replaceSelectedSQLScript(String sqlScript, boolean select) Replace the currently selected text in the SQL entry area
with the passed text.
public synchronized void
setEntireSQLScript(String sqlScript) Replace the contents of the SQL entry area with the passed
SQL script without selecting it.
public synchronized void
setEntireSQLScript(String sqlScript, boolean select) Replace the contents of the SQL entry area with the passed
SQL script and specify whether to select it.
public synchronized void
setSQLScriptSelectionEnd(int end) Set the offset into the SQL entry area where the current select
public synchronized void
setSQLScriptSelectionStart(int start) Set the offset into the SQL entry area where the current select
Add a listener for events in this sql panel executer tabs.
Parameters: lis - The listener. throws: IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if a null ISQLResultExecuterTabListener passed.
Add a listener listening for SQL Execution.
Parameters: lis - Listener to add throws: IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if a null ISQLExecutionListener passed.
Add a listener for events in this SQL Panel.
Parameters: lis - Listener to add throws: IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if a null ISQLPanelListener passed.
public synchronized void addSQLToHistory(String sql)(Code)
The passed SQL should be added to the SQL history.
Parameters: sql - SQL to be added to history. throws: IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if nullsql passed.
public void addToSQLEntryAreaMenu(JMenu menu)(Code)
Add a hierarchical menu to the SQL Entry Area popup menu.
Parameters: menu - The menu that will be added. throws: IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if nullMenu passed.
Add an Action to the SQL Entry Area popup menu.
Parameters: action - The action to be added. The newly create menu item. throws: IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if nullAction passed.
public void addToToolsPopUp(String selectionString, Action action)(Code)
public synchronized void appendSQLScript(String sqlScript)(Code)
Append the passed SQL script to the SQL entry area but don't select
Parameters: sqlScript - The script to be appended.
public synchronized void appendSQLScript(String sqlScript, boolean select)(Code)
Append the passed SQL script to the SQL entry area and specify
whether it should be selected.
Parameters: sqlScript - The script to be appended. Parameters: select - If true then select the passed scriptin the sql entry area.
Remove a listener for events from this sql panel executer tabs.
Parameters: lis - The listener. throws: IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if a null ISQLResultExecuterTabListener passed.
Remove a listener.
Parameters: lis - Listener to remove throws: IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if a null ISQLPanelListener passed.
public synchronized void replaceSelectedSQLScript(String sqlScript, boolean select)(Code)
Replace the currently selected text in the SQL entry area
with the passed text.
Parameters: sqlScript - The script to be placed in the SQL entry area. Parameters: select - If true then select the passed scriptin the sql entry area.
public synchronized void setEntireSQLScript(String sqlScript)(Code)
Replace the contents of the SQL entry area with the passed
SQL script without selecting it.
Parameters: sqlScript - The script to be placed in the SQL entry area.
public synchronized void setEntireSQLScript(String sqlScript, boolean select)(Code)
Replace the contents of the SQL entry area with the passed
SQL script and specify whether to select it.
Parameters: sqlScript - The script to be placed in the SQL entry area. Parameters: select - If true then select the passed scriptin the sql entry area.
public synchronized void setSQLScriptSelectionEnd(int end)(Code)
Set the offset into the SQL entry area where the current select
param start the new selections start position.
public synchronized void setSQLScriptSelectionStart(int start)(Code)
Set the offset into the SQL entry area where the current select
param start the new selections start position.