Field Summary |
final public static String | ABBREV_ACTION_MAP Map of the action abbreviations. |
final public static String | ABBREV_ADD_TYPED_CHAR_ACCEPTOR Acceptor checking whether typed character that performed abbreviation
expansion should be added to the text or not. |
final public static String | ABBREV_EXPAND_ACCEPTOR Acceptor checking whether abbreviation should be attempted after the
appropriate character was typed. |
final public static String | ABBREV_MAP Map of the string abbreviations. |
final public static String | ABBREV_RESET_ACCEPTOR Acceptor checking whether typed character should reset abbreviation
accounting. |
final public static String | BOOKMARK_COLORING |
final public static String | CARET_BLINK_RATE Caret blink rate in milliseconds. |
final public static String | CARET_COLOR_INSERT_MODE Caret color for insert mode. |
final public static String | CARET_COLOR_OVERWRITE_MODE Caret color for overwrite mode. |
final public static String | CARET_ITALIC_INSERT_MODE |
final public static String | CARET_ITALIC_OVERWRITE_MODE |
final public static String | CARET_TYPE_INSERT_MODE Type of caret for insert mode. |
final public static String | CARET_TYPE_OVERWRITE_MODE Type of caret for over write mode. |
final public static String | COLORING_NAME_LIST List of the names of the additional colorings that need to be taken into
account for the particular kit. |
final public static String | COLORING_NAME_PRINT_SUFFIX Suffix added to the print coloring settings. |
final public static String | COLORING_NAME_SUFFIX Suffix added to the coloring settings. |
final public static String | COMPONENT_SIZE_INCREMENT How much space will be added additionaly when the component needs to be
resized. |
final public static String | CUSTOM_ACTION_LIST List of actions that will be added to the standard list of actions for
the particular kit. |
final public static String | DEFAULT_COLORING Default coloring for the drawing. |
final public static String | DOC_INSTALL_ACTION_NAME_LIST List of actions which is executed when the new document is installed into
component. |
final public static String | EXPAND_TABS Whether expand typed tabs to spaces. |
final public static String | FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH |
final public static String | FIND_HIGHLIGHT_SEARCH |
final public static String | FIND_HISTORY |
final public static String | FIND_HISTORY_SIZE |
final public static String | FIND_INC_SEARCH |
final public static String | FIND_INC_SEARCH_DELAY |
final public static String | FIND_MATCH_CASE |
final public static String | FIND_REG_EXP |
final public static String | FIND_REPLACE_WITH |
final public static String | FIND_SMART_CASE |
final public static String | FIND_WHAT |
final public static String | FIND_WHOLE_WORDS |
final public static String | FIND_WRAP_SEARCH |
final public static String | GUARDED_COLORING |
final public static String | HIGHLIGHT_SEARCH_COLORING |
final public static String | HOME_KEY_COLUMN_ONE Whether the home key should go to column 1 or first go to text start on
the given line and then to the column 1. |
final public static String | IDENTIFIER_ACCEPTOR Acceptor that recognizes the identifier characters. |
final public static String | IGNORE_VISUAL_CHANGES Ignore the changes made to the settings through the visual property
editors working over the methods manipulating the settings. |
final public static String | INC_SEARCH_COLORING |
final public static String | INDENT_SHIFT_WIDTH Shift-width says how many spaces should the formatter use to indent the
more inner level of code. |
final public static String | INPUT_METHODS_ENABLED Whether the input-methods should be enabled. |
final public static String | KEY_BINDING_LIST Key binding list for particular kit. |
final public static String | KIT_DEINSTALL_ACTION_NAME_LIST List of actions that are executed when editor kit is being removed from
component. |
final public static String | KIT_INSTALL_ACTION_NAME_LIST List of actions which is executed when editor kit is installed into
component. |
final public static String | LINE_BATCH_SIZE How many lines should be processed at once in the various text
processing. |
final public static String | LINE_HEIGHT_CORRECTION Float constant by which the height of the character obtained from the
font is multiplied. |
final public static String | LINE_NUMBER_COLORING Coloring that will be used for line numbers displayed on the left side on
the screen. |
final public static String | LINE_NUMBER_MARGIN Margin on the left and right side of the line number. |
final public static String | LINE_NUMBER_VISIBLE Whether to display line numbers on the left part of the screen. |
final public static String | MACRO_MAP Map of macro definitions. |
final public static String | MARGIN |
final public static String | MARK_DISTANCE Implicit mark distance for inserting to the document. |
final public static String | MAX_MARK_DISTANCE Maximum mark distance. |
final public static String | MIN_MARK_DISTANCE Minimum mark distance for removals. |
final public static String | NEXT_WORD_FINDER Finder for finding the next word. |
final public static String | PREVIOUS_WORD_FINDER Finder for finding the previous word. |
final public static String | PRINT_LINE_NUMBER_VISIBLE Whether to display line numbers when printing to the printer. |
final public static String | READ_BUFFER_SIZE Buffer size for reading into the document from input stream or reader.
Values: java.lang.Integer WARNING! This is critical parameter for editor
functionality. |
final public static String | READ_MARK_DISTANCE Read mark distance is used when performing initial read of the document.
It denotes the distance in chars of two adjacent syntax marks inserted
into the document. |
final public static String | RENDERING_HINTS Rendering hints to be used for the painting. |
final public static String | SCROLL_FIND_INSETS How much space must be reserved in each direction for the find operation.
It's here to ensure the found information will be visible in some context
around it. |
final public static String | SCROLL_JUMP_INSETS How much should the view jump when scrolling goes off the screen. |
final public static String | SELECTION_COLORING |
final public static String | SPACES_PER_TAB How many spaces substitute per one typed tab. |
final public static String | STATUS_BAR_BOLD_COLORING |
final public static String | STATUS_BAR_CARET_DELAY Delay for updating information about caret in the status bar. |
final public static String | STATUS_BAR_COLORING |
final public static String | STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE Whether status bar should be visible or not. |
final public static String | SYNTAX_UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE Size of one batch of characters loaded into syntax segment when updating
syntax marks. |
final public static String | TAB_SIZE Number of spaces to draw when the '\t' character is found in the text. |
final public static String | TEXT_LEFT_MARGIN_WIDTH Width of the margin on the left side of the text just after the
line-number bar. |
final public static String | TEXT_LIMIT_LINE_COLOR Which color should be used for the line showing the text limit. |
final public static String | TEXT_LIMIT_LINE_VISIBLE Whether the line displaying the text limit should be displayed. |
final public static String | TEXT_LIMIT_WIDTH After how many characters the text limit line should be displayed. |
final public static String | TOKEN_CONTEXT_LIST The list of the token contexts that the kit can use. |
final public static String | WHITESPACE_ACCEPTOR Acceptor that recognizes the whitespace characters. |
final public static String | WORD_MATCH_MATCH_CASE Whether to use case sensitive search or not. |
final public static String | WORD_MATCH_MATCH_ONE_CHAR Whether the word matching should return the match even if the matching
word has only one char. |
final public static String | WORD_MATCH_SEARCH_LEN Number of characters that can be searched. |
final public static String | WORD_MATCH_SMART_CASE Whether to use case insensitive search if all the letters are small and
case sensitive search if at least one letter is capital. |
final public static String | WORD_MATCH_STATIC_WORDS Word list that is searched as last resort in word matching. |
final public static String | WORD_MATCH_WRAP_SEARCH Wrap the word match searching on current document after it reaches the
end/begining of current document. |
final public static String | WORD_MOVE_NEWLINE_STOP Whether the word move should stop on the '\n' character. |
final public static String | WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE Buffer size for writing from the document to output stream or writer.
Values: java.lang.Integer instances WARNING! This is critical parameter
for editor functionality. |