using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Util{
public class SystemPath
public static readonly SystemPath Temp = new SystemPath(Path.GetTempPath());
private readonly string path;
public SystemPath(string path) : this(path, new ExecutionEnvironment())
public SystemPath(string path, IExecutionEnvironment environment)
this.path = Convert(path, environment);
if (PathIsInvalid(path)) throw new ArgumentException("Path contains invalid characters: " + path, "path");
public SystemPath Combine(string subpath)
return new SystemPath(Path.Combine(path, subpath));
private string Convert(string newpath, IExecutionEnvironment environment)
return Regex.Replace(newpath, @"[/\\]", environment.DirectorySeparator.ToString());
public bool Exists()
return File.Exists(path);
public override string ToString()
return path;
public SystemPath CreateDirectory()
return this;
public void DeleteDirectory()
if (! Directory.Exists(path)) return;
try { Directory.Delete(path, true); }
catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Unable to delete directory: " + path, e); }
public void DeleteFile()
if (!File.Exists(path)) return;
try { File.Delete(path); }
catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Unable to delete file : " + path, e); }
public static SystemPath UniqueTempPath()
return Temp.Combine(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
public static bool PathIsInvalid(string path)
return (-1 != path.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()));
public SystemPath CreateSubDirectory(string dir)
return Combine(dir).CreateDirectory();
public SystemPath CreateEmptyFile(string file)
return Combine(file).CreateEmptyFile();
public SystemPath CreateEmptyFile()
return CreateTextFile(string.Empty);
private SystemPath CreateTextFile(string content)
using (StreamWriter stream = File.CreateText(path))
return this;
public string ReadTextFile()
using (StreamReader textReader = File.OpenText(path))
return textReader.ReadToEnd();
public SystemPath CreateTextFile(string filename, string content)
return Combine(filename).CreateTextFile(content);
public class TempDirectory : SystemPath, IDisposable
public TempDirectory() : base(UniqueTempPath().ToString())
void IDisposable.Dispose()