TerrainRenderable.cs :  » Game » RealmForge » Axiom » SceneManagers » Octree » C# / CSharp Open Source

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#region LGPL License
Axiom Game Engine Library
Copyright (C) 2003  Axiom Project Team

The overall design, and a majority of the core engine and rendering code 
contained within this library is a derivative of the open source Object Oriented 
Graphics Engine OGRE, which can be found at http://ogre.sourceforge.net.  
Many thanks to the OGRE team for maintaining such a high quality project.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Axiom.Core;
using Axiom.Graphics;
using Axiom.MathLib;

namespace Axiom.SceneManagers.Octree{
  /// <summary>
  /// Summary description for TerrainRenderable.
  /// </summary>
    public class TerrainRenderable : SceneObject, IRenderable {
        #region Fields

        protected Vector3 center;
        protected Material material;
        protected TerrainRenderable[] neighbors = new TerrainRenderable[4];
        protected AxisAlignedBox box = new AxisAlignedBox();
        protected TerrainOptions options;
        protected VertexData terrain;
        protected IndexData[,] levelIndex = new IndexData[16,16];
        protected int renderLevel;
        protected int forcedRenderLevel;
        protected float currentL;
        protected int numMipMaps;
        protected int size;
        protected float[] minLevelDistSqr;
    protected Hashtable customParams = new Hashtable();

        const int POSITION = 0;
        const int NORMAL = 1;
        const int TEXCOORD = 2;
        const int COLORS = 3;

        #endregion Fields

        /// <summary>
        ///     Default constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public TerrainRenderable() {
            renderLevel = 1;
            forcedRenderLevel = -1;

        #region Methods

        public void SetMaterial(Material mat) {
            this.material = mat;

        public void Init(TerrainOptions options) {
            this.options = options;

            numMipMaps = options.maxMipmap;
            size = options.size;

            terrain = new VertexData();
            terrain.vertexStart = 0;
      // Turbo: appended factor 3
      //        Not sure about that, but without that the terrain manager seems
      //        to mess up memory because of buffer overruns
      //terrain.vertexCount = options.size * options.size;
      terrain.vertexCount = options.size * options.size * 3;

            VertexDeclaration decl = terrain.vertexDeclaration;
            VertexBufferBinding binding = terrain.vertexBufferBinding;

            int offset = 0;

            // Position/Normal
            decl.AddElement(POSITION, 0, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Position);
            decl.AddElement(NORMAL, 0, VertexElementType.Float3, VertexElementSemantic.Normal);

            // TexCoords
            decl.AddElement(TEXCOORD, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 0);
            offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float2);
            decl.AddElement(TEXCOORD, offset, VertexElementType.Float2, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 1);
            offset += VertexElement.GetTypeSize(VertexElementType.Float2);
            // TODO: Color

            HardwareVertexBuffer buffer = 
                BufferUsage.StaticWriteOnly, true);

            binding.SetBinding(POSITION, buffer);

            buffer = 
                BufferUsage.StaticWriteOnly, true);

            binding.SetBinding(NORMAL, buffer);

            buffer = 
                BufferUsage.StaticWriteOnly, true);

            binding.SetBinding(TEXCOORD, buffer);

            minLevelDistSqr = new float[numMipMaps];

            int endx = options.startx + options.size;
            int endz = options.startz + options.size;

            // TODO: name buffers different so we can unlock
            HardwareVertexBuffer posBuffer = binding.GetBuffer(POSITION);
            IntPtr pos = posBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);

            HardwareVertexBuffer texBuffer = binding.GetBuffer(TEXCOORD);
            IntPtr tex = texBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);

            float min = 99999999, max = 0;

            unsafe {
                float* posPtr = (float*)pos.ToPointer();
                float* texPtr = (float*)tex.ToPointer();

                int posCount = 0;
                int texCount = 0;

                for(int j = options.startz; j < endz; j++) {
                    for(int i = options.startx; i < endx; i++) {
                        float height = options.GetWorldHeight(i, j) * options.scaley;

                        posPtr[posCount++] = (float)i * options.scalex;
                        posPtr[posCount++] = height;
                        posPtr[posCount++] = (float)j * options.scalez;

                        texPtr[texCount++] = (float)i / (float)options.worldSize;
                        texPtr[texCount++] = (float)j / (float)options.worldSize;

                        texPtr[texCount++] = ((float)i / (float)options.size) * (float)options.detailTile;
                        texPtr[texCount++] = ((float)j / (float)options.size) * (float)options.detailTile;

                        if(height < min) {
                            min = height;

                        if(height > max) {
                            max = height;
                    } // for i
                } // for j
            } // unsafe

            // unlock the buffers

                new Vector3((float) options.startx * options.scalex, min, (float)options.startz * options.scalez),
                new Vector3((float)(endx - 1) * options.scalex, max, (float)(endz - 1) * options.scalez));

            center = new Vector3((options.startx * options.scalex + endx - 1) / 2,
                (min + max) / 2,
                (options.startz * options.scalez + endz - 1) / 2);

            float C = CalculateCFactor();


        public float GetHeightAt(float x, float z) {
            Vector3 start, end;

            start.x = GetVertex(0, 0, 0);
            start.y = GetVertex(0, 0, 1);
            start.z = GetVertex(0, 0, 2);

            end.x = GetVertex(options.size - 1, options.size - 1, 0);
            end.y = GetVertex(options.size - 1, options.size - 1, 1);
            end.z = GetVertex(options.size - 1, options.size - 1, 2);

            // safety catch.  if the point asked for is outside of this tile, ask a neighbor

            if(x < start.x) {
                if(GetNeighbor(Neighbor.West) != null) {
                    return GetNeighbor(Neighbor.West).GetHeightAt(x, z);
                else {
                    x = start.x;

            if(x > end.x) {
                if(GetNeighbor(Neighbor.East) != null) {
                    return GetNeighbor(Neighbor.East).GetHeightAt(x, z);
                else {
                    x = end.x;
            if(z < start.z) {
                if(GetNeighbor(Neighbor.North) != null) {
                    return GetNeighbor(Neighbor.North).GetHeightAt(x, z);
                else {
                    z = start.z;

            if(z > end.z) {
                if(GetNeighbor(Neighbor.South) != null) {
                    return GetNeighbor(Neighbor.South).GetHeightAt(x, z);
                else {
                    z = end.z;

            float xPct = (x - start.x) / (end.x - start.x);
            float zPct = (z - start.z) / (end.z - start.z);

            float xPt = xPct * (float)(options.size - 1);
            float zPt = zPct * (float)(options.size - 1);

            int xIndex = (int)xPt;
            int zIndex = (int)zPt;

            xPct = xPt - xIndex;
            zPct = zPt - zIndex;

            // bilinear interpolcation to find the height
            float t1 = GetVertex(xIndex, zIndex, 1);
            float t2 = GetVertex(xIndex + 1, zIndex, 1);
            float b1 = GetVertex(xIndex, zIndex + 1, 1);
            float b2 = GetVertex(xIndex + 1, zIndex + 1, 1);

            float midpoint = (b1 + b2) / 2;

            if((xPct + zPct) <= 1) {
                b2 = midpoint + (midpoint - t1);
            else {
                t1 = midpoint + (midpoint - b2);

            float t = (t1 * (1 - xPct)) + (t2 * (xPct));
            float b = (b1 * (1 - xPct)) + (b2 * (xPct));
            float h = (t * (1 - zPct)) + (b * (zPct));

            return h;

        public TerrainRenderable GetNeighbor(Neighbor n) {
            return neighbors[(int)n];

        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the vertex coord for the given coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public float GetVertex(int x, int z, int n) {
        HardwareVertexBuffer buffer = terrain.vertexBufferBinding.GetBuffer(POSITION);

            float[] vertex = new float[1];

            IntPtr ptr = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(vertex, 0);

            int offset = (x * 3 + z * options.size * 3 + n) * 4;

            buffer.ReadData(offset, 4, ptr);

            return vertex[0];
        int a = 1;
        return 0;

        public void SetNeighbor(Neighbor n, TerrainRenderable t) {
            neighbors[(int)n] = t;

        public void AdjustRenderLevel(int i) {
            renderLevel = i;

        public void AlignNeighbors() {
            //ensure that there aren't any gaps...
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                if ( neighbors[i] != null && neighbors[i].renderLevel + 1 < renderLevel )
                    neighbors[i].AdjustRenderLevel(renderLevel - 1);

        public float CalculateCFactor() {
            float A, T;

            A = (float)options.nearPlane / Math.Abs((float)options.topCoord);

            T = 2 * (float)options.maxPixelError / (float)options.vertRes;

            return A / T;

        public void CalculateMinLevelDist2(float C) {
            // level 1 has no delta
            minLevelDistSqr[0] = 0;

            for ( int level = 1; level < numMipMaps; level++ ) {
                minLevelDistSqr[ level ] = 0;

                int step = 1 << level;

                for ( int j = 0; j < size - step; j += step ) {
                    for ( int i = 0; i < size - step; i += step ) {
                        //check each height inbetween the steps.
                        float h1 = GetVertex( i, j, 1 );
                        float h2 = GetVertex( i + step, j, 1 );
                        float h3 = GetVertex( i + step, j + step, 1 );
                        float h4 = GetVertex( i, j + step, 1 );

                        for ( int z = 1; z < step; z++ ) {
                            for ( int x = 1; x < step; x++ ) {

                                float zpct = z / step;
                                float xpct = x / step;

                                //interpolated height
                                float top = h3 * ( 1.0f - xpct ) + xpct * h4;
                                float bottom = h1 * ( 1.0f - xpct ) + xpct * h2;

                                float interp_h = top * ( 1.0f - zpct ) + zpct * bottom;

                                float actual_h = GetVertex( i + x, j + z, 1 );
                                float delta = Math.Abs(interp_h - actual_h);

                                float D2 = delta * delta * C * C;

                                if ( minLevelDistSqr[ level ] < D2 )
                                    minLevelDistSqr[ level ] = D2;

            //make sure the levels are increasing...
            for ( int i = 1; i < numMipMaps; i++ ) {
                if ( minLevelDistSqr[ i ] < minLevelDistSqr[ i - 1 ] )
                    minLevelDistSqr[ i ] = minLevelDistSqr[ i - 1 ] + 1;

        public unsafe void CalculateNormals() {
            Vector3 normal;
      HardwareVertexBuffer buffer = null;
      VertexBufferBinding binding = terrain.vertexBufferBinding;
      if(binding != null) {
        buffer = binding.GetBuffer(NORMAL);
      } else {
        int i = 0;

            IntPtr norm = buffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);

            float* normPtr = (float*)norm.ToPointer();
            int count = 0;

            for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
                for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                    GetNormalAt(GetVertex(i, j, 0), GetVertex(i, j, 2), out normal);

                    normPtr[count++] = normal.x;
                    normPtr[count++] = normal.y;
                    normPtr[count++] = normal.z;


        public void GetNormalAt(float x, float z, out Vector3 result) {
            Vector3 here, left, down;
            here.x = x;
            here.y = GetHeightAt( x, z );
            here.z = z;

            left.x = x - 1;
            left.y = GetHeightAt( x - 1, z );
            left.z = z;

            down.x = x;
            down.y = GetHeightAt( x, z + 1 );
            down.z = z + 1;

            left = left - here;

            down = down - here;


            result = left.Cross(down);

        #endregion Methods

        #region SceneObject Members

        public override AxisAlignedBox BoundingBox {
            get {
                return box;

        public override float BoundingRadius {
            get {
                return 0;

        public override void NotifyCurrentCamera(Camera camera) {
            if(forcedRenderLevel >= 0) {
                renderLevel = forcedRenderLevel;

            int oldLevel = renderLevel;

            Vector3 cpos = camera.Position;
            Vector3 diff = center - cpos;

            float L = diff.LengthSquared;

            currentL = L;

            renderLevel = -1;

            for(int i = 0; i < numMipMaps; i++) {
                if(minLevelDistSqr[i] > L) {
                    renderLevel = i - 1;

            if(renderLevel < 0) {
                renderLevel = numMipMaps - 1;

        public override void UpdateRenderQueue(RenderQueue queue) {

        #endregion SceneObject Members

        #region IRenderable Members

    public bool CastsShadows {
      get {
        return false;

        public float GetSquaredViewDepth(Camera camera) {
            Vector3 diff = center - camera.DerivedPosition;

            return diff.LengthSquared;

        public bool UseIdentityView {
            get {
                return false;

        public bool UseIdentityProjection {
            get {
                return false;

        public Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 WorldPosition {
            get {
                return parentNode.DerivedPosition;

        public unsafe void GetRenderOperation(RenderOperation op) {
            int east = 0, west = 0, north = 0, south = 0;

            int step = 1 << renderLevel;

            int indexArray = 0;

            int numIndexes = 0;

            if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.East] != null && neighbors[(int)Neighbor.East].renderLevel > renderLevel) {
                east = step; indexArray |= (int)Tile.East;

            if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.West] != null && neighbors[(int)Neighbor.West].renderLevel > renderLevel) {
                west = step; indexArray |= (int)Tile.West;

            if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.North] != null && neighbors[(int)Neighbor.North].renderLevel > renderLevel) {
                north = step; indexArray |= (int)Tile.North;

            if (neighbors[(int)Neighbor.South] != null && neighbors[(int)Neighbor.South].renderLevel > renderLevel) {
                south = step; indexArray |= (int)Tile.South;

            IndexData indexData = null;

            if (levelIndex[renderLevel,indexArray] != null) {
                indexData = levelIndex[renderLevel,indexArray];
            else {
                int newLength = (size / step) * (size / step) * 2 * 2 * 2 ;
                //this is the maximum for a level.  It wastes a little, but shouldn't be a problem.
                indexData = new IndexData();
                indexData.indexBuffer = 


                numIndexes = 0;

                IntPtr idx = indexData.indexBuffer.Lock(BufferLocking.Discard);

                short* idxPtr = (short*)idx.ToPointer();  
                int count = 0;

                for ( int j = north; j < size - 1 - south; j += step ) {
                    for ( int i = west; i < size - 1 - east; i += step ) {
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( i, j ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( i, j + step ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( i + step, j ); numIndexes++;

                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( i, j + step ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( i + step, j + step ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( i + step, j ); numIndexes++;

                int substep = step << 1;

                if ( west > 0 ) {

                    for ( int j = 0; j < size - 1; j += substep ) {
                        //skip the first bit of the corner if the north side is a different level as well.
                        if ( j > 0 || north == 0 ) {
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( 0, j ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( step, j + step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( step, j ); numIndexes++;

                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( step, j + step ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( 0, j ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( 0, j + step + step ); numIndexes++;

                        if ( j < options.size - 1 - substep || south == 0 ) {
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( step, j + step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( 0, j + step + step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( step, j + step + step ); numIndexes++;

                if ( east > 0 ) {
                    int x = options.size - 1;

                    for ( int j = 0; j < size - 1; j += substep ) {
                        //skip the first bit of the corner if the north side is a different level as well.
                        if ( j > 0 || north == 0 ) {
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x, j ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x - step, j ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x - step, j + step ); numIndexes++;

                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x, j ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x - step, j + step ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x, j + step + step ); numIndexes++;

                        if ( j < options.size - 1 - substep || south == 0 ) {
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x, j + step + step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x - step, j + step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( x - step, j + step + step ); numIndexes++;

                if ( south > 0 ) {
                    int x = options.size - 1;

                    for ( int j = 0; j < size - 1; j += substep ) {
                        //skip the first bit of the corner if the north side is a different level as well.
                        if ( j > 0 || west == 0 ) {
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j, x - step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j, x ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step, x - step ); numIndexes++;

                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step, x - step ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j, x ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step + step, x ); numIndexes++;

                        if ( j < options.size - 1 - substep || east == 0 ) {
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step, x - step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step + step, x ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step + step, x - step ); numIndexes++;

                if ( north > 0 ) {
                    for ( int j = 0; j < size - 1; j += substep ) {
                        //skip the first bit of the corner if the north side is a different level as well.
                        if ( j > 0 || west == 0 ) {
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j, 0 ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j, step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step, step ); numIndexes++;

                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j, 0 ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step, step ); numIndexes++;
                        idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step + step, 0 ); numIndexes++;

                        if ( j < options.size - 1 - substep || east == 0 ) {
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step + step, 0 ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step, step ); numIndexes++;
                            idxPtr[count++] = GetIndex( j + step + step, step ); numIndexes++;


                indexData.indexCount = numIndexes;
                indexData.indexStart = 0;

                levelIndex[renderLevel,indexArray] = indexData;

            op.useIndices = true;
            op.operationType = OperationType.TriangleList;
            op.vertexData = terrain;
            op.indexData = indexData;

            //renderedTris += ( indexData->indexCount / 3 );

            //mRenderLevelChanged = false;

        public short GetIndex(int x, int z) {
            return (short)(x + z * options.size);

        public void GetWorldTransforms(Axiom.MathLib.Matrix4[] matrices) {
            // TODO: Add Node.FullTransform?

        public Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion WorldOrientation {
            get {
                return parentNode.DerivedOrientation;

        public Axiom.Graphics.SceneDetailLevel RenderDetail {
            get {
                return SceneDetailLevel.Solid;

        public Material Material {
            get {
                return material;

        public Axiom.Collections.LightList Lights {
            get {
                return parentNode.Lights;

        public Technique Technique {
            get {
                return material.GetBestTechnique();

        public bool NormalizeNormals {
            get {
                return false;

        public ushort NumWorldTransforms {
            get {
                return 1;

    public Vector4 GetCustomParameter(int index) {
      if(customParams[index] == null) {
        throw new Exception("A parameter was not found at the given index");
      else {
        return (Vector4)customParams[index];

    public void SetCustomParameter(int index, Vector4 val) {
      customParams[index] = val;

    public void UpdateCustomGpuParameter(GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantEntry entry, GpuProgramParameters gpuParams) {
      if(customParams[entry.data] != null) {
        gpuParams.SetConstant(entry.index, (Vector4)customParams[entry.data]);


    public class TerrainOptions {
        public TerrainOptions() {
            size = 0;
            worldSize = 0;
            startx = 0;
            startz = 0;
            maxMipmap = 0;
            scalex = 1;
            scaley = 1;
            scalez = 1;
            maxPixelError = 4;
            vertRes = 768;
            topCoord = 1;
            nearPlane = 1;
            detailTile = 1;
            isLit = false;
            isColored = false;

        public int GetWorldHeight(int x, int z) {
            return data[((z * worldSize) + x)];

        public byte[] data;     //pointer to the world 2D data.
        public int size;         //size of this square block
        public int worldSize;   //size of the world.
        public int startx;
        public int startz; //starting coords of this block.
        public int maxMipmap;  //max mip_map level
        public float scalex, scaley, scalez;

        public int maxPixelError;
        public int nearPlane;
        public int vertRes;
        public int detailTile;
        public float topCoord;

        public bool isLit;
        public bool isColored;


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