| |
| java.lang.Object javax.media.j3d.SceneGraphObject javax.media.j3d.Node javax.media.j3d.Leaf javax.media.j3d.Behavior org.jdesktop.j3d.utils.behaviors.PerfBehavior
PerfBehavior | public class PerfBehavior extends Behavior (Code) | | A performance measurment behavior. The behavior automatically calibrates
itself so that the work in measuring performance does not itself impact
Performance information will be passed to a registered PerfBehaviorListener,
if there is no listener then the frames per second will be printed to
The org.jdesktop.j3dfly.utils.gui.StatsDialog class provides a
GUI Dialog which uses this behavior to display performance stats.
author: Chien Yang, Paul Byrne version: 1.9, 01/18/02 |
PerfBehavior | public PerfBehavior()(Code) | | Construct the Behavior
The Scheduling bounds are set to inifinity
addPerfBehaviorListener | public void addPerfBehaviorListener(PerfBehaviorListener listener)(Code) | | Add the listener which will be notified whenever the performance
stats are updated.
Current implementation only supports a single listener
calibrate | public void calibrate()(Code) | | |
calibrate | public void calibrate(int framesToDiscard, int testDuration)(Code) | | Calibrate the behavior
initialize | public void initialize()(Code) | | Called by Java3D to initialize the behavior
printToSystemOut | public void printToSystemOut()(Code) | | Print the fps results to System.out
removePerfBehaviorListener | public void removePerfBehaviorListener(PerfBehaviorListener listener)(Code) | | Remove the PerfBehaviorListener