| java.lang.Object org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.builder.AbstractWsdl4jDefinitionBuilder org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.builder.AbstractBindingWsdl4jDefinitionBuilder org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.builder.AbstractSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder
All known Subclasses: org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.builder.XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder,
Method Summary | |
protected ExtensibilityElement | createSoapExtension(Class parentType, String localName) Creates a SOAP extensibility element. | protected void | populateBinding(Binding binding, PortType portType) Calls populateBindingInternal() , creates SOAPBinding , and calls
populateSoapBinding() . | protected void | populateBindingFault(BindingFault bindingFault, Fault fault) Creates a SOAPBody , and calls populateSoapBody() . | protected void | populateBindingInput(BindingInput bindingInput, Input input) Creates a SOAPBody , and calls populateSoapBody() . | protected void | populateBindingOperation(BindingOperation bindingOperation, Operation operation) Calls getBindingOperationName() , creates a SOAPOperation , and calls
populateSoapOperation() . | protected void | populateBindingOutput(BindingOutput bindingOutput, Output output) Creates a SOAPBody , and calls populateSoapBody() . | protected void | populateDefinition(Definition definition) Adds the WSDL SOAP namespace to the definition. | protected void | populatePort(Port port, Binding binding) Creates a SOAPAddress , and calls populateSoapAddress() . | protected void | populateSoapAddress(SOAPAddress soapAddress) Called after the SOAPAddress has been created. | protected void | populateSoapBinding(SOAPBinding soapBinding) Called after the SOAPBinding has been created. | protected void | populateSoapBody(SOAPBody soapBody) Called after the SOAPBody has been created. | protected void | populateSoapFault(BindingFault bindingFault, SOAPFault soapFault) Called after the SOAPFault has been created. | protected void | populateSoapOperation(SOAPOperation soapOperation) Called after the SOAPOperation has been created. | public void | setLocationUri(String locationUri) Sets the value used for the soap:address location attribute value. | public void | setTransportUri(String transportUri) Sets the value used for the soap:binding transport attribute value. |
DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_URI | final public static String DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_URI(Code) | | The default soap:binding transport attribute value.
createSoapExtension | protected ExtensibilityElement createSoapExtension(Class parentType, String localName) throws WSDLException(Code) | | Creates a SOAP extensibility element.
Parameters: parentType - a class object indicating where in the WSDL definition this extension will exist Parameters: localName - the local name of the extensibility element the extensibility element throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also: javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry.createExtension(Classjavax.xml.namespace.QName) |
populateDefinition | protected void populateDefinition(Definition definition) throws WSDLException(Code) | | Adds the WSDL SOAP namespace to the definition.
populateSoapAddress | protected void populateSoapAddress(SOAPAddress soapAddress) throws WSDLException(Code) | | Called after the SOAPAddress has been created. Default implementation sets the location URI to the
value set on this builder. Subclasses can override this behavior.
Parameters: soapAddress - the WSDL4J SOAPAddress throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPAddress.setLocationURI(String) See Also: AbstractSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.setLocationUri(String) |
populateSoapBinding | protected void populateSoapBinding(SOAPBinding soapBinding) throws WSDLException(Code) | | Called after the SOAPBinding has been created. Default implementation sets the binding style to
"document" , and set the transport URI to the value set on this builder. Subclasses can override this
Parameters: soapBinding - the WSDL4J SOAPBinding throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBinding.setStyle(String) See Also: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBinding.setTransportURI(String) See Also: AbstractSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.setTransportUri(String) See Also: AbstractSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_URI |
populateSoapBody | protected void populateSoapBody(SOAPBody soapBody) throws WSDLException(Code) | | Called after the SOAPBody has been created. Default implementation sets the use style to
"literal" . Subclasses can override this behavior.
Parameters: soapBody - the WSDL4J SOAPBody throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody.setUse(String) |
populateSoapFault | protected void populateSoapFault(BindingFault bindingFault, SOAPFault soapFault) throws WSDLException(Code) | | Called after the SOAPFault has been created. Default implementation sets the use style to
"literal" , and sets the name equal to the binding fault. Subclasses can override this behavior.
Parameters: bindingFault - the WSDL4J BindingFault Parameters: soapFault - the WSDL4J SOAPFault throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPBody.setUse(String) |
populateSoapOperation | protected void populateSoapOperation(SOAPOperation soapOperation) throws WSDLException(Code) | | Called after the SOAPOperation has been created.
Default implementation set the SOAPAction uri to an empty string.
Parameters: soapOperation - the WSDL4J SOAPOperation throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also: javax.wsdl.extensions.soap.SOAPOperation.setSoapActionURI(String) |
setLocationUri | public void setLocationUri(String locationUri)(Code) | | Sets the value used for the soap:address location attribute value.
Methods inherited from org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.builder.AbstractBindingWsdl4jDefinitionBuilder | public void buildBindings(Definition definition) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc) public void buildServices(Definition definition) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateBinding(Binding binding, PortType portType) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateBindingFault(BindingFault bindingFault, Fault fault) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateBindingInput(BindingInput bindingInput, Input input) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateBindingOperation(BindingOperation bindingOperation, Operation operation) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateBindingOutput(BindingOutput bindingOutput, Output output) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populatePort(Port port, Binding binding) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void populateService(Service service) throws WSDLException(Code)(Java Doc)
Fields inherited from org.springframework.ws.wsdl.wsdl11.builder.AbstractWsdl4jDefinitionBuilder | final protected Log logger(Code)(Java Doc)