"""file reader for
reading sdf (MDL) files
from frowns.Atom import Atom
from frowns.Bond import Bond
from frowns.Molecule import Molecule
from frowns.perception import TrustedSmiles,RingDetection,BasicAromaticity
import re, os
# Atom format
# 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666
# 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789#
#"xxxxx.xxxxyyyyy.yyyyzzzzz.zzzz aaaddcccssshhhbbbvvvHHHrrriiimmmnnneee"
#" -0.0187 1.5258 0.0104 C 0 0 0 0 0",
# x
# y
# z
# from the sdfile format distributed by mdl
# aaa atom symbol
# dd mass difference -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4 (0 if beyond these limits)
# ccc charge 0=uncharged or other than 1=+3, 2=+2, 3=+1, 4=doublet ^, 5=-1 6=-1 7=-3
# sss atom stereo parity 0 not stereo 1=odd, 2=even 3=either or unmarked stereo center
# hhh implicit hydrogen count + 1 1=HO, 2=H1, 3=H2, 4=H3, 5=H5
# bbb
# vvv
def parse_atom(line):
x, y, z = map(float, (line[0:10], line[10:20], line[20:30]))
symbol = line[31:34].strip()
massdiff = line[34:36].strip()
charge = line[36:39].strip()
stereo = line[39:42].strip()
hcount = line[42:45].strip()
if massdiff:
massdiff = int(massdiff)
massdiff = 0
if charge:
charge = int(charge)
if charge: charge = 4 - charge
charge = 0
# if the hcount is set for the atom,
# we need to know this later
# i.e. the hcounts are explicit and can't be
# changed
hcount_specified = 0
if hcount:
hcount = int(hcount)
# an hcount of zero means it is not set
# I don't have a way of forcing hcount to remain 0
if hcount:
hcount -= 1
hcount_specified = 1
hcount = 0
# ignore stereo now
stereo = 0
return x, y, z, symbol, massdiff, charge, stereo, hcount, hcount_specified
# Bond Parser
# 11111111112
# 012345678901234567890
# 111222tttsssxxxrrrccc
# 111 first atom index
# 222 second atom index
# ttt bond type 1=Single, 2=Double, 3=Triple, 4=Aromatic,
# Query types 5=Single or double, 6=Single or aromatic, 7=Double or aromatic, 8=Any
# sss bond stereo 0=Not stereo, 1=Up, 4=Either, 6=Down, Double Bonds
# 0 = Use x-y-z coords from atom block to determine cis/trans
# 3 = Cis or trans (either) double bond)
def parse_bond(line):
atom1, atom2, type, remainder = line[0:3], line[3:6], line[6:9], line[9:]
atom1 = int(atom1)
atom2 = int(atom2)
type = int(type)
return atom1, atom2, type, remainder
BOND_SYMBOL = {1:('-', 1, 1, 1),
2:('=', 2, 2, 1),
3:('#', 3, 3, 1),
4:('', 4, 4, 1)}
class MolReaderError(Exception):
class MolReader:
def __init__(self, file, stripHydrogens=1):
self.file = file
self.iterator = iter(file)
self._lastlines = [] # lastlines stores the original lines that made up the
# last molecule read
self.stripHydrogens = stripHydrogens
self._lastline = None
def _readline(self, endOk=0):
"""internal readline function, if endOk is 0 then upon an end of
line a MolReaderError is generated"""
if self._lastline:
res = self._lastline
self._lastline = None
return res
line = self.iterator.next()
except StopIteration:
line = None
if not line and not endOk:
raise MolReaderError, "Unexpected end of file"
return line
def _pushback(self, line):
self._lastline = line
def _clear(self):
"""Clear the _lastlines buffer"""
self._lastlines = []
def get_text(self):
"""->text that formed the last molecule read"""
return "".join(self._lastlines)
def get_lines(self):
"""->the lines of text that formed the last molecule read"""
return self._lastlines
def _read_to_next(self):
readline = self._readline
endOfMol = self._endOfMol
while 1:
line = readline(endOk=1)
if not line:
if endOfMol(line):
def _endOfMol(self, line):
"""(line)-> return 1 if the line signifies the end of molecule
0 otherwise"""
if line[0:4] == "$$$$":
return 1
return 0
def _readFields(self,
"""Read the database field component at the end of a molecule
record. Sets a dictionary of key->values"""
readline = self._readline
endOfMol = self._endOfMol
fields = {}
name = None
while 1:
# by setting endOk = 1 we can read mol files as
# well as sdfiles
line = readline(endOk=1)
if not line:
if endOfMol(line):
elif line[0] == ">":
# we have a data line so get the field
# and potentialID values
if not endOfMol(line):
res = pattern.match(line)
if res:
field, potentialID = res.groups()
field, potentialID = None, None
if name is None:
name = potentialID
elif name != potentialID:
name = "UNKNOWN (id clash)"
# read the data from the next line
if field:
line = readline().strip()
data = []
while line:
line = readline().strip()
if not endOfMol(line):
fields[field] = os.linesep.join(data)
if endOfMol(line):
if not endOfMol(line):
# by setting endok = 1 here we can read
# mol files as well as sd files
line = readline(endOk=1)
return fields, name
def readMProps(self):
readline = self._readline
while 1:
line = readline()
if line[0] == ">":
# need to push back the last line
if line[0:6] == "M END":
if line[0:6] == "M CHG":
# parse the charge line and add charges
# to the correct atoms
groups = line[6:].split()[1:]
index = 0
while index < len(groups):
atomIndex = int(groups[index]) - 1
atom = self.atoms[atomIndex]
charge = int(groups[index+1])
self.atoms[atomIndex].charge = charge
index += 2
def read_one(self):
"""Read one molecule from the sd file"""
readline = self._readline
endOfMol = self._endOfMol
name = readline().strip()
userLine = readline()
comment = readline()
line = readline()
except MolReaderError, msg:
if str(msg) == "Unexpected end of file":
return None
numAtoms, numBonds = map(int, (line[0:3], line[3:6]))
except ValueError: # XXX FIX ME - trap exceptions and stuff
print "cannot parse atom, bond line"
return None
atoms = self.atoms = []
for index in range(numAtoms):
line = readline()
x,y,z,symbol,mass,charge,stereo,hcount,hcount_fixed = parse_atom(line)
except: # XXX FIX ME - trap exceptions and stuff
return None
atom = Atom()
atom._line = line
atom.symbol = symbol
atom.explicit_hcount = hcount
atom.charge = charge
#if hcount_fixed:
#symbol, hcount, charge, weight=0, aromatic=0)
# a really bad hack here.
# ignore please!
atom._line = line
atom.x = x
atom.y = y
atom.z = z
if hcount_fixed: atom.fixed_hcount = 1
if mass:
atom.weight = atom.mass + mass
atom.index = len(atoms)
if vfgraph:
bonds = []
mappings = []
bondCount = [0] * len(atoms)
closures = {}
for index in range(numBonds):
line = readline()
a1, a2, bondtype, remainder = parse_bond(line)
return None
a1 -= 1
a2 -= 1
symbol, bondorder, bondtype, fixed = BOND_SYMBOL[bondtype]
atom1 = atoms[a1]
atom2 = atoms[a2]
if stripHydrogen:
if atom1.symbol == "H":
atom2.hcount += 1
atom2.hcount_fixed = 1
if atom2.symbol == "H":
atom1.hcount += 1
atom1.hcount_fixed = 1
bond = Bond(symbol, bondorder, bondtype, fixed)
bond._line = line
# a really bad hack here
# ignore please!
bond._line = remainder
bond.atoms = [a1, a2]
## mappings.append((bond, a1, a2))
## bondCount[a1] += 1
## bondCount[a2] += 1
fields, potentialName = self._readFields()
if not name:
name = potentialName
elif name != potentialName:
# XXX FIX ME, what do I do here?
# we've tokenized the molecule, now we need to build one
# XXX FIX ME - Split this up into a builder and a tokenizer ?
mol = Molecule()
mol.name = name
mol.fields = fields
# for atom in atoms:
# mol.add_atom(atom)
# for bond, a1, a2 in mappings:
# atom1, atom2 = atoms[a1], atoms[a2]
# does this format mean the atom's hcount can't
# change?
# stripHydrogens = self.stripHydrogens
# if not hasattr(atom1, "number"):
# print atom
# print atom.__dict__
## if stripHydrogens and atom1.symbol == "H" and bondCount[a1] == 1:
## atom2.hcount += 1
## atom2.hcount_fixed = 1
## bondCount[a2] -=1
## mol.remove_atom(atom1)
## elif stripHydrogens and atom2.symbol == "H" and bondCount[a2] == 1:
## atom1.hcount += 1
## atom1.hcount_fixed = 1
## bondCount[a1] -= 1
## mol.remove_atom(atom2)
## else:
## mol.add_bond(bond, atom1, atom2)
## if bond.bondtype == 4:
## atom1.aromatic = 1
## atom2.aromatic = 1
## # get rid of any non-bonded hydrogens
## atomsToDelete = []
## for atom in mol.atoms:
## if atom.symbol == "H":
## assert len(atom.bonds) == 0
## atomsToDelete.append(atom)
## for atom in atomsToDelete:
## mol.remove_atom(atom)
index = 0
for atom in mol.atoms:
assert atom.symbol != "H"
if len(atom.bonds) > 1:
atom._closure = 1
atom.index = index
index += 1
return mol
def test():
tests = [
" -0.0187 1.5258 0.0104 C 0 0 0 0 0",
" 0.0021 -0.0041 0.0020 C 0 0 0 0 0",
" 1.3951 2.0474 -0.0003 C 0 0 0 0 0",
" 2.3236 1.2759 -0.0133 O 0 3 0 0 0",
" 1.6511 3.5328 -0.0010 C 0 0 0 0 0",
" 3.7321 1.7917 -0.0227 Cu 0 7 0 0 0",
" 2.8773 3.8271 -0.8266 C 0 0 0 0 0",
" 4.1685 2.0764 1.3837 O 0 3 0 0 0",
" 4.6361 0.7604 -0.6303 O 0 3 0 0 0",
" 3.7997 3.0530 -0.8316 O 0 3 0 0 0",
" 2.9504 5.0907 -1.6446 C 0 0 0 0 0",
" 5.3415 2.0641 1.6691 C 0 0 0 0 0",
" 5.8107 0.7437 -0.3517 C "
for line in tests:
print parse_atom(line)
bondTests = [
" 1 2 1 0 0 0",
" 1 3 1 0 0 0",
" 1 20 1 0 0 0",
" 1 21 1 0 0 0",
" 2 22 1 0 0 0",
" 2 23 1 0 0 0",
for line in bondTests:
print parse_bond(line)
if __name__ == "__main__":
file = open('../test/data/caffeine.mol')
reader = MolReader(file)
mol = reader.read_one()
print mol.cansmiles()