0001: /*
0002: *
0003: * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
0004: *
0005: * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
0006: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
0007: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
0008: *
0009: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
0010: *
0011: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0012: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0013: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0014: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0015: * limitations under the License.
0016: *
0017: */
0018: package org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.wizards;
0020: import java.awt.Component;
0021: import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
0022: import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
0023: import java.util.ArrayList;
0024: import java.util.HashSet;
0025: import java.util.Iterator;
0026: import java.util.Set;
0027: import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
0028: import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
0029: import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
0030: import org.openide.WizardDescriptor;
0031: import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
0032: import org.openide.windows.WindowManager;
0033: import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
0034: import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.ConnectionManager;
0035: import org.openide.ErrorManager;
0036: import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
0037: import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
0038: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.DBConnectionDefinition;
0039: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.DatabaseModel;
0040: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.impl.DatabaseModelImpl;
0041: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.DBTable;
0042: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.impl.DBTableImpl;
0043: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.DBMetaData;
0044: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.impl.DatabaseObjectFactory;
0045: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.Table;
0046: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.TableColumn;
0047: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.DBColumn;
0048: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.dbmodel.impl.DBColumnImpl;
0049: import org.netbeans.modules.jdbcwizard.builder.util.XMLCharUtil;
0051: import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
0052: import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
0053: import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
0054: import javax.swing.ListModel;
0055: import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
0056: import javax.swing.ButtonModel;
0057: import javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel;
0058: import javax.swing.DefaultListCellRenderer;
0059: import javax.swing.JList;
0060: import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
0061: import java.util.Arrays;
0062: import java.util.Collection;
0063: import java.util.List;
0064: import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
0065: import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
0066: import java.sql.Connection;
0067: import java.util.Collections;
0069: /**
0070: * @author
0071: */
0072: public class JDBCWizardSelectionPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel
0073: implements WizardDescriptor.Panel, ActionListener,
0074: ListSelectionListener {
0075: /**
0076: *
0077: */
0078: private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
0080: /* Set <ChangeListeners> */
0081: protected final Set listeners = new HashSet(1);
0083: private DatabaseConnection selectedConnection;
0085: DBConnectionDefinition def;
0087: DBModelNameCellRenderer srcRenderer;
0089: DBModelNameCellRenderer destRenderer;
0091: DefaultComboBoxModel providers;
0093: private static final String NEW_DATA_SOURCE = "New DataSource...";
0095: int visibleCt;
0097: String dbtype;
0099: private int selTableLen = 0;
0101: private static class ConnectionWrapper {
0102: private DatabaseConnection conn;
0104: ConnectionWrapper(final DatabaseConnection conn) {
0105: this .conn = conn;
0106: }
0108: public DatabaseConnection getDatabaseConnection() {
0109: return this .conn;
0110: }
0112: public String toString() {
0113: return this .conn.getDisplayName();
0114: }
0115: }
0117: private class AddJDBCDataSourceActionListener implements
0118: ActionListener {
0119: public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) {
0120: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this
0121: .dbschemaComboBoxActionPerformed(evt);
0122: }
0123: }
0125: /** Creates new form JDBCWizardSelectionPanel */
0126: public JDBCWizardSelectionPanel(final String title) {
0127: if (title != null && title.trim().length() != 0) {
0128: this .setName(title);
0129: }
0130: }
0132: /**
0133: * initializing componentas
0134: */
0135: public void initialize() {
0136: this .initComponents();
0137: this .initDataSourceCombo();
0138: this .datasourceComboBox
0139: .addActionListener(new AddJDBCDataSourceActionListener());
0140: }
0142: public void initDataSourceCombo() {
0143: providers = new DefaultComboBoxModel();
0144: final DatabaseConnection[] conns = ConnectionManager
0145: .getDefault().getConnections();
0146: if (conns.length == 1) {
0147: providers.addElement("");
0148: }
0149: if (conns.length > 0) {
0150: for (int i = 0; i < conns.length; i++) {
0151: providers.addElement(new ConnectionWrapper(conns[i]));
0152: }
0153: } else {
0154: providers.addElement("<None>");
0155: }
0157: this .datasourceComboBox.setModel(providers);
0158: this .datasourceComboBox.setSelectedIndex(0);
0160: }
0162: /**
0163: * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form. WARNING: Do NOT
0164: * modify this code. The content of this method is always regenerated by the Form Editor.
0165: */
0166: private void initComponents() {
0167: this .jPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
0168: this .jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
0169: this .datasourceComboBox = new javax.swing.JComboBox();
0170: this .jPanel2 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
0172: this .availableTablesList = new javax.swing.JList();
0173: this .jScrollPane2 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(
0174: this .availableTablesList);
0176: this .selectedTablesList = new javax.swing.JList();
0177: this .jScrollPane3 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane(
0178: this .selectedTablesList);
0180: this .addButton = new javax.swing.JButton(
0181: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ADD);
0182: this .removeButton = new javax.swing.JButton(
0183: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_REMOVE);
0184: this .addAllButton = new javax.swing.JButton(
0185: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ADD_ALL);
0186: this .removeAllButton = new javax.swing.JButton(
0187: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_REMOVE_ALL);
0189: this .availableTablesLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
0190: this .selectedTablesLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
0192: // Adding actionlisteners
0193: this .addButton
0194: .setActionCommand(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ADD);
0195: this .removeButton
0196: .setActionCommand(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_REMOVE);
0197: this .addAllButton
0198: .setActionCommand(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ADD_ALL);
0199: this .removeAllButton
0200: .setActionCommand(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_REMOVE_ALL);
0202: this .addButton.addActionListener(this );
0203: this .removeButton.addActionListener(this );
0204: this .addAllButton.addActionListener(this );
0205: this .removeAllButton.addActionListener(this );
0206: this .addButton.setEnabled(false);
0207: this .removeButton.setEnabled(false);
0208: this .addAllButton.setEnabled(false);
0209: this .removeAllButton.setEnabled(false);
0210: this .jLabel1.setText("Data Source");
0212: this .availableTablesLabel.setText("Available Tables:");
0214: this .selectedTablesLabel.setText("Selected Tables");
0215: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(
0216: this );
0217: this .setLayout(layout);
0218: layout
0219: .setHorizontalGroup(layout
0220: .createParallelGroup(
0221: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
0222: .add(
0223: layout
0224: .createSequentialGroup()
0225: .add(44, 44, 44)
0226: .add(
0227: layout
0228: .createParallelGroup(
0229: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.TRAILING,
0230: false)
0231: .add(
0232: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING,
0233: layout
0234: .createSequentialGroup()
0235: .add(
0236: this .jLabel1,
0237: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
0238: 69,
0239: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
0240: .add(
0241: 25,
0242: 25,
0243: 25)
0244: .add(
0245: this .datasourceComboBox,
0246: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
0247: 288,
0248: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
0249: .add(
0250: layout
0251: .createSequentialGroup()
0252: .add(
0253: layout
0254: .createParallelGroup(
0255: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
0256: .add(
0257: layout
0258: .createSequentialGroup()
0259: .add(
0260: this .jScrollPane2,
0261: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
0262: 110,
0263: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
0264: .addPreferredGap(
0265: org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED,
0266: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0267: Short.MAX_VALUE)
0268: .add(
0269: layout
0270: .createParallelGroup(
0271: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.TRAILING,
0272: false)
0273: .add(
0274: this .addButton,
0275: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0276: 116,
0277: Short.MAX_VALUE)
0278: .add(
0279: this .removeButton,
0280: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0281: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0282: Short.MAX_VALUE)
0283: .add(
0284: this .addAllButton,
0285: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0286: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0287: Short.MAX_VALUE)
0288: .add(
0289: this .removeAllButton,
0290: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0291: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0292: Short.MAX_VALUE))
0293: .add(
0294: 26,
0295: 26,
0296: 26))
0297: .add(
0298: layout
0299: .createSequentialGroup()
0300: .add(
0301: this .availableTablesLabel)
0302: .add(
0303: 190,
0304: 190,
0305: 190)))
0306: .add(
0307: layout
0308: .createParallelGroup(
0309: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
0310: .add(
0311: this .selectedTablesLabel,
0312: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
0313: 92,
0314: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
0315: .add(
0316: this .jScrollPane3,
0317: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
0318: 111,
0319: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))))
0320: .addContainerGap(35,
0321: Short.MAX_VALUE)));
0322: layout
0323: .setVerticalGroup(layout
0324: .createParallelGroup(
0325: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
0326: .add(
0327: layout
0328: .createSequentialGroup()
0329: .add(53, 53, 53)
0330: .add(
0331: layout
0332: .createParallelGroup(
0333: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.BASELINE)
0334: .add(
0335: this .jLabel1)
0336: .add(
0337: this .datasourceComboBox,
0338: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
0339: 18,
0340: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))
0341: .add(
0342: layout
0343: .createParallelGroup(
0344: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
0345: .add(
0346: layout
0347: .createSequentialGroup()
0348: .add(
0349: 89,
0350: 89,
0351: 89)
0352: .add(
0353: this .addButton)
0354: .addPreferredGap(
0355: org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED)
0356: .add(
0357: this .removeButton)
0358: .add(
0359: 16,
0360: 16,
0361: 16)
0362: .add(
0363: this .addAllButton)
0364: .addPreferredGap(
0365: org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED)
0366: .add(
0367: this .removeAllButton))
0368: .add(
0369: layout
0370: .createSequentialGroup()
0371: .add(
0372: 31,
0373: 31,
0374: 31)
0375: .add(
0376: layout
0377: .createParallelGroup(
0378: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.BASELINE)
0379: .add(
0380: this .availableTablesLabel)
0381: .add(
0382: this .selectedTablesLabel))
0383: .add(
0384: 14,
0385: 14,
0386: 14)
0387: .add(
0388: layout
0389: .createParallelGroup(
0390: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
0391: .add(
0392: this .jScrollPane2,
0393: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE,
0394: 163,
0395: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
0396: .add(
0397: this .jScrollPane3,
0398: org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE,
0399: 163,
0400: Short.MAX_VALUE))))
0401: .addContainerGap(44,
0402: Short.MAX_VALUE)));
0403: }// </editor-fold>
0405: /**
0406: * @param evt
0407: */
0408: private void dbschemaComboBoxActionPerformed(
0409: final java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
0410: this .updateSourceSchema();
0411: }
0413: /**
0414: * Connect to the datasource selected in the combo
0415: */
0416: private void updateSourceSchema() {
0417: Set oldConnections = new HashSet(
0418: Arrays.asList(ConnectionManager.getDefault()
0419: .getConnections()));
0421: final Object item = this .datasourceComboBox.getSelectedItem();
0422: if (item instanceof ConnectionWrapper) {
0423: final ConnectionWrapper cw = (ConnectionWrapper) item;
0424: this .selectedConnection = cw.getDatabaseConnection();
0425: ConnectionManager.getDefault().showConnectionDialog(
0426: this .selectedConnection);
0427: providers.removeElement("");
0428: this .persistModel();
0429: }/*else{
0430: ConnectionManager.getDefault().showAddConnectionDialog(null);
0431: }*/
0432: // try to find the new connection
0433: DatabaseConnection[] newConnections = ConnectionManager
0434: .getDefault().getConnections();
0435: if (newConnections.length == oldConnections.size()) {
0436: // no new connection, so...
0437: return;
0438: }
0440: providers.removeElement(new String(NEW_DATA_SOURCE));
0441: for (int i = 0; i < newConnections.length; i++) {
0442: if (!oldConnections.contains(newConnections[i])) {
0443: providers.addElement(new ConnectionWrapper(
0444: newConnections[i]));
0445: break;
0446: }
0447: }
0448: }
0450: public void persistModel() {
0451: //final DBMetaData meta = new DBMetaData();
0452: final Connection connection = this .selectedConnection
0453: .getJDBCConnection();
0454: List recycleBinTables = null;
0455: if (connection != null) {
0456: try {
0457: //meta.connectDB(this.selectedConnection.getJDBCConnection());
0458: def = DatabaseObjectFactory
0459: .createDBConnectionDefinition(
0460: this .selectedConnection
0461: .getDisplayName(),
0462: this .selectedConnection
0463: .getDriverClass(),
0464: this .selectedConnection
0465: .getDatabaseURL(),
0466: this .selectedConnection.getUser(),
0467: this .selectedConnection.getPassword(),
0468: "Descriptive info here", DBMetaData
0469: .getDBType(connection));
0471: this .dbtype = DBMetaData
0472: .getDBType(this .selectedConnection
0473: .getJDBCConnection());
0474: this .dbmodel = new DatabaseModelImpl(
0475: this .selectedConnection.getDisplayName(), def);
0477: final String[][] tableList = DBMetaData
0478: .getTablesAndViews("", this .selectedConnection
0479: .getSchema(), "", true, connection);
0480: if ("ORACLE".equalsIgnoreCase(this .dbtype)
0481: && DBMetaData
0482: .getDatabaseMajorVersion(connection) >= 10) { // NOI18N
0483: recycleBinTables = DBMetaData
0484: .getOracleRecycleBinTables(connection);
0485: } else {
0486: recycleBinTables = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
0487: }
0489: String[] currTable = null;
0490: List tableNamesList = new ArrayList();
0491: if (tableList != null) {
0492: for (int i = 0; i < tableList.length; i++) {
0493: currTable = tableList[i];
0494: if (!recycleBinTables
0495: .contains(currTable[DBMetaData.NAME])) {
0496: tableNamesList
0497: .add(currTable[DBMetaData.NAME]);
0498: }
0499: }
0501: }
0502: this .initListModel(tableNamesList);
0504: } catch (final Exception ex) {
0505: ex.printStackTrace();
0506: ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.ERROR,
0507: ex.getMessage());
0508: ErrorManager.getDefault()
0509: .notify(ErrorManager.ERROR, ex);
0510: }
0511: }
0512: }
0514: /**
0515: *
0516: *
0517: */
0519: public void initListModel(List tableList) {
0520: final DefaultListModel tempListModel = new DefaultListModel();
0521: final Iterator itr = tableList.iterator();
0522: while (itr.hasNext()) {
0523: final String tabName = (String) itr.next();
0524: if (tabName != null) {
0525: tempListModel.addElement(tabName);
0526: }
0527: }
0528: this .listModel = new ListTransferModel();
0529: this .listModel.setSourceList(Arrays.asList(tempListModel
0530: .toArray()));
0532: String largestString = this .listModel.getPrototypeCell();
0534: if (largestString.length() < JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_SOURCE_MSG
0535: .length()) {
0536: largestString = JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_SOURCE_MSG;
0537: } else if (largestString.length() < JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_DEST_MSG
0538: .length()) {
0539: largestString = JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_DEST_MSG;
0540: }
0542: this .srcRenderer = new DBModelNameCellRenderer(largestString);
0543: this .destRenderer = new DBModelNameCellRenderer(largestString);
0545: this .visibleCt = Math.min(Math.max(
0546: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.MINIMUM_VISIBLE,
0547: this .listModel.getMaximumListSize()),
0548: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.MAXIMUM_VISIBLE);
0550: this .addButton.setModel(this .listModel.getAddButtonModel());
0551: this .removeButton.setModel(this .listModel
0552: .getRemoveButtonModel());
0553: this .addAllButton.setModel(this .listModel
0554: .getAddAllButtonModel());
0555: this .removeAllButton.setModel(this .listModel
0556: .getRemoveAllButtonModel());
0558: this .availableTablesList = new JList((this .listModel
0559: .getSourceList()).toArray());
0560: this .availableTablesList
0561: .setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION);
0562: this .availableTablesList.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
0563: public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) {
0564: if (e.getClickCount() == 2
0565: && e.getSource() instanceof JList) {
0566: final JList list = (JList) e.getSource();
0567: final int[] indices = list.getSelectedIndices();
0568: final Object[] selections = list
0569: .getSelectedValues();
0570: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .listModel.add(
0571: selections, indices);
0572: }
0573: }
0574: });
0575: this .availableTablesList.addListSelectionListener(this );
0577: this .availableTablesList
0578: .setPrototypeCellValue(this .srcRenderer);
0579: this .availableTablesList.setCellRenderer(this .srcRenderer);
0580: this .availableTablesList.setVisibleRowCount(this .visibleCt);
0582: this .selectedTablesList = new JList();
0583: this .selectedTablesList
0584: .setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION);
0585: this .selectedTablesList.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
0586: public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) {
0587: if (e.getClickCount() == 2
0588: && e.getSource() instanceof JList) {
0589: final JList list = (JList) e.getSource();
0590: final int[] indices = list.getSelectedIndices();
0591: final Object[] selections = list
0592: .getSelectedValues();
0593: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .listModel.remove(
0594: selections, indices);
0595: }
0596: }
0597: });
0599: this .selectedTablesList
0600: .setPrototypeCellValue(this .destRenderer);
0601: this .selectedTablesList.setCellRenderer(this .destRenderer);
0602: this .selectedTablesList.setVisibleRowCount(this .visibleCt);
0604: this .selectedTablesList.addListSelectionListener(this );
0605: this .jScrollPane2.setViewportView(this .availableTablesList);
0606: this .jScrollPane3.setViewportView(this .selectedTablesList);
0607: }
0609: /**
0610: *
0611: */
0612: public Component getComponent() {
0613: return this ;
0614: }
0616: /**
0617: *
0618: */
0619: public HelpCtx getHelp() {
0620: // Show no Help button for this panel:
0621: return new HelpCtx(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.class);
0622: }
0624: /**
0625: * @param settings
0626: */
0627: public void readSettings(final Object settings) {
0628: WizardDescriptor wd = null;
0629: if (settings instanceof JDBCWizardContext) {
0630: final JDBCWizardContext wizardContext = (JDBCWizardContext) settings;
0631: wd = (WizardDescriptor) wizardContext
0632: .getProperty(JDBCWizardContext.WIZARD_DESCRIPTOR);
0634: } else if (settings instanceof WizardDescriptor) {
0635: wd = (WizardDescriptor) settings;
0636: }
0638: }
0640: /**
0641: * @param settings
0642: */
0643: public void storeSettings(final Object settings) {
0644: WizardDescriptor wd = null;
0645: if (settings instanceof JDBCWizardContext) {
0646: final JDBCWizardContext wizardContext = (JDBCWizardContext) settings;
0647: wd = (WizardDescriptor) wizardContext
0648: .getProperty(JDBCWizardContext.WIZARD_DESCRIPTOR);
0650: } else if (settings instanceof WizardDescriptor) {
0651: wd = (WizardDescriptor) settings;
0652: }
0654: final Object selectedOption = wd.getValue();
0655: if (NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION == selectedOption
0656: || NotifyDescriptor.CLOSED_OPTION == selectedOption) {
0657: return;
0658: }
0660: //populateDBModel();
0661: if (selectedOption.toString().equals("PREVIOUS_OPTION")) {
0662: //listModel = null;
0663: if (this .availableTablesList != null) {
0664: if (listModel != null) {
0665: this .listModel.getSourceList().clear();
0666: this .jScrollPane2
0667: .setViewportView(this .availableTablesList);
0668: }
0669: }
0670: if (this .selectedTablesList != null) {
0671: if (listModel != null) {
0672: this .listModel.getSourceList().clear();
0673: this .jScrollPane3
0674: .setViewportView(this .selectedTablesList);
0675: }
0676: }
0677: return;
0678: }
0680: if (listModel != null) {
0681: List selList = this .listModel.getDestinationList();
0682: List selTabList = new ArrayList();
0683: Iterator itr = selList.iterator();
0684: while (itr.hasNext()) {
0685: DBTable tabObj = (DBTable) populateDBTable((String) itr
0686: .next());
0687: // By default make the table selected
0688: tabObj.setSelected(true);
0689: selTabList.add(tabObj);
0690: }
0691: if (wd != null) {
0692: wd.putProperty(JDBCWizardContext.SELECTEDTABLES,
0693: selTabList.toArray());
0694: wd.putProperty(JDBCWizardContext.DBTYPE, this .dbtype);
0695: wd.putProperty(JDBCWizardContext.CONNECTION_INFO, def);
0696: }
0697: }
0698: }
0700: /**
0701: *
0702: * @param tableName
0703: * @return
0704: */
0705: public DBTable populateDBTable(String tableName) {
0706: final Connection connection = this .selectedConnection
0707: .getJDBCConnection();
0708: try {
0709: final String[][] tableList = DBMetaData.getTablesAndViews(
0710: "", "", "", true, connection);
0711: DBTable ffTable = null;
0712: String[] currTable = null;
0713: if (tableList != null) {
0714: for (int i = 0; i < tableList.length; i++) {
0715: currTable = tableList[i];
0716: if (tableName.equals(currTable[DBMetaData.NAME])) {
0717: ffTable = new DBTableImpl(
0718: currTable[DBMetaData.NAME],
0719: currTable[DBMetaData.SCHEMA],
0720: currTable[DBMetaData.CATALOG]);
0721: Table t = null;
0722: String driverName = connection.getMetaData()
0723: .getDriverName();
0724: //For JDBC-ODBC driver we need to select columns by order otherwise, driver throws
0725: //Invalid Descriptor Index exception
0726: if (driverName.startsWith("JDBC-ODBC")) {
0727: t = DBMetaData
0728: .getTableMetaDataForODBCDriver(
0729: currTable[DBMetaData.CATALOG],
0730: currTable[DBMetaData.SCHEMA],
0731: currTable[DBMetaData.NAME],
0732: currTable[DBMetaData.TYPE],
0733: connection);
0734: } else {
0735: t = DBMetaData.getTableMetaData(
0736: currTable[DBMetaData.CATALOG],
0737: currTable[DBMetaData.SCHEMA],
0738: currTable[DBMetaData.NAME],
0739: currTable[DBMetaData.TYPE],
0740: connection);
0742: }
0744: final TableColumn[] cols = t.getColumns();
0745: TableColumn tc = null;
0746: DBColumn ffColumn = null;
0747: for (int j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
0748: tc = cols[j];
0749: ffColumn = new DBColumnImpl(tc.getName(),
0750: tc.getSqlTypeCode(), tc
0751: .getNumericScale(), tc
0752: .getNumericPrecision(), tc
0753: .getIsPrimaryKey(), tc
0754: .getIsForeignKey(),
0755: false /* isIndexed */, tc
0756: .getIsNullable());
0757: final String ncName = XMLCharUtil
0758: .makeValidNCName(tc.getName());
0759: ffColumn.setJavaName(ncName);
0760: ffTable.addColumn(ffColumn);
0761: }
0762: return ((DBTable) ffTable);
0763: }
0764: if (ffTable != null) {
0765: break;
0766: }
0767: }
0768: }
0769: } catch (final Exception ex) {
0770: ex.printStackTrace();
0771: ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.ERROR,
0772: ex.getMessage());
0773: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.ERROR, ex);
0774: }
0775: return null;
0776: }
0778: /**
0779: * @see JDBCWizardPanel#addChangeListener
0780: */
0781: public final void addChangeListener(final ChangeListener l) {
0782: synchronized (this .listeners) {
0783: this .listeners.add(l);
0784: }
0785: }
0787: /**
0788: * @see JDBCWizardPanel#removeChangeListener
0789: */
0790: public final void removeChangeListener(final ChangeListener l) {
0791: synchronized (this .listeners) {
0792: this .listeners.remove(l);
0793: }
0794: }
0796: /**
0797: * @see JDBCWizardPanel#fireChangeEvent
0798: */
0799: public void fireChangeEvent() {
0800: Iterator it;
0802: synchronized (this .listeners) {
0803: it = new HashSet(this .listeners).iterator();
0804: }
0806: final ChangeEvent ev = new ChangeEvent(this );
0807: while (it.hasNext()) {
0808: ((ChangeListener) it.next()).stateChanged(ev);
0809: }
0810: }
0812: /**
0813: * @see JDBCWizardPanel#isValid
0814: */
0815: public boolean isValid() {
0816: boolean returnVal = false;
0817: if (selTableLen > 0) {
0818: returnVal = true;
0819: }
0820: return returnVal;
0821: }
0823: /**
0824: * Extends ChangeEvent to convey information on an item being transferred to or from the source
0825: * of the event.
0826: */
0827: public static class TransferEvent extends ChangeEvent {
0828: /**
0829: *
0830: */
0831: private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
0833: /** Indicates addition of an item to the source of the event */
0834: public static final int ADDED = 0;
0836: /** Indicates removal of an item from the source of the event */
0837: public static final int REMOVED = 1;
0839: private Object item;
0841: private int type;
0843: /**
0844: * Create a new TransferEvent instance with the given source, item and type.
0845: *
0846: * @param source source of this transfer event
0847: * @param item transferred item
0848: * @param type transfer type, either ADDED or REMOVED
0849: * @see #ADDED
0850: * @see #REMOVED
0851: */
0852: public TransferEvent(final Object source, final Object item,
0853: final int type) {
0854: super (source);
0855: this .item = item;
0856: this .type = type;
0857: }
0859: /**
0860: * Gets item that was transferred.
0861: *
0862: * @return transferred item
0863: */
0864: public Object getItem() {
0865: return this .item;
0866: }
0868: /**
0869: * Gets type of transfer event.
0870: *
0871: * @return ADDED or REMOVED
0872: */
0873: public int getType() {
0874: return this .type;
0875: }
0876: }
0878: /**
0879: * Container for ListModels associated with source and destination lists of a list transfer
0880: * panel. Holds ButtonModels for controls that indicate selected addition and bulk addition to
0881: * destination list and selected removal and bulk removal of items from the destination list.
0882: */
0883: class ListTransferModel {
0884: private ButtonModel addAllButtonModel;
0886: private ButtonModel addButtonModel;
0888: private HashSet changeListeners;
0890: private DefaultListModel dest;
0892: private String listPrototype;
0894: private ButtonModel removeAllButtonModel;
0896: private ButtonModel removeButtonModel;
0898: private DefaultListModel source;
0900: /**
0901: * Creates a new instance of ListTransferModel, using the data in the given collections to
0902: * initially populate the source and destination lists.
0903: *
0904: * @param srcColl Collection used to populate source list
0905: * @param dstColl Collection used to populate destination list
0906: */
0907: public ListTransferModel() {
0908: this .listPrototype = "";
0909: this .source = new DefaultListModel();
0910: this .dest = new DefaultListModel();
0912: this .addButtonModel = new DefaultButtonModel();
0913: this .addAllButtonModel = new DefaultButtonModel();
0914: this .removeButtonModel = new DefaultButtonModel();
0915: this .removeAllButtonModel = new DefaultButtonModel();
0917: this .changeListeners = new HashSet();
0918: }
0920: /**
0921: * Moves indicated items from source to destination list.
0922: *
0923: * @param selections array of selected items
0924: * @param indices array of indices, each element corresponding to the item in selections
0925: * array
0926: */
0927: public void add(final Object[] selections, final int[] indices) {
0928: synchronized (this .dest) {
0929: synchronized (this .source) {
0930: for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
0931: final Object element = selections[i];
0932: this .dest.addElement(element);
0933: this .source.removeElement(element);
0934: this .fireTransferEvent(this .dest, element,
0935: TransferEvent.ADDED);
0936: }
0938: this .updateButtonState();
0939: }
0940: }
0941: selTableLen = this .dest.getSize();
0943: this .updateButtonState();
0944: this .updateUI();
0945: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .fireChangeEvent();
0946: }
0948: /**
0949: * Moves all remaining items from source to destination list.
0950: */
0951: public void addAll() {
0952: synchronized (this .dest) {
0953: synchronized (this .source) {
0954: final int size = this .source.getSize();
0955: for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
0956: final Object element = this .source.elementAt(i);
0957: this .dest.addElement(element);
0958: this .fireTransferEvent(this .dest, element,
0959: TransferEvent.ADDED);
0960: }
0961: this .source.removeAllElements();
0962: }
0963: }
0964: selTableLen = this .dest.getSize();
0965: this .updateButtonState();
0967: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .fireChangeEvent();
0968: this .updateUI();
0969: }
0971: /**
0972: * Add a ChangeListener to this model.
0973: *
0974: * @param l ChangeListener to add
0975: */
0976: public void addChangeListener(final ChangeListener l) {
0977: if (l != null) {
0978: synchronized (this .changeListeners) {
0979: this .changeListeners.add(l);
0980: }
0981: }
0982: }
0984: /**
0985: * Gets ButtonModel associated with add all button action.
0986: *
0987: * @return add all ButtonModel
0988: */
0989: public ButtonModel getAddAllButtonModel() {
0990: return this .addAllButtonModel;
0991: }
0993: /**
0994: * Gets ButtonModel associated with add button action.
0995: *
0996: * @return add ButtonModel
0997: */
0998: public ButtonModel getAddButtonModel() {
0999: return this .addButtonModel;
1000: }
1002: /**
1003: * Gets copy of current contents of destination list
1004: *
1005: * @return List of current destination list contents
1006: */
1007: public List getDestinationList() {
1008: final ArrayList dstList = new ArrayList();
1010: synchronized (this .dest) {
1011: this .dest.trimToSize();
1012: for (int i = 0; i < this .dest.size(); i++) {
1013: dstList.add(this .dest.get(i));
1014: }
1015: }
1017: return dstList;
1018: }
1020: /**
1021: * Gets ListModel associated with destination list.
1022: *
1023: * @return source ListModel
1024: */
1025: public ListModel getDestinationModel() {
1026: return this .dest;
1027: }
1029: /**
1030: * Gets maximum number of items expected in either the source or destination list.
1031: *
1032: * @return maximum count of items in any one list
1033: */
1034: public int getMaximumListSize() {
1035: return this .source.size() + this .dest.size();
1036: }
1038: /**
1039: * Gets prototype String that has the largest width of an item in either list.
1040: *
1041: * @return String whose length is the largest among the items in either list
1042: */
1043: public String getPrototypeCell() {
1044: return this .listPrototype;
1045: }
1047: /**
1048: * Gets ButtonModel associated with remove all button action
1049: *
1050: * @return remove all ButtonModel
1051: */
1052: public ButtonModel getRemoveAllButtonModel() {
1053: return this .removeAllButtonModel;
1054: }
1056: /**
1057: * Gets ButtonModel associated with remove button action.
1058: *
1059: * @return remove ButtonModel
1060: */
1061: public ButtonModel getRemoveButtonModel() {
1062: return this .removeButtonModel;
1063: }
1065: /**
1066: * Returns index of source item matching the given string.
1067: *
1068: * @param searchStr string to search for in source list
1069: * @param startFrom index from which to start search
1070: * @return index of matching item, or -1 if no match exists
1071: */
1072: public int getSourceIndexFor(final String searchStr,
1073: final int startFrom) {
1074: int tsttFrom = 0;
1075: if (startFrom < 0 || startFrom > this .source.size()) {
1076: tsttFrom = 0;
1077: }
1079: if (searchStr != null && searchStr.trim().length() != 0) {
1080: return this .source.indexOf(searchStr, tsttFrom);
1081: }
1083: return -1;
1084: }
1086: /**
1087: * Gets copy of current contents of source list
1088: *
1089: * @return List of current source list contents
1090: */
1091: public List getSourceList() {
1092: final ArrayList srcList = new ArrayList();
1094: synchronized (this .source) {
1095: this .source.trimToSize();
1096: for (int i = 0; i < this .source.size(); i++) {
1097: srcList.add(this .source.get(i));
1098: }
1099: }
1101: return srcList;
1102: }
1104: /**
1105: * Gets ListModel associated with source list.
1106: *
1107: * @return source ListModel
1108: */
1109: public ListModel getSourceModel() {
1110: return this .source;
1111: }
1113: /**
1114: * Moves indicated items from destination to source list.
1115: *
1116: * @param selections array of selected items
1117: * @param indices array of indices, each element corresponding to the item in selections
1118: * array
1119: */
1120: public void remove(final Object[] selections,
1121: final int[] indices) {
1122: synchronized (this .dest) {
1123: synchronized (this .source) {
1124: for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
1125: final Object element = selections[i];
1126: this .source.addElement(element);
1127: this .dest.removeElement(element);
1128: this .fireTransferEvent(this .dest, element,
1129: TransferEvent.REMOVED);
1130: }
1131: }
1132: }
1133: selTableLen = this .dest.getSize();
1134: this .updateButtonState();
1135: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .fireChangeEvent();
1136: this .updateUI();
1137: }
1139: /**
1140: * Moves all remaining items from destination to source list.
1141: */
1142: public void removeAll() {
1143: synchronized (this .dest) {
1144: synchronized (this .source) {
1145: final int size = this .dest.getSize();
1146: for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
1147: final Object element = this .dest.elementAt(i);
1148: this .source.addElement(element);
1149: }
1150: this .dest.removeAllElements();
1151: }
1152: }
1153: selTableLen = this .dest.getSize();
1154: this .updateButtonState();
1155: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .fireChangeEvent();
1156: this .updateUI();
1157: }
1159: /**
1160: * Remove a ChangeListener from this model.
1161: *
1162: * @param l ChangeListener to remove
1163: */
1164: public void removeChangeListener(final ChangeListener l) {
1165: if (l != null) {
1166: synchronized (this .changeListeners) {
1167: this .changeListeners.remove(l);
1168: }
1169: }
1170: }
1172: /**
1173: * Sets destination list to include contents of given list. Clears current contents before
1174: * adding items from newList.
1175: *
1176: * @param newList List whose contents will supplant the current contents of the destination
1177: * list
1178: */
1179: public void setDestinationList(final Collection newList) {
1180: if (newList == null) {
1181: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
1182: "Must supply non-null Collection for newList");
1183: }
1185: if (this .dest == null) {
1186: this .dest = new DefaultListModel();
1187: }
1189: synchronized (this .dest) {
1190: this .dest.clear();
1192: final Iterator it = newList.iterator();
1193: while (it.hasNext()) {
1194: final Object o = it.next();
1195: this .dest.addElement(o);
1196: if (o.toString().trim().length() > this .listPrototype
1197: .length()) {
1198: this .listPrototype = o.toString().trim();
1199: }
1200: }
1201: }
1203: this .updateButtonState();
1204: }
1206: /**
1207: * Sets source list to include contents of given list. Clears current contents before adding
1208: * items from newList.
1209: *
1210: * @param newList List whose contents will supplant the current contents of the source list
1211: */
1212: public void setSourceList(final Collection newList) {
1213: if (newList == null) {
1214: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
1215: "Must supply non-null Collection for newList");
1216: }
1218: if (this .source == null) {
1219: this .source = new DefaultListModel();
1220: }
1222: synchronized (this .source) {
1223: this .source.clear();
1225: final Iterator it = newList.iterator();
1226: while (it.hasNext()) {
1227: final Object o = it.next();
1228: this .source.addElement(o);
1229: if (o.toString().trim().length() > this .listPrototype
1230: .length()) {
1231: this .listPrototype = o.toString().trim();
1232: }
1233: }
1234: }
1236: this .updateButtonState();
1237: }
1239: /**
1240: * Updates button states
1241: */
1242: public void updateButtonState() {
1243: final boolean canAdd = !this .source.isEmpty();
1244: final boolean canRemove = !this .dest.isEmpty();
1245: if (canRemove) {
1246: this .addButtonModel.setEnabled(false);
1247: this .addAllButtonModel.setEnabled(false);
1248: this .removeButtonModel.setEnabled(canRemove);
1249: this .removeAllButtonModel.setEnabled(canRemove);
1250: } else {
1251: this .addButtonModel.setEnabled(canAdd);
1252: this .addAllButtonModel.setEnabled(canRemove);
1253: this .removeButtonModel.setEnabled(canRemove);
1254: this .removeAllButtonModel.setEnabled(canRemove);
1255: }
1256: }
1258: public void updateUI() {
1259: // List is not getting refreshed, temporary workaround to handle this.
1260: // Need to have a better way to refresh the ui
1261: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .availableTablesList = new JList(
1262: (JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .listModel
1263: .getSourceList()).toArray());
1264: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .selectedTablesList = new JList(
1265: (JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .listModel
1266: .getDestinationList()).toArray());
1267: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .availableTablesList
1268: .setPrototypeCellValue(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .srcRenderer);
1269: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .availableTablesList
1270: .setCellRenderer(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .srcRenderer);
1271: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .availableTablesList
1272: .setVisibleRowCount(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .visibleCt);
1274: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .selectedTablesList
1275: .setPrototypeCellValue(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .destRenderer);
1276: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .selectedTablesList
1277: .setCellRenderer(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .destRenderer);
1278: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .selectedTablesList
1279: .setVisibleRowCount(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .visibleCt);
1281: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .jScrollPane2
1282: .setViewportView(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .availableTablesList);
1283: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .jScrollPane3
1284: .setViewportView(JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.this .selectedTablesList);
1285: }
1287: private void fireTransferEvent(final Object src,
1288: final Object item, final int type) {
1289: if (src != null && item != null) {
1290: final TransferEvent e = new TransferEvent(src, item,
1291: type);
1292: synchronized (this .changeListeners) {
1293: final Iterator iter = this .changeListeners
1294: .iterator();
1295: while (iter.hasNext()) {
1296: final ChangeListener l = (ChangeListener) iter
1297: .next();
1298: l.stateChanged(e);
1299: }
1300: }
1301: }
1302: }
1303: }
1305: /**
1306: * Invoked whenever one of the transfer buttons is clicked.
1307: *
1308: * @param e ActionEvent to handle
1309: */
1310: public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
1311: final String cmd = e.getActionCommand();
1313: if (JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ADD.equals(cmd)) {
1314: final int[] indices = this .availableTablesList
1315: .getSelectedIndices();
1316: if (indices.length <= 1) {
1317: final Object[] selections = this .availableTablesList
1318: .getSelectedValues();
1319: this .listModel.add(selections, indices);
1320: } else {
1321: Object[] options = { "OK" };
1322: JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(WindowManager.getDefault()
1323: .getMainWindow(), NbBundle.getMessage(
1324: JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.class,
1326: JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION,
1327: JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, options,
1328: options[0]);
1329: }
1330: } else if (JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ADD_ALL.equals(cmd)) {
1331: this .listModel.addAll();
1332: } else if (JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_REMOVE.equals(cmd)) {
1333: final int[] indices = this .selectedTablesList
1334: .getSelectedIndices();
1335: final Object[] selections = this .selectedTablesList
1336: .getSelectedValues();
1337: this .listModel.remove(selections, indices);
1338: } else if (JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_REMOVE_ALL.equals(cmd)) {
1339: this .listModel.removeAll();
1340: } else {
1341: // Log this as an invalid or unknown command.
1342: // System.err.println("Unknown cmd: " + cmd);
1343: }
1344: }
1346: /**
1347: * Called whenever the value of the selection changes.
1348: *
1349: * @param e the event that characterizes the change.
1350: */
1351: public void valueChanged(final ListSelectionEvent e) {
1352: final Object src = e.getSource();
1354: // Enforce mutually exclusive focus between source and destination
1355: // lists.
1356: if (this .availableTablesList.equals(src)) {
1357: if (!this .selectedTablesList.isSelectionEmpty()) {
1358: this .selectedTablesList.clearSelection();
1359: }
1360: } else if (this .selectedTablesList.equals(src)) {
1361: if (!this .availableTablesList.isSelectionEmpty()) {
1362: this .availableTablesList.clearSelection();
1363: }
1364: } else {
1365: // TODO Log unhandled ListSelectionEvent as DEBUG message.
1366: }
1367: }
1369: class DBModelNameCellRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer {
1370: /**
1371: *
1372: */
1373: private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
1375: public DBModelNameCellRenderer(final String protoString) {
1376: super ();
1377: this .setText(protoString.toString());
1378: }
1380: public Component getListCellRendererComponent(final JList list,
1381: final Object value, final int index,
1382: final boolean isSelected, final boolean cellHasFocus) {
1384: if (isSelected) {
1385: this .setBackground(list.getSelectionBackground());
1386: this .setForeground(list.getSelectionForeground());
1387: } else {
1388: this .setBackground(list.getBackground());
1389: this .setForeground(list.getForeground());
1390: }
1392: this .setEnabled(list.isEnabled());
1393: this .setFont(list.getFont());
1394: this .setOpaque(true);
1396: if (value instanceof DBTable) {
1397: final DBTable model = (DBTable) value;
1398: if (model.getName() != null) {
1399: this .setText(model.getName());
1400: } else {
1401: this .setText(model.getName());
1402: }
1403: } else if (value instanceof String) {
1404: this .setText(value.toString());
1405: }
1407: return this ;
1408: }
1410: }
1412: private ListTransferModel listModel;
1414: private final List dsList = new ArrayList();
1416: // private JList destList;
1418: private final List destColl = new ArrayList();
1420: // private JList sourceList;
1422: public static final String LBL_DEST_MSG = "Selected Tables:";
1424: public static final String LBL_SOURCE_MSG = "Available Tables:";
1426: /** Maximum number of visible items in lists */
1427: public static final int MAXIMUM_VISIBLE = 10;
1429: /** Minimum number of visible items in lists */
1430: public static final int MINIMUM_VISIBLE = 5;
1432: /** Indicates addition of item(s). */
1433: public static final String LBL_ADD = ">";
1435: /** Label indicating that all elements should be moved. */
1436: public static final String LBL_ALL = "ALL";
1438: /** Indicates addition of all source items. */
1439: public static final String LBL_ADD_ALL = JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ALL
1440: + " " + JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ADD;
1442: /** Indicates removal of item(s). */
1443: public static final String LBL_REMOVE = "<";
1445: /** Indicates removal of all destination items. */
1446: public static final String LBL_REMOVE_ALL = JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_REMOVE
1447: + " " + JDBCWizardSelectionPanel.LBL_ALL;
1449: private DatabaseModel dbmodel;
1451: private javax.swing.JButton addButton;
1453: private javax.swing.JButton removeButton;
1455: private javax.swing.JButton addAllButton;
1457: private javax.swing.JButton removeAllButton;
1459: private javax.swing.JComboBox datasourceComboBox;
1461: private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1;
1463: private javax.swing.JLabel availableTablesLabel;
1465: private javax.swing.JLabel selectedTablesLabel;
1467: private javax.swing.JList availableTablesList;
1469: private javax.swing.JList selectedTablesList;
1471: private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel1;
1473: private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel2;
1475: private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane2;
1477: private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane3;
1478: }