Wizard.cs :  » 2.6.4-mono-.net-core » System.Web » System » Web » UI » WebControls » C# / CSharp Open Source

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// System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard
// Authors:
//  Lluis Sanchez Gual (lluis@novell.com)
// (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com)

// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#if NET_2_0

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace System.Web.UI.WebControls{
  [DefaultEventAttribute ("FinishButtonClick")]
  [BindableAttribute (false)]
  [DesignerAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.WizardDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")]
  [ToolboxData ("<{0}:Wizard runat=\"server\"> <WizardSteps> <asp:WizardStep title=\"Step 1\" runat=\"server\"></asp:WizardStep> <asp:WizardStep title=\"Step 2\" runat=\"server\"></asp:WizardStep> </WizardSteps> </{0}:Wizard>")]
  public class Wizard: CompositeControl
    public static readonly string CancelCommandName = "Cancel";
    public static readonly string MoveCompleteCommandName = "MoveComplete";
    public static readonly string MoveNextCommandName = "MoveNext";
    public static readonly string MovePreviousCommandName = "MovePrevious";
    public static readonly string MoveToCommandName = "Move";
    protected static readonly string CancelButtonID = "CancelButton";
    protected static readonly string CustomFinishButtonID = "CustomFinishButton";
    protected static readonly string CustomNextButtonID = "CustomNextButton";
    protected static readonly string CustomPreviousButtonID = "CustomPreviousButton";
    protected static readonly string DataListID = "SideBarList";
    protected static readonly string FinishButtonID = "FinishButton";
    protected static readonly string FinishPreviousButtonID = "FinishPreviousButton";
    protected static readonly string SideBarButtonID = "SideBarButton";
    protected static readonly string StartNextButtonID = "StartNextButton";
    protected static readonly string StepNextButtonID = "StepNextButton";
    protected static readonly string StepPreviousButtonID = "StepPreviousButton";
    WizardStepCollection steps;
    // View state
    TableItemStyle stepStyle;
    TableItemStyle sideBarStyle;
    TableItemStyle headerStyle;
    TableItemStyle navigationStyle;
    Style sideBarButtonStyle;
    Style cancelButtonStyle;
    Style finishCompleteButtonStyle;
    Style finishPreviousButtonStyle;
    Style startNextButtonStyle;
    Style stepNextButtonStyle;
    Style stepPreviousButtonStyle;
    Style navigationButtonStyle;
    ITemplate finishNavigationTemplate;
    ITemplate startNavigationTemplate;
    ITemplate stepNavigationTemplate;
    ITemplate headerTemplate;
    ITemplate sideBarTemplate;
    // Control state
    int activeStepIndex = -1;
    bool inited = false;
    ArrayList history;

    Table wizardTable;
    WizardHeaderCell _headerCell;
    TableCell _navigationCell;
    StartNavigationContainer _startNavContainer;
    StepNavigationContainer _stepNavContainer;
    FinishNavigationContainer _finishNavContainer;
    MultiView multiView;
    DataList stepDatalist;
    ArrayList styles = new ArrayList ();
    Hashtable customNavigation;
    static readonly object ActiveStepChangedEvent = new object();
    static readonly object CancelButtonClickEvent = new object();
    static readonly object FinishButtonClickEvent = new object();
    static readonly object NextButtonClickEvent = new object();
    static readonly object PreviousButtonClickEvent = new object();
    static readonly object SideBarButtonClickEvent = new object();
    public event EventHandler ActiveStepChanged {
      add { Events.AddHandler (ActiveStepChangedEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ActiveStepChangedEvent, value); }
    public event EventHandler CancelButtonClick {
      add { Events.AddHandler (CancelButtonClickEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (CancelButtonClickEvent, value); }
    public event WizardNavigationEventHandler FinishButtonClick {
      add { Events.AddHandler (FinishButtonClickEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (FinishButtonClickEvent, value); }
    public event WizardNavigationEventHandler NextButtonClick {
      add { Events.AddHandler (NextButtonClickEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (NextButtonClickEvent, value); }
    public event WizardNavigationEventHandler PreviousButtonClick {
      add { Events.AddHandler (PreviousButtonClickEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (PreviousButtonClickEvent, value); }
    public event WizardNavigationEventHandler SideBarButtonClick {
      add { Events.AddHandler (SideBarButtonClickEvent, value); }
      remove { Events.RemoveHandler (SideBarButtonClickEvent, value); }
    protected virtual void OnActiveStepChanged (object source, EventArgs e)
      if (Events != null) {
        EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) Events [ActiveStepChangedEvent];
        if (eh != null) eh (source, e);
    protected virtual void OnCancelButtonClick (EventArgs e)
      if (Events != null) {
        EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) Events [CancelButtonClickEvent];
        if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
    protected virtual void OnFinishButtonClick (WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
      if (Events != null) {
        WizardNavigationEventHandler eh = (WizardNavigationEventHandler) Events [FinishButtonClickEvent];
        if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
    protected virtual void OnNextButtonClick (WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
      if (Events != null) {
        WizardNavigationEventHandler eh = (WizardNavigationEventHandler) Events [NextButtonClickEvent];
        if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
    protected virtual void OnPreviousButtonClick (WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
      if (Events != null) {
        WizardNavigationEventHandler eh = (WizardNavigationEventHandler) Events [PreviousButtonClickEvent];
        if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
    protected virtual void OnSideBarButtonClick (WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
      if (Events != null) {
        WizardNavigationEventHandler eh = (WizardNavigationEventHandler) Events [SideBarButtonClickEvent];
        if (eh != null) eh (this, e);
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
      [BrowsableAttribute (false)]
    public WizardStepBase ActiveStep {
      get {
        if (ActiveStepIndex < -1 || ActiveStepIndex >= WizardSteps.Count)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("ActiveStepIndex has an invalid value.");
        if (ActiveStepIndex == -1) return null;
        return WizardSteps [activeStepIndex];
      [DefaultValueAttribute (-1)]
      [ThemeableAttribute (false)]
      public virtual int ActiveStepIndex {
        get {
          return activeStepIndex;
        set {
          if (value < -1 || (value > WizardSteps.Count && (inited || WizardSteps.Count > 0)))
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("The ActiveStepIndex must be less than WizardSteps.Count and at least -1");
          if (inited && !AllowNavigationToStep (value))

          if(activeStepIndex != value) {
            activeStepIndex = value;
            if (inited) {
              multiView.ActiveViewIndex = value;
              if (stepDatalist != null) {
                stepDatalist.SelectedIndex = value;
                stepDatalist.DataBind ();
              OnActiveStepChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty);
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
    public virtual string CancelButtonImageUrl {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["CancelButtonImageUrl"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["CancelButtonImageUrl"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public Style CancelButtonStyle {
      get {
        if (cancelButtonStyle == null) {
          cancelButtonStyle = new Style ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)cancelButtonStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return cancelButtonStyle;
      [LocalizableAttribute (true)]
    public virtual string CancelButtonText {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["CancelButtonText"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : "Cancel";
      set {
        ViewState ["CancelButtonText"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (ButtonType.Button)]
    public virtual ButtonType CancelButtonType {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["CancelButtonType"];
        return v != null ? (ButtonType)v : ButtonType.Button;
      set {
        ViewState ["CancelButtonType"] = value;
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
    public virtual string CancelDestinationPageUrl {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["CancelDestinationPageUrl"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["CancelDestinationPageUrl"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (0)]
    public virtual int CellPadding {
      get {
        if (ControlStyleCreated)
          return ((TableStyle) ControlStyle).CellPadding;
        return 0;
      set {
        ((TableStyle) ControlStyle).CellPadding = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (0)]
    public virtual int CellSpacing {
      get {
        if (ControlStyleCreated)
          return ((TableStyle) ControlStyle).CellSpacing;
        return 0;
      set {
        ((TableStyle) ControlStyle).CellSpacing = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (false)]
      [ThemeableAttribute (false)]
    public virtual bool DisplayCancelButton {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["DisplayCancelButton"];
        return v != null ? (bool) v : false;
      set {
        ViewState ["DisplayCancelButton"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (true)]
      [ThemeableAttribute (false)]
    public virtual bool DisplaySideBar {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["DisplaySideBar"];
        return v != null ? (bool) v : true;
      set {
        ViewState ["DisplaySideBar"] = value;
        UpdateViews ();
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
    public virtual string FinishCompleteButtonImageUrl {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["FinishCompleteButtonImageUrl"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["FinishCompleteButtonImageUrl"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public Style FinishCompleteButtonStyle {
      get {
        if (finishCompleteButtonStyle == null) {
          finishCompleteButtonStyle = new Style ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)finishCompleteButtonStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return finishCompleteButtonStyle;
      [LocalizableAttribute (true)]
    public virtual string FinishCompleteButtonText {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["FinishCompleteButtonText"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : "Finish";
      set {
        ViewState ["FinishCompleteButtonText"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (ButtonType.Button)]
    public virtual ButtonType FinishCompleteButtonType {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["FinishCompleteButtonType"];
        return v != null ? (ButtonType)v : ButtonType.Button;
      set {
        ViewState ["FinishCompleteButtonType"] = value;
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.UrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
    public virtual string FinishDestinationPageUrl {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["FinishDestinationPageUrl"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["FinishDestinationPageUrl"] = value;
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    [TemplateContainer (typeof(Wizard), BindingDirection.OneWay)]
    [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
      [Browsable (false)]
    public virtual ITemplate FinishNavigationTemplate {
      get { return finishNavigationTemplate; }
      set { finishNavigationTemplate = value; UpdateViews (); }
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
    public virtual string FinishPreviousButtonImageUrl {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["FinishPreviousButtonImageUrl"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["FinishPreviousButtonImageUrl"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public Style FinishPreviousButtonStyle {
      get {
        if (finishPreviousButtonStyle == null) {
          finishPreviousButtonStyle = new Style ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)finishPreviousButtonStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return finishPreviousButtonStyle;
      [LocalizableAttribute (true)]
    public virtual string FinishPreviousButtonText {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["FinishPreviousButtonText"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : "Previous";
      set {
        ViewState ["FinishPreviousButtonText"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (ButtonType.Button)]
    public virtual ButtonType FinishPreviousButtonType {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["FinishPreviousButtonType"];
        return v != null ? (ButtonType)v : ButtonType.Button;
      set {
        ViewState ["FinishPreviousButtonType"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public TableItemStyle HeaderStyle {
      get {
        if (headerStyle == null) {
          headerStyle = new TableItemStyle ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)headerStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return headerStyle;
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    [TemplateContainer (typeof(Wizard), BindingDirection.OneWay)]
    [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
      [Browsable (false)]
    public virtual ITemplate HeaderTemplate {
      get { return headerTemplate; }
      set { headerTemplate = value; UpdateViews (); }
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
      [LocalizableAttribute (true)]
    public virtual string HeaderText {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["HeaderText"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["HeaderText"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public Style NavigationButtonStyle {
      get {
        if (navigationButtonStyle == null) {
          navigationButtonStyle = new Style ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)navigationButtonStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return navigationButtonStyle;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public TableItemStyle NavigationStyle {
      get {
        if (navigationStyle == null) {
          navigationStyle = new TableItemStyle ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)navigationStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return navigationStyle;
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
    public TableItemStyle SideBarStyle {
      get {
        if (sideBarStyle == null) {
          sideBarStyle = new TableItemStyle ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)sideBarStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return sideBarStyle;
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
    public Style SideBarButtonStyle {
      get {
        if (sideBarButtonStyle == null) {
          sideBarButtonStyle = new Style ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)sideBarButtonStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return sideBarButtonStyle;
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    [TemplateContainer (typeof(Wizard), BindingDirection.OneWay)]
    [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    [Browsable (false)]
    public virtual ITemplate SideBarTemplate {
      get { return sideBarTemplate; }
      set { sideBarTemplate = value; UpdateViews (); }

    [Localizable (true)]
    public virtual string SkipLinkText 
        object v = ViewState ["SkipLinkText"];
        return v != null ? (string) v : "Skip Navigation Links.";
        ViewState ["SkipLinkText"] = value;
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    [TemplateContainer (typeof(Wizard), BindingDirection.OneWay)]
    [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
      [Browsable (false)]
    public virtual ITemplate StartNavigationTemplate {
      get { return startNavigationTemplate; }
      set { startNavigationTemplate = value; UpdateViews (); }
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
    public virtual string StartNextButtonImageUrl {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StartNextButtonImageUrl"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["StartNextButtonImageUrl"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public Style StartNextButtonStyle {
      get {
        if (startNextButtonStyle == null) {
          startNextButtonStyle = new Style ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)startNextButtonStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return startNextButtonStyle;
      [LocalizableAttribute (true)]
    public virtual string StartNextButtonText {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StartNextButtonText"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : "Next";
      set {
        ViewState ["StartNextButtonText"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (ButtonType.Button)]
    public virtual ButtonType StartNextButtonType {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StartNextButtonType"];
        return v != null ? (ButtonType)v : ButtonType.Button;
      set {
        ViewState ["StartNextButtonType"] = value;
    [DefaultValue (null)]
    [TemplateContainer (typeof(Wizard), BindingDirection.OneWay)]
    [PersistenceMode (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
      [Browsable (false)]
    public virtual ITemplate StepNavigationTemplate {
      get { return stepNavigationTemplate; }
      set { stepNavigationTemplate = value; UpdateViews (); }
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
    public virtual string StepNextButtonImageUrl {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StepNextButtonImageUrl"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["StepNextButtonImageUrl"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public Style StepNextButtonStyle {
      get {
        if (stepNextButtonStyle == null) {
          stepNextButtonStyle = new Style ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)stepNextButtonStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return stepNextButtonStyle;
      [LocalizableAttribute (true)]
    public virtual string StepNextButtonText {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StepNextButtonText"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : "Next";
      set {
        ViewState ["StepNextButtonText"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (ButtonType.Button)]
    public virtual ButtonType StepNextButtonType {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StepNextButtonType"];
        return v != null ? (ButtonType)v : ButtonType.Button;
      set {
        ViewState ["StepNextButtonType"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute ("")]
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.ImageUrlEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
    public virtual string StepPreviousButtonImageUrl {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StepPreviousButtonImageUrl"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : string.Empty;
      set {
        ViewState ["StepPreviousButtonImageUrl"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
    public Style StepPreviousButtonStyle {
      get {
        if (stepPreviousButtonStyle == null) {
          stepPreviousButtonStyle = new Style ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)stepPreviousButtonStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return stepPreviousButtonStyle;
      [LocalizableAttribute (true)]
    public virtual string StepPreviousButtonText {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StepPreviousButtonText"];
        return v != null ? (string)v : "Previous";
      set {
        ViewState ["StepPreviousButtonText"] = value;
      [DefaultValueAttribute (ButtonType.Button)]
    public virtual ButtonType StepPreviousButtonType {
      get {
        object v = ViewState ["StepPreviousButtonType"];
        return v != null ? (ButtonType)v : ButtonType.Button;
      set {
        ViewState ["StepPreviousButtonType"] = value;
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
      [DefaultValueAttribute (null)]
      [NotifyParentPropertyAttribute (true)]
    public TableItemStyle StepStyle {
      get {
        if (stepStyle == null) {
          stepStyle = new TableItemStyle ();
          if (IsTrackingViewState)
            ((IStateManager)stepStyle).TrackViewState ();
        return stepStyle;
      [DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)]
      [EditorAttribute ("System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.WizardStepCollectionEditor," + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)]
      [PersistenceModeAttribute (PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
      [ThemeableAttribute (false)]
    public virtual WizardStepCollection WizardSteps {
      get {
        if (steps == null)
          steps = new WizardStepCollection (this);
        return steps;

    protected virtual new HtmlTextWriterTag TagKey
      get {
        return HtmlTextWriterTag.Table;

    internal virtual ITemplate SideBarItemTemplate
      get { return new SideBarButtonTemplate (this); }
    public ICollection GetHistory ()
      if (history == null) history = new ArrayList ();
      return history;
    public void MoveTo (WizardStepBase wizardStep)
      if (wizardStep == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("wizardStep");
      int i = WizardSteps.IndexOf (wizardStep);
      if (i == -1) throw new ArgumentException ("The provided wizard step does not belong to this wizard.");
      ActiveStepIndex = i;
    public WizardStepType GetStepType (WizardStepBase wizardStep, int index)
      if (wizardStep.StepType == WizardStepType.Auto) {
        if ((index == WizardSteps.Count - 1) || 
            (WizardSteps.Count > 1 && 
            WizardSteps[WizardSteps.Count - 1].StepType == WizardStepType.Complete && 
            index == WizardSteps.Count - 2))
          return WizardStepType.Finish;
        else if (index == 0)
          return WizardStepType.Start;
          return WizardStepType.Step;
      } else
        return wizardStep.StepType;
    protected virtual bool AllowNavigationToStep (int index)
      if (index < 0 || index >= WizardSteps.Count) return false;
      if (history == null) return true;
      if (!history.Contains (index)) return true;
      return WizardSteps [index].AllowReturn;
    protected internal override void OnInit (EventArgs e)
      Page.RegisterRequiresControlState (this);
      base.OnInit (e);

      if (ActiveStepIndex == -1)
        ActiveStepIndex = 0;

      EnsureChildControls ();
      inited = true;
    protected override ControlCollection CreateControlCollection ()
      ControlCollection col = new ControlCollection (this);
      col.SetReadonly (true);
      return col;
    protected internal override void CreateChildControls ()
      CreateControlHierarchy ();

    protected virtual void CreateControlHierarchy ()
      styles.Clear ();

      wizardTable = new ContainedTable (this);

      Table contentTable = wizardTable;

      if (DisplaySideBar) {
        contentTable = new Table ();
        contentTable.CellPadding = 0;
        contentTable.CellSpacing = 0;
        contentTable.Height = new Unit ("100%");
        contentTable.Width = new Unit ("100%");

        TableRow row = new TableRow ();

        TableCellNamingContainer sideBarCell = new TableCellNamingContainer ();
        sideBarCell.ID = "SideBarContainer";
        sideBarCell.ControlStyle.Height = Unit.Percentage (100);
        CreateSideBar (sideBarCell);
        row.Cells.Add (sideBarCell);

        TableCell contentCell = new TableCell ();
        contentCell.Controls.Add (contentTable);
        contentCell.Height = new Unit ("100%");
        row.Cells.Add (contentCell);

        wizardTable.Rows.Add (row);

      AddHeaderRow (contentTable);

      TableRow viewRow = new TableRow ();
      TableCell viewCell = new TableCell ();

      customNavigation = null;
      multiView = new MultiView ();
      foreach (View v in WizardSteps) {
        if (v is TemplatedWizardStep)
          InstantiateTemplateStep ((TemplatedWizardStep) v);
        multiView.Views.Add (v);
      multiView.ActiveViewIndex = ActiveStepIndex;

      RegisterApplyStyle (viewCell, StepStyle);
      viewCell.Controls.Add (multiView);
      viewRow.Cells.Add (viewCell);
      viewRow.Height = new Unit ("100%");
      contentTable.Rows.Add (viewRow);

      TableRow buttonRow = new TableRow ();
      _navigationCell = new TableCell ();
      _navigationCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
      RegisterApplyStyle (_navigationCell, NavigationStyle);
      CreateButtonBar (_navigationCell);
      buttonRow.Cells.Add (_navigationCell);
      contentTable.Rows.Add (buttonRow);

      Controls.SetReadonly (false);
      Controls.Add (wizardTable);
      Controls.SetReadonly (true);

    internal virtual void InstantiateTemplateStep(TemplatedWizardStep step)
      BaseWizardContainer contentTemplateContainer = new BaseWizardContainer ();

      if (step.ContentTemplate != null)
        step.ContentTemplate.InstantiateIn (contentTemplateContainer.InnerCell);

      step.ContentTemplateContainer = contentTemplateContainer;
      step.Controls.Clear ();
      step.Controls.Add (contentTemplateContainer);

      BaseWizardNavigationContainer customNavigationTemplateContainer = new BaseWizardNavigationContainer ();

      if (step.CustomNavigationTemplate != null) {
        step.CustomNavigationTemplate.InstantiateIn (customNavigationTemplateContainer);
        RegisterCustomNavigation (step, customNavigationTemplateContainer);
      step.CustomNavigationTemplateContainer = customNavigationTemplateContainer;

    internal void RegisterCustomNavigation (TemplatedWizardStep step, BaseWizardNavigationContainer customNavigationTemplateContainer) {
      if (customNavigation == null)
        customNavigation = new Hashtable ();
      customNavigation [step] = customNavigationTemplateContainer;
    void CreateButtonBar (TableCell buttonBarCell)
      if(customNavigation!=null && customNavigation.Values.Count>0)
        int i = 0;
        foreach (Control customNavigationTemplateContainer in customNavigation.Values) {
          customNavigationTemplateContainer.ID = "CustomNavContainer" + i++;
          buttonBarCell.Controls.Add (customNavigationTemplateContainer);
      // StartNavContainer
      _startNavContainer = new StartNavigationContainer (this);
      _startNavContainer.ID = "StartNavContainer";
      if (startNavigationTemplate != null) {
        startNavigationTemplate.InstantiateIn (_startNavContainer);
      else {
        TableRow row;
        AddNavButtonsTable (_startNavContainer, out row);
        AddButtonCell (row, CreateButtonSet (StartNextButtonID, MoveNextCommandName));
        AddButtonCell (row, CreateButtonSet (CancelButtonID, CancelCommandName, false));
        _startNavContainer.ConfirmDefaultTemplate ();
      buttonBarCell.Controls.Add (_startNavContainer);

      // StepNavContainer
      _stepNavContainer = new StepNavigationContainer (this);
      _stepNavContainer.ID = "StepNavContainer";
      if (stepNavigationTemplate != null) {
        stepNavigationTemplate.InstantiateIn (_stepNavContainer);
      else {
        TableRow row;
        AddNavButtonsTable (_stepNavContainer, out row);
        AddButtonCell (row, CreateButtonSet (StepPreviousButtonID, MovePreviousCommandName, false));
        AddButtonCell (row, CreateButtonSet (StepNextButtonID, MoveNextCommandName));
        AddButtonCell (row, CreateButtonSet (CancelButtonID, CancelCommandName, false));
        _stepNavContainer.ConfirmDefaultTemplate ();
      buttonBarCell.Controls.Add (_stepNavContainer);

      // StepNavContainer
      _finishNavContainer = new FinishNavigationContainer (this);
      _finishNavContainer.ID = "FinishNavContainer";
      if (finishNavigationTemplate != null) {
        finishNavigationTemplate.InstantiateIn (_finishNavContainer);
      else {
        TableRow row;
        AddNavButtonsTable (_finishNavContainer, out row);
        AddButtonCell (row, CreateButtonSet (FinishPreviousButtonID, MovePreviousCommandName, false));
        AddButtonCell (row, CreateButtonSet (FinishButtonID, MoveCompleteCommandName));
        AddButtonCell (row, CreateButtonSet (CancelButtonID, CancelCommandName, false));
        _finishNavContainer.ConfirmDefaultTemplate ();
      buttonBarCell.Controls.Add (_finishNavContainer);

    static void AddNavButtonsTable (BaseWizardNavigationContainer container, out TableRow row)
      Table t = new Table ();
      t.CellPadding = 5;
      t.CellSpacing = 5;
      row = new TableRow ();
      t.Rows.Add (row);
      container.Controls.Add (t);

    Control [] CreateButtonSet (string id, string command)
      return CreateButtonSet (id, command, true, null);

    Control [] CreateButtonSet (string id, string command, bool causesValidation)
      return CreateButtonSet (id, command, causesValidation, null);

    internal Control [] CreateButtonSet (string id, string command, bool causesValidation, string validationGroup)
      return new Control [] { 
        CreateButton ( id + ButtonType.Button,  command, ButtonType.Button, causesValidation, validationGroup),
        CreateButton ( id + ButtonType.Image,  command, ButtonType.Image, causesValidation, validationGroup),
        CreateButton ( id + ButtonType.Link,  command, ButtonType.Link, causesValidation, validationGroup)

    Control CreateButton (string id, string command, ButtonType type, bool causesValidation, string validationGroup)
      WebControl b;
      switch (type) {
      case ButtonType.Button:
        b = CreateStandartButton ();
      case ButtonType.Image:
        b = CreateImageButton (null);
      case ButtonType.Link:
        b = CreateLinkButton ();
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("type");

      b.ID = id;
      b.EnableTheming = false;
      ((IButtonControl) b).CommandName = command;
      ((IButtonControl) b).CausesValidation = causesValidation;
        ((IButtonControl) b).ValidationGroup = validationGroup;

      RegisterApplyStyle (b, NavigationButtonStyle);

      return b;

    WebControl CreateStandartButton () {
      Button btn = new Button ();
      return btn;

    WebControl CreateImageButton (string imageUrl) {
      ImageButton img = new ImageButton ();
      img.ImageUrl = imageUrl;
      return img;

    WebControl CreateLinkButton () {
      LinkButton link = new LinkButton ();
      return link;

    void AddButtonCell (TableRow row, params Control[] controls)
      TableCell cell = new TableCell ();
      cell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
      for (int i = 0; i < controls.Length; i++)
        cell.Controls.Add (controls [i]);
      row.Cells.Add (cell);
    void CreateSideBar (TableCell sideBarCell)
      RegisterApplyStyle (sideBarCell, SideBarStyle);

      if (SkipLinkText != "") {
        System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor anchor = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor ();
        anchor.HRef = "#" + ClientID + "_SkipLink";

        Image img = new Image ();
        ClientScriptManager csm = new ClientScriptManager (null);
        img.ImageUrl = csm.GetWebResourceUrl (typeof (SiteMapPath), "transparent.gif");
        img.Attributes.Add ("height", "0");
        img.Attributes.Add ("width", "0");
        img.AlternateText = SkipLinkText;

        anchor.Controls.Add (img);
        sideBarCell.Controls.Add (anchor);

      if (sideBarTemplate != null) {
        sideBarTemplate.InstantiateIn (sideBarCell);
        stepDatalist = sideBarCell.FindControl (DataListID) as DataList;
        if (stepDatalist == null)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("The side bar template must contain a DataList control with id '" + DataListID + "'.");
        stepDatalist.ItemDataBound += new DataListItemEventHandler(StepDatalistItemDataBound);
      } else {
        stepDatalist = new DataList ();
        stepDatalist.ID = DataListID;
        stepDatalist.SelectedItemStyle.Font.Bold = true;
        stepDatalist.ItemTemplate = SideBarItemTemplate;
        sideBarCell.Controls.Add (stepDatalist);

      if (SkipLinkText != "") {
        System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor anchor = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlAnchor ();
        anchor.ID = "SkipLink";
        sideBarCell.Controls.Add (anchor);

      stepDatalist.ItemCommand += new DataListCommandEventHandler (StepDatalistItemCommand);
      stepDatalist.CellSpacing = 0;
      stepDatalist.DataSource = WizardSteps;
      stepDatalist.SelectedIndex = ActiveStepIndex;
      stepDatalist.DataBind ();

    void StepDatalistItemCommand (object sender, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
      WizardNavigationEventArgs arg = new WizardNavigationEventArgs (ActiveStepIndex, Convert.ToInt32 (e.CommandArgument));
      OnSideBarButtonClick (arg);

      if (!arg.Cancel)
        ActiveStepIndex = arg.NextStepIndex;

    void StepDatalistItemDataBound (object sender, DataListItemEventArgs e)
      if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.SelectedItem) {
        IButtonControl button = (IButtonControl) e.Item.FindControl (SideBarButtonID);
        if (button == null)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("SideBarList control must contain an IButtonControl with ID " + SideBarButtonID + " in every item template, this maybe include ItemTemplate, EditItemTemplate, SelectedItemTemplate or AlternatingItemTemplate if they exist.");

        WizardStepBase step = (WizardStepBase) e.Item.DataItem;

        if (button is Button)
          ((Button) button).UseSubmitBehavior = false;

        button.CommandName = Wizard.MoveToCommandName;
        button.CommandArgument = WizardSteps.IndexOf (step).ToString ();
        button.Text = step.Name;
        if (step.StepType == WizardStepType.Complete && button is WebControl)
          ((WebControl) button).Enabled = false;

    void AddHeaderRow (Table table)
      TableRow row = new TableRow ();
      _headerCell = new WizardHeaderCell ();
      _headerCell.ID = "HeaderContainer";
      RegisterApplyStyle (_headerCell, HeaderStyle);
      if (headerTemplate != null) {
        headerTemplate.InstantiateIn (_headerCell);
        _headerCell.ConfirmInitState ();
      row.Cells.Add (_headerCell);
      table.Rows.Add (row);

    internal void RegisterApplyStyle (WebControl control, Style style)
      styles.Add (new object [] { control, style });
    protected override Style CreateControlStyle ()
      TableStyle style = new TableStyle ();
      style.CellPadding = 0;
      style.CellSpacing = 0;
      return style;

    protected override IDictionary GetDesignModeState ()
      throw new NotImplementedException ();
    protected internal override void LoadControlState (object ob)
      if (ob == null) return;
      object[] state = (object[]) ob;
      base.LoadControlState (state[0]);
      activeStepIndex = (int) state[1];
      history = (ArrayList) state[2];
    protected internal override object SaveControlState ()
      if (GetHistory ().Count == 0 || (int) history [0] != ActiveStepIndex)
        history.Insert (0, ActiveStepIndex);

      object bstate = base.SaveControlState ();
      return new object[] {
        bstate, activeStepIndex, history
    protected override void LoadViewState (object savedState)
      if (savedState == null) {
        base.LoadViewState (null);
      object[] states = (object[]) savedState;
      base.LoadViewState (states [0]);
      if (states[1] != null) ((IStateManager)StepStyle).LoadViewState (states[1]);
      if (states[2] != null) ((IStateManager)SideBarStyle).LoadViewState (states[2]);
      if (states[3] != null) ((IStateManager)HeaderStyle).LoadViewState (states[3]);
      if (states[4] != null) ((IStateManager)NavigationStyle).LoadViewState (states[4]);
      if (states[5] != null) ((IStateManager)SideBarButtonStyle).LoadViewState (states[5]);
      if (states[6] != null) ((IStateManager)CancelButtonStyle).LoadViewState (states[6]);
      if (states[7] != null) ((IStateManager)FinishCompleteButtonStyle).LoadViewState (states[7]);
      if (states[8] != null) ((IStateManager)FinishPreviousButtonStyle).LoadViewState (states[8]);
      if (states[9] != null) ((IStateManager)StartNextButtonStyle).LoadViewState (states[9]);
      if (states[10] != null) ((IStateManager)StepNextButtonStyle).LoadViewState (states[10]);
      if (states[11] != null) ((IStateManager)StepPreviousButtonStyle).LoadViewState (states[11]);
      if (states[12] != null) ((IStateManager)NavigationButtonStyle).LoadViewState (states[12]);
      if (states [13] != null)
        ControlStyle.LoadViewState (states [13]);
    protected override object SaveViewState ()
      object [] state = new object [14];
      state [0] = base.SaveViewState ();
      if (stepStyle != null) state [1] = ((IStateManager)stepStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (sideBarStyle != null) state [2] = ((IStateManager)sideBarStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (headerStyle != null) state [3] = ((IStateManager)headerStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (navigationStyle != null) state [4] = ((IStateManager)navigationStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (sideBarButtonStyle != null) state [5] = ((IStateManager)sideBarButtonStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (cancelButtonStyle != null) state [6] = ((IStateManager)cancelButtonStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (finishCompleteButtonStyle != null) state [7] = ((IStateManager)finishCompleteButtonStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (finishPreviousButtonStyle != null) state [8] = ((IStateManager)finishPreviousButtonStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (startNextButtonStyle != null) state [9] = ((IStateManager)startNextButtonStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (stepNextButtonStyle != null) state [10] = ((IStateManager)stepNextButtonStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (stepPreviousButtonStyle != null) state [11] = ((IStateManager)stepPreviousButtonStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (navigationButtonStyle != null) state [12] = ((IStateManager)navigationButtonStyle).SaveViewState ();
      if (ControlStyleCreated)
        state [13] = ControlStyle.SaveViewState ();
      for (int n=0; n<state.Length; n++)
        if (state [n] != null) return state;
      return null;
    protected override void TrackViewState ()
      if (stepStyle != null) ((IStateManager)stepStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (sideBarStyle != null) ((IStateManager)sideBarStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (headerStyle != null) ((IStateManager)headerStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (navigationStyle != null) ((IStateManager)navigationStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (sideBarButtonStyle != null) ((IStateManager)sideBarButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (cancelButtonStyle != null) ((IStateManager)cancelButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (finishCompleteButtonStyle != null) ((IStateManager)finishCompleteButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (finishPreviousButtonStyle != null) ((IStateManager)finishPreviousButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (startNextButtonStyle != null) ((IStateManager)startNextButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (stepNextButtonStyle != null) ((IStateManager)stepNextButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (stepPreviousButtonStyle != null) ((IStateManager)stepPreviousButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (navigationButtonStyle != null) ((IStateManager)navigationButtonStyle).TrackViewState();
      if (ControlStyleCreated)
        ControlStyle.TrackViewState ();
    protected internal void RegisterCommandEvents (IButtonControl button)
      button.Command += ProcessCommand;
    void ProcessCommand (object sender, CommandEventArgs args)
      Control c = sender as Control;
      if (c != null) {
        switch (c.ID) {
          case "CancelButton":
            ProcessEvent ("Cancel", null);
          case "FinishButton":
            ProcessEvent ("MoveComplete", null);
          case "StepPreviousButton":
          case "FinishPreviousButton":
            ProcessEvent ("MovePrevious", null);
          case "StartNextButton":
          case "StepNextButton":
            ProcessEvent ("MoveNext", null);
      ProcessEvent (args.CommandName, args.CommandArgument as string);

    protected override bool OnBubbleEvent (object source, EventArgs e)
      CommandEventArgs args = e as CommandEventArgs;
      if (args != null) {
        ProcessEvent (args.CommandName, args.CommandArgument as string);
        return true;
      return base.OnBubbleEvent (source, e);
    void ProcessEvent (string commandName, string commandArg)
      switch (commandName) {
        case "Cancel":
          if (CancelDestinationPageUrl.Length > 0)
            Context.Response.Redirect (CancelDestinationPageUrl);
            OnCancelButtonClick (EventArgs.Empty);

        case "MoveComplete":
          int next = -1;
          for (int n=0; n<WizardSteps.Count; n++) {
            if (WizardSteps [n].StepType == WizardStepType.Complete) {
              next = n;

          if (next == -1 && ActiveStepIndex == WizardSteps.Count - 1)
            next = ActiveStepIndex;

          WizardNavigationEventArgs navArgs = new WizardNavigationEventArgs (ActiveStepIndex, next);
          OnFinishButtonClick (navArgs);

          if (FinishDestinationPageUrl.Length > 0) {
            Context.Response.Redirect (FinishDestinationPageUrl);

          if (next != -1 && !navArgs.Cancel)
            ActiveStepIndex = next;

        case "MoveNext":
          if (ActiveStepIndex < WizardSteps.Count - 1) {
            WizardNavigationEventArgs args = new WizardNavigationEventArgs (ActiveStepIndex, ActiveStepIndex + 1);
            int curStep = ActiveStepIndex;
            OnNextButtonClick (args);
            if (!args.Cancel && curStep == activeStepIndex)
        case "MovePrevious":
          if (ActiveStepIndex > 0) {
            WizardNavigationEventArgs args = new WizardNavigationEventArgs (ActiveStepIndex, ActiveStepIndex - 1);
            int curStep = ActiveStepIndex;
            OnPreviousButtonClick (args);
            if (!args.Cancel) {
              if (curStep == activeStepIndex)
              if (history != null && activeStepIndex < curStep)
                history.Remove (curStep);
        case "Move":
          int newb = int.Parse (commandArg);
          ActiveStepIndex = newb;
    internal void UpdateViews ()
      ChildControlsCreated = false;
    protected internal override void Render (HtmlTextWriter writer)
      PrepareControlHierarchy ();
      wizardTable.Render (writer);

    void PrepareControlHierarchy ()
      // header
      if (!_headerCell.Initialized) {
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (HeaderText))
          _headerCell.Parent.Visible = false;
          _headerCell.Text = HeaderText;

      if (ActiveStep.StepType == WizardStepType.Complete)
        _headerCell.Parent.Visible = false;

      // sidebar
      if (stepDatalist != null) {
        stepDatalist.SelectedIndex = ActiveStepIndex;
        stepDatalist.DataBind ();

        if (ActiveStep.StepType == WizardStepType.Complete)
          stepDatalist.NamingContainer.Visible = false;

      // content
      TemplatedWizardStep templateStep = ActiveStep as TemplatedWizardStep;
      if (templateStep != null) {
        BaseWizardContainer contentContainer = templateStep.ContentTemplateContainer as BaseWizardContainer;
        if (contentContainer != null)
          contentContainer.PrepareControlHierarchy ();

      // navigation
      if (customNavigation != null) {
        foreach (Control c in customNavigation.Values)
          c.Visible = false;
      _startNavContainer.Visible = false;
      _stepNavContainer.Visible = false;
      _finishNavContainer.Visible = false;

      BaseWizardNavigationContainer currentNavContainer = GetCurrentNavContainer ();
      if (currentNavContainer == null) {
        _navigationCell.Parent.Visible = false;
      else {
        currentNavContainer.Visible = true;
        currentNavContainer.PrepareControlHierarchy ();
        if (!currentNavContainer.Visible)
          _navigationCell.Parent.Visible = false;

      foreach (object [] styleDef in styles)
        ((WebControl) styleDef [0]).ApplyStyle ((Style) styleDef [1]);

    BaseWizardNavigationContainer GetCurrentNavContainer ()
      if (customNavigation != null && customNavigation [ActiveStep] != null) {
        return (BaseWizardNavigationContainer) customNavigation [ActiveStep];
      else {
        WizardStepType stepType = GetStepType (ActiveStep, ActiveStepIndex);
        switch (stepType) {
        case WizardStepType.Start:
          return _startNavContainer;
        case WizardStepType.Step:
          return _stepNavContainer;
        case WizardStepType.Finish:
          return _finishNavContainer;
          return null;

    class TableCellNamingContainer : TableCell, INamingContainer, INonBindingContainer
      public TableCellNamingContainer ()

    class SideBarButtonTemplate: ITemplate
      Wizard wizard;
      public SideBarButtonTemplate (Wizard wizard)
        this.wizard = wizard;
      public void InstantiateIn (Control control)
        LinkButton b = new LinkButton ();
        wizard.RegisterApplyStyle (b, wizard.SideBarButtonStyle);
        control.Controls.Add (b);
        control.DataBinding += Bound;
      void Bound (object s, EventArgs args)
        WizardStepBase step = DataBinder.GetDataItem (s) as WizardStepBase;
        if (step != null) {
          DataListItem c = (DataListItem) s;
          LinkButton b = (LinkButton) c.Controls[0];
          b.ID = SideBarButtonID;
          b.CommandName = Wizard.MoveToCommandName;
          b.CommandArgument = wizard.WizardSteps.IndexOf (step).ToString ();
          b.Text = step.Name;
          if (step.StepType == WizardStepType.Complete)
            b.Enabled = false;

    class WizardHeaderCell : TableCell, INamingContainer, INonBindingContainer
      bool _initialized;

      public bool Initialized {
        get { return _initialized; }
      public WizardHeaderCell ()
      public void ConfirmInitState ()
        _initialized = true;

    internal abstract class DefaultNavigationContainer : BaseWizardNavigationContainer
      bool _isDefault;
      Wizard _wizard;

      protected Wizard Wizard {
        get { return _wizard; }

      protected DefaultNavigationContainer (Wizard wizard)
        _wizard = wizard;

      public override sealed void PrepareControlHierarchy ()
        if (_isDefault)
          UpdateState ();

      protected abstract void UpdateState ();

      public void ConfirmDefaultTemplate ()
        _isDefault = true;

      protected void UpdateNavButtonState (string id, string text, string image, Style style)
        WebControl b = (WebControl) FindControl (id);
        foreach (Control c in b.Parent.Controls)
          c.Visible = b == c;

        ((IButtonControl) b).Text = text;
        ImageButton imgbtn = b as ImageButton;
        if (imgbtn != null)
          imgbtn.ImageUrl = image;

        b.ApplyStyle (style);

    sealed class StartNavigationContainer : DefaultNavigationContainer
      public StartNavigationContainer (Wizard wizard)
        : base (wizard)

      protected override void UpdateState ()
        bool visible = false;
        // next
        if (Wizard.AllowNavigationToStep (Wizard.ActiveStepIndex + 1)) {
          visible = true;
          UpdateNavButtonState (Wizard.StartNextButtonID + Wizard.StartNextButtonType, Wizard.StartNextButtonText, Wizard.StartNextButtonImageUrl, Wizard.StartNextButtonStyle);
        else {
          ((Table) Controls [0]).Rows [0].Cells [0].Visible = false;

        // cancel
        if (Wizard.DisplayCancelButton) {
          visible = true;
          UpdateNavButtonState (Wizard.CancelButtonID + Wizard.CancelButtonType, Wizard.CancelButtonText, Wizard.CancelButtonImageUrl, Wizard.CancelButtonStyle);
        else {
          ((Table) Controls [0]).Rows [0].Cells [1].Visible = false;
        Visible = visible;

    sealed class StepNavigationContainer : DefaultNavigationContainer
      public StepNavigationContainer (Wizard wizard)
        : base (wizard)

      protected override void UpdateState ()
        bool visible = false;

        // previous
        if (Wizard.AllowNavigationToStep (Wizard.ActiveStepIndex - 1)) {
          visible = true;
          UpdateNavButtonState (Wizard.StepPreviousButtonID + Wizard.StepPreviousButtonType, Wizard.StepPreviousButtonText, Wizard.StepPreviousButtonImageUrl, Wizard.StepPreviousButtonStyle);
        else {
          ((Table) Controls [0]).Rows [0].Cells [0].Visible = false;

        // next
        if (Wizard.AllowNavigationToStep (Wizard.ActiveStepIndex + 1)) {
          visible = true;
          UpdateNavButtonState (Wizard.StepNextButtonID + Wizard.StepNextButtonType, Wizard.StepNextButtonText, Wizard.StepNextButtonImageUrl, Wizard.StepNextButtonStyle);
        else {
          ((Table) Controls [0]).Rows [0].Cells [1].Visible = false;

        // cancel
        if (Wizard.DisplayCancelButton) {
          visible = true;
          UpdateNavButtonState (Wizard.CancelButtonID + Wizard.CancelButtonType, Wizard.CancelButtonText, Wizard.CancelButtonImageUrl, Wizard.CancelButtonStyle);
        else {
          ((Table) Controls [0]).Rows [0].Cells [2].Visible = false;
        Visible = visible;

    sealed class FinishNavigationContainer : DefaultNavigationContainer
      public FinishNavigationContainer (Wizard wizard)
        : base (wizard)

      protected override void UpdateState ()
        // previous
        if (Wizard.AllowNavigationToStep (Wizard.ActiveStepIndex - 1)) {
          UpdateNavButtonState (Wizard.FinishPreviousButtonID + Wizard.FinishPreviousButtonType, Wizard.FinishPreviousButtonText, Wizard.FinishPreviousButtonImageUrl, Wizard.FinishPreviousButtonStyle);
        else {
          ((Table) Controls [0]).Rows [0].Cells [0].Visible = false;

        // finish
        UpdateNavButtonState (Wizard.FinishButtonID + Wizard.FinishCompleteButtonType, Wizard.FinishCompleteButtonText, Wizard.FinishCompleteButtonImageUrl, Wizard.FinishCompleteButtonStyle);

        // cancel
        if (Wizard.DisplayCancelButton) {
          UpdateNavButtonState (Wizard.CancelButtonID + Wizard.CancelButtonType, Wizard.CancelButtonText, Wizard.CancelButtonImageUrl, Wizard.CancelButtonStyle);
        else {
          ((Table) Controls [0]).Rows [0].Cells [2].Visible = false;

    internal class BaseWizardContainer : Table, INamingContainer, INonBindingContainer
      public TableCell InnerCell {
        get { return Rows [0].Cells [0]; }

      internal BaseWizardContainer ()
        InitTable ();

      void InitTable () {
        TableRow row = new TableRow ();
        TableCell cell = new TableCell ();

        cell.ControlStyle.Width = Unit.Percentage (100);
        cell.ControlStyle.Height = Unit.Percentage (100);

        row.Cells.Add (cell);

        this.ControlStyle.Width = Unit.Percentage (100);
        this.ControlStyle.Height = Unit.Percentage (100);
        this.CellPadding = 0;
        this.CellSpacing = 0;

        this.Rows.Add (row);

      public virtual void PrepareControlHierarchy ()

    internal class BaseWizardNavigationContainer : Control, INamingContainer, INonBindingContainer
      internal BaseWizardNavigationContainer ()

      public virtual void PrepareControlHierarchy ()

    internal abstract class DefaultContentContainer : BaseWizardContainer
      bool _isDefault;
      Wizard _wizard;

      protected bool IsDefaultTemplate {
        get { return _isDefault; }

      protected Wizard Wizard {
        get { return _wizard; }

      protected DefaultContentContainer (Wizard wizard)
        _wizard = wizard;

      public override sealed void PrepareControlHierarchy ()
        if (_isDefault)
          UpdateState ();

      protected abstract void UpdateState ();

      public void ConfirmDefaultTemplate ()
        _isDefault = true;

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