StandardCollectionView.cs :  » » System.Windows » System » Windows » Data » C# / CSharp Open Source

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System.Windows » System » Windows » Data » StandardCollectionView.cs
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

namespace System.Windows.Data{

  sealed class StandardCollectionView : ICollectionView, IEditableCollectionView, INotifyPropertyChanged, IDeferRefresh {

    public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;
    public event EventHandler CurrentChanged;
    public event CurrentChangingEventHandler CurrentChanging;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    INPCProperty<bool> canAddNew;
    INPCProperty<bool> canCancelEdit;
    INPCProperty<bool> canRemove;
    INPCProperty<object> currentAddItem;
    INPCProperty<object> currentEditItem;
    INPCProperty<bool> isAddingNew;
    INPCProperty<bool> isCurrentAfterLast;
    INPCProperty<bool> isCurrentBeforeFirst;
    INPCProperty<bool> isEditingItem;
    INPCProperty<bool> isempty;
    INPCProperty<NewItemPlaceholderPosition> newItemPlaceholderPosition;

    INPCProperty<CultureInfo> culture;
    Predicate<object> filter;
    List<object> filteredList;

    public IList ActiveList {
      get {
        if (Filter == null && GroupDescriptions.Count == 0 && SortDescriptions.Count == 0)
          return SourceCollection;
        return filteredList;

    public bool CanAddNew {
      get { return canAddNew.Value; }
      private set { canAddNew.Value = value;}

    public bool CanCancelEdit {
      get { return canCancelEdit.Value; }
      private set {
        if (CanCancelEdit != value)
          canCancelEdit.Value = value;

    public bool CanRemove {
      get { return canRemove.Value; }
      private set { canRemove.Value = value;}

    PropertyComparer Comparer {
      get { return new PropertyComparer (SortDescriptions); }

    public bool IsAddingNew {
      get { return isAddingNew.Value; }
      private set { isAddingNew.Value = value;}

    public bool IsEditingItem {
      get { return isEditingItem.Value; }
      private set { isEditingItem.Value = value;}

    public NewItemPlaceholderPosition NewItemPlaceholderPosition {
      get { return newItemPlaceholderPosition.Value; }
      set { newItemPlaceholderPosition.Value = value;}

    public bool CanFilter {
      get { return true; }

    public bool CanGroup {
      get { return true; }

    public bool CanSort {
      get { return true; }

    public CultureInfo Culture {
      get { return culture.Value; }
      set { culture.Value = value; }

    public object CurrentAddItem {
      get { return currentAddItem.Value; }
      private set { currentAddItem.Value = value; }

    public object CurrentEditItem {
      get { return currentEditItem.Value; }
      private set { currentEditItem.Value = value; }

    public object CurrentItem {
      get; private set;

    public int CurrentPosition {
      get; private set;

    int IDeferRefresh.DeferLevel {
      get; set;

    public Predicate<object> Filter {
      get { return filter; }
      set {
        filter = value;
        Refresh ();

    bool Grouping {
      get { return Groups != null; }

    public ObservableCollection<GroupDescription> GroupDescriptions {
      get; private set;

    public ReadOnlyObservableCollection<object> Groups {
      get; private set;

    public bool IsCurrentAfterLast {
      get { return isCurrentAfterLast.Value; }
      private set {
        if (IsCurrentAfterLast != value)
          isCurrentAfterLast.Value = value;

    public bool IsCurrentBeforeFirst {
      get { return isCurrentBeforeFirst.Value; }
      private set {
        if (IsCurrentBeforeFirst != value)
          isCurrentBeforeFirst.Value = value;

    public bool IsEmpty {
      get; private set;

    bool IsValidSelection {
      get { return CurrentPosition >= 0 && CurrentPosition < ActiveList.Count; }

    ConstructorInfo ItemConstructor {
      get; set;

    StandardCollectionViewGroup RootGroup {
      get; set;

    public SortDescriptionCollection SortDescriptions {
      get; private set;

    IEnumerable ICollectionView.SourceCollection {
      get { return SourceCollection; }

    public IList SourceCollection {
      get; private set;

    public StandardCollectionView (IList collection)
      SourceCollection = collection;
      Func<PropertyChangedEventHandler> changed = () => PropertyChanged;

      canAddNew = INPCProperty.Create (() => CanAddNew, changed);
      canCancelEdit = INPCProperty.Create (() => CanCancelEdit, changed);
      canRemove = INPCProperty.Create (() => CanRemove, changed);
      culture = INPCProperty.Create (() => Culture, changed);
      currentAddItem = INPCProperty.Create (() => CurrentAddItem, changed);
      currentEditItem = INPCProperty.Create (() => CurrentEditItem, changed);
      isAddingNew = INPCProperty.Create (() => IsAddingNew, changed);
      isCurrentAfterLast = INPCProperty.Create (() => IsCurrentAfterLast, changed);
      isCurrentBeforeFirst = INPCProperty.Create (() => IsCurrentBeforeFirst, changed);
      isEditingItem = INPCProperty.Create (() => IsEditingItem, changed);
      isempty = INPCProperty.Create (() => IsEmpty, changed);
      newItemPlaceholderPosition = INPCProperty.Create (() => NewItemPlaceholderPosition, changed);

      SourceCollection = collection;
      SortDescriptions = new SortDescriptionCollection ();
      GroupDescriptions = new ObservableCollection<GroupDescription> ();

      var interfaces = SourceCollection.GetType ().GetInterfaces ();
      foreach (var t in interfaces) {
        if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (IList<>)) {
          Type type = t.GetGenericArguments () [0];
          ItemConstructor = type.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes);

      UpdateCanAddNewAndRemove ();
      filteredList = new List <object> ();
      CurrentPosition = -1;
      IsEmpty = ActiveList.Count == 0;
      MoveCurrentToPosition (0);

      if (SourceCollection is INotifyCollectionChanged)
        ((INotifyCollectionChanged) SourceCollection).CollectionChanged += HandleSourceCollectionChanged;

      GroupDescriptions.CollectionChanged += (o, e) => Refresh ();
      ((INotifyCollectionChanged) SortDescriptions).CollectionChanged += (o, e) => {
        if (IsAddingNew || IsEditingItem)
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot modify SortDescriptions while adding or editing an item");
        Refresh ();

    void HandleSourceCollectionChanged (object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
      // Firstly if we are copying the source collection into our filtered list, update
      // the copy with the new changes and compute the actual index of our item in the
      // sorted/grouped/filtered list.
      int actualOldIndex = -1;
      int actualNewIndex = -1;
      bool originalList = ActiveList == SourceCollection;
      NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs modifed = e;
      if (!originalList) {
        switch (e.Action) {
        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
          foreach (object o in e.NewItems)
            AddToFilteredAndGroupSorted (o);
          actualNewIndex = IndexOf (e.NewItems [0]);
          RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, e.NewItems [0], actualNewIndex));

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
          actualOldIndex = IndexOf (e.OldItems [0]);
          foreach (object o in e.OldItems)
            RemoveFromFilteredAndGroup (o);
          RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, e.OldItems [0], actualOldIndex));

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
          actualOldIndex = IndexOf (e.OldItems [0]);
          foreach (object o in e.OldItems)
            RemoveFromFilteredAndGroup (o);
          foreach (object o in e.NewItems)
            AddToFilteredAndGroupSorted (o);
          actualNewIndex = IndexOf (e.NewItems [0]);
          RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, e.OldItems[0], actualOldIndex));
          RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, e.NewItems [0], actualNewIndex));
        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
          filteredList.Clear ();
          RootGroup.ClearSubtree ();
          foreach (var o in SourceCollection)
            AddToFilteredAndGroup (o);
          modifed = e;
      } else {
        // Raise the collection changed event
        RaiseCollectionChanged (modifed);

      IsEmpty = ActiveList.Count == 0;

      // Finally update the selected item if needed.
      switch (e.Action) {
      case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
        if (originalList)
          actualNewIndex = e.NewStartingIndex;
        if (actualNewIndex <= CurrentPosition)
          MoveCurrentTo (CurrentPosition + 1);

      case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
        if (originalList)
          actualOldIndex = e.OldStartingIndex;
        if (actualOldIndex < CurrentPosition) {
          MoveCurrentTo (CurrentPosition - 1);
        } else if (actualOldIndex == CurrentPosition) {
          if (CurrentAddItem == CurrentItem)
            MoveCurrentTo (CurrentPosition - 1);
            MoveCurrentTo (CurrentPosition, true);

      case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
        MoveCurrentTo (CurrentPosition, true);

      case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
        MoveCurrentTo (IndexOf (CurrentItem));


    void AddToFilteredAndGroup (object item)
      // If we're adding an item because of a call to the 'AddNew' method, we
      if (AddToFiltered (item, false) && Grouping && CurrentAddItem == null)
        RootGroup.AddInSubtree (item, Culture, GroupDescriptions);

    void AddToFilteredAndGroupSorted (object item)
      // If we're adding an item because of a call to the 'AddNew' method, we
      if (AddToFiltered (item, true) && Grouping && CurrentAddItem == null)
        RootGroup.AddInSubtree (item, Culture, GroupDescriptions);

    void RemoveFromFilteredAndGroup (object item)
      if (RemoveFromFiltered (item) && Grouping)
        RootGroup.RemoveInSubtree (item);

    bool AddToFiltered (object item, bool sorted)
      // If we are not adding a new item and we have a filter, see if the item passes the filter
      if (CurrentAddItem == null && Filter != null)
        if (!Filter (item))
          return false;

      // Only do a sorted insert if we are not adding a new item
      if (CurrentAddItem == null && sorted && SortDescriptions.Count > 0) {
        int index = filteredList.BinarySearch (item, new PropertyComparer (SortDescriptions));
        if (index < 0)
          index = ~index;
        filteredList.Insert (index, item);
      } else {
        filteredList.Add (item);
      return true;

    bool RemoveFromFiltered (object item)
      return filteredList.Remove (item);

    public bool Contains (object item)
      return ActiveList.Contains (item);

    public IDisposable DeferRefresh ()
      if (IsAddingNew || IsEditingItem)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot defer refresh while adding or editing");

      return new Deferrer (this);

    public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
      if (GroupDescriptions.Count > 0 && RootGroup != null)
        return new GroupEnumerator (RootGroup);
      return ActiveList.GetEnumerator ();

    int IndexOf (object item)
      if (Grouping)
        return RootGroup.IndexOfSubtree (item);
        return ActiveList.IndexOf (item);
    public bool MoveCurrentTo (object item)
      return MoveCurrentTo (IndexOf (item));

    bool MoveCurrentTo (int position)
      return MoveCurrentTo (position, false);

    object ItemAtIndex (int index)
      if (Groups == null)
        return index < 0 || index >= ActiveList.Count ? null : ActiveList [index];
      foreach (var o in this) {
        if (index == 0)
          return o;
        index --;

      return null;

    bool MoveCurrentTo (int position, bool force)
      object newItem = ItemAtIndex (position);
      bool raiseEvents = CurrentItem != newItem;

      var h = CurrentChanging;
      if (raiseEvents && h != null) {
        CurrentChangingEventArgs e = new CurrentChangingEventArgs (true);
        h (this, e);
        if (e.Cancel)
          return true;

      IsCurrentAfterLast = position == ActiveList.Count || ActiveList.Count == 0;
      IsCurrentBeforeFirst = position == -1 || ActiveList.Count == 0;
      UpdateCurrentPositionAndItem (position, newItem);

      var h2 = CurrentChanged;
      if (raiseEvents && h2 != null)
        h2 (this, EventArgs.Empty);

      return IsValidSelection;

    public bool MoveCurrentToFirst ()
      return MoveCurrentTo (0);

    public bool MoveCurrentToLast ()
      return MoveCurrentTo (ActiveList.Count - 1);

    public bool MoveCurrentToNext ()
      return CurrentPosition != ActiveList.Count && MoveCurrentTo (CurrentPosition + 1);

    public bool MoveCurrentToPosition (int position)
      return MoveCurrentTo (position);

    public bool MoveCurrentToPrevious ()
      return CurrentPosition != -1 && MoveCurrentTo (CurrentPosition - 1);

    void RaiseCollectionChanged (NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
      var h = CollectionChanged;
      if (h != null)
        h (this, e);

    void RaisePropertyChanged (string propertyName)
      var h = PropertyChanged;
      if (h != null)
        h (this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs (propertyName));

    public void Refresh ()
      if (IsAddingNew || IsEditingItem)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot refresh while adding or editing an item");

      if (((IDeferRefresh) this).DeferLevel != 0)

      if (RootGroup == null)
        RootGroup = new StandardCollectionViewGroup (null, null, 0, false, SortDescriptions);

      Groups = null;
      RootGroup.ClearItems ();

      if (ActiveList != SourceCollection) {
        filteredList.Clear ();
        foreach (var item in SourceCollection)
          AddToFiltered (item, false);

        if (SortDescriptions.Count > 0)
          filteredList.Sort (new PropertyComparer (SortDescriptions));

        if (GroupDescriptions.Count > 0 && filteredList.Count > 0) {
          foreach (var item in filteredList)
            RootGroup.AddInSubtree (item, Culture, GroupDescriptions, false);
          Groups = RootGroup.Items;

      IsEmpty = ActiveList.Count == 0;
      int index = IndexOf (CurrentItem);
      if (index < 0 && CurrentPosition != -1 && !IsEmpty)
        index = 0;

      MoveCurrentTo (index, true);

      var h = CollectionChanged;
      if (h != null)
        h (this, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));

    public object AddNew ()
      if (((IDeferRefresh) this).DeferLevel != 0)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot add a new item while refresh is deferred");

      if (ItemConstructor == null)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("The underlying collection does not support adding new items");

      if (SourceCollection.IsFixedSize)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("The source collection is of fixed size");

      // If there's an existing AddNew or Edit, we commit it. Commit the edit first because
      // we're not allowed CommitNew if we're in the middle of an edit.
      if (IsEditingItem)
        CommitEdit ();
      if (IsAddingNew)
        CommitNew ();

      var newObject = ItemConstructor.Invoke (null);
      // FIXME: I need to check the ordering on the events when the source is INCC
      CurrentAddItem = newObject;
      IsAddingNew = true;
      AddToSourceCollection (newObject);
      if (Grouping)
        RootGroup.AddItem (newObject, false);
      MoveCurrentTo (newObject);
      if (newObject is IEditableObject)
        ((IEditableObject) newObject).BeginEdit ();

      UpdateCanAddNewAndRemove ();
      return newObject;

    void AddToSourceCollection (object item)
      SourceCollection.Add (item);
      if (!(SourceCollection is INotifyCollectionChanged)) {
        HandleSourceCollectionChanged (SourceCollection, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, item, SourceCollection.Count - 1));

    void RemoveFromSourceCollection (object item)
      int index = SourceCollection.IndexOf (item);
      SourceCollection.RemoveAt (index);
      if (!(SourceCollection is INotifyCollectionChanged)) {
        HandleSourceCollectionChanged (SourceCollection, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, item, index));

    public void CancelEdit ()
      if (IsAddingNew)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot cancel edit while adding new");

      if (IsEditingItem) {
        if (CanCancelEdit) {
          ((IEditableObject) CurrentEditItem).CancelEdit ();
        CurrentEditItem = null;
        IsEditingItem = false;
        CanCancelEdit = false;
        UpdateCanAddNewAndRemove ();

    public void CancelNew ()
      if (IsEditingItem)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot CancelNew while editing an item");

      if (IsAddingNew) {
        if (CurrentAddItem is IEditableObject)
          ((IEditableObject) CurrentAddItem).CancelEdit ();
        if (Grouping) {
          RootGroup.RemoveItem (CurrentAddItem);
        RemoveFromSourceCollection (CurrentAddItem);
        CurrentAddItem = null;
        IsAddingNew = false;
        UpdateCanAddNewAndRemove ();

    public void CommitEdit ()
      if (IsAddingNew)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot cancel edit while adding new");

      if (IsEditingItem) {
        var editItem = CurrentEditItem;

        CurrentEditItem = null;
        IsEditingItem = false;

        if (CanCancelEdit) {
          ((IEditableObject) editItem).EndEdit ();
          CanCancelEdit = false;

        UpdateCanAddNewAndRemove ();

        int originalIndex = IndexOf (editItem);
        int newIndex;

        // If we're filtering the item out just nuke it
        if (Filter != null && !Filter (editItem)) {
          RemoveFromFilteredAndGroup (editItem);
          RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, editItem, originalIndex));
          if (CurrentItem == editItem)
            MoveCurrentTo (CurrentPosition, true);

        // We could also have changed the property which sorts it
        if (SortDescriptions.Count > 0) {
          // We can't just remove the item and binary search for the correct place as that will change the
          // order of elements which compare as equal and breaks more tests than it fixes. We need to first
          // check to see if the editItem is >= than the previous one and <= the next one. If that is true
          // we need to do nothing. Otherwise we need to binary search either the upper or lower half and
          // find the new index where the editItem should be placed.
          if (originalIndex > 0 && Comparer.Compare (filteredList [originalIndex - 1], editItem) > 0) {
            newIndex = filteredList.BinarySearch (0, originalIndex, editItem, Comparer);
          } else if (originalIndex < (filteredList.Count - 1) && Comparer.Compare (filteredList [originalIndex + 1], editItem) < 0) {
            newIndex = filteredList.BinarySearch (originalIndex + 1, filteredList.Count - (originalIndex + 1), editItem, Comparer);
          } else {
            // We're already in the right place.
            newIndex = originalIndex;
        } else {
          // No sorting == no index change
          newIndex = originalIndex;

        if (newIndex != originalIndex) {
          if (newIndex < 0)
            newIndex = ~newIndex;

           // When we remove the element from the original index, our newIndex will be off by 1 as everything
          // gets shuffled down so decrement it here.
          if (newIndex > originalIndex)
            newIndex --;

          filteredList.RemoveAt (originalIndex);
          filteredList.Insert (newIndex, editItem);

        // We may have edited the property which controls which group the item is in
        // so re-seat it
        if (Grouping) {
          RootGroup.RemoveInSubtree (editItem);
          RootGroup.AddInSubtree (editItem, Culture, GroupDescriptions);
          newIndex = IndexOf (editItem);

        if (originalIndex != newIndex) {
          RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, editItem, originalIndex));
          RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, editItem, newIndex));
          MoveCurrentTo (IndexOf (CurrentItem), true);

    public void CommitNew ()
      if (IsEditingItem)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot CommitNew while editing an item");
      if (IsAddingNew) {
                if (CurrentAddItem is IEditableObject)
          ((IEditableObject) CurrentAddItem).EndEdit ();
        if (Filter != null && !Filter (CurrentAddItem)) {
          RemoveFromSourceCollection (CurrentAddItem);
        } else {
          // When adding a new item, we initially put it in the root group. Once it's committed
          // we need to place it in the correct subtree group.
          if (Grouping) {
            RootGroup.RemoveItem (CurrentAddItem);
            RootGroup.AddInSubtree (CurrentAddItem, Culture, GroupDescriptions);

          // The item was not filtered out of the tree. Do we need to resort it?
          if (SortDescriptions.Count > 0) {
            // The newly added item is at the end of the array. If we're sorting, we may have to move it.
            // Use a binary search to figure out where the item should be in the list and put it in there.
            int actualIndex = SourceCollection.IndexOf (CurrentAddItem);
            int sortedIndex = filteredList.BinarySearch (0, filteredList.Count - 1, CurrentAddItem, new PropertyComparer (SortDescriptions));
            if (sortedIndex < 0)
              sortedIndex = ~sortedIndex;

            if (actualIndex != sortedIndex) {
              filteredList.RemoveAt (actualIndex);
              filteredList.Insert (sortedIndex, CurrentAddItem);
              RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove, currentAddItem, actualIndex));
              RaiseCollectionChanged (new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs (NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add, currentAddItem, sortedIndex));
              if (CurrentAddItem == CurrentItem)
                UpdateCurrentPositionAndItem (sortedIndex, CurrentAddItem);
        CurrentAddItem = null;
        IsAddingNew = false;
        UpdateCanAddNewAndRemove ();

    public void EditItem (object item)
      // We can't edit an item which hasn't been comitted.
      if (IsAddingNew && item == CurrentAddItem)

      if (IsAddingNew)
        CommitNew ();
      if (IsEditingItem)
        CommitEdit ();

      CurrentEditItem = item;
      IsEditingItem = true;
      if (item is IEditableObject) {
        CanCancelEdit = true;
        ((IEditableObject) item).BeginEdit ();
      UpdateCanAddNewAndRemove ();

    public void Remove (object item)
      if (!CanRemove)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Removing is not supported by this collection");
      if (IsAddingNew || IsEditingItem)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot remove an item when adding or editing an item");
      RemoveFromSourceCollection (item);

    public void RemoveAt (int index)
      if (!CanRemove)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Removing is not supported by this collection");
      if (IsAddingNew || IsEditingItem)
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot remove an item when adding or editing an item");
      RemoveFromSourceCollection (ItemAtIndex (index));

    void UpdateCanAddNewAndRemove ()
      var value = ItemConstructor != null && !SourceCollection.IsFixedSize && !IsEditingItem;
      if (value != CanAddNew)
        CanAddNew = value;

      value = !SourceCollection.IsFixedSize && !IsEditingItem && !IsAddingNew;
      if (value != CanRemove)
        CanRemove = value;

    void UpdateCurrentPositionAndItem (int position, object item)
      bool emitPositionChanged = CurrentPosition != position;
      bool emitItemChanged = CurrentItem != item;

      CurrentPosition = position;
      CurrentItem = item;

      if (emitPositionChanged)
        RaisePropertyChanged ("CurrentPosition");
      if (emitItemChanged)
        RaisePropertyChanged ("CurrentItem");
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