WebClient.cs :  » 2.6.4-mono-.net-core » System.Net » System » Net » C# / CSharp Open Source

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System.Net » System » Net » WebClient.cs
// System.Net.WebClient
// Authors:
//   Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl)
//  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com)
//  Atsushi Enomoto (atsushi@ximian.com)
//  Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com)
// Copyright 2003 Ximian, Inc. (http://www.ximian.com)
// Copyright 2006, 2010 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Notes on CancelAsync and Async methods:
//    WebClient.CancelAsync is implemented by calling Thread.Interrupt
//    in our helper thread.   The various async methods have to cancel
//    any ongoing requests by calling request.Abort () at that point.
//    In a few places (UploadDataCore, UploadValuesCore,
//    UploadFileCore) we catch the ThreadInterruptedException and
//    abort the request there.
//    Higher level routines (the async callbacks) also need to catch
//    the exception and raise the OnXXXXCompleted events there with
//    the "canceled" flag set to true. 
//    In a few other places where these helper routines are not used
//    (OpenReadAsync for example) catching the ThreadAbortException
//    also must abort the request.
//    The Async methods currently differ in their implementation from
//    the .NET implementation in that we manually catch any other
//    exceptions and correctly raise the OnXXXXCompleted passing the
//    Exception that caused the problem.   The .NET implementation
//    does not seem to have a mechanism to flag errors that happen
//    during downloads though.    We do this because we still need to
//    catch the exception on these helper threads, or we would
//    otherwise kill the application (on the 2.x profile, uncaught
//    exceptions in threads terminate the application).
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net.Cache;

namespace System.Net{
  public class WebClient : Component
    static readonly string urlEncodedCType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    static byte [] hexBytes;
    ICredentials credentials;
    WebHeaderCollection headers;
    WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders;
    Uri baseAddress;
    string baseString;
    NameValueCollection queryString;
    bool is_busy;
    bool async;
    Thread async_thread;
    Encoding encoding = Encoding.Default;
    IWebProxy proxy;

    // Constructors
    static WebClient ()
      hexBytes = new byte [16];
      int index = 0;
      for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++, index++)
        hexBytes [index] = (byte) i;

      for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'f'; i++, index++)
        hexBytes [index] = (byte) i;
    public WebClient ()
    // Properties
    public string BaseAddress {
      get {
        if (baseString == null) {
          if (baseAddress == null)
            return string.Empty;

        baseString = baseAddress.ToString ();
        return baseString;
      set {
        if (value == null || value.Length == 0) {
          baseAddress = null;
        } else {
          baseAddress = new Uri (value);

    static Exception GetMustImplement ()
      return new NotImplementedException ();
    public RequestCachePolicy CachePolicy
      get {
        throw GetMustImplement ();
      set {
        throw GetMustImplement ();

    public bool UseDefaultCredentials
      get {
        throw GetMustImplement ();
      set {
        throw GetMustImplement ();
    public ICredentials Credentials {
      get { return credentials; }
      set { credentials = value; }

    public WebHeaderCollection Headers {
      get {
        if (headers == null)
          headers = new WebHeaderCollection ();

        return headers;
      set { headers = value; }
    public NameValueCollection QueryString {
      get {
        if (queryString == null)
          queryString = new NameValueCollection ();

        return queryString;
      set { queryString = value; }
    public WebHeaderCollection ResponseHeaders {
      get { return responseHeaders; }

    public Encoding Encoding {
      get { return encoding; }
      set {
        if (value == null)
          throw new ArgumentNullException ("Encoding");
        encoding = value;

    public IWebProxy Proxy {
      get { return proxy; }
      set { proxy = value; }

    public bool IsBusy {
      get { return is_busy; } 
    // Methods

    void CheckBusy ()
      if (IsBusy)
        throw new NotSupportedException ("WebClient does not support conccurent I/O operations.");

    void SetBusy ()
      lock (this) {
        CheckBusy ();
        is_busy = true;

    //   DownloadData

    public byte [] DownloadData (string address)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return DownloadData (CreateUri (address));

    public byte [] DownloadData (Uri address)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      try {
        SetBusy ();
        async = false;
        return DownloadDataCore (address, null);
      } finally {
        is_busy = false;

    byte [] DownloadDataCore (Uri address, object userToken)
      WebRequest request = null;
      try {
        request = SetupRequest (address);
        WebResponse response = GetWebResponse (request);
        Stream st = response.GetResponseStream ();
        return ReadAll (st, (int) response.ContentLength, userToken);
      } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
        if (request != null)
          request.Abort ();
      } catch (WebException) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new WebException ("An error occurred " +
          "performing a WebClient request.", ex);

    //   DownloadFile

    public void DownloadFile (string address, string fileName)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      DownloadFile (CreateUri (address), fileName);

    public void DownloadFile (Uri address, string fileName)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (fileName == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("fileName");

      try {
        SetBusy ();
        async = false;
        DownloadFileCore (address, fileName, null);
      } catch (WebException) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new WebException ("An error occurred " +
          "performing a WebClient request.", ex);
      } finally {
        is_busy = false;

    void DownloadFileCore (Uri address, string fileName, object userToken)
      WebRequest request = null;
      using (FileStream f = new FileStream (fileName, FileMode.Create)) {
        try {
          request = SetupRequest (address);
          WebResponse response = GetWebResponse (request);
          Stream st = response.GetResponseStream ();
          int cLength = (int) response.ContentLength;
          int length = (cLength <= -1 || cLength > 32*1024) ? 32*1024 : cLength;
          byte [] buffer = new byte [length];
          int nread = 0;
          long notify_total = 0;
          while ((nread = st.Read (buffer, 0, length)) != 0){
            if (async){
              notify_total += nread;
              OnDownloadProgressChanged (
                new DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs (notify_total, response.ContentLength, userToken));
            f.Write (buffer, 0, nread);
        } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
          if (request != null)
            request.Abort ();

    //   OpenRead

    public Stream OpenRead (string address)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      return OpenRead (CreateUri (address));

    public Stream OpenRead (Uri address)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      WebRequest request = null;
      try {
        SetBusy ();
        async = false;
        request = SetupRequest (address);
        WebResponse response = GetWebResponse (request);
        return response.GetResponseStream ();
      } catch (WebException) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new WebException ("An error occurred " +
          "performing a WebClient request.", ex);
      } finally {
        is_busy = false;

    //   OpenWrite

    public Stream OpenWrite (string address)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return OpenWrite (CreateUri (address));
    public Stream OpenWrite (string address, string method)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return OpenWrite (CreateUri (address), method);

    public Stream OpenWrite (Uri address)
      return OpenWrite (address, (string) null);

    public Stream OpenWrite (Uri address, string method)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      try {
        SetBusy ();
        async = false;
        WebRequest request = SetupRequest (address, method, true);
        return request.GetRequestStream ();
      } catch (WebException) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new WebException ("An error occurred " +
          "performing a WebClient request.", ex);
      } finally {
        is_busy = false;

    private string DetermineMethod (Uri address, string method, bool is_upload)
      if (method != null)
        return method;

      if (address.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeFtp)
        return (is_upload) ? "STOR" : "RETR";

      return (is_upload) ? "POST" : "GET";

    //   UploadData

    public byte [] UploadData (string address, byte [] data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return UploadData (CreateUri (address), data);
    public byte [] UploadData (string address, string method, byte [] data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return UploadData (CreateUri (address), method, data);

    public byte [] UploadData (Uri address, byte [] data)
      return UploadData (address, (string) null, data);

    public byte [] UploadData (Uri address, string method, byte [] data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (data == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");

      try {
        SetBusy ();
        async = false;
        return UploadDataCore (address, method, data, null);
      } catch (WebException) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new WebException ("An error occurred " +
          "performing a WebClient request.", ex);
      } finally {
        is_busy = false;

    byte [] UploadDataCore (Uri address, string method, byte [] data, object userToken)
      WebRequest request = SetupRequest (address, method, true);
      try {
        int contentLength = data.Length;
        request.ContentLength = contentLength;
        using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream ()) {
          stream.Write (data, 0, contentLength);
        WebResponse response = GetWebResponse (request);
        Stream st = response.GetResponseStream ();
        return ReadAll (st, (int) response.ContentLength, userToken);
      } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
        if (request != null)
          request.Abort ();

    //   UploadFile

    public byte [] UploadFile (string address, string fileName)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return UploadFile (CreateUri (address), fileName);

    public byte [] UploadFile (Uri address, string fileName)
      return UploadFile (address, (string) null, fileName);
    public byte [] UploadFile (string address, string method, string fileName)
      return UploadFile (CreateUri (address), method, fileName);

    public byte [] UploadFile (Uri address, string method, string fileName)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (fileName == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("fileName");

      try {
        SetBusy ();
        async = false;
        return UploadFileCore (address, method, fileName, null);
      } catch (WebException) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new WebException ("An error occurred " +
          "performing a WebClient request.", ex);
      } finally {
        is_busy = false;

    byte [] UploadFileCore (Uri address, string method, string fileName, object userToken)
      string fileCType = Headers ["Content-Type"];
      if (fileCType != null) {
        string lower = fileCType.ToLower ();
        if (lower.StartsWith ("multipart/"))
          throw new WebException ("Content-Type cannot be set to a multipart" +
                " type for this request.");
      } else {
        fileCType = "application/octet-stream";

      string boundary = "------------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString ("x");
      Headers ["Content-Type"] = String.Format ("multipart/form-data; boundary={0}", boundary);
      Stream reqStream = null;
      Stream fStream = null;
      byte [] resultBytes = null;

      fileName = Path.GetFullPath (fileName);

      WebRequest request = null;
      try {
        fStream = File.OpenRead (fileName);
        request = SetupRequest (address, method, true);
        reqStream = request.GetRequestStream ();
        byte [] realBoundary = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes ("--" + boundary + "\r\n");
        reqStream.Write (realBoundary, 0, realBoundary.Length);
        string partHeaders = String.Format ("Content-Disposition: form-data; " +
                    "name=\"file\"; filename=\"{0}\"\r\n" +
                    "Content-Type: {1}\r\n\r\n",
                    Path.GetFileName (fileName), fileCType);

        byte [] partHeadersBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (partHeaders);
        reqStream.Write (partHeadersBytes, 0, partHeadersBytes.Length);
        int nread;
        byte [] buffer = new byte [4096];
        while ((nread = fStream.Read (buffer, 0, 4096)) != 0)
          reqStream.Write (buffer, 0, nread);

        reqStream.WriteByte ((byte) '\r');
        reqStream.WriteByte ((byte) '\n');
        reqStream.Write (realBoundary, 0, realBoundary.Length);
        reqStream.Close ();
        reqStream = null;
        WebResponse response = GetWebResponse (request);
        Stream st = response.GetResponseStream ();
        resultBytes = ReadAll (st, (int) response.ContentLength, userToken);
      } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
        if (request != null)
          request.Abort ();
      } finally {
        if (fStream != null)
          fStream.Close ();

        if (reqStream != null)
          reqStream.Close ();
      return resultBytes;
    public byte[] UploadValues (string address, NameValueCollection data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return UploadValues (CreateUri (address), data);
    public byte[] UploadValues (string address, string method, NameValueCollection data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      return UploadValues (CreateUri (address), method, data);

    public byte[] UploadValues (Uri address, NameValueCollection data)
      return UploadValues (address, (string) null, data);

    public byte[] UploadValues (Uri address, string method, NameValueCollection data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (data == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");

      try {
        SetBusy ();
        async = false;
        return UploadValuesCore (address, method, data, null);
      } catch (WebException) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
        throw new WebException ("An error occurred " +
          "performing a WebClient request.", ex);
      } finally {
        is_busy = false;

    byte[] UploadValuesCore (Uri uri, string method, NameValueCollection data, object userToken)
      string cType = Headers ["Content-Type"];
      if (cType != null && String.Compare (cType, urlEncodedCType, true) != 0)
        throw new WebException ("Content-Type header cannot be changed from its default " +
              "value for this request.");

      Headers ["Content-Type"] = urlEncodedCType;
      WebRequest request = SetupRequest (uri, method, true);
      try {
        MemoryStream tmpStream = new MemoryStream ();
        foreach (string key in data) {
          byte [] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (key);
          UrlEncodeAndWrite (tmpStream, bytes);
          tmpStream.WriteByte ((byte) '=');
          bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (data [key]);
          UrlEncodeAndWrite (tmpStream, bytes);
          tmpStream.WriteByte ((byte) '&');
        int length = (int) tmpStream.Length;
        if (length > 0)
          tmpStream.SetLength (--length); // remove trailing '&'
        byte [] buf = tmpStream.GetBuffer ();
        request.ContentLength = length;
        using (Stream rqStream = request.GetRequestStream ()) {
          rqStream.Write (buf, 0, length);
        tmpStream.Close ();
        WebResponse response = GetWebResponse (request);
        Stream st = response.GetResponseStream ();
        return ReadAll (st, (int) response.ContentLength, userToken);
      } catch (ThreadInterruptedException) {
        request.Abort ();

    public string DownloadString (string address)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return encoding.GetString (DownloadData (CreateUri (address)));

    public string DownloadString (Uri address)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      return encoding.GetString (DownloadData (CreateUri (address)));

    public string UploadString (string address, string data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (data == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");

      byte [] resp = UploadData (address, encoding.GetBytes (data));
      return encoding.GetString (resp);

    public string UploadString (string address, string method, string data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (data == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");

      byte [] resp = UploadData (address, method, encoding.GetBytes (data));
      return encoding.GetString (resp);

    public string UploadString (Uri address, string data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (data == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");

      byte [] resp = UploadData (address, encoding.GetBytes (data));
      return encoding.GetString (resp);

    public string UploadString (Uri address, string method, string data)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (data == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");

      byte [] resp = UploadData (address, method, encoding.GetBytes (data));
      return encoding.GetString (resp);

    public event DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler DownloadDataCompleted;
    public event AsyncCompletedEventHandler DownloadFileCompleted;
    public event DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler DownloadProgressChanged;
    public event DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler DownloadStringCompleted;
    public event OpenReadCompletedEventHandler OpenReadCompleted;
    public event OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler OpenWriteCompleted;
    public event UploadDataCompletedEventHandler UploadDataCompleted;
    public event UploadFileCompletedEventHandler UploadFileCompleted;
    public event UploadProgressChangedEventHandler UploadProgressChanged;
    public event UploadStringCompletedEventHandler UploadStringCompleted;
    public event UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler UploadValuesCompleted;

    Uri CreateUri (string address)
      Uri uri;
      try {
        if (baseAddress == null)
          uri = new Uri (address);
          uri = new Uri (baseAddress, address);
        return CreateUri (uri);
      } catch {
      return new Uri (Path.GetFullPath (address));

    Uri CreateUri (Uri address)
      Uri result = address;
      if (baseAddress != null && !result.IsAbsoluteUri) {
        try {
          result = new Uri (baseAddress, result.OriginalString);
        } catch {
          return result; // Not much we can do here.

      string query = result.Query;
      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (query))
        query = GetQueryString (true);
      UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder (address);
      if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (query))
        builder.Query = query.Substring (1);
      return builder.Uri;

    string GetQueryString (bool add_qmark)
      if (queryString == null || queryString.Count == 0)
        return null;

      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
      if (add_qmark)
        sb.Append ('?');

      foreach (string key in queryString)
        sb.AppendFormat ("{0}={1}&", key, UrlEncode (queryString [key]));

      if (sb.Length != 0)
        sb.Length--; // removes last '&' or the '?' if empty.

      if (sb.Length == 0)
        return null;

      return sb.ToString ();

    WebRequest SetupRequest (Uri uri)
      WebRequest request = GetWebRequest (uri);
      if (Proxy != null)
        request.Proxy = Proxy;
      request.Credentials = credentials;

      // Special headers. These are properties of HttpWebRequest.
      // What do we do with other requests differnt from HttpWebRequest?
      if (headers != null && headers.Count != 0 && (request is HttpWebRequest)) {
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest) request;
        string expect = headers ["Expect"];
        string contentType = headers ["Content-Type"];
        string accept = headers ["Accept"];
        string connection = headers ["Connection"];
        string userAgent = headers ["User-Agent"];
        string referer = headers ["Referer"];
        headers.RemoveInternal ("Expect");
        headers.RemoveInternal ("Content-Type");
        headers.RemoveInternal ("Accept");
        headers.RemoveInternal ("Connection");
        headers.RemoveInternal ("Referer");
        headers.RemoveInternal ("User-Agent");
        request.Headers = headers;

        if (expect != null && expect.Length > 0)
          req.Expect = expect;

        if (accept != null && accept.Length > 0)
          req.Accept = accept;

        if (contentType != null && contentType.Length > 0)
          req.ContentType = contentType;

        if (connection != null && connection.Length > 0)
          req.Connection = connection;

        if (userAgent != null && userAgent.Length > 0)
          req.UserAgent = userAgent;

        if (referer != null && referer.Length > 0)
          req.Referer = referer;

      responseHeaders = null;
      return request;

    WebRequest SetupRequest (Uri uri, string method, bool is_upload)
      WebRequest request = SetupRequest (uri);
      request.Method = DetermineMethod (uri, method, is_upload);
      return request;

    byte [] ReadAll (Stream stream, int length, object userToken)
      MemoryStream ms = null;
      bool nolength = (length == -1);
      int size = ((nolength) ? 8192 : length);
      if (nolength)
        ms = new MemoryStream ();

//      long total = 0;
      int nread = 0;
      int offset = 0;
      byte [] buffer = new byte [size];
      while ((nread = stream.Read (buffer, offset, size)) != 0) {
        if (nolength) {
          ms.Write (buffer, 0, nread);
        } else {
          offset += nread;
          size -= nread;
        if (async){
//          total += nread;
          OnDownloadProgressChanged (new DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs (nread, length, userToken));

      if (nolength)
        return ms.ToArray ();

      return buffer;

    string UrlEncode (string str)
      StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ();

      int len = str.Length;
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        char c = str [i];
        if (c == ' ')
          result.Append ('+');
        else if ((c < '0' && c != '-' && c != '.') ||
           (c < 'A' && c > '9') ||
           (c > 'Z' && c < 'a' && c != '_') ||
           (c > 'z')) {
          result.Append ('%');
          int idx = ((int) c) >> 4;
          result.Append ((char) hexBytes [idx]);
          idx = ((int) c) & 0x0F;
          result.Append ((char) hexBytes [idx]);
        } else {
          result.Append (c);

      return result.ToString ();

    static void UrlEncodeAndWrite (Stream stream, byte [] bytes)
      if (bytes == null)

      int len = bytes.Length;
      if (len == 0)

      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        char c = (char) bytes [i];
        if (c == ' ')
          stream.WriteByte ((byte) '+');
        else if ((c < '0' && c != '-' && c != '.') ||
           (c < 'A' && c > '9') ||
           (c > 'Z' && c < 'a' && c != '_') ||
           (c > 'z')) {
          stream.WriteByte ((byte) '%');
          int idx = ((int) c) >> 4;
          stream.WriteByte (hexBytes [idx]);
          idx = ((int) c) & 0x0F;
          stream.WriteByte (hexBytes [idx]);
        } else {
          stream.WriteByte ((byte) c);

    public void CancelAsync ()
      lock (this){
        if (async_thread == null)

        // We first flag things as done, in case the Interrupt hangs
        // or the thread decides to hang in some other way inside the
        // event handlers, or if we are stuck somewhere else.  This
        // ensures that the WebClient object is reusable immediately
        Thread t = async_thread;
        CompleteAsync ();
        t.Interrupt ();

    void CompleteAsync ()
      lock (this){
        is_busy = false;
        async_thread = null;

    //    DownloadDataAsync

    public void DownloadDataAsync (Uri address)
      DownloadDataAsync (address, null);

    public void DownloadDataAsync (Uri address, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      lock (this) {
        SetBusy ();
        async = true;
        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;
          try {
            byte [] data = DownloadDataCore ((Uri) args [0], args [1]);
            OnDownloadDataCompleted (
              new DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs (data, null, false, args [1]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            OnDownloadDataCompleted (
              new DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs (null, null, true, args [1]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnDownloadDataCompleted (
              new DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs (null, e, false, args [1]));
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    //    DownloadFileAsync

    public void DownloadFileAsync (Uri address, string fileName)
      DownloadFileAsync (address, fileName, null);

    public void DownloadFileAsync (Uri address, string fileName, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (fileName == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("fileName");
      lock (this) {
        SetBusy ();
        async = true;

        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;
          try {
            DownloadFileCore ((Uri) args [0], (string) args [1], args [2]);
            OnDownloadFileCompleted (
              new AsyncCompletedEventArgs (null, false, args [2]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            OnDownloadFileCompleted (
              new AsyncCompletedEventArgs (null, true, args [2]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnDownloadFileCompleted (
              new AsyncCompletedEventArgs (e, false, args [2]));
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, fileName, userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    //    DownloadStringAsync

    public void DownloadStringAsync (Uri address)
      DownloadStringAsync (address, null);

    public void DownloadStringAsync (Uri address, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      lock (this) {
        SetBusy ();
        async = true;

        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;
          try {
            string data = encoding.GetString (DownloadDataCore ((Uri) args [0], args [1]));
            OnDownloadStringCompleted (
              new DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs (data, null, false, args [1]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            OnDownloadStringCompleted (
              new DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs (null, null, true, args [1]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnDownloadStringCompleted (
              new DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs (null, e, false, args [1]));
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    //    OpenReadAsync

    public void OpenReadAsync (Uri address)
      OpenReadAsync (address, null);

    public void OpenReadAsync (Uri address, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      lock (this) {
        SetBusy ();
        async = true;

        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;
          WebRequest request = null;
          try {
            request = SetupRequest ((Uri) args [0]);
            WebResponse response = GetWebResponse (request);
            Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream ();
            OnOpenReadCompleted (
              new OpenReadCompletedEventArgs (stream, null, false, args [1]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            if (request != null)
              request.Abort ();
            OnOpenReadCompleted (new OpenReadCompletedEventArgs (null, null, true, args [1]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnOpenReadCompleted (new OpenReadCompletedEventArgs (null, e, false, args [1]));
          } });
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    //    OpenWriteAsync

    public void OpenWriteAsync (Uri address)
      OpenWriteAsync (address, null);

    public void OpenWriteAsync (Uri address, string method)
      OpenWriteAsync (address, method, null);

    public void OpenWriteAsync (Uri address, string method, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");

      lock (this) {
        SetBusy ();
        async = true;

        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;
          WebRequest request = null;
          try {
            request = SetupRequest ((Uri) args [0], (string) args [1], true);
            Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream ();
            OnOpenWriteCompleted (
              new OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs (stream, null, false, args [2]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            if (request != null)
              request.Abort ();
            OnOpenWriteCompleted (
              new OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs (null, null, true, args [2]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnOpenWriteCompleted (
              new OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs (null, e, false, args [2]));
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, method, userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    //    UploadDataAsync

    public void UploadDataAsync (Uri address, byte [] data)
      UploadDataAsync (address, null, data);

    public void UploadDataAsync (Uri address, string method, byte [] data)
      UploadDataAsync (address, method, data, null);

    public void UploadDataAsync (Uri address, string method, byte [] data, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (data == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
      lock (this) {
        SetBusy ();
        async = true;

        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;
          byte [] data2;

          try {
            data2 = UploadDataCore ((Uri) args [0], (string) args [1], (byte []) args [2], args [3]);
            OnUploadDataCompleted (
              new UploadDataCompletedEventArgs (data2, null, false, args [3]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            OnUploadDataCompleted (
              new UploadDataCompletedEventArgs (null, null, true, args [3]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnUploadDataCompleted (
              new UploadDataCompletedEventArgs (null, e, false, args [3]));
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, method, data,  userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    //    UploadFileAsync

    public void UploadFileAsync (Uri address, string fileName)
      UploadFileAsync (address, null, fileName);

    public void UploadFileAsync (Uri address, string method, string fileName)
      UploadFileAsync (address, method, fileName, null);

    public void UploadFileAsync (Uri address, string method, string fileName, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (fileName == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("fileName");

      lock (this) {
        SetBusy ();
        async = true;

        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;
          byte [] data;

          try {
            data = UploadFileCore ((Uri) args [0], (string) args [1], (string) args [2], args [3]);
            OnUploadFileCompleted (
              new UploadFileCompletedEventArgs (data, null, false, args [3]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            OnUploadFileCompleted (
              new UploadFileCompletedEventArgs (null, null, true, args [3]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnUploadFileCompleted (
              new UploadFileCompletedEventArgs (null, e, false, args [3]));
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, method, fileName,  userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    //    UploadStringAsync

    public void UploadStringAsync (Uri address, string data)
      UploadStringAsync (address, null, data);

    public void UploadStringAsync (Uri address, string method, string data)
      UploadStringAsync (address, method, data, null);

    public void UploadStringAsync (Uri address, string method, string data, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (data == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
      lock (this) {
        CheckBusy ();
        async = true;
        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;

          try {
            string data2 = UploadString ((Uri) args [0], (string) args [1], (string) args [2]);
            OnUploadStringCompleted (
              new UploadStringCompletedEventArgs (data2, null, false, args [3]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            OnUploadStringCompleted (
              new UploadStringCompletedEventArgs (null, null, true, args [3]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnUploadStringCompleted (
              new UploadStringCompletedEventArgs (null, e, false, args [3]));
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, method, data, userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    //    UploadValuesAsync

    public void UploadValuesAsync (Uri address, NameValueCollection values)
      UploadValuesAsync (address, null, values);

    public void UploadValuesAsync (Uri address, string method, NameValueCollection values)
      UploadValuesAsync (address, method, values, null);

    public void UploadValuesAsync (Uri address, string method, NameValueCollection values, object userToken)
      if (address == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("address");
      if (values == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("values");

      lock (this) {
        CheckBusy ();
        async = true;

        async_thread = new Thread (delegate (object state) {
          object [] args = (object []) state;
          try {
            byte [] data = UploadValuesCore ((Uri) args [0], (string) args [1], (NameValueCollection) args [2], args [3]);
            OnUploadValuesCompleted (
              new UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs (data, null, false, args [3]));
          } catch (ThreadInterruptedException){
            OnUploadValuesCompleted (
              new UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs (null, null, true, args [3]));
          } catch (Exception e){
            OnUploadValuesCompleted (
              new UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs (null, e, false, args [3]));
        object [] cb_args = new object [] {address, method, values,  userToken};
        async_thread.Start (cb_args);

    protected virtual void OnDownloadDataCompleted (DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (DownloadDataCompleted != null)
        DownloadDataCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual void OnDownloadFileCompleted (AsyncCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (DownloadFileCompleted != null)
        DownloadFileCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual void OnDownloadProgressChanged (DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
      if (DownloadProgressChanged != null)
        DownloadProgressChanged (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnDownloadStringCompleted (DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (DownloadStringCompleted != null)
        DownloadStringCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual void OnOpenReadCompleted (OpenReadCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (OpenReadCompleted != null)
        OpenReadCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual void OnOpenWriteCompleted (OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (OpenWriteCompleted != null)
        OpenWriteCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual void OnUploadDataCompleted (UploadDataCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (UploadDataCompleted != null)
        UploadDataCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual void OnUploadFileCompleted (UploadFileCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (UploadFileCompleted != null)
        UploadFileCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual void OnUploadProgressChanged (UploadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
      if (UploadProgressChanged != null)
        UploadProgressChanged (this, e);

    protected virtual void OnUploadStringCompleted (UploadStringCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (UploadStringCompleted != null)
        UploadStringCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual void OnUploadValuesCompleted (UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs args)
      CompleteAsync ();
      if (UploadValuesCompleted != null)
        UploadValuesCompleted (this, args);

    protected virtual WebResponse GetWebResponse (WebRequest request, IAsyncResult result)
      WebResponse response = request.EndGetResponse (result);
      responseHeaders = response.Headers;
      return response;

    protected virtual WebRequest GetWebRequest (Uri address)
      return WebRequest.Create (address);

    protected virtual WebResponse GetWebResponse (WebRequest request)
      WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
      responseHeaders = response.Headers;
      return response;


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