| |
| java.lang.Object com.jidesoft.hints.AbstractIntelliHints com.jidesoft.hints.AbstractListIntelliHints com.jidesoft.hints.FileIntelliHints
isFolderOnly | public boolean isFolderOnly()(Code) | | If the hints contain the folder names only.
true if the hints contain the folder names only. |
isShowFullPath | public boolean isShowFullPath()(Code) | | If the hints contain the full path.
true if the hints contain the full path. |
setFolderOnly | public void setFolderOnly(boolean folderOnly)(Code) | | Sets the property of folder only. If true, the hints will only show the folder names.
Otherwise, both folder and file names will be shown in the hints.
Parameters: folderOnly - only provide hints for the folders. |
setShowFullPath | public void setShowFullPath(boolean showFullPath)(Code) | | Sets the property of showing full path. If true, the hints will show the full path.
Otherwise, it will only show the path after user typed in so far.
Parameters: showFullPath - whether show the full path. |
Fields inherited from com.jidesoft.hints.AbstractIntelliHints | final public static String CLIENT_PROPERTY_INTELLI_HINTS(Code)(Java Doc)