| java.lang.Object com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UISearchField com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UIAccountSearchField
UIAccountSearchField | public class UIAccountSearchField extends UISearchField (Code) | | Return list of accounts accessible by the specified user
getSearchFieldValuesDynamic | public List getSearchFieldValuesDynamic(GenericDelegator delegator, String entityName, String searchField, String searchValue, UserInfo userInfo)(Code) | | Dynamically retrieves accounts to display as a drop down list when the search field is in list mode.
Accounts are filtered so only accounts in the user's company are shown. In addition, the current system
filtering preferences are applied to filter accounts so they can be viewed only by people on the
account team, or in the same territory as the account's owner.
author: Steve Fowler author: John Nutting Parameters: delegator - Reference to the OFBIZ delegator being used to connect to the data base Parameters: entityName - The name of the entity whose instances are to be displayed in the list. Parameters: searchField - Name of attribute in the listed entity to be compared to the searchValue Parameters: searchValue - Value entered by the user into the search field. To be used in a LIKE clause to filter the items in the drop down. Parameters: userInfo - Reference to user info object containing information about the currently logged-in user String containing the HTML text that will draw the current field on the web page See Also: com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UIWebScreenSection |
Methods inherited from com.sourcetap.sfa.ui.UISearchField | public String displayFieldHtml(UIDisplayObject uiDisplayObject, boolean protect, String htmlName, String fieldValue, Vector entityDetailsVector, UIFieldInfo fieldInfo, String action, int tabIndex, UserInfo userInfo, GenericDelegator delegator)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String displaySearchValueBox(String htmlName, String action, UIFieldInfo fieldInfo, UIDisplayObject uiDisplayObject, String fieldValue, int tabIndex)(Code)(Java Doc) public List getSearchFieldValuesDynamic(GenericDelegator delegator, String entityName, String searchField, String searchValue, UserInfo userInfo)(Code)(Java Doc)