| org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.MapProjection org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.LambertConformal
All known Subclasses: org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.LambertConformal1SP, org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.LambertConformalBelgium, org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.LambertConformalESRI, org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.LambertConformal2SP,
LambertConformal | abstract public class LambertConformal extends MapProjection (Code) | | Lambert Conical Conformal Projection. Areas and shapes are deformed
as one moves away from standard parallels. The angles are true in
a limited area. This projection is used for the charts of North America.
This implementation provides transforms for three cases of the lambert conic
conformal projection:
Lambert_Conformal_Conic_1SP (EPSG code 9801)
Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP (EPSG code 9802)
Lambert_Conic_Conformal_2SP_Belgium (EPSG code 9803)
Lambert_Conformal_Conic - An alias for the ESRI 2SP case
that includes a scale_factor parameter
For the 1SP case the latitude of origin is used as the standard parallel (SP).
To use 1SP with a latitude of origin different from the SP, use the 2SP
and set the SP1 to the single SP. The "standard_parallel_2"
parameter is optional and will be given the same value as "standard_parallel_1"
if not set (creating a 1 standard parallel projection).
- John P. Snyder (Map Projections - A Working Manual,
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, 1987)
- "Coordinate Conversions and Transformations including Formulas",
EPSG Guidence Note Number 7, Version 19.
See Also: Lambert conformal conic projection on MathWorld See Also: lambert_conic_conformal_1sp See Also: lambert_conic_conformal_2sp See Also: lambert_conic_conformal_2sp_belgium since: 2.1 version: $Id: LambertConformal.java 25485 2007-05-11 19:12:35Z desruisseaux $ author: Andr� Gosselin author: Martin Desruisseaux author: Rueben Schulz |
Constructor Summary | |
protected | LambertConformal(ParameterValueGroup parameters) Constructs a new map projection from the supplied parameters. | | LambertConformal(ParameterValueGroup parameters, boolean belgium) Constructs a new map projection from the supplied parameters. |
Method Summary | |
public boolean | equals(Object object) Compares the specified object with this map projection for equality. | public ParameterValueGroup | getParameterValues() | public int | hashCode() Returns a hash value for this projection. | protected Point2D | inverseTransformNormalized(double x, double y, Point2D ptDst) Transforms the specified (x,y) coordinates
and stores the result in
ptDst . | protected Point2D | transformNormalized(double x, double y, Point2D ptDst) Transforms the specified (λ,φ) coordinates
(units in radians) and stores the result in
ptDst (linear distance
on a unit sphere). |
LambertConformal | protected LambertConformal(ParameterValueGroup parameters) throws ParameterNotFoundException(Code) | | Constructs a new map projection from the supplied parameters.
Parameters: parameters - The parameter values in standard units. throws: ParameterNotFoundException - if a mandatory parameter is missing. |
LambertConformal | LambertConformal(ParameterValueGroup parameters, boolean belgium) throws ParameterNotFoundException(Code) | | Constructs a new map projection from the supplied parameters.
Parameters: parameters - The parameter values in standard units. Parameters: belgium - true for the Belgium 2SP case. throws: ParameterNotFoundException - if a mandatory parameter is missing. |
equals | public boolean equals(Object object)(Code) | | Compares the specified object with this map projection for equality.
getParameterValues | public ParameterValueGroup getParameterValues()(Code) | | |
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | Returns a hash value for this projection.
inverseTransformNormalized | protected Point2D inverseTransformNormalized(double x, double y, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException(Code) | | Transforms the specified (x,y) coordinates
and stores the result in
ptDst .
transformNormalized | protected Point2D transformNormalized(double x, double y, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException(Code) | | Transforms the specified (λ,φ) coordinates
(units in radians) and stores the result in
ptDst (linear distance
on a unit sphere).
Methods inherited from org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection.MapProjection | static boolean checkInverseTransform(double longitude, double latitude, Point2D expected, double tolerance)(Code)(Java Doc) static boolean checkInverseTransform(double longitude, double latitude, Point2D expected)(Code)(Java Doc) static boolean checkTransform(double x, double y, Point2D expected, double tolerance)(Code)(Java Doc) static boolean checkTransform(double x, double y, Point2D expected)(Code)(Java Doc) final double cphi2(double ts) throws ProjectionException(Code)(Java Doc) final double doubleValue(Collection expected, ParameterDescriptor param, ParameterValueGroup group) throws ParameterNotFoundException(Code)(Java Doc) static void ensureLatitudeEquals(ParameterDescriptor name, double y, double expected) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) static void ensureLatitudeInRange(ParameterDescriptor name, double y, boolean edge) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) static void ensureLongitudeInRange(ParameterDescriptor name, double x, boolean edge) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) final void ensureSpherical() throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean equals(Object object)(Code)(Java Doc) static boolean equals(double value1, double value2)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public ParameterDescriptorGroup getParameterDescriptors()(Code)(Java Doc) public ParameterValueGroup getParameterValues()(Code)(Java Doc) final public int getSourceDimensions()(Code)(Java Doc) final public int getTargetDimensions()(Code)(Java Doc) protected double getToleranceForAssertions(double longitude, double latitude)(Code)(Java Doc) public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc) final public MathTransform inverse()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected Point2D inverseTransformNormalized(double x, double y, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException(Code)(Java Doc) boolean isExpectedParameter(Collection expected, ParameterDescriptor param)(Code)(Java Doc) final double msfn(double s, double c)(Code)(Java Doc) final void set(Collection expected, ParameterDescriptor param, ParameterValueGroup group, double value)(Code)(Java Doc) final public Point2D transform(Point2D ptSrc, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void transform(double[] src, int srcOffset, double[] dest, int dstOffset, int numPts) throws ProjectionException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void transform(float[] src, int srcOffset, float[] dest, int dstOffset, int numPts) throws ProjectionException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected Point2D transformNormalized(double x, double y, Point2D ptDst) throws ProjectionException(Code)(Java Doc) final double tsfn(double phi, double sinphi)(Code)(Java Doc)