| java.lang.Object com.salmonllc.sql.DataStoreBuffer
All known Subclasses: com.salmonllc.sql.DataStoreProxy, com.salmonllc.sql.DataStore, com.salmonllc.fatwire.UEDataStore, com.salmonllc.sql.QBEBuilder, com.salmonllc.sql.BeanDataStore,
DataStoreBuffer | public class DataStoreBuffer implements Serializable(Code) | | This class provides a storage buffer for data in the form of rows and column.
Constructor Summary | |
public | DataStoreBuffer() Creates a new empty DataStore object. |
Method Summary | |
public void | addBucket(String internalname, int type) This method adds a bucket to the DataStoreBuffer. | public void | addBucket(String internalname, int type, String format) This method adds a bucket to the DataStoreBuffer. | public void | addExpressionRule(String column, DataStoreExpression expression, String errorMessage, boolean executeOnServer) Use this method to add validation rules that will be checked by the validator.
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: expression - A DataStoreExpression class that returns a boolean value. | public void | addExpressionRule(String column, String expression, String errorMessage) Use this method to add validation rules that will be checked by the validator.
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: expression - A DataStore expression that returns a boolean value. | public void | addExpressionRule(int column, DataStoreExpression expression, String errorMessage, boolean executeOnServer) Use this method to add validation rules that will be checked by the validator.
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: expression - A DataStoreExpression class that returns a boolean value. | public void | addExpressionRule(int column, String expression, String errorMessage) Use this method to add validation rules that will be checked by the validator.
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: expression - A DataStore expression that returns a boolean value. | public void | addJavaScriptRule(String column, String javaScript, String errorMessage) Adds a javascript rule. | public void | addJavaScriptRule(int column, String javaScript, String errorMessage) Adds a javascript rule. | public void | addLookupRule(String column, String lookupTable, String searchExpression, String descriptionColumn, String descriptionBucket, String errorMessage) | public void | addLookupRule(int column, String lookupTable, String searchExpression, String descriptionColumn, String descriptionBucket, String errorMessage) | public void | addModelChangedListener(ModelChangedListener l) | public void | addRangeRule(int column, Object minValue, Object maxValue, String errorMessage) Adds a range rule to the DataStore buffer
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: minValue - The minimum value to allow in the column. | public void | addRangeRule(String column, Object minValue, Object maxValue, String errorMessage) Adds a range rule to the DataStore buffer
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: minValue - The minimum value to allow in the column. | public void | addRequiredRule(String column, String errorMessage) | public void | addRequiredRule(int column, String errorMessage) | public void | addReqularExpressionRule(String column, String regExp, String errorMessage) Adds a regular expression rule. | public void | addReqularExpressionRule(int column, String regExp, String errorMessage) Adds a regular expression rule. | public void | addTypeCheckRule(String column, String errorMessage) Adds a type check rule to the validator. | public void | addTypeCheckRule(int column, String errorMessage) Adds a type check rule to the validator. | int | addValidationRule(int column, ValidationRule rule) | int | addValidationRule(String column, ValidationRule rule) | public void | appendRows(Vector rows) This method will append the rows in the DataStore. | protected boolean | areThereModelListeners() | public void | autoRetrieve() | public void | clearAllValidationRules() | public void | clearSelectedRow() | public void | clearTempValues(int row) | public void | clearTempValues() | public void | clearValidationRules(int column) | public void | clearValidationRules(String column) | public int | compareRows(int row1, int row2, int[] cols) This method will compare the contents of two rows using the specified column list. | public int | compareRows(int row1, int row2, String[] cols) This method will compare the contents of two rows using the specified column list. | public Object | convertValue(String val, String columnName) | public static Object | convertValue(String val, int dataType) | void | copyMasterDataValuesToRow(DataStoreBuffer.TablesRelationshipDescription dsTables, DataStoreRow fromrow, DataStoreRow torow) | void | copyMasterDataValuesToRow(DataStoreBuffer.TablesRelationshipDescription dsTables, DataStoreRow fromrow, DataStoreRow torow, int iTableRow) | void | copyMasterKeyValuesToRow(DataStoreBuffer.TablesRelationshipDescription dsTables, DataStoreRow fromrow, DataStoreRow torow, int iTableRow) | public boolean | deleteRow() This deletes the current row in the DataStoreBuffer. | public boolean | deleteRow(int row) This deletes the row in the DataStoreBuffer. | public String | export() | public void | export(int format, boolean includeHeaders, PrintWriter p) Exports the rows of the data store in the format specified.
format: Can be EXPORT_XML, EXPORT_HTML or EXPORT_TAB_DELIMITED; includeHeaders: True if the output should contain column headings. | public void | export(PrintWriter p) | public void | filter(String filter) This method will remove all rows from the buffer that don't match the criteria and place them in the datastore's filter buffer.
The method is passed a String containing the filter expression that will be used.
ds.filter("table1.column1 == 'xxxx');
ds.filter("table1.column1.substring(2,3) == table1.column2");
ds.filter("table1.column1.substring(2,3) == table1.column2 || table1.column3.startsWith('xxx')");
Parameters: filter - The criteria to filter on. | public void | filterQBE(QBEBuilder filter) This method will remove all rows from the buffer that don't match the criteria and place them in the datastore's filter buffer. | public synchronized int | find(int start, int end) This method finds the next row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and is within the start and end range.
Parameters: start - The first row in the DataStoreBuffer to search. Parameters: end - The last row in the DataStoreBuffer to search (Make start > end to search backwards). | public synchronized boolean | findFirst() This method finds the firs row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and makes it the current row. | public synchronized boolean | findLast() This method finds the last row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and makes it the current row. | public synchronized boolean | findNext() This method finds the next row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and makes it the current row. | public synchronized boolean | findPrior() This method finds the next row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and makes it the current row. | public static String | fixQuote(String data, int dataType) | public static String | fixQuote(String data, int dataType, String connectionType) | protected String | fixSpecialHTMLCharacters(String input) | public boolean | getAllowMasterRowDelete() | public Object | getAny(int column) This method return a Object value from the current row of the data store buffer. | public Object | getAny(int row, int column) This method return a Object value from the data store buffer. | public Object | getAny(int row, String column) This method return a Object value from the data store buffer. | public Object | getAny(String column) This method return a Object value from the current row of the data store buffer. | public boolean | getAutoBind() | public int | getAutoRetrieve() | public AutoRetrieveCriteria | getAutoRetrieveCriteria() This method will return the autoretrieve criteria used for the datastore. | static String | getBoolProperty(boolean p) | public boolean | getBucketsModified() This method returns the true if any bucket columns (columns not representing database columns) have been modified on the current row. | public boolean | getBucketsModified(int row) This method returns the true if any bucket columns (columns not representing database columns) have been modified on the specified row. | public byte[] | getByteArray(int column) This method return a byte array value from the current row in the data store buffer. | public byte[] | getByteArray(int row, int column) This method return a byte array value from the data store buffer. | public byte[] | getByteArray(int row, String column) This method return a byte array value from the data store buffer. | public byte[] | getByteArray(String column) This method return a byte array value from the current row in the data store buffer. | public int | getColumnCount() This method returns the number of columns in the datastore. | public int | getColumnDataType(int column) This method returns the Data Type for a particular column. | public int | getColumnDataType(String column) This method returns the Data Type for a particular column. | public int | getColumnIndex(String column) This method returns the index of the column in the data store given its name. | public String[] | getColumnList() This method returns a list with the names of all the columns in the data store. | public String | getColumnName(int col) This method returns the name of the column in the data store given its index. | DSDataRow | getDataRow(int rowNo) | public DataStoreRow | getDataStoreRow(int rowNo, int buffer) This method gets the specified row from the DataStore.
Parameters: rowNo - The number of the row to get. Parameters: buffer - The datastore buffer to look in. | public java.sql.Date | getDate(int column) This method return a date value from current row of the data store buffer. | public java.sql.Date | getDate(int row, int column) This method return a date value from the data store buffer. | public java.sql.Date | getDate(int row, String column) This method return a date value from the data store buffer. | public java.sql.Date | getDate(String column) This method return a date value from current row of the data store buffer. | public Timestamp | getDateTime(int column) This method return a date value from current row of the data store buffer. | public Timestamp | getDateTime(int row, int column) This method return a date value from the data store buffer. | public Timestamp | getDateTime(int row, String column) This method return a date value from the data store buffer. | public java.sql.Timestamp | getDateTime(String column) This method return a datetime value from current row of the data store buffer. | public int | getDeletedCount() This method returns the current number of rows that will be deleted when the datastores update method is called. | DSDataStoreDescriptor | getDescriptor() | public double | getDouble(int column) This method return a double value from the current row in data store buffer. | public double | getDouble(int row, int column) This method return a double value from the data store buffer. | public double | getDouble(int row, String column) This method return a double value from the data store buffer. | public double | getDouble(String column) This method return a double value from the current row in data store buffer. | public int | getFilteredCount() This method returns the current number of rows in the DataStores filter buffer. | public float | getFloat(int column) This method return a float value from the current row in the data store buffer. | public float | getFloat(int row, int column) This method return a float value from the data store buffer. | public float | getFloat(int row, String column) This method return a float value from the data store buffer. | public float | getFloat(String column) This method return a float value from the current row in the data store buffer. | public String | getFormat(int col) This method returns a the format string for a date, time, datetime or numeric type column. | public String | getFormat(String col) This method returns a the format string for a date, time, datetime or numeric type column. | public String | getFormattedString(int column) This method return a string value from the data store buffer. | public String | getFormattedString(int row, int column) This method return a string value from the data store buffer. | public String | getFormattedString(int row, String column) This method return a string value from the data store buffer. | public String | getFormattedString(String column) This method return a string value from the data store buffer. | public int | getInt(int column) This method return a integer value from the current row in the data store buffer. | public int | getInt(int row, int column) This method return a integer value from the data store buffer. | public int | getInt(int row, String column) This method return a integer value from the data store buffer. | public int | getInt(String column) This method return a integer value from the current row in data store buffer. | static String | getIntProperty(int p) | public LanguagePreferences | getLang() | public long | getLong(int column) This method return a long value from the current row in the data store buffer. | public long | getLong(int row, int column) This method return a long value from the data store buffer. | public long | getLong(int row, String column) This method return a long value from the data store buffer. | public long | getLong(String column) This method return a long value from the data store buffer. | protected Vector | getModelListeners() | public Object | getNullDefault(int dataType) | protected int | getObjectType(Object obj) | public Properties | getProperties() This method creates a properties object containing the definition of the data store. | public int | getProxyRow(int rowNo) | public String | getRemoteID() | public String | getRemoteUpdateReturnValue() This method will return the value that will be returned to the proxy datastore after an remote update. | public int | getRow() This method returns the current row in the result set. | public int | getRowCount() This method returns the current number of rows in the DataStores data buffer. | public int | getRowStatus() This method returns the status flag of the current row. | public int | getRowStatus(int row) This method returns the status flag of the specified row.
Parameters: row - The row in the datastore buffer. | public Vector | getRows() This method will return a copy of all the rows in the DataStore. | public short | getShort(int column) This method return a short value from the current row in the data store buffer. | public short | getShort(int row, int column) This method return a short value from the data store buffer. | public short | getShort(int row, String column) This method return a short value from the data store buffer. | public short | getShort(String column) This method return a short value from the current row in the data store buffer. | public String | getString(int column) This method return a string value from the data store buffer. | public String | getString(int row, int column) This method return a string value from the data store buffer. | public String | getString(int row, String column) This method return a String value from the data store buffer. | public String | getString(String column) This method return a string value from the data store buffer. | static String | getStringProperty(String p) | public String[] | getTableList(boolean updateable) This method returns an array of all the tables referenced in the datastore. | TablesRelationshipDescription | getTablesRelationshipDescription(DataStoreInterface ds) | TablesRelationshipDescription | getTablesRelationshipDescription(DataStoreInterface ds, boolean bUpdateable) | public String | getTempValue(int row, int column) Gets a temporary value in the buffer. | public String | getTempValue(int row, String column) Gets a temporary value in the buffer. | public String | getTempValue(String column) Gets a temporary value in the buffer. | public String | getTempValue(int column) Gets a temporary value in the buffer. | public java.sql.Time | getTime(int column) This method return a time value from current row of the data store buffer. | public java.sql.Time | getTime(int row, int column) This method return a time value from the data store buffer. | public java.sql.Time | getTime(int row, String column) This method return a time value from the data store buffer. | public java.sql.Time | getTime(String column) This method return a time value from current row of the data store buffer. | public static String | getTypeDescription(int type) | public ValidationRule[] | getValidationRulesForColumn(int colNo) | public synchronized boolean | gotoFirst() This method makes the current row the first one in the result set. | public synchronized boolean | gotoLast() This method makes the current row the last one in the result set. | public synchronized boolean | gotoNext() This method increments the current row in the result set. | public synchronized boolean | gotoPrior() This method decrements the current row in the result set. | public synchronized boolean | gotoRow(int row) This method makes a specific row the current one in the result set. | public boolean | hasManyToOneRelationship() Returns whether the Datastore has a Many to One Relationship in its joins. | public boolean | hasTempValues(int row) | public void | importRow(com.salmonllc.xml.Row row) | public int | insertRow() Inserts a blank row at the end of the DataStoreBuffer. | public int | insertRow(int atPosition) * Inserts a blank row at the specified position of the DataStore's result set buffer. | protected synchronized void | interruptWaitingCancelThreads() | protected synchronized void | interruptWaitingRetrieveThreads() | public boolean | isColumnInOneToManyRelationship(String sColumn) Indicates whether column is part of the master of a One To Many Relationship Model. | public boolean | isColumnModified(int row, int column) | public boolean | isColumnModified(int row, String column) | public boolean | isFormattedStringValid(int column, String value) This method will return true if the passed string value if a valid entry for the column based on the String format specified for the column via the setFormat method. | public boolean | isFormattedStringValid(String column, String value) This method will return true if the passed string value if a valid entry for the column based on the String format specified for the column via the setFormat method. | public void | notifyListeners(ModelChangedEvent e) | protected void | notifyListeners(int type) | public void | removeModelChangedListener(ModelChangedListener l) This method removes a listener from the list of listeners that will be notified when a model changed event is fired. | public boolean | removeRow() This removes the current row from the DataStore buffer. | public boolean | removeRow(int row) This removes the row from the DataStore buffer. | public synchronized void | reset() This method will clear all rows in the dataStore. | public void | resetStatus() This method will clear the row status flags and clear the deleted buffer in the DataStoreBuffer. | public void | setAllowMasterRowDelete(boolean bAllow) | public void | setAny(int row, int column, Object value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setAny(int column, Object value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setAny(int row, String column, Object value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setAny(String column, Object value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setAutoBind(boolean value) | public void | setAutoRetrieve(int value) | public void | setAutoRetrieveCriteria(AutoRetrieveCriteria crit) This method will set the autoretrieve criteria used for the datastore. | static boolean | setBoolProperty(String p) | public void | setBucketsModified(int row, boolean modified) This method sets a flag indicating if any bucket columns (columns not representing database columns) have been modified on the specified row. | public void | setBucketsModified(boolean modified) This method sets a flag indicating if any bucket columns (columns not representing database columns) have been modified on the current row. | public void | setByteArray(int column, byte[] value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setByteArray(int row, int column, byte[] value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setByteArray(int row, String column, byte[] value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setByteArray(String column, byte[] value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | protected void | setCurrentRow(int currentRow) Sets the _currentRow. | public void | setDataStoreRow(int rowNo, int buffer, DataStoreRow row) This method sets the specified row in the DataStore. | public void | setDate(int row, int column, java.sql.Date value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setDate(int row, String column, java.sql.Date value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setDate(int column, java.sql.Date value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setDate(String column, java.sql.Date value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setDateTime(int row, int column, java.sql.Timestamp value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setDateTime(int row, String column, java.sql.Timestamp value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setDateTime(int column, java.sql.Timestamp value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setDateTime(String column, java.sql.Timestamp value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setDistinct(boolean distinct) This method will set the distinct flag in the data store. | public void | setDouble(int column, double value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setDouble(int row, int column, double value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setDouble(int row, String column, double value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setDouble(String column, double value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setFindExpression(String exp) This method will set the expression used to find rows in the datastore. | public void | setFloat(int column, float value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setFloat(int row, int column, float value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setFloat(int row, String column, float value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setFloat(String column, float value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setFormat(int col, String format) This method sets a the format string for a date, time, datetime or numeric type column. | public void | setFormat(String col, String format) This method sets a the format string for a date, time, datetime or numeric type column.
Date Formats
Symbol Meaning Presentation Example
------ ------- ------------ -------
G era designator (Text) AD
y year (Number) 1996
M month in year (Text & Number) July & 07
d day in month (Number) 10
h hour in am/pm (1~12) (Number) 12
H hour in day (0~23) (Number) 0
m minute in hour (Number) 30
s second in minute (Number) 55
S millisecond (Number) 978
E day in week (Text) Tuesday
D day in year (Number) 189
F day of week in month (Number) 2 (2nd Wed in July)
w week in year (Number) 27
W week in month (Number) 2
a am/pm marker (Text) PM
k hour in day (1~24) (Number) 24
K hour in am/pm (0~11) (Number) 0
z time zone (Text) Pacific Standard Time
' escape for text (Delimiter)
'' single quote (Literal) '
Numeric Formats
Symbol Meaning
------ -------
0 a digit
# a digit, zero shows as absent
. | public void | setFormattedString(int row, int column, String value) | public void | setFormattedString(int column, String value) | public void | setFormattedString(int row, String column, String value) | public void | setFormattedString(String column, String value) | public void | setInt(int row, int column, int value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setInt(int row, String column, int value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setInt(String column, int value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | static int | setIntProperty(String p) | public void | setLang(LanguagePreferences preferences) Parameters: sets - a language preference for this datastore. | public void | setLong(int row, int column, long value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setLong(int column, long value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setLong(int row, String column, long value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setLong(String column, long value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setNullDefault(int dataType, Object defaultValue) For Systems that don't allow null values in columns, specify the value to use in place of null for each datastore datatype. | public void | setOrderBy(String orderBy) | public void | setPrimaryKey(int col, boolean pkey) | public void | setPrimaryKey(String col, boolean pkey) | public void | setProperties(Properties p) This method reads a properties object containing the definition of the data store and builds the datastore from it. | public void | setRemoteID(String remoteID) | public void | setRemoteUpdateReturnValue(String update) This method will return the value that will be returned to the a proxy datastore after a remote update. | public boolean | setRowStatus(int status) This method sets the status flag of the current row. | public boolean | setRowStatus(int row, int status) This method sets the status flag of the specified row. | public void | setRows(Vector rows) This method will set the rows in the DataStore. | public void | setShort(int row, int column, short value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setShort(int row, String column, short value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setShort(int column, short value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setShort(String column, short value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setString(int row, int column, String value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setString(int column, String value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setString(int row, String column, String value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setString(String column, String value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | static String | setStringProperty(String p) | public void | setTempValue(int row, int col, String value) Sets a temporary value in the buffer. | public void | setTempValue(int col, String value) Sets a temporary value in the buffer for the current row. | public void | setTempValue(String col, String value) Sets a temporary value in the buffer for the current row. | public void | setTime(int row, int column, java.sql.Time value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setTime(int row, String column, java.sql.Time value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer. | public void | setTime(int column, java.sql.Time value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | setTime(String column, java.sql.Time value) This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row. | public void | sort(int[] col, int dir) This method will sort the rows in the data store on an array of columns.
Parameters: col - A array of column numbers to sort on. Parameters: dir - An integer array of the direction to sort on. | public void | sort(int[] col, int dir, boolean bUseQSAlgoritm) This method will sort the rows in the data store on an array of columns.
Parameters: col - A array of column numbers to sort on. Parameters: dir - An integer array of the direction to sort on. | public void | sort(Object[] obj, int dir) This method will sort the rows in the data store on an array of columns.
Parameters: obj - A array of objects to sort on. | public void | sort(String col, int dir) This method will sort the rows in the data store on an array of columns.
Parameters: col - A String array of column names to sort on. Parameters: dir - An integer array of the direction to sort on. | public void | sort(int col, int dir) This method will sort the rows in the data store on a particular column.
Parameters: col - The column number of the column to sort on. Parameters: dir - The direction to sort on. | public void | sort(DataStoreEvaluator eval, int dir) This method will sort the rows in the data store using an expression. | public void | sort(String col, int dir) This method will sort the rows in the data store on a particular column.
Parameters: col - The name of the column to sort on. Parameters: dir - The direction to sort on. | public int | unDeleteRow(int row) This method will take a row from the datastores deleted buffer and move it back to the standard buffer.
Parameters: row - The number of the row to undelete. | public void | undoChanges(int row) | public DataStoreException[] | validateColumn(int rowNo, String colName, DBConnection conn) Executes all the validation rules for the specified column and row. | public DataStoreException[] | validateColumn(int rowNo, int colNo, DBConnection conn) Executes all the validation rules for the specified column and row. | protected void | validateColumn(int rowNo, int colNo, Vector v, DBConnection conn) | public DataStoreException[] | validateRow(int rowNo, DBConnection conn) Validates an entire row in the DataStore. | public DataStoreException[] | validateRowsToUpdate(DBConnection conn, boolean stopAtFirstError) Validates all rows in the datastore that are candidates for insert or update. | public boolean | valueEqual(int row, int col, Object value) | public boolean | valueGreater(int row, int col, Object value) | public boolean | valueLess(int row, int col, Object value) | public void | waitForCancel() | public void | waitForRetrieve() This method will block until all the data from the last retrieve method call has been loaded into the DataStore's internal buffer. | public void | waitForRetrieve(int iSeconds) Waits for the retrieve process to finish for the period specified in seconds. | protected void | waitForRow(int row) This method was created in VisualAge. |
AUTORETRIEVE_ALWAYS | final public static int AUTORETRIEVE_ALWAYS(Code) | | |
AUTORETRIEVE_NEVER | final public static int AUTORETRIEVE_NEVER(Code) | | |
BIND_DEFAULT | final public static int BIND_DEFAULT(Code) | | |
BIND_FALSE | final public static int BIND_FALSE(Code) | | |
BIND_TRUE | final public static int BIND_TRUE(Code) | | |
BUFFER_DELETED | final public static int BUFFER_DELETED(Code) | | |
BUFFER_FILTERED | final public static int BUFFER_FILTERED(Code) | | |
BUFFER_STANDARD | final public static int BUFFER_STANDARD(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_ANY | final protected static int DATATYPE_ANY(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_BYTEARRAY | final public static int DATATYPE_BYTEARRAY(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_DATE | final public static int DATATYPE_DATE(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_DATETIME | final public static int DATATYPE_DATETIME(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_DOUBLE | final public static int DATATYPE_DOUBLE(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_FLOAT | final public static int DATATYPE_FLOAT(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_INT | final public static int DATATYPE_INT(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_LONG | final public static int DATATYPE_LONG(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_SHORT | final public static int DATATYPE_SHORT(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_STRING | final public static int DATATYPE_STRING(Code) | | |
DATATYPE_TIME | final public static int DATATYPE_TIME(Code) | | |
EXPORT_HTML | final public static int EXPORT_HTML(Code) | | |
EXPORT_TAB_DELIMITED | final public static int EXPORT_TAB_DELIMITED(Code) | | |
EXPORT_XML | final public static int EXPORT_XML(Code) | | |
RELATION_MANY_TO_ONE | final public static int RELATION_MANY_TO_ONE(Code) | | |
RELATION_ONE_TO_MANY | final public static int RELATION_ONE_TO_MANY(Code) | | |
RELATION_ONE_TO_ONE | final public static int RELATION_ONE_TO_ONE(Code) | | |
SORT_ASC | final public static int SORT_ASC(Code) | | |
SORT_DES | final public static int SORT_DES(Code) | | |
STATUS_MODIFIED | final public static int STATUS_MODIFIED(Code) | | |
STATUS_NEW | final public static int STATUS_NEW(Code) | | |
STATUS_NEW_MODIFIED | final public static int STATUS_NEW_MODIFIED(Code) | | |
STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED | final public static int STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED(Code) | | |
_manytoonerelationship | protected boolean _manytoonerelationship(Code) | | |
_retrieveInProgress_cancelInProgress | protected boolean _retrieveInProgress_cancelInProgress(Code) | | |
_waitingCancelThreads | protected Vector _waitingCancelThreads(Code) | | |
_waitingRetrieveThreads | protected Vector _waitingRetrieveThreads(Code) | | |
debug | final protected static boolean debug(Code) | | |
DataStoreBuffer | public DataStoreBuffer()(Code) | | Creates a new empty DataStore object. Any method requiring a database connection (retrieve,update and union) will have to be explicitly passed a DBConnection created outside the datastore.
addBucket | public void addBucket(String internalname, int type)(Code) | | This method adds a bucket to the DataStoreBuffer. The bucket will be filled in with nulls when the datastore is retrieved.
Parameters: internalname - The name of the bucket to add to the datastore. Parameters: type - The type of the column to add to the datastore. This must be one of the "TYPE" constants in the class. |
addBucket | public void addBucket(String internalname, int type, String format)(Code) | | This method adds a bucket to the DataStoreBuffer. The bucket will be filled in with nulls when the datastore is retrieved.
Parameters: internalname - The name of the bucket to add to the datastore. Parameters: type - The type of the column to add to the datastore. This must be one of the "TYPE" constants in the class. |
addExpressionRule | public void addExpressionRule(String column, DataStoreExpression expression, String errorMessage, boolean executeOnServer) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Use this method to add validation rules that will be checked by the validator.
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: expression - A DataStoreExpression class that returns a boolean value. It will trigger an error if the value returns false. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails. Parameters: executeOnServer - Whether or not this rule should evaluate on the server for proxy datastores. Otherwise the expression object will be serialized and copied to the client to execute there. |
addExpressionRule | public void addExpressionRule(String column, String expression, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Use this method to add validation rules that will be checked by the validator.
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: expression - A DataStore expression that returns a boolean value. It will trigger an error if the value returns false. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails. |
addExpressionRule | public void addExpressionRule(int column, DataStoreExpression expression, String errorMessage, boolean executeOnServer) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Use this method to add validation rules that will be checked by the validator.
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: expression - A DataStoreExpression class that returns a boolean value. It will trigger an error if the value returns false. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails. Parameters: executeOnServer - Whether or not this rule should evaluate on the server for proxy datastores. Otherwise the expression object will be serialized and copied to the client to execute there. |
addExpressionRule | public void addExpressionRule(int column, String expression, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Use this method to add validation rules that will be checked by the validator.
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: expression - A DataStore expression that returns a boolean value. It will trigger an error if the value returns false. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails. |
addJavaScriptRule | public void addJavaScriptRule(String column, String javaScript, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a javascript rule. Since javascript must be executed on a browser, and a this is a server side component, the rule won't be executed in this component. This method allows the rule to be placed here in case the datastore's rules are imported into an HtmlValidatorText component which can execute javascript rules.
Parameters: column - The column to validate Parameters: javaScript - The javascript to execute. The javascript may contain replaceable parameters beginning with a % sign that are translated into the proper component names in the javascript. For example %comp1 would represent a form component on the page called comp1. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails |
addJavaScriptRule | public void addJavaScriptRule(int column, String javaScript, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a javascript rule. Since javascript must be executed on a browser, and a this is a server side component, the rule won't be executed in this component. This method allows the rule to be placed here in case the datastore's rules are imported into an HtmlValidatorText component which can execute javascript rules.
Parameters: column - The column to validate Parameters: javaScript - The javascript to execute. The javascript may contain replaceable parameters beginning with a % sign that are translated into the proper component names in the javascript. For example %comp1 would represent a form component on the page called comp1. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails |
addLookupRule | public void addLookupRule(String column, String lookupTable, String searchExpression, String descriptionColumn, String descriptionBucket, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Creates a lookup rule
Parameters: lookupTable - The name of the table to lookup the value against. Parameters: searchExpression - A DataStore Expression that returns a String and will be used as the where clause for the SQL that will validate the data. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the error expression returns false. Parameters: descriptionColumn - The name of the column in the lookup table used to fill in the description. Parameters: descriptionBucket - The name of a bucket column in the datastore to place the description. Parameters: errorMessage - The message to return if the rule is violated |
addLookupRule | public void addLookupRule(int column, String lookupTable, String searchExpression, String descriptionColumn, String descriptionBucket, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Creates a lookup rule
Parameters: lookupTable - The name of the table to lookup the value against. Parameters: searchExpression - A DataStore Expression that returns a String and will be used as the where clause for the SQL that will validate the data. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the error expression returns false. Parameters: descriptionColumn - The name of the column in the lookup table used to fill in the description. Parameters: descriptionBucket - The name of a bucket column in the datastore to place the description. Parameters: errorMessage - The message to return if the rule is violated |
addModelChangedListener | public void addModelChangedListener(ModelChangedListener l)(Code) | | Adds a new listerner to this datastore to be notified when the model changes in some way
addRangeRule | public void addRangeRule(int column, Object minValue, Object maxValue, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a range rule to the DataStore buffer
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: minValue - The minimum value to allow in the column. Null to allow any minimum value. Parameters: maxValue - The maximum value to allow in the column. Null to allow any maximum value. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails. |
addRangeRule | public void addRangeRule(String column, Object minValue, Object maxValue, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a range rule to the DataStore buffer
Parameters: column - The name of the column to validate. Parameters: minValue - The minimum value to allow in the column. Null to allow any minimum value. Parameters: maxValue - The maximum value to allow in the column. Null to allow any maximum value. Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails. |
addRequiredRule | public void addRequiredRule(String column, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a validation rule to indicate a value is required
Parameters: column - The column to validate Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails |
addRequiredRule | public void addRequiredRule(int column, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a validation rule to indicate a value is required
Parameters: column - The column to validate Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails |
addReqularExpressionRule | public void addReqularExpressionRule(String column, String regExp, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a regular expression rule. The specified column must match the regular expression to be valid
Parameters: column - The column to validate Parameters: regExp - The regular expression to match Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails |
addReqularExpressionRule | public void addReqularExpressionRule(int column, String regExp, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a regular expression rule. The specified column must match the regular expression to be valid
Parameters: column - The column to validate Parameters: regExp - The regular expression to match Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails |
addTypeCheckRule | public void addTypeCheckRule(String column, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a type check rule to the validator. This makes sure that the value in temp area for the column is of the correct datatype.
Parameters: column - The column to validate Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails |
addTypeCheckRule | public void addTypeCheckRule(int column, String errorMessage) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Adds a type check rule to the validator. This makes sure that the value in temp area for the column is of the correct datatype.
Parameters: column - The column to validate Parameters: errorMessage - The error message to display if the validation fails |
appendRows | public void appendRows(Vector rows)(Code) | | This method will append the rows in the DataStore. The vector to append should be created via the getRows method of this datastore.
areThereModelListeners | protected boolean areThereModelListeners()(Code) | | |
autoRetrieve | public void autoRetrieve() throws Exception(Code) | | This method is invoked when the datastore buffer needs to be automatically retrieved by a JspController
clearAllValidationRules | public void clearAllValidationRules()(Code) | | Clears all validations rules from all columns in the DataStore
clearSelectedRow | public void clearSelectedRow()(Code) | | Resets the current row pointer to an undefined row
clearTempValues | public void clearTempValues(int row) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Clears all temporary values from the specified row
Parameters: row - The row number to clear. |
clearTempValues | public void clearTempValues() throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Clears all temporary values from the whole datastore
clearValidationRules | public void clearValidationRules(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Clears all validation rules for the specified column
clearValidationRules | public void clearValidationRules(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Clears all validation rules for the specified column
compareRows | public int compareRows(int row1, int row2, int[] cols)(Code) | | This method will compare the contents of two rows using the specified column list. It will return < 0 if row1 is less then row2, 0 if they are equal and > 0 if row1 is greater than row2
Parameters: row1 - the first row to check Parameters: row2 - the next row to check Parameters: cols - An array of column numbers to use for the comparison |
compareRows | public int compareRows(int row1, int row2, String[] cols)(Code) | | This method will compare the contents of two rows using the specified column list. It will return < 0 if row1 is less then row2, 0 if they are equal and > 0 if row1 is greater than row2
Parameters: row1 - the first row to check Parameters: row2 - the next row to check Parameters: cols - An array of column names to use for the comparison |
deleteRow | public boolean deleteRow()(Code) | | This deletes the current row in the DataStoreBuffer. This will generate a delete statment that will remove the row from the database when the update method is called.
true if the row is deleted and false if not. |
deleteRow | public boolean deleteRow(int row)(Code) | | This deletes the row in the DataStoreBuffer. This will generate a delete statment that will remove the row from the database when the update method is called.
Parameters: row - The number of the row to delete. True if the row is deleted and false if not. |
export | public void export(int format, boolean includeHeaders, PrintWriter p)(Code) | | Exports the rows of the data store in the format specified.
format: Can be EXPORT_XML, EXPORT_HTML or EXPORT_TAB_DELIMITED; includeHeaders: True if the output should contain column headings. p: The PrintWriter to send the output to. |
filter | public void filter(String filter) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will remove all rows from the buffer that don't match the criteria and place them in the datastore's filter buffer.
The method is passed a String containing the filter expression that will be used.
ds.filter("table1.column1 == 'xxxx');
ds.filter("table1.column1.substring(2,3) == table1.column2");
ds.filter("table1.column1.substring(2,3) == table1.column2 || table1.column3.startsWith('xxx')");
Parameters: filter - The criteria to filter on. Enter a value of null to clear the filter. See Also: DataStoreEvaluator |
filterQBE | public void filterQBE(QBEBuilder filter) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will remove all rows from the buffer that don't match the criteria and place them in the datastore's filter buffer.
Parameters: filter - A QBEBuilder that will build the filter |
find | public synchronized int find(int start, int end) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method finds the next row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and is within the start and end range.
Parameters: start - The first row in the DataStoreBuffer to search. Parameters: end - The last row in the DataStoreBuffer to search (Make start > end to search backwards). Returns the first row matching the criteria within the range or -1 if none are found. See Also: DataStore.setFindExpression |
findFirst | public synchronized boolean findFirst() throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method finds the firs row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and makes it the current row.
Returns false if no rows are found that match the criteria. See Also: DataStoreBuffer.setFindExpression |
findLast | public synchronized boolean findLast() throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method finds the last row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and makes it the current row.
Returns false if no rows are found that match the criteria. See Also: DataStoreBuffer.setFindExpression |
findNext | public synchronized boolean findNext() throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method finds the next row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and makes it the current row.
Returns false if no rows are found that match the criteria. See Also: DataStoreBuffer.setFindExpression |
findPrior | public synchronized boolean findPrior() throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method finds the next row in the result set that matches the criteria entered and makes it the current row.
Returns false if no rows are found that match the criteria. See Also: DataStoreBuffer.setFindExpression |
fixQuote | public static String fixQuote(String data, int dataType)(Code) | | This method will fix quotes in a string constant so it can be used in a SQL Statement
fixQuote | public static String fixQuote(String data, int dataType, String connectionType)(Code) | | This method will fix quotes in a string constant so it can be used in a SQL Statement
getAllowMasterRowDelete | public boolean getAllowMasterRowDelete()(Code) | | Returns whether Master Row can be deleted on update for a One to Many Relationship model (Master/Detail)
boolean - Indicates whether to allow Master Row Delete on update. |
getAny | public Object getAny(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a Object value from the current row of the data store buffer.
The Object value Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getAny | public Object getAny(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a Object value from the data store buffer.
The Object value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getAny | public Object getAny(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a Object value from the data store buffer.
The Object value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name (in the form table.column) in the data store buffer. |
getAny | public Object getAny(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a Object value from the current row of the data store buffer.
The Object value Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getAutoBind | public boolean getAutoBind()(Code) | | This method will get the whether or not columns in the DatastoreBuffer should be automatically bound to components in the page (Only used for DataStoreBuffers created via the DataSource jsp tag)
getAutoRetrieve | public int getAutoRetrieve()(Code) | | This method will get whether or not the DatastoreBuffer should be automatically retrieved when a page is requested (Only used for DataStoreBuffers created via the DataSource jsp tag)
Valid values are AUTORETRIEVE_NEVER (Don't Autoretrieve),AUTORETRIEVE_ALWAYS (Retrieve on each page request), AUTORETRIEVE_ONCHANGE (Autoretrieve if the selection criteria changes);
getAutoRetrieveCriteria | public AutoRetrieveCriteria getAutoRetrieveCriteria()(Code) | | This method will return the autoretrieve criteria used for the datastore.
getBoolProperty | static String getBoolProperty(boolean p)(Code) | | |
getBucketsModified | public boolean getBucketsModified()(Code) | | This method returns the true if any bucket columns (columns not representing database columns) have been modified on the current row. Bucket column modfications aren't reflected in the row status for each row.
getBucketsModified | public boolean getBucketsModified(int row)(Code) | | This method returns the true if any bucket columns (columns not representing database columns) have been modified on the specified row. Bucket column modfications aren't reflected in the row status for each row.
Parameters: row - The row in the datastore buffer. |
getByteArray | public byte[] getByteArray(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a byte array value from the current row in the data store buffer.
The byte array Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getByteArray | public byte[] getByteArray(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a byte array value from the data store buffer.
The byte array Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getByteArray | public byte[] getByteArray(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a byte array value from the data store buffer.
The byte array Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name (in the form table.column) in the data store buffer. |
getByteArray | public byte[] getByteArray(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a byte array value from the current row in the data store buffer.
The byte array Parameters: column - The column name (in the form table.column) in the data store buffer. |
getColumnCount | public int getColumnCount()(Code) | | This method returns the number of columns in the datastore.
getColumnDataType | public int getColumnDataType(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method returns the Data Type for a particular column.
Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getColumnDataType | public int getColumnDataType(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method returns the Data Type for a particular column.
Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getColumnIndex | public int getColumnIndex(String column)(Code) | | This method returns the index of the column in the data store given its name.
The column number or -1 if the column name is not found. Parameters: column - The name of the column to search for. |
getColumnList | public String[] getColumnList()(Code) | | This method returns a list with the names of all the columns in the data store.
getColumnName | public String getColumnName(int col) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method returns the name of the column in the data store given its index.
getDataStoreRow | public DataStoreRow getDataStoreRow(int rowNo, int buffer) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method gets the specified row from the DataStore.
Parameters: rowNo - The number of the row to get. Parameters: buffer - The datastore buffer to look in. Valid values are BUFFER_STANDARD, BUFFER_DELETED, BUFFER_FILTERED. |
getDate | public java.sql.Date getDate(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a date value from current row of the data store buffer.
The DateTime Value Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getDate | public java.sql.Date getDate(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a date value from the data store buffer.
The DateTime Value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getDate | public java.sql.Date getDate(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a date value from the data store buffer.
The DateTime Value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getDate | public java.sql.Date getDate(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a date value from current row of the data store buffer.
The DateTime Value Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getDateTime | public Timestamp getDateTime(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a date value from current row of the data store buffer.
The DateTime Value Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getDateTime | public Timestamp getDateTime(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a date value from the data store buffer.
The DateTime Value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getDateTime | public Timestamp getDateTime(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a date value from the data store buffer.
The DateTime Value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getDateTime | public java.sql.Timestamp getDateTime(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a datetime value from current row of the data store buffer.
The DateTime Value Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getDeletedCount | public int getDeletedCount()(Code) | | This method returns the current number of rows that will be deleted when the datastores update method is called.
int |
getDouble | public double getDouble(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a double value from the current row in data store buffer.
The double value. Parameters: column - The column number in the in the data store buffer. |
getDouble | public double getDouble(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a double value from the data store buffer.
The double value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the in the data store buffer. |
getDouble | public double getDouble(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a double value from the data store buffer.
The double value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name in the form table.column in the data store buffer |
getDouble | public double getDouble(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a double value from the current row in data store buffer.
The double value. Parameters: column - The column name in the form table.column in the data store buffer |
getFilteredCount | public int getFilteredCount()(Code) | | This method returns the current number of rows in the DataStores filter buffer.
the number of rows in the filter buffer. |
getFloat | public float getFloat(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a float value from the current row in the data store buffer.
The long value. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getFloat | public float getFloat(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a float value from the data store buffer.
The long value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getFloat | public float getFloat(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a float value from the data store buffer.
The long value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getFloat | public float getFloat(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a float value from the current row in the data store buffer.
The long value. Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getFormattedString | public String getFormattedString(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a string value from the data store buffer. If the column is numeric, date, time or datetime it will first be formatted into a String based on the pattern specified in the setFormat method.
See Also: DataStore.setFormat |
getFormattedString | public String getFormattedString(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a string value from the data store buffer. If the column is numeric, date, time or datetime it will first be formatted into a String based on the pattern specified in the setFormat method.
If there is a temporary value specified for the column, that will be returned instead.
See Also: DataStore.setFormat See Also: DataStoreBuffer.setTempValue |
getFormattedString | public String getFormattedString(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a string value from the data store buffer. If the column is numeric, date, time or datetime it will first be formatted into a String based on the pattern specified in the setFormat method.
See Also: DataStore.setFormat |
getFormattedString | public String getFormattedString(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a string value from the data store buffer. If the column is numeric, date, time or datetime it will first be formatted into a String based on the pattern specified in the setFormat method.
See Also: DataStore.setFormat |
getInt | public int getInt(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a integer value from the current row in the data store buffer.
The integer value. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer |
getInt | public int getInt(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a integer value from the data store buffer.
The integer value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer |
getInt | public int getInt(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a integer value from the data store buffer.
The integer value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name in the form table.column in the data store buffer |
getInt | public int getInt(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a integer value from the current row in data store buffer.
The integer value. Parameters: column - The column name in the form table.column in the data store buffer |
getLong | public long getLong(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a long value from the current row in the data store buffer.
The long value. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getLong | public long getLong(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a long value from the data store buffer.
The long value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getLong | public long getLong(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a long value from the data store buffer.
The long value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getLong | public long getLong(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a long value from the data store buffer.
The long value. Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getNullDefault | public Object getNullDefault(int dataType)(Code) | | Returns the value to use in place of null for a particular datatype
Parameters: dataType - One of the datatype constants, ex: DATATYPE_STRING, DATATYPE_INT, etc.. |
getProperties | public Properties getProperties()(Code) | | This method creates a properties object containing the definition of the data store.
getProxyRow | public int getProxyRow(int rowNo)(Code) | | If the datastore is connected to a client side proxy datastore, the row in the proxy that matches the specified one in the server side datastore
getRemoteID | public String getRemoteID()(Code) | | Used to get the remote id for the datastore
getRemoteUpdateReturnValue | public String getRemoteUpdateReturnValue()(Code) | | This method will return the value that will be returned to the proxy datastore after an remote update.
getRow | public int getRow()(Code) | | This method returns the current row in the result set.
The current row in the result set or -1 if the result set is empty. |
getRowCount | public int getRowCount()(Code) | | This method returns the current number of rows in the DataStores data buffer. If a retrieve is in progress this value will change as the rows are retrieved.
the number of rows in the buffer. |
getRowStatus | public int getRowStatus()(Code) | | This method returns the status flag of the current row.
-1 if the row is not in the buffer or the status if it is (Valid values: STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED, STATUS_MODIFIED, STATUS_NEW, STATUS_NEW_MODIFIED). |
getRowStatus | public int getRowStatus(int row)(Code) | | This method returns the status flag of the specified row.
Parameters: row - The row in the datastore buffer. -1 if the row is not in the buffer or the status if it is. (Valid values: STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED, STATUS_MODIFIED, STATUS_NEW, STATUS_NEW_MODIFIED). |
getRows | public Vector getRows()(Code) | | This method will return a copy of all the rows in the DataStore. The rows can then be restored with the setRows method. The intention of this method is to allow for the caching of data in the datastore so it doesn't have to be retrieved.
getShort | public short getShort(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a short value from the current row in the data store buffer.
The short value. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getShort | public short getShort(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a short value from the data store buffer.
The short value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getShort | public short getShort(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a short value from the data store buffer.
The short value. Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name in the form table.column in the data store buffer |
getShort | public short getShort(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a short value from the current row in the data store buffer.
The short value. Parameters: column - The column name in the form table.column in the data store buffer |
getString | public String getString(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a string value from the data store buffer.
The String Value Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer |
getString | public String getString(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a string value from the data store buffer.
The String Value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getString | public String getString(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a String value from the data store buffer.
The String value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name (in the form table.column) in the data store buffer. |
getString | public String getString(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a string value from the data store buffer.
The String Value Parameters: column - The column name (in the form table.column) in the data store buffer. |
getTableList | public String[] getTableList(boolean updateable)(Code) | | This method returns an array of all the tables referenced in the datastore.
Parameters: updateable - True if the table list should only include updateable tables and false if it should include all. |
getTablesRelationshipDescription | TablesRelationshipDescription getTablesRelationshipDescription(DataStoreInterface ds)(Code) | | |
getTablesRelationshipDescription | TablesRelationshipDescription getTablesRelationshipDescription(DataStoreInterface ds, boolean bUpdateable)(Code) | | |
getTempValue | public String getTempValue(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Gets a temporary value in the buffer. A temporary value in one that doesn't effect the interaction with the datasource and will get cleared whenever a actual value is set on the column. It's intended purpose is to provide an area where invalid values entered by users can be safely stored for later processing without effecting the clean data in the buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. |
getTempValue | public String getTempValue(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Gets a temporary value in the buffer. A temporary value in one that doesn't effect the interaction with the datasource and will get cleared whenever a actual value is set on the column. It's intended purpose is to provide an area where invalid values entered by users can be safely stored for later processing without effecting the clean data in the buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. |
getTempValue | public String getTempValue(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Gets a temporary value in the buffer. A temporary value in one that doesn't effect the interaction with the datasource and will get cleared whenever a actual value is set on the column. It's intended purpose is to provide an area where invalid values entered by users can be safely stored for later processing without effecting the clean data in the buffer.
Parameters: column - The column to get the value for |
getTempValue | public String getTempValue(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Gets a temporary value in the buffer. A temporary value in one that doesn't effect the interaction with the datasource and will get cleared whenever a actual value is set on the column. It's intended purpose is to provide an area where invalid values entered by users can be safely stored for later processing without effecting the clean data in the buffer.
Parameters: column - The column to get the value for |
getTime | public java.sql.Time getTime(int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a time value from current row of the data store buffer.
The time Value Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getTime | public java.sql.Time getTime(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a time value from the data store buffer.
The time Value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column number in the data store buffer. |
getTime | public java.sql.Time getTime(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a time value from the data store buffer.
The Time Value Parameters: row - The row number in the data store buffer. Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getTime | public java.sql.Time getTime(String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method return a time value from current row of the data store buffer.
The Time Value Parameters: column - The column name in the data store buffer. |
getTypeDescription | public static String getTypeDescription(int type)(Code) | | |
getValidationRulesForColumn | public ValidationRule[] getValidationRulesForColumn(int colNo)(Code) | | Returns a list of all validation rules for each column or null if there aren't any
gotoFirst | public synchronized boolean gotoFirst()(Code) | | This method makes the current row the first one in the result set.
Returns fals if the result set is empty. |
gotoLast | public synchronized boolean gotoLast()(Code) | | This method makes the current row the last one in the result set.
Returns fals if the result set is empty. |
gotoNext | public synchronized boolean gotoNext()(Code) | | This method increments the current row in the result set.
Returns false if the result set is empty or the current row is the last. |
gotoPrior | public synchronized boolean gotoPrior()(Code) | | This method decrements the current row in the result set.
Returns false if the result set is empty or the current row is the first. |
gotoRow | public synchronized boolean gotoRow(int row)(Code) | | This method makes a specific row the current one in the result set.
Returns false if the result set is empty or the row passed is beyond the bounds of the result set. Parameters: row - The row in the result set to make current. |
hasManyToOneRelationship | public boolean hasManyToOneRelationship()(Code) | | Returns whether the Datastore has a Many to One Relationship in its joins.
boolean |
hasTempValues | public boolean hasTempValues(int row) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Returns true if the specified row has temporary values
Parameters: row - The row number to check |
insertRow | public int insertRow()(Code) | | Inserts a blank row at the end of the DataStoreBuffer. Returns the number of the row added.
insertRow | public int insertRow(int atPosition)(Code) | | * Inserts a blank row at the specified position of the DataStore's result set buffer. Returns the number of the row added.
interruptWaitingCancelThreads | protected synchronized void interruptWaitingCancelThreads()(Code) | | |
interruptWaitingRetrieveThreads | protected synchronized void interruptWaitingRetrieveThreads()(Code) | | |
isColumnInOneToManyRelationship | public boolean isColumnInOneToManyRelationship(String sColumn)(Code) | | Indicates whether column is part of the master of a One To Many Relationship Model.
booelan |
isColumnModified | public boolean isColumnModified(int row, int column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method returns true if a particular column is modified
isColumnModified | public boolean isColumnModified(int row, String column) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method returns true if a particular column is modified
isFormattedStringValid | public boolean isFormattedStringValid(int column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will return true if the passed string value if a valid entry for the column based on the String format specified for the column via the setFormat method.
See Also: DataStoreBuffer.setFormat |
isFormattedStringValid | public boolean isFormattedStringValid(String column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will return true if the passed string value if a valid entry for the column based on the String format specified for the column via the setFormat method.
See Also: DataStoreBuffer.setFormat |
notifyListeners | public void notifyListeners(ModelChangedEvent e)(Code) | | Notifies all listeners that a model changed event occurred
notifyListeners | protected void notifyListeners(int type)(Code) | | |
removeModelChangedListener | public void removeModelChangedListener(ModelChangedListener l)(Code) | | This method removes a listener from the list of listeners that will be notified when a model changed event is fired.
removeRow | public boolean removeRow()(Code) | | This removes the current row from the DataStore buffer. This will not generate a delete statment that will remove the row from the database when the update method is called.
True if the row is remove and false if not. |
removeRow | public boolean removeRow(int row)(Code) | | This removes the row from the DataStore buffer. This will not generate a delete statment that will remove the row from the database when the update method is called.
Parameters: row - The number of the row to remove. True if the row is remove and false if not. |
reset | public synchronized void reset()(Code) | | This method will clear all rows in the dataStore.
resetStatus | public void resetStatus()(Code) | | This method will clear the row status flags and clear the deleted buffer in the DataStoreBuffer.
setAllowMasterRowDelete | public void setAllowMasterRowDelete(boolean bAllow)(Code) | | Sets whether Master Row can be deleted on update for a One to Many Relationship model (Master/Detail)
Parameters: bAllow - - Indicates whether to allow Master Row Delete on update. |
setAny | public void setAny(int row, int column, Object value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column |
setAny | public void setAny(int column, Object value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setAny | public void setAny(int row, String column, Object value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setAny | public void setAny(String column, Object value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column |
setAutoBind | public void setAutoBind(boolean value)(Code) | | This method will set the whether or not columns in the DatastoreBuffer should be automatically bound to components in the page (Only used for DataStoreBuffers created via the DataSource jsp tag)
setAutoRetrieve | public void setAutoRetrieve(int value)(Code) | | This method will set the whether or not the DatastoreBuffer should be automatically retrieved when a page is requested (Only used for DataStoreBuffers created via the DataSource jsp tag)
Valid values are AUTORETRIEVE_NEVER (Don't Autoretrieve),AUTORETRIEVE_ALWAYS (Retrieve on each page request), AUTORETRIEVE_ONCHANGE (Autoretrieve if the selection criteria changes);
setAutoRetrieveCriteria | public void setAutoRetrieveCriteria(AutoRetrieveCriteria crit)(Code) | | This method will set the autoretrieve criteria used for the datastore.
setBoolProperty | static boolean setBoolProperty(String p)(Code) | | |
setBucketsModified | public void setBucketsModified(int row, boolean modified)(Code) | | This method sets a flag indicating if any bucket columns (columns not representing database columns) have been modified on the specified row. Bucket column modfications aren't reflected in the row status for each row.
Parameters: row - The row in the datastore buffer. |
setBucketsModified | public void setBucketsModified(boolean modified)(Code) | | This method sets a flag indicating if any bucket columns (columns not representing database columns) have been modified on the current row. Bucket column modfications aren't reflected in the row status for each row.
setByteArray | public void setByteArray(int column, byte[] value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setByteArray | public void setByteArray(int row, int column, byte[] value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setByteArray | public void setByteArray(int row, String column, byte[] value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setByteArray | public void setByteArray(String column, byte[] value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column |
setCurrentRow | protected void setCurrentRow(int currentRow)(Code) | | Sets the _currentRow.
Parameters: currentRow - The _currentRow to set |
setDataStoreRow | public void setDataStoreRow(int rowNo, int buffer, DataStoreRow row) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets the specified row in the DataStore. The DataStoreRow must be compatible with the internal structure of the datastore (eg created with the getDataStoreRow method from the same datastore). To create a blank row in the datastore call the insertRow method and then getDataStoreRow.
Parameters: rowNo - The number of the row to get. Parameters: buffer - The datastore buffer to look in. Valid values are BUFFER_STANDARD, BUFFER_DELETED, BUFFER_FILTERED. Parameters: row - The row to set |
setDate | public void setDate(int row, int column, java.sql.Date value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDate | public void setDate(int row, String column, java.sql.Date value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDate | public void setDate(int column, java.sql.Date value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDate | public void setDate(String column, java.sql.Date value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column |
setDateTime | public void setDateTime(int row, int column, java.sql.Timestamp value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDateTime | public void setDateTime(int row, String column, java.sql.Timestamp value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDateTime | public void setDateTime(int column, java.sql.Timestamp value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDateTime | public void setDateTime(String column, java.sql.Timestamp value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column |
setDistinct | public void setDistinct(boolean distinct)(Code) | | This method will set the distinct flag in the data store.
Parameters: distinct - if the flag is set to true the generated select statement will begin with a select distinct. |
setDouble | public void setDouble(int column, double value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDouble | public void setDouble(int row, int column, double value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDouble | public void setDouble(int row, String column, double value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setDouble | public void setDouble(String column, double value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setFloat | public void setFloat(int column, float value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setFloat | public void setFloat(int row, int column, float value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setFloat | public void setFloat(int row, String column, float value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setFloat | public void setFloat(String column, float value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setFormat | public void setFormat(String col, String format) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a the format string for a date, time, datetime or numeric type column.
Date Formats
Symbol Meaning Presentation Example
------ ------- ------------ -------
G era designator (Text) AD
y year (Number) 1996
M month in year (Text & Number) July & 07
d day in month (Number) 10
h hour in am/pm (1~12) (Number) 12
H hour in day (0~23) (Number) 0
m minute in hour (Number) 30
s second in minute (Number) 55
S millisecond (Number) 978
E day in week (Text) Tuesday
D day in year (Number) 189
F day of week in month (Number) 2 (2nd Wed in July)
w week in year (Number) 27
W week in month (Number) 2
a am/pm marker (Text) PM
k hour in day (1~24) (Number) 24
K hour in am/pm (0~11) (Number) 0
z time zone (Text) Pacific Standard Time
' escape for text (Delimiter)
'' single quote (Literal) '
Numeric Formats
Symbol Meaning
------ -------
0 a digit
# a digit, zero shows as absent
. placeholder for decimal separator
, placeholder for grouping separator.
; separates formats.
- default negative prefix.
% multiply by 100 and show as percentage
? multiply by 1000 and show as per mille
¤ currency sign; replaced by currency symbol; if
doubled, replaced by international currency symbol.
If present in a pattern, the monetary decimal separator
is used instead of the decimal separator.
X any other characters can be used in the prefix or suffix
' used to quote special characters in a prefix or suffix.
Parameters: col - The column name to set the format for. Parameters: format - The format to use in parsing or formatting the value See Also: DataStore.getFormattedString See Also: DataStore.setFormattedString |
setFormattedString | public void setFormattedString(int row, int column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will set a parse a string value using the format specified in setFormat for this column and place it in the datastore if it is valid.
See Also: DataStore.setFormat |
setFormattedString | public void setFormattedString(int column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will set a parse a string value using the format specified in setFormat for this column and place it in the datastore if it is valid.
See Also: DataStore.setFormat |
setFormattedString | public void setFormattedString(int row, String column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will set a parse a string value using the format specified in setFormat for this column and place it in the datastore if it is valid.
See Also: DataStore.setFormat |
setFormattedString | public void setFormattedString(String column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will set a parse a string value using the format specified in setFormat for this column and place it in the datastore if it is valid.
See Also: DataStore.setFormat |
setInt | public void setInt(int row, int column, int value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setInt | public void setInt(int row, String column, int value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setInt | public void setInt(String column, int value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setLang | public void setLang(LanguagePreferences preferences)(Code) | | Parameters: sets - a language preference for this datastore. The datastore implementation doesn't use it, but classes extending the datastore may find it useful |
setLong | public void setLong(int row, int column, long value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setLong | public void setLong(int column, long value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setLong | public void setLong(int row, String column, long value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setLong | public void setLong(String column, long value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setNullDefault | public void setNullDefault(int dataType, Object defaultValue)(Code) | | For Systems that don't allow null values in columns, specify the value to use in place of null for each datastore datatype. Whenever the datastore encounters a null value for a column it will replace it with real value for the appropriate type
Parameters: dataType - One of the datatype constants, ex: DATATYPE_STRING, DATATYPE_INT, etc.. Parameters: defaultValue - The value to use to replace null values set in the datastore |
setOrderBy | public void setOrderBy(String orderBy)(Code) | | Sets the order by clause of the DataStore's SQL Statement
Parameters: orderBy - The columns to use to sort the result set. |
setPrimaryKey | public void setPrimaryKey(int col, boolean pkey) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method is used to indicate whether a column is part of the primary key
setPrimaryKey | public void setPrimaryKey(String col, boolean pkey) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method is used to indicate whether a column is part of the primary key
setProperties | public void setProperties(Properties p)(Code) | | This method reads a properties object containing the definition of the data store and builds the datastore from it.
setRemoteID | public void setRemoteID(String remoteID)(Code) | | Used to set the remote id for the datastore
setRemoteUpdateReturnValue | public void setRemoteUpdateReturnValue(String update)(Code) | | This method will return the value that will be returned to the a proxy datastore after a remote update.
setRowStatus | public boolean setRowStatus(int status)(Code) | | This method sets the status flag of the current row.
Parameters: status - (STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED,STATUS_MODIFIED,STATUS_NEW,STATUS_NEW_MODIFIED) True if the row is in the buffer and false if not |
setRowStatus | public boolean setRowStatus(int row, int status)(Code) | | This method sets the status flag of the specified row.
Parameters: row - The row in the datastore buffer. Parameters: status - (STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED,STATUS_MODIFIED,STATUS_NEW,STATUS_NEW_MODIFIED) True if the row is in the buffer and false if not |
setRows | public void setRows(Vector rows)(Code) | | This method will set the rows in the DataStore. The vector set should be created via the getRows method of this datastore.
setShort | public void setShort(int row, int column, short value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setShort | public void setShort(int row, String column, short value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setShort | public void setShort(int column, short value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setShort | public void setShort(String column, short value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setString | public void setString(int row, int column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setString | public void setString(int column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setString | public void setString(int row, String column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setString | public void setString(String column, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column |
setTempValue | public void setTempValue(int row, int col, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Sets a temporary value in the buffer. A temporary value in one that doesn't effect the interaction with the datasource and will get cleared whenever a actual value is set on the column. It's intended purpose is to provide an area where invalid values entered by users can be safely stored for later processing without effecting the clean data in the buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: col - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the temporary column. |
setTempValue | public void setTempValue(int col, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Sets a temporary value in the buffer for the current row. A temporary value in one that doesn't effect the interaction with the datasource and will get cleared whenever a actual value is set on the column. It's intended purpose is to provide an area where invalid values entered by users can be safely stored for later processing without effecting the clean data in the buffer.
Parameters: col - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the temporary column. |
setTempValue | public void setTempValue(String col, String value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Sets a temporary value in the buffer for the current row. A temporary value in one that doesn't effect the interaction with the datasource and will get cleared whenever a actual value is set on the column. It's intended purpose is to provide an area where invalid values entered by users can be safely stored for later processing without effecting the clean data in the buffer.
Parameters: col - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the temporary column. |
setTime | public void setTime(int row, int column, java.sql.Time value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setTime | public void setTime(int row, String column, java.sql.Time value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer.
Parameters: row - The row number for the value to set. Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setTime | public void setTime(int column, java.sql.Time value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column. |
setTime | public void setTime(String column, java.sql.Time value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method sets a value in the data store's internal buffer at the current row.
Parameters: column - The column for the value to set. Parameters: value - The data to place in the column |
sort | public void sort(int[] col, int dir) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will sort the rows in the data store on an array of columns.
Parameters: col - A array of column numbers to sort on. Parameters: dir - An integer array of the direction to sort on. Each element can contain either SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC. |
sort | public void sort(int[] col, int dir, boolean bUseQSAlgoritm) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will sort the rows in the data store on an array of columns.
Parameters: col - A array of column numbers to sort on. Parameters: dir - An integer array of the direction to sort on. Each element can contain either SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC. Parameters: bUseQSAlgoritm - A boolean to indicate to use only the Quick Sort Algoritm. No use of Hash Maps. |
sort | public void sort(Object[] obj, int dir) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will sort the rows in the data store on an array of columns.
Parameters: obj - A array of objects to sort on. The array can contain Strings (column name), Integers (column numbers) or DataStoreEvaluators (expressions) Parameters: dir - An integer array of the direction to sort on. Each element can contain either SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC. |
sort | public void sort(String col, int dir) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will sort the rows in the data store on an array of columns.
Parameters: col - A String array of column names to sort on. Parameters: dir - An integer array of the direction to sort on. Each element can contain either SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC. |
sort | public void sort(int col, int dir) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will sort the rows in the data store on a particular column.
Parameters: col - The column number of the column to sort on. Parameters: dir - The direction to sort on. Either SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC. |
sort | public void sort(DataStoreEvaluator eval, int dir) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will sort the rows in the data store using an expression.
Parameters: eval - A datastore evaluator containing the expression. Parameters: dir - An integer indicating the sort direction valid values are SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC. |
sort | public void sort(String col, int dir) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | This method will sort the rows in the data store on a particular column.
Parameters: col - The name of the column to sort on. Parameters: dir - The direction to sort on. Either SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC. |
unDeleteRow | public int unDeleteRow(int row)(Code) | | This method will take a row from the datastores deleted buffer and move it back to the standard buffer.
Parameters: row - The number of the row to undelete. Note: this is the row number of the row in the deleted buffer not the standard buffer. The number that the deleted row was moved to in the standard buffer or -1 if an error occurs. |
undoChanges | public void undoChanges(int row)(Code) | | Restores a row to the state it was when it was first loaded from the database
validateColumn | public DataStoreException[] validateColumn(int rowNo, String colName, DBConnection conn)(Code) | | Executes all the validation rules for the specified column and row. Returns an array of exceptions that will be empty if there are no errors.
validateColumn | public DataStoreException[] validateColumn(int rowNo, int colNo, DBConnection conn)(Code) | | Executes all the validation rules for the specified column and row. Returns an array of exceptions that will be empty if there are no errors.
validateRow | public DataStoreException[] validateRow(int rowNo, DBConnection conn)(Code) | | Validates an entire row in the DataStore. Returns an array of exceptions that will be empty if there are no errors.
validateRowsToUpdate | public DataStoreException[] validateRowsToUpdate(DBConnection conn, boolean stopAtFirstError)(Code) | | Validates all rows in the datastore that are candidates for insert or update. stopAtFIrstError is an indication to stop the validation after the first error is found.
valueEqual | public boolean valueEqual(int row, int col, Object value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Returns true if the value passed is less then the value in the specified datastore column
valueGreater | public boolean valueGreater(int row, int col, Object value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Returns true if the value passed is greater then the value in the specified datastore column
valueLess | public boolean valueLess(int row, int col, Object value) throws DataStoreException(Code) | | Returns true if the value passed is less then the value in the specified datastore column
waitForCancel | public void waitForCancel()(Code) | | This method will block until a datastore cancel command is finished
waitForRetrieve | public void waitForRetrieve()(Code) | | This method will block until all the data from the last retrieve method call has been loaded into the DataStore's internal buffer.
waitForRetrieve | public void waitForRetrieve(int iSeconds)(Code) | | Waits for the retrieve process to finish for the period specified in seconds.
waitForRow | protected void waitForRow(int row)(Code) | | This method was created in VisualAge.
Parameters: row - int |