TlsBlockCipherCipherSuite.cs :  » PDF » iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Crypto » Tls » C# / CSharp Open Source

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iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Crypto » Tls » TlsBlockCipherCipherSuite.cs
using System;
using System.Text;

using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Tls{
  /// <remarks>A generic TLS 1.0 block cipher suite. This can be used for AES or 3DES for example.</remarks>
  internal class TlsBlockCipherCipherSuite
    : TlsCipherSuite
    private TlsProtocolHandler handler;

    private IBlockCipher encryptCipher;
    private IBlockCipher decryptCipher;

    private IDigest writeDigest;
    private IDigest readDigest;

    private TlsMac writeMac;
    private TlsMac readMac;

    private int cipherKeySize;
    private short keyExchange;

    internal TlsBlockCipherCipherSuite(
      IBlockCipher  encrypt,
      IBlockCipher  decrypt,
      IDigest      writeDigest,
      IDigest      readDigest,
      int        cipherKeySize,
      short      keyExchange)
      this.encryptCipher = encrypt;
      this.decryptCipher = decrypt;
      this.writeDigest = writeDigest;
      this.readDigest = readDigest;
      this.cipherKeySize = cipherKeySize;
      this.keyExchange = keyExchange;

    internal override void Init(TlsProtocolHandler handler, byte[] ms, byte[] cr, byte[] sr)
      this.handler = handler;

      int prfSize = (2 * cipherKeySize) + writeDigest.GetDigestSize() + readDigest.GetDigestSize()
        + encryptCipher.GetBlockSize() + decryptCipher.GetBlockSize();
      byte[] keyBlock = new byte[prfSize];
      byte[] random = new byte[cr.Length + sr.Length];
      Array.Copy(cr, 0, random, sr.Length, cr.Length);
      Array.Copy(sr, 0, random, 0, sr.Length);
      TlsUtilities.PRF(ms, "key expansion", random, keyBlock);

      int offset = 0;

      // Init MACs
      writeMac = CreateTlsMac(writeDigest, keyBlock, ref offset);
      readMac = CreateTlsMac(readDigest, keyBlock, ref offset);

      // Build keys
      KeyParameter encryptKey = CreateKeyParameter(keyBlock, ref offset, cipherKeySize);
      KeyParameter decryptKey = CreateKeyParameter(keyBlock, ref offset, cipherKeySize);

      // Add IVs
      ParametersWithIV encryptParams = CreateParametersWithIV(encryptKey,
        keyBlock, ref offset, encryptCipher.GetBlockSize());
      ParametersWithIV decryptParams = CreateParametersWithIV(decryptKey,
        keyBlock, ref offset, decryptCipher.GetBlockSize());

      if (offset != prfSize)
        handler.FailWithError(TlsProtocolHandler.AL_fatal, TlsProtocolHandler.AP_internal_error);

      // Init Ciphers
      encryptCipher.Init(true, encryptParams);
      decryptCipher.Init(false, decryptParams);

    private static TlsMac CreateTlsMac(IDigest digest, byte[] buf, ref int off)
      int len = digest.GetDigestSize();
      TlsMac mac = new TlsMac(digest, buf, off, len);
      off += len;
      return mac;

    private static KeyParameter CreateKeyParameter(byte[] buf, ref int off, int len)
      KeyParameter key = new KeyParameter(buf, off, len);
      off += len;
      return key;

    private static ParametersWithIV CreateParametersWithIV(KeyParameter key,
      byte[] buf, ref int off, int len)
      ParametersWithIV ivParams = new ParametersWithIV(key, buf, off, len);
      off += len;
      return ivParams;

    internal override byte[] EncodePlaintext(
      short        type,
      byte[]        plaintext,
      int          offset,
      int          len)
      int blocksize = encryptCipher.GetBlockSize();

      // Add a random number of extra blocks worth of padding
      int minPaddingSize = blocksize - ((len + writeMac.Size + 1) % blocksize);
      int maxExtraPadBlocks = (255 - minPaddingSize) / blocksize;
      int actualExtraPadBlocks = chooseExtraPadBlocks(handler.Random, maxExtraPadBlocks);
      int paddingsize = minPaddingSize + (actualExtraPadBlocks * blocksize);

      int totalsize = len + writeMac.Size + paddingsize + 1;
      byte[] outbuf = new byte[totalsize];
      Array.Copy(plaintext, offset, outbuf, 0, len);
      byte[] mac = writeMac.CalculateMac(type, plaintext, offset, len);
      Array.Copy(mac, 0, outbuf, len, mac.Length);
      int paddoffset = len + mac.Length;
      for (int i = 0; i <= paddingsize; i++)
        outbuf[i + paddoffset] = (byte)paddingsize;
      for (int i = 0; i < totalsize; i += blocksize)
        encryptCipher.ProcessBlock(outbuf, i, outbuf, i);
      return outbuf;

    private int chooseExtraPadBlocks(SecureRandom r, int max)
//      return r.NextInt(max + 1);

      int x = r.NextInt();
      int n = lowestBitSet(x);
      return System.Math.Min(n, max);

    private int lowestBitSet(int x)
      if (x == 0)
        return 32;

      int n = 0;
      while ((x & 1) == 0)
        x >>= 1;
      return n;

    internal override byte[] DecodeCiphertext(
      short        type,
      byte[]        ciphertext,
      int          offset,
      int          len)
      // TODO TLS 1.1 (RFC 4346) introduces an explicit IV

      int minLength = readMac.Size + 1;
      int blocksize = decryptCipher.GetBlockSize();
      bool decrypterror = false;

      * ciphertext must be at least (macsize + 1) bytes long
      if (len < minLength)
        handler.FailWithError(TlsProtocolHandler.AL_fatal, TlsProtocolHandler.AP_decode_error);

      * ciphertext must be a multiple of blocksize
      if (len % blocksize != 0)
        handler.FailWithError(TlsProtocolHandler.AL_fatal, TlsProtocolHandler.AP_decryption_failed);

      * Decrypt all the ciphertext using the blockcipher
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i += blocksize)
        decryptCipher.ProcessBlock(ciphertext, i + offset, ciphertext, i
          + offset);

      * Check if padding is correct
      int lastByteOffset = offset + len - 1;

      byte paddingsizebyte = ciphertext[lastByteOffset];

      // Note: interpret as unsigned byte
      int paddingsize = paddingsizebyte;

      int maxPaddingSize = len - minLength;
      if (paddingsize > maxPaddingSize)
        decrypterror = true;
        paddingsize = 0;
        * Now, check all the padding-bytes (constant-time comparison).
        int diff = 0;
        for (int i = lastByteOffset - paddingsize; i < lastByteOffset; ++i)
          diff |= (ciphertext[i] ^ paddingsizebyte);
        if (diff != 0)
          /* Wrong padding */
          decrypterror = true;
          paddingsize = 0;

      * We now don't care if padding verification has failed or not,
      * we will calculate the mac to give an attacker no kind of timing
      * profile he can use to find out if mac verification failed or
      * padding verification failed.
      int plaintextlength = len - minLength - paddingsize;
      byte[] calculatedMac = readMac.CalculateMac(type, ciphertext, offset,

      * Check all bytes in the mac (constant-time comparison).
      byte[] decryptedMac = new byte[calculatedMac.Length];
      Array.Copy(ciphertext, offset + plaintextlength, decryptedMac, 0, calculatedMac.Length);

      if (!Arrays.ConstantTimeAreEqual(calculatedMac, decryptedMac))
        decrypterror = true;

      * Now, it is safe to fail.
      if (decrypterror)
      byte[] plaintext = new byte[plaintextlength];
      Array.Copy(ciphertext, offset, plaintext, 0, plaintextlength);
      return plaintext;


    internal override short KeyExchangeAlgorithm
      get { return this.keyExchange; }
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