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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Issue Tracking » scarab 0.21 » 
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All known Subclasses:,
public class ScarabModule extends BaseScarabModule implements Persistent,Module,Group(Code)
The ScarabModule class is the focal point for dealing with Modules. It implements the concept of a Module which is a single module and is the base interface for all Modules. In code, one should never reference ScarabModule directly -- use its Module interface instead. This allows us to swap out Module implementations by modifying the file.
   Jon S. Stevens
   John McNally
   $Id: 10198 2006-07-03 23:33:30Z dabbous $

Field Summary
final protected static  IntegerROOT_ID

Method Summary
public  booleanallowsIssues()
public  intcompareTo(Object obj)
     Used for ordering Groups.
  obj - The Object to compare to.
public  StringgetArchiveEmail()
     All emails related to this module will have a copy sent to this address.
public  String[]getAutoApprovedRoles()
     returns an array of Roles that can be approved without need for moderation.
public  StringgetCommentRenderingEngine()
     Returns the comment rendering engine currently in use.
public  StringgetHttpDomain()
     Get the value of domain.
public  intgetIssueCount(ScarabUser user, AttributeOption attributeOption)
     The number of active issues within the module.
  user - a ScarabUser value used to determine ifa count should be given.
public  intgetIssueCount(ScarabUser user)
     The number of active issues within the module.
  user - a ScarabUser value used to determine ifa count should be given.
public  ModulegetParent()
public  StringgetPort()
     Get the value of port.
public  ListgetRModuleAttributes(Criteria crit)
     Returns RModuleAttributes associated with this Module.
public  ListgetRModuleIssueTypes()
     This method returns a complete list of RModuleIssueTypes which are not deleted, have a IssueType.PARENT_ID of 0 and sorted ascending by PREFERRED_ORDER.
public  ListgetRModuleOptions(Criteria crit)
     Returns associated RModuleOptions.
public  RolegetRequiredRole()
     Returns the required role for *any* access to this module including for requesting roles.
public  ListgetRoles()
     Gets all module roles.
public  StringgetScarabInstanceId()
     Get the value of the Scarab instance id.
public  StringgetScheme()
     Get the value of scheme.
public  StringgetScriptName()
     Get the value of scriptName.
public  ScarabUser[]getUsers(String permission)
public  ScarabUser[]getUsers(List permissions)
public  ScarabPaginatedListgetUsers(String name, String username, MITList mitList, int pageNum, int resultsPerPage, String sortColumn, String sortPolarity, boolean includeCommitters)
See Also:
  mitList - MITs to restrict the user's search.
public  ListgetUsers(String firstName, String lastName, String username, String email, IssueType issueType)
public  voidgrant(User user, Role role)
     Grants a Role in this Group to an User.
public  voidgrant(User user, RoleSet roleSet)
     Grants Roles in this Group to an User.
public  booleanisIssueReasonRequired()
     Provides the flag, wether issue store needs valid reason. Note: This method returns true, when the global variable was not defined neither for this module nor for its ancestors. This may be the case when you migrate from an older version of scarab to a20++ where this parameter was not used.
public  booleanisIssueReasonRequiredInherited()
     Determines if the value of isIssueReasonRequired is due to the configuration of this module or inherited from ancestors or default configuration.
public  booleanregisterNeedsRequiredRole()
     Checks if an attempt to register a role for this module needs a specific role.
public  voidremove()
     Removes a group from the system.
public  voidrename(String name)
     Renames the group.
public  voidrevoke(User user, Role role)
     Revokes a Role in this Group from an User.
public  voidrevoke(User user, RoleSet roleSet)
     Revokes Roles in this group from an User.
public  voidsave()
public  voidsave(Connection dbCon)
     Saves the module into the database.
public  voidsetHttpDomain(String v)
     Set the value of domain.
public  voidsetParent(Module v)
     Wrapper method to perform the proper cast to the BaseModule method of the same name.
public  voidsetParentId(Integer id)
     Override method to make sure the module name gets recalculated.
public  voidsetPort(String v)
     Set the value of port.
public  voidsetScarabInstanceId(String v)
     Set the value of Scarab domain name.
public  voidsetScheme(String v)
     Set the value of scheme.
public  voidsetScriptName(String v)
     Set the value of scriptName.
public  StringtoString()

Field Detail
final protected static Integer ROOT_ID(Code)

Method Detail
public boolean allowsIssues()(Code)

public int compareTo(Object obj)(Code)
Used for ordering Groups.
  obj - The Object to compare to. -1 if the name of the other object is lexically greater than this group, 1 if it is lexically lesser, 0 if they are equal.

public String getArchiveEmail()(Code)
All emails related to this module will have a copy sent to this address. A system-wide default email address can be specified in with the key:

public String[] getAutoApprovedRoles()(Code)
returns an array of Roles that can be approved without need for moderation.

public String getCommentRenderingEngine()(Code)
Returns the comment rendering engine currently in use.

public String getHttpDomain()(Code)
Get the value of domain. value of domain.

public int getIssueCount(ScarabUser user, AttributeOption attributeOption) throws TorqueException, ScarabException, DataSetException(Code)
The number of active issues within the module.
  user - a ScarabUser value used to determine ifa count should be given. an int the number of issues entered for the module unless the user does not have permission tosearch for issues in the given module, then a value of 0 will bereturned. if resource limited, this method will return -1.
  DataSetException -
  Exception - if an error occurs

public int getIssueCount(ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException, DataSetException(Code)
The number of active issues within the module.
  user - a ScarabUser value used to determine ifa count should be given. an int the number of issues entered for the module unless the user does not have permission tosearch for issues in the given module, then a value of 0 will bereturned. if resource limited, this method will return -1.
  DataSetException -
  Exception - if an error occurs

public Module getParent() throws TorqueException(Code)
Cast the getScarabModuleRelatedByParentId() to a Module

public String getPort() throws TorqueException(Code)
Get the value of port. value of port.

public List getRModuleAttributes(Criteria crit) throws TorqueException(Code)
Returns RModuleAttributes associated with this Module. Tries to find RModuleAttributes associated directly through the db, but if none are found it should look up the parent module tree until it finds a non-empty list.

public List getRModuleIssueTypes() throws TorqueException(Code)
This method returns a complete list of RModuleIssueTypes which are not deleted, have a IssueType.PARENT_ID of 0 and sorted ascending by PREFERRED_ORDER.

public List getRModuleOptions(Criteria crit) throws TorqueException(Code)
Returns associated RModuleOptions. if a related AttributeOption is deleted the RModuleOption will not show up in this list.
  crit - a Criteria value a List value

public Role getRequiredRole()(Code)
Returns the required role for *any* access to this module including for requesting roles.

public List getRoles() throws TorqueException(Code)
Gets all module roles.

public String getScarabInstanceId()(Code)
Get the value of the Scarab instance id. value of domain.

public String getScheme() throws TorqueException(Code)
Get the value of scheme. value of scheme.

public String getScriptName() throws TorqueException(Code)
Get the value of scriptName. value of scriptName.

public ScarabUser[] getUsers(String permission)(Code)

See Also:

public ScarabUser[] getUsers(List permissions)(Code)

See Also:

public ScarabPaginatedList getUsers(String name, String username, MITList mitList, int pageNum, int resultsPerPage, String sortColumn, String sortPolarity, boolean includeCommitters) throws TorqueException, DataSetException(Code)

See Also:
  mitList - MITs to restrict the user's search. If null, it will not be restricted.

public List getUsers(String firstName, String lastName, String username, String email, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)

See Also:
See Also:   This implementation adds wildcard prefix and suffix and performs an SQL
See Also:   LIKE query for each of the String args that are not null.
See Also:   WARNING: This is potentially a very EXPENSIVE method.

public void grant(User user, Role role) throws TurbineSecurityException(Code)
Grants a Role in this Group to an User.
  user - An User.
  role - A Role.
  TurbineSecurityException - if there is a problem while assigningthe Role.

public void grant(User user, RoleSet roleSet) throws TurbineSecurityException(Code)
Grants Roles in this Group to an User.
  user - An User.
  roleSet - A RoleSet.
  TurbineSecurityException - if there is a problem while assigningthe Roles.

public boolean isIssueReasonRequired()(Code)
Provides the flag, wether issue store needs valid reason. Note: This method returns true, when the global variable was not defined neither for this module nor for its ancestors. This may be the case when you migrate from an older version of scarab to a20++ where this parameter was not used. Thus per default Scarab makes the field required. true: yes, valid reason field needed; false: reason field may stay empty.

public boolean isIssueReasonRequiredInherited()(Code)
Determines if the value of isIssueReasonRequired is due to the configuration of this module or inherited from ancestors or default configuration. The Global module does never inherite the value, that's by default 'True'. True if the configuration is inherited.

public boolean registerNeedsRequiredRole()(Code)
Checks if an attempt to register a role for this module needs a specific role. returns false, if no role is needed. otherwise return true. To get the needed role, @see #getRequiredRole()

public void remove() throws TurbineSecurityException(Code)
Removes a group from the system.
  TurbineSecurityException - if the Group could not be removed.

public void rename(String name) throws TurbineSecurityException(Code)
Renames the group.
  name - The new Group name.
  TurbineSecurityException - if the Group could not be renamed.

public void revoke(User user, Role role) throws TurbineSecurityException(Code)
Revokes a Role in this Group from an User.
  user - An User.
  role - A Role.
  TurbineSecurityException - if there is a problem while unassigningthe Role.

public void revoke(User user, RoleSet roleSet) throws TurbineSecurityException(Code)
Revokes Roles in this group from an User.
  user - An User.
  roleSet - a RoleSet.
  TurbineSecurityException - if there is a problem while unassigningthe Roles.

public void save()(Code)
Saves the module into the database
  ScarabRuntimeException - when a TorqueException is thrown internally.

public void save(Connection dbCon) throws TorqueException(Code)
Saves the module into the database. Note that this cannot be used within a activitySet if the module isNew() because dbCon.commit() is called within the method. An update can be done within a activitySet though.

public void setHttpDomain(String v)(Code)
Set the value of domain.
  v - Value to assign to domain.

public void setParent(Module v) throws TorqueException(Code)
Wrapper method to perform the proper cast to the BaseModule method of the same name. FIXME: find a better way

public void setParentId(Integer id) throws TorqueException(Code)
Override method to make sure the module name gets recalculated.
  id - a Integer value

public void setPort(String v) throws TorqueException(Code)
Set the value of port.
  v - Value to assign to port.

public void setScarabInstanceId(String v)(Code)
Set the value of Scarab domain name. The value can be an arbirtrary String. Note: This instance attriute is NOT related to ip/email-domains!
  v - Value to assign to domain.

public void setScheme(String v) throws TorqueException(Code)
Set the value of scheme.
  v - Value to assign to scheme.

public void setScriptName(String v) throws TorqueException(Code)
Set the value of scriptName.
  v - Value to assign to scriptName.

public String toString()(Code)

Fields inherited from
protected List collAttributeGroups(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collGlobalParameters(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collIssues(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collMITListItems(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collNotificationDefaultFilters(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collNotificationFilters(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collPendingGroupUserRoles(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collQuerys(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collRModuleAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collRModuleIssueTypes(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collRModuleOptions(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collRModuleUserAttributes(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collReports(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List collUserVotes(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public void addAttributeGroup(AttributeGroup l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addGlobalParameter(GlobalParameter l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addIssue(Issue l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addMITListItem(MITListItem l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addNotificationDefaultFilter(NotificationDefaultFilter l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addNotificationFilter(NotificationFilter l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addPendingGroupUserRole(PendingGroupUserRole l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addQuery(Query l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addRModuleAttribute(RModuleAttribute l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addRModuleIssueType(RModuleIssueType l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addRModuleOption(RModuleOption l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addRModuleUserAttribute(RModuleUserAttribute l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addReport(Report l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addUserVote(UserVote l) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ScarabModule copy() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ScarabModule copyInto(ScarabModule copyObj) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getArchiveEmail()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAttributeGroups() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAttributeGroups(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAttributeGroups(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAttributeGroups(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getAttributeGroupsJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getAttributeGroupsJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getByName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getByPeerName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Object getByPosition(int pos)(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getClassKey()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getDeleted()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getDescription()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getDomain()(Code)(Java Doc)
public static synchronized List getFieldNames()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getGlobalParameters() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getGlobalParameters(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getGlobalParameters(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getGlobalParameters(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getGlobalParametersJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getIssues() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getIssues(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getIssues(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getIssues(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getIssuesJoinActivitySetRelatedByCreatedTransId(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getIssuesJoinActivitySetRelatedByLastTransId(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getIssuesJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getIssuesJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean getLocked()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getMITListItems() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getMITListItems(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getMITListItems(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getMITListItems(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getMITListItemsJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getMITListItemsJoinMITList(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getMITListItemsJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Integer getModuleId()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Module getModuleRelatedByParentId() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Module getModuleRelatedByParentId(Connection connection) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNotificationDefaultFilters() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNotificationDefaultFilters(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNotificationDefaultFilters(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNotificationDefaultFilters(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getNotificationDefaultFiltersJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getNotificationDefaultFiltersJoinScarabRoleImpl(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNotificationFilters() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNotificationFilters(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNotificationFilters(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNotificationFilters(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getNotificationFiltersJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getNotificationFiltersJoinScarabUserImpl(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Integer getOwnerId()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Integer getParentId()(Code)(Java Doc)
public ScarabModulePeer getPeer()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getPendingGroupUserRoles() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getPendingGroupUserRoles(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getPendingGroupUserRoles(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getPendingGroupUserRoles(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getPendingGroupUserRolesJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getPendingGroupUserRolesJoinScarabUserImpl(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ObjectKey getPrimaryKey()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Integer getQaContactId()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getQueryKey()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getQuerys() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getQuerys(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getQuerys(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getQuerys(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getQuerysJoinFrequency(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getQuerysJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getQuerysJoinMITList(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getQuerysJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getQuerysJoinScarabUserImpl(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getQuerysJoinScope(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleAttributes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleAttributes(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleAttributes(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleAttributes(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleAttributesJoinAttribute(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleAttributesJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleAttributesJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleIssueTypes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleIssueTypes(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleIssueTypes(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleIssueTypes(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleIssueTypesJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleIssueTypesJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleOptions() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleOptions(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleOptions(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleOptions(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleOptionsJoinAttributeOption(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleOptionsJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleOptionsJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleUserAttributes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleUserAttributes(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleUserAttributes(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleUserAttributes(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleUserAttributesJoinAttribute(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleUserAttributesJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleUserAttributesJoinMITList(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleUserAttributesJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getRModuleUserAttributesJoinScarabUserImpl(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getRealName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getReports() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getReports(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getReports(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getReports(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getReportsJoinIssueType(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getReportsJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getReportsJoinScarabUserImpl(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getReportsJoinScope(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ScarabUser getScarabUserRelatedByOwnerId() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ScarabUser getScarabUserRelatedByOwnerId(Connection connection) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ScarabUser getScarabUserRelatedByQaContactId() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ScarabUser getScarabUserRelatedByQaContactId(Connection connection) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getUrl()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUserVotes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUserVotes(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUserVotes(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUserVotes(Criteria criteria, Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getUserVotesJoinScarabModule(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected List getUserVotesJoinScarabUserImpl(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initAttributeGroups()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initGlobalParameters()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initIssues()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initMITListItems()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initNotificationDefaultFilters()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initNotificationFilters()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initPendingGroupUserRoles()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initQuerys()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initRModuleAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initRModuleIssueTypes()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initRModuleOptions()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initRModuleUserAttributes()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initReports()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void initUserVotes()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean isCacheOnSave()(Code)(Java Doc)
public void save() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void save(String dbName) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void save(Connection con) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setArchiveEmail(String v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setClassKey(int v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setCode(String v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDeleted(boolean v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDescription(String v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setDomain(String v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setLocked(boolean v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setModuleId(Integer v) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setModuleRelatedByParentId(Module v) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setModuleRelatedByParentIdKey(ObjectKey key) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setOwnerId(Integer v) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setParentId(Integer v) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey key) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setPrimaryKey(String key) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setQaContactId(Integer v) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setQueryKey(String key) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setRealName(String v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setScarabUserRelatedByOwnerId(ScarabUser v) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setScarabUserRelatedByOwnerIdKey(ObjectKey key) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setScarabUserRelatedByQaContactId(ScarabUser v) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setScarabUserRelatedByQaContactIdKey(ObjectKey key) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setUrl(String v)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from
final protected static String GET_ALL_R_MODULE_OPTIONS(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_AVAILABLE_ISSUE_TYPES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_DEDUPE_GROUPS_WITH_ATTRIBUTES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_DEFAULT_RMODULE_USERATTRIBUTES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_ISSUE_TYPES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_LEAF_R_MODULE_OPTIONS(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_NAV_ISSUE_TYPES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_R_MODULE_ATTRIBUTES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_R_MODULE_ISSUE_TYPE(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_R_MODULE_ISSUE_TYPES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_SAVED_REPORTS(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_TEMPLATE_TYPES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_UNAPPROVED_QUERIES(Code)(Java Doc)
final protected static String GET_UNAPPROVED_TEMPLATES(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from
public void addAttributeOption(IssueType issueType, AttributeOption option) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void addIssueType(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException, ValidationException, DataSetException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public RModuleAttribute addRModuleAttribute(IssueType issueType, Attribute attribute) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public RModuleOption addRModuleOption(IssueType issueType, AttributeOption option) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean allowsIssues()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean allowsMultipleVoting()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean allowsNewIssues()(Code)(Java Doc)
public int compareTo(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
public AttributeGroup createNewGroup(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getActiveAttributesByName(IssueType issueType, String attributeType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAllAttributeOptions(Integer attributeId) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAllAttributes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAllOptionAttributes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public synchronized List getAncestors() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getArchiveEmail()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAttributeOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAttributes(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAttributes(Criteria criteria) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAvailableAttributeOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAvailableAttributes(IssueType issueType, String attributeType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getAvailableIssueTypes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getDedupeAttributeGroups(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getDedupeAttributeGroups(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getDedupeGroupsWithAttributes(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getDedupeSequence(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getDefaultRModuleUserAttributes(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ScarabUser[] getEligibleIssueReporters() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public ScarabUser[] getEligibleUsers(Attribute attribute) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Issue getIssueById(String id) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public REProgram getIssueRegex() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getIssueRegexString() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getIssueTypes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getIssueTypes(boolean activeOnly) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getLastAttribute(IssueType issueType, String attributeType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getLastAttributeOption(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getLeafRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issuetype) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getLeafRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Locale getLocale()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public Integer getModuleId()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getNavIssueTypes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Issue getNewIssue(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getOptionTree(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getOptionTree(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public Module getParent() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public RModuleAttribute getRModuleAttribute(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleAttributes(Criteria crit) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly, String attributeType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public RModuleIssueType getRModuleIssueType(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public List getRModuleIssueTypes() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleIssueTypes(String sortColumn, String sortPolarity) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public RModuleOption getRModuleOption(AttributeOption option, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public List getRModuleOptions(Criteria crit) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public String getRealName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getSavedReports(ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String[] getSystemEmail()(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getTemplateTypes() throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUnapprovedQueries() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUnapprovedTemplates() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public int getUnusedVoteCount(ScarabUser user)(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUserAttributes(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUserAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public List getUserPermissions(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public ScarabUser[] getUsers(String permission) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public ScarabUser[] getUsers(List permissions) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String getValidationMessage(String typeName, String detail)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean hasAttributes(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException, DataSetException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean includesIssueType(IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException, DataSetException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void inheritFromParent(Module parentModule) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isEndlessLoop(Module parent) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isGlobalModule()(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean isInitializing() throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void resetAncestors()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void setInitialAttributesAndIssueTypes() throws TorqueException, DataSetException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract public void setParent(Module v) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setRmaBasedOnIssueType(RIssueTypeAttribute ria) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setRmoBasedOnIssueType(RIssueTypeOption rio) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code)(Java Doc)
public void shiftAttributeOption(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, int offset) throws TorqueException(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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