Method Summary |
public void | addInterface(Class interfaceClass) Adds an interface of the given class to the set of interfaces that the
class implements. |
public void | addInterface(Type interfaceType) Adds an interface of a given Type to the set of interfaces that the class
implements. |
public ClassInfo | classInfo() Get the ClassInfo object representing the class that being edited. |
public void | commit() Commit any changes to the class since creation time. |
public void | commitOnly(Set methods, Set fields) Commits only certain methods and fields. |
public ConstantPool | constants() Returns the constant pool for the class. |
public EditorContext | context() Obtain the EditorContext for this ClassEditor. |
public boolean | equals(Object o) Two ClassEditors are equal if they edit the same class. |
public FieldInfo[] | fields() Returns an array of FieldInfo structures for each field in the
class. |
public int | hashCode() A ClassEditor's hash code is based upon the hash code of the
name of the class it edits. |
public Type[] | interfaces() Returns the interfaces the class implements. |
public boolean | isAbstract() |
public boolean | isDirty() Returns true if the class has been modified. |
public boolean | isFinal() |
public boolean | isInterface() |
public boolean | isPrivate() |
public boolean | isProtected() |
public boolean | isPublic() |
public boolean | isStatic() |
public boolean | isSuper() |
public MethodInfo[] | methods() Returns an array of MethodInfo structures for each method in the class. |
public int | modifiers() Returns the modifiers of the class. |
public String | name() Returns the name of the class represented by this ClassEditor. |
public void | setAbstract(boolean flag) |
public void | setDirty(boolean dirty) Sets this class's dirty flag. |
public void | setFinal(boolean flag) |
public void | setInterface(boolean flag) |
public void | setInterfaces(Type[] interfaces) Returns the interfaces the class implements. |
public void | setPrivate(boolean flag) |
public void | setProtected(boolean flag) |
public void | setPublic(boolean flag) |
public void | setStatic(boolean flag) |
public void | setSuper(boolean flag) |
public void | setType(Type type) Sets the Type (descriptor) object for the class. |
public Type | superclass() Returns a Type object for the class's superclass. |
public String | toString() |
public Type | type() Returns the Type (descriptor) for the class. |
public void | visit(EditorVisitor visitor) This class is visited by an EditorVisitor. |