Controls.cs :  » GUI » wx-NET » wx » SampleControls » C# / CSharp Open Source

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wx NET » wx » SampleControls » Controls.cs
// NET/Samples - Controls.cs
// A .NET version of the wxWidgets "controls" sample.
// TODO: update to use sizers more (this is a straight port of the wxWidgets
// original, which also used absolute positioning in many places for unknown
// reasons). [t9mike]
// Written by Bryan Bulten (
// (C) 2003 Bryan Bulten
// Calendar control added by Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe 2007
// Licensed under the wxWidgets license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
// $Id: Controls.cs,v 1.40 2007/12/08 23:06:14 harald_meyer Exp $

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using wx;

/** \mainpage
 * Examples using wx.NET. Refer to the remarks on the used packages.

/** Main sample showing several of the wx.NET controls.
 * The date control has been added to this sample since file release 0.7.2.
namespace wx.SampleControls{
    // Application entry class

    public class Controls : App
        public override bool OnInit()
            // TODO: Add command line processing for window position

            MyFrame frame = new MyFrame("Controls wxWidgets App",
                                        new Point(50,50), new Size(500,430));
            return true;


        static void Main()
            Controls app = new Controls();

    // Main application frame

    public class MyFrame : Frame
        public const int ID_ABOUT       = 100;
        public const int ID_EXIT        = 101;
        public const int ID_CLEAR_LOG   = 102;
        public const int ID_SET_DELAY   = 103;
        public const int ID_TOGGLE_TIPS = 104;
        public const int ID_DISABLE_ALL = 105;


        private MyPanel panel;
        private static bool tipsEnabled = true;
        private static int tipDelay = 5000;
                private static bool panelEnabled = true;


        public MyFrame(string title, Point pos, Size size)
            : base(title, pos, size)
            // Set the window icon
            Icon = new wx.Icon("../Samples/Controls/mondrian.png");

            // Create the main panel
            panel = new MyPanel(this, 10, 10, 300, 100);

            // Set up a menu
            Menu fileMenu = new Menu();
            fileMenu.Append(ID_CLEAR_LOG, "&Clear Log\tCtrl+L",
                            "Clear the log window");
            fileMenu.Append(ID_ABOUT, "&About\tF1", "About this application");
            fileMenu.Append(ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tAlt+X", "Exit this program");

            Menu tooltipMenu = new Menu();
            tooltipMenu.Append(ID_SET_DELAY, "&Set Delay..\tCtrl+D",
                               "Set tooltip delay");
            tooltipMenu.Append(ID_TOGGLE_TIPS, "&Toggle Tooltips\tCtrl+T",
                               "Enable/Disable tooltips",
            tooltipMenu.Check(ID_TOGGLE_TIPS, tipsEnabled);

            Menu panelMenu = new Menu();
                             "&Disable All\tCtrl+E",
                             "Enable/Disable all panel controls",

            MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
            menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "&File");
            menuBar.Append(tooltipMenu, "&Tooltips");
            menuBar.Append(panelMenu, "&Panel");

            MenuBar = menuBar;

            // Set up the event table for the menu
            EVT_MENU(ID_CLEAR_LOG,      new EventListener(OnClearLog));
            EVT_MENU(ID_ABOUT,          new EventListener(OnAbout));
            EVT_MENU(ID_EXIT,           new EventListener(OnQuit));
            EVT_MENU(ID_SET_DELAY,      new EventListener(OnSetTooltipDelay));
            EVT_MENU(ID_TOGGLE_TIPS,    new EventListener(OnToggleTooltips));
            EVT_MENU(ID_DISABLE_ALL,    new EventListener(OnDisableAll));

            // Set up a status bar
            StatusText = "";


        public void OnClearLog(object sender, Event e)

        public void OnAbout(object sender, Event e)
            string msg = "This is the wxWidgets controls sample written " +
                         "in C#.";
            wx.MessageDialog.ShowModal(this, msg, "About Controls",


        public void OnQuit(object sender, Event e)


        public void OnSetTooltipDelay(object sender, Event e)
            int input;
            input = GetNumberFromUser("Enter delay (in milliseconds)",
                                      "Set tooltip delay", "ToolTip Delay",
                                      tipDelay, 0, 10000, this);

            if (input != -1) {
                tipDelay = input;
                wx.ToolTip.Delay = tipDelay;

            Log.LogStatus("Tooltip delay set to {0} milliseconds", input);


        public void OnToggleTooltips(object sender, Event e)
            tipsEnabled = !tipsEnabled;
            wx.ToolTip.Enabled = tipsEnabled;

            Log.LogStatus("Tooltips {0}abled", tipsEnabled ? "en" : "dis" );


        public void OnDisableAll(object sender, Event e)
            panelEnabled = !panelEnabled;
            panel.Enabled = panelEnabled;

    // Main content panel

    public class MyPanel : Panel
        private const int ID_NOTEBOOK         = 1;

        private const int ID_LISTBOX          = 2;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_SORTED   = 3;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM  = 4;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR  = 5;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_APPEND   = 6;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_DELETE   = 7;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_FONT     = 8;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_ENABLE   = 9;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_CLEAR    = 10;
        private const int ID_LISTBOX_COLOUR   = 11;

        private const int ID_CHOICE           = 20;
        private const int ID_CHOICE_SORTED    = 21;
        private const int ID_CHOICE_SEL_NUM   = 22;
        private const int ID_CHOICE_SEL_STR   = 23;
        private const int ID_CHOICE_APPEND    = 24;
        private const int ID_CHOICE_DELETE    = 25;
        private const int ID_CHOICE_FONT      = 26;
        private const int ID_CHOICE_ENABLE    = 27;
        private const int ID_CHOICE_CLEAR     = 28;

        private const int ID_COMBO            = 40;
        private const int ID_COMBO_SEL_NUM    = 41;
        private const int ID_COMBO_SEL_STR    = 42;
        private const int ID_COMBO_APPEND     = 43;
        private const int ID_COMBO_DELETE     = 44;
        private const int ID_COMBO_FONT       = 45;
        private const int ID_COMBO_ENABLE     = 46;
        private const int ID_COMBO_CLEAR      = 47;

        private const int ID_RADIO            = 60;
        private const int ID_RADIO_SEL_NUM    = 61;
        private const int ID_RADIO_SEL_STR    = 62;
        private const int ID_RADIO_FONT       = 63;
        private const int ID_RADIO_ENABLE     = 64;
        private const int ID_RADIO_BUTTON1    = 65;
        private const int ID_RADIO_BUTTON2    = 66;

        private const int ID_SLIDER           = 80;
        private const int ID_SPINCTRL         = 81;
        private const int ID_SPIN             = 82;
        private const int ID_BTNPROGRESS      = 83;
    private const int ID_BITMAP_BTN = 84;
    private const int ID_BUTTON_LABEL = 85;
    private const int ID_SIZER_CHECK1 = 90;
    private const int ID_SIZER_CHECK2 = 91;
    private const int ID_SIZER_CHECK3 = 92;
    private const int ID_SIZER_CHECK4 = 93;
    private const int ID_SIZER_CHECK14 = 94;
    private const int ID_SIZER_CHECKBIG = 95;

        private const int ID_CALENDAR_CTRL = 96;

        private const int ID_SETFONT          = 100;

        enum Images { List = 0, Choice, Combo, Text, Radio, Gauge, Max }


        private Notebook notebook;
        public  TextCtrl text;

        // ListBox sample members
        private ListBox     listbox, listboxSorted;
        private Button      selectNum, selectStr;
        private CheckBox    checkbox;
        private bool        oldColour;
        private RadioBox    radiobox;
        private CalendarCtrl calctrl;
        // Choice sample members
        private Choice choice, choiceSorted;

        // Combo sample members
        private ComboBox combo;

        // Gauge/Slider sample members
        private Gauge gauge, gaugeVert;
        private Slider slider;
        private SpinCtrl spinctrl;
        private SpinButton spinbutton;
        private TextCtrl spintext;
        private int initialSpinValue;
        private Button btnProgress;
    private Button fontButton;
    private StaticText m_label;
    private BoxSizer m_buttonSizer;
    private Button m_sizerBtn1;
    private Button m_sizerBtn2;
    private Button m_sizerBtn3;
    private Button m_sizerBtn4;
    private BoxSizer m_hsizer;
    private Button m_bigBtn;


        public MyPanel(Frame frame, int x, int y, int w, int h)
            : base(frame, -1, new Point(x, y), new Size(w, h))
            string[] choices = {
                "This", "is", "one of my", "wonderful", "examples"

            string[] choices2 = {
                    "First", "Second"

            oldColour = false;

            // Create the log text view
            text = new TextCtrl(this, -1, "This is the log window.\n",
                                new Point(0, 250), new Size(100, 50),
            text.BackgroundColour = new Colour("wheat");

            Log.SetActiveTarget( text ); 

            // Create the notebook
            notebook = new Notebook(this, ID_NOTEBOOK);

            // Create the image list for the notebook
            string imgPath = "../Samples/Controls/Icons/";
            ImageList imagelist = new ImageList(16, 16, false,

            wx.Bitmap bmp = new wx.Bitmap();
            bmp.LoadFile(imgPath + "list.xpm", BitmapType.wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM);
            bmp = new wx.Bitmap();
            bmp.LoadFile(imgPath + "choice.xpm", BitmapType.wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM);
            bmp = new wx.Bitmap();
            bmp.LoadFile(imgPath + "combo.xpm", BitmapType.wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM);
            bmp = new wx.Bitmap();
            bmp.LoadFile(imgPath + "text.xpm", BitmapType.wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM);
            bmp = new wx.Bitmap();
            bmp.LoadFile(imgPath + "radio.xpm", BitmapType.wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM);
            bmp = new wx.Bitmap();
            bmp.LoadFile(imgPath + "gauge.xpm", BitmapType.wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM);

            notebook.Images = imagelist;

            // Add some panels

            // wxListBox sample panel
            Panel panel = new Panel(notebook);

            notebook.AddPage(panel, "wxListBox", true, (int)Images.List);

            listbox = new ListBox(panel, ID_LISTBOX,
                                  new Point(10, 10), new Size(120, 70),
                                  choices, ListBox.wxLB_ALWAYS_SB);
            listboxSorted = new ListBox(panel, ID_LISTBOX_SORTED,
                                        new Point(10, 90), new Size(120, 70),
                                        choices, ListBox.wxLB_SORT);

            // TODO: Add in ClientData

            listbox.ToolTip = "This is a List Box.";
            listboxSorted.ToolTip = "This is a sorted List Box.";

            selectNum = new Button(panel, ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM,
                                   "Select #&2", new Point(180, 30),
                                   new Size(150, -1));
            selectStr = new Button(panel, ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR,
                                   "&Select 'This'", new Point(340, 30),
                                   new Size(150, -1));

            new Button(panel, ID_LISTBOX_CLEAR, "&Clear",
                       new Point(180, 80), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_LISTBOX_APPEND, "&Append 'Hi!'",
                       new Point(340, 80), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_LISTBOX_DELETE,
                       "Delete selected item",
                       new Point(180, 130), new Size(150, -1));

            Button button = new Button(panel, ID_LISTBOX_FONT,
                                       "Set &Italic font",
                                       new Point(340, 130),
                                       new Size(150, -1));
            button.ForegroundColour = new wx.Colour("blue");
            button.ToolTip = "Click here to set Italic font";

            checkbox = new CheckBox(panel, ID_LISTBOX_ENABLE,
                                    "&Disable", new Point(20, 170));
            checkbox.Value = false;
            checkbox.ToolTip = "Click to disable listbox";

            new CheckBox(panel, ID_LISTBOX_COLOUR,
                         "&Toggle colour", new Point(110, 170));

            panel.Cursor = new Cursor(StockCursor.wxCURSOR_HAND);

            // wxChoice sample panel
            panel = new Panel(notebook);
            notebook.AddPage(panel, "wxChoice", false, (int)Images.Choice);

            choice = new Choice(panel, ID_CHOICE, new Point(10, 10),
                                new Size(120, -1), choices);
            choiceSorted = new Choice(panel, ID_CHOICE_SORTED,
                                      new Point(10, 70), new Size(120, -1),
                                      choices, ComboBox.wxCB_SORT);

            // TODO: Add in client data

            choice.Selection = 2;
            choice.BackgroundColour = new Colour("red");

            new Button(panel, ID_CHOICE_SEL_NUM, "Select #&2",
                       new Point(180, 30), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_CHOICE_SEL_STR, "&Select 'This'",
                       new Point(340, 30), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_CHOICE_CLEAR, "&Clear",
                       new Point(180, 80), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_CHOICE_APPEND, "&Append 'Hi!'",
                       new Point(340, 80), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_CHOICE_DELETE, "D&elete selected item",
                       new Point(180, 130), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_CHOICE_FONT, "Set &Italic font",
                       new Point(340, 130), new Size(150, -1));
            new CheckBox(panel, ID_CHOICE_ENABLE, "&Disable",
                         new Point(20, 130));

            // wxComboBox sample panel
            panel = new Panel(notebook);
            notebook.AddPage(panel, "wxComboBox", false, (int)Images.Combo);

            new StaticBox(panel, -1, "&Box around combobox",
                          new Point(5, 5), new Size(150, 100));
            combo = new ComboBox(panel, ID_COMBO, "This",
                                 new Point(20, 25), new Size(120, -1),
            combo.ToolTip = "This is a natural\ncombobox - unbelievable";

            new Button(panel, ID_COMBO_SEL_NUM, "Select #&2",
                       new Point(180, 30), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_COMBO_SEL_STR, "&Select 'This'",
                       new Point(340, 30), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_COMBO_CLEAR, "&Clear",
                       new Point(180, 80), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_COMBO_APPEND, "&Append 'Hi!'",
                       new Point(340, 80), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_COMBO_DELETE, "D&elete selected item",
                       new Point(180, 130), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_COMBO_FONT, "Set &Italic font",
                       new Point(340, 130), new Size(150, -1));
            new CheckBox(panel, ID_COMBO_ENABLE, "&Disable",
                         new Point(20, 130));

            // wxRadioBox sample panel
            panel = new Panel(notebook);
            notebook.AddPage(panel, "wxRadioBox", false, (int)Images.Radio);

                        new RadioBox(panel, ID_RADIO, "&That",
                         new Point(10, 160), wxDefaultSize, choices2, 1,
            radiobox = new RadioBox(panel, ID_RADIO,
                                    "T&his", new Point(10, 10),
                                    wxDefaultSize, choices, 1,
            radiobox.ToolTip = "Ever seen a radiobox?";
            radiobox.ForegroundColour = new Colour("Red");

            new Button(panel, ID_RADIO_SEL_NUM, "Select #&2",
                       new Point(180, 30), new Size(150, -1));
            fontButton = new Button(panel, ID_SETFONT, "Set &more Italic font",
                       new Point(340, 30), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_RADIO_SEL_STR, "&Select 'This'",
                       new Point(180, 80), new Size(150, -1));
            new Button(panel, ID_RADIO_FONT, "Set &Italic Font",
                       new Point(340, 80), new Size(150, -1));
            new CheckBox(panel, ID_RADIO_ENABLE, "&Disable",
                         new Point(340, 130));

                        new RadioButton(panel, ID_RADIO_BUTTON1, "Radiobutton1",
                                                        new Point(210, 170), wxDefaultSize,
                                                        RadioButton.wxRB_GROUP).Value = false;
                        new RadioButton(panel, ID_RADIO_BUTTON2, "Radiobutton2",
                                                        new Point(340, 170));

            // wxGauge sample panel
            panel = new Panel(notebook);
            notebook.AddPage(panel, "wxGauge", false, (int)Images.Gauge);

            new StaticBox(panel, -1, "&wxGauge and wxSlider", 
                          new Point(10, 10), new Size(222, 130));
            gauge = new Gauge(panel, -1, 200, 
                              new Point(18, 50), new Size(155, 30), 
                              Gauge.wxGA_HORIZONTAL | /*Border.*/wxNO_BORDER);
            gauge.BackgroundColour = new Colour("Green");
            gauge.ForegroundColour = new Colour("Red");

            gaugeVert = new Gauge(panel, -1, 200, 
                                  new Point(195, 35), new Size(30, 90),
                                  Gauge.wxGA_VERTICAL | Gauge.wxGA_SMOOTH |

            slider = new Slider(panel, ID_SLIDER, 0, 0, 200, 
                                new Point(18, 90), new Size(155, -1),
                                Slider.wxSL_AUTOTICKS | Slider.wxSL_LABELS);
            slider.SetTickFreq(40, 0);
            slider.ToolTip = "This is a sliding slider!";

            new StaticBox(panel, -1, "&Explanation", new Point(230, 10),
                          new Size(270, 130), Alignment.wxALIGN_CENTER);
            new StaticText(panel, -1, 
                           "In order to see the gauge (aka progress \n" +
                           "bar) control do something, drag the \n" +
                           "handle of the slider to the right\n" +
                           "\n" +
                           "This is also supposed to demonstrate\n" +
                           "how to use static controls.",
                           new Point(250, 25), new Size(240, 110));

            spinctrl = new SpinCtrl(panel, ID_SPINCTRL, "",
                                    new Point(200, 160), new Size(80, -1));
            spinctrl.SetRange(10, 30);
            spinctrl.Value = 15;

            initialSpinValue = -5;
            spintext = new TextCtrl(panel, -1, "" + initialSpinValue,
                                    new Point(20, 160), new Size(80, -1));
            spinbutton = new SpinButton(panel, ID_SPIN, 
                                        new Point(103, 160), new Size(80, -1));
            spinbutton.SetRange(-40, 30);
            spinbutton.Value = initialSpinValue;

            btnProgress = new Button(panel, ID_BTNPROGRESS, 
                                     "&Show progress dialog",
                                     new Point(300, 160)); 
      // wxBitmapXXX sampel panel
      panel = new Panel(notebook);
      notebook.AddPage(panel, "wxBitmapXXX", false );
      wx.Icon icon = ArtProvider.GetIcon( ArtID.wxART_INFORMATION );
      new StaticBitmap( panel, -1, icon, new Point(10, 10) );
      wx.Bitmap bitmap = new wx.Bitmap( 100, 100 );
      MemoryDC dc = new MemoryDC();
      dc.SelectObject( bitmap );
      dc.Pen = GDIPens.wxGREEN_PEN;
      dc.DrawEllipse( 5, 5, 90, 90 );
      dc.DrawText( "Bitmap", 30, 40 );
      dc.SelectObject( NullObjects.wxNullBitmap );
      new BitmapButton( panel, ID_BITMAP_BTN, bitmap, new Point( 100, 20 ) );
      wx.Bitmap bmp1 = ArtProvider.GetBitmap( ArtID.wxART_INFORMATION );
      wx.Bitmap bmp2 = ArtProvider.GetBitmap( ArtID.wxART_WARNING );
      wx.Bitmap bmp3 = ArtProvider.GetBitmap( ArtID.wxART_QUESTION );
      BitmapButton bmpBtn = new BitmapButton( panel, -1, bmp1, new Point( 30, 70 ) );
      bmpBtn.BitmapSelected = bmp2;
      bmpBtn.BitmapFocus = bmp3;
      new ToggleButton( panel, ID_BUTTON_LABEL, "&Toggle label", new Point( 250, 20 ) );
      m_label = new StaticText( panel, -1, "Label with some long text", 
                  new Point ( 250, 60 ), wxDefaultSize, Alignment.wxALIGN_RIGHT );
      m_label.ForegroundColour = Colour.wxBLUE;

            panel = new Panel(notebook);
            notebook.AddPage(panel, "wxCalendarCtrl", false, (int)Images.Text);
            calctrl = new CalendarCtrl(panel, ID_CALENDAR_CTRL, DateTime.Now, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, CalendarCtrl.wxCAL_SHOW_SURROUNDING_WEEKS + CalendarCtrl.wxCAL_SEQUENTIAL_MONTH_SELECTION + CalendarCtrl.wxCAL_MONDAY_FIRST);
            calctrl.EnableMonthChange = true;
            calctrl.EnableYearChange = true;
      // wxSizer sampel panel
            panel = new Panel(notebook);
            notebook.AddPage(panel, "wxSizer", false );
      panel.AutoLayout = true;  

      BoxSizer sizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
      StaticBoxSizer csizer = new StaticBoxSizer( new StaticBox( panel, -1, "Show Buttons" ), 
                              Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL );
      CheckBox check1 = new CheckBox( panel, ID_SIZER_CHECK1, "1" );
      check1.Value = true;
      csizer.Add( check1 );
      CheckBox check2 = new CheckBox( panel, ID_SIZER_CHECK2, "2" );
      check2.Value = true;
      csizer.Add( check2 );
      CheckBox check3 = new CheckBox( panel, ID_SIZER_CHECK3, "3" );
      check3.Value = true;
      csizer.Add( check3 );
      CheckBox check4 = new CheckBox( panel, ID_SIZER_CHECK4, "4" );
      check4.Value = true;
      csizer.Add( check4 );
      CheckBox check14 = new CheckBox( panel, ID_SIZER_CHECK14, "14" );
      check14.Value = true;
      csizer.Add( check14 );
      CheckBox checkBig = new CheckBox( panel, ID_SIZER_CHECKBIG, "Big" );
      checkBig.Value = true;
      csizer.Add( checkBig );
      sizer.Add( csizer );

      m_hsizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL );
      m_buttonSizer = new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxVERTICAL );
      m_sizerBtn1 = new Button( panel, -1, "Test Button &1" );
      m_buttonSizer.Add( m_sizerBtn1, 0, Direction.wxALL, 10 );
      m_sizerBtn2 = new Button( panel, -1, "Test Button &2" );
      m_buttonSizer.Add( m_sizerBtn2, 0, Direction.wxALL, 10 );
      m_sizerBtn3 = new Button( panel, -1, "Test Button &3" );
      m_buttonSizer.Add( m_sizerBtn3, 0, Direction.wxALL, 10 );      
      m_sizerBtn4 = new Button( panel, -1, "Test Button &4" );
      m_buttonSizer.Add( m_sizerBtn4, 0, Direction.wxALL, 10 );  

      m_hsizer.Add( m_buttonSizer );
      m_hsizer.Add( new BoxSizer( Orientation.wxHORIZONTAL ), 1, Stretch.wxEXPAND, 0 );
      m_bigBtn = new Button( panel, -1, "Multiline\nbutton" );
      m_hsizer.Add( m_bigBtn, 3, Stretch.wxEXPAND | Direction.wxALL, 10 );
      sizer.Add( m_hsizer, 1, Stretch.wxEXPAND );
      panel.Sizer = sizer;

            // Set event listeners

            EVT_SIZE(new EventListener(OnSize));

            EVT_LISTBOX     (ID_LISTBOX,            new EventListener(OnListBox));
            EVT_LISTBOX     (ID_LISTBOX_SORTED,     new EventListener(OnListBox));
            EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(-1,                  new EventListener(OnListBoxDoubleClick));
          selectNum.Click += new EventListener( OnListBoxButtons );
          selectNum.Click += new EventListener( OnClicked2 );
          EVT_BUTTON      (ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM,    new EventListener(OnListBoxButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR,    new EventListener(OnListBoxButtons));
          selectStr.Click += new EventListener( OnListBoxButtons );
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_LISTBOX_CLEAR,      new EventListener(OnListBoxButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_LISTBOX_APPEND,     new EventListener(OnListBoxButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_LISTBOX_DELETE,     new EventListener(OnListBoxButtons));
            //EVT_BUTTON      (ID_LISTBOX_FONT,       new EventListener(OnListBoxButtons));
          button.Click += new EventListener( OnListBoxButtons );
            EVT_CHECKBOX    (ID_LISTBOX_ENABLE,     new EventListener(OnListBoxButtons));
            EVT_CHECKBOX    (ID_LISTBOX_COLOUR,     new EventListener(OnChangeColour));

            EVT_CHOICE      (ID_CHOICE,             new EventListener(OnChoice));
            EVT_CHOICE      (ID_CHOICE_SORTED,      new EventListener(OnChoice));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_CHOICE_SEL_NUM,     new EventListener(OnChoiceButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_CHOICE_SEL_STR,     new EventListener(OnChoiceButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_CHOICE_FONT,        new EventListener(OnChoiceButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_CHOICE_DELETE,      new EventListener(OnChoiceButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_CHOICE_APPEND,      new EventListener(OnChoiceButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_CHOICE_CLEAR,       new EventListener(OnChoiceButtons));
            EVT_CHECKBOX    (ID_CHOICE_ENABLE,      new EventListener(OnChoiceButtons));

            EVT_COMBOBOX    (ID_COMBO,              new EventListener(OnCombo));
            EVT_TEXT        (ID_COMBO,              new EventListener(OnComboTextChanged));
            EVT_TEXT_ENTER  (ID_COMBO,              new EventListener(OnComboTextEnter));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_COMBO_SEL_NUM,      new EventListener(OnComboButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_COMBO_SEL_STR,      new EventListener(OnComboButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_COMBO_FONT,         new EventListener(OnComboButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_COMBO_DELETE,       new EventListener(OnComboButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_COMBO_APPEND,       new EventListener(OnComboButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_COMBO_CLEAR,        new EventListener(OnComboButtons));
            EVT_CHECKBOX    (ID_COMBO_ENABLE,       new EventListener(OnComboButtons));

            EVT_RADIOBOX    (ID_RADIO,              new EventListener(OnRadio));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_RADIO_SEL_NUM,      new EventListener(OnRadioButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_RADIO_SEL_STR,      new EventListener(OnRadioButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_RADIO_FONT,         new EventListener(OnRadioButtons));
            EVT_CHECKBOX    (ID_RADIO_ENABLE,       new EventListener(OnRadioButtons));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_SETFONT,            new EventListener(OnSetFont));

            EVT_SLIDER      (ID_SLIDER,             new EventListener(OnSliderUpdate));
            EVT_SPINCTRL    (ID_SPINCTRL,           new EventListener(OnSpinCtrl));
            EVT_SPIN_UP     (ID_SPINCTRL,           new EventListener(OnSpinCtrlUp));
            EVT_SPIN_DOWN   (ID_SPINCTRL,           new EventListener(OnSpinCtrlDown));
            EVT_TEXT        (ID_SPINCTRL,           new EventListener(OnSpinCtrlText));
            EVT_SPIN        (ID_SPIN,               new EventListener(OnSpinUpdate));
            EVT_SPIN_UP     (ID_SPIN,               new EventListener(OnSpinUp));
            EVT_SPIN_DOWN   (ID_SPIN,               new EventListener(OnSpinDown));
            EVT_UPDATE_UI   (ID_BTNPROGRESS,        new EventListener(OnUpdateShowProgress));
            EVT_BUTTON      (ID_BTNPROGRESS,        new EventListener(OnShowProgress));
      EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON(ID_BUTTON_LABEL,       new EventListener(OnUpdateLabel));
      EVT_BUTTON(ID_BITMAP_BTN,               new EventListener(OnBmpButton));
      EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_SIZER_CHECK1,           new EventListener(OnSizerCheck));
      EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_SIZER_CHECK2,           new EventListener(OnSizerCheck));
      EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_SIZER_CHECK3,           new EventListener(OnSizerCheck));
      EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_SIZER_CHECK4,           new EventListener(OnSizerCheck));
      EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_SIZER_CHECK14,          new EventListener(OnSizerCheck));
      EVT_CHECKBOX(ID_SIZER_CHECKBIG,         new EventListener(OnSizerCheck));
            EVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED(ID_CALENDAR_CTRL, new EventListener(OnSelectCalendarInCtrl));
            calctrl.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(new EventListener(OnMouseInCalendar));

      EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING(ID_NOTEBOOK, new EventListener(OnPageChanging));
      EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED(ID_NOTEBOOK,  new EventListener(OnPageChanged));
  public void OnClicked2( object sender, Event e )
    Console.WriteLine( "OnClicked2");


        public void OnSize(object sender, Event e)
            notebook.SetSize(2, 2, ClientSize.Width - 4,
                             ClientSize.Height * 2 / 3 - 4);
            text.SetSize(2, ClientSize.Height * 2 / 3 + 2,
                         ClientSize.Width - 4, ClientSize.Height / 3 - 4);


        public void OnListBox(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;

            if (ce.ID == -1)
                text.AppendText("ListBox has no selections anymore.\n");

            ListBox lb =
                ce.ID == ID_LISTBOX ? listbox : listboxSorted;
            text.AppendText("ListBox event selection string is: '" +
                            ce.String + "'\n" +
                            "ListBox control selection string is: '" +
                            lb.StringSelection + "'\n");

        public void OnListBoxDoubleClick(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;
            text.AppendText("ListBox event selection string is: '" +
                            ce.String + "'\n");

        public void OnSelectCalendarInCtrl(object sender, Event e)
            Log.LogMessage("Now selecting date {0} in Calendar Ctrl.", calctrl.Date.ToString("D"));

        public void OnMouseInCalendar(object sender, Event evt)
            if (evt is MouseEvent)
                MouseEvent mevt = (MouseEvent)evt;
                if (mevt.RightDown)
                    CalendarHitTestResult hitclass = calctrl.HitTest(mevt.Position);
                    if (hitclass == CalendarHitTestResult.wxCAL_HITTEST_NOWHERE)
                        // We neither hit the week days nor the days. So this will be the title
                        // with month and year centered.
                        if (mevt.Position.X <= calctrl.Size.Width / 2)
                            // the left side: the month
                            Menu monthPopup = new Menu();
                            monthPopup.Append(1, _("January"));
                            monthPopup.Append(2, _("February"));
                            monthPopup.Append(3, _("March"));
                            monthPopup.Append(4, _("April"));
                            monthPopup.Append(5, _("May"));
                            monthPopup.Append(6, _("June"));
                            monthPopup.Append(7, _("July"));
                            monthPopup.Append(8, _("August"));
                            monthPopup.Append(9, _("September"));
                            monthPopup.Append(10, _("October"));
                            monthPopup.Append(11, _("November"));
                            monthPopup.Append(12, _("December"));
                            monthPopup.EVT_MENU(-1, new EventListener(this.OnSelectingMonthInCalendar));
                            this.PopupMenu(monthPopup, mevt.Position);
                            // the right side: the year.
                            Menu yearPopup = new Menu();
                            int yearStart=DateTime.Today.Year-2;
                            for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                                yearPopup.Append(yearStart + i, (yearStart + i).ToString());
                            yearPopup.EVT_MENU(-1, new EventListener(this.OnSelectingYearInCalendar));
                            this.PopupMenu(yearPopup, mevt.Position);

        public void OnSelectingMonthInCalendar(object sender, Event e)
                calctrl.Date = new DateTime(calctrl.Date.Year, e.ID, calctrl.Date.Day);
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                calctrl.Date = (new DateTime(calctrl.Date.Year, e.ID+1, 1)).AddDays(-1);

        public void OnSelectingYearInCalendar(object sender, Event e)
                calctrl.Date = new DateTime(e.ID, calctrl.Date.Month, calctrl.Date.Day);
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                calctrl.Date = new DateTime(e.ID, calctrl.Date.Month, 28);

        public void OnListBoxButtons(object sender, Event e)
            case ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM:
                if (listbox.Count > 2)
                    Log.LogMessage("OnListBoxButtons ID_LISTBOX_SEL_NUM");
                    listbox.Selection = 2;
                    listboxSorted.Selection = 2;

            case ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR:
                if (listbox.Count > 0)
                    Log.LogMessage("OnListBoxButtons ID_LISTBOX_SEL_STR");
                    for (int i = 0; i < listbox.Count; i++)
                        if (listbox.GetString(i) == "This")
                            listbox.StringSelection = "This";
                            listboxSorted.StringSelection = "This";

            case ID_LISTBOX_DELETE:
                if (listbox.Selection != -1)
                if (listboxSorted.Selection != -1)

            case ID_LISTBOX_ENABLE:
                text.AppendText("CheckBox clicked.\n");

                CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;

                CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)e.EventObject;

                if (ce.Int == 1)
                    cb.ToolTip = "Click to enable listbox";
                    cb.ToolTip = "Click to disable listbox";

                listbox.Enabled = (ce.Int == 0);
                listboxSorted.Enabled = (ce.Int == 0);
                selectStr.Enabled = (ce.Int == 0);
                selectNum.Enabled = (ce.Int == 0);

            case ID_LISTBOX_CLEAR:

            case ID_LISTBOX_APPEND:

            case ID_LISTBOX_FONT:
                listbox.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;
                listboxSorted.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;


        public void OnChangeColour(object sender, Event e)
                BackgroundColour = new Colour("red");
                selectStr.ForegroundColour = new Colour("red");
                selectStr.BackgroundColour = new Colour("white");
                oldColour = false;
                BackgroundColour = new Colour("white");
                selectStr.ForegroundColour = new Colour("white");
                selectStr.BackgroundColour = new Colour("red");
                oldColour = true;


        public void OnChoiceButtons(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;

            case ID_CHOICE_SEL_NUM:
                choice.Selection = 2;
                choiceSorted.Selection = 2;

            case ID_CHOICE_SEL_STR:  
                choice.StringSelection = "This";
                choiceSorted.StringSelection = "This";

            case ID_CHOICE_CLEAR:

            case ID_CHOICE_APPEND:

            case ID_CHOICE_DELETE:
                if(choice.Selection != -1)
                if(choiceSorted.Selection != -1)

            case ID_CHOICE_FONT:
                choice.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;
                choiceSorted.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;

            case ID_CHOICE_ENABLE:
                choice.Enabled = (ce.Int == 0);  
                choiceSorted.Enabled = (ce.Int == 0);

        public void OnChoice(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;
            Choice c = e.ID == ID_CHOICE ? choice : choiceSorted;

            text.AppendText("Choice event selection is: '" +
                            ce.String + "'\n" +
                            "Choice control selection is: '" +
                            c.StringSelection + "'\n");


        public void OnComboButtons(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;

            case ID_COMBO_SEL_NUM:
                combo.Selection = 2;

            case ID_COMBO_SEL_STR:
                combo.StringSelection = "This";

            case ID_COMBO_CLEAR:

            case ID_COMBO_APPEND:

            case ID_COMBO_DELETE:
                if(combo.Selection != -1)

            case ID_COMBO_FONT:
                combo.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;
                combo.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;

            case ID_COMBO_ENABLE:
                combo.Enabled = (ce.Int == 0);

        public void OnCombo(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;

            text.AppendText("Combo event selection is: '" +
                            ce.String + "'\n" +
                            "Combo control selection is: '" +
                            combo.StringSelection + "'\n");

        public void OnComboTextChanged(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;

        Console.WriteLine( ce.String );

            Log.LogMessage( "Text in the combobox changed: now is '{0}'", ce.String);

        public void OnComboTextEnter(object sender, Event e)
            Log.LogMessage("Enter pressed in the combobox: value is: '{0}'", combo.Value);


        public void OnRadio(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;
            text.AppendText("Radio selection string is: '" +
                            ce.String + "'.\n");

        public void OnRadioButtons(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;

            case ID_RADIO_ENABLE:
                radiobox.Enabled = (ce.Int == 0);

            case ID_RADIO_SEL_NUM:
                radiobox.Selection = 2;

            case ID_RADIO_SEL_STR:
                radiobox.StringSelection = "This";

            case ID_RADIO_FONT:
                radiobox.ForegroundColour = new Colour("Green");
                radiobox.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;


        public void OnSetFont(object sender, Event e)
      fontButton.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;
      text.Font = wx.Font.wxITALIC_FONT;
    public void OnUpdateLabel(object sender, Event e)
      CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent) e;
      m_label.Label = ce.Int == 0 ? "Very very very very very long text." : "Shorter text.";
    public void OnBmpButton(object sender, Event e)
      Log.LogMessage("Bitmap button clicked.");
    public void OnSizerCheck(object sender, Event e)
      CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent) e;
      switch( e.ID )
        case ID_SIZER_CHECK1:
          m_buttonSizer.Show( m_sizerBtn1, ce.IsChecked );
        case ID_SIZER_CHECK2:
            m_buttonSizer.Show ( m_sizerBtn2, ce.IsChecked );
            m_buttonSizer.Layout ();
         case ID_SIZER_CHECK3:
            m_buttonSizer.Show ( m_sizerBtn3, ce.IsChecked );
          case ID_SIZER_CHECK4:
            m_buttonSizer.Show ( m_sizerBtn4, ce.IsChecked );
        case ID_SIZER_CHECK14:
            m_hsizer.Show ( m_buttonSizer, ce.IsChecked );
          case ID_SIZER_CHECKBIG:
            m_hsizer.Show ( m_bigBtn, ce.IsChecked );
            m_hsizer.Layout ();

        public void OnSliderUpdate(object sender, Event e)
            gauge.Value = slider.Value;
            gaugeVert.Value = slider.Value;

        public void OnSpinCtrl(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;
            text.AppendText("SpinCtrl changed: now " + spinctrl.Value + 
                            " (from event: " + ce.Int + ")\n");

        public void OnSpinCtrlUp(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;
            text.AppendText("SpinCtrl up: now " + spinctrl.Value + 
                            " (from event: " + ce.Int + ")\n");

        public void OnSpinCtrlDown(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;
            text.AppendText("SpinCtrl down: now " + spinctrl.Value + 
                            " (from event: " + ce.Int + ")\n");

        public void OnSpinCtrlText(object sender, Event e)
            CommandEvent ce = (CommandEvent)e;
            text.AppendText("SpinCtrl text changed: now " + spinctrl.Value + 
                            " (from event: " + ce.String + ")\n");

        public void OnSpinUpdate(object sender, Event e) 
      SpinEvent se = (SpinEvent) e;
            spintext.Value = "" + se.Position;

            text.AppendText("Spin conntrol range: (" + spinbutton.Min + ", " + 
          spinbutton.Max + "), current = " + spinbutton.Value + "\n");


        public void OnSpinUp(object sender, Event e)
      SpinEvent se = (SpinEvent) e;
            string str = "Spin button up: current = " + spinbutton.Value + "\n";

            if (se.Position > 17) {
                str += "Preventing spin button from going above 17.\n";


        public void OnSpinDown(object sender, Event e)
            SpinEvent se = (SpinEvent) e;
            string str = "Spin button down: current = " + spinbutton.Value + "\n";

            if (se.Position < -17) {
                str += "Preventing spin button from going below -17.\n";



        public void OnUpdateShowProgress(object sender, Event e)
            btnProgress.Enabled = spinbutton.Value > 0;

        public void OnShowProgress(object sender, Event e)
      int max = spinbutton.Value;
      if ( max <= 0 )
        Log.LogError("You must set positive range!");
      ProgressDialog pd = new ProgressDialog("Progress dialog example",
                          "An informative message",
                          ProgressDialog.wxPD_CAN_ABORT |
                          ProgressDialog.wxPD_AUTO_HIDE |
                          ProgressDialog.wxPD_APP_MODAL |
                          ProgressDialog.wxPD_ELAPSED_TIME |
                          ProgressDialog.wxPD_ESTIMATED_TIME |
                          ProgressDialog.wxPD_REMAINING_TIME );
      bool cont = true;
      for ( int i = 0; i <= max; i++ )
        if ( i == max )
          cont = pd.Update(i, "That's all, folks!");
        else if ( i == max / 2 )
          cont = pd.Update(i, "Only a half left (very long message)!");
          cont = pd.Update(i);
        if ( !cont ) break;
      if ( !cont )
        text.AppendText("Progress dialog aborted!\n");
        // use Dispose() or Show(false) to close the ProgressDialog
        // otherwise the dialog won't get closed and the app hangs
        text.AppendText("Countdown from " + max.ToString() + " finished.\n");
    public void OnPageChanging(object sender, Event e)
      NotebookEvent ne = (NotebookEvent) e;
      int selOld = ne.OldSelection;
      if ( selOld == 2 )
        MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog(this, "This demonstrates how a program may prevent the\n" +
                  "page change from taking place - if you select\n" +
                  "[No] the current page will stay the third one\n",
                  "Control sample", Dialog.wxNO_DEFAULT|Dialog.wxICON_QUESTION | Dialog.wxYES_NO);
        if ( md.ShowModal() != wxID_YES )
      text.AppendText("Notebook selection is being changed from " + selOld.ToString() +
              " to " +  ne.Selection.ToString() +
              " (current page from notebook is " +
              notebook.Selection.ToString() + ")\n");
    public void OnPageChanged(object sender, Event e)
      NotebookEvent ne = (NotebookEvent) e;
      text.AppendText("Notebook selection is now " + ne.Selection.ToString() +
              " (from notebook: " + notebook.Selection + ")\n");

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