UsageBuilder.cs :  » Development » Command-Line-Option-Parsing » CommandLine » OptParse » C# / CSharp Open Source

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Command Line Option Parsing » CommandLine » OptParse » UsageBuilder.cs
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Xsl;

namespace CommandLine.OptParse{
  #region ListType enum
  /// <summary>
  /// Type of list to create in the usage
  /// </summary>
  public enum ListType
    /// <summary>
    /// Numbered/ordered list
    /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// Unordered list
    /// </summary>
  #endregion ListType enum

  #region UsageBuilder class
  /// <summary>
  /// Class to assist the building of program usage information
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// The API of this class is similar to that of an 
  /// <see cref="System.Xml.XmlTextWriter"/>. The output of the usage
  /// is an <see cref="XmlDocument"/>. The using the 
  /// <see cref="ToHtml"/>, <see cref="ToText"/> and <see cref="Transform"/> methods
  /// the XML can be transformed into the desired output format for the usage.
  /// </remarks>
  /// <include file='ExternalDocs.xml' 
  ///    path='externalDocs/doc[@name="ExampleUsageCode"]/*'/>
  public class UsageBuilder
    #region Members
    private XmlDocument _usage;
    private XmlNode     _currentNode;
    private bool        _groupOptionsByCategory;
    private string      _defaultOptionCategory = "Uncategorized";
    #endregion Members

    #region Constructor
    /// <summary>
    /// Default constructor
    /// </summary>
    public UsageBuilder()
      _usage = new XmlDocument();
      _currentNode = _usage.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("usage"));
    #endregion Constructor

    #region Properties
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the <see cref="XmlDocument"/> containing the usage content
    /// </summary>
    public XmlDocument Usage
      get { return _usage; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Get or set the category to use for options when an option is missing a category
    /// <seealso cref="GroupOptionsByCategory"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Cannot be set to null or an empty string, if so, the default value will
    /// be used</remarks>
    public string DefaultOptionCategory 
      get { return _defaultOptionCategory; }
        if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
          value = "Uncategorized";

        _defaultOptionCategory = value; 

    /// <summary>
    /// Get or set to group options by their categories
    /// <seealso cref="DefaultOptionCategory"/>
    /// </summary>
    public bool GroupOptionsByCategory 
      get { return _groupOptionsByCategory; }
      set { _groupOptionsByCategory = value; }
    #endregion Properties

    #region Printing methods
    /// <summary>
    /// Convenience method for transforming the XML using a custom XSLT
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer">TextWriter to write the output to</param>
    /// <param name="xsltSource">Xslt content to use to transform with</param>
    /// <param name="arguments">Xslt arguments to pass to the <see cref="XslTransform"/></param>
    public void Transform(TextWriter writer, XmlReader xsltSource, XsltArgumentList arguments)
      XslTransform trans = new XslTransform();
      trans.Load(xsltSource, null, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Evidence);
      trans.Transform(this.Usage, arguments, writer, null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Convert the usage to HTML
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer">TextWriter to write the output to</param>
    /// <param name="optStyle">The style to use when printing possible option names</param>
    /// <param name="cssStyleSheet">Stylesheet URI to apply to the HTML content</param>
    /// <param name="includeDefaultValues">True to include the default option values in the output</param>
    /// <param name="title">Title to use for the HTML page</param>
    public void ToHtml(TextWriter writer, OptStyle optStyle, Uri cssStyleSheet, bool includeDefaultValues, string title)
      XsltArgumentList argList = new XsltArgumentList();
      XslTransform trans = new XslTransform();

      using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(
        trans.Load(new XmlTextReader(stream), null, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Evidence);

      argList.AddParam("shortOptPrefix", string.Empty, (optStyle == OptStyle.Unix) ? "-" : "/");
      argList.AddParam("longOptPrefix", string.Empty, (optStyle == OptStyle.Unix) ? "--" : "/");
      argList.AddParam("includeDefaultValues", string.Empty, includeDefaultValues);
      if (cssStyleSheet != null)
        argList.AddParam("cssStyleSheet", string.Empty, cssStyleSheet.AbsoluteUri);
      argList.AddParam("title", string.Empty, title);

      trans.Transform(this.Usage, argList, writer, null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Convert the usage to Text
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer">TextWriter to write the output to</param>
    /// <param name="optStyle">The style to use when printing possible option names</param>
    /// <param name="includeDefaultValues">True to include the default option values in the output</param>
    public void ToText(TextWriter writer, OptStyle optStyle, bool includeDefaultValues)
      ToText(writer, optStyle, includeDefaultValues, -1);

    /// <summary>
    /// Convert the usage to Text
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>if <paramref name="maxColumns"/> is -1, the width of the console will be used
    /// on windows machines, and the text will not be wrapped on non-windows machines</remarks>
    /// <param name="writer">TextWriter to write the output to</param>
    /// <param name="optStyle">The style to use when printing possible option names</param>
    /// <param name="includeDefaultValues">True to include the default option values in the output</param>
    /// <param name="maxColumns">Wrap text at the given column (attempts to wrap at '-' or ' ')</param>
    public void ToText(TextWriter writer, OptStyle optStyle, bool includeDefaultValues, int maxColumns)
      XsltArgumentList argList = new XsltArgumentList();
      XslTransform     trans = new XslTransform();

      using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(
        trans.Load(new XmlTextReader(stream), null, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Evidence);

      argList.AddParam("shortOptPrefix", string.Empty, (optStyle == OptStyle.Unix) ? "-" : "/");
      argList.AddParam("longOptPrefix", string.Empty, (optStyle == OptStyle.Unix) ? "--" : "/");
      argList.AddParam("includeDefaultValues", string.Empty, includeDefaultValues);
      argList.AddParam("newline", string.Empty, Environment.NewLine);
      argList.AddExtensionObject("extObj", new TextTransformHelper(maxColumns));

      if (maxColumns <= 0)
        maxColumns = -1;

      argList.AddParam("maxColumns", string.Empty, maxColumns);

      trans.Transform(this.Usage, argList, writer, null);
    #endregion Printing methods

    #region Usage building functions
    /// <summary>
    /// Begin a new section tag
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// May only be under a "usage" or "section" tag. <see cref="EndSection"/> must be called
    /// to close this tag
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="header">Name of the section</param>
    public void BeginSection(string header)
      ValidateCurrentNode("section", "usage");
      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("section"));
      _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("name")).Value = header;

    /// <summary>
    /// Close the section
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Section tag must be active</remarks>
    public void EndSection()
      _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

    /// <summary>
    /// Add a paragraph to the usage
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// May only be inside of "section" or "description" tags
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="body">The body of the paragraph</param>
    public void AddParagraph(string body)
      ValidateCurrentNode("section", "description");
      _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("para")).InnerText = body;

    /// <summary>
    /// Add a paragraph to the usage
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// May only be inside of "section" or "description" tags. <see cref="EndParagraph"/> must be called
    /// to close this tag. Use <see cref="AddParagraphContent"/> to add text to the paragraph body.
    /// </remarks>
    public void BeginParagraph()
      ValidateCurrentNode("section", "description");

    /// <summary>
    /// Add content to the current paragraph node
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "para" tag is active.</remarks>
    /// <param name="text">Text to add</param>
    public void AddParagraphContent(string text)
      _currentNode.InnerText += text;

    /// <summary>
    /// Close the active "para" tag
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "para" tag is active.</remarks>
    public void EndParagraph()
      _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

    /// <summary>
    /// Open a list tag
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Sets the active tag to a new "list" tag. May only be called when
    /// one of the following tags are active: "section", "paragraph", "list", "description".
    /// <see cref="EndList"/> must be called to close this tag</remarks>
    /// <param name="type">The type of list</param>
    public void BeginList(ListType type)
      ValidateCurrentNode("section", "paragraph", "list", "description");
      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("list"));
      _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("type")).Value = type.ToString().ToLower();

    /// <summary>
    /// Add a list item tag to the current list
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "list" tag is active.</remarks>
    /// <param name="body">Body of the list item to add</param>
    public void AddListItem(string body)
      _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("item")).InnerText = body;

    /// <summary>
    /// Close the active "list" tag
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "list" tag is active.</remarks>
    public void EndList()
      _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

    /// <summary>
    /// Begin an active "options" tag
    /// <seealso cref="GroupOptionsByCategory"/>
    /// <seealso cref="DefaultOptionCategory"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "header" tag is active.</remarks>
    public void BeginOptions()
      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("options"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Close the active "options" tag
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "options" tag is active.</remarks>
    public void EndOptions()
      _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

    /// <summary>
    /// Method to start adding an option to the usage.
    /// <seealso cref="AddOption"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Leaves the "description" tag as the active tag. Allows paragraph
    /// and list content to be added to the description of an option beyond
    /// the normal description. Does not include the description body from
    /// the <paramref name="opt"/> (must be added manually). Call 
    /// <see cref="EndOption"/> to close this tag.</remarks>
    /// <param name="opt">Option to start</param>
    public void BeginOption(OptionDefinition opt)
      ValidateCurrentNode("options", "category");

      if (_groupOptionsByCategory)
        XmlNode node;
        string  cat = opt.Category;
        if (cat == null)
          cat = _defaultOptionCategory;

        node = _currentNode.SelectSingleNode("category[@name='" + cat + "']");
        if (node == null)
          _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("category"));
          _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("name")).Value = cat;
          _currentNode = node;
      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("option"));
      _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("type")).Value = 
      // names
      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("names"));
      foreach (char name in opt.ShortNames)
        _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("name"));
        _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("value")).Value = name.ToString();
        _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("type")).Value = "short";
        _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;
      foreach (string name in opt.LongNames)
        _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("name"));
        _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("value")).Value = name;
        _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("type")).Value = "long";
        _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

      _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

      if (opt.ValueType != null)
        if (typeof(ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(opt.ValueType) || opt.ValueType.Namespace == "System")
          _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("valueType")).InnerText = opt.ValueType.Name;
          _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("valueType")).InnerText = opt.ValueType.ToString();

      if (opt.DefaultValue != null)
        _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("defaultValue")).InnerText = 

      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("description"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Close the active "description" tag and "option" tags
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "description" tag is active below an
    /// "option" tag.</remarks>
    public void EndOption()
      _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;
      _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

      if (_currentNode.Name == "category")
        _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

    /// <summary>
    /// Add multiple options to the output
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Can only be called if the active tag is "section"</remarks>
    /// <param name="optionContainer">Container with all the options 
    /// for the program to document</param>
    public void AddOptions(IOptionContainer optionContainer)
      foreach (OptionDefinition opt in optionContainer.GetOptions())

    /// <summary>
    /// Add multiple options to the output
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Can only be called if the active tag is "section"</remarks>
    /// <param name="options">All the options for the program</param>
    public void AddOptions(OptionDefinition[] options)
      foreach (OptionDefinition opt in options)

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds an option to the output
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Like <see cref="BeginOption"/>, but uses the desription from the
    /// option as the body of the "description" tag. Does not open a new active tag</remarks>
    /// <param name="opt">Option to add</param>
    public void AddOption(OptionDefinition opt)
      _currentNode.InnerText = opt.Description;

    /// <summary>
    /// Begin an active "arguments" tag
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "header" tag is active.</remarks>
    public void BeginArguments()
      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("arguments"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Close the active "arguments" tag
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when an "arguments" tag is active.</remarks>
    public void EndArguments()
      _currentNode = _currentNode.ParentNode;

    /// <summary>
    /// Add an argument overview to the usage
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Can only be called when a "section" tag is active. Does not leave a new
    /// active tag open.</remarks>
    /// <param name="name">Short name description of the argument</param>
    /// <param name="description">Description of the argument</param>
    /// <param name="type">Supported data type for the argument (<c>typeof(string)</c> is
    /// usually the best choice).</param>
    /// <param name="optional">True if the argument should be marked as optional</param>
    public void AddArgument(string name, string description, Type type, bool optional)
      BeginArgument(name, type, optional);
      _currentNode.InnerText = description;

    /// <summary>
    /// Add an argument overview to the usage
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Can only be called when an "arguments" tag is active. Leaves the "description" tag
    /// active under the "argument" tag.</remarks>
    /// <param name="name">Short name description of the argument</param>
    /// <param name="type">Supported data type for the argument (<c>typeof(string)</c> is
    /// usually the best choice).</param>
    /// <param name="optional">True if the argument should be marked as optional</param>
    public void BeginArgument(string name, Type type, bool optional)
      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("argument"));

      if (typeof(ValueType).IsAssignableFrom(type) || type.Namespace == "System")
        _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("type")).Value = type.Name;
        _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("type")).Value = type.ToString();
      _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("name")).Value = name;
      _currentNode.Attributes.Append(_usage.CreateAttribute("optional")).Value = optional.ToString();
      _currentNode = _currentNode.AppendChild(_usage.CreateElement("description"));

    /// <summary>
    /// Close the active "description" tag and "argument" tags
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>May only be called when a "description" tag is active below an
    /// "argument" tag.</remarks>
    public void EndArgument()
    #endregion Usage building functions

    #region Validation methods
    void ValidateCurrentNode(params string[] expectedTypes)
      foreach (string type in expectedTypes)
        if (_currentNode.Name == type)

      throw new InvalidOperationException("Invaild command, must be inside of one of: " + 
        string.Join(", ", expectedTypes));
    #endregion Validation methods

    #region TextTransformHelper class
    /// <summary>
    /// Class to help with Text transformation
    /// </summary>
    private class TextTransformHelper
      #region Members
      private readonly char[] _splitChars = new char[] { '-', ' ' };

      private int _maxColumns;
      #endregion Members

      #region Constructor
      /// <summary>
      /// Constructor
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="maxColumns">Column to wrap at</param>
      public TextTransformHelper(int maxColumns)
        _maxColumns = maxColumns;

        if (_maxColumns == -1)
          // try to determine console width
          string os = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OS");

          if (os != null && os.StartsWith("Win"))
            ConsoleUtils.ConsoleHelper ch = new ConsoleUtils.ConsoleHelper();
            _maxColumns = ch.GetScreenInfo().Size.X;
      #endregion Constructor

      #region Functions
      /// <summary>
      /// Create a string of spaces
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="length">Length of the string to create</param>
      /// <returns>The string</returns>
      public string CreateSpaces(int length)
        return new string(' ', length);

      /// <summary>
      /// Formats text, adding indent and wrapping lines
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="text">Text to format</param>
      /// <param name="indent">Indent to add to each line</param>
      /// <param name="hangingIndent">Additional indent to add to lines after the first</param>
      /// <returns>Formatted text</returns>
      public string FormatText(string text, int indent, int hangingIndent)
        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
        bool          first = true;
        int           firstColumns = _maxColumns - indent - 1;
        int           subseqColumns = _maxColumns - indent - hangingIndent - 1;
        string        handingIndentStr = new string(' ', indent + hangingIndent);
        string        indentStr = new string(' ', indent);
        string[]      lines;
        text = text.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
        text = text.Replace("\r", "\n");

        lines = text.Split('\n');
        foreach (string line in lines)
          if (!first)

          if (_maxColumns == -1)
            output.Append((first) ? indentStr : handingIndentStr);
            first = false;

          for (int start = 0; start < line.Length;)
            int    cols = (first) ? firstColumns : subseqColumns;
            int    len;
            string istr = (first) ? indentStr : handingIndentStr;

            len = Math.Min(line.Length - start, cols);

            if (len < cols)
              first = false;
              int splitLoc = line.LastIndexOfAny(_splitChars, start + len - 1, len);

              if (splitLoc > 0)
                output.Append(line.Substring(start, splitLoc - start));

                start = splitLoc;
                if (line[start] == ' ')
                output.Append(line.Substring(start, cols));
                start += cols;
            first = false;


        return output.ToString();
      #endregion Functions
    #endregion TextTransformHelper class
  #endregion UsageBuilder class
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