Method Summary |
public Array | getArray(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Array | getArray(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, int scale) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public BigDecimal | getBigDecimal(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Blob | getBlob(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Blob | getBlob(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public boolean | getBoolean(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public boolean | getBoolean(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public byte | getByte(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public byte | getByte(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public byte[] | getBytes(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public byte[] | getBytes(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Clob | getClob(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Clob | getClob(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Date | getDate(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Date | getDate(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Date | getDate(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Date | getDate(String parameterName, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public double | getDouble(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public double | getDouble(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public float | getFloat(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public float | getFloat(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public int | getInt(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public int | getInt(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public long | getLong(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public long | getLong(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Object | getObject(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Object | getObject(int parameterIndex, java.util.Map map) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Object | getObject(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Object | getObject(String parameterName, java.util.Map map) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Ref | getRef(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Ref | getRef(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public short | getShort(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public short | getShort(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public String | getString(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public String | getString(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Time | getTime(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Time | getTime(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Time | getTime(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Time | getTime(String parameterName, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Timestamp | getTimestamp(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Timestamp | getTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Timestamp | getTimestamp(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public Timestamp | getTimestamp(String parameterName, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public | getURL(int parameterIndex) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public | getURL(String parameterName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType, int scale) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType, String typeName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | registerOutParameter(String parameterName, int sqlType) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | registerOutParameter(String parameterName, int sqlType, int scale) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | registerOutParameter(String parameterName, int sqlType, String typeName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setAsciiStream(String parameterName, x, int length) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setBigDecimal(String parameterName, BigDecimal x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setBinaryStream(String parameterName, x, int length) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setBoolean(String parameterName, boolean x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setByte(String parameterName, byte x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setBytes(String parameterName, byte[] x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setCharacterStream(String parameterName, x, int length) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setDate(String parameterName, Date x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setDate(String parameterName, Date x, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setDouble(String parameterName, double x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setFloat(String parameterName, float x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setInt(String parameterName, int x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setLong(String parameterName, long x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setNull(String parameterName, int sqlType) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setNull(String parameterName, int sqlType, String typeName) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setObject(String parameterName, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scale) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setObject(String parameterName, Object x, int targetSqlType) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setObject(String parameterName, Object x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setShort(String parameterName, short x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setString(String parameterName, String x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setTime(String parameterName, Time x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setTime(String parameterName, Time x, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setTimestamp(String parameterName, Timestamp x) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setTimestamp(String parameterName, Timestamp x, Calendar cal) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public void | setURL(String parameterName, val) Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |
public boolean | wasNull() Delgates calls to the callable statement; SQLExceptions thrown from the
callable statement will cause an event to be fired on the connection
pool listeners. |