TextureLight.cs :  » Game » RealmForge » Axiom » SceneManagers » Bsp » C# / CSharp Open Source

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RealmForge » Axiom » SceneManagers » Bsp » TextureLight.cs
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Axiom.Core;
using Axiom.Graphics;
using Axiom.MathLib;

namespace Axiom.SceneManagers.Bsp{
  /// <summary>
  /// Summary description for TextureLight.
  /// </summary>
  public class TextureLight : Light
    protected BspSceneManager creator;
    protected bool isTextureLight;
    protected ColorEx textureColor;
    protected LightIntensity intensity;
    protected int priority;

    public bool IsTextureLight
      get { return isTextureLight; }
      set { isTextureLight = value; }

    public LightIntensity Intensity
      get { return intensity; }
      set { intensity = value; }

    public int Priority
      get { return priority; }
      set { priority = value; }

    // used in BspSceneManager.PopulateLightList method
    internal float TempSquaredDist
      get { return base.tempSquaredDist;  }
      set  { base.tempSquaredDist = value;  }

    /// <summary>
    ///    Default constructor.
    /// </summary>
    public TextureLight(BspSceneManager creator) : this("", creator)

    /// <summary>
    ///    Normal constructor. Should not be called directly, but rather the SceneManager.CreateLight method should be used.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name"></param>
    public TextureLight(string name, BspSceneManager creator) : base(name)
      this.creator = creator;
      isTextureLight = true;
      diffuse = ColorEx.White;
            textureColor = ColorEx.White;
      intensity = LightIntensity.Normal;
      priority = 100;

    public bool AffectsFaceGroup(StaticFaceGroup faceGroup, ManualCullingMode cullMode)
      bool affects = false;
      float lightDist = 0, angle;

      if (this.Type == LightType.Directional)
        angle = faceGroup.plane.Normal.Dot(this.DerivedDirection);

        if(cullMode != ManualCullingMode.None)
          if(((angle < 0) && (cullMode == ManualCullingMode.Front)) ||
            ((angle > 0) && (cullMode == ManualCullingMode.Back)))
            return false;
        lightDist = faceGroup.plane.GetDistance(this.DerivedPosition);

        if(cullMode != ManualCullingMode.None)
          if(((lightDist < 0) && (cullMode == ManualCullingMode.Back)) ||
            ((lightDist > 0) && (cullMode == ManualCullingMode.Front)))
            return false;

      switch (this.Type)
        case LightType.Directional:
          affects = true;

        case LightType.Point:
          if (MathUtil.Abs(lightDist) < range)
            affects = true;

        case LightType.Spotlight:
          if (MathUtil.Abs(lightDist) < range)
            angle = faceGroup.plane.Normal.Dot(this.DerivedDirection);
            if (((lightDist < 0 && angle > 0) || (lightDist > 0 && angle < 0)) &&
              MathUtil.Abs(angle) >= MathUtil.Cos(this.spotOuter * 0.5f))
              affects = true;

      return affects;

    public bool CalculateTexCoordsAndColors(Plane plane, Vector3[] vertices, out Vector2[] texCoors, out ColorEx[] colors)
      switch (this.Type)
        case LightType.Directional:
          return CalculateForDirectionalLight(plane, vertices, out texCoors, out colors);

        case LightType.Point:
          return CalculateForPointLight(plane, vertices, out texCoors, out colors);

        case LightType.Spotlight:
          return CalculateForSpotLight(plane, vertices, out texCoors, out colors);

      texCoors = null;
      colors = null;
      return false;

    protected bool CalculateForPointLight(Plane plane, Vector3[] vertices, out Vector2[] texCoors, out ColorEx[] colors)
      texCoors = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
      colors = new ColorEx[vertices.Length];

      Vector3 lightPos, faceLightPos;

      lightPos = this.DerivedPosition;

      float dist = plane.GetDistance(lightPos);
      if (MathUtil.Abs(dist) < range)
        // light is visible

        //light pos on face
        faceLightPos = lightPos - plane.Normal * dist;

        Vector3 verAxis = plane.Normal.Perpendicular();
        Vector3 horAxis = verAxis.Cross(plane.Normal);
        Plane verPlane = new Plane(verAxis, faceLightPos);
        Plane horPlane = new Plane(horAxis, faceLightPos);

        float lightRadiusSqr = range * range;
        float relRadiusSqr = lightRadiusSqr - dist * dist;
        float relRadius = MathUtil.Sqrt(relRadiusSqr);
        float scale = 0.5f / relRadius;

        float brightness = relRadiusSqr / lightRadiusSqr;
        ColorEx lightCol = new ColorEx(brightness * textureColor.a,
          textureColor.r, textureColor.g, textureColor.b);

        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
          texCoors[i].x = horPlane.GetDistance(vertices[i]) * scale + 0.5f;
          texCoors[i].y = verPlane.GetDistance(vertices[i]) * scale + 0.5f;
          colors[i] = lightCol;

        return true;

      return false;

    protected bool CalculateForSpotLight(Plane plane, Vector3[] vertices, out Vector2[] texCoors, out ColorEx[] colors)
      texCoors = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
      colors = new ColorEx[vertices.Length];

      ColorEx lightCol = new ColorEx(textureColor.a,
        textureColor.r, textureColor.g, textureColor.b);

      for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
        colors[i] = lightCol;

      return true;
    protected bool CalculateForDirectionalLight(Plane plane, Vector3[] vertices, out Vector2[] texCoors, out ColorEx[] colors)
      texCoors = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
      colors = new ColorEx[vertices.Length];

      float angle = MathUtil.Abs(plane.Normal.Dot(this.DerivedDirection));

      ColorEx lightCol = new ColorEx(textureColor.a * angle,
        textureColor.r, textureColor.g, textureColor.b);

      for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
        colors[i] = lightCol;

      return true;

    public static Texture CreateTexture()
      Texture tex = TextureManager.Instance.GetByName("Axiom/LightingTexture");
      if (tex == null)
        byte[] fotbuf = new byte[128 * 128 * 4];
        for (int y=0;y<128;y++)
          for (int x=0;x<128;x++)
            byte alpha = 0;
            float radius = (x-64)*(x-64) + (y-64)*(y-64);
            radius = 4000 - radius;
            if (radius > 0)
              alpha = (byte)((radius / 4000) * 255);
            fotbuf[y*128*4+x*4] = 255;
            fotbuf[y*128*4+x*4+1] = 255;
            fotbuf[y*128*4+x*4+2] = 255;
            fotbuf[y*128*4+x*4+3] = alpha;
        System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(fotbuf);
        Axiom.Media.Image img = Axiom.Media.Image.FromRawStream(stream,128,128,Axiom.Media.PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8);
        TextureManager.Instance.LoadImage("Axiom/LightingTexture", img, TextureType.TwoD, 0, 1, 1);

        tex = TextureManager.Instance.GetByName("Axiom/LightingTexture");

      return tex;

    public override ColorEx Diffuse
        return diffuse;
        diffuse = value;
        float maxParam = MathUtil.Max(MathUtil.Max(diffuse.r, diffuse.g), diffuse.b);
        if (maxParam > 0f)
          float inv = 1 / maxParam;
          textureColor.r = diffuse.r * inv;
          textureColor.g = diffuse.g * inv;
          textureColor.b = diffuse.b * inv;

        textureColor.a = maxParam;

    public override void Update()
      Vector3 prevPosition = derivedPosition;

      base.Update ();

      // if the position is changed notify BspSceneManager to put it in the bsp tree
      if (derivedPosition != prevPosition)
                creator.NotifyObjectMoved(this, derivedPosition);

  /// <summary>
  ///    Parameters for texture lighting.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  ///    The diffuse color and textureLightMap components are held separately from
  ///    the other vertex components (position, normal, etc) so that dynamic vertex
  ///    buffers can be used to change their values.
  ///  </remarks>
  public struct TextureLightMap
    public int color;
    public Vector2 textureLightMap;

  /// <summary>
  ///    Determines how bright the texture light can be
  /// </summary>
  public enum LightIntensity
    // Bright as the original texture
    // Bright as the texture with X2 modulated colors
    // Bright as the texture with X4 modulated colors
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