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wx NET » wx » HTML.cs
// wx.NET - HTML.cs
// The wxHTML wrapper classes.
// Written by Bryan Bulten (
// (C) 2003 Bryan Bulten
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: HTML.cs,v 1.30 2007/11/24 17:55:45 harald_meyer Exp $

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections;

namespace wx{
  public enum HtmlURLType
  public enum HtmlOpeningStatus

  public class HtmlWindow : ScrolledWindow
    public const int wxHW_SCROLLBAR_NEVER   = 0x0002;
    public const int wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO    = 0x0004;
    public const int wxHW_NO_SELECTION      = 0x0008;


    private delegate void Virtual_OnLinkClicked(IntPtr link);
    private delegate void Virtual_OnSetTitle(IntPtr title);
    private delegate void Virtual_OnCellMouseHover(IntPtr cell, int x, int y);
    private delegate void Virtual_OnCellClicked(IntPtr cell, int x, int y, IntPtr mouseevent);
    private delegate int Virtual_OnOpeningURL(int type, IntPtr url, IntPtr redirect);
        private delegate int Virtual_LoadFile(IntPtr wxStringFilenameNativeMode);
        private delegate int Virtual_LoadPage(IntPtr wxStringLocation);

    private Virtual_OnLinkClicked virtual_OnLinkClicked;
    private Virtual_OnSetTitle virtual_OnSetTitle;
    private Virtual_OnCellMouseHover virtual_OnCellMouseHover;
    private Virtual_OnCellClicked virtual_OnCellClicked;
    private Virtual_OnOpeningURL virtual_OnOpeningUrl;
        private Virtual_LoadFile virtual_LoadFile;
        private Virtual_LoadPage virtual_LoadPage;

    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_ctor();
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_RegisterVirtual(IntPtr self, 
      Virtual_OnLinkClicked onLinkClicked,
      Virtual_OnSetTitle onSetTitle,
      Virtual_OnCellMouseHover onCellMouseHover,
      Virtual_OnCellClicked onCellClicked,
      Virtual_OnOpeningURL onOpeningURL,
            Virtual_LoadFile loadFile,
            Virtual_LoadPage loadPage);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool wxHtmlWindow_Create(IntPtr self, IntPtr parent, int id, ref Point pos, ref Size size, uint style, IntPtr name);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool wxHtmlWindow_SetPage(IntPtr self, IntPtr source);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool wxHtmlWindow_AppendToPage(IntPtr self, IntPtr source);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool wxHtmlWindow_LoadPage(IntPtr self, IntPtr location);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool wxHtmlWindow_LoadFile(IntPtr self, IntPtr filename);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPage(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedAnchor(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPageTitle(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedFrame(IntPtr self, IntPtr frame, IntPtr format);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_GetRelatedFrame(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedStatusBar(IntPtr self, int bar);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlWindow_SetFonts(IntPtr self, IntPtr normal_face, IntPtr fixed_face, int[] sizes);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_SetBorders(IntPtr self, int b);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_ReadCustomization(IntPtr self, IntPtr cfg, IntPtr path);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_WriteCustomization(IntPtr self, IntPtr cfg, IntPtr path);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool   wxHtmlWindow_HistoryBack(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool   wxHtmlWindow_HistoryForward(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool   wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanBack(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool   wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanForward(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_HistoryClear(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_GetInternalRepresentation(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_AddFilter(IntPtr filter);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_GetParser(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_AddProcessor(IntPtr self, IntPtr processor);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_AddGlobalProcessor(IntPtr processor);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool wxHtmlWindow_AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_OnSetTitle(IntPtr self, IntPtr title);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_OnCellClicked(IntPtr self, IntPtr cell, int x, int y, IntPtr evt);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_OnLinkClicked(IntPtr self, IntPtr link);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWindow_OnOpeningURL(IntPtr self, int type, IntPtr url, IntPtr redirect);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_SelectAll(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_SelectWord(IntPtr self, ref Point pos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWindow_SelectLine(IntPtr self, ref Point pos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_ToText(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWindow_SelectionToText(IntPtr self);

    public HtmlWindow(IntPtr  wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) { }

    public HtmlWindow()
      : base(wxHtmlWindow_ctor()) { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, int id)
      : this(parent, id, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO, "HtmlWindow") { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, int id, Point pos)
      : this(parent, id, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO, "HtmlWindow") { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size)
      : this(parent, id, pos, size, wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO, "HtmlWindow") { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style)
      : this(parent, id, pos, size, style, "HtmlWindow") { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style, string name)
      : base(wxHtmlWindow_ctor())
      virtual_OnLinkClicked = new Virtual_OnLinkClicked( DoOnLinkClicked );
      virtual_OnSetTitle = new Virtual_OnSetTitle( DoOnSetTitle );
      virtual_OnCellMouseHover = new Virtual_OnCellMouseHover( DoOnCellMouseHover );
      virtual_OnCellClicked = new Virtual_OnCellClicked( DoOnCellClicked );
      virtual_OnOpeningUrl = new Virtual_OnOpeningURL( DoOnOpeningURL);
            virtual_LoadFile = new Virtual_LoadFile(DoLoadFile);
            virtual_LoadPage = new Virtual_LoadPage(DoLoadPage);


      if (!Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, name)) 
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create HtmlWindow");

            this.AddCommandListener(wx.Event.wxEVT_LOAD_HTML_PAGE, -1, new EventListener(this.OnLoadPageEvent));
    // ctors with self created id
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent)
      : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO, "HtmlWindow") { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, Point pos)
      : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, wxDefaultSize, wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO, "HtmlWindow") { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, Point pos, Size size)
      : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, size, wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO, "HtmlWindow") { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, Point pos, Size size, uint style)
      : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, size, style, "HtmlWindow") { }
    public HtmlWindow(Window parent, Point pos, Size size, uint style, string name)
      : this(parent, Window.UniqueID, pos, size, style, name) {}


        public new bool Create(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style, string name)
            return this.Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxString.SafeNew(name));
    new public bool Create(Window parent, int id, Point pos, Size size, uint style, wxString name)
      return wxHtmlWindow_Create(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(parent), id, ref pos, ref size, (uint)style, name.wxObject);


        IList _widgetCells=new ArrayList();
        /** A .NET wx.HtmlWidgetCell will register itself here.
         * Reason: ClearWidgetCells().
         * */
        internal void RegisterWidgetCell(HtmlWidgetCell cell)

        /** This will make all widgets in cells invisible and clear the list of registered cells.
         * This is a work around a bug in the HTML framework: If we load an existing wx.HtmlWindow
         * with a new page with new instances of wx.HtmlWidgetCell, all the old instances of
         * wx.HtmlWidgetCell not be destroyed immediately. This usually disturbs the event chain.
         * So, the \e wx.NET system will make widget cells invisible as soon as they will be
         * replaced.
        internal void SetInvisibleWidgetCells()
            foreach (HtmlWidgetCell cell in this._widgetCells)
                if (!cell.disposed) // this ca happen if the previous page containing controls has never been shown

        public bool SetPage(string source)
            return this.SetPage(new wxString(source));
    public bool SetPage(wxString source)
            return wxHtmlWindow_SetPage(wxObject, source.wxObject);

        public bool AppendToPage(string source)
            return this.AppendToPage(new wxString(source));
    public bool AppendToPage(wxString source)
      return wxHtmlWindow_AppendToPage(wxObject, source.wxObject);


        /** Call this only on wx.CommandEvent().
         * This will load the page URL retrieved from the client string wx.CommandEvent.String.
         * */
        internal void OnLoadPageEvent(object sender, Event evt)
            if (evt is CommandEvent)
                CommandEvent cevt = (CommandEvent)evt;
                if (!LoadPage(cevt.String)) cevt.Skip(true);

        /** Overload this to change the behaviour on loading a page from the designated location.
         * Refer to FSFile and FileSystemHandler for remarks on available locations.
         * */
    public virtual bool LoadPage(string location)
            wxString wxLocation = new wxString(location);
            return this.LoadPage(wxLocation);

        public virtual bool LoadPage(wxString location)
            return wxHtmlWindow_LoadPage(wxObject, location.wxObject);

        private int DoLoadPage(IntPtr clocation)
            wxString location = new wxString(clocation, false);
            return this.LoadPage(location) ? 1 : 0;
        /** Overload this to change the behaviour on loading a file.
         * The argument is a file name in native style.
         * */
    virtual public bool LoadFile(string filename)
            return this.LoadFile(new wxString(filename));

        virtual public bool LoadFile(wxString filename)
            return wxHtmlWindow_LoadFile(wxObject, filename.wxObject);

        private int DoLoadFile(IntPtr cfilename)
            wxString filename = new wxString(cfilename);
            return this.LoadFile(filename) ? 1 : 0;

    public string OpenedPage
      get { return new wxString(wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPage(wxObject), true); } 
    public string OpenedAnchor
      get { return new wxString(wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedAnchor(wxObject), true); }
    public string OpenedPageTitle
      get { return new wxString(wxHtmlWindow_GetOpenedPageTitle(wxObject), true); }

        public void SetRelatedFrame(Frame frame, string format)
            this.SetRelatedFrame(frame, new wxString(format));
    public void SetRelatedFrame(Frame frame, wxString format)
      wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedFrame(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(frame), format.wxObject);
    public Frame RelatedFrame
      get { return (Frame)FindObject(wxHtmlWindow_GetRelatedFrame(wxObject), typeof(Frame)); }
    public int RelatedStatusBar
      set { wxHtmlWindow_SetRelatedStatusBar(wxObject, value); }

        public void SetFonts(string normal_face, string fixed_face, int[] sizes)
            this.SetFonts(new wxString(normal_face), new wxString(fixed_face), sizes);
    public void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, wxString fixed_face, int[] sizes)
      wxHtmlWindow_SetFonts(wxObject, normal_face.wxObject, fixed_face.wxObject, sizes);
    public int Borders
      set { wxHtmlWindow_SetBorders(wxObject, value); }

        public virtual void ReadCustomization(Config cfg)
            this.ReadCustomization(cfg, "");
        public virtual void ReadCustomization(Config cfg, string path)
            this.ReadCustomization(cfg, new wxString(path));
    void ReadCustomization(Config cfg, wxString path)
      wxHtmlWindow_ReadCustomization(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(cfg), path.wxObject);

        public void WriteCustomization(Config cfg)
            WriteCustomization(cfg, "");
        public virtual void WriteCustomization(Config cfg, string path)
            WriteCustomization(cfg, new wxString(path));
    void WriteCustomization(Config cfg, wxString path)
      wxHtmlWindow_WriteCustomization(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(cfg), path.wxObject);
    public bool HistoryBack()
      return wxHtmlWindow_HistoryBack(wxObject);
    public bool HistoryForward()
      return wxHtmlWindow_HistoryForward(wxObject);
    public bool HistoryCanBack()
      return wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanBack(wxObject);
    public bool HistoryCanForward()
      return wxHtmlWindow_HistoryCanForward(wxObject);
    public void HistoryClear()
    public HtmlContainerCell InternalRepresentation
      get { return (HtmlContainerCell)FindObject(wxHtmlWindow_GetInternalRepresentation(wxObject), typeof(HtmlContainerCell)); }
    public static void AddFilter(HtmlFilter filter)
    public HtmlWinParser Parser
      get { return (HtmlWinParser)FindObject(wxHtmlWindow_GetParser(wxObject), typeof(HtmlWinParser)); }
    public void AddProcessor(HtmlProcessor processor)
      wxHtmlWindow_AddProcessor(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(processor));
    public static void AddGlobalProcessor(HtmlProcessor processor)
    public override bool AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard()
      return wxHtmlWindow_AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard(wxObject);
    private void DoOnSetTitle(IntPtr title)
      OnSetTitle((string)new wxString(title, false));

        public virtual void OnSetTitle(string title)
            this.OnSetTitle(new wxString(title));
      void OnSetTitle(wxString title)
      wxHtmlWindow_OnSetTitle(wxObject, title.wxObject);
    private void DoOnCellMouseHover(IntPtr cell, int x, int y)
      OnCellMouseHover(new HtmlCell(cell), x, y);
    public virtual void OnCellMouseHover(HtmlCell cell, int x, int y)
      // Do nothing here
    private void DoOnCellClicked(IntPtr cell, int x, int y, IntPtr mouseevent)
      OnCellClicked(new HtmlCell(cell), x, y, new MouseEvent(mouseevent));
    public virtual void OnCellClicked(HtmlCell cell, int x, int y, MouseEvent evt)
      wxHtmlWindow_OnCellClicked(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(cell), x, y, Object.SafePtr(evt));
    private void DoOnLinkClicked(IntPtr link)
      OnLinkClicked(new HtmlLinkInfo(link));
    public virtual void OnLinkClicked(HtmlLinkInfo link)
      wxHtmlWindow_OnLinkClicked(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(link));
    private int DoOnOpeningURL(int type, IntPtr url, IntPtr redirect)
      return (int)OnOpeningURL((HtmlURLType) type, (string)new wxString(url, true), (string)new wxString(redirect, false));

        public virtual HtmlOpeningStatus OnOpeningURL(HtmlURLType type, string url, string redirect)
            wxString wxRedirect = new wxString(redirect);
            HtmlOpeningStatus result = this.OnOpeningURL(type, new wxString(url), wxRedirect);
            redirect = wxRedirect;
            return result;

      HtmlOpeningStatus OnOpeningURL(HtmlURLType type, wxString url, wxString redirect)
      return (HtmlOpeningStatus)wxHtmlWindow_OnOpeningURL(wxObject, (int)type, url.wxObject, redirect.wxObject);
    public void SelectAll()
    public void SelectLine(Point pos)
      wxHtmlWindow_SelectLine(wxObject, ref pos);
    public void SelectWord(Point pos)
      wxHtmlWindow_SelectWord(wxObject, ref pos);
    public string Text
      get { return new wxString(wxHtmlWindow_ToText(wxObject), true); }
    public string SelectionText
      get { return new wxString(wxHtmlWindow_SelectionToText(wxObject), true); }

  public class HtmlFontCell : HtmlCell
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlFontCell_ctor(IntPtr font);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlFontCell_Draw(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, IntPtr info);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlFontCell_DrawInvisible(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, IntPtr info);


    public HtmlFontCell(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) {}

    public HtmlFontCell(Font font)
      : this(wxHtmlFontCell_ctor(Object.SafePtr(font))) { }


    public override void Draw(DC dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
      wxHtmlFontCell_Draw(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, view_y1, view_y2, Object.SafePtr(info));
    public override void DrawInvisible(DC dc, int x, int y, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
      wxHtmlFontCell_DrawInvisible(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, Object.SafePtr(info));


  public class HtmlColourCell : HtmlCell
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlColourCell_ctor(IntPtr clr, int flags);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlColourCell_Draw(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, IntPtr info);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlColourCell_DrawInvisible(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, IntPtr info);


    public HtmlColourCell(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) {}

    public  HtmlColourCell(Colour clr, int flags)
      : this(wxHtmlColourCell_ctor(Object.SafePtr(clr), flags)) { }


    public override void Draw(DC dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
      wxHtmlColourCell_Draw(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, view_y1, view_y2, Object.SafePtr(info));


    public override void DrawInvisible(DC dc, int x, int y, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
      wxHtmlColourCell_DrawInvisible(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, Object.SafePtr(info));


  public class HtmlLinkInfo : Object
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlLinkInfo_ctor();
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlLinkInfo_ctor(string href, string target);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlLinkInfo_ctor(IntPtr l);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlLinkInfo_SetEvent(IntPtr self, IntPtr e);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlLinkInfo_SetHtmlCell(IntPtr self, IntPtr e);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlLinkInfo_GetHref(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlLinkInfo_GetTarget(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlLinkInfo_GetEvent(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlLinkInfo_GetHtmlCell(IntPtr self);
    public HtmlLinkInfo(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) {}
    public  HtmlLinkInfo()
      : base(wxHtmlLinkInfo_ctor()) { }
    public  HtmlLinkInfo(string href, string target)
      : base(wxHtmlLinkInfo_ctor(href, target)) { }
    /*public  HtmlLinkInfo(HtmlLinkInfo l)
      : base(wxHtmlLinkInfo_ctor(Object.SafePtr(l))) { }*/
    public MouseEvent Event
      set { wxHtmlLinkInfo_SetEvent(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }
      get { return (MouseEvent)FindObject(wxHtmlLinkInfo_GetEvent(wxObject), typeof(MouseEvent)); }
    public string Href
      get { return new wxString(wxHtmlLinkInfo_GetHref(wxObject), true); }
    public string Target
      get { return new wxString(wxHtmlLinkInfo_GetTarget(wxObject), true); }
    public HtmlCell HtmlCell
      get { return (HtmlCell)FindObject(wxHtmlLinkInfo_GetHtmlCell(wxObject), typeof(HtmlCell)); }
      set { wxHtmlLinkInfo_SetHtmlCell(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }


    /** The wrapper for the \c wxHtmlWidgetCell of \e wxWidgets.
     * Please note, that the \e wx.NET system uses a specialization of \c wxHtmlWidgetCell
     * that contains some fixes. 
    public class HtmlWidgetCell : HtmlCell
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWidgetCell_ctor(IntPtr wnd, int w);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlWidgetCell_RegisterDispose(IntPtr self, Virtual_Dispose onDispose);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlWidgetCell_Draw(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, IntPtr info);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWidgetCell_DrawInvisible(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, IntPtr info);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWidgetCell_Layout(IntPtr self, int w);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWidgetCell_GetWindow(IntPtr self);

    public HtmlWidgetCell(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) {}

        public HtmlWidgetCell(Window wnd)
            : this(wnd, 0)

        public HtmlWidgetCell(Window wnd, int w)
            : this(wxHtmlWidgetCell_ctor(Object.SafePtr(wnd), w))
            this.virtual_Dispose=new Virtual_Dispose(this.VirtualDispose);
            wxHtmlWidgetCell_RegisterDispose(this.wxObject, this.virtual_Dispose);
            if (wnd.Parent is HtmlWindow)


        internal Window Window
            get { return (Window)Object.FindObject(wxHtmlWidgetCell_GetWindow(this.wxObject), typeof(Window)); }


        public override void Draw(DC dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
            wxHtmlWidgetCell_Draw(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, view_y1, view_y2, Object.SafePtr(info));


        public override void DrawInvisible(DC dc, int x, int y, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
            wxHtmlWidgetCell_DrawInvisible(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, Object.SafePtr(info));


        public override void Layout(int w)
            wxHtmlWidgetCell_Layout(wxObject, w);


    public class HtmlCell : Object
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlCell_ctor();
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_SetParent(IntPtr self, IntPtr p);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlCell_GetParent(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlCell_GetPosX(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlCell_GetPosY(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlCell_GetWidth(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlCell_GetHeight(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlCell_GetDescent(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlCell_GetId(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_SetId(IntPtr self, IntPtr id);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlCell_GetNext(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_SetPos(IntPtr self, int x, int y);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_SetLink(IntPtr self, IntPtr link);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_SetNext(IntPtr self, IntPtr cell);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_Layout(IntPtr self, int w);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_Draw(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, IntPtr info);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_DrawInvisible(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, IntPtr info);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlCell_Find(IntPtr self, int condition, IntPtr param);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_OnMouseClick(IntPtr self, IntPtr parent, int x, int y, IntPtr evt);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlCell_AdjustPagebreak(IntPtr self, ref int pagebreak);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_SetCanLiveOnPagebreak(IntPtr self, bool can);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlCell_GetHorizontalConstraints(IntPtr self, ref int left, ref int right);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlCell_IsTerminalCell(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlCell_FindCellByPos(IntPtr self, int x, int y);


        public HtmlCell(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }

        public HtmlCell()
            : base(wxHtmlCell_ctor())


        public HtmlContainerCell Parent
            set { wxHtmlCell_SetParent(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }
            get { return (HtmlContainerCell)FindObject(wxHtmlCell_GetParent(wxObject), typeof(HtmlContainerCell)); }


        public int PosX
            get { return wxHtmlCell_GetPosX(wxObject); }

        public int PosY
            get { return wxHtmlCell_GetPosY(wxObject); }

        public int Width
            get { return wxHtmlCell_GetWidth(wxObject); }

        public int Height
            get { return wxHtmlCell_GetHeight(wxObject); }


        public int Descent
            get { return wxHtmlCell_GetDescent(wxObject); }


        public virtual string Id
            get { return new wxString(wxHtmlCell_GetId(wxObject), true); }
                wxString wxvalue = new wxString(value);
                wxHtmlCell_SetId(wxObject, wxvalue.wxObject);


        public HtmlCell Next
            get { return (HtmlCell)FindObject(wxHtmlCell_GetNext(wxObject), typeof(HtmlCell)); }
            set { wxHtmlCell_SetNext(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }


        public void SetPos(int x, int y)
            wxHtmlCell_SetPos(wxObject, x, y);


        public HtmlLinkInfo Link
            set { wxHtmlCell_SetLink(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }


        public virtual void Layout(int w)
            wxHtmlCell_Layout(wxObject, w);


        public virtual void Draw(DC dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
            wxHtmlCell_Draw(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, view_y1, view_y2, Object.SafePtr(info));


        public virtual void DrawInvisible(DC dc, int x, int y, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
            wxHtmlCell_DrawInvisible(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, Object.SafePtr(info));


        public virtual HtmlCell Find(int condition, Object param)
            return (HtmlCell)FindObject(wxHtmlCell_Find(wxObject, condition, Object.SafePtr(param)), typeof(HtmlCell));


        public virtual void OnMouseClick(Window parent, int x, int y, MouseEvent evt)
            wxHtmlCell_OnMouseClick(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(parent), x, y, Object.SafePtr(evt));


        public virtual bool AdjustPagebreak(ref int pagebreak)
            return wxHtmlCell_AdjustPagebreak(wxObject, ref pagebreak);


        public bool CanLiveOnPagebreak
            set { wxHtmlCell_SetCanLiveOnPagebreak(wxObject, value); }


        public void GetHorizontalConstraints(out int left, out int right)
            left = right = 0;
            wxHtmlCell_GetHorizontalConstraints(wxObject, ref left, ref right);


        public virtual bool IsTerminalCell
            get { return wxHtmlCell_IsTerminalCell(wxObject); }


        public HtmlCell FindCellByPos(int x, int y)
            return (HtmlCell)FindObject(wxHtmlCell_FindCellByPos(wxObject, x, y), typeof(HtmlCell));


        public static implicit operator HtmlCell (IntPtr obj) 
            return (HtmlCell)FindObject(obj, typeof(HtmlCell));


    public class HtmlWordCell : HtmlCell
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWordCell_ctor(IntPtr word, IntPtr dc);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWordCell_Draw(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, IntPtr info);


    public HtmlWordCell(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) {}

        public  HtmlWordCell(string word, DC dc)
            : this(new wxString(word), dc) { }

        public HtmlWordCell(wxString word, DC dc)
            : this(wxHtmlWordCell_ctor(word.wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc))) { }


        public override void Draw(DC dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
            wxHtmlWordCell_Draw(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, view_y1, view_y2, Object.SafePtr(info));


    public class HtmlContainerCell : HtmlCell
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlContainerCell_ctor(IntPtr parent);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_Layout(IntPtr self, int w);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_Draw(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, IntPtr info);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_DrawInvisible(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, int x, int y, IntPtr info);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlContainerCell_AdjustPagebreak(IntPtr self, ref int pagebreak);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_InsertCell(IntPtr self, IntPtr cell);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetAlignHor(IntPtr self, int al);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlContainerCell_GetAlignHor(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetAlignVer(IntPtr self, int al);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlContainerCell_GetAlignVer(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetIndent(IntPtr self, int i, int what, int units);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlContainerCell_GetIndent(IntPtr self, int ind);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlContainerCell_GetIndentUnits(IntPtr self, int ind);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetAlign(IntPtr self, IntPtr tag);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetWidthFloat(IntPtr self, int w, int units);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetWidthFloatTag(IntPtr self, IntPtr tag, double pixel_scale);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetMinHeight(IntPtr self, int h, int align);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetBackgroundColour(IntPtr self, IntPtr clr);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlContainerCell_GetBackgroundColour(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_SetBorder(IntPtr self, IntPtr clr1, IntPtr clr2);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlContainerCell_GetLink(IntPtr self, int x, int y);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlContainerCell_Find(IntPtr self, int condition, IntPtr param);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_OnMouseClick(IntPtr self, IntPtr parent, int x, int y, IntPtr evt);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlContainerCell_GetHorizontalConstraints(IntPtr self, ref int left, ref int right);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlContainerCell_GetFirstCell(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlContainerCell_IsTerminalCell(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlContainerCell_FindCellByPos(IntPtr self, int x, int y);


        public HtmlContainerCell(IntPtr wxObject)
            : base(wxObject) { }

        public HtmlContainerCell(HtmlContainerCell parent)
            : this(wxHtmlContainerCell_ctor(Object.SafePtr(parent))) { }


        public override void Layout(int w)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_Layout(wxObject, w);


        public override void Draw(DC dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_Draw(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, view_y1, view_y2, Object.SafePtr(info));


        public override void DrawInvisible(DC dc, int x, int y, HtmlRenderingInfo info)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_DrawInvisible(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), x, y, Object.SafePtr(info));


        public override bool AdjustPagebreak(ref int pagebreak)
            return wxHtmlContainerCell_AdjustPagebreak(wxObject, ref pagebreak);


        public void InsertCell(HtmlCell cell)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_InsertCell(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(cell));


        public int AlignHor
            set { wxHtmlContainerCell_SetAlignHor(wxObject, value); }
            get { return wxHtmlContainerCell_GetAlignHor(wxObject); }


        public int AlignVer
            set { wxHtmlContainerCell_SetAlignVer(wxObject, value); }
            get { return wxHtmlContainerCell_GetAlignVer(wxObject); }


        public void SetIndent(int i, int what, int units)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_SetIndent(wxObject, i, what, units);

        public int GetIndent(int ind)
            return wxHtmlContainerCell_GetIndent(wxObject, ind);

        public int GetIndentUnits(int ind)
            return wxHtmlContainerCell_GetIndentUnits(wxObject, ind);


        public HtmlTag Align
            set { wxHtmlContainerCell_SetAlign(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }


        public void SetWidthFloat(int w, int units)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_SetWidthFloat(wxObject, w, units);

        public void SetWidthFloat(HtmlTag tag, double pixel_scale)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_SetWidthFloatTag(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(tag), pixel_scale);


        public void SetMinHeight(int h, int align)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_SetMinHeight(wxObject, h, align);


        public Colour BackgroundColour
            set { wxHtmlContainerCell_SetBackgroundColour(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }
            get { return new Colour(wxHtmlContainerCell_GetBackgroundColour(wxObject), true); }


        public void SetBorder(Colour clr1, Colour clr2)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_SetBorder(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(clr1), Object.SafePtr(clr2));


        public virtual HtmlLinkInfo GetLink(int x, int y)
            return (HtmlLinkInfo)FindObject(wxHtmlContainerCell_GetLink(wxObject, x, y), typeof(HtmlLinkInfo));


        public override HtmlCell Find(int condition, Object param)
            return (HtmlCell)FindObject(wxHtmlContainerCell_Find(wxObject, condition, Object.SafePtr(param)), typeof(HtmlCell));


        public override void OnMouseClick(Window parent, int x, int y, MouseEvent evt)
            wxHtmlContainerCell_OnMouseClick(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(parent), x, y, Object.SafePtr(evt));


        public new void GetHorizontalConstraints(out int left, out int right)
            left = right = 0;
            wxHtmlContainerCell_GetHorizontalConstraints(wxObject, ref left, ref right);


        public HtmlCell FirstCell
            get { return wxHtmlContainerCell_GetFirstCell(wxObject); }


        public override bool IsTerminalCell
            get { return wxHtmlContainerCell_IsTerminalCell(wxObject); }


        public new HtmlCell FindCellByPos(int x, int y)
            return wxHtmlContainerCell_FindCellByPos(wxObject, x, y);


    public class HtmlTag : Object
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetParent(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetFirstSibling(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetLastSibling(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetChildren(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetPreviousSibling(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetNextSibling(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetNextTag(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetName(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlTag_HasParam(IntPtr self, IntPtr par);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetParam(IntPtr self, IntPtr par, bool with_commas);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlTag_GetParamAsColour(IntPtr self, IntPtr par, IntPtr clr);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlTag_GetParamAsInt(IntPtr self, IntPtr par, ref int clr);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlTag_ScanParam(IntPtr self, IntPtr par, IntPtr format, IntPtr param);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTag_GetAllParams(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlTag_IsEnding(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlTag_HasEnding(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlTag_GetBeginPos(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlTag_GetEndPos1(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlTag_GetEndPos2(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlTag_dtor(IntPtr self);


        #region CTor / DTor
        public HtmlTag(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            bool still_there = RemoveObject(wxObject);
            if (!disposed)
                lock (typeof(Object))
                    if (wxObject != IntPtr.Zero && memOwn && still_there)

                virtual_Dispose = null;
                wxObject = IntPtr.Zero;
                memOwn = false;

            disposed = true;


        public HtmlTag Parent
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetParent(wxObject); }

        public HtmlTag FirstSibling
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetFirstSibling(wxObject); }

        public HtmlTag LastSibling
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetLastSibling(wxObject); }

        public HtmlTag Children
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetChildren(wxObject); }


        public HtmlTag PreviousSibling
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetPreviousSibling(wxObject); }

        public HtmlTag NextSibling
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetNextSibling(wxObject); }


        public HtmlTag NextTag
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetNextTag(wxObject); }


        public string Name
            get { return new wxString(wxHtmlTag_GetName(wxObject), true); }


        public bool HasParam(string par)
            wxString wxpar = new wxString(par);
            return wxHtmlTag_HasParam(wxObject, wxpar.wxObject);

        public string GetParam(string par)
            return this.GetParam(par, false);

        public string GetParam(string par, bool with_commas)
            wxString wxpar = new wxString(par);
            return new wxString(wxHtmlTag_GetParam(wxObject, wxpar.wxObject, with_commas), true);


        public bool GetParamAsColour(string par, Colour clr)
            wxString wxpar = new wxString(par);
            return wxHtmlTag_GetParamAsColour(wxObject, wxpar.wxObject, Object.SafePtr(clr));


        public bool GetParamAsInt(string par, out int clr)
            clr = 0;
            wxString wxpar = new wxString(par);
            return wxHtmlTag_GetParamAsInt(wxObject, wxpar.wxObject, ref clr);


        public string AllParams
            get { return new wxString(wxHtmlTag_GetAllParams(wxObject), true); }


        public bool IsEnding
            get { return wxHtmlTag_IsEnding(wxObject); }

        public bool HasEnding
            get { return wxHtmlTag_HasEnding(wxObject); }


        public int BeginPos
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetBeginPos(wxObject); }

        public int EndPos1
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetEndPos1(wxObject); }

        public int EndPos2
            get { return wxHtmlTag_GetEndPos2(wxObject); }


        public static implicit operator HtmlTag (IntPtr obj) 
            return (HtmlTag)FindObject(obj, typeof(HtmlTag));

        public override string ToString()
            if (this.HasEnding)
                return string.Format("<{0} {1}>..</{0}>", this.Name, this.AllParams);
            return string.Format("<{0} {1}>", this.Name, this.AllParams);

    public abstract class HtmlFilter : Object
        // TODO

        public HtmlFilter(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }

        /*public abstract bool CanRead(FSFile file);
        public abstract string ReadFile(FSFile file);*/


    public class HtmlFilterPlainText : HtmlFilter
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlFilterPlainText_CanRead(IntPtr self, IntPtr file);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlFilterPlainText_ReadFile(IntPtr self, IntPtr file);


        public HtmlFilterPlainText(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }


        /*public override bool CanRead(FSFile file)
            return wxHtmlFilterPlainText_CanRead(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(file));


        public override string ReadFile(FSFile file)
            return new wxString(wxHtmlFilterPlainText_ReadFile(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(file)));


    public class HtmlFilterHTML : HtmlFilter
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlFilterHTML_CanRead(IntPtr self, IntPtr file);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlFilterHTML_ReadFile(IntPtr self, IntPtr file);


        public HtmlFilterHTML(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }


        /*public override bool CanRead(FSFile file)
            return wxHtmlFilterHTML_CanRead(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(file));


        public override string ReadFile(FSFile file)
            return new wxString(wxHtmlFilterHTML_ReadFile(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(file)));


    public class HtmlTagsModule : Object // TODO: Module
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTagsModule_ctor();
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlTagsModule_OnInit(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlTagsModule_OnExit(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlTagsModule_FillHandlersTable(IntPtr self, IntPtr parser);


    public HtmlTagsModule(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) {}

        public HtmlTagsModule()
            : base(wxHtmlTagsModule_ctor()) { }


        public bool OnInit()
            return wxHtmlTagsModule_OnInit(wxObject);


        public void OnExit()


        public void FillHandlersTable(HtmlWinParser  parser)
            wxHtmlTagsModule_FillHandlersTable(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(parser));


    public class HtmlWinParser : HtmlParser
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_ctor(IntPtr wnd);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_InitParser(IntPtr self, IntPtr source);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_DoneParser(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_GetProduct(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_OpenURL(IntPtr self, int type, IntPtr url);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetDC(IntPtr self, IntPtr dc, double pixel_scale);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_GetDC(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern double wxHtmlWinParser_GetPixelScale(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWinParser_GetCharHeight(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWinParser_GetCharWidth(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_GetWindow(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetFonts(IntPtr self, IntPtr normal_face, IntPtr fixed_face, int[] sizes);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_AddModule(IntPtr self, IntPtr module);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_RemoveModule(IntPtr self, IntPtr module);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_GetContainer(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_OpenContainer(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_SetContainer(IntPtr self, IntPtr c);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_CloseContainer(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontSize(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontSize(IntPtr self, int s);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontBold(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontBold(IntPtr self, int x);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontItalic(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontItalic(IntPtr self, int x);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontUnderlined(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontUnderlined(IntPtr self, int x);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontFixed(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontFixed(IntPtr self, int x);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontFace(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontFace(IntPtr self, IntPtr face);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlWinParser_GetAlign(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetAlign(IntPtr self, int a);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_GetLinkColor(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetLinkColor(IntPtr self, IntPtr clr);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_GetActualColor(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetActualColor(IntPtr self, IntPtr clr);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_GetLink(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlWinParser_SetLink(IntPtr self, IntPtr link);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlWinParser_CreateCurrentFont(IntPtr self);


    public HtmlWinParser(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject)

        public HtmlWinParser(HtmlWindow wnd)
            : base(wxHtmlWinParser_ctor(Object.SafePtr(wnd))) { }


        public override void InitParser(string source)
            wxString wxsource = new wxString(source);
            wxHtmlWinParser_InitParser(wxObject, wxsource.wxObject);


        public override void DoneParser()


        public override Object Product
            get { return FindObject(wxHtmlWinParser_GetProduct(wxObject), typeof(Object)); }


        /*public FSFile OpenURL(HtmlURLType type, string url)
            return wxHtmlWinParser_OpenURL(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(type), url);


        public void SetDC(DC dc, double pixel_scale)
            wxHtmlWinParser_SetDC(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(dc), pixel_scale);


        public DC DC
            get { return (DC)FindObject(wxHtmlWinParser_GetDC(wxObject), typeof(DC)); }


        public double PixelScale
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetPixelScale(wxObject); }


        public int CharHeight
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetCharHeight(wxObject); }

        public int CharWidth
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetCharWidth(wxObject); }


        public HtmlWindow Window
            get { return (HtmlWindow)FindObject(wxHtmlWinParser_GetWindow(wxObject), typeof(HtmlWindow)); }


        public void SetFonts(string normal_face, string fixed_face, int[] sizes)
            wxString wx_normal_face = new wxString(normal_face);
            wxString wx_fixed_face = new wxString(fixed_face);
            wxHtmlWinParser_SetFonts(wxObject, wx_normal_face.wxObject, wx_fixed_face.wxObject, sizes);


        public void AddModule(HtmlTagsModule module)
            wxHtmlWinParser_AddModule(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(module));

        public void RemoveModule(HtmlTagsModule module)
            wxHtmlWinParser_RemoveModule(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(module));


        public HtmlContainerCell Container
            get { return (HtmlContainerCell)FindObject(wxHtmlWinParser_GetContainer(wxObject), typeof(HtmlContainerCell)); }

        public HtmlContainerCell SetContainter(HtmlContainerCell cont)
            return (HtmlContainerCell)FindObject(wxHtmlWinParser_SetContainer(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(cont)), typeof(HtmlContainerCell));


        public HtmlContainerCell OpenContainer()
            return (HtmlContainerCell)FindObject(wxHtmlWinParser_OpenContainer(wxObject), typeof(HtmlContainerCell));

        public HtmlContainerCell CloseContainer()
            return (HtmlContainerCell)FindObject(wxHtmlWinParser_CloseContainer(wxObject), typeof(HtmlContainerCell));


        public int FontSize
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontSize(wxObject); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontSize(wxObject, value); }

        public int FontBold
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontBold(wxObject); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontBold(wxObject, value); }

        public int FontItalic
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontItalic(wxObject); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontItalic(wxObject, value); }

        public int FontUnderlined
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontUnderlined(wxObject); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontUnderlined(wxObject, value); }

        public int FontFixed
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontFixed(wxObject); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontFixed(wxObject, value); }

        public string FontFace
            get { return new wxString(wxHtmlWinParser_GetFontFace(wxObject), true); }
                wxString wxvalue = new wxString(value);
                wxHtmlWinParser_SetFontFace(wxObject, wxvalue.wxObject);


        public int Align
            get { return wxHtmlWinParser_GetAlign(wxObject); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetAlign(wxObject, value); }


        public Colour LinkColor
            get { return new Colour(wxHtmlWinParser_GetLinkColor(wxObject), true); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetLinkColor(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }

        public Colour ActualColor
            get { return new Colour(wxHtmlWinParser_GetActualColor(wxObject), true); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetActualColor(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }


        public HtmlLinkInfo Link
            get { return (HtmlLinkInfo)FindObject(wxHtmlWinParser_GetLink(wxObject), typeof(HtmlLinkInfo)); }
            set { wxHtmlWinParser_SetLink(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }


        public Font CreateCurrentFont()
            return new Font(wxHtmlWinParser_CreateCurrentFont(wxObject));


    /** Overload this and add this to an HtmlParser to define new tags.
     * The typical use of tag handlers is the definition of new tags that designate
     * forms which have been implemented as \e wxWidgets panels. Refer to wx.HtmlHelpFrame.OnAboutBox()
     * for a simple example.
     * Refer to HtmlButtonTagHandler for a tag presenting a button that raises a CommandEvent.
    public abstract class HtmlTagHandler : Object
        #region Delegates, Types
        delegate IntPtr Virtual_GetSupportedTags();
        delegate int Virtual_HandleTag(IntPtr varib);
        #region C API
        static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTagHandler_CTor();
        static extern void  wxHtmlTagHandler_SetParser(IntPtr self, IntPtr parser);
        static extern void wxHtmlTagHandler_RegisterVirtual(IntPtr self, Virtual_Dispose onDispose, Virtual_GetSupportedTags callbackSupportedTags, Virtual_HandleTag callbackHandleTag);
        static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTagHandler_GetParser(IntPtr self);
        static extern IntPtr wxHtmlTagHandler_GetWParser(IntPtr self);
        static extern void wxHtmlTagHandler_ParseInner(IntPtr self, IntPtr tag);


        IntPtr DoGetSupportedTags()
            string result = this.GetSupportedTags();
            result = result.ToUpper();
            DisposableStringBox boxedResult = new DisposableStringBox(new wxString(result));
            return boxedResult.wxObject;

        int DoHandleTag(IntPtr varib)
            HtmlTag tag = new HtmlTag(varib);
            tag.memOwn = false;
            if (this.HandleTag(tag))
                return 1;
                return 0;

        #region State
        Virtual_GetSupportedTags _doGetSupportedTags=null;
        Virtual_HandleTag        _doHandleTag=null;

        #region CTor
        public HtmlTagHandler(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject)

        public HtmlTagHandler()
            : this(wxHtmlTagHandler_CTor())
            _doGetSupportedTags = new Virtual_GetSupportedTags(DoGetSupportedTags);
            _doHandleTag = new Virtual_HandleTag(DoHandleTag);
            virtual_Dispose = new Virtual_Dispose(VirtualDispose);
            wxHtmlTagHandler_RegisterVirtual(this.wxObject, virtual_Dispose, _doGetSupportedTags, _doHandleTag);

        #region public Properties
        public HtmlParser Parser
                wxHtmlTagHandler_SetParser(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value));
                return HtmlParser.FindObject(wxHtmlTagHandler_GetParser(this.wxObject));

        public HtmlWinParser WParser
                return (HtmlWinParser)HtmlParser.FindObject(wxHtmlTagHandler_GetWParser(this.wxObject));

        #region Abstract Methods
        /** Use this to define the tags that this handler implements.
         * Return a comma-separated list of tag names like "I,B,FONT,P".
         * Please note, that in contrast to modern XML-compatible conventions \e wxWidgets 
         * uses upper case letters as standard form for tag names. For this reason, \e wx.NET
         * will convert th result of this method automatically into upper case form. However,
         * analogous code in C++ will probably not run with the original \e wxWidgets in C++ if
         * this result contains lower case letters.
        public abstract string GetSupportedTags();
        /** Implement the tags as defined by GetSupportedTags().
        public abstract bool HandleTag(HtmlTag tag);

        #region Protected Helpers
        protected void ParseInner(HtmlTag tag)
            wxHtmlTagHandler_ParseInner(this.wxObject, tag.wxObject);

    /** A handler for tag \c wxbutton that defines a button on an HTML page raising a command event.
     * Use attributes \c label to provide a string to be displayed as a label and \c cmd to provide
     * an integer command ID for the event. Additionally in case of specifying a \c cmd, you might also
     * use \c eventstring. If an event string is specified, the command event caused by the button will
     * also hold the event string in the appropriate member variable.
     * Sample
     * \verbatim
     <wxbutton label="Label" cmd="100">
     * You might use \c labelart to specify a label bitmap instead of a label string.
     string.Format("<wxbutton labelart=\"{0}\" cmd=\"{1}\" eventstring=\"This can be read from the event.\">", (int)ArtID.wxART_QUESTION, (int)MenuIDs.wxID_ABOUT);
    public class HtmlButtonTagHandler : HtmlTagHandler
        public HtmlButtonTagHandler()

        /** "WXBUTTON"
         * Please note, that in contrast to modern XML-compatible conventions \e wxWidgets 
         * uses upper case letters as standard form for tag names. So, use upper class letters
         * here exclusively.
        public override string GetSupportedTags()
            return "wxbutton";

        /** This contains the \c eventstr if one is specified and this implements the addition of the event string to the event.
        internal class CmdClosure
            string _eventstr;
            internal CmdClosure(string eventstr)
                this._eventstr = eventstr;

            /** This will complete the button event if an event string has been specified by the hyperlink.
            internal void OnButtonSelect(object sender, Event evt)
                ((CommandEvent)evt).String = this._eventstr;

        /** This generates a window with a single button to be placed into the HTML page.
         * Return value is false to enable inner parsing.
        public override bool HandleTag(HtmlTag tag)
            int cmd = Window.wxID_ANY;
            tag.GetParamAsInt("cmd", out cmd);
            int artProviderBitmap = -1;
            if (!tag.GetParamAsInt("labelart", out artProviderBitmap))
                artProviderBitmap = -1;
            string label = tag.GetParam("label", false);
            string eventstr = tag.GetParam("eventstring", false);

            Window wnd = null;
            if (artProviderBitmap >= 0)
                wnd = new BitmapButton(this.WParser.Window, cmd, ArtProvider.GetBitmap((ArtID)artProviderBitmap, ArtClient.wxART_BUTTON), new Point(0, 0), Window.wxDefaultSize, 0,  null, "Test");
                // this is a hack to make the button initially invisible
                wnd = new Button(this.WParser.Window, cmd, label, new Point(0, 0), Window.wxDefaultSize, 0);
            if (eventstr != null && eventstr.Length > 0)
                CmdClosure cmdClosure = new CmdClosure(eventstr);
                wnd.AddCommandListener(Event.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, cmd, new EventListener(cmdClosure.OnButtonSelect), cmdClosure);
            this.WParser.Container.InsertCell(new HtmlWidgetCell(wnd));

            return false;

    /** This is a tag handler that offers you a choice among hyper links or actions.
     * Choices may be specified by constructors or tags. Actions may be action events or
     * hyper links. You may choose between the styles "Choice" and "List".
     * Example:
     * \code
     HtmlChoiceTagHandler tagHandler = new HtmlChoiceTagHandler(HtmlChoiceTagHandler.Style.List, "mychoice");
     tagHandler.Append("First choice: Command event", 23);
     tagHandler.Append("Second choice: Hyperlink", "http://testserver/page#section");
     * This handler will interpret tags like:
     <mychoice style="choice">
     <mychoice_choice cmd=24 name="Third choice"></choice>
     <mychoice_choice href="http://testserver/page#section2" name="Forth choice"></choice>
     <!-- the following three selections all have the same effect: Selecting item 0. !-->
     <mychoice_select cmd=23>
     <mychoice_select name="First choice: Command event">
     <mychoice_select pos=0>
     * Appending labels to the tag handler is useful for reusing a handler in several documents
     * while specifying choices in HTML is appropriate if the choice is exclusively relevant to the 
     * current document.
     * Items may be identified in contained tags like ".._SELECT" by the attributes \c name="Name" by their
     * name or the associated command: \c href="info.html" for an item
     * representing a certain page to be loaded and \c cmd=24 for items issueing a command event of the 
     * provided ID. The third option is to identify items by their position on the list: \c pos=0.
     * Please note that method Append() shall run before processing the tag. So, this method can be
     * considered as a part of the contructor.
     * This class relies on the fixes in the \e wx.NET implementation of wx.HtmlWidgetCell. So,
     * analogously implementations will probably not work with the original \e wxWidgets system in C++.
     * <b>Please note that because of a bug in \e wxWidgets this handler currently does not use
     * wx.HtmlParser.PushTagHandler and wx.HtmlParser.PopTagHandler but implements tags with suffix
     * "_CHOICE" and "_SELECT" as presented in the example.</b>
    public class HtmlChoiceTagHandler : HtmlTagHandler
        #region Types
        public enum Style
        #region State
        string _tag;
        Style _style;
        IList _options = new ArrayList();
        IList _localOptions = new ArrayList();
        int _selection = -1;
        int _localSelection = -1;
        #region CTor
        public HtmlChoiceTagHandler(Style style, string tag)
            : base()
            this._style = style;
            this._tag = tag.ToUpper();

        /** Adds an item to the control without any command associated.
        public void Append(string item)
            object[] pair = new object[2];
            pair[0] = item;

        /** Add an item to the control.
         * Selecting the item will cause a command event that may be processed in surrounding
         * windows.
         * */
        public void Append(string item, int cmd)
            object[] pair = new object[2];
            pair[0] = item;
            pair[1] = cmd;

        /** Add an item to the control loading a URL on selection.
        public void Append(string item, string hyperref)
            object[] pair = new object[2];
            pair[0] = item;
            pair[1] = hyperref;

        /** Returns or sets the label of the selected item.
         * This is an empty string if nothing is selected.
         * Please refer to SelectCmd() and SelectHyperref() for alternative methods
         * of selecting items.
         * Assignments trying to select an unknown item will be ignored silently.
         * Refer to SelectItem() for an alternative method.
        public string SelectionString
                if (this._selection < 0)
                    return "";
                else if (this._selection < this._options.Count)
                    return (string)((object[])this._options[this._selection])[0];
                    return (string)((object[])this._localOptions[this._selection - this._options.Count])[0];

        public int Selection
            get { return this._selection; }
            set { if (value >= 0 && value < this._options.Count+this._localOptions.Count) this._selection = value; }

        /** Find the provided item string and return its index on success or -1 otherwise.
        public int FindItem(string item)
            int index = 0;
            foreach (object[] pair in this._options)
                if (item == ((string)pair[0]))
                    return index;
            foreach (object[] pair in this._localOptions)
                if (item == ((string)pair[0]))
                    return index;
            return -1;

        /** Find the first item of the provided command ID and return its index on success or -1 otherwise.
         * Items are often subject of localization/translation. A neutral designator for
         * selecting item is a representation of the action issued by the item. Therefore,
         * this method enables a user to select an item issueing a certain command.
        public int FindCmd(int cmd)
            int index = 0;
            foreach (object[] pair in this._options)
                if (pair[1] is int && cmd == ((int)pair[1]))
                    return index;
            foreach (object[] pair in this._localOptions)
                if (pair[1] is int && cmd == ((int)pair[1]))
                    return index;
            return -1;

        /** Find the first item of the provided hyperref and return its index on success or -1 otherwise.
         * Items are often subject of localization/translation. A neutral designator for
         * selecting item is a representation of the action issued by the item. Therefore,
         * this method enables a user to select an item issueing a new page to be displayed.
        public int FindHyperref(string hyperref)
            int index = 0;
            foreach (object[] pair in this._options)
                if (pair[1] is string && hyperref == ((string)pair[1]))
                    return index;
            foreach (object[] pair in this._localOptions)
                if (pair[1] is string && hyperref == ((string)pair[1]))
                    return index;
            return -1;

        #region Public Virtual
        public override string GetSupportedTags()
            return this._tag + "," + this._tag + "_CHOICE," + this._tag + "_SELECT";
        public override bool HandleTag(HtmlTag tag)
            if (tag.Name == this._tag + "_CHOICE")
                if (tag.HasParam("name"))
                    if (tag.HasParam("cmd"))
                        int cmd = -1;
                        if (tag.GetParamAsInt("cmd", out cmd))
                            object[] pair = new object[2];
                            pair[0] = tag.GetParam("name");
                            pair[1] = cmd;
                    else if (tag.HasParam("href"))
                        object[] pair = new object[2];
                        pair[0] = tag.GetParam("name");
                        pair[1] = tag.GetParam("href");
                        object[] pair = new object[2];
                        pair[0] = tag.GetParam("name");
            else if (tag.Name == this._tag + "_SELECT")
                if (tag.HasParam("cmd"))
                    string cmdString = tag.GetParam("cmd", false);
                        int cmd = Int32.Parse(cmdString);
                    catch (Exception)
                else if (tag.HasParam("href"))
                    string hyperref = tag.GetParam("href", false);
                    this._localSelection = this.FindHyperref(hyperref);
                else if (tag.HasParam("pos"))
                    tag.GetParamAsInt("pos", out this._localSelection);
                this._localSelection = this._selection;

                if (tag.HasEnding)
                    HtmlParser parser = this.WParser;

                ControlWithItems wnd = null;

                Style style = this._style;
                string stylestring = tag.GetParam("style", false);
                stylestring = stylestring.ToLower();
                if (stylestring == "choice")
                    style = Style.Choice;
                else if (stylestring == "list")
                    style = Style.List;

                switch (style)
                    case Style.List:
                        wnd = new ListBox(this.WParser.Window, -1);
                        wnd.EVT_LISTBOX(-1, new EventListener(OnSelectChoice));
                    case Style.Choice:
                        wnd = new Choice(this.WParser.Window, -1);
                        wnd.EVT_CHOICE(-1, new EventListener(OnSelectChoice));
                foreach (object[] pair in this._options)
                    wnd.Append((string)pair[0], new SystemObjectClientData(pair[1]));
                foreach (object[] pair in this._localOptions)
                    wnd.Append((string)pair[0], new SystemObjectClientData(pair[1]));
                if (this._options.Count + this._localOptions.Count > 0)
                    if (this._localSelection < 0) this._localSelection = 0;
                    wnd.Selection = this._localSelection;
                this._localSelection = -1;

                this.WParser.Container.InsertCell(new HtmlWidgetCell(wnd));
            return false;
        #region Helper Functions
        internal void OnSelectChoice(object sender, Event evt)
            SystemObjectClientData clientData = (SystemObjectClientData)((ControlWithItems)sender).GetClientObject(((CommandEvent)evt).Int);
            if (clientData == null || clientData.Data==null)
                return; // no client data defined
            else if (clientData.Data is int)
            else if (clientData.Data is string)
                CommandEvent loadPageEvent=new CommandEvent(Event.wxEVT_LOAD_HTML_PAGE);
                Log.LogError("Cannot identify {0}.", clientData.Data);


    public class HtmlEntitiesParser : Object
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlEntitiesParser_ctor();
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlEntitiesParser_SetEncoding(IntPtr self, int encoding);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlEntitiesParser_Parse(IntPtr self, IntPtr input);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern char   wxHtmlEntitiesParser_GetEntityChar(IntPtr self, IntPtr entity);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern char   wxHtmlEntitiesParser_GetCharForCode(IntPtr self, uint code);


    public HtmlEntitiesParser(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) {}

        public  HtmlEntitiesParser()
            : base(wxHtmlEntitiesParser_ctor()) { }


        public FontEncoding Encoding
            set { wxHtmlEntitiesParser_SetEncoding(wxObject, (int)value); }


        public string Parse(string input)
            wxString wxInput = new wxString(input);
            return new wxString(wxHtmlEntitiesParser_Parse(wxObject, wxInput.wxObject), true);


        public char GetEntityChar(string entity)
            wxString wxentity = new wxString(entity);
            return wxHtmlEntitiesParser_GetEntityChar(wxObject, wxentity.wxObject);

        public char GetCharForCode(uint code)
            return wxHtmlEntitiesParser_GetCharForCode(wxObject, code);


    public abstract class HtmlParser : Object
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_SetFS(IntPtr self, IntPtr fs);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlParser_GetFS(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlParser_OpenURL(IntPtr self, int type, IntPtr url);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlParser_Parse(IntPtr self, IntPtr source);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_InitParser(IntPtr self, IntPtr source);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_DoneParser(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_StopParsing(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_DoParsing(IntPtr self, int begin_pos, int end_pos);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_DoParsingAll(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlParser_GetCurrentTag(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_AddTagHandler(IntPtr self, IntPtr handler);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_PushTagHandler(IntPtr self, IntPtr handler, IntPtr tags);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_PopTagHandler(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlParser_GetSource(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_SetSource(IntPtr self, IntPtr src);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlParser_SetSourceAndSaveState(IntPtr self, IntPtr src);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlParser_RestoreState(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlParser_ExtractCharsetInformation(IntPtr self, IntPtr markup);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)] static extern bool wxHtmlParser_IsWinParser(IntPtr self);


        public HtmlParser(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }

        /** A virtual construction of a \e wx.NET parser object from a pointer to a \e wxWidgets parser object.
         * Use this method to ensure existance of an appropriate wrapper for a HTML parser object.
         * Problem: \e wxWidgets knows 2 classes: The general \c wxHtmlParser and the \c wxHtmlWinParser.
         * This will return (and create of not existing) an instance of wx.HtmlWinParser iff the
         * argument is a pointer to a \c wxHtmlWinParser instance. This method will use the internal
         * run time type information built into \e wxWidgets.
         * Consider this as a specialization of method wx.Object.FindObject().
         * \c IntPtr.Zero will always result into \c null.
        new static public HtmlParser FindObject(IntPtr aWxObject)
            if (aWxObject == IntPtr.Zero) return null;

            Type parserType = typeof(HtmlParser);
            if (wxHtmlParser_IsWinParser(aWxObject))
                parserType = typeof(HtmlWinParser);
            return (HtmlParser)Object.FindObject(aWxObject, parserType);


        /** .NET form of \c wxHtmlParser::GetFS() and \c wxHtmlParser::SetFS().
        public FileSystem FS
                FileSystem fs=(FileSystem) Object.FindObject(wxHtmlParser_GetFS(wxObject), typeof(FileSystem));
                fs.memOwn = false; // this will be deallocated by the C++ instance of the parser.
                return fs;
                wxHtmlParser_SetFS(value.wxObject, value.wxObject);


        public FSFile OpenURL(HtmlURLType type, string url)
            wxString wxUrl = new wxString(url);
            return new FSFile(wxHtmlParser_OpenURL(this.wxObject, (int)type, wxUrl.wxObject));


        public Object Parse(string source)
            wxString wxSource = new wxString(source);
            return new Object(wxHtmlParser_Parse(this.wxObject, wxSource.wxObject));


        public virtual void InitParser(string source)
            wxString wxSource = new wxString(source);
            wxHtmlParser_InitParser(this.wxObject, wxSource.wxObject);


        public virtual void DoneParser()


        public void StopParsing()


        public void DoParsing(int begin_pos, int end_pos)
            wxHtmlParser_DoParsing(wxObject, begin_pos, end_pos);


        public void DoParsing()


        public HtmlTag GetCurrentTag()
            return wxHtmlParser_GetCurrentTag(wxObject);


        public abstract Object Product { get; }


        public void AddTagHandler(HtmlTagHandler handler)
            wxHtmlParser_AddTagHandler(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(handler));


        public void PushTagHandler(HtmlTagHandler handler, string tags)
            wxString wxTags = new wxString(tags);
            wxHtmlParser_PushTagHandler(this.wxObject, Object.SafePtr(handler), wxTags.wxObject);


        public void PopTagHandler()


        public string Source
            get { return new wxString(wxHtmlParser_GetSource(wxObject), true); }
                wxString wxSource = new wxString(value);
                wxHtmlParser_SetSource(this.wxObject, wxSource.wxObject); }

        public string SourceAndSaveState
                wxString wxValue = new wxString(value);
                wxHtmlParser_SetSourceAndSaveState(this.wxObject, wxValue.wxObject);

        public bool RestoreState()
            return wxHtmlParser_RestoreState(wxObject);


        public string ExtractCharsetInformation(string markup)
            wxString wxMarkup = new wxString(markup);
            return new wxString(wxHtmlParser_ExtractCharsetInformation(this.wxObject, wxMarkup.wxObject), true);


    public abstract class HtmlProcessor : Object
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern int    wxHtmlProcessor_GetPriority(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlProcessor_Enable(IntPtr self, bool enable);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlProcessor_IsEnabled(IntPtr self);


        public HtmlProcessor(IntPtr wxObject) 
            : base(wxObject) { }


        public abstract string Process(string text);


        public int Priority
            get { return wxHtmlProcessor_GetPriority(wxObject); }


        public bool Enabled
            set { wxHtmlProcessor_Enable(wxObject, value); }
            get { return wxHtmlProcessor_IsEnabled(wxObject); }
  public class HtmlRenderingInfo : Object
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlRenderingInfo_ctor();
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlRenderingInfo_dtor(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlRenderingInfo_SetSelection(IntPtr self, IntPtr s);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlRenderingInfo_GetSelection(IntPtr self);
    public HtmlRenderingInfo(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) 
      this.wxObject = wxObject;
    internal HtmlRenderingInfo(IntPtr wxObject, bool memOwn)
      : base(wxObject)
      this.memOwn = memOwn;
      this.wxObject = wxObject;
    public HtmlRenderingInfo()
      : this(wxHtmlRenderingInfo_ctor(), true) {}
    public override void Dispose()
      if (!disposed)
                if (wxObject != IntPtr.Zero)
          if (memOwn)
            memOwn = false;
        wxObject = IntPtr.Zero;
                disposed = true;
    public HtmlSelection Selection
      get { return (HtmlSelection)FindObject(wxHtmlRenderingInfo_GetSelection(wxObject), typeof(HtmlSelection)); }
      set { wxHtmlRenderingInfo_SetSelection(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(value)); }
  public class HtmlSelection : Object
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlSelection_ctor();
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_dtor(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_Set(IntPtr self, ref Point fromPos, IntPtr fromCell, ref Point toPos, IntPtr toCell);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_Set2(IntPtr self, IntPtr fromCell, IntPtr toCell);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlSelection_GetFromCell(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlSelection_GetToCell(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_GetFromPos(IntPtr self, out Point fromPos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_GetToPos(IntPtr self, out Point toPos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_GetFromPrivPos(IntPtr self, out Point fromPrivPos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_GetToPrivPos(IntPtr self, out Point toPrivPos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_SetFromPrivPos(IntPtr self, ref Point pos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_SetToPrivPos(IntPtr self, ref Point pos);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlSelection_ClearPrivPos(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxHtmlSelection_IsEmpty(IntPtr self);

    public HtmlSelection(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) 
      this.wxObject = wxObject;
    internal HtmlSelection(IntPtr wxObject, bool memOwn)
      : base(wxObject)
      this.memOwn = memOwn;
      this.wxObject = wxObject;
    public HtmlSelection()
      : this(wxHtmlSelection_ctor(), true) {}
    public override void Dispose()
      if (!disposed)
                if (wxObject != IntPtr.Zero)
          if (memOwn)
            memOwn = false;
        wxObject = IntPtr.Zero;
                disposed = true;
    public void Set(Point fromPos, HtmlCell fromCell, Point toPos, HtmlCell toCell)
      wxHtmlSelection_Set(wxObject, ref fromPos, Object.SafePtr(fromCell), ref toPos, Object.SafePtr(toCell));
    public void Set(HtmlCell fromCell, HtmlCell toCell)
      wxHtmlSelection_Set2(wxObject, Object.SafePtr(fromCell), Object.SafePtr(toCell));
    public HtmlCell FromCell
      get { return (HtmlCell)Object.FindObject(wxHtmlSelection_GetFromCell(wxObject), typeof(HtmlCell)); }
    public HtmlCell ToCell
      get { return (HtmlCell)Object.FindObject(wxHtmlSelection_GetToCell(wxObject), typeof(HtmlCell)); }
    public Point FromPos
      get { 
        Point tpoint = new Point();
        wxHtmlSelection_GetFromPos(wxObject, out tpoint);
        return tpoint;
    public Point ToPos
      get {
        Point tpoint = new Point();
        wxHtmlSelection_GetToPos(wxObject, out tpoint);
        return tpoint;
    public Point FromPrivPos
      get { 
        Point tpoint = new Point();
        wxHtmlSelection_GetFromPrivPos(wxObject, out tpoint);
        return tpoint;
      set { wxHtmlSelection_SetFromPrivPos(wxObject, ref value); }
    public Point ToPrivPos
      get {
        Point tpoint = new Point();
        wxHtmlSelection_GetToPrivPos(wxObject, out tpoint);
        return tpoint;
      set { wxHtmlSelection_SetToPrivPos(wxObject, ref value); }
    public void ClearPrivPos()
    public bool Empty
      get { return wxHtmlSelection_IsEmpty(wxObject); }
  public class HtmlEasyPrinting : Object
    public const int wxPAGE_ODD  = 0;
    public const int wxPAGE_EVEN  = 1;
    public const int wxPAGE_ALL  = 2;
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlEasyPrinting_ctor(IntPtr name, IntPtr parent);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool   wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PreviewFile(IntPtr self, IntPtr htmlfile);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PreviewText(IntPtr self, IntPtr htmltext, IntPtr basepath);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PrintFile(IntPtr self, IntPtr htmlfile);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern bool wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PrintText(IntPtr self, IntPtr htmltext, IntPtr basepath);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PageSetup(IntPtr self);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlEasyPrinting_SetHeader(IntPtr self, IntPtr header, int pg);
        [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void wxHtmlEasyPrinting_SetFooter(IntPtr self, IntPtr footer, int pg);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlEasyPrinting_SetFonts(IntPtr self, IntPtr normal_face, IntPtr fixed_face, int[] sizes);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern void   wxHtmlEasyPrinting_SetStandardFonts(IntPtr self, int size, IntPtr normal_face, IntPtr fixed_face);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlEasyPrinting_GetPrintData(IntPtr self);
    [DllImport("wx-c")] static extern IntPtr wxHtmlEasyPrinting_GetPageSetupData(IntPtr self);
    public HtmlEasyPrinting(IntPtr wxObject)
      : base(wxObject) {}
    public HtmlEasyPrinting()
      : this("Printing", null) {}
    public HtmlEasyPrinting(string name)
      : this(name, null) {}
    public HtmlEasyPrinting(string name, Window parentWindow)
      : this(new wxString(name), parentWindow) {}

        public HtmlEasyPrinting(wxString name, Window parentWindow)
            : base(wxHtmlEasyPrinting_ctor(name.wxObject, Object.SafePtr(parentWindow))) { }
    public bool PreviewFile(string htmlfile)
            wxString wxhtmlfile = new wxString(htmlfile);
      return wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PreviewFile(wxObject, wxhtmlfile.wxObject);
    public bool PreviewText(string htmltext)
      return PreviewText(htmltext, "");
    public bool PreviewText(string htmltext, string basepath)
            wxString wxhtmltext = new wxString(htmltext);
            wxString wxbasepath = new wxString(basepath);
      return wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PreviewText(wxObject, wxhtmltext.wxObject, wxbasepath.wxObject);
    public bool PrintFile(string htmlfile)
            wxString wxHtmlfile = new wxString(htmlfile);
      return wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PrintFile(wxObject, wxHtmlfile.wxObject);
    public bool PrintText(string htmltext)
      return PrintText(htmltext, "");
    public bool PrintText(string htmltext, string basepath)
            wxString wxHtmlText = new wxString(htmltext);
            wxString wxBasePath = new wxString(basepath);
      return wxHtmlEasyPrinting_PrintText(wxObject, wxHtmlText.wxObject, wxBasePath.wxObject);
    /*public void PrinterSetup()
    public void PageSetup()
    public void SetHeader(string header)
      SetHeader(header, wxPAGE_ALL);
    public void SetHeader(string header, int pg)
            wxString wxHeader = new wxString(header);
      wxHtmlEasyPrinting_SetHeader(wxObject, wxHeader.wxObject, pg);
    public void SetFooter(string footer)
      SetFooter(footer, wxPAGE_ALL);
    public void SetFooter(string footer, int pg)
            wxString wxFooter = new wxString(footer);
      wxHtmlEasyPrinting_SetFooter(wxObject, wxFooter.wxObject, pg);
    public void SetFonts(string normal_face, string fixed_face)
      SetFonts(normal_face, fixed_face, null);
    public void SetFonts(string normal_face, string fixed_face, int[] sizes)
            wxString wxFixedFont = new wxString(fixed_face);
            wxString wxNormalFont = new wxString(normal_face);
            wxHtmlEasyPrinting_SetFonts(wxObject, wxNormalFont.wxObject, wxFixedFont.wxObject, sizes);
    public void SetStandardFonts()
      SetStandardFonts(-1, "", "");
    public void SetStandardFonts(int size)
      SetStandardFonts(size, "", "");
    public void SetStandardFonts(int size, string normal_face)
      SetStandardFonts(size, normal_face, "");
    public void SetStandardFonts(int size, string normal_face, string fixed_face)
            wxString wxFixedFont = new wxString(fixed_face);
            wxString wxNormalFont = new wxString(normal_face);
      wxHtmlEasyPrinting_SetStandardFonts(wxObject, size, wxNormalFont.wxObject, wxFixedFont.wxObject);
    public PrintData PrintData
      get { return (PrintData)FindObject(wxHtmlEasyPrinting_GetPrintData(wxObject), typeof(PrintData)); }
    public PageSetupDialogData PageSetupData
      get { return (PageSetupDialogData)FindObject(wxHtmlEasyPrinting_GetPageSetupData(wxObject), typeof(PageSetupDialogData)); }
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