| org.geotools.referencing.operation.TestTransform org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform.GeocentricTransformTest
GeocentricTransformTest | final public class GeocentricTransformTest extends TestTransform (Code) | | Test the following transformation classes with the geocentric transform:
version: $Id: GeocentricTransformTest.java 25262 2007-04-23 21:11:16Z desruisseaux $ author: Martin Desruisseaux |
GeocentricTransformTest | public GeocentricTransformTest(String name)(Code) | | Constructs a test case with the given name.
main | public static void main(String args)(Code) | | Runs the tests with the textual test runner.
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | | Returns the test suite.
testEllipsoid | public void testEllipsoid() throws FactoryException(Code) | | Tests the orthodromic distance computed by
DefaultEllipsoid . There is actually two
algorithms used: one for the ellipsoidal model, and a simpler one for spherical model.
We test the ellipsoidal model using know values of nautical mile at different latitude.
Then, we test the spherical model with random values. If JDK 1.4 assertion is enabled,
the spherical model will compare its result with the ellipsoidal one.
Note about nautical mile:
"Le mille marin était, en principe, la longueur de la minute sexagésimale du méridien
à la latitude de 45°. Cette longueur dépendait donc des valeurs adoptées pour le rayon
équatorial de la terre et son aplatissement. En France, le décret du 3 mai 1961 sur les
unités de mesure, fixe à 1852 mètres la longueur du mille marin qui est également la
valeur adoptée pour le mille marin international."
Source: Office de la langue française, 1996
testGeocentricTransform | public void testGeocentricTransform() throws FactoryException, TransformException(Code) | | Tests the
GeocentricTransform class.
Methods inherited from org.geotools.referencing.operation.TestTransform | public static void assertInterfaced(MathTransform transform)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void assertPointsEqual(String name, double[] expected, double[] actual, double[] delta)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void assertTransformEquals2_2(MathTransform transform, double x, double y, double ex, double ey) throws TransformException(Code)(Java Doc) public static void assertTransformEquals2_3(MathTransform transform, double x, double y, double ex, double ey, double ez) throws TransformException(Code)(Java Doc) public static void assertTransformEquals3_1(MathTransform transform, double x, double y, double z, double ez) throws TransformException(Code)(Java Doc) public static void assertTransformEquals3_2(MathTransform transform, double x, double y, double z, double ex, double ey) throws TransformException(Code)(Java Doc) public static void assertTransformEquals3_3(MathTransform transform, double x, double y, double z, double ex, double ey, double ez) throws TransformException(Code)(Java Doc) protected Hints getHintsForTesting()(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean isReal(double value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setUp() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc)