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using System;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace System.Data.OracleClient{
  public sealed class OracleLob : Stream, ICloneable, INullable {
    #region Fields

    public static readonly new OracleLob Null = new OracleLob ();

    internal OracleConnection connection;
    bool isBatched = false;
    bool isOpen = true;
    bool notNull = false;
    OracleType type;

    long length = -1;
    long position = 0;

    #endregion // Fields

    #region Constructors

    internal OracleLob () {

    #endregion // Constructors

    #region Properties

    public override bool CanRead {
      get { return (IsNull || isOpen); }

    public override bool CanSeek {
      get { return (IsNull || isOpen); }

    public override bool CanWrite {
      get { return isOpen; }

    public int ChunkSize {
      get { 
        AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
        AssertObjectNotDisposed ();
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public OracleConnection Connection {
      get { return connection; }

    public bool IsBatched {
      get { return isBatched; }

    public bool IsNull {
      get { return !notNull; }

    public bool IsTemporary {
      get { 
        AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
        AssertObjectNotDisposed ();
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public override long Length {
      get { 
        AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
        AssertObjectNotDisposed ();
        throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public OracleType LobType {
      get { return type; }

    public override long Position {
      get { 
        AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
        AssertObjectNotDisposed ();
        return position;
      set {
        AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
        AssertObjectNotDisposed ();
        position = value;

    public object Value {
      get { 
        AssertObjectNotDisposed ();
        if (IsNull)
          return DBNull.Value;
        byte[] buffer = null;

        int len = (int) Length;
        if (len == 0) {
          // LOB is not Null, but it is Empty
          if (LobType == OracleType.Clob)
            return "";
          else // OracleType.Blob
            return new byte[0];

        if (LobType == OracleType.Clob) {
          buffer = new byte [len];
          Read (buffer, 0, len);
          UnicodeEncoding encoding = new UnicodeEncoding ();
          return encoding.GetString (buffer);
        else {
          // OracleType.Blob
          buffer = new byte [len];
          Read (buffer, 0, len);
          return buffer;

    #endregion // Properties

    #region Methods

    public void Append (OracleLob source) {
      if (source.IsNull)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ();
      if (Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ();
      throw new NotImplementedException ();

    void AssertAmountIsEven (long amount, string argName) {
      if (amount % 2 == 1)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("CLOB and NCLOB parameters require even number of bytes for this argument.");

    void AssertAmountIsValid (long amount, string argName) {
      if (amount > UInt32.MaxValue)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("Argument too big.");
      if (LobType == OracleType.Clob || LobType == OracleType.NClob)
        AssertAmountIsEven (amount, argName);

    void AssertConnectionIsOpen () {
      if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid operation. The connection is closed.");

    void AssertObjectNotDisposed () {
      if (!isOpen)
        throw new ObjectDisposedException ("OracleLob");

    void AssertTransactionExists () {
//      if (connection.Transaction == null)
//        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Modifying a LOB requires that the connection be transacted.");
      throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public void BeginBatch () {
      BeginBatch (OracleLobOpenMode.ReadOnly);

    public void BeginBatch (OracleLobOpenMode mode) {
      AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
      AssertObjectNotDisposed ();

      isBatched = true;

    public object Clone () {
      throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public override void Close () {
      isOpen = false;

    public long CopyTo (OracleLob destination) {
      return CopyTo (0, destination, 0, Length);

    public long CopyTo (OracleLob destination, long destinationOffset) {
      return CopyTo (0, destination, destinationOffset, Length);

    public long CopyTo (long sourceOffset, OracleLob destination, long destinationOffset, long amount) {
      if (destination.IsNull)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ();

      AssertAmountIsValid (sourceOffset, "sourceOffset");
      AssertAmountIsValid (destinationOffset, "destinationOffset");
      AssertAmountIsValid (amount, "amount");
      AssertTransactionExists ();
      AssertConnectionIsOpen ();

      throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public void Dispose () {
      throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public void EndBatch () {
      AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
      AssertObjectNotDisposed ();

      isBatched = false;

    public long Erase () {
      return Erase (0, Length);

    public long Erase (long offset, long amount) {
      if (offset < 0 || amount < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("Must be a positive value.");
      if (offset + amount > Length)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ();

      AssertAmountIsValid (offset, "offset");
      AssertAmountIsValid (amount, "amount");

      throw new NotImplementedException ();

    public override void Flush () {
      // No-op

    public override int Read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
      if (buffer == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ();

      AssertAmountIsValid (offset, "offset");
      AssertAmountIsValid (count, "count");
      AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
      AssertObjectNotDisposed ();

      throw new NotImplementedException ();

      int bytesRead;
      byte[] output = new byte[count];

      output.CopyTo (buffer, offset);
      position += bytesRead;
      return bytesRead;

    public override long Seek (long offset, SeekOrigin origin) {
      long newPosition = position;

      switch (origin) {
        case SeekOrigin.Begin:
          newPosition = offset;
        case SeekOrigin.Current:
          newPosition += offset;
        case SeekOrigin.End:
          newPosition = Length + offset;

      if (newPosition > Length)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ();

      position = newPosition;
      return position;

    public override void SetLength (long value) {
      AssertAmountIsValid (value, "value");
      AssertTransactionExists ();
      AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
      AssertObjectNotDisposed ();

      throw new NotImplementedException ();

      length = value;

    public override void Write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
      if (buffer == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("Buffer is null.");
      if (offset < 0 || count < 0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("Must be a positive value.");
      if (offset + count > buffer.Length)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("The offset and count values specified exceed the buffer provided.");
      AssertAmountIsValid (offset, "offset");
      AssertAmountIsValid (count, "count");
      AssertTransactionExists ();
      AssertConnectionIsOpen ();
      AssertObjectNotDisposed ();

      byte[] value = null;
      if (offset + count == buffer.Length && offset == 0)
        value = buffer;
      else {
        value = new byte[count];
        Array.Copy (buffer, offset, value, 0, count);

      throw new NotImplementedException ();

//      position += locator.Write (value, (uint) Position, (uint) value.Length, LobType);

    #endregion // Methods
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