0001: /*
0002: * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
0003: * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
0004: * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
0005: * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
0006: *
0007: * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
0008: * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
0009: * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
0010: * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0011: *
0012: * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0013: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0015: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
0016: *
0017: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
0018: * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
0019: * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
0020: * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
0021: */
0022: package org.jboss.metadata;
0024: import java.lang.reflect.Method;
0025: import java.util.ArrayList;
0026: import java.util.Collection;
0027: import java.util.HashMap;
0028: import java.util.HashSet;
0029: import java.util.Iterator;
0030: import java.util.LinkedList;
0031: import java.util.Set;
0033: import org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException;
0034: import org.jboss.invocation.InvocationType;
0035: import org.jboss.metadata.serviceref.ServiceRefDelegate;
0036: import org.jboss.mx.util.ObjectNameFactory;
0037: import org.jboss.security.AnybodyPrincipal;
0038: import org.jboss.security.NobodyPrincipal;
0039: import org.jboss.security.SimplePrincipal;
0040: import org.jboss.ws.integration.ServiceRefMetaData;
0041: import org.w3c.dom.Element;
0043: import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentReaderHashMap;
0045: /**
0046: * A common meta data class for the entity, message-driven and session beans.
0047: *
0048: * @author <a href="mailto:sebastien.alborini@m4x.org">Sebastien Alborini</a>
0049: * @author <a href="mailto:peter.antman@tim.se">Peter Antman</a>
0050: * @author <a href="mailto:docodan@mvcsoft.com">Daniel OConnor</a>
0051: * @author <a href="mailto:Scott.Stark@jboss.org">Scott Stark</a>
0052: * @author <a href="mailto:osh@sparre.dk">Ole Husgaard</a>
0053: * @author <a href="mailto:bill@burkecentral.com">Bill Burke</a>
0054: * @author <a href="mailto:criege@riege.com">Christian Riege</a>
0055: * @author <a href="mailto:Thomas.Diesler@jboss.org">Thomas Diesler</a>
0056: * @author <a href="mailto:dimitris@jboss.org">Dimitris Andreadis</a>
0057: *
0058: * @version $Revision: 61248 $
0059: */
0060: public abstract class BeanMetaData extends MetaData {
0061: // Constants -----------------------------------------------------
0063: public static final char SESSION_TYPE = 'S';
0064: public static final char ENTITY_TYPE = 'E';
0065: public static final char MDB_TYPE = 'M';
0066: public static final String LOCAL_INVOKER_PROXY_BINDING = "LOCAL";
0068: // Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
0069: /** The metadata from the toplevel ejb-jar.xml/jboss.xml elements */
0070: private ApplicationMetaData application;
0072: // from ejb-jar.xml
0073: /** The ejb-name element specifies an enterprise bean's name. This name is
0074: assigned by the ejb-jar file producer to name the enterprise bean in
0075: the ejb-jar file's deployment descriptor. The name must be unique
0076: among the names of the enterprise beans in the same ejb-jar file.
0077: */
0078: private String ejbName;
0079: /** The home element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise
0080: bean's home interface. */
0081: private String homeClass;
0082: /** The remote element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise
0083: bean's remote interface. */
0084: private String remoteClass;
0085: /** The local-home element contains the fully-qualified name of the
0086: enterprise bean's local home interface. */
0087: private String localHomeClass;
0088: /** The local element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise
0089: bean's local interface */
0090: private String localClass;
0091: /** The service-endpoint element contains the fully-qualified
0092: * name of the bean�s service endpoint interface (SEI) */
0093: protected String serviceEndpointClass;
0094: /** The ejb-class element contains the fully-qualified name of the
0095: enterprise bean's class. */
0096: private String ejbClass;
0097: /** The type of bean: ENTITY_TYPE, SESSION_TYPE, MDB_TYPE */
0098: protected char beanType;
0099: /** Is this bean's transactions managed by the container? */
0100: protected boolean containerManagedTx = true;
0102: /** The The env-entry element(s) contains the declaration of an enterprise
0103: bean's environment entry */
0104: private ArrayList environmentEntries = new ArrayList();
0105: /** The The ejb-ref element(s) for the declaration of a reference to an
0106: enterprise bean's home */
0107: private HashMap ejbReferences = new HashMap();
0108: /** The ejb-local-ref element(s) info */
0109: private HashMap ejbLocalReferences = new HashMap();
0110: /** The HashMap<ServiceRefMetaData> service-ref element(s) info */
0111: private HashMap<String, ServiceRefMetaData> serviceReferences = new HashMap<String, ServiceRefMetaData>();
0112: /** The security-role-ref element(s) info */
0113: private ArrayList securityRoleReferences = new ArrayList();
0114: /** The security-idemtity element info */
0115: private SecurityIdentityMetaData securityIdentity = null;
0116: /** */
0117: private SecurityIdentityMetaData ejbTimeoutIdentity = null;
0118: /** The resource-ref element(s) info */
0119: private HashMap resourceReferences = new HashMap();
0120: /** The resource-env-ref element(s) info */
0121: private HashMap resourceEnvReferences = new HashMap();
0122: /** The message destination references */
0123: private HashMap messageDestinationReferences = new HashMap();
0124: /** The method attributes */
0125: private ArrayList methodAttributes = new ArrayList();
0126: private ConcurrentReaderHashMap cachedMethodAttributes = new ConcurrentReaderHashMap();
0127: /** The assembly-descriptor/method-permission element(s) info */
0128: private ArrayList permissionMethods = new ArrayList();
0129: /** The assembly-descriptor/container-transaction element(s) info */
0130: private ArrayList transactionMethods = new ArrayList();
0131: /** A cache mapping methods to transaction attributes. */
0132: private ConcurrentReaderHashMap methodTx = new ConcurrentReaderHashMap();
0133: /** The assembly-descriptor/exclude-list method(s) */
0134: private ArrayList excludedMethods = new ArrayList();
0135: /** The invoker names to JNDI name mapping */
0136: protected HashMap invokerBindings = null;
0137: /** The cluster-config element info */
0138: private ClusterConfigMetaData clusterConfig = null;
0140: /** The JNDI name under with the home interface should be bound */
0141: private String jndiName;
0143: /** The JNDI name under with the local home interface should be bound */
0144: private String localJndiName;
0145: /** The container configuration name */
0146: protected String configurationName;
0147: /** The container configuration metadata */
0148: private ConfigurationMetaData configuration;
0149: /** The custom security proxy class */
0150: private String securityProxy;
0152: /** Is the bean marked as clustered */
0153: protected boolean clustered = false;
0154: /** Should the bean use by value call semeantics */
0155: protected boolean callByValue = false;
0156: /** Any object names for services the bean depends on */
0157: private Collection depends = new LinkedList();
0159: /** Describes the security configuration information for the IOR. Optional element. Since 4.0. */
0160: private IorSecurityConfigMetaData iorSecurityConfig;
0161: /** The jboss port-component binding for a ejb webservice */
0162: protected EjbPortComponentMetaData portComponent;
0163: /** Whether to throw an exception on a rollback if there is no exception */
0164: private boolean exceptionRollback = false;
0165: /** Whether timer persistence is enabled */
0166: private boolean timerPersistence = true;
0168: // Static --------------------------------------------------------
0170: // Constructors --------------------------------------------------
0171: public BeanMetaData(ApplicationMetaData app, char beanType) {
0172: this .application = app;
0173: this .beanType = beanType;
0174: }
0176: public boolean isSession() {
0177: return beanType == SESSION_TYPE;
0178: }
0180: public boolean isMessageDriven() {
0181: return beanType == MDB_TYPE;
0182: }
0184: public boolean isEntity() {
0185: return beanType == ENTITY_TYPE;
0186: }
0188: public String getHome() {
0189: return homeClass;
0190: }
0192: public String getRemote() {
0193: return remoteClass;
0194: }
0196: public String getLocalHome() {
0197: return localHomeClass;
0198: }
0200: public String getLocal() {
0201: return localClass;
0202: }
0204: public String getServiceEndpoint() {
0205: return serviceEndpointClass;
0206: }
0208: public EjbPortComponentMetaData getPortComponent() {
0209: return portComponent;
0210: }
0212: public String getEjbClass() {
0213: return ejbClass;
0214: }
0216: public String getEjbName() {
0217: return ejbName;
0218: }
0220: public boolean isContainerManagedTx() {
0221: return containerManagedTx;
0222: }
0224: public boolean isBeanManagedTx() {
0225: return !containerManagedTx;
0226: }
0228: public Iterator getEjbReferences() {
0229: return ejbReferences.values().iterator();
0230: }
0232: public Iterator getEjbLocalReferences() {
0233: return ejbLocalReferences.values().iterator();
0234: }
0236: protected abstract void defaultInvokerBindings();
0238: public Iterator getInvokerBindings() {
0239: if (invokerBindings == null) {
0240: // See if there is a container default invoker name
0241: String[] defaultNames = configuration.getInvokers();
0242: if (defaultNames.length > 0) {
0243: invokerBindings = new HashMap();
0244: for (int count = 0; count < defaultNames.length; count++) {
0245: invokerBindings.put(defaultNames[count],
0246: getJndiName());
0247: }
0248: } else {
0249: // Use the hard-coded defaults
0250: defaultInvokerBindings();
0251: }
0252: }
0254: return invokerBindings.keySet().iterator();
0255: }
0257: public String getInvokerBinding(String invokerName) {
0258: if (invokerBindings == null) {
0259: defaultInvokerBindings();
0260: }
0262: return (String) invokerBindings.get(invokerName);
0263: }
0265: public EjbRefMetaData getEjbRefByName(String name) {
0266: return (EjbRefMetaData) ejbReferences.get(name);
0267: }
0269: public EjbLocalRefMetaData getEjbLocalRefByName(String name) {
0270: return (EjbLocalRefMetaData) ejbLocalReferences.get(name);
0271: }
0273: public Iterator getEnvironmentEntries() {
0274: return environmentEntries.iterator();
0275: }
0277: public Iterator getSecurityRoleReferences() {
0278: return securityRoleReferences.iterator();
0279: }
0281: public Iterator getResourceReferences() {
0282: return resourceReferences.values().iterator();
0283: }
0285: public Iterator getResourceEnvReferences() {
0286: return resourceEnvReferences.values().iterator();
0287: }
0289: public Iterator getMessageDestinationReferences() {
0290: return messageDestinationReferences.values().iterator();
0291: }
0293: /**
0294: * @return HashMap<ServiceRefMetaData>
0295: */
0296: public HashMap<String, ServiceRefMetaData> getServiceReferences() {
0297: return serviceReferences;
0298: }
0300: public String getJndiName() {
0301: // jndiName may be set in jboss.xml
0302: if (jndiName == null) {
0303: jndiName = ejbName;
0304: }
0305: return jndiName;
0306: }
0308: /**
0309: * Gets the JNDI name under with the local home interface should be bound.
0310: * The default is local/<ejbName>
0311: */
0312: public String getLocalJndiName() {
0313: if (localJndiName == null) {
0314: // Generate a unique name based on ejbName + identityHashCode
0315: localJndiName = "local/" + ejbName + '@'
0316: + System.identityHashCode(ejbName);
0317: }
0318: return localJndiName;
0319: }
0321: /**
0322: * Gets the container jndi name used in the object name
0323: */
0324: public String getContainerObjectNameJndiName() {
0325: return getHome() != null ? getJndiName() : getLocalJndiName();
0326: }
0328: public String getConfigurationName() {
0329: if (configurationName == null) {
0330: configurationName = getDefaultConfigurationName();
0331: }
0332: return configurationName;
0333: }
0335: public ConfigurationMetaData getContainerConfiguration() {
0336: if (configuration == null) {
0337: String configName = getConfigurationName();
0338: configuration = application
0339: .getConfigurationMetaDataByName(configName);
0340: if (configuration == null)
0341: throw new IllegalStateException(
0342: "Container config not found " + configName);
0343: }
0344: return configuration;
0345: }
0347: public String getSecurityProxy() {
0348: return securityProxy;
0349: }
0351: public SecurityIdentityMetaData getSecurityIdentityMetaData() {
0352: return securityIdentity;
0353: }
0355: public SecurityIdentityMetaData getEjbTimeoutIdentity() {
0356: return ejbTimeoutIdentity;
0357: }
0359: public ApplicationMetaData getApplicationMetaData() {
0360: return application;
0361: }
0363: public abstract String getDefaultConfigurationName();
0365: public Iterator getTransactionMethods() {
0366: return transactionMethods.iterator();
0367: }
0369: public Iterator getPermissionMethods() {
0370: return permissionMethods.iterator();
0371: }
0373: public Iterator getExcludedMethods() {
0374: return excludedMethods.iterator();
0375: }
0377: public void addTransactionMethod(MethodMetaData method) {
0378: transactionMethods.add(method);
0379: }
0381: public void addPermissionMethod(MethodMetaData method) {
0382: // Insert unchecked methods into the front of the list to speed
0383: // up their validation
0384: if (method.isUnchecked()) {
0385: permissionMethods.add(0, method);
0386: } else {
0387: permissionMethods.add(method);
0388: }
0389: }
0391: public void addExcludedMethod(MethodMetaData method) {
0392: excludedMethods.add(method);
0393: }
0395: public byte getMethodTransactionType(String methodName,
0396: Class[] params, InvocationType iface) {
0397: // default value
0398: byte result = TX_UNKNOWN;
0400: MethodMetaData bestMatch = null;
0401: Iterator iterator = getTransactionMethods();
0402: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0403: MethodMetaData m = (MethodMetaData) iterator.next();
0404: if (m.patternMatches(methodName, params, iface)) {
0406: // this is the first match
0407: if (bestMatch == null) {
0408: bestMatch = m;
0409: } else {
0410: // this is a better match because the name is more precise
0411: if (bestMatch.getMethodName().equals("*")) {
0412: bestMatch = m;
0413: }
0414: // this is a better match because now we have parameters, we cant get any better
0415: if (m.getMethodParams().length > 0) {
0416: bestMatch = m;
0417: break;
0418: }
0419: }
0420: }
0421: }
0423: if (bestMatch != null) {
0424: result = bestMatch.getTransactionType();
0425: }
0427: return result;
0428: }
0430: // This should be cached, since this method is called very often
0431: public byte getTransactionMethod(Method m, InvocationType iface) {
0432: if (m == null)
0433: return MetaData.TX_SUPPORTS;
0435: Byte b = (Byte) methodTx.get(m);
0436: if (b != null)
0437: return b.byteValue();
0439: byte result = getMethodTransactionType(m.getName(), m
0440: .getParameterTypes(), iface);
0442: // provide default if method is not found in descriptor
0443: if (result == MetaData.TX_UNKNOWN)
0444: result = MetaData.TX_REQUIRED;
0446: methodTx.put(m, new Byte(result));
0447: return result;
0448: }
0450: public Collection getDepends() {
0451: Collection allDepends = new LinkedList(depends);
0452: allDepends.addAll(getContainerConfiguration().getDepends());
0453: return allDepends;
0454: }
0456: /**
0457: * Checks meta data to obtain the Method Attributes of a bean's method:
0458: * method attributes are read-only, idempotent and potentially other
0459: * ones as well.
0460: * These jboss-specific method attributes are described in jboss.xml
0461: */
0462: private MethodAttributes methodAttributesForMethod(String methodName) {
0463: if (methodName == null)
0464: methodName = "*null*";
0466: MethodAttributes ma = (MethodAttributes) cachedMethodAttributes
0467: .get(methodName);
0469: if (ma == null) {
0470: Iterator iterator = methodAttributes.iterator();
0471: while (iterator.hasNext() && ma == null) {
0472: ma = (MethodAttributes) iterator.next();
0473: if (!ma.patternMatches(methodName)) {
0474: ma = null;
0475: }
0476: }
0477: if (ma == null) {
0478: ma = MethodAttributes.kDefaultMethodAttributes;
0479: }
0481: cachedMethodAttributes.put(methodName, ma);
0482: }
0483: return ma;
0484: }
0486: /**
0487: * Is this method a read-only method described in jboss.xml?
0488: */
0489: public boolean isMethodReadOnly(String methodName) {
0490: return methodAttributesForMethod(methodName).readOnly;
0491: }
0493: public boolean isMethodReadOnly(Method method) {
0494: if (method == null) {
0495: return false;
0496: }
0497: return methodAttributesForMethod(method.getName()).readOnly;
0498: }
0500: /**
0501: * Get the transaction timeout for the method
0502: */
0503: public int getTransactionTimeout(String methodName) {
0504: return methodAttributesForMethod(methodName).txTimeout;
0505: }
0507: public int getTransactionTimeout(Method method) {
0508: if (method == null)
0509: return 0;
0510: return getTransactionTimeout(method.getName());
0511: }
0513: /**
0514: * A somewhat tedious method that builds a Set<Principal> of the roles
0515: * that have been assigned permission to execute the indicated method. The
0516: * work performed is tedious because of the wildcard style of declaring
0517: * method permission allowed in the ejb-jar.xml descriptor. This method is
0518: * called by the Container.getMethodPermissions() when it fails to find the
0519: * prebuilt set of method roles in its cache.
0520: *
0521: * @return The Set<Principal> for the application domain roles that
0522: * caller principal's are to be validated against.
0523: */
0524: public Set getMethodPermissions(String methodName, Class[] params,
0525: InvocationType iface) {
0526: Set result = new HashSet();
0527: // First check the excluded method list as this takes priority over
0528: // all other assignments
0529: Iterator iterator = getExcludedMethods();
0530: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0531: MethodMetaData m = (MethodMetaData) iterator.next();
0532: if (m.patternMatches(methodName, params, iface)) {
0533: /* No one is allowed to execute this method so add a role that
0534: fails to equate to any Principal or Principal name and return.
0535: We don't return null to differentiate between an explicit
0536: assignment of no access and no assignment information.
0537: */
0538: result.add(NobodyPrincipal.NOBODY_PRINCIPAL);
0539: return result;
0540: }
0541: }
0543: // Check the permissioned methods list
0544: iterator = getPermissionMethods();
0545: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0546: MethodMetaData m = (MethodMetaData) iterator.next();
0547: if (m.patternMatches(methodName, params, iface)) {
0548: /* If this is an unchecked method anyone can access it so
0549: set the result set to a role that equates to any Principal or
0550: Principal name and return.
0551: */
0552: if (m.isUnchecked()) {
0553: result.clear();
0554: result.add(AnybodyPrincipal.ANYBODY_PRINCIPAL);
0555: break;
0556: }
0557: // Else, add all roles
0558: else {
0559: Iterator rolesIterator = m.getRoles().iterator();
0560: while (rolesIterator.hasNext()) {
0561: String roleName = (String) rolesIterator.next();
0562: result.add(new SimplePrincipal(roleName));
0563: }
0564: }
0565: }
0566: }
0568: if (this .isExcludeMissingMethods() == false) {
0569: // If no permissions were assigned to the method, anybody can access it
0570: if (result.isEmpty()) {
0571: result.add(AnybodyPrincipal.ANYBODY_PRINCIPAL);
0572: }
0573: }
0575: return result;
0576: }
0578: /** Check to see if there was a method-permission or exclude-list statement
0579: * for the given method.
0580: *
0581: * @param methodName - the method name
0582: * @param params - the method parameter signature
0583: * @param iface - the method interface type
0584: * @return true if a matching method permission exists, false if no match
0585: */
0586: public boolean hasMethodPermission(String methodName,
0587: Class[] params, InvocationType iface) {
0588: // First check the excluded method list as this takes priority
0589: Iterator iterator = getExcludedMethods();
0590: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0591: MethodMetaData m = (MethodMetaData) iterator.next();
0592: if (m.patternMatches(methodName, params, iface)) {
0593: return true;
0594: }
0595: }
0597: // Check the permissioned methods list
0598: iterator = getPermissionMethods();
0599: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0600: MethodMetaData m = (MethodMetaData) iterator.next();
0601: if (m.patternMatches(methodName, params, iface)) {
0602: return true;
0603: }
0604: }
0606: return false;
0607: }
0609: // Cluster configuration methods
0610: public boolean isClustered() {
0611: return this .clustered;
0612: }
0614: public boolean isCallByValue() {
0615: return callByValue;
0616: }
0618: public boolean isExcludeMissingMethods() {
0619: return application.isExcludeMissingMethods();
0620: }
0622: public ClusterConfigMetaData getClusterConfigMetaData() {
0623: if (clusterConfig == null) {
0624: clusterConfig = getContainerConfiguration()
0625: .getClusterConfigMetaData();
0626: if (clusterConfig == null) {
0627: clusterConfig = new ClusterConfigMetaData();
0628: }
0629: /* All beans associated with a container are the same type
0630: so this can be done more than once without harm */
0631: clusterConfig.init(this );
0632: }
0633: return this .clusterConfig;
0634: }
0636: public IorSecurityConfigMetaData getIorSecurityConfigMetaData() {
0637: return iorSecurityConfig;
0638: }
0640: public boolean getExceptionRollback() {
0641: return exceptionRollback;
0642: }
0644: public boolean getTimerPersistence() {
0645: return timerPersistence;
0646: }
0648: /** Called to parse the ejb-jar.xml enterprise-beans child ejb elements
0649: * @param element one of session/entity/message-driven
0650: * @throws DeploymentException
0651: */
0652: public void importEjbJarXml(Element element)
0653: throws DeploymentException {
0654: // set the ejb-name
0655: ejbName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(element, "ejb-name"));
0657: // Set the interfaces classes for all types but MessageDriven
0658: if (isMessageDriven() == false) {
0659: homeClass = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
0660: "home"));
0661: remoteClass = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
0662: "remote"));
0663: localHomeClass = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(
0664: element, "local-home"));
0665: localClass = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
0666: "local"));
0667: }
0668: ejbClass = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(element,
0669: "ejb-class"));
0671: // set the environment entries
0672: Iterator iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "env-entry");
0674: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0675: Element envEntry = (Element) iterator.next();
0677: EnvEntryMetaData envEntryMetaData = new EnvEntryMetaData();
0678: envEntryMetaData.importEjbJarXml(envEntry);
0680: environmentEntries.add(envEntryMetaData);
0681: }
0683: // set the ejb references
0684: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "ejb-ref");
0686: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0687: Element ejbRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0689: EjbRefMetaData ejbRefMetaData = new EjbRefMetaData();
0690: ejbRefMetaData.importEjbJarXml(ejbRef);
0692: ejbReferences.put(ejbRefMetaData.getName(), ejbRefMetaData);
0693: }
0695: // set the ejb local references
0696: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "ejb-local-ref");
0698: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0699: Element ejbLocalRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0701: EjbLocalRefMetaData ejbLocalRefMetaData = new EjbLocalRefMetaData();
0702: ejbLocalRefMetaData.importEjbJarXml(ejbLocalRef);
0704: ejbLocalReferences.put(ejbLocalRefMetaData.getName(),
0705: ejbLocalRefMetaData);
0706: }
0708: // Parse the service-ref elements
0709: iterator = MetaData
0710: .getChildrenByTagName(element, "service-ref");
0711: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0712: Element serviceRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0713: new ServiceRefDelegate().newServiceRefMetaData();
0714: ServiceRefMetaData refMetaData = new ServiceRefDelegate()
0715: .newServiceRefMetaData();
0716: refMetaData.importStandardXml(serviceRef);
0717: serviceReferences.put(refMetaData.getServiceRefName(),
0718: refMetaData);
0719: }
0721: // set the security roles references
0722: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "security-role-ref");
0724: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0725: Element secRoleRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0726: SecurityRoleRefMetaData securityRoleRefMetaData = new SecurityRoleRefMetaData();
0727: securityRoleRefMetaData.importEjbJarXml(secRoleRef);
0728: securityRoleReferences.add(securityRoleRefMetaData);
0729: }
0731: // The security-identity element
0732: Element securityIdentityElement = getOptionalChild(element,
0733: "security-identity");
0734: if (securityIdentityElement != null) {
0735: securityIdentity = new SecurityIdentityMetaData();
0736: securityIdentity.importEjbJarXml(securityIdentityElement);
0737: }
0739: // set the resource references
0740: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "resource-ref");
0742: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0743: Element resourceRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0745: ResourceRefMetaData resourceRefMetaData = new ResourceRefMetaData();
0746: resourceRefMetaData.importEjbJarXml(resourceRef);
0748: resourceReferences.put(resourceRefMetaData.getRefName(),
0749: resourceRefMetaData);
0750: }
0752: // Parse the resource-env-ref elements
0753: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "resource-env-ref");
0754: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0755: Element resourceRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0756: ResourceEnvRefMetaData refMetaData = new ResourceEnvRefMetaData();
0757: refMetaData.importEjbJarXml(resourceRef);
0758: resourceEnvReferences.put(refMetaData.getRefName(),
0759: refMetaData);
0760: }
0762: // set the message destination references
0763: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element,
0764: "message-destination-ref");
0765: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0766: Element messageDestinationRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0768: MessageDestinationRefMetaData messageDestinationRefMetaData = new MessageDestinationRefMetaData();
0769: messageDestinationRefMetaData
0770: .importEjbJarXml(messageDestinationRef);
0772: messageDestinationReferences.put(
0773: messageDestinationRefMetaData.getRefName(),
0774: messageDestinationRefMetaData);
0775: }
0776: }
0778: /** Called to parse the jboss.xml enterprise-beans child ejb elements
0779: * @param element one of session/entity/message-driven
0780: * @throws DeploymentException
0781: */
0782: public void importJbossXml(Element element)
0783: throws DeploymentException {
0784: // we must not set defaults here, this might never be called
0786: // set the jndi name, (optional)
0787: jndiName = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
0788: "jndi-name"));
0790: // set the JNDI name under with the local home interface should be
0791: // bound (optional)
0792: localJndiName = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
0793: "local-jndi-name"));
0795: // Determine if the bean should use by value call semantics
0796: String callByValueElt = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(
0797: element, "call-by-value"), (callByValue ? "True"
0798: : "False"));
0799: callByValue = callByValueElt.equalsIgnoreCase("True");
0801: // set the configuration (optional)
0802: configurationName = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
0803: "configuration-name"));
0804: if (configurationName != null
0805: && getApplicationMetaData()
0806: .getConfigurationMetaDataByName(
0807: configurationName) == null) {
0808: throw new DeploymentException("configuration '"
0809: + configurationName
0810: + "' not found in standardjboss.xml or jboss.xml");
0811: }
0813: // Get the security proxy
0814: securityProxy = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(element,
0815: "security-proxy"), securityProxy);
0817: // Throw an exception when marked rollback with no exception thrown
0818: exceptionRollback = MetaData.getOptionalChildBooleanContent(
0819: element, "exception-on-rollback", false);
0821: // Whether to persist ejb timers across redeployments
0822: timerPersistence = MetaData.getOptionalChildBooleanContent(
0823: element, "timer-persistence", true);
0825: // update the resource references (optional)
0826: Iterator iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element,
0827: "resource-ref");
0828: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0829: Element resourceRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0830: String resRefName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
0831: resourceRef, "res-ref-name"));
0832: ResourceRefMetaData resourceRefMetaData = (ResourceRefMetaData) resourceReferences
0833: .get(resRefName);
0835: if (resourceRefMetaData == null) {
0836: throw new DeploymentException("resource-ref "
0837: + resRefName
0838: + " found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");
0839: }
0840: resourceRefMetaData.importJbossXml(resourceRef);
0841: }
0843: // Set the resource-env-ref deployed jndi names
0844: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "resource-env-ref");
0845: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0846: Element resourceRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0847: String resRefName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
0848: resourceRef, "resource-env-ref-name"));
0849: ResourceEnvRefMetaData refMetaData = (ResourceEnvRefMetaData) resourceEnvReferences
0850: .get(resRefName);
0851: if (refMetaData == null) {
0852: throw new DeploymentException("resource-env-ref "
0853: + resRefName
0854: + " found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");
0855: }
0856: refMetaData.importJbossXml(resourceRef);
0857: }
0859: // update the message destination references (optional)
0860: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element,
0861: "message-destination-ref");
0862: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0863: Element messageDestinationRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0864: String messageDestinationRefName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
0865: messageDestinationRef,
0866: "message-destination-ref-name"));
0867: MessageDestinationRefMetaData messageDestinationRefMetaData = (MessageDestinationRefMetaData) messageDestinationReferences
0868: .get(messageDestinationRefName);
0869: if (messageDestinationRefMetaData == null)
0870: throw new DeploymentException(
0871: "message-destination-ref "
0872: + messageDestinationRefName
0873: + " found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");
0874: messageDestinationRefMetaData
0875: .importJbossXml(messageDestinationRef);
0876: }
0878: // set the external ejb-references (optional)
0879: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "ejb-ref");
0880: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0881: Element ejbRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0882: String ejbRefName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
0883: ejbRef, "ejb-ref-name"));
0884: EjbRefMetaData ejbRefMetaData = getEjbRefByName(ejbRefName);
0885: if (ejbRefMetaData == null) {
0886: throw new DeploymentException("ejb-ref " + ejbRefName
0887: + " found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");
0888: }
0889: ejbRefMetaData.importJbossXml(ejbRef);
0890: }
0892: //handle the ejb-local-ref elements
0893: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(element, "ejb-local-ref");
0894: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0895: Element ejbLocalRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0896: String ejbLocalRefName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
0897: ejbLocalRef, "ejb-ref-name"));
0899: EjbLocalRefMetaData ejbLocalRefMetaData = getEjbLocalRefByName(ejbLocalRefName);
0900: if (ejbLocalRefMetaData == null) {
0901: throw new DeploymentException("ejb-local-ref "
0902: + ejbLocalRefName
0903: + " found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");
0904: }
0905: ejbLocalRefMetaData.importJbossXml(ejbLocalRef);
0906: }
0908: // Parse the service-ref elements
0909: iterator = MetaData
0910: .getChildrenByTagName(element, "service-ref");
0911: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0912: Element serviceRef = (Element) iterator.next();
0913: String serviceRefName = MetaData.getUniqueChildContent(
0914: serviceRef, "service-ref-name");
0915: ServiceRefMetaData refMetaData = (ServiceRefMetaData) serviceReferences
0916: .get(serviceRefName);
0917: if (refMetaData == null) {
0918: throw new DeploymentException("service-ref "
0919: + serviceRefName
0920: + " found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");
0921: }
0922: refMetaData.importJBossXml(serviceRef);
0923: }
0925: // Get the security identity
0926: Element securityIdentityElement = getOptionalChild(element,
0927: "security-identity");
0928: if (securityIdentityElement != null) {
0929: if (securityIdentity == null)
0930: throw new DeploymentException(
0931: ejbName
0932: + ", security-identity in jboss.xml has no match in ejb-jar.xml");
0933: String runAsPrincipal = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
0934: securityIdentityElement, "run-as-principal"),
0935: securityIdentity.getRunAsPrincipalName());
0936: securityIdentity.setRunAsPrincipalName(runAsPrincipal);
0937: }
0939: // Get the ejbTimeout caller identity
0940: Element ejbTimeoutIdentityElement = getOptionalChild(element,
0941: "ejb-timeout-identity");
0942: if (ejbTimeoutIdentityElement != null) {
0943: ejbTimeoutIdentity = new SecurityIdentityMetaData();
0944: String runAsPrincipal = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
0945: ejbTimeoutIdentityElement, "run-as-principal"),
0946: null);
0947: ejbTimeoutIdentity.setRunAsRoleName("ejbTimeout");
0948: if (runAsPrincipal != null && runAsPrincipal.length() > 0)
0949: ejbTimeoutIdentity
0950: .setRunAsPrincipalName(runAsPrincipal);
0951: else
0952: ejbTimeoutIdentity.setUseCallerIdentity(true);
0953: }
0955: // Method attributes of the bean
0956: Element mas = getOptionalChild(element, "method-attributes");
0957: if (mas != null) {
0958: // read in the read-only methods
0959: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(mas, "method");
0960: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0961: MethodAttributes ma = new MethodAttributes();
0962: Element maNode = (Element) iterator.next();
0963: ma.pattern = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(maNode,
0964: "method-name"));
0965: ma.readOnly = getOptionalChildBooleanContent(maNode,
0966: "read-only");
0967: ma.idempotent = getOptionalChildBooleanContent(maNode,
0968: "idempotent");
0969: String txTimeout = getOptionalChildContent(maNode,
0970: "transaction-timeout");
0971: try {
0972: if (txTimeout != null && txTimeout.length() > 0)
0973: ma.txTimeout = Integer.parseInt(txTimeout);
0974: } catch (Exception ignore) {
0975: log.debug("Ignoring transaction-timeout '"
0976: + txTimeout + "'", ignore);
0977: }
0978: methodAttributes.add(ma);
0979: }
0980: }
0982: // Invokers
0983: // If no invoker bindings have been defined they will be defined
0984: // in EntityMetaData, or SessionMetaData
0985: Element inv = getOptionalChild(element, "invoker-bindings");
0986: if (inv != null) {
0987: // read in the read-only methods
0988: iterator = getChildrenByTagName(inv, "invoker");
0989: invokerBindings = new HashMap();
0990: while (iterator.hasNext()) {
0991: Element node = (Element) iterator.next();
0992: String invokerBindingName = getUniqueChildContent(node,
0993: "invoker-proxy-binding-name");
0994: String jndiBinding = getOptionalChildContent(node,
0995: "jndi-name");
0997: if (jndiBinding == null) {
0998: jndiBinding = getJndiName(); // default to jndiName
0999: }
1000: invokerBindings.put(invokerBindingName, jndiBinding);
1002: // set the external ejb-references (optional)
1003: Iterator ejbrefiterator = getChildrenByTagName(node,
1004: "ejb-ref");
1005: while (ejbrefiterator.hasNext()) {
1006: Element ejbRef = (Element) ejbrefiterator.next();
1007: String ejbRefName = getElementContent(getUniqueChild(
1008: ejbRef, "ejb-ref-name"));
1009: EjbRefMetaData ejbRefMetaData = getEjbRefByName(ejbRefName);
1010: if (ejbRefMetaData == null) {
1011: throw new DeploymentException(
1012: "ejb-ref "
1013: + ejbRefName
1014: + " found in jboss.xml but not in ejb-jar.xml");
1015: }
1016: ejbRefMetaData.importJbossXml(invokerBindingName,
1017: ejbRef);
1018: }
1019: }
1020: }
1022: // Determine if the bean is to be deployed in the cluster (more
1023: // advanced config will be added in the future)
1024: String clusteredElt = getElementContent(getOptionalChild(
1025: element, "clustered"), (clustered ? "True" : "False"));
1026: clustered = clusteredElt.equalsIgnoreCase("True");
1028: Element clusterConfigElement = getOptionalChild(element,
1029: "cluster-config");
1030: if (clusterConfigElement != null) {
1031: this .clusterConfig = new ClusterConfigMetaData();
1032: clusterConfig.init(this );
1033: clusterConfig.importJbossXml(clusterConfigElement);
1034: }
1036: //Get depends object names
1037: for (Iterator dependsElements = getChildrenByTagName(element,
1038: "depends"); dependsElements.hasNext();) {
1039: Element dependsElement = (Element) dependsElements.next();
1040: String dependsName = getElementContent(dependsElement);
1041: depends.add(ObjectNameFactory.create(dependsName));
1042: } // end of for ()
1044: // ior-security-config optional element
1045: Element iorSecurityConfigEl = getOptionalChild(element,
1046: "ior-security-config");
1047: if (iorSecurityConfigEl != null) {
1048: iorSecurityConfig = new IorSecurityConfigMetaData(
1049: iorSecurityConfigEl);
1050: }
1052: }
1053: }