The meta data information for a resource-env-ref element.
The resource-env-ref element contains a declaration of an enterprise
bean�s reference to an administered object associated with a resource
in the enterprise bean�s environment.
The meta data information for a resource-ref element.
The resource-ref element contains a declaration of enterprise bean�s
reference to an external resource.
The meta data object for the security-identity element.
The security-identity element specifies whether the caller�s security
identity is to be used for the execution of the methods of the enterprise
bean or whether a specific run-as role is to be used.
The metadata object for the security-role-ref element.
The security-role-ref element contains the declaration of a security
role reference in the enterprise bean’s code.
XmlFileLoader class is used to read ejb-jar.xml, standardjboss.xml, jboss.xml
files, process them using DTDs and create ApplicationMetaData object for
future use.