.sourceforge.net">Colin Bell</A>
057: */
058: public class SQLPanelAPI implements ISQLPanelAPI {
059: /** Internationalized strings for this class. */
060: private static final StringManager s_stringMgr = StringManagerFactory
061: .getStringManager(SQLPanelAPI.class);
063: /** The SQL Panel. */
064: private SQLPanel _panel;
066: private ToolsPopupController _toolsPopupController;
067: private FileManager _fileManager = new FileManager(this );
069: private boolean fileOpened = false;
070: private boolean fileSaved = false;
071: private boolean unsavedEdits = false;
073: /**
074: * Ctor specifying the panel.
075: *
076: * @param panel <TT>SQLPanel</TT> is the SQL Panel.
077: *
078: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
079: * Thrown if <T>null</TT> <TT>SQLPanel</TT> passed.
080: */
081: public SQLPanelAPI(SQLPanel panel) {
082: super ();
083: if (panel == null) {
084: throw new IllegalArgumentException("SQLPanel == null");
085: }
086: _panel = panel;
087: _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().addUndoableEditListener(
088: new SQLEntryUndoListener());
089: initToolsPopUp();
091: createStandardEntryAreaMenuItems();
092: }
094: private void initToolsPopUp() {
095: _toolsPopupController = new ToolsPopupController(getSession(),
096: _panel.getSQLEntryPanel());
098: ActionCollection ac = getSession().getApplication()
099: .getActionCollection();
101: _toolsPopupController.addAction("undo", _panel.getUndoAction());
102: _toolsPopupController.addAction("redo", _panel.getRedoAction());
103: _toolsPopupController.addAction("runsql", ac
104: .get(ExecuteSqlAction.class));
105: _toolsPopupController.addAction("fileopen", ac
106: .get(FileOpenAction.class));
107: _toolsPopupController.addAction("filesave", ac
108: .get(FileSaveAction.class));
109: _toolsPopupController.addAction("filesaveas", ac
110: .get(FileSaveAsAction.class));
111: _toolsPopupController.addAction("filenew", ac
112: .get(FileNewAction.class));
113: _toolsPopupController.addAction("fileappend", ac
114: .get(FileAppendAction.class));
115: _toolsPopupController.addAction("fileprint", ac
116: .get(FilePrintAction.class));
117: _toolsPopupController.addAction("fileclose", ac
118: .get(FileCloseAction.class));
120: _toolsPopupController.addAction("tabnext", ac
121: .get(GotoNextResultsTabAction.class));
122: _toolsPopupController.addAction("tabprevious", ac
123: .get(GotoPreviousResultsTabAction.class));
124: _toolsPopupController.addAction("tabcloseall", ac
125: .get(CloseAllSQLResultTabsAction.class));
126: _toolsPopupController.addAction("tabcloseallbutcur", ac
127: .get(CloseAllSQLResultTabsButCurrentAction.class));
128: _toolsPopupController.addAction("tabclosecur", ac
129: .get(CloseCurrentSQLResultTabAction.class));
130: _toolsPopupController.addAction("tabsticky", ac
131: .get(ToggleCurrentSQLResultTabStickyAction.class));
133: _toolsPopupController.addAction("sqlprevious", ac
134: .get(PreviousSqlAction.class));
135: _toolsPopupController.addAction("sqlnext", ac
136: .get(NextSqlAction.class));
137: _toolsPopupController.addAction("sqlselect", ac
138: .get(SelectSqlAction.class));
140: _toolsPopupController.addAction("sqlhist", ac
141: .get(OpenSqlHistoryAction.class));
143: if (_panel.isInMainSessionWindow()) {
144: _toolsPopupController.addAction("viewinobjecttree", ac
145: .get(ViewObjectAtCursorInObjectTreeAction.class));
146: }
148: }
150: private void createStandardEntryAreaMenuItems() {
151: JMenuItem item;
152: SquirrelResources resources = getSession().getApplication()
153: .getResources();
155: Action toolsPopupAction = _panel.getSession().getApplication()
156: .getActionCollection().get(ToolsPopupAction.class);
157: item = getSQLEntryPanel().addToSQLEntryAreaMenu(
158: toolsPopupAction);
159: resources.configureMenuItem(toolsPopupAction, item);
161: if (_panel.isInMainSessionWindow()) {
162: Action vioAction = _panel.getSession().getApplication()
163: .getActionCollection().get(
164: ViewObjectAtCursorInObjectTreeAction.class);
165: item = getSQLEntryPanel().addToSQLEntryAreaMenu(vioAction);
166: resources.configureMenuItem(vioAction, item);
167: }
169: }
171: public void addToToolsPopUp(String selectionString, Action action) {
172: _toolsPopupController.addAction(selectionString, action);
173: }
175: public boolean fileSave() {
176: if (_fileManager.save()) {
177: fileSaved = true;
178: unsavedEdits = false;
179: getSession().getActiveSessionWindow()
180: .setUnsavedEdits(false);
181: ActionCollection actions = getSession().getApplication()
182: .getActionCollection();
183: actions.enableAction(FileSaveAction.class, false);
184: return true;
185: } else {
186: return false;
187: }
188: }
190: /* (non-Javadoc)
191: * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISQLPanelAPI#fileAppend()
192: */
193: public void fileAppend() {
194: if (_fileManager.open(true)) {
195: fileOpened = true;
196: fileSaved = false;
197: unsavedEdits = false;
198: ActionCollection actions = getSession().getApplication()
199: .getActionCollection();
200: actions.enableAction(FileSaveAction.class, true);
201: }
202: }
204: /* (non-Javadoc)
205: * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISQLPanelAPI#fileClose()
206: */
207: public void fileClose() {
208: if (unsavedEdits) {
209: showConfirmSaveDialog();
210: }
211: setEntireSQLScript("");
212: getSession().getActiveSessionWindow().setSqlFile(null);
213: fileOpened = false;
214: fileSaved = false;
215: unsavedEdits = false;
216: ActionCollection actions = getSession().getApplication()
217: .getActionCollection();
218: actions.enableAction(FileSaveAction.class, true);
219: _fileManager.clearCurrentFile();
220: }
222: /* (non-Javadoc)
223: * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISQLPanelAPI#fileNew()
224: */
225: public void fileNew() {
226: fileClose();
227: }
229: /* (non-Javadoc)
230: * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISQLPanelAPI#fileSaveAs()
231: */
232: public void fileSaveAs() {
233: if (_fileManager.saveAs()) {
234: fileSaved = true;
235: unsavedEdits = false;
236: getSession().getActiveSessionWindow()
237: .setUnsavedEdits(false);
238: ActionCollection actions = getSession().getApplication()
239: .getActionCollection();
240: actions.enableAction(FileSaveAction.class, false);
241: }
242: }
244: /* (non-Javadoc)
245: * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISQLPanelAPI#fileOpen()
246: */
247: public void fileOpen() {
248: if (unsavedEdits) {
249: showConfirmSaveDialog();
250: }
251: if (_fileManager.open(false)) {
252: fileOpened = true;
253: fileSaved = false;
254: unsavedEdits = false;
255: ActionCollection actions = getSession().getApplication()
256: .getActionCollection();
257: actions.enableAction(FileSaveAction.class, false);
258: }
259: }
261: public void fileOpen(File f) {
262: if (unsavedEdits) {
263: showConfirmSaveDialog();
264: }
265: if (_fileManager.open(f)) {
266: fileOpened = true;
267: fileSaved = false;
268: unsavedEdits = false;
269: ActionCollection actions = getSession().getApplication()
270: .getActionCollection();
271: actions.enableAction(FileSaveAction.class, false);
272: }
274: }
276: /* (non-Javadoc)
277: * @see net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISQLPanelAPI#filePrint()
278: */
279: public void filePrint() {
280: if (_panel == null) {
281: throw new IllegalStateException("_panel is null");
282: }
283: ISQLEntryPanel panel = _panel.getSQLEntryPanel();
284: if (panel == null) {
285: throw new IllegalStateException(
286: "_panel.getSQLEntryPanel() is null");
287: }
288: PrintUtilities.printComponent(panel.getTextComponent());
289: }
291: public void showToolsPopup() {
292: _toolsPopupController.showToolsPopup();
293: }
295: public void addExecutor(ISQLResultExecuter exec) {
296: _panel.addExecutor(exec);
297: }
299: public void removeExecutor(ISQLResultExecuter exec) {
300: _panel.removeExecutor(exec);
301: }
303: /**
304: * Add a listener listening for SQL Execution.
305: *
306: * @param lis Listener to add
307: *
308: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
309: * Thrown if a null <TT>ISQLExecutionListener</TT> passed.
310: */
311: public synchronized void addSQLExecutionListener(
312: ISQLExecutionListener lis) {
313: if (lis == null) {
314: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
315: "null ISQLExecutionListener passed");
316: }
317: _panel.addSQLExecutionListener(lis);
318: }
320: /**
321: * Remove an SQL execution listener.
322: *
323: * @param lis Listener
324: *
325: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
326: * If a null <TT>ISQLExecutionListener</TT> passed.
327: */
328: public synchronized void removeSQLExecutionListener(
329: ISQLExecutionListener lis) {
330: if (lis == null) {
331: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
332: "null ISQLExecutionListener passed");
333: }
334: _panel.removeSQLExecutionListener(lis);
335: }
337: /**
338: * Add a listener for events in this sessions result tabs.
339: *
340: * @param lis The listener.
341: */
342: // JASON: Do we need these?
343: public synchronized void addResultTabListener(IResultTabListener lis) {
344: // if (lis == null)
345: // {
346: // throw new IllegalArgumentException("null IResultTabListener passed");
347: // }
348: // _session.getSessionSheet().getSQLPanel().addResultTabListener(lis);
349: }
351: /**
352: * Remove a listener for events in this sessions result tabs.
353: *
354: * @param lis The listener.
355: */
356: // JASON: Do we need these?
357: public synchronized void removeResultTabListener(
358: IResultTabListener lis) {
359: // if (lis == null)
360: // {
361: // throw new IllegalArgumentException("null IResultTabListener passed");
362: // }
363: // _session.getSessionSheet().getSQLPanel().removeResultTabListener(lis);
364: }
366: /**
367: * Add a listener for events in this sql panel executer tabs.
368: *
369: * @param lis The listener.
370: *
371: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
372: * Thrown if a null <TT>ISQLResultExecuterTabListener</TT> passed.
373: */
374: public void addExecuterTabListener(ISQLResultExecuterTabListener lis) {
375: if (lis == null) {
376: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
377: "ISQLResultExecuterTabListener == null");
378: }
379: _panel.addExecuterTabListener(lis);
380: }
382: /**
383: * Remove a listener for events from this sql panel executer tabs.
384: *
385: * @param lis The listener.
386: *
387: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
388: * Thrown if a null <TT>ISQLResultExecuterTabListener</TT> passed.
389: */
390: public void removeExecuterTabListener(
391: ISQLResultExecuterTabListener lis) {
392: if (lis == null) {
393: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
394: "ISQLResultExecuterTabListener == null");
395: }
396: _panel.removeExecuterTabListener(lis);
397: }
399: /**
400: * Add a listener for events in this SQL Panel.
401: *
402: * @param lis Listener to add
403: *
404: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
405: * Thrown if a null <TT>ISQLPanelListener</TT> passed.
406: */
407: public synchronized void addSQLPanelListener(ISQLPanelListener lis) {
408: if (lis == null) {
409: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
410: "ISQLPanelListener == null");
411: }
412: _panel.addSQLPanelListener(lis);
413: }
415: /**
416: * Remove a listener.
417: *
418: * @param lis Listener to remove
419: *
420: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
421: * Thrown if a null <TT>ISQLPanelListener</TT> passed.
422: */
423: public synchronized void removeSQLPanelListener(
424: ISQLPanelListener lis) {
425: if (lis == null) {
426: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
427: "ISQLPanelListener == null");
428: }
429: _panel.removeSQLPanelListener(lis);
430: }
432: public ISQLEntryPanel getSQLEntryPanel() {
433: return _panel.getSQLEntryPanel();
434: }
436: /**
437: * Returns the result execution panel that stores such things as IResultTabs
438: *
439: * @return an implementation of ISQLResultExecuter
440: */
441: public ISQLResultExecuter getSQLResultExecuter() {
442: return _panel.getSQLExecPanel();
443: }
445: /**
446: * Return the entire contents of the SQL entry area.
447: *
448: * @return the entire contents of the SQL entry area.
449: */
450: public synchronized String getEntireSQLScript() {
451: return _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().getText();
452: }
454: /**
455: * Return the selected contents of the SQL entry area.
456: *
457: * @return the selected contents of the SQL entry area.
458: */
459: public String getSelectedSQLScript() {
460: return _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().getSelectedText();
461: }
463: /**
464: * Return the SQL script to be executed.
465: *
466: * @return the SQL script to be executed.
467: */
468: public synchronized String getSQLScriptToBeExecuted() {
469: return _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().getSQLToBeExecuted();
470: }
472: /**
473: * Append the passed SQL script to the SQL entry area but don't select
474: * it.
475: *
476: * @param sqlScript The script to be appended.
477: */
478: public synchronized void appendSQLScript(String sqlScript) {
479: _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().appendText(sqlScript);
480: }
482: /**
483: * Append the passed SQL script to the SQL entry area and specify
484: * whether it should be selected.
485: *
486: * @param sqlScript The script to be appended.
487: * @param select If <TT>true</TT> then select the passed script
488: * in the sql entry area.
489: */
490: public synchronized void appendSQLScript(String sqlScript,
491: boolean select) {
492: _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().appendText(sqlScript, select);
493: }
495: /**
496: * Replace the contents of the SQL entry area with the passed
497: * SQL script without selecting it.
498: *
499: * @param sqlScript The script to be placed in the SQL entry area.
500: */
501: public synchronized void setEntireSQLScript(String sqlScript) {
502: _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().setText(sqlScript);
503: }
505: /**
506: * Replace the contents of the SQL entry area with the passed
507: * SQL script and specify whether to select it.
508: *
509: * @param sqlScript The script to be placed in the SQL entry area.
510: * @param select If <TT>true</TT> then select the passed script
511: * in the sql entry area.
512: */
513: public synchronized void setEntireSQLScript(String sqlScript,
514: boolean select) {
515: _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().setText(sqlScript, select);
516: }
518: /**
519: * Replace the currently selected text in the SQL entry area
520: * with the passed text.
521: *
522: * @param sqlScript The script to be placed in the SQL entry area.
523: * @param select If <TT>true</TT> then select the passed script
524: * in the sql entry area.
525: */
526: public synchronized void replaceSelectedSQLScript(String sqlScript,
527: boolean select) {
528: if (sqlScript == null) {
529: sqlScript = "";
530: }
531: final ISQLEntryPanel pnl = _panel.getSQLEntryPanel();
532: int selStart = -1;
533: if (select) {
534: selStart = pnl.getSelectionStart();
535: }
536: pnl.replaceSelection(sqlScript);
537: if (select) {
538: int entireLen = getEntireSQLScript().length();
539: if (selStart == -1) {
540: selStart = 0;
541: }
542: int selEnd = selStart + sqlScript.length() - 1;
543: if (selEnd > entireLen - 1) {
544: selEnd = entireLen - 1;
545: }
546: if (selStart <= selEnd) {
547: pnl.setSelectionStart(selStart);
548: pnl.setSelectionEnd(selEnd);
549: }
550: }
551: }
553: /**
554: * Return the offset into the SQL entry area where the current select
555: * starts.
556: *
557: * @return the current selections start position.
558: */
559: public synchronized int getSQLScriptSelectionStart() {
560: return _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().getSelectionStart();
561: }
563: /**
564: * Return the offset into the SQL entry area where the current select
565: * ends.
566: *
567: * @return the current selections end position.
568: */
569: public synchronized int getSQLScriptSelectionEnd() {
570: return _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().getSelectionEnd();
571: }
573: /**
574: * Set the offset into the SQL entry area where the current select
575: * starts.
576: *
577: * param start the new selections start position.
578: */
579: public synchronized void setSQLScriptSelectionStart(int start) {
580: _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().setSelectionStart(start);
581: }
583: /**
584: * Set the offset into the SQL entry area where the current select
585: * ends.
586: *
587: * param start the new selections start position.
588: */
589: public synchronized void setSQLScriptSelectionEnd(int end) {
590: _panel.getSQLEntryPanel().setSelectionEnd(end);
591: }
593: /**
594: * Execute the current SQL. Not <TT>synchronized</TT> as multiple SQL statements
595: * can be executed simultaneously.
596: */
597: public void executeCurrentSQL() {
598: _panel.runCurrentExecuter();
599: }
601: /**
602: * Execute the passed SQL. Not <TT>synchronized</TT> as multiple SQL statements
603: * can be executed simultaneously.
604: *
605: * @param sql SQL to be executed.
606: */
607: public void executeSQL(String sql) {
608: //JASON: Remove??
609: //_session.getSessionSheet().getSQLPanel().executeSQL(sql);
610: }
612: /**
613: * Close all the SQL result tabs.
614: */
615: public void closeAllSQLResultTabs() {
616: _panel.getSQLExecPanel().closeAllSQLResultTabs();
617: }
619: public void closeAllButCurrentResultTabs() {
620: _panel.getSQLExecPanel().closeAllButCurrentResultTabs();
621: }
623: public void closeCurrentResultTab() {
624: _panel.getSQLExecPanel().closeCurrentResultTab();
625: }
627: public void toggleCurrentSQLResultTabSticky() {
628: _panel.getSQLExecPanel().toggleCurrentSQLResultTabSticky();
629: }
631: /**
632: * Close all the "torn off" SQL result frames.
633: */
634: public void closeAllSQLResultFrames() {
635: _panel.getSQLExecPanel().closeAllSQLResultFrames();
636: }
638: /**
639: * Display the next tab in the SQL results.
640: */
641: public synchronized void gotoNextResultsTab() {
642: _panel.getSQLExecPanel().gotoNextResultsTab();
643: }
645: /**
646: * Display the previous tab in the SQL results.
647: */
648: public void gotoPreviousResultsTab() {
649: _panel.getSQLExecPanel().gotoPreviousResultsTab();
650: }
652: /**
653: * The passed SQL should be added to the SQL history.
654: *
655: * @param sql SQL to be added to history.
656: *
657: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
658: * Thrown if <TT>null</TT> <TT>sql</TT> passed.
659: */
660: public synchronized void addSQLToHistory(String sql) {
661: if (sql == null) {
662: throw new IllegalArgumentException("sql == null");
663: }
665: final ISession session = _panel.getSession();
666: final SQLHistoryItem shi = new SQLHistoryItem(sql, session
667: .getAlias().getName());
668: if (session.getProperties().getSQLShareHistory()) {
669: session.getApplication().getSQLHistory().add(shi);
670: }
671: _panel.addSQLToHistory(shi);
672: }
674: /**
675: * Add a hierarchical menu to the SQL Entry Area popup menu.
676: *
677: * @param menu The menu that will be added.
678: *
679: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
680: * Thrown if <TT>null</TT> <TT>Menu</TT> passed.
681: */
682: public void addToSQLEntryAreaMenu(JMenu menu) {
683: if (menu == null) {
684: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Menu == null");
685: }
686: _panel.addToSQLEntryAreaMenu(menu);
687: }
689: /**
690: * Add an <TT>Action</TT> to the SQL Entry Area popup menu.
691: *
692: * @param action The action to be added.
693: *
694: * @return The newly create menu item.
695: *
696: * @throws IllegalArgumentException
697: * Thrown if <TT>null</TT> <TT>Action</TT> passed.
698: */
699: public JMenuItem addToSQLEntryAreaMenu(Action action) {
700: if (action == null) {
701: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Action == null");
702: }
703: return _panel.addToSQLEntryAreaMenu(action);
704: }
706: /** JASON: Remove once deprecated interface removed*/
707: public ISession getSession() {
708: return _panel.getSession();
709: }
711: public boolean isInMainSessionWindow() {
712: return _panel.isInMainSessionWindow();
713: }
715: public boolean confirmClose() {
716: if (unsavedEdits) {
717: return showConfirmSaveDialog();
718: }
719: return true;
720: }
722: public void addSqlPanelListener(SqlPanelListener sqlPanelListener) {
723: _panel.addSqlPanelListener(sqlPanelListener);
724: }
726: public ArrayList<SQLHistoryItem> getSQLHistoryItems() {
727: return _panel.getSQLHistoryItems();
728: }
730: private boolean showConfirmSaveDialog() {
731: File file = _fileManager.getFile();
733: // i18n[SQLPanelAPI.untitledLabel=Untitled]
734: String filename = s_stringMgr
735: .getString("SQLPanelAPI.untitledLabel");
737: if (file != null) {
738: filename = file.getAbsolutePath();
739: }
740: String msg = s_stringMgr.getString(
741: "SQLPanelAPI.unsavedchanges", filename);
743: String title = s_stringMgr.getString(
744: "SQLPanelAPI.unsavedchangestitle", ": "
745: + _panel.getSession().getAlias().getName());
747: JFrame f = getSession().getApplication().getMainFrame();
748: int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(f, msg, title,
749: JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
750: if (option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
751: return fileSave();
752: }
753: return true;
754: }
756: /**
757: * A class to listen for events that indicate that the content in the
758: * SQLEntryPanel has changed and could be lost.
759: */
760: private class SQLEntryUndoListener implements UndoableEditListener {
762: /* (non-Javadoc)
763: * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener#undoableEditHappened(javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent)
764: */
765: public void undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent e) {
766: IApplication app = getSession().getApplication();
767: SquirrelPreferences prefs = app.getSquirrelPreferences();
769: if (fileOpened || fileSaved) {
770: if (prefs.getWarnForUnsavedFileEdits()) {
771: unsavedEdits = true;
772: }
773: getSession().getActiveSessionWindow().setUnsavedEdits(
774: true);
775: ActionCollection actions = getSession()
776: .getApplication().getActionCollection();
777: actions.enableAction(FileSaveAction.class, true);
778: } else if (prefs.getWarnForUnsavedBufferEdits()) {
779: unsavedEdits = true;
780: }
781: }
783: }
784: }