| com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.XHtmlBuilder com.xoetrope.carousel.builder.XEditorHtmlBuilder
XEditorHtmlBuilder | public class XEditorHtmlBuilder extends XHtmlBuilder implements EditorXuiBuilder(Code) | | A build for W3C HTML forms/pages for use within the XuiPro IDE. The builder
can create XUI pages on-the-fly or it can be used to convert and save an html
page to a xui format.
Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2001-2006, This software is licensed under
the GNU Public License (GPL), please see license.txt for more details. If
you make commercial use of this software you must purchase a commercial
license from Xoetrope.
$Revision: 1.2 $
Constructor Summary | |
public | XEditorHtmlBuilder(XEditorProject editorProject, XStyleFactory factory) |
currentProject | protected XEditorProject currentProject(Code) | | |
currentResource | protected XPageResource currentResource(Code) | | |
pageDesigner | protected PageDesigner pageDesigner(Code) | | |
pageNamepageExtension | protected String pageNamepageExtension(Code) | | |
sourceExists | protected boolean sourceExists(Code) | | |
XEditorHtmlBuilder | public XEditorHtmlBuilder(XEditorProject editorProject, XStyleFactory factory)(Code) | | Creates a new instance of XEditorHtmlBuilder
Parameters: editorProject - the editor project Parameters: factory - the component factory |
addScript | public void addScript(String componentName, String eventName, String methodName, String script)(Code) | | Add a new script function to the current class, if and only if a Java file of
the same name does not already exist for this page.
Parameters: componentName - the name of the element being processed, or null if a page level element is being processed Parameters: eventName - the name of the html event or null if a page event is being processed Parameters: methodName - the name of the new method Parameters: script - the contents of the method - the original javascript (assuming it is javascript) |
checkResources | protected void checkResources()(Code) | | Check the current resources that control the interaction with the editor
and the insertion of source code
insertMethod | public void insertMethod(String methodName, String comment)(Code) | | Inserts a new method in the class
Parameters: methodName - The name of the method we are looking for. Parameters: addNewMethod - If true create the method if not found. Parameters: pageRes - the page resources that owns the method or null true if a new method was added |
loadPage | public PageSupport loadPage(String defPackageName, String name, boolean include)(Code) | | Loads an XPage via a reader obtained from the XResourceManager (searches
the classpath). The pageName is assumed to be the name of an XML file. For
example if the pageName is 'welcome' then the 'welcome.xml' file is read as
a UTF8 encoded XML file.
Parameters: defPackageName - the package or path to the page Parameters: page - the page name or the name of the class implementing the page Parameters: include - true if the page to be loaded is being included in anotherpage in which case any class attribute of the included page is ignored Parameters: fullPathProvided - the full path to the page name is provided the page |
processEvent | public void processEvent(XHtmlTagHandler handler, String attribName, String attribValue)(Code) | | Process the event specification, specified as an attribute of an HTML element
Parameters: handler - the tag handler Parameters: attribName - the attribute name Parameters: attribValue - the attribute value, containing the script |
setPageDesigner | public void setPageDesigner(PageDesigner designer)(Code) | | Set the page designer
Parameters: designer - |
Methods inherited from com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.XHtmlBuilder | public void addScript(String componentName, String eventName, String methodName, String script)(Code)(Java Doc) public static URL findResource(String fileName)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Color getColor(String colorSpec)(Code)(Java Doc) public Object getComponentAttribute(String compName, String attribName)(Code)(Java Doc) public static int getSwingConstant(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public XHtmlTagHandler getTagHandler(HTML.Tag t)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getType()(Code)(Java Doc) protected InputStream getUrlInputStream(String urlStr)(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean isDebugLayout()(Code)(Java Doc) public PageSupport loadPage(String defPackageName, String pageName, boolean include)(Code)(Java Doc) public void processEvent(XHtmlTagHandler handler, String attribName, String attribValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public PageSupport readPage(Reader reader, String pageName, String ext, boolean include)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setClass(Component c, String className)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setComponentAttribute(String compName, String attribName, Object attribValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public static void setDebugLayout(boolean state)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setupHtmlTags()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setupPage(String pageName, String ext, boolean include)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setupStyle(String styleInfo)(Code)(Java Doc)