001: /*
002: * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
003: * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
004: * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
005: * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
006: *
007: * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
008: * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
009: * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
010: * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011: *
012: * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
016: *
017: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
018: * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
019: * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
020: * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
021: */
022: package org.jboss.metadata;
024: import java.net.URL;
025: import java.net.URLClassLoader;
026: import java.util.ArrayList;
027: import java.util.HashMap;
028: import java.util.HashSet;
029: import java.util.Iterator;
030: import java.util.Set;
032: import javax.management.MBeanServer;
033: import javax.management.ObjectName;
035: import org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException;
036: import org.jboss.mx.util.MBeanServerLocator;
037: import org.jboss.security.SecurityRoleMetaData;
038: import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
039: import org.w3c.dom.Element;
041: /**
042: * The top level meta data from the jboss.xml and ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
043: *
044: * @author <a href="mailto:sebastien.alborini@m4x.org">Sebastien Alborini</a>
045: * @author <a href="mailto:peter.antman@tim.se">Peter Antman</a>
046: * @author <a href="mailto:Scott.Stark@jboss.org">Scott Stark</a>
047: * @author <a href="mailto:criege@riege.com">Christian Riege</a>
048: * @author <a href="mailto:Christoph.Jung@infor.de">Christoph G. Jung</a>.
049: * @author <a href="mailto:Thomas.Diesler@jboss.org">Thomas Diesler</a>.
050: *
051: * @version $Revision: 57209 $
052: */
053: public class ApplicationMetaData extends MetaData {
054: public static final int EJB_1x = 1;
055: public static final int EJB_2x = 2;
056: /** The ejb jar URL */
057: private URL url;
058: /** version of the dtd used to create ejb-jar.xml */
059: protected int ejbVersion;
060: protected int ejbMinorVersion;
061: /** ArrayList<BeanMetaData> for the ejbs */
062: private ArrayList beans = new ArrayList();
063: /** A HashMap<String, String> for webservice description publish locations */
064: private HashMap wsdlPublishLocationMap = new HashMap();
065: /** True if this is a web service deployment */
066: private boolean webServiceDeployment;
067: /** The optional JBossWS config-name */
068: private String configName;
069: /** The optional JBossWS config-file */
070: private String configFile;
071: /** List<RelationMetaData> of relations in this application. */
072: private ArrayList relationships = new ArrayList();
073: /** The assembly-descriptor */
074: private AssemblyDescriptorMetaData assemblyDescriptor = new AssemblyDescriptorMetaData();
075: /** A HashMap<String, ConfigurationMetaData> for container configs */
076: private HashMap configurations = new HashMap();
077: /** A HashMap<String, InvokerProxyBindingMetaData> for invoker bindings */
078: private HashMap invokerBindings = new HashMap();
079: /** A HashMap<String, String> of res-name to JNDI name/URL */
080: private HashMap resources = new HashMap();
081: private HashMap plugins = new HashMap();
082: /** The user defined JMX name for the EJBModule */
083: private String jmxName;
084: /** The security-domain value assigned to the application */
085: private String securityDomain;
086: /** The unauthenticated-principal value assigned to the application */
087: private String unauthenticatedPrincipal;
088: /** The web context root to use for web services */
089: private String webServiceContextRoot;
090: /** An unused flag if the spec security restrictions should be enforced */
091: private boolean enforceEjbRestrictions;
092: /** The missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode value */
093: private boolean excludeMissingMethods = true;
094: /** Whether to throw an exception on a rollback if there is no exception */
095: private boolean exceptionRollback = false;
097: /** The ClassLoader to load additional resources */
098: private URLClassLoader resourceCl;
100: public ApplicationMetaData() {
101: }
103: /** Get the ClassLoader to load additional resources */
104: public URLClassLoader getResourceCl() {
105: return resourceCl;
106: }
108: /** Set the ClassLoader to load additional resources */
109: public void setResourceClassLoader(URLClassLoader resourceCl) {
110: this .resourceCl = resourceCl;
111: }
113: public URL getUrl() {
114: return url;
115: }
117: public void setUrl(URL u) {
118: url = u;
119: }
121: public boolean isEJB1x() {
122: return ejbVersion == 1;
123: }
125: public boolean isEJB2x() {
126: return ejbVersion == 2;
127: }
129: public boolean isEJB21() {
130: return ejbVersion == 2 && ejbMinorVersion == 1;
131: }
133: public Iterator getEnterpriseBeans() {
134: return beans.iterator();
135: }
137: /**
138: * Get an EJB by its declared <ejb-name> tag
139: *
140: * @param ejbName EJB to return
141: *
142: * @return BeanMetaData pertaining to the given ejb-name,
143: * <code>null</code> if none found
144: */
145: public BeanMetaData getBeanByEjbName(String ejbName) {
146: Iterator iterator = getEnterpriseBeans();
147: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
148: BeanMetaData current = (BeanMetaData) iterator.next();
149: if (current.getEjbName().equals(ejbName)) {
150: return current;
151: }
152: }
154: // not found
155: return null;
156: }
158: public String getConfigFile() {
159: return configFile;
160: }
162: public void setConfigFile(String configFile) {
163: this .configFile = configFile;
164: }
166: public String getConfigName() {
167: return configName;
168: }
170: public void setConfigName(String configName) {
171: this .configName = configName;
172: }
174: public String getWsdlPublishLocationByName(String name) {
175: // if not found, the we will use default
176: return (String) wsdlPublishLocationMap.get(name);
177: }
179: public String getWebServiceContextRoot() {
180: return webServiceContextRoot;
181: }
183: public void setWebServiceContextRoot(String webServiceContextRoot) {
184: this .webServiceContextRoot = webServiceContextRoot;
185: }
187: public boolean isWebServiceDeployment() {
188: return webServiceDeployment;
189: }
191: public void setWebServiceDeployment(boolean webServiceDeployment) {
192: this .webServiceDeployment = webServiceDeployment;
193: }
195: /**
196: * Get the container managed relations in this application.
197: * Items are instance of RelationMetaData.
198: */
199: public Iterator getRelationships() {
200: return relationships.iterator();
201: }
203: public AssemblyDescriptorMetaData getAssemblyDescriptor() {
204: return assemblyDescriptor;
205: }
207: public Iterator getConfigurations() {
208: return configurations.values().iterator();
209: }
211: public ConfigurationMetaData getConfigurationMetaDataByName(
212: String name) {
213: return (ConfigurationMetaData) configurations.get(name);
214: }
216: public Iterator getInvokerProxyBindings() {
217: return invokerBindings.values().iterator();
218: }
220: public InvokerProxyBindingMetaData getInvokerProxyBindingMetaDataByName(
221: String name) {
222: return (InvokerProxyBindingMetaData) invokerBindings.get(name);
223: }
225: public String getResourceByName(String name) {
226: // if not found, the container will use default
227: return (String) resources.get(name);
228: }
230: public void addPluginData(String pluginName, Object pluginData) {
231: plugins.put(pluginName, pluginData);
232: }
234: public Object getPluginData(String pluginName) {
235: return plugins.get(pluginName);
236: }
238: public String getJmxName() {
239: return jmxName;
240: }
242: public String getSecurityDomain() {
243: return securityDomain;
244: }
246: /**
247: * Set the security domain for this web application
248: */
249: public void setSecurityDomain(String securityDomain) {
250: this .securityDomain = securityDomain;
251: }
253: public String getUnauthenticatedPrincipal() {
254: return unauthenticatedPrincipal;
255: }
257: public void setUnauthenticatedPrincipal(
258: String unauthenticatedPrincipal) {
259: this .unauthenticatedPrincipal = unauthenticatedPrincipal;
260: }
262: public boolean getEnforceEjbRestrictions() {
263: return enforceEjbRestrictions;
264: }
266: public boolean isExcludeMissingMethods() {
267: return excludeMissingMethods;
268: }
270: public MessageDestinationMetaData getMessageDestination(String name) {
271: return assemblyDescriptor.getMessageDestinationMetaData(name);
272: }
274: public boolean getExceptionRollback() {
275: return exceptionRollback;
276: }
278: /**
279: * Import data provided by ejb-jar.xml
280: *
281: * @throws DeploymentException When there was an error encountered
282: * while parsing ejb-jar.xml
283: */
284: public void importEjbJarXml(Element element)
285: throws DeploymentException {
286: // EJB version is determined by the doc type that was used to
287: // verify the ejb-jar.xml.
288: DocumentType docType = element.getOwnerDocument().getDoctype();
290: if (docType == null) {
291: // test if this is a 2.1 schema-based descriptor
292: if ("http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee".equals(element
293: .getNamespaceURI())) {
294: ejbVersion = 2;
295: ejbMinorVersion = 1;
296: } else {
297: // No good, EJB 1.1/2.1 requires a DOCTYPE declaration
298: throw new DeploymentException(
299: "ejb-jar.xml must either obey "
300: + "the right xml schema or define a valid DOCTYPE!");
301: }
302: } else {
303: String publicId = docType.getPublicId();
304: if (publicId == null) {
305: // We need a public Id
306: throw new DeploymentException(
307: "The DOCTYPE declaration in "
308: + "ejb-jar.xml must define a PUBLIC id");
309: }
311: // Check for a known public Id
312: if (publicId
313: .startsWith("-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0")) {
314: ejbVersion = 2;
315: } else if (publicId
316: .startsWith("-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1")) {
317: ejbVersion = 1;
318: } else {
319: // Unknown
320: throw new DeploymentException("Unknown PUBLIC id in "
321: + "ejb-jar.xml: " + publicId);
322: }
323: }
325: // find the beans
326: Element enterpriseBeans = getUniqueChild(element,
327: "enterprise-beans");
329: // Entity Beans
330: HashMap schemaNameMap = new HashMap();
331: Iterator iterator = getChildrenByTagName(enterpriseBeans,
332: "entity");
333: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
334: Element currentEntity = (Element) iterator.next();
335: EntityMetaData entityMetaData = new EntityMetaData(this );
336: try {
337: entityMetaData.importEjbJarXml(currentEntity);
338: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
339: throw new DeploymentException("Error in ejb-jar.xml "
340: + "for Entity Bean "
341: + entityMetaData.getEjbName() + ": "
342: + e.getMessage());
343: }
345: // Ensure unique-ness of <abstract-schema-name>
346: String abstractSchemaName = entityMetaData
347: .getAbstractSchemaName();
348: if (abstractSchemaName != null) {
349: if (schemaNameMap.containsKey(abstractSchemaName)) {
350: //
351: throw new DeploymentException(entityMetaData
352: .getEjbName()
353: + ": Duplicate abstract-schema name '"
354: + abstractSchemaName
355: + "'. Already defined for Entity '"
356: + ((EntityMetaData) schemaNameMap
357: .get(abstractSchemaName))
358: .getEjbName() + "'.");
359: }
360: schemaNameMap.put(abstractSchemaName, entityMetaData);
361: }
363: beans.add(entityMetaData);
364: }
366: // Session Beans
367: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(enterpriseBeans, "session");
368: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
369: Element currentSession = (Element) iterator.next();
370: SessionMetaData sessionMetaData = new SessionMetaData(this );
371: try {
372: sessionMetaData.importEjbJarXml(currentSession);
373: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
374: throw new DeploymentException(
375: "Error in ejb-jar.xml for " + "Session Bean "
376: + sessionMetaData.getEjbName() + ": "
377: + e.getMessage());
378: }
379: beans.add(sessionMetaData);
380: }
382: // Message Driven Beans
383: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(enterpriseBeans,
384: "message-driven");
385: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
386: Element currentMessageDriven = (Element) iterator.next();
387: MessageDrivenMetaData messageDrivenMetaData = new MessageDrivenMetaData(
388: this );
390: try {
391: messageDrivenMetaData
392: .importEjbJarXml(currentMessageDriven);
393: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
394: throw new DeploymentException(
395: "Error in ejb-jar.xml for "
396: + "Message Driven Bean "
397: + messageDrivenMetaData.getEjbName()
398: + ": " + e.getMessage());
399: }
400: beans.add(messageDrivenMetaData);
401: }
403: // Enforce unique-ness of declared ejb-name Elements
404: Set ejbNames = new HashSet();
405: Iterator beanIt = beans.iterator();
406: while (beanIt.hasNext()) {
407: BeanMetaData bmd = (BeanMetaData) beanIt.next();
409: String beanName = bmd.getEjbName();
410: if (ejbNames.contains(beanName)) {
411: throw new DeploymentException(
412: "Duplicate definition of an "
413: + "EJB with name '" + beanName + "'.");
414: }
416: ejbNames.add(beanName);
417: }
419: // Relationships
420: Element relationshipsElement = getOptionalChild(element,
421: "relationships");
422: if (relationshipsElement != null) {
423: // used to assure that a relationship name is not reused
424: Set relationNames = new HashSet();
426: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(relationshipsElement,
427: "ejb-relation");
428: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
429: Element relationElement = (Element) iterator.next();
430: RelationMetaData relationMetaData = new RelationMetaData();
431: try {
432: relationMetaData.importEjbJarXml(relationElement);
433: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
434: throw new DeploymentException(
435: "Error in ejb-jar.xml "
436: + "for relation "
437: + relationMetaData
438: .getRelationName() + ": "
439: + e.getMessage());
440: }
442: // if the relationship has a name, assure that it has not
443: // already been used
444: String relationName = relationMetaData
445: .getRelationName();
446: if (relationName != null) {
447: if (relationNames.contains(relationName)) {
448: throw new DeploymentException(
449: "ejb-relation-name must "
450: + "be unique in ejb-jar.xml file: ejb-relation-name is "
451: + relationName);
452: }
453: relationNames.add(relationName);
454: }
456: relationships.add(relationMetaData);
457: }
458: }
460: // read the assembly descriptor (optional)
461: Element descrElement = getOptionalChild(element,
462: "assembly-descriptor");
463: if (descrElement != null) {
464: // set the security roles (optional)
465: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(descrElement,
466: "security-role");
467: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
468: Element securityRole = (Element) iterator.next();
469: try {
470: String roleName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
471: securityRole, "role-name"));
472: SecurityRoleMetaData srMetaData = new SecurityRoleMetaData(
473: roleName);
474: assemblyDescriptor
475: .addSecurityRoleMetaData(srMetaData);
476: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
477: throw new DeploymentException(
478: "Error in ejb-jar.xml "
479: + "for security-role: "
480: + e.getMessage());
481: }
482: }
484: // set the method permissions (optional)
485: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(descrElement,
486: "method-permission");
487: try {
488: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
489: Element methodPermission = (Element) iterator
490: .next();
491: // Look for the unchecked element
492: Element unchecked = getOptionalChild(
493: methodPermission, "unchecked");
495: boolean isUnchecked = false;
496: Set roles = null;
497: if (unchecked != null) {
498: isUnchecked = true;
499: } else {
500: // Get the role-name elements
501: roles = new HashSet();
502: Iterator rolesIterator = getChildrenByTagName(
503: methodPermission, "role-name");
504: while (rolesIterator.hasNext()) {
505: roles
506: .add(getElementContent((Element) rolesIterator
507: .next()));
508: }
509: if (roles.size() == 0)
510: throw new DeploymentException(
511: "An unchecked "
512: + "element or one or more role-name elements "
513: + "must be specified in method-permission");
514: }
516: // find the methods
517: Iterator methods = getChildrenByTagName(
518: methodPermission, "method");
519: while (methods.hasNext()) {
520: // load the method
521: MethodMetaData method = new MethodMetaData();
522: method
523: .importEjbJarXml((Element) methods
524: .next());
525: if (isUnchecked) {
526: method.setUnchecked();
527: } else {
528: method.setRoles(roles);
529: }
531: // give the method to the right bean
532: BeanMetaData bean = getBeanByEjbName(method
533: .getEjbName());
534: if (bean == null) {
535: throw new DeploymentException(method
536: .getEjbName()
537: + " doesn't exist");
538: }
539: bean.addPermissionMethod(method);
540: }
541: }
542: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
543: throw new DeploymentException("Error in ejb-jar.xml, "
544: + "in method-permission: " + e.getMessage());
545: }
547: // set the container transactions (optional)
548: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(descrElement,
549: "container-transaction");
550: try {
551: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
552: Element containerTransaction = (Element) iterator
553: .next();
555: // find the type of the transaction
556: byte transactionType;
557: String type = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
558: containerTransaction, "trans-attribute"));
560: if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("NotSupported")
561: || type.equalsIgnoreCase("Not_Supported")) {
562: transactionType = TX_NOT_SUPPORTED;
563: } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Supports")) {
564: transactionType = TX_SUPPORTS;
565: } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Required")) {
566: transactionType = TX_REQUIRED;
567: } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("RequiresNew")
568: || type.equalsIgnoreCase("Requires_New")) {
569: transactionType = TX_REQUIRES_NEW;
570: } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Mandatory")) {
571: transactionType = TX_MANDATORY;
572: } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("Never")) {
573: transactionType = TX_NEVER;
574: } else {
575: throw new DeploymentException("invalid "
576: + "<transaction-attribute> : " + type);
577: }
579: // find the methods
580: Iterator methods = getChildrenByTagName(
581: containerTransaction, "method");
582: while (methods.hasNext()) {
583: // load the method
584: MethodMetaData method = new MethodMetaData();
585: method
586: .importEjbJarXml((Element) methods
587: .next());
588: method.setTransactionType(transactionType);
590: // give the method to the right bean
591: BeanMetaData bean = getBeanByEjbName(method
592: .getEjbName());
593: if (bean == null) {
594: throw new DeploymentException("bean "
595: + method.getEjbName()
596: + " doesn't exist");
597: }
598: bean.addTransactionMethod(method);
599: }
600: }
601: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
602: throw new DeploymentException("Error in ejb-jar.xml, "
603: + "in <container-transaction>: "
604: + e.getMessage());
605: }
607: // Get the exclude-list methods
608: Element excludeList = getOptionalChild(descrElement,
609: "exclude-list");
610: if (excludeList != null) {
611: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(excludeList, "method");
612: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
613: Element methodInf = (Element) iterator.next();
614: // load the method
615: MethodMetaData method = new MethodMetaData();
616: method.importEjbJarXml(methodInf);
617: method.setExcluded();
619: // give the method to the right bean
620: BeanMetaData bean = getBeanByEjbName(method
621: .getEjbName());
622: if (bean == null) {
623: throw new DeploymentException("bean "
624: + method.getEjbName()
625: + " doesn't exist");
626: }
627: bean.addExcludedMethod(method);
628: }
629: }
631: // set the message destinations (optional)
632: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(descrElement,
633: "message-destination");
634: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
635: Element messageDestination = (Element) iterator.next();
636: try {
637: MessageDestinationMetaData messageDestinationMetaData = new MessageDestinationMetaData();
638: messageDestinationMetaData
639: .importEjbJarXml(messageDestination);
640: assemblyDescriptor
641: .addMessageDestinationMetaData(messageDestinationMetaData);
642: } catch (Throwable t) {
643: throw new DeploymentException(
644: "Error in ejb-jar.xml "
645: + "for message destination: "
646: + t.getMessage());
647: }
648: }
649: }
650: }
652: public void importJbossXml(Element element)
653: throws DeploymentException {
654: Iterator iterator;
656: // all the tags are optional
658: // Get the enforce-ejb-restrictions
659: Element enforce = getOptionalChild(element,
660: "enforce-ejb-restrictions");
661: if (enforce != null) {
662: String tmp = getElementContent(enforce);
663: enforceEjbRestrictions = Boolean.valueOf(tmp)
664: .booleanValue();
665: }
667: // Get any user defined JMX name
668: Element jmxNameElement = getOptionalChild(element, "jmx-name");
669: if (jmxNameElement != null) {
670: jmxName = getElementContent(jmxNameElement);
671: }
673: // Throw an exception when marked rollback with no exception thrown
674: exceptionRollback = MetaData.getOptionalChildBooleanContent(
675: element, "exception-on-rollback", false);
677: // Get the security domain name
678: Element securityDomainElement = getOptionalChild(element,
679: "security-domain");
680: if (securityDomainElement != null) {
681: securityDomain = getElementContent(securityDomainElement);
682: }
684: // Get the missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode flag
685: excludeMissingMethods = MetaData
686: .getOptionalChildBooleanContent(element,
687: "missing-method-permissions-excluded-mode",
688: true);
690: // Get the unauthenticated-principal name
691: Element unauth = getOptionalChild(element,
692: "unauthenticated-principal");
693: if (unauth != null) {
694: unauthenticatedPrincipal = getElementContent(unauth);
695: } else {
696: try {
697: MBeanServer server = MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss();
698: ObjectName oname = new ObjectName(
699: "jboss.security:service=JaasSecurityManager");
700: unauthenticatedPrincipal = (String) server
701: .getAttribute(oname,
702: "DefaultUnauthenticatedPrincipal");
703: } catch (Exception e) {
704: log.error("Cannot obtain unauthenticated principal");
705: }
706: }
708: // find the invoker configurations
709: Element invokerConfs = getOptionalChild(element,
710: "invoker-proxy-bindings");
711: if (invokerConfs != null) {
712: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(invokerConfs,
713: "invoker-proxy-binding");
715: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
716: Element invoker = (Element) iterator.next();
717: String invokerName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
718: invoker, "name"));
720: // find the configuration if it has already been defined
721: // (allow jboss.xml to modify a standard conf)
722: InvokerProxyBindingMetaData invokerMetaData = getInvokerProxyBindingMetaDataByName(invokerName);
724: // create it if necessary
725: if (invokerMetaData == null) {
726: invokerMetaData = new InvokerProxyBindingMetaData(
727: invokerName);
728: invokerBindings.put(invokerName, invokerMetaData);
729: }
731: try {
732: invokerMetaData.importJbossXml(invoker);
733: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
734: throw new DeploymentException("Error in jboss.xml "
735: + "for invoker-proxy-binding "
736: + invokerMetaData.getName() + ": "
737: + e.getMessage());
738: }
739: }
740: }
742: // find the container configurations (we need them first to use
743: // them in the beans)
744: Element confs = getOptionalChild(element,
745: "container-configurations");
746: if (confs != null) {
747: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(confs,
748: "container-configuration");
750: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
751: Element conf = (Element) iterator.next();
752: String confName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
753: conf, "container-name"));
754: String parentConfName = conf.getAttribute("extends");
755: if (parentConfName != null
756: && parentConfName.trim().length() == 0) {
757: parentConfName = null;
758: }
760: // Allow the configuration to inherit from a standard
761: // configuration. This is determined by looking for a
762: // configuration matching the name given by the extends
763: // attribute, or if extends was not specified, an
764: // existing configuration with the same.
765: ConfigurationMetaData configurationMetaData = null;
766: if (parentConfName != null) {
767: configurationMetaData = getConfigurationMetaDataByName(parentConfName);
768: if (configurationMetaData == null) {
769: throw new DeploymentException("Failed to find "
770: + "parent config=" + parentConfName);
771: }
773: // Make a copy of the existing configuration
774: configurationMetaData = (ConfigurationMetaData) configurationMetaData
775: .clone();
776: configurations.put(confName, configurationMetaData);
777: }
779: if (configurationMetaData == null) {
780: configurationMetaData = getConfigurationMetaDataByName(confName);
781: }
783: // Create a new configuration if none was found
784: if (configurationMetaData == null) {
785: configurationMetaData = new ConfigurationMetaData(
786: confName);
787: configurations.put(confName, configurationMetaData);
788: }
790: try {
791: configurationMetaData.importJbossXml(conf);
792: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
793: throw new DeploymentException("Error in jboss.xml "
794: + "for container-configuration "
795: + configurationMetaData.getName() + ": "
796: + e.getMessage());
797: }
798: }
799: }
801: // webservice meta data that are common to all EJB endpoints
802: Element webservices = getOptionalChild(element, "webservices");
803: if (webservices != null) {
804: // <context-root>
805: Element contextRoot = getOptionalChild(webservices,
806: "context-root");
807: if (contextRoot != null) {
808: webServiceContextRoot = getElementContent(contextRoot);
809: if (webServiceContextRoot.charAt(0) != '/')
810: webServiceContextRoot = "/" + webServiceContextRoot;
811: }
813: // <webservice-description>
814: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(webservices,
815: "webservice-description");
816: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
817: Element wsd = (Element) iterator.next();
818: String wsdName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(wsd,
819: "webservice-description-name"));
820: configName = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(wsd,
821: "config-name");
822: configFile = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(wsd,
823: "config-file");
824: String wsdlPublishLocation = getOptionalChildContent(
825: wsd, "wsdl-publish-location");
826: wsdlPublishLocationMap
827: .put(wsdName, wsdlPublishLocation);
828: }
829: }
831: // update the enterprise beans
832: Element entBeans = getOptionalChild(element, "enterprise-beans");
833: if (entBeans != null) {
834: String ejbName = null;
835: try {
836: // Entity Beans
837: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(entBeans, "entity");
838: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
839: Element bean = (Element) iterator.next();
840: ejbName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(bean,
841: "ejb-name"));
842: BeanMetaData beanMetaData = getBeanByEjbName(ejbName);
843: if (beanMetaData == null) {
844: throw new DeploymentException(
845: "found in jboss.xml "
846: + "but not in ejb-jar.xml");
847: }
848: beanMetaData.importJbossXml(bean);
849: }
851: // Session Beans
852: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(entBeans, "session");
853: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
854: Element bean = (Element) iterator.next();
855: ejbName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(bean,
856: "ejb-name"));
857: BeanMetaData beanMetaData = getBeanByEjbName(ejbName);
858: if (beanMetaData == null) {
859: throw new DeploymentException(
860: "found in jboss.xml "
861: + "but not in ejb-jar.xml");
862: }
863: beanMetaData.importJbossXml(bean);
864: }
866: // Message Driven Beans
867: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(entBeans,
868: "message-driven");
869: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
870: Element bean = (Element) iterator.next();
871: ejbName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(bean,
872: "ejb-name"));
873: BeanMetaData beanMetaData = getBeanByEjbName(ejbName);
874: if (beanMetaData == null) {
875: throw new DeploymentException(
876: "found in jboss.xml "
877: + "but not in ejb-jar.xml");
878: }
879: beanMetaData.importJbossXml(bean);
880: }
881: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
882: throw new DeploymentException("Error in jboss.xml for "
883: + "Bean " + ejbName + ": " + e.getMessage());
884: }
885: }
887: // read the assembly descriptor (optional)
888: Element descrElement = getOptionalChild(element,
889: "assembly-descriptor");
890: if (descrElement != null) {
891: // set the security roles (optional)
892: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(descrElement,
893: "security-role");
894: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
895: Element securityRole = (Element) iterator.next();
896: String roleName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
897: securityRole, "role-name"));
898: SecurityRoleMetaData securityRoleMetaData = assemblyDescriptor
899: .getSecurityRoleByName(roleName);
900: if (securityRoleMetaData == null) {
901: // Create a new SecurityRoleMetaData
902: securityRoleMetaData = new SecurityRoleMetaData(
903: roleName);
904: assemblyDescriptor
905: .addSecurityRoleMetaData(securityRoleMetaData);
906: }
908: Iterator itPrincipalNames = getChildrenByTagName(
909: securityRole, "principal-name");
910: while (itPrincipalNames.hasNext()) {
911: String principalName = getElementContent((Element) itPrincipalNames
912: .next());
913: securityRoleMetaData
914: .addPrincipalName(principalName);
915: }
916: }
918: // set the message destinations (optional)
919: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(descrElement,
920: "message-destination");
921: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
922: Element messageDestination = (Element) iterator.next();
923: try {
924: String messageDestinationName = getUniqueChildContent(
925: messageDestination,
926: "message-destination-name");
927: MessageDestinationMetaData messageDestinationMetaData = getMessageDestination(messageDestinationName);
928: if (messageDestinationMetaData == null)
929: throw new DeploymentException(
930: "message-destination "
931: + messageDestinationName
932: + " found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");
933: messageDestinationMetaData
934: .importJbossXml(messageDestination);
935: } catch (Throwable t) {
936: throw new DeploymentException(
937: "Error in ejb-jar.xml "
938: + "for message destination: "
939: + t.getMessage());
940: }
941: }
942: }
944: // set the resource managers
945: Element resmans = getOptionalChild(element, "resource-managers");
946: if (resmans != null) {
947: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(resmans, "resource-manager");
948: try {
949: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
950: Element resourceManager = (Element) iterator.next();
951: String resName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
952: resourceManager, "res-name"));
954: String jndi = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(
955: resourceManager, "res-jndi-name"));
957: String url = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(
958: resourceManager, "res-url"));
960: if (jndi != null && url == null) {
961: resources.put(resName, jndi);
962: } else if (jndi == null && url != null) {
963: resources.put(resName, url);
964: } else {
965: throw new DeploymentException(
966: resName
967: + " : expected res-url or res-jndi-name tag");
968: }
969: }
970: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
971: throw new DeploymentException("Error in jboss.xml, in "
972: + "resource-manager: " + e.getMessage());
973: }
974: }
975: }
977: }
979: /*
980: vim:ts=3:sw=3:et
981: */