TlsProtocolHandler.cs :  » PDF » iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Crypto » Tls » C# / CSharp Open Source

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iTextSharp » Org » BouncyCastle » Crypto » Tls » TlsProtocolHandler.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X509;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Agreement;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Agreement.Srp;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Encodings;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Engines;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.IO;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Prng;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Math;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Utilities.Date;

namespace Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Tls{
  /// <remarks>An implementation of all high level protocols in TLS 1.0.</remarks>
  public class TlsProtocolHandler
    private const short RL_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC = 20;
    private const short RL_ALERT = 21;
    private const short RL_HANDSHAKE = 22;
    private const short RL_APPLICATION_DATA = 23;

    hello_request(0), client_hello(1), server_hello(2),
    certificate(11), server_key_exchange (12),
    certificate_request(13), server_hello_done(14),
    certificate_verify(15), client_key_exchange(16),
    finished(20), (255)

    private const short HP_HELLO_REQUEST = 0;
    private const short HP_CLIENT_HELLO = 1;
    private const short HP_SERVER_HELLO = 2;
    private const short HP_CERTIFICATE = 11;
    private const short HP_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE = 12;
    private const short HP_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST = 13;
    private const short HP_SERVER_HELLO_DONE = 14;
    private const short HP_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY = 15;
    private const short HP_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE = 16;
    private const short HP_FINISHED = 20;

    * Our Connection states

    private const short CS_CLIENT_HELLO_SEND = 1;
    private const short CS_SERVER_HELLO_RECEIVED = 2;
    private const short CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_RECEIVED = 3;
    private const short CS_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE_RECEIVED = 4;
    private const short CS_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED = 5;
    private const short CS_SERVER_HELLO_DONE_RECEIVED = 6;
    private const short CS_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE_SEND = 7;
    private const short CS_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_SEND = 8;
    private const short CS_CLIENT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC_SEND = 9;
    private const short CS_CLIENT_FINISHED_SEND = 10;
    private const short CS_SERVER_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC_RECEIVED = 11;
    private const short CS_DONE = 12;

    internal const short AP_close_notify = 0;
    internal const short AP_unexpected_message = 10;
    internal const short AP_bad_record_mac = 20;
    internal const short AP_decryption_failed = 21;
    internal const short AP_record_overflow = 22;
    internal const short AP_decompression_failure = 30;
    internal const short AP_handshake_failure = 40;
    internal const short AP_bad_certificate = 42;
    internal const short AP_unsupported_certificate = 43;
    internal const short AP_certificate_revoked = 44;
    internal const short AP_certificate_expired = 45;
    internal const short AP_certificate_unknown = 46;
    internal const short AP_illegal_parameter = 47;
    internal const short AP_unknown_ca = 48;
    internal const short AP_access_denied = 49;
    internal const short AP_decode_error = 50;
    internal const short AP_decrypt_error = 51;
    internal const short AP_export_restriction = 60;
    internal const short AP_protocol_version = 70;
    internal const short AP_insufficient_security = 71;
    internal const short AP_internal_error = 80;
    internal const short AP_user_canceled = 90;
    internal const short AP_no_renegotiation = 100;

    internal const short AL_warning = 1;
    internal const short AL_fatal = 2;

    private static readonly byte[] emptybuf = new byte[0];

    private static readonly string TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Internal TLS error, this could be an attack";

    * Queues for data from some protocols.

    private ByteQueue applicationDataQueue = new ByteQueue();
    private ByteQueue changeCipherSpecQueue = new ByteQueue();
    private ByteQueue alertQueue = new ByteQueue();
    private ByteQueue handshakeQueue = new ByteQueue();

    * The Record Stream we use
    private RecordStream rs;

    private SecureRandom random;

     * The public key of the server.
    private AsymmetricKeyParameter serverPublicKey = null;

     * The private key of the client (if provided)
    private AsymmetricKeyParameter clientPrivateKey = null;

    private TlsInputStream tlsInputStream = null;
    private TlsOuputStream tlsOutputStream = null;

    private bool closed = false;
    private bool failedWithError = false;
    private bool appDataReady = false;
    private bool extendedClientHello;

    private byte[] clientRandom;
    private byte[] serverRandom;
    private byte[] ms;

    private TlsCipherSuite chosenCipherSuite = null;

    private BigInteger SRP_A;
    private byte[] SRP_identity = null, SRP_password = null;
    private BigInteger Yc;
    private byte[] pms;

    private ICertificateVerifyer verifyer = null;
    private Certificate clientCert = null;
    private TlsSigner clientSigner = null;

    * Both streams can be the same object
    public TlsProtocolHandler(
      Stream  inStr,
      Stream  outStr)
       * We use a threaded seed generator to generate a good random
       * seed. If the user has a better random seed, he should use
       * the constructor with a SecureRandom.
       * Hopefully, 20 bytes in fast mode are good enough.
      byte[] seed = new ThreadedSeedGenerator().GenerateSeed(20, true);

      this.random = new SecureRandom(seed); = new RecordStream(this, inStr, outStr);

    public TlsProtocolHandler(
      Stream      inStr,
      Stream      outStr,
      SecureRandom  sr)
      this.random = sr; = new RecordStream(this, inStr, outStr);

    internal SecureRandom Random
      get { return random; }

    private short connection_state;

    internal void ProcessData(
      short  protocol,
      byte[]  buf,
      int    offset,
      int    len)
      * Have a look at the protocol type, and add it to the correct queue.
      switch (protocol)
          changeCipherSpecQueue.AddData(buf, offset, len);
        case RL_ALERT:
          alertQueue.AddData(buf, offset, len);
        case RL_HANDSHAKE:
          handshakeQueue.AddData(buf, offset, len);
          if (!appDataReady)
            this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);
          applicationDataQueue.AddData(buf, offset, len);
          * Uh, we don't know this protocol.
          * RFC2246 defines on page 13, that we should ignore this.

    private void processHandshake()
      bool read;
        read = false;

        * We need the first 4 bytes, they contain type and length of
        * the message.
        if (handshakeQueue.Available >= 4)
          byte[] beginning = new byte[4];
          handshakeQueue.Read(beginning, 0, 4, 0);
          MemoryStream bis = new MemoryStream(beginning, false);
          short type = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(bis);
          int len = TlsUtilities.ReadUint24(bis);

          * Check if we have enough bytes in the buffer to read
          * the full message.
          if (handshakeQueue.Available >= (len + 4))
            * Read the message.
            byte[] buf = new byte[len];
            handshakeQueue.Read(buf, 0, len, 4);
            handshakeQueue.RemoveData(len + 4);

            * If it is not a finished message, update our hashes
            * we prepare for the finish message.
            if (type != HP_FINISHED)
              rs.UpdateHandshakeData(beginning, 0, 4);
              rs.UpdateHandshakeData(buf, 0, len);

            * Now, parse the message.
            MemoryStream inStr = new MemoryStream(buf, false);

            * Check the type.
            switch (type)
              case HP_CERTIFICATE:
                switch (connection_state)
                  case CS_SERVER_HELLO_RECEIVED:
                    * Parse the certificates.
                    Certificate cert = Certificate.Parse(inStr);

                    X509CertificateStructure x509Cert = cert.certs[0];
                    SubjectPublicKeyInfo keyInfo = x509Cert.SubjectPublicKeyInfo;

                      this.serverPublicKey = PublicKeyFactory.CreateKey(keyInfo);
                    catch (Exception)
                      this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unsupported_certificate);

                    // Sanity check the PublicKeyFactory
                    if (this.serverPublicKey.IsPrivate)
                      this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_internal_error);

                    * Perform various checks per RFC2246 7.4.2
                    * TODO "Unless otherwise specified, the signing algorithm for the certificate
                    * must be the same as the algorithm for the certificate key."
                    switch (this.chosenCipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm)
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_RSA:
                        if (!(this.serverPublicKey is RsaKeyParameters))
                          this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_certificate_unknown);
                        validateKeyUsage(x509Cert, KeyUsage.KeyEncipherment);
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_DHE_RSA:
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP_RSA:
                        if (!(this.serverPublicKey is RsaKeyParameters))
                          this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_certificate_unknown);
                        validateKeyUsage(x509Cert, KeyUsage.DigitalSignature);
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_DHE_DSS:
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP_DSS:
                        if (!(this.serverPublicKey is DsaPublicKeyParameters))
                          this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_certificate_unknown);
                        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unsupported_certificate);

                    * Verify them.
                    if (!this.verifyer.IsValid(cert.GetCerts()))
                      this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_user_canceled);

                    this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);

                connection_state = CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_RECEIVED;
                read = true;
              case HP_FINISHED:
                switch (connection_state)
                    * Read the checksum from the finished message,
                    * it has always 12 bytes.
                    byte[] receivedChecksum = new byte[12];
                    TlsUtilities.ReadFully(receivedChecksum, inStr);

                    * Calculate our own checksum.
                    byte[] checksum = new byte[12];
                    byte[] md5andsha1 = new byte[16 + 20];
                    rs.hash2.DoFinal(md5andsha1, 0);
                    TlsUtilities.PRF(, "server finished", md5andsha1, checksum);

                    * Compare both checksums.
                    for (int i = 0; i < receivedChecksum.Length; i++)
                      if (receivedChecksum[i] != checksum[i])
                        * Wrong checksum in the finished message.
                        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_handshake_failure);

                    connection_state = CS_DONE;

                    * We are now ready to receive application data.
                    this.appDataReady = true;
                    read = true;
                    this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);
              case HP_SERVER_HELLO:
                switch (connection_state)
                  case CS_CLIENT_HELLO_SEND:
                    * Read the server hello message
                    TlsUtilities.CheckVersion(inStr, this);

                    * Read the server random
                    this.serverRandom = new byte[32];
                    TlsUtilities.ReadFully(this.serverRandom, inStr);

                    * Currently, we don't support session ids
                    byte[] sessionId = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque8(inStr);

                    * Find out which ciphersuite the server has
                    * chosen. If we don't support this ciphersuite,
                    * the TlsCipherSuiteManager will throw an
                    * exception.
                    this.chosenCipherSuite = TlsCipherSuiteManager.GetCipherSuite(
                      TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(inStr), this);

                    * We support only the null compression which
                    * means no compression.
                    short compressionMethod = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(inStr);
                    if (compressionMethod != 0)
                      this.FailWithError(TlsProtocolHandler.AL_fatal, TlsProtocolHandler.AP_illegal_parameter);

                                       * RFC4366 2.2
                                       * The extended server hello message format MAY be sent
                                       * in place of the server hello message when the client
                                       * has requested extended functionality via the extended
                                       * client hello message specified in Section 2.1.
                                      if (extendedClientHello && inStr.Position < inStr.Length)
                                          // Process extensions from extended server hello
                                          byte[] extBytes = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(inStr);
                                          // Int32 -> byte[]
                                          Hashtable serverExtensions = new Hashtable();

                                          MemoryStream ext = new MemoryStream(extBytes, false);
                                          while (ext.Position < ext.Length)
                                              int extType = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(ext);
                                              byte[] extValue = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(ext);

                                              serverExtensions[extType] = extValue;

                                          // TODO Validate/process serverExtensions (via client?)
                                          // TODO[SRP]

                    * Process any extensions
                    // TODO[SRP]
//                    if (inStr.Position < inStr.Length)
//                    {
//                      int extensionsLength = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(inStr);
//                      byte[] extensions = new byte[extensionsLength];
//                      TlsUtilities.ReadFully(extensions, inStr);
//                      // TODO Validate/process
//                    }


                    connection_state = CS_SERVER_HELLO_RECEIVED;
                    read = true;
                    this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);
              case HP_SERVER_HELLO_DONE:
                switch (connection_state)
                  case CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_RECEIVED:
                  case CS_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE_RECEIVED:

                    // NB: Original code used case label fall-through
                    if (connection_state == CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_RECEIVED)
                      * There was no server key exchange message, check
                      * that we are doing RSA key exchange.
                      if (this.chosenCipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm != TlsCipherSuite.KE_RSA)
                        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);

                    bool isCertReq = (connection_state == CS_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED);
                    connection_state = CS_SERVER_HELLO_DONE_RECEIVED;

                    if (isCertReq)

                    * Send the client key exchange message, depending
                    * on the key exchange we are using in our
                    * ciphersuite.
                    switch (this.chosenCipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm)
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_RSA:
                        * We are doing RSA key exchange. We will
                        * choose a pre master secret and send it
                        * rsa encrypted to the server.
                        * Prepare pre master secret.
                        pms = new byte[48];
                        pms[0] = 3;
                        pms[1] = 1;
                        random.NextBytes(pms, 2, 46);

                        * Encode the pms and send it to the server.
                        * Prepare an Pkcs1Encoding with good random
                        * padding.
                        RsaBlindedEngine rsa = new RsaBlindedEngine();
                        Pkcs1Encoding encoding = new Pkcs1Encoding(rsa);
                        encoding.Init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(this.serverPublicKey, this.random));
                        byte[] encrypted = null;
                          encrypted = encoding.ProcessBlock(pms, 0, pms.Length);
                        catch (InvalidCipherTextException)
                          * This should never happen, only during decryption.
                          this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_internal_error);

                        * Send the encrypted pms.
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_DHE_DSS:
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_DHE_RSA:
                        * Send the Client Key Exchange message for
                        * DHE key exchange.
                        byte[] YcByte = BigIntegers.AsUnsignedByteArray(this.Yc);


                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP:
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP_RSA:
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP_DSS:
                        * Send the Client Key Exchange message for
                        * SRP key exchange.
                        byte[] bytes = BigIntegers.AsUnsignedByteArray(this.SRP_A);


                        * Problem during handshake, we don't know
                        * how to handle this key exchange method.
                        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);


                    connection_state = CS_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE_SEND;

                    if (isCertReq && this.clientPrivateKey != null)

                        connection_state = CS_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_SEND;

                    * Now, we send change cipher state
                    byte[] cmessage = new byte[1];
                    cmessage[0] = 1;
                    rs.WriteMessage(RL_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, cmessage, 0, cmessage.Length);

                    connection_state = CS_CLIENT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC_SEND;

                    * Calculate the ms
           = new byte[48];
                    byte[] randBytes = new byte[clientRandom.Length + serverRandom.Length];
                    Array.Copy(clientRandom, 0, randBytes, 0, clientRandom.Length);
                    Array.Copy(serverRandom, 0, randBytes, clientRandom.Length, serverRandom.Length);
                    TlsUtilities.PRF(pms, "master secret", randBytes,;

                    * Initialize our cipher suite
                    rs.writeSuite = this.chosenCipherSuite;
                    rs.writeSuite.Init(this,, clientRandom, serverRandom);

                    * Send our finished message.
                    byte[] checksum = new byte[12];
                    byte[] md5andsha1 = new byte[16 + 20];
                    rs.hash1.DoFinal(md5andsha1, 0);
                    TlsUtilities.PRF(, "client finished", md5andsha1, checksum);

                    MemoryStream bos2 = new MemoryStream();
                    TlsUtilities.WriteUint8(HP_FINISHED, bos2);
                    TlsUtilities.WriteUint24(12, bos2);
                    bos2.Write(checksum, 0, checksum.Length);
                    byte[] message2 = bos2.ToArray();

                    rs.WriteMessage(RL_HANDSHAKE, message2, 0, message2.Length);

                    this.connection_state = CS_CLIENT_FINISHED_SEND;
                    read = true;
                    this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_handshake_failure);
              case HP_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE:
                switch (connection_state)
                  case CS_SERVER_HELLO_RECEIVED:
                  case CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_RECEIVED:
                    // NB: Original code used case label fall-through
                    if (connection_state == CS_SERVER_HELLO_RECEIVED)
                      * There was no server certificate message, check
                      * that we are doing SRP key exchange.
                      if (this.chosenCipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm != TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP)
                        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);

                    * Check that we are doing DHE key exchange
                    switch (this.chosenCipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm)
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_DHE_RSA:
                        processDHEKeyExchange(inStr, new TlsRsaSigner());
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_DHE_DSS:
                        processDHEKeyExchange(inStr, new TlsDssSigner());
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP:
                        processSRPKeyExchange(inStr, null);
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP_RSA:
                        processSRPKeyExchange(inStr, new TlsRsaSigner());
                      case TlsCipherSuite.KE_SRP_DSS:
                        processSRPKeyExchange(inStr, new TlsDssSigner());
                        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);
                    this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);

                this.connection_state = CS_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE_RECEIVED;
                read = true;
              case HP_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST:
                switch (connection_state)
                  case CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_RECEIVED:
                  case CS_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE_RECEIVED:
                    // NB: Original code used case label fall-through
                    if (connection_state == CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_RECEIVED)
                      * There was no server key exchange message, check
                      * that we are doing RSA key exchange.
                      if (this.chosenCipherSuite.KeyExchangeAlgorithm != TlsCipherSuite.KE_RSA)
                        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);

                    byte[] types = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque8(inStr);
                    byte[] auths = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(inStr);

                    // TODO Validate/process

                    this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);

                this.connection_state = CS_CERTIFICATE_REQUEST_RECEIVED;
                read = true;
              case HP_HELLO_REQUEST:
              case HP_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE:
              case HP_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY:
              case HP_CLIENT_HELLO:
                // We do not support this!
                this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);
      while (read);

    private void processApplicationData()
      * There is nothing we need to do here.
      * This function could be used for callbacks when application
      * data arrives in the future.

    private void processAlert()
      while (alertQueue.Available >= 2)
        * An alert is always 2 bytes. Read the alert.
        byte[] tmp = new byte[2];
        alertQueue.Read(tmp, 0, 2, 0);
        short level = tmp[0];
        short description = tmp[1];
        if (level == AL_fatal)
          * This is a fatal error.
          this.failedWithError = true;
          this.closed = true;
          * Now try to Close the stream, ignore errors.
          catch (Exception)
          throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE);
          * This is just a warning.
          if (description == AP_close_notify)
            * Close notify
            this.FailWithError(AL_warning, AP_close_notify);
          * If it is just a warning, we continue.

    * This method is called, when a change cipher spec message is received.
    * @throws IOException If the message has an invalid content or the
    *                     handshake is not in the correct state.
    private void processChangeCipherSpec()
      while (changeCipherSpecQueue.Available > 0)
        * A change cipher spec message is only one byte with the value 1.
        byte[] b = new byte[1];
        changeCipherSpecQueue.Read(b, 0, 1, 0);
        if (b[0] != 1)
          * This should never happen.
          this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);

          * Check if we are in the correct connection state.
          if (this.connection_state == CS_CLIENT_FINISHED_SEND)
            rs.readSuite = rs.writeSuite;
            this.connection_state = CS_SERVER_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC_RECEIVED;
            * We are not in the correct connection state.
            this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_handshake_failure);


    private void processDHEKeyExchange(
      MemoryStream  inStr,
      TlsSigner    tlsSigner)
      Stream sigIn = inStr;
      ISigner signer = null;
      if (tlsSigner != null)
        signer = tlsSigner.CreateSigner();
        signer.Init(false, this.serverPublicKey);
        signer.BlockUpdate(this.clientRandom, 0, this.clientRandom.Length);
        signer.BlockUpdate(this.serverRandom, 0, this.serverRandom.Length);

        sigIn = new SignerStream(inStr, signer, null);

      * Parse the Structure
      byte[] pByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(sigIn);
      byte[] gByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(sigIn);
      byte[] YsByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(sigIn);

      if (signer != null)
        byte[] sigByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(inStr);

        * Verify the Signature.
        if (!signer.VerifySignature(sigByte))
          this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_bad_certificate);


      * Do the DH calculation.
      BigInteger p = new BigInteger(1, pByte);
      BigInteger g = new BigInteger(1, gByte);
      BigInteger Ys = new BigInteger(1, YsByte);

      * Check the DH parameter values
      if (!p.IsProbablePrime(10))
        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_illegal_parameter);
      if (g.CompareTo(BigInteger.Two) < 0 || g.CompareTo(p.Subtract(BigInteger.Two)) > 0)
        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_illegal_parameter);
      // TODO For static DH public values, see additional checks in RFC 2631 2.1.5 
      if (Ys.CompareTo(BigInteger.Two) < 0 || Ys.CompareTo(p.Subtract(BigInteger.One)) > 0)
        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_illegal_parameter);

      * Diffie-Hellman basic key agreement
      DHParameters dhParams = new DHParameters(p, g);

      // Generate a keypair
      DHBasicKeyPairGenerator dhGen = new DHBasicKeyPairGenerator();
      dhGen.Init(new DHKeyGenerationParameters(random, dhParams));

      AsymmetricCipherKeyPair dhPair = dhGen.GenerateKeyPair();

      // Store the public value to send to server
      this.Yc = ((DHPublicKeyParameters)dhPair.Public).Y;

      // Calculate the shared secret
      DHBasicAgreement dhAgree = new DHBasicAgreement();

      BigInteger agreement = dhAgree.CalculateAgreement(new DHPublicKeyParameters(Ys, dhParams));

      this.pms = BigIntegers.AsUnsignedByteArray(agreement);

    private void processSRPKeyExchange(
      MemoryStream  inStr,
      TlsSigner    tlsSigner)
      Stream sigIn = inStr;
      ISigner signer = null;
      if (tlsSigner != null)
        signer = tlsSigner.CreateSigner();
        signer.Init(false, this.serverPublicKey);
        signer.BlockUpdate(this.clientRandom, 0, this.clientRandom.Length);
        signer.BlockUpdate(this.serverRandom, 0, this.serverRandom.Length);

        sigIn = new SignerStream(inStr, signer, null);

      * Parse the Structure
      byte[] NByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(sigIn);
      byte[] gByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(sigIn);
      byte[] sByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque8(sigIn);
      byte[] BByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(sigIn);

      if (signer != null)
        byte[] sigByte = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque16(inStr);

        * Verify the Signature.
        if (!signer.VerifySignature(sigByte))
          this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_bad_certificate);


      BigInteger N = new BigInteger(1, NByte);
      BigInteger g = new BigInteger(1, gByte);
      byte[] s = sByte;
      BigInteger B = new BigInteger(1, BByte);

      Srp6Client srpClient = new Srp6Client();
      srpClient.Init(N, g, new Sha1Digest(), random);

      this.SRP_A = srpClient.GenerateClientCredentials(s, this.SRP_identity,

        BigInteger S = srpClient.CalculateSecret(B);

        // TODO Check if this needs to be a fixed size
        this.pms = BigIntegers.AsUnsignedByteArray(S);
      catch (CryptoException)
        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_illegal_parameter);

    private void validateKeyUsage(
      X509CertificateStructure  c,
      int              keyUsageBits)
      X509Extensions exts = c.TbsCertificate.Extensions;
      if (exts != null)
        X509Extension ext = exts.GetExtension(X509Extensions.KeyUsage);
        if (ext != null)
          DerBitString ku = KeyUsage.GetInstance(ext);
          int bits = ku.GetBytes()[0];
          if ((bits & keyUsageBits) != keyUsageBits)
            this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_certificate_unknown);

    private void sendClientCertificate()
      MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream();
      TlsUtilities.WriteUint8(HP_CERTIFICATE, bos);
      byte[] message = bos.ToArray();

      rs.WriteMessage(RL_HANDSHAKE, message, 0, message.Length);

    private void sendClientKeyExchange(
      byte[] keData)
      MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream();
      TlsUtilities.WriteUint8(HP_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, bos);
      TlsUtilities.WriteUint24(keData.Length + 2, bos);
      TlsUtilities.WriteOpaque16(keData, bos);
      byte[] message = bos.ToArray();

      rs.WriteMessage(RL_HANDSHAKE, message, 0, message.Length);

    private void sendCertificateVerify()
       * Send signature of handshake messages so far to prove we are the owner of
       * the cert See RFC 2246 sections 4.7, 7.4.3 and 7.4.8

        byte[] md5andsha1 = new byte[16 + 20];
        rs.hash3.DoFinal(md5andsha1, 0);
              byte[] data = clientSigner.CalculateRawSignature(clientPrivateKey, md5andsha1);

        MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream();
        TlsUtilities.WriteUint8(HP_CERTIFICATE_VERIFY, bos);
        TlsUtilities.WriteUint24(data.Length + 2, bos);
        TlsUtilities.WriteOpaque16(data, bos);
        byte[] message = bos.ToArray();

        rs.WriteMessage(RL_HANDSHAKE, message, 0, message.Length);
      catch (CryptoException)
        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_handshake_failure);
    /// <summary>Connects to the remote system.</summary>
    /// <param name="verifyer">Will be used when a certificate is received to verify
    /// that this certificate is accepted by the client.</param>
    /// <exception cref="IOException">If handshake was not successful</exception>
    public virtual void Connect(
      ICertificateVerifyer verifyer)
          this.Connect(verifyer, null, null);

    /// <summary>Connects to the remote system using client authentication</summary>
    /// <param name="verifyer">Will be used when a certificate is received to verify
    /// that this certificate is accepted by the client.</param>
    /// <param name="clientCertificate">The client's certificate to be provided to
    /// the remote system.</param>
    /// <param name="clientPrivateKey">The client's private key for the certificate
    /// to authenticate to the remote system (RSA or DSA).</param>
    // TODO Make public to enable client certificate support
    internal virtual void Connect(
      ICertificateVerifyer  verifyer,
      Certificate        clientCertificate,
      AsymmetricKeyParameter  clientPrivateKey)
      if (clientCertificate == null)
        clientCertificate = new Certificate(new X509CertificateStructure[0]);

      if (clientPrivateKey == null)
        if (clientCertificate.certs.Length != 0)
          throw new ArgumentException("key not specified for certificate", "clientPrivateKey");
              if (clientCertificate.certs.Length == 0)
          throw new ArgumentException("key specified without certificate", "clientPrivateKey");
        else if (!clientPrivateKey.IsPrivate)
          throw new ArgumentException("must be private", "clientPrivateKey");
        else if (clientPrivateKey is RsaKeyParameters)
          clientSigner = new TlsRsaSigner();
        else if (clientPrivateKey is DsaPrivateKeyParameters)
          clientSigner = new TlsDssSigner();
          throw new ArgumentException("type not supported", "clientPrivateKey");

      this.verifyer = verifyer;
      this.clientCert = clientCertificate;
      this.clientPrivateKey = clientPrivateKey;

      * Send Client hello
      * First, generate some random data.
      this.clientRandom = new byte[32];

      * TLS 1.0 requires a unix-timestamp in the first 4 bytes
      int t = (int)(DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs() / 1000L);
      this.clientRandom[0] = (byte)(t >> 24);
      this.clientRandom[1] = (byte)(t >> 16);
      this.clientRandom[2] = (byte)(t >> 8);
      this.clientRandom[3] = (byte)t;

      random.NextBytes(this.clientRandom, 4, 28);

      MemoryStream outStr = new MemoryStream();
      outStr.Write(this.clientRandom, 0, this.clientRandom.Length);

      * Length of Session id
      TlsUtilities.WriteUint8((short)0, outStr);

      * Cipher suites

      * Compression methods, just the null method.
      byte[] compressionMethods = new byte[]{0x00};
      TlsUtilities.WriteOpaque8(compressionMethods, outStr);

      * Extensions
      // TODO Collect extensions from client
      // Int32 -> byte[]
      Hashtable clientExtensions = new Hashtable();

      // TODO[SRP]
//      {
//        MemoryStream srpData = new MemoryStream();
//        TlsUtilities.WriteOpaque8(SRP_identity, srpData);
//        // TODO[SRP] RFC5054 2.8.1: ExtensionType.srp = 12
//        clientExtensions[12] = srpData.ToArray();
//      }

      this.extendedClientHello = (clientExtensions.Count > 0);

      if (extendedClientHello)
        MemoryStream ext = new MemoryStream();

        foreach (int extType in clientExtensions.Keys)
          byte[] extValue = (byte[])clientExtensions[extType];

          TlsUtilities.WriteUint16(extType, ext);
          TlsUtilities.WriteOpaque16(extValue, ext);

        TlsUtilities.WriteOpaque16(ext.ToArray(), outStr);

      MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream();
      TlsUtilities.WriteUint8(HP_CLIENT_HELLO, bos);
      TlsUtilities.WriteUint24((int) outStr.Length, bos);
      byte[] outBytes = outStr.ToArray();
      bos.Write(outBytes, 0, outBytes.Length);
      byte[] message = bos.ToArray();
      rs.WriteMessage(RL_HANDSHAKE, message, 0, message.Length);
      connection_state = CS_CLIENT_HELLO_SEND;

      * We will now read data, until we have completed the handshake.
      while (connection_state != CS_DONE)

      this.tlsInputStream = new TlsInputStream(this);
      this.tlsOutputStream = new TlsOuputStream(this);

    * Read data from the network. The method will return immed, if there is
    * still some data left in the buffer, or block untill some application
    * data has been read from the network.
    * @param buf    The buffer where the data will be copied to.
    * @param offset The position where the data will be placed in the buffer.
    * @param len    The maximum number of bytes to read.
    * @return The number of bytes read.
    * @throws IOException If something goes wrong during reading data.
    internal int ReadApplicationData(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
      while (applicationDataQueue.Available == 0)
        if (this.closed)
          * We need to read some data.
          if (this.failedWithError)
            * Something went terribly wrong, we should throw an IOException
            throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE);

          * Connection has been closed, there is no more data to read.
          return 0;

        catch (IOException e)
          if (!this.closed)
            this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_internal_error);
          throw e;
        catch (Exception e)
          if (!this.closed)
            this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_internal_error);
          throw e;
      len = System.Math.Min(len, applicationDataQueue.Available);
      applicationDataQueue.Read(buf, offset, len, 0);
      return len;

    * Send some application data to the remote system.
    * <p/>
    * The method will handle fragmentation internally.
    * @param buf    The buffer with the data.
    * @param offset The position in the buffer where the data is placed.
    * @param len    The length of the data.
    * @throws IOException If something goes wrong during sending.
    internal void WriteData(byte[] buf, int offset, int len)
      if (this.closed)
        if (this.failedWithError)
          throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE);

        throw new IOException("Sorry, connection has been closed, you cannot write more data");

      * Protect against known IV attack!
      rs.WriteMessage(RL_APPLICATION_DATA, emptybuf, 0, 0);

        * We are only allowed to write fragments up to 2^14 bytes.
        int toWrite = System.Math.Min(len, 1 << 14);

          rs.WriteMessage(RL_APPLICATION_DATA, buf, offset, toWrite);
        catch (IOException e)
          if (!closed)
            this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_internal_error);
          throw e;
        catch (Exception e)
          if (!closed)
            this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_internal_error);
          throw e;

        offset += toWrite;
        len -= toWrite;
      while (len > 0);

    [Obsolete("Use 'OutputStream' property instead")]
    public TlsOuputStream TlsOuputStream
      get { return this.tlsOutputStream; }

    /// <summary>A Stream which can be used to send data.</summary>
    public virtual Stream OutputStream
      get { return this.tlsOutputStream; }

    [Obsolete("Use 'InputStream' property instead")]
    public TlsInputStream TlsInputStream
      get { return this.tlsInputStream; }

    /// <summary>A Stream which can be used to read data.</summary>
    public virtual Stream InputStream
      get { return this.tlsInputStream; }

    * Terminate this connection with an alert.
    * <p/>
    * Can be used for normal closure too.
    * @param alertLevel       The level of the alert, an be AL_fatal or AL_warning.
    * @param alertDescription The exact alert message.
    * @throws IOException If alert was fatal.
    internal void FailWithError(
      short  alertLevel,
      short  alertDescription)
      * Check if the connection is still open.
      if (!closed)
        * Prepare the message
        byte[] error = new byte[2];
        error[0] = (byte)alertLevel;
        error[1] = (byte)alertDescription;
        this.closed = true;

        if (alertLevel == AL_fatal)
          * This is a fatal message.
          this.failedWithError = true;
        rs.WriteMessage(RL_ALERT, error, 0, 2);
        if (alertLevel == AL_fatal)
          throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE);
        throw new IOException(TLS_ERROR_MESSAGE);

    /// <summary>Closes this connection</summary>
    /// <exception cref="IOException">If something goes wrong during closing.</exception>
    public virtual void Close()
      if (!closed)
        this.FailWithError((short)1, (short)0);

    * Make sure the Stream is now empty. Fail otherwise.
    * @param is The Stream to check.
    * @throws IOException If is is not empty.
    internal void AssertEmpty(
      MemoryStream inStr)
      if (inStr.Position < inStr.Length)
        this.FailWithError(AL_fatal, AP_decode_error);

    internal void Flush()
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