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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Parser » Rats Parser Generators » xtc.parser 
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public class Analyzer extends Utility (Code)
Utility for analyzing and modifying grammars. This class provides the following functionality: To utilize this analyzer utility for a given grammar, the utility must be Analyzer.init initialized(Grammar) with the grammar, and each production must be Analyzer.process processed with the utility. Furthermore, new productions must be added through Analyzer.add(Production) and obsolete productions must be removed through Analyzer.remove(Production) .

The analyzer utility tracks the current grammar so that it need not recreate its internal state (notably, the mapping from nonterminals to productions) as long as the same analyzer utility is used across different visitors.
   Robert Grimm
   $Revision: 1.2 $

Field Summary
final public static  StringCHOICE
     The suffix for nonterminals representing choices.
final public static  intMAX_COUNT
     The maximum character count for turning character classes into character switches.
final public static  StringOPTION
     The suffix for nonterminals representing options.
final public static  StringPLUS
     The suffix for nonterminals representing one or more repetitions.
final public static  StringSEPARATOR
     The separator character for creating new nonterminals, which should be illegal in regular variable or nonterminal names.
final public static  StringSHARED
     The base name for nonterminals representing shared productions.
final public static  StringSTAR
     The suffix for nonterminals representing zero or more repetitions.
final public static  StringVARIABLE
     The base name for temporary variables.
protected  intchoiceCount
     The count of lifted choices for the current production.
protected  Grammargrammar
     The current grammar.
protected  intoptionCount
     The count of desugared options for the current production.
protected  ProductionpCurrent
     The current production.
protected  MappMap
     The map from nonterminals to productions.
protected  SetpMarked
     The set of nonterminals corresponding to productions having been marked.
protected  ListpNew
     The list of newly added productions.
protected  SetpProcessed
     The set of nonterminals corresponding to productions having been processed.
protected  SetpTop
     The set of top-level nonterminals.
protected  SetpWorking
     The set of nonterminals corresponding to productions currently being processed.
protected  intplusCount
     The count of desugared plus repetitions for the current production.
protected  intsharedCount
     The count of shared productions.
protected  intstarCount
     The count of desugared star repetitions for the current production.
protected  intvarCount
     The count of temporary variables for the current production.
final protected  Copierxerox
     The element copier.

Constructor Summary
public  Analyzer()
     Create a new analyzer utility.

Method Summary
public  voidadd(Production p)
     Prepare the specified production for addition to the grammar. This method adds the specified production to the list of newly generated productions.
public  intaddNewProductionsAt(int idx)
     Add the newly generated productions to the grammar itself.
public  Bindingbind(Sequence s)
     Bind the elements in the specified sequence.
public  NonTerminalchoice()
     Create a new nonterminal for a choice.
public  Elementcopy(Element e)
     Make a deep copy of the specified element.
  e - The element.
public  Productioncurrent()
     Get the production currently being processed.
public  booleanhasTerminalPrefix(Sequence s)
     Determine whether the specified sequence starts with terminals that can be optimized.
public  voidinit(Grammar g)
     Initialize this analyzer for the specified grammar.
public  booleanisBeingWorkedOn(NonTerminal nt)
     Determine whether the specified nonterminal is being worked on.
  nt - The nonterminal.
public  booleanisDefined(NonTerminal nt)
     Determine whether the specified nonterminal is defined.
public  booleanisMarked(NonTerminal nt)
     Determine whether the specified nonterminal has been marked.
  nt - The nonterminal.
public  booleanisProcessed(NonTerminal nt)
     Determine whether the specified nonterminal has been processed.
  nt - The nonterminal.
public  booleanisTopLevel(NonTerminal nt)
     Determine whether the specified nonterminal is top-level.
  nt - The nonterminal.
public  Elementjoin(Sequence source, Element target)
     Join the specified sequence with the specified element.
public  Productionlookup(NonTerminal nt)
     Look up the production for the specified nonterminal.
  nt - The nonterminal.
public  voidmark(NonTerminal nt)
     Mark the specified nonterminal.
public  Setmarked()
     Get the set of marked nonterminals.
public  booleanmatchesEmpty(Element e)
     Determine whether the specified element matches the empty input. Note that this method assumes that nonterminals do not match the empty input.
  e - The element.
public  StringmatchingText(Element e)
     Get the text matched by the specified element.
public  Sequencenormalize(Sequence s)
     Normalize the specified sequence for Analyzer.join(Sequence,Element) joining with other elements during terminal optimization.
public  voidnotWorkingOn(NonTerminal nt)
     Set the status of the specified nonterminal as not being worked on.
public  NonTerminaloption()
     Create a new nonterminal for an option.
public  NonTerminalplus()
     Create a new nonterminal for one or more repetitions.
public  voidprocess(Production p)
     Process the specified production.
public  voidprocessed(NonTerminal nt)
     Set the status of the specified nonterminal as processed.
public  voidremove(Production p)
     Prepare the specified production for removal from the grammar. This method removes the specified production from the mapping from nonterminals to productions and, if present, from the set of top-level nonterminals.
public  voidreset()
     Forcibly reset the analyzer utility.
public  NonTerminalshared()
     Create a new nonterminal for a shared production.
public  NonTerminalstar()
     Create a new nonterminal for zero or more repetitions.
public  voidstartAdding()
     Clear the list of newly generated productions.
public  Elementstrip(Element e)
     Strip unnecessary ordered choices and sequences from the specified element.
public  voidunmark(NonTerminal nt)
     Unmark the specified nonterminal.
public  Stringvariable()
     Create a new temporary variable.
public  Setworking()
     Get the set of nonterminals being worked on.
public  voidworkingOn(NonTerminal nt)
     Set the status of the specified nonterminal as being worked on.

Field Detail
final public static String CHOICE(Code)
The suffix for nonterminals representing choices.

final public static int MAX_COUNT(Code)
The maximum character count for turning character classes into character switches.

final public static String OPTION(Code)
The suffix for nonterminals representing options.

final public static String PLUS(Code)
The suffix for nonterminals representing one or more repetitions.

final public static String SEPARATOR(Code)
The separator character for creating new nonterminals, which should be illegal in regular variable or nonterminal names.

final public static String SHARED(Code)
The base name for nonterminals representing shared productions.

final public static String STAR(Code)
The suffix for nonterminals representing zero or more repetitions.

final public static String VARIABLE(Code)
The base name for temporary variables.

protected int choiceCount(Code)
The count of lifted choices for the current production.

protected Grammar grammar(Code)
The current grammar.

protected int optionCount(Code)
The count of desugared options for the current production.

protected Production pCurrent(Code)
The current production.

protected Map pMap(Code)
The map from nonterminals to productions.

protected Set pMarked(Code)
The set of nonterminals corresponding to productions having been marked.

protected List pNew(Code)
The list of newly added productions.

protected Set pProcessed(Code)
The set of nonterminals corresponding to productions having been processed.

protected Set pTop(Code)
The set of top-level nonterminals.

protected Set pWorking(Code)
The set of nonterminals corresponding to productions currently being processed.

protected int plusCount(Code)
The count of desugared plus repetitions for the current production.

protected int sharedCount(Code)
The count of shared productions.

protected int starCount(Code)
The count of desugared star repetitions for the current production.

protected int varCount(Code)
The count of temporary variables for the current production.

final protected Copier xerox(Code)
The element copier.

Constructor Detail
public Analyzer()(Code)
Create a new analyzer utility.

Method Detail
public void add(Production p)(Code)
Prepare the specified production for addition to the grammar. This method adds the specified production to the list of newly generated productions. It also adds the production to the map from nonterminals to productions and marks it as Constants.SYNTHETIC synthetic . However, addition is not complete: the productions in the list of newly generated productions still need to be added into the grammar itself. This is typically done within the main loop iterating over a grammar's productions and thus through a separate Analyzer.addNewProductionsAt(int) method .
  p - The new production.

public int addNewProductionsAt(int idx)(Code)
Add the newly generated productions to the grammar itself. This method adds the productions collected through Analyzer.add(Production) add() into the current grammar at the specified index of the grammar's list of productions.
  idx - The index into the grammar's list of productions. The number of productions added.

public Binding bind(Sequence s)(Code)
Bind the elements in the specified sequence. This method analyzes the specified sequence and, if necessary, adds in a binding for the semantic value of the elements in the sequence. If the sequence has more than one element to be bound, this method returns null to indicate that we need to rely on the CodeGenerator.VALUE semantic value to capture the sequence's value.
  s - The sequence to bind. The corresponding binding.

public NonTerminal choice()(Code)
Create a new nonterminal for a choice. The new nonterminal.

public Element copy(Element e)(Code)
Make a deep copy of the specified element.
  e - The element. A deep copy.

public Production current()(Code)
Get the production currently being processed. The current production.

public boolean hasTerminalPrefix(Sequence s)(Code)
Determine whether the specified sequence starts with terminals that can be optimized. This method returns true if the terminals can be optimized through character switches. Currently, this is only the case for character and string literals.
  s - The sequence. true if the sequence starts with optimizableterminals.

public void init(Grammar g)(Code)
Initialize this analyzer for the specified grammar. This method initializes the map from nonterminals to productions and the set of top-level nonterminals. It also clears the sets of marked and processed nonterminals. It should be called before iterating over a grammar's productions.
  g - The grammar.

public boolean isBeingWorkedOn(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Determine whether the specified nonterminal is being worked on.
  nt - The nonterminal. true if the nonterminal is being workedon.

public boolean isDefined(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Determine whether the specified nonterminal is defined. A nonterminal is defined if the current grammar contains a production for that nonterminal.
  nt - The nonterminal. true if the nonterminal is defined.

public boolean isMarked(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Determine whether the specified nonterminal has been marked.
  nt - The nonterminal. true if the nonterminal has beenmarked.

public boolean isProcessed(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Determine whether the specified nonterminal has been processed.
  nt - The nonterminal. true if the nonterminal has been processed.

public boolean isTopLevel(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Determine whether the specified nonterminal is top-level.
  nt - The nonterminal. true if the nonterminal is top-level.

public Element join(Sequence source, Element target)(Code)
Join the specified sequence with the specified element. Note that the specified sequence must have been Analyzer.normalize(Sequence) normalized . Further note that the combined element is guaranteed to either be a sequence or an ordered choice.
  source - The source sequence.
  target - The target element. The combined element.

public Production lookup(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Look up the production for the specified nonterminal.
  nt - The nonterminal. The corresponding production or nullif there is no such production.

public void mark(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Mark the specified nonterminal.
  nt - The nonterminal.

public Set marked()(Code)
Get the set of marked nonterminals. Note that the called must copy the set if it keeps the reference to the returned set after the next use of this analyzer. The marked set.

public boolean matchesEmpty(Element e)(Code)
Determine whether the specified element matches the empty input. Note that this method assumes that nonterminals do not match the empty input.
  e - The element. true if the specified element matches theempty input.

public String matchingText(Element e)(Code)
Get the text matched by the specified element. This method analyzes the specified element, and, if the element always matches the same text, this method returns the constant text. Otherwise, this method returns null. Note that this method ignores predicates, actions, and value elements, as they do not change the text matched by an element. Further note that this method recursively analyzes referenced nonterminals.
  e - The element. The constant text.

public Sequence normalize(Sequence s)(Code)
Normalize the specified sequence for Analyzer.join(Sequence,Element) joining with other elements during terminal optimization. Currently, this method converts string literals into equivalent subsequences of character literals.
  s - The sequence. The optimized sequence.

public void notWorkingOn(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Set the status of the specified nonterminal as not being worked on.
  nt - The nonterminal.

public NonTerminal option()(Code)
Create a new nonterminal for an option. The new nonterminal.

public NonTerminal plus()(Code)
Create a new nonterminal for one or more repetitions. The new nonterminal.

public void process(Production p)(Code)
Process the specified production. This method clears the set of working nonterminals. It also resets the counters for creating new variables and nonterminals (besides the counter for shared productions). It then invokes this analyzer's visitor on the specified production. This method should be called within the loop iterating over a grammar's productions, but not at other locations within a visitor.
  p - The production.

public void processed(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Set the status of the specified nonterminal as processed.
  nt - The nonterminal.

public void remove(Production p)(Code)
Prepare the specified production for removal from the grammar. This method removes the specified production from the mapping from nonterminals to productions and, if present, from the set of top-level nonterminals. However, removal is not complete: the production still needs to be removed from the grammar itself. This is typically done within the main loop iterating over a grammar's productions.
  p - The production.

public void reset()(Code)
Forcibly reset the analyzer utility.

public NonTerminal shared()(Code)
Create a new nonterminal for a shared production. The new nonterminal.

public NonTerminal star()(Code)
Create a new nonterminal for zero or more repetitions. The new nonterminal.

public void startAdding()(Code)
Clear the list of newly generated productions. This method needs to be called before a processing step that may add new productions through Analyzer.add(Production) and Analyzer.addNewProductionsAt(int) .

public Element strip(Element e)(Code)
Strip unnecessary ordered choices and sequences from the specified element. A choice or sequence is unnecessary if it contains only a single element.
  e - The element. The stripped element.

public void unmark(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Unmark the specified nonterminal.
  nt - The nonterminal.

public String variable()(Code)
Create a new temporary variable. The name of the temporary variable.

public Set working()(Code)
Get the set of nonterminals being worked on. Note that the caller must copy the set if it keeps the reference to the returned set after the next call to Analyzer.process . The working set.

public void workingOn(NonTerminal nt)(Code)
Set the status of the specified nonterminal as being worked on.
  nt - The nonterminal.

Methods inherited from xtc.tree.Utility
public void register(Visitor visitor)(Code)(Java Doc)
public Visitor visitor()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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