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| org.apache.commons.betwixt.strategy.TestDefaultPluralStemmer
TestDefaultPluralStemmer | public class TestDefaultPluralStemmer extends TestCase (Code) | | Tests the defaultPluralStemmer
author: Martin van den Bemt version: $Id: TestDefaultPluralStemmer.java 438373 2006-08-30 05:17:21Z bayard $ |
TestDefaultPluralStemmer | public TestDefaultPluralStemmer(String testName)(Code) | | |
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | | |
testClosestMatch | public void testClosestMatch()(Code) | | Test if the closest match mechanisme is working
testESPluralEndingMatch | public void testESPluralEndingMatch()(Code) | | Test to find matched where plural ending is "es"
testFirstMatch | public void testFirstMatch()(Code) | | This is the first match when calling the defaultStemmer.
It just adds an s to the the property and it should find it..
testMultipleMatches | public void testMultipleMatches()(Code) | | Tests to see if you get warned when there are multiple matches
testNullMap | public void testNullMap()(Code) | | |
testSecondMatch | public void testSecondMatch()(Code) | | Tests if the y is nicely replaces with ies and the correct
ElementDescriptor is returned
testSecondNonMatch | public void testSecondNonMatch()(Code) | | Tests if it actually skips the y if the length not greater than 1.
testThirdMatch | public void testThirdMatch()(Code) | | Uses the third if in pluralstemmer.
It should return the specified y, without any changing.