XplatUICarbon.cs :  » 2.6.4-mono-.net-core » System.Windows.Forms » System » Windows » Forms » C# / CSharp Open Source

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System.Windows.Forms » System » Windows » Forms » XplatUICarbon.cs
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Novell, Inc.
// Authors:
//  Geoff Norton  <gnorton@novell.com>

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using CarbonSystem.Windows.Forms.CarbonInternal;

/// Carbon Version
namespace System.Windows.Forms{
  internal delegate Rectangle [] HwndDelegate (IntPtr handle);

  internal class XplatUICarbon : XplatUIDriver {
    #region Local Variables
    // General driver variables
    private static XplatUICarbon Instance;
    private static int RefCount;
    private static bool themes_enabled;

    // Internal members available to the event handler sub-system
    internal static IntPtr FocusWindow;
    internal static IntPtr ActiveWindow;
    internal static IntPtr ReverseWindow;
    internal static IntPtr CaretWindow;

    internal static Hwnd MouseHwnd;

    internal static MouseButtons MouseState;
    internal static Carbon.Hover Hover;

    internal static HwndDelegate HwndDelegate = new HwndDelegate (GetClippingRectangles);
    // Instance members
    internal Point mouse_position;

    // Event handlers
    internal Carbon.ApplicationHandler ApplicationHandler;
    internal Carbon.ControlHandler ControlHandler;
    internal Carbon.HIObjectHandler HIObjectHandler;
    internal Carbon.KeyboardHandler KeyboardHandler;
    internal Carbon.MouseHandler MouseHandler;
    internal Carbon.WindowHandler WindowHandler;
    // Carbon Specific
    internal static GrabStruct Grab;
    internal static Carbon.Caret Caret;
    private static Carbon.Dnd Dnd;
    private static Hashtable WindowMapping;
    private static Hashtable HandleMapping;
    private static IntPtr FosterParent;
    private static IntPtr Subclass;
    private static int MenuBarHeight;
    internal static ArrayList UtilityWindows;

    // Message loop
    private static Queue MessageQueue;
    private static bool GetMessageResult;

    private static bool ReverseWindowMapped;

    // Timers
    private ArrayList TimerList;
    private static bool in_doevents;
    static readonly object instancelock = new object ();
    static readonly object queuelock = new object ();
    // Event Handlers
    internal override event EventHandler Idle;
    #region Constructors
    private XplatUICarbon() {

      RefCount = 0;
      TimerList = new ArrayList ();
      in_doevents = false;
      MessageQueue = new Queue ();
      Initialize ();

    ~XplatUICarbon() {
      // FIXME: Clean up the FosterParent here.

    #region Singleton specific code
    public static XplatUICarbon GetInstance() {
      lock (instancelock) {
        if (Instance == null) {
          Instance = new XplatUICarbon ();
      return Instance;

    public int Reference {
      get {
        return RefCount;
    #region Internal methods
    internal void AddExpose (Hwnd hwnd, bool client, Carbon.HIRect rect) {
      AddExpose (hwnd, client, (int) rect.origin.x, (int) rect.origin.y, (int) rect.size.width, (int) rect.size.height);
    internal void AddExpose (Hwnd hwnd, bool client, Rectangle rect) {
      AddExpose (hwnd, client, (int) rect.X, (int) rect.Y, (int) rect.Width, (int) rect.Height);

    internal void FlushQueue () {
      CheckTimers (DateTime.UtcNow);
      lock (queuelock) {
        while (MessageQueue.Count > 0) {
          object queueobj = MessageQueue.Dequeue ();
          if (queueobj is GCHandle) {
          } else {
            MSG msg = (MSG)queueobj;
            NativeWindow.WndProc (msg.hwnd, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);

    internal static Rectangle [] GetClippingRectangles (IntPtr handle) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);

      if (hwnd == null)
        return null;
       if (hwnd.Handle != handle)
        return new Rectangle [] {hwnd.ClientRect};

      return (Rectangle []) hwnd.GetClippingRectangles ().ToArray (typeof (Rectangle));

    internal IntPtr GetMousewParam(int Delta) {
      int   result = 0;

      if ((MouseState & MouseButtons.Left) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_LBUTTON;

      if ((MouseState & MouseButtons.Middle) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_MBUTTON;

      if ((MouseState & MouseButtons.Right) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_RBUTTON;

      Keys mods = ModifierKeys;
      if ((mods & Keys.Control) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_CONTROL;

      if ((mods & Keys.Shift) != 0) {
        result |= (int)MsgButtons.MK_SHIFT;

      result |= Delta << 16;

      return (IntPtr)result;

    internal IntPtr HandleToWindow (IntPtr handle) {
      if (HandleMapping [handle] != null)
        return (IntPtr) HandleMapping [handle];
      return IntPtr.Zero;

    internal void Initialize () {
      // Initialize the event handlers  
      Carbon.EventHandler.Driver = this;
      ApplicationHandler = new Carbon.ApplicationHandler (this);
      ControlHandler = new Carbon.ControlHandler (this);
      HIObjectHandler = new Carbon.HIObjectHandler (this);
      KeyboardHandler = new Carbon.KeyboardHandler (this);
      MouseHandler = new Carbon.MouseHandler (this);
      WindowHandler = new Carbon.WindowHandler (this);
      // Initilize the mouse controls
      Hover.Interval = 500;
      Hover.Timer = new Timer ();
      Hover.Timer.Enabled = false;
      Hover.Timer.Interval = Hover.Interval;
      Hover.Timer.Tick += new EventHandler (HoverCallback);
      Hover.X = -1;
      Hover.Y = -1;
      MouseState = MouseButtons.None;
      mouse_position = Point.Empty;
      // Initialize the Caret
      Caret.Timer = new Timer ();
      Caret.Timer.Interval = 500;
      Caret.Timer.Tick += new EventHandler (CaretCallback);

      // Initialize the D&D
      Dnd = new Carbon.Dnd (); 
      // Initialize the Carbon Specific stuff
      WindowMapping = new Hashtable ();
      HandleMapping = new Hashtable ();
      UtilityWindows = new ArrayList ();
      // Initialize the FosterParent
      Carbon.Rect rect = new Carbon.Rect ();
      SetRect (ref rect, (short)0, (short)0, (short)0, (short)0);
      Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber psn = new Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber();

      GetCurrentProcess( ref psn );
      TransformProcessType (ref psn, 1);
      SetFrontProcess (ref psn);

      HIObjectRegisterSubclass (__CFStringMakeConstantString ("com.novell.mwfview"), __CFStringMakeConstantString ("com.apple.hiview"), 0, Carbon.EventHandler.EventHandlerDelegate, (uint)Carbon.EventHandler.HIObjectEvents.Length, Carbon.EventHandler.HIObjectEvents, IntPtr.Zero, ref Subclass);

      Carbon.EventHandler.InstallApplicationHandler ();

      CreateNewWindow (Carbon.WindowClass.kDocumentWindowClass, Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCloseBoxAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowFullZoomAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowResizableAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCompositingAttribute, ref rect, ref FosterParent);
      CreateNewWindow (Carbon.WindowClass.kOverlayWindowClass, Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoUpdatesAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoActivatesAttribute, ref rect, ref ReverseWindow);
      CreateNewWindow (Carbon.WindowClass.kOverlayWindowClass, Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoUpdatesAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoActivatesAttribute, ref rect, ref CaretWindow);
      // Get some values about bar heights
      Carbon.Rect structRect = new Carbon.Rect ();
      Carbon.Rect contentRect = new Carbon.Rect ();
      GetWindowBounds (FosterParent, 32, ref structRect);
      GetWindowBounds (FosterParent, 33, ref contentRect);
      MenuBarHeight = GetMBarHeight ();
      // Focus
      FocusWindow = IntPtr.Zero;
      // Message loop
      GetMessageResult = true;
      ReverseWindowMapped = false;
    internal void PerformNCCalc(Hwnd hwnd) {
      XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS  ncp;
      IntPtr ptr;
      Rectangle rect;

      rect = new Rectangle (0, 0, hwnd.Width, hwnd.Height);

      ncp = new XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS();
      ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ncp));

      ncp.rgrc1.left = rect.Left;
      ncp.rgrc1.top = rect.Top;
      ncp.rgrc1.right = rect.Right;
      ncp.rgrc1.bottom = rect.Bottom;

      Marshal.StructureToPtr(ncp, ptr, true);
      NativeWindow.WndProc(hwnd.client_window, Msg.WM_NCCALCSIZE, (IntPtr)1, ptr);
      ncp = (XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS));

      rect = new Rectangle(ncp.rgrc1.left, ncp.rgrc1.top, ncp.rgrc1.right - ncp.rgrc1.left, ncp.rgrc1.bottom - ncp.rgrc1.top);
      hwnd.ClientRect = rect;

      rect = TranslateClientRectangleToQuartzClientRectangle (hwnd);

      if (hwnd.visible) {
        Carbon.HIRect r = new Carbon.HIRect (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
        HIViewSetFrame (hwnd.client_window, ref r);
      AddExpose (hwnd, false, 0, 0, hwnd.Width, hwnd.Height);
    internal void ScreenToClient(IntPtr handle, ref Carbon.QDPoint point) {
      int x = (int) point.x;
      int y = (int) point.y;

      ScreenToClient (handle, ref x, ref y);

      point.x = (short) x;
      point.y = (short) y;
    internal static Rectangle TranslateClientRectangleToQuartzClientRectangle (Hwnd hwnd) {
      return TranslateClientRectangleToQuartzClientRectangle (hwnd, Control.FromHandle (hwnd.Handle));

    internal static Rectangle TranslateClientRectangleToQuartzClientRectangle (Hwnd hwnd, Control ctrl) {
      /* From XplatUIX11
       * If this is a form with no window manager, X is handling all the border and caption painting
       * so remove that from the area (since the area we set of the window here is the part of the window 
       * we're painting in only)
      Rectangle rect = hwnd.ClientRect;
      Form form = ctrl as Form;
      CreateParams cp = null;

      if (form != null)
        cp = form.GetCreateParams ();

      if (form != null && (form.window_manager == null || cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW))) {
        Hwnd.Borders borders = Hwnd.GetBorders (cp, null);
        Rectangle qrect = rect;
        qrect.Y -= borders.top;
        qrect.X -= borders.left;
        qrect.Width += borders.left + borders.right;
        qrect.Height += borders.top + borders.bottom;
        rect = qrect;
      if (rect.Width < 1 || rect.Height < 1) {
        rect.Width = 1;
        rect.Height = 1;
        rect.X = -5;
        rect.Y = -5;
      return rect;

    internal static Size TranslateWindowSizeToQuartzWindowSize (CreateParams cp) {
      return TranslateWindowSizeToQuartzWindowSize (cp, new Size (cp.Width, cp.Height));

    internal static Size TranslateWindowSizeToQuartzWindowSize (CreateParams cp, Size size) {
      /* From XplatUIX11
       * If this is a form with no window manager, X is handling all the border and caption painting
       * so remove that from the area (since the area we set of the window here is the part of the window 
       * we're painting in only)
      Form form = cp.control as Form;
      if (form != null && (form.window_manager == null || cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW))) {
        Hwnd.Borders borders = Hwnd.GetBorders (cp, null);
        Size qsize = size;

        qsize.Width -= borders.left + borders.right;
        qsize.Height -= borders.top + borders.bottom; 
        size = qsize;

      if (size.Height == 0)
        size.Height = 1;
      if (size.Width == 0)
        size.Width = 1;
      return size;
    internal static Size TranslateQuartzWindowSizeToWindowSize (CreateParams cp, int width, int height) {
      /* From XplatUIX11
       * If this is a form with no window manager, X is handling all the border and caption painting
       * so remove that from the area (since the area we set of the window here is the part of the window 
       * we're painting in only)
      Size size = new Size (width, height);
      Form form = cp.control as Form;
      if (form != null && (form.window_manager == null || cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW))) {
        Hwnd.Borders borders = Hwnd.GetBorders (cp, null);
        Size qsize = size;

        qsize.Width += borders.left + borders.right;
        qsize.Height += borders.top + borders.bottom;
        size = qsize;

      return size;
    #region Callbacks
    private void CaretCallback (object sender, EventArgs e) {
      if (Caret.Paused) {

      if (!Caret.On) {
        ShowCaret ();
      } else {
        HideCaret ();
    private void HoverCallback (object sender, EventArgs e) {
      if ((Hover.X == mouse_position.X) && (Hover.Y == mouse_position.Y)) {
        MSG msg = new MSG ();
        msg.hwnd = Hover.Hwnd;
        msg.message = Msg.WM_MOUSEHOVER;
        msg.wParam = GetMousewParam (0);
        msg.lParam = (IntPtr)((ushort)Hover.X << 16 | (ushort)Hover.X);
        EnqueueMessage (msg);
    #region Private Methods
    private Point ConvertScreenPointToClient (IntPtr handle, Point point) {
      Point converted_point = new Point ();
      Carbon.Rect window_bounds = new Carbon.Rect ();
      Carbon.CGPoint native_point = new Carbon.CGPoint ();

      GetWindowBounds (HIViewGetWindow (handle), 32, ref window_bounds);
      native_point.x = (point.X - window_bounds.left);
      native_point.y = (point.Y - window_bounds.top);

      HIViewConvertPoint (ref native_point, IntPtr.Zero, handle);

      converted_point.X = (int)native_point.x;
      converted_point.Y = (int)native_point.y;

      return converted_point;
    private Point ConvertClientPointToScreen (IntPtr handle, Point point) {
      Point converted_point = new Point ();
      Carbon.Rect window_bounds = new Carbon.Rect ();
      Carbon.CGPoint native_point = new Carbon.CGPoint ();

      GetWindowBounds (HIViewGetWindow (handle), 32, ref window_bounds);
      native_point.x = point.X;
      native_point.y = point.Y;

      HIViewConvertPoint (ref native_point, handle, IntPtr.Zero);

      converted_point.X = (int)(native_point.x + window_bounds.left);
      converted_point.Y = (int)(native_point.y + window_bounds.top);

      return converted_point;

    private double NextTimeout () {
      DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
      int timeout = 0x7FFFFFF;
      lock (TimerList) {
        foreach (Timer timer in TimerList) {
          int next = (int) (timer.Expires - now).TotalMilliseconds;
          if (next < 0)
            return 0;
          if (next < timeout)
            timeout = next;
      if (timeout < Timer.Minimum)
        timeout = Timer.Minimum;

      return (double)((double)timeout/1000);
    private void CheckTimers (DateTime now) {
      lock (TimerList) {
        int count = TimerList.Count;
        if (count == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < TimerList.Count; i++) {
          Timer timer = (Timer) TimerList [i];
          if (timer.Enabled && timer.Expires <= now) {
            // Timer ticks:
            //  - Before MainForm.OnLoad if DoEvents () is called.
            //  - After MainForm.OnLoad if not.
            if (in_doevents ||
                (Application.MWFThread.Current.Context != null && 
                 Application.MWFThread.Current.Context.MainForm != null && 
                 Application.MWFThread.Current.Context.MainForm.IsLoaded)) {
              timer.FireTick ();
              timer.Update (now);
    private void WaitForHwndMessage (Hwnd hwnd, Msg message) {
      MSG msg = new MSG ();

      bool done = false;
      do {
        if (GetMessage(null, ref msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0)) {
          if ((Msg)msg.message == Msg.WM_QUIT) {
            PostQuitMessage (0);
            done = true;
          else {
            if (msg.hwnd == hwnd.Handle) {
              if ((Msg)msg.message == message)
              else if ((Msg)msg.message == Msg.WM_DESTROY)
                done = true;

            TranslateMessage (ref msg);
            DispatchMessage (ref msg);
      } while (!done);

    private void SendParentNotify(IntPtr child, Msg cause, int x, int y) {
      Hwnd hwnd;
      if (child == IntPtr.Zero) {
      hwnd = Hwnd.GetObjectFromWindow (child);
      if (hwnd == null) {
      if (hwnd.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) {
      if (ExStyleSet ((int) hwnd.initial_ex_style, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY)) {
      if (hwnd.Parent == null) {
      if (hwnd.Parent.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) {

      if (cause == Msg.WM_CREATE || cause == Msg.WM_DESTROY) {
        SendMessage(hwnd.Parent.Handle, Msg.WM_PARENTNOTIFY, Control.MakeParam((int)cause, 0), child);
      } else {
        SendMessage(hwnd.Parent.Handle, Msg.WM_PARENTNOTIFY, Control.MakeParam((int)cause, 0), Control.MakeParam(x, y));
      SendParentNotify (hwnd.Parent.Handle, cause, x, y);

    private bool StyleSet (int s, WindowStyles ws) {
      return (s & (int)ws) == (int)ws;

    private bool ExStyleSet (int ex, WindowExStyles exws) {
      return (ex & (int)exws) == (int)exws;

    private void DeriveStyles(int Style, int ExStyle, out FormBorderStyle border_style, out bool border_static, out TitleStyle title_style, out int caption_height, out int tool_caption_height) {

      caption_height = 0;
      tool_caption_height = 0;
      border_static = false;

      if (StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_CHILD)) {
        if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)) {
          border_style = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D;
        } else if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_STATICEDGE)) {
          border_style = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D;
          border_static = true;
        } else if (!StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_BORDER)) {
          border_style = FormBorderStyle.None;
        } else {
          border_style = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        title_style = TitleStyle.None;
        if (StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_CAPTION)) {
          caption_height = 0;
          if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) {
            title_style = TitleStyle.Tool;
          } else {
            title_style = TitleStyle.Normal;

        if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_MDICHILD)) {
          caption_height = 0;

          if (StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) ||
            ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) {
            border_style = (FormBorderStyle) 0xFFFF;
          } else {
            border_style = FormBorderStyle.None;

      } else {
        title_style = TitleStyle.None;
        if (StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_CAPTION)) {
          if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) {
            title_style = TitleStyle.Tool;
          } else {
            title_style = TitleStyle.Normal;

        border_style = FormBorderStyle.None;

        if (StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_THICKFRAME)) {
          if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) {
            border_style = FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow;
          } else {
            border_style = FormBorderStyle.Sizable;
        } else {
          if (StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_CAPTION)) {
            if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)) {
              border_style = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            } else if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_STATICEDGE)) {
              border_style = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D;
              border_static = true;
            } else if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME)) {
              border_style = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            } else if (ExStyleSet (ExStyle, WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) {
              border_style = FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow;
            } else if (StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_BORDER)) {
              border_style = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
          } else {
            if (StyleSet (Style, WindowStyles.WS_BORDER)) {
              border_style = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
    private void SetHwndStyles(Hwnd hwnd, CreateParams cp) {
      DeriveStyles(cp.Style, cp.ExStyle, out hwnd.border_style, out hwnd.border_static, out hwnd.title_style, out hwnd.caption_height, out hwnd.tool_caption_height);
    private void ShowCaret () {
      if (Caret.On)
      Caret.On = true;
      ShowWindow (CaretWindow);
      Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd (HIViewGetRoot (CaretWindow));

      g.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (Color.Black), new Rectangle (0, 0, Caret.Width, Caret.Height));

      g.Dispose ();

    private void HideCaret () {
      if (!Caret.On)
      Caret.On = false;
      HideWindow (CaretWindow);
    private void AccumulateDestroyedHandles (Control c, ArrayList list) {
      if (c != null) {
        Control[] controls = c.Controls.GetAllControls ();

        if (c.IsHandleCreated && !c.IsDisposed) {
          Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(c.Handle);

          list.Add (hwnd);
          CleanupCachedWindows (hwnd);

        for (int  i = 0; i < controls.Length; i ++) {
          AccumulateDestroyedHandles (controls[i], list);

    private void CleanupCachedWindows (Hwnd hwnd) {
      if (ActiveWindow == hwnd.Handle) {
        SendMessage(hwnd.client_window, Msg.WM_ACTIVATE, (IntPtr)WindowActiveFlags.WA_INACTIVE, IntPtr.Zero);
        ActiveWindow = IntPtr.Zero;

      if (FocusWindow == hwnd.Handle) {
        SendMessage(hwnd.client_window, Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
        FocusWindow = IntPtr.Zero;

      if (Grab.Hwnd == hwnd.Handle) {
        Grab.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
        Grab.Confined = false;

      DestroyCaret (hwnd.Handle);

    private void AddExpose (Hwnd hwnd, bool client, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
      // Don't waste time
      if ((hwnd == null) || (x > hwnd.Width) || (y > hwnd.Height) || ((x + width) < 0) || ((y + height) < 0)) {

      // Keep the invalid area as small as needed
      if ((x + width) > hwnd.width) {
        width = hwnd.width - x;

      if ((y + height) > hwnd.height) {
        height = hwnd.height - y;

      if (client) {
        hwnd.AddInvalidArea(x, y, width, height);
        if (!hwnd.expose_pending && hwnd.visible) {
          MSG msg = new MSG ();
          msg.message = Msg.WM_PAINT;
          msg.hwnd = hwnd.Handle;
          EnqueueMessage (msg);
          hwnd.expose_pending = true;
      } else {
        hwnd.AddNcInvalidArea (x, y, width, height);
        if (!hwnd.nc_expose_pending && hwnd.visible) {
          MSG msg = new MSG ();
          Region rgn = new Region (hwnd.Invalid);
          IntPtr hrgn = rgn.GetHrgn (null); // Graphics object isn't needed
          msg.message = Msg.WM_NCPAINT;
          msg.wParam = hrgn == IntPtr.Zero ? (IntPtr)1 : hrgn;
          msg.refobject = rgn;
          msg.hwnd = hwnd.Handle;
          EnqueueMessage (msg);
          hwnd.nc_expose_pending = true;


    #region Public Methods
    internal void EnqueueMessage (MSG msg) {
      lock (queuelock) {
        MessageQueue.Enqueue (msg);

    internal override void RaiseIdle (EventArgs e)
      if (Idle != null)
        Idle (this, e);

    internal override IntPtr InitializeDriver() {
      return IntPtr.Zero;

    internal override void ShutdownDriver(IntPtr token) {

    internal override void EnableThemes() {
      themes_enabled = true;

    internal override void Activate(IntPtr handle) {
      if (ActiveWindow != IntPtr.Zero) {
        ActivateWindow (HIViewGetWindow (ActiveWindow), false);
      ActivateWindow (HIViewGetWindow (handle), true);
      ActiveWindow = handle;

    internal override void AudibleAlert(AlertType alert) {
      AlertSoundPlay ();

    internal override void BeginMoveResize (IntPtr handle) {

    internal override void CaretVisible (IntPtr hwnd, bool visible) {
      if (Caret.Hwnd == hwnd) {
        if (visible) {
          if (Caret.Visible < 1) {
            Caret.On = false;
            if (Caret.Visible == 1) {
              ShowCaret ();
              Caret.Timer.Start ();
        } else {
          if (Caret.Visible == 0) {
            Caret.Timer.Stop ();
            HideCaret ();
    internal override bool CalculateWindowRect(ref Rectangle ClientRect, CreateParams cp, Menu menu, out Rectangle WindowRect) {
      WindowRect = Hwnd.GetWindowRectangle (cp, menu, ClientRect);
      return true;

    internal override void ClientToScreen(IntPtr handle, ref int x, ref int y) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);

      Point point = ConvertClientPointToScreen (hwnd.ClientWindow, new Point (x, y));

      x = point.X;
      y = point.Y;
    internal override void MenuToScreen(IntPtr handle, ref int x, ref int y) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);

      Point point = ConvertClientPointToScreen (hwnd.ClientWindow, new Point (x, y));

      x = point.X;
      y = point.Y;

    internal override int[] ClipboardAvailableFormats(IntPtr handle) {
      ArrayList list = new ArrayList ();
      DataFormats.Format f = DataFormats.Format.List;

      while (f != null) {
        list.Add (f.Id);
        f = f.Next;

      return (int [])list.ToArray (typeof (int));

    internal override void ClipboardClose(IntPtr handle) {

    //TODO: Map our internal formats to the right os code where we can
    internal override int ClipboardGetID(IntPtr handle, string format) {
      return (int)__CFStringMakeConstantString (format);

    internal override IntPtr ClipboardOpen(bool primary_selection) {
      if (primary_selection)
        return Carbon.Pasteboard.Primary;
      return Carbon.Pasteboard.Application;

    internal override object ClipboardRetrieve(IntPtr handle, int type, XplatUI.ClipboardToObject converter) {
      return Carbon.Pasteboard.Retrieve (handle, type);

    internal override void ClipboardStore(IntPtr handle, object obj, int type, XplatUI.ObjectToClipboard converter) {
      Carbon.Pasteboard.Store (handle, obj, type);
    internal override void CreateCaret (IntPtr hwnd, int width, int height) {
      if (Caret.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero)
        DestroyCaret (Caret.Hwnd);

      Caret.Hwnd = hwnd;
      Caret.Width = width;
      Caret.Height = height;
      Caret.Visible = 0;
      Caret.On = false;
    internal override IntPtr CreateWindow(CreateParams cp) {
      Hwnd hwnd;
      Hwnd parent_hwnd = null;
      int X;
      int Y;
      int Width;
      int Height;
      IntPtr ParentHandle;
      IntPtr WindowHandle;
      IntPtr WholeWindow;
      IntPtr ClientWindow;
      IntPtr WholeWindowTracking;
      IntPtr ClientWindowTracking;

      hwnd = new Hwnd ();

      X = cp.X;
      Y = cp.Y;
      Width = cp.Width;
      Height = cp.Height;
      ParentHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
      WindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
      WholeWindow = IntPtr.Zero;
      ClientWindow = IntPtr.Zero;
      WholeWindowTracking = IntPtr.Zero;
      ClientWindowTracking = IntPtr.Zero;

      if (Width < 1) Width = 1;  
      if (Height < 1) Height = 1;  

      if (cp.Parent != IntPtr.Zero) {
        parent_hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (cp.Parent);
        ParentHandle = parent_hwnd.client_window;
      } else {
        if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_CHILD)) {
          HIViewFindByID (HIViewGetRoot (FosterParent), new Carbon.HIViewID (Carbon.EventHandler.kEventClassWindow, 1), ref ParentHandle);

      Point next;
      if (cp.control is Form) {
        next = Hwnd.GetNextStackedFormLocation (cp, parent_hwnd);
        X = next.X;
        Y = next.Y;

      hwnd.x = X;
      hwnd.y = Y;
      hwnd.width = Width;
      hwnd.height = Height;
      hwnd.Parent = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (cp.Parent);
      hwnd.initial_style = cp.WindowStyle;
      hwnd.initial_ex_style = cp.WindowExStyle;
      hwnd.visible = false;

      if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_DISABLED)) {
        hwnd.enabled = false;

      ClientWindow = IntPtr.Zero;

      Size QWindowSize = TranslateWindowSizeToQuartzWindowSize (cp);
      Rectangle QClientRect = TranslateClientRectangleToQuartzClientRectangle (hwnd, cp.control);

      SetHwndStyles(hwnd, cp);
/* FIXME */
      if (ParentHandle == IntPtr.Zero) {
        IntPtr WindowView = IntPtr.Zero;
        IntPtr GrowBox = IntPtr.Zero;
        Carbon.WindowClass windowklass = Carbon.WindowClass.kOverlayWindowClass;
        Carbon.WindowAttributes attributes = Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCompositingAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute;
        if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_MINIMIZEBOX)) {
          attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute;
        if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)) {
          attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowResizableAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowHorizontalZoomAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowVerticalZoomAttribute;
        if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_SYSMENU)) {
          attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCloseBoxAttribute;
        if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_CAPTION)) {
          windowklass = Carbon.WindowClass.kDocumentWindowClass;
        if (hwnd.border_style == FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow) {
          windowklass = Carbon.WindowClass.kUtilityWindowClass;
        } else if (hwnd.border_style == FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow) {
          attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowResizableAttribute;
          windowklass = Carbon.WindowClass.kUtilityWindowClass;
        if (windowklass == Carbon.WindowClass.kOverlayWindowClass) {
          attributes = Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCompositingAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute;
        attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowLiveResizeAttribute;

        Carbon.Rect rect = new Carbon.Rect ();
        if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_POPUP)) {
          SetRect (ref rect, (short)X, (short)(Y), (short)(X + QWindowSize.Width), (short)(Y + QWindowSize.Height));
        } else {
          SetRect (ref rect, (short)X, (short)(Y + MenuBarHeight), (short)(X + QWindowSize.Width), (short)(Y + MenuBarHeight + QWindowSize.Height));

        CreateNewWindow (windowklass, attributes, ref rect, ref WindowHandle);

        Carbon.EventHandler.InstallWindowHandler (WindowHandle);
        HIViewFindByID (HIViewGetRoot (WindowHandle), new Carbon.HIViewID (Carbon.EventHandler.kEventClassWindow, 1), ref WindowView);
        HIViewFindByID (HIViewGetRoot (WindowHandle), new Carbon.HIViewID (Carbon.EventHandler.kEventClassWindow, 7), ref GrowBox);
        HIGrowBoxViewSetTransparent (GrowBox, true);
        SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow (WindowHandle, true);
        ParentHandle = WindowView;

      HIObjectCreate (__CFStringMakeConstantString ("com.novell.mwfview"), 0, ref WholeWindow);
      HIObjectCreate (__CFStringMakeConstantString ("com.novell.mwfview"), 0, ref ClientWindow);

      Carbon.EventHandler.InstallControlHandler (WholeWindow);
      Carbon.EventHandler.InstallControlHandler (ClientWindow);

      // Enable embedding on controls
      HIViewChangeFeatures (WholeWindow, 1<<1, 0);
      HIViewChangeFeatures (ClientWindow, 1<<1, 0);

      HIViewNewTrackingArea (WholeWindow, IntPtr.Zero, (UInt64)WholeWindow, ref WholeWindowTracking);
      HIViewNewTrackingArea (ClientWindow, IntPtr.Zero, (UInt64)ClientWindow, ref ClientWindowTracking);
      Carbon.HIRect WholeRect;
      if (WindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
        WholeRect = new Carbon.HIRect (0, 0, QWindowSize.Width, QWindowSize.Height);
      } else {
        WholeRect = new Carbon.HIRect (X, Y, QWindowSize.Width, QWindowSize.Height);
      Carbon.HIRect ClientRect = new Carbon.HIRect (QClientRect.X, QClientRect.Y, QClientRect.Width, QClientRect.Height);
      HIViewSetFrame (WholeWindow, ref WholeRect);
      HIViewSetFrame (ClientWindow, ref ClientRect);

      HIViewAddSubview (ParentHandle, WholeWindow);
      HIViewAddSubview (WholeWindow, ClientWindow);

      hwnd.WholeWindow = WholeWindow;
      hwnd.ClientWindow = ClientWindow;

      if (WindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
        WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle] = WindowHandle;
        HandleMapping [WindowHandle] = hwnd.Handle;
        if (hwnd.border_style == FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow || hwnd.border_style == FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow) {
          UtilityWindows.Add (WindowHandle);

      // Allow dnd on controls
      Dnd.SetAllowDrop (hwnd, true);

      Text (hwnd.Handle, cp.Caption);
      SendMessage (hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_CREATE, (IntPtr)1, IntPtr.Zero /* XXX unused */);
      SendParentNotify (hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_CREATE, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);

      if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_VISIBLE)) {
        if (WindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
          if (Control.FromHandle(hwnd.Handle) is Form) {
            Form f = Control.FromHandle(hwnd.Handle) as Form;
            if (f.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) {
              SendMessage(hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_SHOWWINDOW, (IntPtr)1, IntPtr.Zero);
          ShowWindow (WindowHandle);
          WaitForHwndMessage (hwnd, Msg.WM_SHOWWINDOW);
        HIViewSetVisible (WholeWindow, true);
        HIViewSetVisible (ClientWindow, true);
        hwnd.visible = true;
        if (!(Control.FromHandle(hwnd.Handle) is Form)) {
          SendMessage(hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_SHOWWINDOW, (IntPtr)1, IntPtr.Zero);

      if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_MINIMIZE)) {
        SetWindowState(hwnd.Handle, FormWindowState.Minimized);
      } else if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_MAXIMIZE)) {
        SetWindowState(hwnd.Handle, FormWindowState.Maximized);

      return hwnd.Handle;

    internal override IntPtr CreateWindow(IntPtr Parent, int X, int Y, int Width, int Height) {
      CreateParams create_params = new CreateParams();

      create_params.Caption = "";
      create_params.X = X;
      create_params.Y = Y;
      create_params.Width = Width;
      create_params.Height = Height;

      create_params.ClassStyle = 0;

      return CreateWindow(create_params);

    internal override Bitmap DefineStdCursorBitmap (StdCursor id) {
      return Carbon.Cursor.DefineStdCursorBitmap (id);

    internal override IntPtr DefineCursor (Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap mask, Color cursor_pixel, Color mask_pixel, int xHotSpot, int yHotSpot) {
      return Carbon.Cursor.DefineCursor (bitmap, mask, cursor_pixel, mask_pixel, xHotSpot, yHotSpot);
    internal override IntPtr DefineStdCursor (StdCursor id) {
      return Carbon.Cursor.DefineStdCursor (id);
    internal override IntPtr DefWndProc(ref Message msg) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (msg.HWnd);
      switch ((Msg)msg.Msg) {
        case Msg.WM_IME_COMPOSITION:
          string s = KeyboardHandler.ComposedString;
          foreach (char c in s)
            SendMessage (msg.HWnd, Msg.WM_IME_CHAR, (IntPtr) c, msg.LParam);
        case Msg.WM_IME_CHAR:
          // On Windows API it sends two WM_CHAR messages for each byte, but
          // I wonder if it is worthy to emulate it (also no idea how to 
          // reconstruct those bytes into chars).
          SendMessage (msg.HWnd, Msg.WM_CHAR, msg.WParam, msg.LParam);
          return IntPtr.Zero;
        case Msg.WM_QUIT: {
          if (WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle] != null)

            Exit ();
        case Msg.WM_PAINT: {
          hwnd.expose_pending = false;
        case Msg.WM_NCPAINT: {
          hwnd.nc_expose_pending = false;
        case Msg.WM_NCCALCSIZE: {
          if (msg.WParam == (IntPtr)1) {
            XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS ncp;
            ncp = (XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS)Marshal.PtrToStructure (msg.LParam, typeof (XplatUIWin32.NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS));

            // Add all the stuff X is supposed to draw.
            Control ctrl = Control.FromHandle (hwnd.Handle);
            if (ctrl != null) {
              Hwnd.Borders rect = Hwnd.GetBorders (ctrl.GetCreateParams (), null);

              ncp.rgrc1.top += rect.top;
              ncp.rgrc1.bottom -= rect.bottom;
              ncp.rgrc1.left += rect.left;
              ncp.rgrc1.right -= rect.right;

              Marshal.StructureToPtr (ncp, msg.LParam, true);
        case Msg.WM_SETCURSOR: {
          // Pass to parent window first
          while ((hwnd.parent != null) && (msg.Result == IntPtr.Zero)) {
            hwnd = hwnd.parent;
            msg.Result = NativeWindow.WndProc(hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_SETCURSOR, msg.HWnd, msg.LParam);

          if (msg.Result == IntPtr.Zero) {
            IntPtr handle;

            switch((HitTest)(msg.LParam.ToInt32() & 0xffff)) {
              case HitTest.HTBOTTOM:    handle = Cursors.SizeNS.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTBORDER:    handle = Cursors.SizeNS.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTBOTTOMLEFT:  handle = Cursors.SizeNESW.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTBOTTOMRIGHT:  handle = Cursors.SizeNWSE.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTERROR:    if ((msg.LParam.ToInt32() >> 16) == (int)Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN) {
                        //FIXME: AudibleAlert();
                      handle = Cursors.Default.handle;

              case HitTest.HTHELP:    handle = Cursors.Help.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTLEFT:    handle = Cursors.SizeWE.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTRIGHT:    handle = Cursors.SizeWE.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTTOP:    handle = Cursors.SizeNS.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTTOPLEFT:    handle = Cursors.SizeNWSE.handle; break;
              case HitTest.HTTOPRIGHT:  handle = Cursors.SizeNESW.handle; break;

              #if SameAsDefault
              case HitTest.HTGROWBOX:
              case HitTest.HTSIZE:
              case HitTest.HTZOOM:
              case HitTest.HTVSCROLL:
              case HitTest.HTSYSMENU:
              case HitTest.HTREDUCE:
              case HitTest.HTNOWHERE:
              case HitTest.HTMAXBUTTON:
              case HitTest.HTMINBUTTON:
              case HitTest.HTMENU:
              case HitTest.HSCROLL:
              case HitTest.HTBOTTOM:
              case HitTest.HTCAPTION:
              case HitTest.HTCLIENT:
              case HitTest.HTCLOSE:
              default: handle = Cursors.Default.handle; break;
            SetCursor(msg.HWnd, handle);
          return (IntPtr)1;
      return IntPtr.Zero;

    internal override void DestroyCaret (IntPtr hwnd) {
      if (Caret.Hwnd == hwnd) {
        if (Caret.Visible == 1) {
          Caret.Timer.Stop ();
          HideCaret ();
        Caret.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
        Caret.Visible = 0;
        Caret.On = false;
    internal override void DestroyCursor(IntPtr cursor) {
      throw new NotImplementedException ();
    internal override void DestroyWindow(IntPtr handle) {
      Hwnd  hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      if (hwnd == null) {

      SendParentNotify (hwnd.Handle, Msg.WM_DESTROY, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
      CleanupCachedWindows (hwnd);

      ArrayList windows = new ArrayList ();

      AccumulateDestroyedHandles (Control.ControlNativeWindow.ControlFromHandle(hwnd.Handle), windows);

      foreach (Hwnd h in windows) {
        SendMessage (h.Handle, Msg.WM_DESTROY, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
        h.zombie = true;

      // TODO: This is crashing swf-messageboxes
      if (false && hwnd.whole_window != IntPtr.Zero)
        CFRelease (hwnd.whole_window);
      if (false && hwnd.client_window != IntPtr.Zero)
        CFRelease (hwnd.client_window);

      if (WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle] != null) { 
        DisposeWindow ((IntPtr)(WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle]));
        WindowMapping.Remove (hwnd.Handle);

    internal override IntPtr DispatchMessage(ref MSG msg) {
      return NativeWindow.WndProc(msg.hwnd, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);
    internal override void DoEvents() {
                        MSG     msg = new MSG ();

      in_doevents = true;
      while (PeekMessage (null, ref msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, (uint)PeekMessageFlags.PM_REMOVE)) {
                                TranslateMessage (ref msg);
                                DispatchMessage (ref msg);
      in_doevents = false;


    internal override void EnableWindow(IntPtr handle, bool Enable) {
      //Like X11 we need not do anything here

    internal override void EndLoop(Thread thread) {

    internal void Exit () {
      GetMessageResult = false;
    internal override IntPtr GetActive() {
      return ActiveWindow;

    internal override Region GetClipRegion(IntPtr hwnd) {
      return null;

    internal override void GetCursorInfo(IntPtr cursor, out int width, out int height, out int hotspot_x, out int hotspot_y) {
      width = 12;
      height = 12;
      hotspot_x = 0;
      hotspot_y = 0;
    internal override void GetDisplaySize(out Size size) {
      Carbon.HIRect bounds = CGDisplayBounds (CGMainDisplayID ());
      size = new Size ((int)bounds.size.width, (int)bounds.size.height);

    internal override IntPtr GetParent(IntPtr handle) {
      Hwnd  hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);
      if (hwnd != null && hwnd.Parent != null) {
        return hwnd.Parent.Handle;
      return IntPtr.Zero;

    internal override IntPtr GetPreviousWindow(IntPtr handle) {
      return HIViewGetPreviousView(handle);
    internal override void GetCursorPos(IntPtr handle, out int x, out int y) {
      Carbon.QDPoint pt = new Carbon.QDPoint ();
      GetGlobalMouse (ref pt);
      x = pt.x;
      y = pt.y;

    internal override IntPtr GetFocus() {
      return FocusWindow;

    internal override bool GetFontMetrics(Graphics g, Font font, out int ascent, out int descent) {
      FontFamily ff = font.FontFamily;
      ascent = ff.GetCellAscent (font.Style);
      descent = ff.GetCellDescent (font.Style);
      return true;
    internal override Point GetMenuOrigin(IntPtr handle) {
      Hwnd hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      if (hwnd != null) {
        return hwnd.MenuOrigin;
      return Point.Empty;

    internal override bool GetMessage(object queue_id, ref MSG msg, IntPtr hWnd, int wFilterMin, int wFilterMax) {
      IntPtr evtRef = IntPtr.Zero;
      IntPtr target = GetEventDispatcherTarget();
      CheckTimers (DateTime.UtcNow);
      ReceiveNextEvent (0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, true, ref evtRef);
      if (evtRef != IntPtr.Zero && target != IntPtr.Zero) {
        SendEventToEventTarget (evtRef, target);
        ReleaseEvent (evtRef);
      object queueobj;
      lock (queuelock) {

        if (MessageQueue.Count <= 0) {
          if (Idle != null) 
            Idle (this, EventArgs.Empty);
          else if (TimerList.Count == 0) {
            ReceiveNextEvent (0, IntPtr.Zero, 0.15, true, ref evtRef);
            if (evtRef != IntPtr.Zero && target != IntPtr.Zero) {
              SendEventToEventTarget (evtRef, target);
              ReleaseEvent (evtRef);
          } else {
            ReceiveNextEvent (0, IntPtr.Zero, NextTimeout (), true, ref evtRef);
            if (evtRef != IntPtr.Zero && target != IntPtr.Zero) {
              SendEventToEventTarget (evtRef, target);
              ReleaseEvent (evtRef);
          msg.hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
          msg.message = Msg.WM_ENTERIDLE;
          return GetMessageResult;
        queueobj = MessageQueue.Dequeue ();
      if (queueobj is GCHandle) {
        goto loop;
      } else {
        msg = (MSG)queueobj;
      return GetMessageResult;
    internal override bool GetText(IntPtr handle, out string text) {
      throw new NotImplementedException ();
    internal override void GetWindowPos(IntPtr handle, bool is_toplevel, out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height, out int client_width, out int client_height) {
      Hwnd    hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      if (hwnd != null) {
        x = hwnd.x;
        y = hwnd.y;
        width = hwnd.width;
        height = hwnd.height;


        client_width = hwnd.ClientRect.Width;
        client_height = hwnd.ClientRect.Height;


      // Should we throw an exception or fail silently?
      // throw new ArgumentException("Called with an invalid window handle", "handle");

      x = 0;
      y = 0;
      width = 0;
      height = 0;
      client_width = 0;
      client_height = 0;
    internal override FormWindowState GetWindowState(IntPtr hwnd) {
      IntPtr window = HIViewGetWindow (hwnd);

      if (IsWindowCollapsed (window))
        return FormWindowState.Minimized;
      if (IsWindowInStandardState (window, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero))
        return FormWindowState.Maximized;

      return FormWindowState.Normal;
    internal override void GrabInfo(out IntPtr handle, out bool GrabConfined, out Rectangle GrabArea) {
      handle = Grab.Hwnd;
      GrabConfined = Grab.Confined;
      GrabArea = Grab.Area;
    internal override void GrabWindow(IntPtr handle, IntPtr confine_to_handle) {
      Grab.Hwnd = handle;
      Grab.Confined = confine_to_handle != IntPtr.Zero;
      /* FIXME: Set the Grab.Area */
    internal override void UngrabWindow(IntPtr hwnd) {
                        bool was_grabbed = Grab.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero;

                        Grab.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
                        Grab.Confined = false;

                        if (was_grabbed) {
                                // lparam should be the handle to the window gaining the mouse capture,
                                // but we dont have that information like X11.
                                // Also only generate WM_CAPTURECHANGED if the window actually was grabbed.
                                SendMessage (hwnd, Msg.WM_CAPTURECHANGED, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
    internal override void HandleException(Exception e) {
      StackTrace st = new StackTrace(e);
      Console.WriteLine("Exception '{0}'", e.Message+st.ToString());
      Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", e.Message, st.ToString());
    internal override void Invalidate (IntPtr handle, Rectangle rc, bool clear) {
      Hwnd hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      if (clear) {
        AddExpose (hwnd, true, hwnd.X, hwnd.Y, hwnd.Width, hwnd.Height);
      } else {
        AddExpose (hwnd, true, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width, rc.Height);

    internal override void InvalidateNC (IntPtr handle)
      Hwnd hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      AddExpose (hwnd, false, 0, 0, hwnd.Width, hwnd.Height); 
    internal override bool IsEnabled(IntPtr handle) {
      return Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle).Enabled;
    internal override bool IsVisible(IntPtr handle) {
      return Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle).visible;
    internal override void KillTimer(Timer timer) {
      lock (TimerList) {

    internal override void OverrideCursor(IntPtr cursor) {

    internal override PaintEventArgs PaintEventStart(ref Message msg, IntPtr handle, bool client) {
      PaintEventArgs  paint_event;
      Hwnd    hwnd;
      Hwnd    paint_hwnd; 
      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(msg.HWnd);
      if (msg.HWnd == handle) {
        paint_hwnd = hwnd;
      } else {
        paint_hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      if (Caret.Visible == 1) {
        Caret.Paused = true;

      Graphics dc;

      if (client) {
        dc = Graphics.FromHwnd (paint_hwnd.client_window);

        Region clip_region = new Region ();

        foreach (Rectangle r in hwnd.ClipRectangles) {
          clip_region.Union (r);

        if (hwnd.UserClip != null) {

        // FIXME: Clip region is hosed
        dc.Clip = clip_region;
        paint_event = new PaintEventArgs(dc, hwnd.Invalid);
        hwnd.expose_pending = false;

        hwnd.drawing_stack.Push (paint_event);
        hwnd.drawing_stack.Push (dc);
      } else {
        dc = Graphics.FromHwnd (paint_hwnd.whole_window);

        if (!hwnd.nc_invalid.IsEmpty) {
          // FIXME: Clip region is hosed
          dc.SetClip (hwnd.nc_invalid);
          paint_event = new PaintEventArgs(dc, hwnd.nc_invalid);
        } else {
          paint_event = new PaintEventArgs(dc, new Rectangle(0, 0, hwnd.width, hwnd.height));
        hwnd.nc_expose_pending = false;
        hwnd.ClearNcInvalidArea ();

        hwnd.drawing_stack.Push (paint_event);
        hwnd.drawing_stack.Push (dc);

      return paint_event;
    internal override void PaintEventEnd(ref Message msg, IntPtr handle, bool client) {
      Hwnd  hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      // FIXME: Pop is causing invalid stack ops sometimes; race condition?
      try {
        Graphics dc = (Graphics)hwnd.drawing_stack.Pop();
        dc.Flush ();
        dc.Dispose ();
        PaintEventArgs pe = (PaintEventArgs)hwnd.drawing_stack.Pop();
        pe.SetGraphics (null);
        pe.Dispose ();  
      } catch {}

      if (Caret.Visible == 1) {
        Caret.Paused = false;
    internal override bool PeekMessage(Object queue_id, ref MSG msg, IntPtr hWnd, int wFilterMin, int wFilterMax, uint flags) {
      IntPtr evtRef = IntPtr.Zero;
      IntPtr target = GetEventDispatcherTarget();
      CheckTimers (DateTime.UtcNow);
      ReceiveNextEvent (0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, true, ref evtRef);
      if (evtRef != IntPtr.Zero && target != IntPtr.Zero) {
        SendEventToEventTarget (evtRef, target);
        ReleaseEvent (evtRef);
      lock (queuelock) {
        if (MessageQueue.Count <= 0) {
          return false;
        } else {
          object queueobj;
          if (flags == (uint)PeekMessageFlags.PM_REMOVE)
            queueobj = MessageQueue.Dequeue ();
            queueobj = MessageQueue.Peek ();

          if (queueobj is GCHandle) {
            return false;
          msg = (MSG)queueobj;
          return true;

    internal override bool PostMessage (IntPtr hwnd, Msg message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) {
      MSG msg = new MSG();
      msg.hwnd = hwnd;
      msg.message = message;
      msg.wParam = wParam;
      msg.lParam = lParam;
      EnqueueMessage (msg);
      return true;

    internal override void PostQuitMessage(int exitCode) {
      PostMessage (FosterParent, Msg.WM_QUIT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

    internal override void RequestAdditionalWM_NCMessages(IntPtr hwnd, bool hover, bool leave) {

    internal override void RequestNCRecalc(IntPtr handle) {
      Hwnd hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      if (hwnd == null) {

      SendMessage(handle, Msg.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

    internal override void ResetMouseHover(IntPtr handle) {
      throw new NotImplementedException();

    internal override void ScreenToClient(IntPtr handle, ref int x, ref int y) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);

      Point point = ConvertScreenPointToClient (hwnd.ClientWindow, new Point (x, y));

      x = point.X;
      y = point.Y;

    internal override void ScreenToMenu(IntPtr handle, ref int x, ref int y) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);

      Point point = ConvertScreenPointToClient (hwnd.WholeWindow, new Point (x, y));

      x = point.X;
      y = point.Y;

    internal override void ScrollWindow(IntPtr handle, Rectangle area, int XAmount, int YAmount, bool clear) {
       * This used to use a HIViewScrollRect but this causes issues with the fact that we dont coalesce
       * updates properly with our short-circuiting of the window manager.  For now we'll do a less
       * efficient invalidation of the entire handle which appears to fix the problem
       * see bug #381084
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      Invalidate (handle, new Rectangle (0, 0, hwnd.Width, hwnd.Height), false);
    internal override void ScrollWindow(IntPtr handle, int XAmount, int YAmount, bool clear) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      Invalidate (handle, new Rectangle (0, 0, hwnd.Width, hwnd.Height), false);
    internal override void SendAsyncMethod (AsyncMethodData method) {
      // Fake async
      lock (queuelock) {
        MessageQueue.Enqueue (GCHandle.Alloc (method));

    internal override IntPtr SendMessage (IntPtr hwnd, Msg message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) {
      return NativeWindow.WndProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
    internal override int SendInput(IntPtr hwnd, Queue keys) {
      return 0;

    internal override void SetCaretPos (IntPtr hwnd, int x, int y) {
      if (hwnd != IntPtr.Zero && hwnd == Caret.Hwnd) {
        Caret.X = x;
        Caret.Y = y;
        ClientToScreen (hwnd, ref x, ref y);
        SizeWindow (new Rectangle (x, y, Caret.Width, Caret.Height), CaretWindow);
        Caret.Timer.Stop ();
        HideCaret ();
        if (Caret.Visible == 1) {
          ShowCaret ();
          Caret.Timer.Start ();

    internal override void SetClipRegion(IntPtr hwnd, Region region) {
      throw new NotImplementedException();
    internal override void SetCursor(IntPtr window, IntPtr cursor) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (window);

      hwnd.Cursor = cursor;
    internal override void SetCursorPos(IntPtr handle, int x, int y) {
      CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint (CGMainDisplayID (), new Carbon.CGPoint (x, y));
    internal override void SetFocus(IntPtr handle) {
      if (FocusWindow != IntPtr.Zero) {
        PostMessage(FocusWindow, Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS, handle, IntPtr.Zero);
      PostMessage(handle, Msg.WM_SETFOCUS, FocusWindow, IntPtr.Zero);
      FocusWindow = handle;

    internal override void SetIcon(IntPtr handle, Icon icon) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);

      // FIXME: we need to map the icon for active window switches
      if (WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle] != null) {
        if (icon == null) { 
          RestoreApplicationDockTileImage ();
        } else {
          Bitmap    bitmap;
          int    size;
          IntPtr[]  data;
          int    index;
          bitmap = new Bitmap (128, 128);
          using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage (bitmap)) {
            g.DrawImage (icon.ToBitmap (), 0, 0, 128, 128);
          index = 0;
          size = bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height;
          data = new IntPtr[size];
          for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++) {
              int pixel = bitmap.GetPixel (x, y).ToArgb ();
              if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) {
                byte a = (byte) ((pixel >> 24) & 0xFF);
                byte r = (byte) ((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF);
                byte g = (byte) ((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF);
                byte b = (byte) (pixel & 0xFF);
                data[index++] = (IntPtr)(a + (r << 8) + (g << 16) + (b << 24));
              } else {
                data[index++] = (IntPtr)pixel;

          IntPtr provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (IntPtr.Zero, data, size*4, IntPtr.Zero);
          IntPtr image = CGImageCreate (128, 128, 8, 32, 4*128, CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB (), 4, provider, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0);
          SetApplicationDockTileImage (image);

    internal override void SetModal(IntPtr handle, bool Modal) {
      IntPtr hWnd = HIViewGetWindow (Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle).WholeWindow);
      if (Modal)
        BeginAppModalStateForWindow (hWnd);
        EndAppModalStateForWindow (hWnd);

    internal override IntPtr SetParent(IntPtr handle, IntPtr parent) {
      IntPtr ParentHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      hwnd.Parent = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (parent);
      if (HIViewGetSuperview (hwnd.whole_window) != IntPtr.Zero) {
        HIViewRemoveFromSuperview (hwnd.whole_window);
      if (hwnd.parent == null)
        HIViewFindByID (HIViewGetRoot (FosterParent), new Carbon.HIViewID (Carbon.EventHandler.kEventClassWindow, 1), ref ParentHandle);
      HIViewAddSubview (hwnd.parent == null ? ParentHandle : hwnd.Parent.client_window, hwnd.whole_window);
      HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt (hwnd.whole_window, hwnd.X, hwnd.Y);
      HIViewAddSubview (hwnd.whole_window, hwnd.client_window);
      HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt (hwnd.client_window, hwnd.ClientRect.X, hwnd.ClientRect.Y);
      return IntPtr.Zero;
    internal override void SetTimer (Timer timer) {
      lock (TimerList) {
        TimerList.Add (timer);
    internal override bool SetTopmost(IntPtr hWnd, bool Enabled) {
      HIViewSetZOrder (hWnd, 1, IntPtr.Zero);
      return true;
    internal override bool SetOwner(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hWndOwner) {
      // TODO: Set window owner. 
      return true;
    internal override bool SetVisible(IntPtr handle, bool visible, bool activate) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      object window = WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle];
      if (window != null)
        if (visible)
          ShowWindow ((IntPtr)window);
          HideWindow ((IntPtr)window);
      if (visible)
        SendMessage(handle, Msg.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
      HIViewSetVisible (hwnd.whole_window, visible);
      HIViewSetVisible (hwnd.client_window, visible);

      hwnd.visible = visible;
      hwnd.Mapped = true;
      return true;
    internal override void SetAllowDrop (IntPtr handle, bool value) {
      // Like X11 we allow drop on al windows and filter in our handler

    internal override DragDropEffects StartDrag (IntPtr handle, object data, DragDropEffects allowed_effects) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      if (hwnd == null)
        throw new ArgumentException ("Attempt to begin drag from invalid window handle (" + handle.ToInt32 () + ").");

      return Dnd.StartDrag (hwnd.client_window, data, allowed_effects);

    internal override void SetBorderStyle(IntPtr handle, FormBorderStyle border_style) {
      Form form = Control.FromHandle (handle) as Form;
      if (form != null && form.window_manager == null && (border_style == FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow ||
        border_style == FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow)) {
        form.window_manager = new ToolWindowManager (form);


    internal override void SetMenu(IntPtr handle, Menu menu) {
      Hwnd  hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);
      hwnd.menu = menu;

    internal override void SetWindowMinMax(IntPtr handle, Rectangle maximized, Size min, Size max) {

    internal override void SetWindowPos(IntPtr handle, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);

      if (hwnd == null) {

      // Win32 automatically changes negative width/height to 0.
      if (width < 0)
        width = 0;
      if (height < 0)
        height = 0;
      // X requires a sanity check for width & height; otherwise it dies
      if (hwnd.zero_sized && width > 0 && height > 0) {
        if (hwnd.visible) {
          HIViewSetVisible(hwnd.WholeWindow, true);
        hwnd.zero_sized = false;

      if ((width < 1) || (height < 1)) {
        hwnd.zero_sized = true;
        HIViewSetVisible(hwnd.WholeWindow, false);

      // Save a server roundtrip (and prevent a feedback loop)
      if ((hwnd.x == x) && (hwnd.y == y) && (hwnd.width == width) && (hwnd.height == height)) {

      if (!hwnd.zero_sized) {
        hwnd.x = x;
        hwnd.y = y;
        hwnd.width = width;
        hwnd.height = height;
        SendMessage(hwnd.client_window, Msg.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);

        Control ctrl = Control.FromHandle (handle);
        CreateParams cp = ctrl.GetCreateParams ();
        Size TranslatedSize = TranslateWindowSizeToQuartzWindowSize (cp, new Size (width, height));
        Carbon.Rect rect = new Carbon.Rect ();

        if (WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle] != null) {
          if (StyleSet (cp.Style, WindowStyles.WS_POPUP)) {
            SetRect (ref rect, (short)x, (short)y, (short)(x+TranslatedSize.Width), (short)(y+TranslatedSize.Height));
          } else {
            SetRect (ref rect, (short)x, (short)(y+MenuBarHeight), (short)(x+TranslatedSize.Width), (short)(y+MenuBarHeight+TranslatedSize.Height));
          SetWindowBounds ((IntPtr) WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle], 33, ref rect);
          Carbon.HIRect frame_rect = new Carbon.HIRect (0, 0, TranslatedSize.Width, TranslatedSize.Height);
          HIViewSetFrame (hwnd.whole_window, ref frame_rect);
          SetCaretPos (Caret.Hwnd, Caret.X, Caret.Y);
        } else {
          Carbon.HIRect frame_rect = new Carbon.HIRect (x, y, TranslatedSize.Width, TranslatedSize.Height);
          HIViewSetFrame (hwnd.whole_window, ref frame_rect);

      hwnd.x = x;
      hwnd.y = y;
      hwnd.width = width;
      hwnd.height = height;
    internal override void SetWindowState(IntPtr handle, FormWindowState state) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      IntPtr window = HIViewGetWindow (handle);

      switch (state) {
        case FormWindowState.Minimized: {
          CollapseWindow (window, true);
        case FormWindowState.Normal: {
          ZoomWindow (window, 7, false);
        case FormWindowState.Maximized: {
          Form form = Control.FromHandle (hwnd.Handle) as Form;
          if (form != null && form.FormBorderStyle == FormBorderStyle.None) {
            Carbon.Rect rect = new Carbon.Rect ();
            Carbon.HIRect bounds = CGDisplayBounds (CGMainDisplayID ());
            SetRect (ref rect, (short)0, (short)0, (short)bounds.size.width, (short)bounds.size.height);
            SetWindowBounds ((IntPtr) WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle], 33, ref rect);
            HIViewSetFrame (hwnd.whole_window, ref bounds);
          } else {
            ZoomWindow (window, 8, false);
    internal override void SetWindowStyle(IntPtr handle, CreateParams cp) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      SetHwndStyles(hwnd, cp);
      if (WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle] != null) {
        Carbon.WindowAttributes attributes = Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCompositingAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute;
        if ((cp.Style & ((int)WindowStyles.WS_MINIMIZEBOX)) != 0) { 
          attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCollapseBoxAttribute;
        if ((cp.Style & ((int)WindowStyles.WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)) != 0) {
          attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowResizableAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowHorizontalZoomAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowVerticalZoomAttribute;
        if ((cp.Style & ((int)WindowStyles.WS_SYSMENU)) != 0) {
          attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCloseBoxAttribute;
        if ((cp.ExStyle & ((int)WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) != 0) {
          attributes = Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowCompositingAttribute;
        attributes |= Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowLiveResizeAttribute;

        Carbon.WindowAttributes outAttributes = Carbon.WindowAttributes.kWindowNoAttributes;
        GetWindowAttributes ((IntPtr)WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle], ref outAttributes);
        ChangeWindowAttributes ((IntPtr)WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle], attributes, outAttributes);

    internal override void SetWindowTransparency(IntPtr handle, double transparency, Color key) {

    internal override double GetWindowTransparency(IntPtr handle)
      return 1.0;

    internal override TransparencySupport SupportsTransparency() {
      return TransparencySupport.None;
    internal override bool SetZOrder(IntPtr handle, IntPtr after_handle, bool Top, bool Bottom) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      if (Top) {
        HIViewSetZOrder (hwnd.whole_window, 2, IntPtr.Zero);
        return true;
      } else if (!Bottom) {
        Hwnd after_hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (after_handle);
        HIViewSetZOrder (hwnd.whole_window, 2, (after_handle == IntPtr.Zero ? IntPtr.Zero : after_hwnd.whole_window));
      } else {
        HIViewSetZOrder (hwnd.whole_window, 1, IntPtr.Zero);
        return true;
      return false;

    internal override void ShowCursor(bool show) {
      if (show)
        CGDisplayShowCursor (CGMainDisplayID ());
        CGDisplayHideCursor (CGMainDisplayID ());

    internal override object StartLoop(Thread thread) {
      return new object ();
    internal override bool SystrayAdd(IntPtr hwnd, string tip, Icon icon, out ToolTip tt) {
      throw new NotImplementedException();

    internal override bool SystrayChange(IntPtr hwnd, string tip, Icon icon, ref ToolTip tt) {
      throw new NotImplementedException();

    internal override void SystrayRemove(IntPtr hwnd, ref ToolTip tt) {
      throw new NotImplementedException();

#if NET_2_0
    internal override void SystrayBalloon(IntPtr hwnd, int timeout, string title, string text, ToolTipIcon icon)
      throw new NotImplementedException ();
    internal override bool Text(IntPtr handle, string text) {
      Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (handle);
      if (WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle] != null) {
        SetWindowTitleWithCFString ((IntPtr)(WindowMapping [hwnd.Handle]), __CFStringMakeConstantString (text));
      SetControlTitleWithCFString (hwnd.whole_window, __CFStringMakeConstantString (text));
      SetControlTitleWithCFString (hwnd.client_window, __CFStringMakeConstantString (text));
      return true;
    internal override void UpdateWindow(IntPtr handle) {
      Hwnd  hwnd;

      hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle(handle);

      if (!hwnd.visible || !HIViewIsVisible (handle)) {

      SendMessage(handle, Msg.WM_PAINT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
    internal override bool TranslateMessage(ref MSG msg) {
      return Carbon.EventHandler.TranslateMessage (ref msg);
    #region Reversible regions
     * Quartz has no concept of XOR drawing due to its compositing nature
     * We fake this by mapping a overlay window on the first draw and mapping it on the second.
     * This has some issues with it because its POSSIBLE for ControlPaint.DrawReversible* to actually
     * reverse two regions at once.  We dont do this in MWF, but this behaviour woudn't work.
     * We could in theory cache the Rectangle/Color combination to handle this behaviour.
     * PROBLEMS: This has some flicker / banding
    internal void SizeWindow (Rectangle rect, IntPtr window) {
      Carbon.Rect qrect = new Carbon.Rect ();

      SetRect (ref qrect, (short)rect.X, (short)rect.Y, (short)(rect.X+rect.Width), (short)(rect.Y+rect.Height));

      SetWindowBounds (window, 33, ref qrect);

    internal override void DrawReversibleLine(Point start, Point end, Color backColor) {
//      throw new NotImplementedException();

    internal override void FillReversibleRectangle (Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor) {
//      throw new NotImplementedException();

    internal override void DrawReversibleFrame (Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor, FrameStyle style) {
//      throw new NotImplementedException();

    internal override void DrawReversibleRectangle(IntPtr handle, Rectangle rect, int line_width) {
      Rectangle size_rect = rect;
      int new_x = 0;
      int new_y = 0;

      if (ReverseWindowMapped) {
        HideWindow (ReverseWindow);
        ReverseWindowMapped = false;
      } else {
        ClientToScreen(handle, ref new_x, ref new_y);

        size_rect.X += new_x;
        size_rect.Y += new_y;

        SizeWindow (size_rect, ReverseWindow);
        ShowWindow (ReverseWindow);

        rect.X = 0;
        rect.Y = 0;
        rect.Width -= 1;
        rect.Height -= 1;

        Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd (HIViewGetRoot (ReverseWindow));

        for (int i = 0; i < line_width; i++) {
          g.DrawRectangle (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (Color.Black), rect);
          rect.X += 1;
          rect.Y += 1;
          rect.Width -= 1;
          rect.Height -= 1;
        g.Flush ();
        g.Dispose ();
        ReverseWindowMapped = true;

    internal override SizeF GetAutoScaleSize(Font font) {
      Graphics        g;
      float           width;
      string          magic_string = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";
      double          magic_number = 44.549996948242189;

      g = Graphics.FromImage (new Bitmap (1, 1));

      width = (float) (g.MeasureString (magic_string, font).Width / magic_number);
      return new SizeF(width, font.Height);

    internal override Point MousePosition {
      get {
        return mouse_position;
    #region System information
    internal override int KeyboardSpeed { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } } 
    internal override int KeyboardDelay { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } } 

    internal override int CaptionHeight {
      get {
        return 19;

    internal override  Size CursorSize { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
    internal override  bool DragFullWindows { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
    internal override  Size DragSize {
      get {
        return new Size(4, 4);

    internal override  Size FrameBorderSize {
      get {
        return new Size (2, 2);

    internal override  Size IconSize { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
    internal override  Size MaxWindowTrackSize { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
    internal override bool MenuAccessKeysUnderlined {
      get {
        return false;
    internal override Size MinimizedWindowSpacingSize { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }

    internal override Size MinimumWindowSize {
      get {
        return new Size(110, 22);

    internal override Keys ModifierKeys {
      get {
        return KeyboardHandler.ModifierKeys;
    internal override Size SmallIconSize { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
    internal override int MouseButtonCount { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
    internal override bool MouseButtonsSwapped { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
    internal override bool MouseWheelPresent { get{ throw new NotImplementedException(); } }

    internal override MouseButtons MouseButtons {
      get {
        return MouseState;

    internal override Rectangle VirtualScreen {
      get {
        return WorkingArea;

    internal override Rectangle WorkingArea { 
      get { 
        Carbon.HIRect bounds = CGDisplayBounds (CGMainDisplayID ());
        return new Rectangle ((int)bounds.origin.x, (int)bounds.origin.y, (int)bounds.size.width, (int)bounds.size.height);
    internal override bool ThemesEnabled {
      get {
        return XplatUICarbon.themes_enabled;

    extern static int HIViewConvertPoint (ref Carbon.CGPoint point, IntPtr pView, IntPtr cView);
    extern static int HIViewChangeFeatures (IntPtr aView, ulong bitsin, ulong bitsout);
    extern static int HIViewFindByID (IntPtr rootWnd, Carbon.HIViewID id, ref IntPtr outPtr);
    extern static int HIGrowBoxViewSetTransparent (IntPtr GrowBox, bool transparency);
    extern static IntPtr HIViewGetRoot (IntPtr hWnd);
    extern static int HIObjectCreate (IntPtr cfStr, uint what, ref IntPtr hwnd);
    extern static int HIObjectRegisterSubclass (IntPtr classid, IntPtr superclassid, uint options, Carbon.EventDelegate upp, uint count, Carbon.EventTypeSpec [] list, IntPtr state, ref IntPtr cls);
    extern static int HIViewPlaceInSuperviewAt (IntPtr view, float x, float y);
    extern static int HIViewAddSubview (IntPtr parentHnd, IntPtr childHnd);
    extern static IntPtr HIViewGetPreviousView (IntPtr aView);
    extern static IntPtr HIViewGetSuperview (IntPtr aView);
    extern static int HIViewRemoveFromSuperview (IntPtr aView);
    extern static int HIViewSetVisible (IntPtr vHnd, bool visible);
    extern static bool HIViewIsVisible (IntPtr vHnd);
    extern static int HIViewGetBounds (IntPtr vHnd, ref Carbon.HIRect r);
    extern static int HIViewScrollRect (IntPtr vHnd, ref Carbon.HIRect rect, float x, float y);
    extern static int HIViewSetZOrder (IntPtr hWnd, int cmd, IntPtr oHnd);
    extern static int HIViewNewTrackingArea (IntPtr inView, IntPtr inShape, UInt64 inID, ref IntPtr outRef);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static IntPtr HIViewGetWindow (IntPtr aView);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static int HIViewSetFrame (IntPtr view_handle, ref Carbon.HIRect bounds);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    internal extern static int HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRect (IntPtr view_handle, ref Carbon.HIRect rect, bool needs_display);
    extern static void SetRect (ref Carbon.Rect r, short left, short top, short right, short bottom);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    static extern int ActivateWindow (IntPtr windowHnd, bool inActivate);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    static extern bool IsWindowActive (IntPtr windowHnd);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    static extern int SetAutomaticControlDragTrackingEnabledForWindow (IntPtr window, bool enabled);

    extern static IntPtr GetEventDispatcherTarget ();
    extern static int SendEventToEventTarget (IntPtr evt, IntPtr target);
    extern static int ReleaseEvent (IntPtr evt);
    extern static int ReceiveNextEvent (uint evtCount, IntPtr evtTypes, double timeout, bool processEvt, ref IntPtr evt);

    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static bool IsWindowCollapsed (IntPtr hWnd);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static bool IsWindowInStandardState (IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr a, IntPtr b);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static void CollapseWindow (IntPtr hWnd, bool collapse);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static void ZoomWindow (IntPtr hWnd, short partCode, bool front);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static int GetWindowAttributes (IntPtr hWnd, ref Carbon.WindowAttributes outAttributes);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static int ChangeWindowAttributes (IntPtr hWnd, Carbon.WindowAttributes inAttributes, Carbon.WindowAttributes outAttributes);
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    internal extern static int GetGlobalMouse (ref Carbon.QDPoint outData);
    extern static int BeginAppModalStateForWindow (IntPtr window);
    extern static int EndAppModalStateForWindow (IntPtr window);
    extern static int CreateNewWindow (Carbon.WindowClass klass, Carbon.WindowAttributes attributes, ref Carbon.Rect r, ref IntPtr window);
    extern static int DisposeWindow (IntPtr wHnd);
    internal extern static int ShowWindow (IntPtr wHnd);
    internal extern static int HideWindow (IntPtr wHnd);
    internal extern static bool IsWindowVisible (IntPtr wHnd);
    extern static int SetWindowBounds (IntPtr wHnd, uint reg, ref Carbon.Rect rect);
    extern static int GetWindowBounds (IntPtr wHnd, uint reg, ref Carbon.Rect rect);

    extern static int SetControlTitleWithCFString (IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr titleCFStr);
    extern static int SetWindowTitleWithCFString (IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr titleCFStr);
    internal extern static IntPtr __CFStringMakeConstantString (string cString);
    internal extern static int CFRelease (IntPtr wHnd);
    extern static short GetMBarHeight ();
    extern static void AlertSoundPlay ();

    #region Cursor imports
    extern static Carbon.HIRect CGDisplayBounds (IntPtr displayID);
    extern static IntPtr CGMainDisplayID ();
    extern static void CGDisplayShowCursor (IntPtr display);
    extern static void CGDisplayHideCursor (IntPtr display);
    extern static void CGDisplayMoveCursorToPoint (IntPtr display, Carbon.CGPoint point);

    #region Process imports
    [DllImport ("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Carbon")]
    extern static int GetCurrentProcess (ref Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber psn);
    extern static int TransformProcessType (ref Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber psn, uint type);
    extern static int SetFrontProcess (ref Carbon.ProcessSerialNumber psn);

    #region Dock tile imports
    extern static IntPtr CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    extern static IntPtr CGDataProviderCreateWithData (IntPtr info, IntPtr [] data, int size, IntPtr releasefunc);
    extern static IntPtr CGImageCreate (int width, int height, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerPixel, int bytesPerRow, IntPtr colorspace, uint bitmapInfo, IntPtr provider, IntPtr decode, int shouldInterpolate, int intent);
    extern static void SetApplicationDockTileImage(IntPtr imageRef);
    extern static void RestoreApplicationDockTileImage();
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