2.13.4.Search options |
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Search All: Searches entire document or selected text. |
Search Down: starting at insertion point and moving toward end of document. |
Search Up: starting at insertion point and moving back toward beginning of document. |
Match case: Matches exact case (uppercase or lowercase) of letters in text string of Find what text box. |
Find whole words only: Skips text strings embedded within other words during search. |
Use wildcards: Allows wildcards in text strings. |
Sounds like (English): Allows searches for homonyms. |
Find all word forms (English): Searches for related word forms, for example searching for surface yields surface, surfaces. |
Match prefix: Used to find instances of a particular prefix. |
Match suffix: Used to find instances of a particular suffix. |
Ignore punctuation characters: without regard to internal punctuation variations. |
Ignore white-space characters: without regard to internal variations in white-space characters such as spaces or tabs. |