BspSceneManager.cs :  » Game » RealmForge » Axiom » SceneManagers » Bsp » C# / CSharp Open Source

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#region LGPL License
Axiom Game Engine Library
Copyright (C) 2003  Axiom Project Team

The overall design, and a majority of the core engine and rendering code 
contained within this library is a derivative of the open source Object Oriented 
Graphics Engine OGRE, which can be found at  
Many thanks to the OGRE team for maintaining such a high quality project.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;

using Axiom.Core;
using Axiom.MathLib;
using Axiom.Graphics;
using Axiom.Collections;
using Axiom.MathLib.Collections;

namespace Axiom.SceneManagers.Bsp{
   /// <summary>
  ///    Specialisation of the SceneManager class to deal with indoor scenes based on a BSP tree.
  ///  </summary>
  ///  <remarks>
  ///    This class refines the behaviour of the default SceneManager to manage
  ///    a scene whose bulk of geometry is made up of an indoor environment which
  ///    is organised by a Binary Space Partition (BSP) tree. 
  ///    <p/>
  ///    A BSP tree progressively subdivides the space using planes which are the nodes of the tree.
  ///    At some point we stop subdividing and everything in the remaining space is part of a 'leaf' which
  ///    contains a number of polygons. Typically we traverse the tree to locate the leaf in which a
  ///    point in space is (say the camera origin) and work from there. A second structure, the
  ///    Potentially Visible Set, tells us which other leaves can been seen from this
  ///    leaf, and we test their bounding boxes against the camera frustum to see which
  ///    we need to draw. Leaves are also a good place to start for collision detection since
  ///    they divide the level into discrete areas for testing.
  ///    <p/>
  ///    This BSP and PVS technique has been made famous by engines such as Quake and Unreal. Ogre
  ///    provides support for loading Quake3 level files to populate your world through this class,
  ///    by calling the BspSceneManager.LoadWorldGeometry. Note that this interface is made
  ///    available at the top level of the SceneManager class so you don't have to write your code
  ///    specifically for this class - just call Root::getSceneManager passing a SceneType of ST_INDOOR
  ///    and in the current implementation you will get a BspSceneManager silently disguised as a
  ///    standard SceneManager.
  /// </remarks>
  public class BspSceneManager : SceneManager 
    #region Protected members
    protected BspLevel level;
    protected bool[] faceGroupChecked;
    protected RenderOperation renderOp = new RenderOperation();
    protected bool showNodeAABs;
    protected RenderOperation aaBGeometry = new RenderOperation();

    protected Bsp.Collections.Map matFaceGroupMap = new Bsp.Collections.Map();
    protected SceneObjectCollection objectsForRendering = new SceneObjectCollection();
    protected BspGeometry bspGeometry = new BspGeometry();
    protected SpotlightFrustum spotlightFrustum;
    protected Material textureLightMaterial;
    protected Pass textureLightPass;
    protected bool[] lightAddedToFrustum;

    #region Public properties
    public BspLevel Level
      get { return level; }

    public bool ShowNodeBoxes
      get { return showNodeAABs; }
      set { showNodeAABs = value; }

    #region Constructor
    public BspSceneManager()
      // Set features for debugging render
      showNodeAABs = false;

      // No sky by default
      isSkyPlaneEnabled = false;
      isSkyBoxEnabled = false;
      isSkyDomeEnabled = false;

      level = null;

    #region Public methods
    /// <summary>
    ///    Specialised from SceneManager to support Quake3 bsp files.
    /// </summary>
    public override void LoadWorldGeometry(string filename)
      if(Path.GetExtension(filename).ToLower() == ".xml")
        DataSet optionData = new DataSet();

        DataTable table = optionData.Tables[0];
        DataRow row = table.Rows[0];

        if(table.Columns["Map"] != null) 
          optionList["Map"] = (string)row["Map"];

        if(table.Columns["SetYAxisUp"] != null) 
          optionList["SetYAxisUp"] = (string.Compare((string)row["SetYAxisUp"], "yes", true)) == 0 ? true : false;

        if(table.Columns["Scale"] != null) 
                    optionList["Scale"] = StringConverter.ParseFloat((string)row["Scale"]);

        Vector3 move = Vector3.Zero;

        if(table.Columns["MoveX"] != null) 
                    move.x = StringConverter.ParseFloat((string)row["MoveX"]);

        if(table.Columns["MoveY"] != null) 
                    move.y = StringConverter.ParseFloat((string)row["MoveY"]);

        if(table.Columns["MoveZ"] != null) 
                    move.z = StringConverter.ParseFloat((string)row["MoveZ"]);

        optionList["Move"] = move;

        if(table.Columns["UseLightmaps"] != null) 
          optionList["UseLightmaps"] = (string.Compare((string)row["UseLightmaps"], "yes", true)) == 0 ? true : false;
        if(table.Columns["AmbientEnabled"] != null) 
          optionList["AmbientEnabled"] = (string.Compare((string)row["AmbientEnabled"], "yes", true)) == 0 ? true : false;
        if(table.Columns["AmbientRatio"] != null) 
                    optionList["AmbientRatio"] = StringConverter.ParseFloat((string)row["AmbientRatio"]);
        optionList["Map"] = filename;


    public void LoadWorldGeometry()
      if (!optionList.ContainsKey("Map"))
        throw new AxiomException("Unable to load world geometry. \"Map\" filename option is not set.");

      if(Path.GetExtension(((string)optionList["Map"]).ToLower()) != ".bsp")
        throw new AxiomException("Unable to load world geometry. Invalid extension of map filename option (must be .bsp).");

      if (!optionList.ContainsKey("SetYAxisUp"))
        optionList["SetYAxisUp"] = false;

      if (!optionList.ContainsKey("Scale"))
        optionList["Scale"] = 1f;

      if (!optionList.ContainsKey("Move"))
        optionList["Move"] = Vector3.Zero;
      if (!optionList.ContainsKey("UseLightmaps"))
        optionList["UseLightmaps"] = true;
      if (!optionList.ContainsKey("AmbientEnabled"))
        optionList["AmbientEnabled"] = false;
      if (!optionList.ContainsKey("AmbientRatio"))
        optionList["AmbientRatio"] = 1f;


      if (spotlightFrustum == null)
        spotlightFrustum = new SpotlightFrustum();

      // Load using resource manager
      level = BspResourceManager.Instance.Load((string)optionList["Map"]);

      // Init static render operation
      renderOp.vertexData = level.VertexData;
      // index data is per-frame
      renderOp.indexData = new IndexData();
      renderOp.indexData.indexStart = 0;
      renderOp.indexData.indexCount = 0;

      // Create enough index space to render whole level
      renderOp.indexData.indexBuffer = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateIndexBuffer(
        BufferUsage.Dynamic, false
      renderOp.operationType = OperationType.TriangleList;
      renderOp.useIndices = true;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Specialised to suggest viewpoints.
    /// </summary>
    public override ViewPoint GetSuggestedViewpoint(bool random)
      if((level == null) || (level.PlayerStarts.Length == 0))
        return base.GetSuggestedViewpoint(random);
          return level.PlayerStarts[(int) (MathUtil.UnitRandom() * level.PlayerStarts.Length)];
          return level.PlayerStarts[0];


    /// <summary>
    ///    Overriden from SceneManager.
    /// </summary>
    public override void FindVisibleObjects(Camera camera, bool onlyShadowCasters)
      if (!onlyShadowCasters)
        // Add this renderable to the RenderQueue so that the BspSceneManager gets
        // notified when the geometry needs rendering and with what lights

      // Clear unique list of movables for this frame

      // Walk the tree, tag static geometry, return camera's node (for info only)
      // Movables are now added to the render queue in processVisibleLeaf
      BspNode cameraNode = WalkTree(camera, onlyShadowCasters);

    /// <summary>
    ///    Overriden from SceneManager.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position">The position at which to evaluate the list of lights</param>
    /// <param name="radius">The bounding radius to test</param>
    /// <param name="destList">List to be populated with ordered set of lights; will be cleared by this method before population.</param>
    protected override void PopulateLightList(Vector3 position, float radius, LightList destList) 
      BspNode positionNode = level.FindLeaf(position);
      BspNode[] lightNodes = new BspNode[lightList.Count];

      for (int i = 0; i < lightList.Count; i++)
        Light light = lightList[i];
        lightNodes[i] = (BspNode) level.objectToNodeMap.FindFirst(light);

      // Trawl of the lights that are visible from position, then sort
      float squaredRadius = radius * radius;

      // loop through the scene lights an add ones in range and visible from positionNode
      for(int i = 0; i < lightList.Count; i++) 
        TextureLight light = (TextureLight) lightList[i];

        if(light.IsVisible && level.IsLeafVisible(positionNode, lightNodes[i]))
          if(light.Type == LightType.Directional) 
            // no distance
            light.TempSquaredDist = 0.0f;
            light.TempSquaredDist = (light.DerivedPosition - position).LengthSquared;
            light.TempSquaredDist -= squaredRadius;
            // only add in-range lights
            float range = light.AttenuationRange;
            if(light.TempSquaredDist <= (range * range)) 
        } // if
      } // for

      // Sort Destination light list.
      // TODO: Not needed yet since the current LightList is a sorted list under the hood already

    /// <summary>
    ///    Overriden from SceneManager.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void FindLightsAffectingFrustum(Camera camera) 
      lightAddedToFrustum = new bool[lightList.Count];

      if (shadowTechnique == ShadowTechnique.TextureModulative)
        // we must provide the list of lights now, not at WalkTree

        // CHECK: The code here finds the lights faster than at WalkTree
        // but not as accurate. The case where the node of a light is not
        // visible, but the nodes that the light affects are, is not taken
        // into account.

        // Locate the leaf node where the camera is located
        BspNode cameraNode = level.FindLeaf(camera.DerivedPosition);

        for (int i=0; i < lightList.Count; i++)
          TextureLight light = (TextureLight) lightList[i];

          if (!light.IsVisible)

          // This is set so that the lights are rendered with ascending
          // Priority order.
          light.TempSquaredDist = light.Priority;

          BspNode lightNode = (BspNode) level.objectToNodeMap.FindFirst(light);
          if (level.IsLeafVisible(cameraNode, lightNode))
            lightAddedToFrustum[i] = true;

      // Lights are added to the lightsAffectingFrustum in WalkTree for other
      // shadow techniques

    protected override IList FindShadowCastersForLight(Light light, Camera camera)
      // objectsForRendering was filled at ProcessVisibleLeaf which is called
      // during FindVisibleObjects

      IList casters = base.FindShadowCastersForLight (light, camera);

      for (int i = 0; i < casters.Count; i++)
          // this shadow caster is not visible, remove it

      return casters;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Creates a specialized <see cref="Plugin_BSPSceneManager.BspSceneNode"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public override SceneNode CreateSceneNode()
      BspSceneNode node = new BspSceneNode(this);
      this.sceneNodeList[node.Name] = node;

      return node;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Creates a specialized <see cref="Plugin_BSPSceneManager.BspSceneNode"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public override SceneNode CreateSceneNode(string name)
      BspSceneNode node = new BspSceneNode(this, name);
      this.sceneNodeList[node.Name] = node;

      return node;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Creates a specialised texture light.
    /// </summary>
    public override Light CreateLight(string name)
      // create a new texture light and add it to our internal list
      TextureLight light = new TextureLight(name, this);
      // add the light to the list
      lightList.Add(name, light);

      // add it in the bsp tree
      NotifyObjectMoved(light, light.Position);

      return light;

    public override void RemoveLight(Light light)
      base.RemoveLight (light);

    public override void RemoveAllLights()
      for (int i = 0; i < lightList.Count; i++)

      base.RemoveAllLights ();

    public override void RemoveEntity(Entity entity)
      base.RemoveEntity (entity);

    public override void RemoveEntity(string name)
      Entity entity = entityList[name];
      if(entity != null) 

    public override void RemoveAllEntities()
      for (int i = 0; i < entityList.Count; i++)

      base.RemoveAllEntities ();

    /// <summary>
    ///    Internal method for tagging <see cref="Plugin_BSPSceneManager.BspNode"/'s with objects which intersect them.
    /// </summary>
    internal void NotifyObjectMoved(SceneObject obj, Vector3 pos)
      level.NotifyObjectMoved(obj, pos);

    /// <summary>
    ///    Internal method for notifying the level that an object has been detached from a node.
    /// </summary>
    internal void NotifyObjectDetached(SceneObject obj)

    // TODO: Scene queries.
    /// <summary>
    ///    Creates an AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery for this scene manager. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///    This method creates a new instance of a query object for this scene manager, 
    ///    for an axis aligned box region. See SceneQuery and AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery 
    ///    for full details.
    ///    <p/>
    ///    The instance returned from this method must be destroyed by calling
    ///    SceneManager.DestroyQuery when it is no longer required.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="box">Details of the box which describes the region for this query.</param>
    /*public virtual AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery CreateAABBQuery(AxisAlignedBox box)
      return CreateAABBQuery(box, 0xFFFFFFFF);

    /// <summary>
    ///    Creates an AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery for this scene manager. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///    This method creates a new instance of a query object for this scene manager, 
    ///    for an axis aligned box region. See SceneQuery and AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery 
    ///    for full details.
    ///    <p/>
    ///    The instance returned from this method must be destroyed by calling
    ///    SceneManager.DestroyQuery when it is no longer required.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="box">Details of the box which describes the region for this query.</param>
    /// <param name="mask">The query mask to apply to this query; can be used to filter out certain objects; see SceneQuery for details.</param>
    public virtual AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery CreateAABBQuery(AxisAlignedBox box, ulong mask)
      // TODO:
      return null;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Creates a SphereSceneQuery for this scene manager. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///   This method creates a new instance of a query object for this scene manager, 
    ///    for a spherical region. See SceneQuery and SphereSceneQuery 
    ///    for full details.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="sphere">Details of the sphere which describes the region for this query.</param>
    /// <param name="mask">The query mask to apply to this query; can be used to filter out  certain objects; see SceneQuery for details.</param>
    public override SphereRegionSceneQuery CreateSphereRegionQuery(Sphere sphere, ulong mask)
      BspSphereRegionSceneQuery q = new BspSphereRegionSceneQuery(this);
      q.Sphere = sphere;
      q.QueryMask = mask;

      return q;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Creates a RaySceneQuery for this scene manager. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///    This method creates a new instance of a query object for this scene manager, 
    ///    looking for objects which fall along a ray. See SceneQuery and RaySceneQuery 
    ///    for full details.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="ray">Details of the ray which describes the region for this query.</param>
    /// <param name="mask">The query mask to apply to this query; can be used to filter out certain objects; see SceneQuery for details.</param>
    public override RaySceneQuery CreateRayQuery(Ray ray, ulong mask)
      BspRaySceneQuery q = new BspRaySceneQuery(this);
      q.Ray = ray;
      q.QueryMask = mask;

      return q;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Creates an IntersectionSceneQuery for this scene manager. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///    This method creates a new instance of a query object for locating
    ///    intersecting objects. See SceneQuery and IntersectionSceneQuery
    ///    for full details.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="mask">The query mask to apply to this query; can be used to filter out certain objects; see SceneQuery for details.</param>
    public override IntersectionSceneQuery CreateIntersectionQuery(ulong mask)
      BspIntersectionSceneQuery q = new BspIntersectionSceneQuery(this);
      q.QueryMask = mask;

      return q;

    #region Protected methods

    protected void InitTextureLighting()
      Trace.WriteLineIf(targetRenderSystem.Caps.TextureUnitCount < 2, "--WARNING--At least 2 available texture units are required for BSP dynamic lighting!");

      Texture texLight = TextureLight.CreateTexture();

      textureLightMaterial = MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName("Axiom/BspTextureLightMaterial");
      if (textureLightMaterial == null)
        textureLightMaterial = (Material) MaterialManager.Instance.Create("Axiom/BspTextureLightMaterial");
        textureLightPass = textureLightMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0);
        // the texture light
        TextureUnitState tex = textureLightPass.CreateTextureUnitState(texLight.Name);
        tex.ColorBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Diffuse;
        tex.AlphaBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Diffuse;
        tex.TextureCoordSet = 2;
        tex.TextureAddressing = TextureAddressing.Clamp;

        // The geometry texture without lightmap. Use the light texture on this
        // pass, the appropriate texture will be rendered at RenderTextureLighting
        tex = textureLightPass.CreateTextureUnitState(texLight.Name);
        tex.TextureAddressing = TextureAddressing.Wrap;


        textureLightMaterial.CullingMode = CullingMode.None;
        textureLightMaterial.Lighting = false;
        textureLightPass = textureLightMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0);

    /// <summary>
    ///    Walks the BSP tree looking for the node which the camera is in, and tags any geometry 
    ///    which is in a visible leaf for later processing.
    /// </summary>
    protected BspNode WalkTree(Camera camera, bool onlyShadowCasters)
      // Locate the leaf node where the camera is located
      BspNode cameraNode = level.FindLeaf(camera.DerivedPosition);

      faceGroupChecked = new bool[level.FaceGroups.Length];

      TextureLight[] lights = new TextureLight[lightList.Count];
      BspNode[] lightNodes = new BspNode[lightList.Count];
      Sphere[] lightSpheres = new Sphere[lightList.Count];

      // The base SceneManager uses this for shadows.
      // The BspSceneManager uses this for texture lighting as well.
      if (shadowTechnique == ShadowTechnique.None)
        lightAddedToFrustum = new bool[lightList.Count];

      for (int lp=0; lp < lightList.Count; lp++)
        TextureLight light = (TextureLight) lightList[lp];
        lights[lp] = light;
        lightNodes[lp] = (BspNode) level.objectToNodeMap.FindFirst(light);
        if (light.Type != LightType.Directional)
          // treating spotlight as point for simplicity
          lightSpheres[lp] = new Sphere(light.DerivedPosition, light.AttenuationRange);

      // Scan through all the other leaf nodes looking for visibles
      int i = level.NumNodes - level.LeafStart;
      int p = level.LeafStart;
      BspNode node;
      while(i-- > 0)
        node = level.Nodes[p];
        if(level.IsLeafVisible(cameraNode, node))
          // Visible according to PVS, check bounding box against frustum
          FrustumPlane plane;

          if(camera.IsObjectVisible(node.BoundingBox, out plane))
            if (!onlyShadowCasters)
              for (int lp=0; lp < lights.Length; lp++)
                if (lightAddedToFrustum[lp] || !lights[lp].IsVisible)

                if (level.IsLeafVisible(lightNodes[lp], node) &&
                                    (lights[lp].Type == LightType.Directional ||
                  // This is set so that the lights are rendered with ascending
                  // Priority order.
                  lights[lp].TempSquaredDist = lights[lp].Priority;

                  lightAddedToFrustum[lp] = true;

            ProcessVisibleLeaf(node, camera, onlyShadowCasters);

              AddBoundingBox(node.BoundingBox, true);


      return cameraNode;
    /// <summary>
    ///    Tags geometry in the leaf specified for later rendering.
    /// </summary>
    protected void ProcessVisibleLeaf(BspNode leaf, Camera camera, bool onlyShadowCasters)
      // Skip world geometry if we're only supposed to process shadow casters
      // World is pre-lit
      if (!onlyShadowCasters)
        // Parse the leaf node's faces, add face groups to material map
        int numGroups = leaf.NumFaceGroups;
        int idx = leaf.FaceGroupStart;

        while(numGroups-- > 0)
          int realIndex = level.LeafFaceGroups[idx++];
          // Is it already checked ?
          if (faceGroupChecked[realIndex] == true) continue;

          faceGroupChecked[realIndex] = true;
          BspStaticFaceGroup faceGroup = level.FaceGroups[realIndex];
          // Get Material reference by handle
          Material mat = GetMaterial(faceGroup.materialHandle);

          // Check normal (manual culling)
          ManualCullingMode cullMode = mat.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).ManualCullMode;

          if(cullMode != ManualCullingMode.None)
            float dist = faceGroup.plane.GetDistance(camera.DerivedPosition);
            if(((dist < 0) && (cullMode == ManualCullingMode.Back)) ||
              ((dist > 0) && (cullMode == ManualCullingMode.Front)))

          // Try to insert, will find existing if already there
          matFaceGroupMap.Insert(mat, faceGroup);

      // TODO BspNode.IntersectingObjectSet
      // Add movables to render queue, provided it hasn't been seen already.      
      for(int i = 0; i < leaf.Objects.Count; i++)
          SceneObject obj = leaf.Objects[i];

          if(obj.IsVisible && 
            (!onlyShadowCasters || obj.CastShadows) &&
            // Check if the bounding box should be shown.
            SceneNode node = (SceneNode)obj.ParentNode;
            if (node.ShowBoundingBox || this.showBoundingBoxes)

    /// <summary>
    ///    Caches a face group for imminent rendering.
    /// </summary>
    protected int CacheGeometry(IntPtr indexes, BspStaticFaceGroup faceGroup)
      // Skip sky always
        return 0;

      int idxStart = 0;
      int numIdx = 0;
      int vertexStart = 0;

      if(faceGroup.type == FaceGroup.FaceList)
        idxStart = faceGroup.elementStart;
        numIdx = faceGroup.numElements;
        vertexStart = faceGroup.vertexStart;
      else if(faceGroup.type == FaceGroup.Patch)
        idxStart = faceGroup.patchSurf.IndexOffset;
        numIdx = faceGroup.patchSurf.CurrentIndexCount;
        vertexStart = faceGroup.patchSurf.VertexOffset;
        // Unsupported face type
        return 0;

        uint *src = (uint*) level.Indexes.Lock(
          idxStart * sizeof(uint), 
          numIdx * sizeof(uint), 
        uint *pIndexes = (uint*) indexes;

        // Offset the indexes here
        // we have to do this now rather than up-front because the 
        // indexes are sometimes reused to address different vertex chunks
        for(int i = 0; i < numIdx; i++)
          *pIndexes++ = (uint) (*src++ + vertexStart);

      // return number of elements
      return numIdx;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Caches a face group and calculates texture lighting coordinates.
    /// </summary>
    unsafe protected int CacheLightGeometry(TextureLight light, uint* pIndexes, TextureLightMap* pTexLightMaps, BspVertex* pVertices, BspStaticFaceGroup faceGroup)
      // Skip sky always
        return 0;

      int idxStart = 0;
      int numIdx = 0;
      int vertexStart = 0;

      if(faceGroup.type == FaceGroup.FaceList)
        idxStart = faceGroup.elementStart;
        numIdx = faceGroup.numElements;
        vertexStart = faceGroup.vertexStart;
      else if(faceGroup.type == FaceGroup.Patch)
        idxStart = faceGroup.patchSurf.IndexOffset;
        numIdx = faceGroup.patchSurf.CurrentIndexCount;
        vertexStart = faceGroup.patchSurf.VertexOffset;
        // Unsupported face type
        return 0;

      uint *src = (uint*) level.Indexes.Lock(
        idxStart * sizeof(uint), 
        numIdx * sizeof(uint), 

      int maxIndex = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i <  numIdx; i++)
        int index = (int) *(src + i);
        if (index > maxIndex)
          maxIndex = index;

      Vector3[] vertexPos = new Vector3[maxIndex + 1];
      bool[] vertexIsStored = new bool[maxIndex + 1];

      for (int i = 0; i <  numIdx; i++)
        uint index = *(src + i);
        if (!vertexIsStored[index])
          vertexPos[index] = (*(pVertices + vertexStart + index)).position;
          vertexIsStored[index] = true;

      Vector2[] texCoors;
      ColorEx[] colors;

      bool res = light.CalculateTexCoordsAndColors(faceGroup.plane, vertexPos, out texCoors, out colors);

      if (res)
        for (int i = 0; i <= maxIndex; i++)
          pTexLightMaps[vertexStart + i].color = Root.Instance.RenderSystem.ConvertColor(colors[i]);
          pTexLightMaps[vertexStart + i].textureLightMap = texCoors[i];

        // Offset the indexes here
        // we have to do this now rather than up-front because the 
        // indexes are sometimes reused to address different vertex chunks
        for(int i = 0; i < numIdx; i++)
          *pIndexes++ = (uint) (*src++ + vertexStart);

        // return number of elements
        return numIdx;

        return 0;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Adds a bounding box to draw if turned on.
    /// </summary>
    protected void AddBoundingBox(AxisAlignedBox aab, bool visible)

    /// <summary>
    ///    Renders the static level geometry tagged in <see cref="Plugin_BSPSceneManager.BspSceneManager.WalkTree"/>.
    /// </summary>
    protected void RenderStaticGeometry()
      // no world transform required
      targetRenderSystem.WorldMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;

      // Set view / proj
      targetRenderSystem.ViewMatrix = camInProgress.ViewMatrix;
      targetRenderSystem.ProjectionMatrix = camInProgress.ProjectionMatrix;

      ColorEx bspAmbient = null;

      if (level.BspOptions.ambientEnabled)
        bspAmbient = new ColorEx(ambientColor.r * level.BspOptions.ambientRatio,
          ambientColor.g * level.BspOptions.ambientRatio,
          ambientColor.b * level.BspOptions.ambientRatio);

      LayerBlendModeEx ambientBlend = new LayerBlendModeEx();
      ambientBlend.blendType = LayerBlendType.Color;
      ambientBlend.operation = LayerBlendOperationEx.Modulate;
      ambientBlend.source1 = LayerBlendSource.Texture;
            ambientBlend.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Manual;
      ambientBlend.colorArg2 = bspAmbient;

      // For each material in turn, cache rendering data & render
      IEnumerator mapEnu = matFaceGroupMap.buckets.Keys.GetEnumerator();

      bool passIsSet = false;

        // Get Material
        Material thisMaterial = (Material) mapEnu.Current;
        BspStaticFaceGroup[] faceGrp = (BspStaticFaceGroup[]) ((ArrayList) matFaceGroupMap.buckets[thisMaterial]).ToArray(typeof(BspStaticFaceGroup));

        // if one face group is a quake shader then the material is a quake shader
        bool isQuakeShader = faceGrp[0].isQuakeShader;

        // Empty existing cache
        renderOp.indexData.indexCount = 0;
        // lock index buffer ready to receive data
          uint *pIdx = (uint *) renderOp.indexData.indexBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);

          for(int i = 0; i < faceGrp.Length; i++)
            // Cache each
            int numElems = CacheGeometry((IntPtr) pIdx, faceGrp[i]);
            renderOp.indexData.indexCount += numElems;
            pIdx += numElems;

          // Unlock the buffer
        // Skip if no faces to process (we're not doing flare types yet)
        if(renderOp.indexData.indexCount == 0)
        if (isQuakeShader)
          for(int i = 0; i < thisMaterial.GetTechnique(0).NumPasses; i++)
          passIsSet = false;
        else if (!passIsSet)
          int i;
          for(i = 0; i < thisMaterial.GetTechnique(0).NumPasses; i++)

            // for ambient lighting
            if (i == 0 && level.BspOptions.ambientEnabled)
              targetRenderSystem.SetTextureBlendMode(0, ambientBlend);


          // if it's only 1 pass then there's no need to set it again
          passIsSet = (i > 1) ? false : true;
          Pass pass = thisMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0);
          // Get the plain geometry texture
          TextureUnitState geometryTex = pass.GetTextureUnitState(0);
          targetRenderSystem.SetTexture(0, true, geometryTex.TextureName);

          if (pass.NumTextureUnitStages > 1)
            // Get the lightmap
            TextureUnitState lightmapTex = pass.GetTextureUnitState(1);
            targetRenderSystem.SetTexture(1, true, lightmapTex.TextureName);


      //  targetRenderSystem.Render(aaBGeometry);

    /// <summary>
    ///    Renders the texture lighting tagged in a light with index lightIndex.
    /// </summary>
    protected void RenderTextureLighting(int lightIndex)
      TextureLight light = (TextureLight) lightList[lightIndex];

      if (!light.IsTextureLight)

      if (light.Type == LightType.Spotlight)
        spotlightFrustum.Spotlight = light;

      // no world transform required
      targetRenderSystem.WorldMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;

      // Set view / proj
      targetRenderSystem.ViewMatrix = camInProgress.ViewMatrix;
      targetRenderSystem.ProjectionMatrix = camInProgress.ProjectionMatrix;

      TextureUnitState lightTex = textureLightPass.GetTextureUnitState(0);
      TextureUnitState normalTex = textureLightPass.GetTextureUnitState(1);

      switch (light.Intensity)
        case LightIntensity.Normal:
          normalTex.ColorBlendMode.operation = LayerBlendOperationEx.Modulate;

        case LightIntensity.ModulateX2:
          normalTex.ColorBlendMode.operation = LayerBlendOperationEx.ModulateX2;
        case LightIntensity.ModulateX4:
          normalTex.ColorBlendMode.operation = LayerBlendOperationEx.ModulateX4;

      if (light.Type == LightType.Spotlight)
        spotlightFrustum.Spotlight = light;
        lightTex.SetProjectiveTexturing(true, spotlightFrustum);
        lightTex.SetProjectiveTexturing(false, null);

      if (light.Type == LightType.Directional)
        // light it using only diffuse color and alpha
        normalTex.ColorBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Diffuse;
        normalTex.AlphaBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Diffuse;
        // light it using the texture light
        normalTex.ColorBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Current;
        normalTex.AlphaBlendMode.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Current;


      if (light.Type == LightType.Directional)
        // Disable the light texture
        targetRenderSystem.SetTexture(0, true, lightTex.TextureName);

      // For each material in turn, cache rendering data & render
      IEnumerator mapEnu = matFaceGroupMap.buckets.Keys.GetEnumerator();
        // Get Material
        Material thisMaterial = (Material) mapEnu.Current;
        BspStaticFaceGroup[] faceGrp = (BspStaticFaceGroup[]) ((ArrayList) matFaceGroupMap.buckets[thisMaterial]).ToArray(typeof(BspStaticFaceGroup));

        // if one face group is a quake shader then the material is a quake shader
                if (faceGrp[0].isQuakeShader)

        ManualCullingMode cullMode = thisMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).ManualCullMode;

        // Empty existing cache
        renderOp.indexData.indexCount = 0;

        HardwareVertexBuffer bspVertexBuffer = level.VertexData.vertexBufferBinding.GetBuffer(0);
        HardwareVertexBuffer lightTexCoordBuffer = level.VertexData.vertexBufferBinding.GetBuffer(1);

        // lock index buffer ready to receive data
          BspVertex *pVertices = (BspVertex *) bspVertexBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.ReadOnly);
          TextureLightMap *pTexLightMap = (TextureLightMap *) lightTexCoordBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);
          uint *pIdx = (uint *) renderOp.indexData.indexBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);

          for(int i = 0; i < faceGrp.Length; i++)
            if (faceGrp[i].type != FaceGroup.Patch &&
              light.AffectsFaceGroup(faceGrp[i], cullMode))
              // Cache each
              int numElems = CacheLightGeometry(light, pIdx, pTexLightMap, pVertices, faceGrp[i]);
              renderOp.indexData.indexCount += numElems;
              pIdx += numElems;

          // Unlock the buffers
        // Skip if no faces to process
        if(renderOp.indexData.indexCount == 0)

        // Get the plain geometry texture
        TextureUnitState geometryTex = thisMaterial.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0).GetTextureUnitState(0);
        if (geometryTex.IsBlank)

        targetRenderSystem.SetTexture(1, true, geometryTex.TextureName);
        // OpenGL requires the addressing mode to be set before every render operation
        targetRenderSystem.SetTextureAddressingMode(0, TextureAddressing.Clamp);

    /// <summary>
    ///    Renders texture shadow on tagged in level geometry.
    /// </summary>
    protected void RenderTextureShadowOnGeometry()
      // no world transform required
      targetRenderSystem.WorldMatrix = Matrix4.Identity;

      // Set view / proj
      targetRenderSystem.ViewMatrix = camInProgress.ViewMatrix;
      targetRenderSystem.ProjectionMatrix = camInProgress.ProjectionMatrix;

      Camera shadowCam = null;
      Vector3 camPos = Vector3.Zero, camDir = Vector3.Zero;
      TextureUnitState shadowTex = shadowReceiverPass.GetTextureUnitState(0);

      for(int i = 0; i < shadowTex.NumEffects; i++) 
        if(shadowTex.GetEffect(i).type == TextureEffectType.ProjectiveTexture)
          shadowCam = (Camera) shadowTex.GetEffect(i).frustum;
          camPos = shadowCam.DerivedPosition;
          camDir = shadowCam.DerivedDirection;

      CullingMode prevCullMode = shadowReceiverPass.CullMode;
      LayerBlendModeEx colorBlend = shadowTex.ColorBlendMode;
      LayerBlendSource prevSource = colorBlend.source2;
      ColorEx prevColorArg = colorBlend.colorArg2;

      // Quake uses counter-clockwise culling
      shadowReceiverPass.CullMode = CullingMode.CounterClockwise;
      colorBlend.source2 = LayerBlendSource.Manual;
      colorBlend.colorArg2 = ColorEx.White;


      shadowReceiverPass.CullMode = prevCullMode;
      colorBlend.source2 = prevSource;
      colorBlend.colorArg2 = prevColorArg;

      // Empty existing cache
      renderOp.indexData.indexCount = 0;
      // lock index buffer ready to receive data
        uint *pIdx = (uint *) renderOp.indexData.indexBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);

        // For each material in turn, cache rendering data
        IEnumerator mapEnu = matFaceGroupMap.buckets.Keys.GetEnumerator();
          // Get Material
          Material thisMaterial = (Material) mapEnu.Current;
          BspStaticFaceGroup[] faceGrp = (BspStaticFaceGroup[]) ((ArrayList) matFaceGroupMap.buckets[thisMaterial]).ToArray(typeof(BspStaticFaceGroup));

          // if one face group is a quake shader then the material is a quake shader
          if (faceGrp[0].isQuakeShader)

          for(int i = 0; i < faceGrp.Length; i++)
            float dist = faceGrp[i].plane.GetDistance(camPos);
            float angle = faceGrp[i].plane.Normal.Dot(camDir);

            if (((dist < 0 && angle > 0) || (dist > 0 && angle < 0)) &&
              MathUtil.Abs(angle) >= MathUtil.Cos(shadowCam.FOV * 0.5f))
              // face is in shadow's frustum

              // Cache each
              int numElems = CacheGeometry((IntPtr) pIdx, faceGrp[i]);
              renderOp.indexData.indexCount += numElems;
              pIdx += numElems;

      // Unlock the buffer

      // Skip if no faces to process
      if(renderOp.indexData.indexCount == 0)

    /// <summary>
    ///    Overriden from SceneManager.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void RenderSingleObject(IRenderable renderable, Pass pass, 
      bool doLightIteration, LightList manualLightList)
      if (renderable is BspGeometry)
        // Render static level geometry
        if (doLightIteration)
          // render all geometry without lights first

          // render geometry affected by each visible light
          for (int i = 0; i < lightsAffectingFrustum.Count; i++)
            int index;

            // find the index of the light
            for (index = 0; index < lightList.Count; index++)
              if (lightList[index] == lightsAffectingFrustum[i]) break;

            if (index < lightList.Count)
          if (manualLightList.Count == 0)
            if (illuminationStage == IlluminationRenderStage.RenderModulativePass)
              // texture shadows
              // ambient stencil pass, render geometry without lights
            // render only geometry affected by the provided light 
            for (int i = 0; i < manualLightList.Count; i++)
              int index;

              // find the index of the light
              for (index = 0; index < lightList.Count; index++)
                if (lightList[index] == manualLightList[i]) break;

              if (index < lightList.Count)
        base.RenderSingleObject(renderable, pass, doLightIteration, manualLightList);


  /// <summary>
  ///    BSP specialisation of IntersectionSceneQuery.
  /// </summary>
  public class BspIntersectionSceneQuery : DefaultIntersectionSceneQuery
    #region Constructor
    public BspIntersectionSceneQuery(SceneManager creator) : base(creator)

    #region Public methods
    public override void Execute(IIntersectionSceneQueryListener listener)
      //Go through each leaf node in BspLevel and check movables against each other and world
      //Issue: some movable-movable intersections could be reported twice if 2 movables
      //overlap 2 leaves?
      BspLevel lvl = ((BspSceneManager) this.creator).Level;
      int leafPoint = lvl.LeafStart;
      int numLeaves = lvl.NumLeaves;

      Bsp.Collections.Map objIntersections = new Bsp.Collections.Map();
      PlaneBoundedVolume boundedVolume = new PlaneBoundedVolume(PlaneSide.Positive);
      while ((numLeaves--) != 0)
        BspNode leaf = lvl.Nodes[leafPoint];
        SceneObjectCollection objects = leaf.Objects;
        int numObjects = objects.Count;

        for(int a = 0; a < numObjects; a++)
          SceneObject aObj = objects[a];
          // Skip this object if collision not enabled
          if((aObj.QueryFlags & queryMask) == 0)

          if(a < (numObjects - 1))
            // Check object against others in this node
            int b = a;
            for (++b; b < numObjects; ++b)
              SceneObject bObj = objects[b];
              // Apply mask to b (both must pass)
              if ((bObj.QueryFlags & queryMask) != 0)
                AxisAlignedBox box1 = aObj.GetWorldBoundingBox();
                AxisAlignedBox box2 = bObj.GetWorldBoundingBox();

                if (box1.Intersects(box2))
                  //Check if this pair is already reported
                  bool alreadyReported = false;
                  IList interObjList = objIntersections.FindBucket(aObj);
                  if (interObjList != null)
                    if (interObjList.Contains(bObj))
                      alreadyReported = true;

                  if (!alreadyReported)
          // Check object against brushes

          /*----This is for bounding sphere-----
          float radius = aObj.BoundingRadius;

          for (int brushPoint=0; brushPoint < leaf.SolidBrushes.Length; brushPoint++)
            BspBrush brush = leaf.SolidBrushes[brushPoint];

            if (brush == null) continue;

            bool brushIntersect = true; // Assume intersecting for now

            /*----This is for bounding sphere-----
            IEnumerator planes = brush.Planes.GetEnumerator();

            while (planes.MoveNext())
              float dist = ((Plane)planes.Current).GetDistance(pos);
              if (dist > radius)
                // Definitely excluded
                brushIntersect = false;

            boundedVolume.planes = brush.Planes;
            //Test object as bounding box
            if (!boundedVolume.Intersects(aObj.GetWorldBoundingBox()))
              brushIntersect = false;

            if (brushIntersect)
              //Check if this pair is already reported
              bool alreadyReported = false;
              IList interObjList = objIntersections.FindBucket(aObj);
              if (interObjList != null)
                if (interObjList.Contains(brush))
                  alreadyReported = true;

              if (!alreadyReported)
                // report this brush as it's WorldFragment
                brush.Fragment.FragmentType = WorldFragmentType.PlaneBoundedRegion;

  /// <summary>
  ///    BSP specialisation of RaySceneQuery.
  /// </summary>
  public class BspRaySceneQuery : DefaultRaySceneQuery
    #region Constructor
    public BspRaySceneQuery(SceneManager creator) : base(creator)

    #region Protected Members

    protected IRaySceneQueryListener listener;
    protected bool StopRayTracing;


    #region Public methods
    public override void Execute(IRaySceneQueryListener listener)
      this.listener = listener;
      this.StopRayTracing = false;
            ProcessNode(((BspSceneManager)creator).Level.RootNode, ray, float.PositiveInfinity, 0);

    #region Protected methods

    protected virtual void ProcessNode(BspNode node, Ray tracingRay, float maxDistance, float traceDistance)
      // check if ray already encountered a solid brush
      if (StopRayTracing) return;

      if (node.IsLeaf)
        ProcessLeaf(node, tracingRay, maxDistance, traceDistance);

      IntersectResult result = tracingRay.Intersects(node.SplittingPlane);
      if (result.Hit)
        if (result.Distance < maxDistance)
          if (node.GetSide(tracingRay.Origin) == PlaneSide.Negative)
            ProcessNode(node.BackNode, tracingRay, result.Distance, traceDistance);
            Vector3 splitPoint = tracingRay.Origin + tracingRay.Direction * result.Distance;
            ProcessNode(node.FrontNode, new Ray(splitPoint, tracingRay.Direction), maxDistance - result.Distance, traceDistance + result.Distance);
            ProcessNode(node.FrontNode, tracingRay, result.Distance, traceDistance);
            Vector3 splitPoint = tracingRay.Origin + tracingRay.Direction * result.Distance;
            ProcessNode(node.BackNode, new Ray(splitPoint, tracingRay.Direction), maxDistance - result.Distance, traceDistance + result.Distance);
          ProcessNode(node.GetNextNode(tracingRay.Origin), tracingRay, maxDistance, traceDistance);
        ProcessNode(node.GetNextNode(tracingRay.Origin), tracingRay, maxDistance, traceDistance);

    protected virtual void ProcessLeaf(BspNode leaf, Ray tracingRay, float maxDistance, float traceDistance)
      SceneObjectCollection objects = leaf.Objects;
      int numObjects = objects.Count;

      //Check ray against objects
      for(int a = 0; a < numObjects; a++)
        SceneObject obj = objects[a];
        // Skip this object if collision not enabled
        if((obj.QueryFlags & queryMask) == 0)

        //Test object as bounding box
        IntersectResult result = tracingRay.Intersects(obj.GetWorldBoundingBox());
        // if the result came back positive and intersection point is inside
        // the node, fire the event handler
        if(result.Hit && result.Distance <= maxDistance) 
          listener.OnQueryResult(obj, result.Distance + traceDistance);

      PlaneBoundedVolume boundedVolume = new PlaneBoundedVolume(PlaneSide.Positive);
      BspBrush intersectBrush = null;
      float intersectBrushDist = float.PositiveInfinity;

      // Check ray against brushes
      for (int brushPoint=0; brushPoint < leaf.SolidBrushes.Length; brushPoint++)
        BspBrush brush = leaf.SolidBrushes[brushPoint];

        if (brush == null) continue;

        boundedVolume.planes = brush.Planes;

        IntersectResult result = tracingRay.Intersects(boundedVolume);
        // if the result came back positive and intersection point is inside
        // the node, check if this brush is closer
        if(result.Hit && result.Distance <= maxDistance) 
          if (result.Distance < intersectBrushDist)
            intersectBrushDist = result.Distance;
            intersectBrush = brush;

      if (intersectBrush != null)
        listener.OnQueryResult(intersectBrush.Fragment, intersectBrushDist + traceDistance);
        StopRayTracing = true;

  /// <summary>
  ///    BSP specialisation of SphereRegionSceneQuery.
  /// </summary>
  public class BspSphereRegionSceneQuery : DefaultSphereRegionSceneQuery
    #region Constructor
    public BspSphereRegionSceneQuery(SceneManager creator) : base(creator)

    #region Protected Members

    protected ISceneQueryListener listener;
    protected ArrayList foundIntersections = new ArrayList();


    #region Public methods
    public override void Execute(ISceneQueryListener listener)
      this.listener = listener;

    #region Protected methods

    protected virtual void ProcessNode(BspNode node)
      if (node.IsLeaf)

      float distance = node.GetDistance(sphere.Center);

      if(MathUtil.Abs(distance) < sphere.Radius)
        // Sphere crosses the plane, do both.
      else if(distance < 0)
        // Do back.
        // Do front.

    protected virtual void ProcessLeaf(BspNode leaf)
      SceneObjectCollection objects = leaf.Objects;
      int numObjects = objects.Count;

      //Check sphere against objects
      for(int a = 0; a < numObjects; a++)
        SceneObject obj = objects[a];
        // Skip this object if collision not enabled
        if((obj.QueryFlags & queryMask) == 0)

        //Test object as bounding box
          if (!foundIntersections.Contains(obj))

      PlaneBoundedVolume boundedVolume = new PlaneBoundedVolume(PlaneSide.Positive);

      // Check ray against brushes
      for (int brushPoint=0; brushPoint < leaf.SolidBrushes.Length; brushPoint++)
        BspBrush brush = leaf.SolidBrushes[brushPoint];
        if (brush == null) continue;

        boundedVolume.planes = brush.Planes;
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