| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.StatementBase com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.StatementImpl
StatementImpl | public class StatementImpl extends StatementBase implements Statement(Code) | | An implementation of Statement.
author: bwm version: $Name: $ $Revision: 1.32 $ $Date: 2008/01/02 12:04:57 $ |
asTriples | public static Triple[] asTriples(Statement[] statements)(Code) | | returns an array of triples corresponding to the array of statements; ie
the i'th element of the result is the i'th element of the input as a triple.
Parameters: statements - the array of statements to convert the corresponding array of triples |
createObject | public static RDFNode createObject(Node n, EnhGraph g)(Code) | | create an RDF node which might be a literal, or not.
createReifiedStatement | public ReifiedStatement createReifiedStatement()(Code) | | create a ReifiedStatement corresponding to this Statement
createReifiedStatement | public ReifiedStatement createReifiedStatement(String uri)(Code) | | create a ReifiedStatement corresponding to this Statement
and with the given _uri_.
equals | public boolean equals(Object o)(Code) | | .equals() defers to .sameAs so we only get the complexity of one cast.
getLiteral | public Literal getLiteral()(Code) | | get the object field of this statement, insisting that it be a Literal.
If it isn't, throw LiteralRequiredException.
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | |
isReified | public boolean isReified()(Code) | | |
removeReification | public void removeReification()(Code) | | |
toStatement | public static Statement toStatement(Triple t, ModelCom eg)(Code) | | create a Statement from the triple _t_ in the enhanced graph _eg_. The
Statement has subject, predicate, and object corresponding to those of