| org.netbeans.microedition.svg.SVGPlayer org.netbeans.microedition.svg.SVGAnimatorWrapper
All known Subclasses: org.netbeans.microedition.svg.SVGWaitScreen, org.netbeans.microedition.svg.SVGMenu, org.netbeans.microedition.svg.SVGSplashScreen,
SVGAnimatorWrapper | public class SVGAnimatorWrapper extends SVGPlayer (Code) | | This is wrapper class, which exposes some of the setters avilable from
SVGAnimator owned canvas to this wrapper, so it can be used as a component
in VisualDesigner. It also adds many utility methods which can be used
to easily manipulate the underlying document of the animated SVG image.
In this version this class simply extends SVGPlayer and does not define any
methods/fields. It is kept here only for backward compatibility reasons
author: breh SVGPlayer |
Constructor Summary | |
public | SVGAnimatorWrapper(SVGImage svgImage, Display display) Creates a new instance of SvgAnimatorHelper. |
SVGAnimatorWrapper | public SVGAnimatorWrapper(SVGImage svgImage, Display display) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code) | | Creates a new instance of SvgAnimatorHelper. It requires SVGImage to be animated
and display.
Please note, supplied SVGImage shouldn't be reused in other SVGAnimator.
SVGPlayer |
Methods inherited from org.netbeans.microedition.svg.SVGPlayer | public void addCommand(Command cmd)(Code)(Java Doc) public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable)(Code)(Java Doc) protected float[] computeAnchorTranslate(SVGRect bbox, int anchor)(Code)(Java Doc) protected SVGAnimator getAnimator()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized int getAnimatorState()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected CommandListener getCommandListener()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Display getDisplay()(Code)(Java Doc) public SVGAnimationElement getSVGAnimationElementById(String id) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public SVGElement getSVGElementById(String id) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public SVGEventListener getSVGEventListener()(Code)(Java Doc) final public SVGImage getSVGImage()(Code)(Java Doc) public SVGLocatableElement getSVGLocatableElementById(String id) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public SVGEventListener getSafeSVGEventListener()(Code)(Java Doc) public SVGRect getScreenBBox(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public Canvas getSvgCanvas()(Code)(Java Doc) public Ticker getTicker()(Code)(Java Doc) public float getTimeIncrement()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getTitle()(Code)(Java Doc) public void invokeAndWait(Runnable runnable) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void invokeAndWaitSafely(Runnable runnable)(Code)(Java Doc) public void invokeLater(Runnable runnable)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void invokeLaterSafely(Runnable runnable)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isResetAnimationWhenStopped()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void paint(Graphics graphics)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void pause()(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void play()(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeCommand(Command cmd)(Code)(Java Doc) public void reset()(Code)(Java Doc) public void rotate(String id, float angle)(Code)(Java Doc) public void rotate(SVGElement svgElement, float angle)(Code)(Java Doc) public void rotateAbout(String id, float angle, int anchor)(Code)(Java Doc) public void rotateAbout(SVGLocatableElement svgLocatableElement, float angle, int anchor)(Code)(Java Doc) public void rotateAboutSafely(String id, float angle, int anchor)(Code)(Java Doc) public void rotateSafely(String id, float angle)(Code)(Java Doc) public void scale(String id, float sx, float sy)(Code)(Java Doc) public void scale(SVGElement svgElement, float sx, float sy)(Code)(Java Doc) public void scaleAbout(String id, float sx, float sy, int anchor)(Code)(Java Doc) public void scaleAbout(SVGLocatableElement svgLocatableElement, float sx, float sy, int anchor)(Code)(Java Doc) public void scaleAboutSafely(String id, float sx, float sy, int anchor)(Code)(Java Doc) public void scaleSafely(String id, float sx, float sy)(Code)(Java Doc) public void screenTranslate(String id, float tx, float ty)(Code)(Java Doc) public void screenTranslate(SVGLocatableElement svgLocatableElement, float tx, float ty)(Code)(Java Doc) public void screenTranslateSafely(String id, float tx, float ty)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setCommandListener(CommandListener commandListener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFloatTrait(String id, String traitName, float traitValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFloatTraitSafely(String id, String traitName, float traitValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFullScreenMode(boolean mode)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRGBTrait(String id, String traitName, int rgb)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRGBTrait(String id, String traitName, int r, int g, int b)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRGBTraitSafely(String id, String traitName, int rgb)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRGBTraitSafely(String id, String traitName, int r, int g, int b)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setResetAnimationWhenStopped(boolean reset)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSVGEventListener(SVGEventListener svgEventListener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSafeSVGEventListener(SVGEventListener safeSvgEventListener)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setStartAnimationImmediately(boolean startAnimation)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTicker(Ticker ticker)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTimeIncrement(float timeIncrement)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTitle(String s)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTrait(String id, String traitName, String traitValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTraitSafely(String id, String traitName, String traitValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void startAnimation(String elementId)(Code)(Java Doc) public void startAnimation(String elementId, float delay)(Code)(Java Doc) public void startAnimationSafely(String elementId)(Code)(Java Doc) public synchronized void stop()(Code)(Java Doc) public void stopAnimation(String elementId)(Code)(Java Doc) public void stopAnimation(String elementId, float delay)(Code)(Java Doc) public void stopAnimationSafely(String elementId)(Code)(Java Doc) public void translate(String id, float tx, float ty)(Code)(Java Doc) public void translate(SVGElement svgElement, float tx, float ty)(Code)(Java Doc) public void translateSafely(String id, float tx, float ty)(Code)(Java Doc)