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 * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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using System;

namespace Lucene.Net.Search{
  /// <summary>An alternative to BooleanScorer.
  /// <br>Uses ConjunctionScorer, DisjunctionScorer, ReqOptScorer and ReqExclScorer.
  /// <br>Implements skipTo(), and has no limitations on the numbers of added scorers.
  /// </summary>
  class BooleanScorer2 : Scorer
    private class AnonymousClassDisjunctionSumScorer : DisjunctionSumScorer
      private void  InitBlock(BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance)
        this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
      private BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance;
      public BooleanScorer2 Enclosing_Instance
          return enclosingInstance;
      internal AnonymousClassDisjunctionSumScorer(BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance, System.Collections.IList Param1, int Param2):base(Param1, Param2)
      private int lastScoredDoc = - 1;
      public override float Score()
        if (Doc() > lastScoredDoc)
          lastScoredDoc = Doc();
          Enclosing_Instance.coordinator.nrMatchers += base.nrMatchers;
        return base.Score();

        private class AnonymousClassConjunctionScorer : ConjunctionScorer
      private void  InitBlock(int requiredNrMatchers, BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance)
        this.requiredNrMatchers = requiredNrMatchers;
        this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
      private int requiredNrMatchers;
      private BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance;

      public BooleanScorer2 Enclosing_Instance
          return enclosingInstance;
      internal AnonymousClassConjunctionScorer(int requiredNrMatchers, BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance, Lucene.Net.Search.Similarity Param1):base(Param1)
        InitBlock(requiredNrMatchers, enclosingInstance);
      private int lastScoredDoc = - 1;
      public override float Score()
        if (Doc() > lastScoredDoc)
          lastScoredDoc = Doc();
          Enclosing_Instance.coordinator.nrMatchers += requiredNrMatchers;
        // All scorers match, so defaultSimilarity super.score() always has 1 as
        // the coordination factor.
        // Therefore the sum of the scores of the requiredScorers
        // is used as score.
        return base.Score();
    private System.Collections.ArrayList requiredScorers = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
    private System.Collections.ArrayList optionalScorers = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
    private System.Collections.ArrayList prohibitedScorers = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
    private class Coordinator
      public Coordinator(BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance)
      private void  InitBlock(BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance)
        this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
      private BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance;
      public BooleanScorer2 Enclosing_Instance
          return enclosingInstance;
      internal int maxCoord = 0; // to be increased for each non prohibited scorer
      private float[] coordFactors = null;
      internal virtual void  Init()
        // use after all scorers have been added.
        coordFactors = new float[maxCoord + 1];
        Similarity sim = Enclosing_Instance.GetSimilarity();
        for (int i = 0; i <= maxCoord; i++)
          coordFactors[i] = sim.Coord(i, maxCoord);
      internal int nrMatchers; // to be increased by score() of match counting scorers.
      internal virtual void  InitDoc()
        nrMatchers = 0;
      internal virtual float CoordFactor()
        return coordFactors[nrMatchers];
    private Coordinator coordinator;
    /// <summary>The scorer to which all scoring will be delegated,
    /// except for computing and using the coordination factor.
    /// </summary>
    private Scorer countingSumScorer = null;
    /// <summary>The number of optionalScorers that need to match (if there are any) </summary>
    private int minNrShouldMatch;
    /// <summary>Create a BooleanScorer2.</summary>
    /// <param name="similarity">The similarity to be used.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="minNrShouldMatch">The minimum number of optional added scorers
    /// that should match during the search.
    /// In case no required scorers are added,
    /// at least one of the optional scorers will have to
    /// match during the search.
    /// </param>
    public BooleanScorer2(Similarity similarity, int minNrShouldMatch):base(similarity)
      if (minNrShouldMatch < 0)
        throw new System.ArgumentException("Minimum number of optional scorers should not be negative");
      coordinator = new Coordinator(this);
      this.minNrShouldMatch = minNrShouldMatch;
    /// <summary>Create a BooleanScorer2.
    /// In no required scorers are added,
    /// at least one of the optional scorers will have to match during the search.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="similarity">The similarity to be used.
    /// </param>
    public BooleanScorer2(Similarity similarity) : this(similarity, 0)
    public virtual void  Add(Scorer scorer, bool required, bool prohibited)
      if (!prohibited)
      if (required)
        if (prohibited)
          throw new System.ArgumentException("scorer cannot be required and prohibited");
      else if (prohibited)
    /// <summary>Initialize the match counting scorer that sums all the
    /// scores. <p>
    /// When "counting" is used in a name it means counting the number
    /// of matching scorers.<br>
    /// When "sum" is used in a name it means score value summing
    /// over the matching scorers
    /// </summary>
    private void  InitCountingSumScorer()
      countingSumScorer = MakeCountingSumScorer();
    /// <summary>Count a scorer as a single match. </summary>
    private class SingleMatchScorer : Scorer
      private void  InitBlock(BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance)
        this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
      private BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance;
      public BooleanScorer2 Enclosing_Instance
          return enclosingInstance;
      private Scorer scorer;
      private int lastScoredDoc = - 1;
      internal SingleMatchScorer(BooleanScorer2 enclosingInstance, Scorer scorer) : base(scorer.GetSimilarity())
        this.scorer = scorer;
      public override float Score()
        if (Doc() > lastScoredDoc)
          lastScoredDoc = Doc();
        return scorer.Score();
      public override int Doc()
        return scorer.Doc();
      public override bool Next()
        return scorer.Next();
      public override bool SkipTo(int docNr)
        return scorer.SkipTo(docNr);
      public override Explanation Explain(int docNr)
        return scorer.Explain(docNr);
    private Scorer CountingDisjunctionSumScorer(System.Collections.IList scorers, int minMrShouldMatch)
    // each scorer from the list counted as a single matcher
      return new AnonymousClassDisjunctionSumScorer(this, scorers, minMrShouldMatch);
    private static Similarity defaultSimilarity = new DefaultSimilarity();
    private Scorer CountingConjunctionSumScorer(System.Collections.IList requiredScorers)
      // each scorer from the list counted as a single matcher
      int requiredNrMatchers = requiredScorers.Count;
      ConjunctionScorer cs = new AnonymousClassConjunctionScorer(requiredNrMatchers, this, defaultSimilarity);
      System.Collections.IEnumerator rsi = requiredScorers.GetEnumerator();
      while (rsi.MoveNext())
        cs.Add((Scorer) rsi.Current);
      return cs;
    private Scorer DualConjunctionSumScorer(Scorer req1, Scorer req2)
      // non counting. 
      //UPGRADE_NOTE: Final was removed from the declaration of 'requiredNrMatchers '. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1003'"
      int requiredNrMatchers = requiredScorers.Count;
      ConjunctionScorer cs = new ConjunctionScorer(defaultSimilarity);
      // All scorers match, so defaultSimilarity super.score() always has 1 as
      // the coordination factor.
      // Therefore the sum of the scores of two scorers
      // is used as score.
      return cs;
    /// <summary>Returns the scorer to be used for match counting and score summing.
    /// Uses requiredScorers, optionalScorers and prohibitedScorers.
    /// </summary>
    private Scorer MakeCountingSumScorer()
      // each scorer counted as a single matcher
      return (requiredScorers.Count == 0)?MakeCountingSumScorerNoReq():MakeCountingSumScorerSomeReq();
    private Scorer MakeCountingSumScorerNoReq()
      // No required scorers
      if (optionalScorers.Count == 0)
        return new NonMatchingScorer(); // no clauses or only prohibited clauses
        // No required scorers. At least one optional scorer.
        // minNrShouldMatch optional scorers are required, but at least 1
        int nrOptRequired = (minNrShouldMatch < 1)?1:minNrShouldMatch;
        if (optionalScorers.Count < nrOptRequired)
          return new NonMatchingScorer(); // fewer optional clauses than minimum (at least 1) that should match
          // optionalScorers.size() >= nrOptRequired, no required scorers
          Scorer requiredCountingSumScorer = (optionalScorers.Count > nrOptRequired)?CountingDisjunctionSumScorer(optionalScorers, nrOptRequired):((optionalScorers.Count == 1)?new SingleMatchScorer(this, (Scorer) optionalScorers[0]):CountingConjunctionSumScorer(optionalScorers));
          return AddProhibitedScorers(requiredCountingSumScorer);
    private Scorer MakeCountingSumScorerSomeReq()
      // At least one required scorer.
      if (optionalScorers.Count < minNrShouldMatch)
        return new NonMatchingScorer(); // fewer optional clauses than minimum that should match
      else if (optionalScorers.Count == minNrShouldMatch)
        // all optional scorers also required.
        System.Collections.ArrayList allReq = new System.Collections.ArrayList(requiredScorers);
        return AddProhibitedScorers(CountingConjunctionSumScorer(allReq));
        // optionalScorers.size() > minNrShouldMatch, and at least one required scorer
        Scorer requiredCountingSumScorer = (requiredScorers.Count == 1)?new SingleMatchScorer(this, (Scorer) requiredScorers[0]):CountingConjunctionSumScorer(requiredScorers);
        if (minNrShouldMatch > 0)
          // use a required disjunction scorer over the optional scorers
          return AddProhibitedScorers(DualConjunctionSumScorer(requiredCountingSumScorer, CountingDisjunctionSumScorer(optionalScorers, minNrShouldMatch)));
          // minNrShouldMatch == 0
          return new ReqOptSumScorer(AddProhibitedScorers(requiredCountingSumScorer), ((optionalScorers.Count == 1)?new SingleMatchScorer(this, (Scorer) optionalScorers[0]):CountingDisjunctionSumScorer(optionalScorers, 1))); // require 1 in combined, optional scorer.
    /// <summary>Returns the scorer to be used for match counting and score summing.
    /// Uses the given required scorer and the prohibitedScorers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="requiredCountingSumScorer">A required scorer already built.
    /// </param>
    private Scorer AddProhibitedScorers(Scorer requiredCountingSumScorer)
      return (prohibitedScorers.Count == 0)?requiredCountingSumScorer:new ReqExclScorer(requiredCountingSumScorer, ((prohibitedScorers.Count == 1)?(Scorer) prohibitedScorers[0]:new DisjunctionSumScorer(prohibitedScorers)));
    /// <summary>Scores and collects all matching documents.</summary>
    /// <param name="hc">The collector to which all matching documents are passed through
    /// {@link HitCollector#Collect(int, float)}.
    /// <br>When this method is used the {@link #Explain(int)} method should not be used.
    /// </param>
    public override void  Score(HitCollector hc)
      if (countingSumScorer == null)
      while (countingSumScorer.Next())
        hc.Collect(countingSumScorer.Doc(), Score());
    /// <summary>Expert: Collects matching documents in a range.
    /// <br>Note that {@link #Next()} must be called once before this method is
    /// called for the first time.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hc">The collector to which all matching documents are passed through
    /// {@link HitCollector#Collect(int, float)}.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="max">Do not score documents past this.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> true if more matching documents may remain.
    /// </returns>
    protected internal override bool Score(HitCollector hc, int max)
      // null pointer exception when Next() was not called before:
      int docNr = countingSumScorer.Doc();
      while (docNr < max)
        hc.Collect(docNr, Score());
        if (!countingSumScorer.Next())
          return false;
        docNr = countingSumScorer.Doc();
      return true;
    public override int Doc()
      return countingSumScorer.Doc();
    public override bool Next()
      if (countingSumScorer == null)
      return countingSumScorer.Next();
    public override float Score()
      float sum = countingSumScorer.Score();
      return sum * coordinator.CoordFactor();
    /// <summary>Skips to the first match beyond the current whose document number is
    /// greater than or equal to a given target.
    /// <p>When this method is used the {@link #Explain(int)} method should not be used.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="target">The target document number.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> true iff there is such a match.
    /// </returns>
    public override bool SkipTo(int target)
      if (countingSumScorer == null)
      return countingSumScorer.SkipTo(target);
    /// <summary>Throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
    /// TODO: Implement an explanation of the coordination factor.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="doc">The document number for the explanation.
    /// </param>
    /// <throws>  UnsupportedOperationException </throws>
    public override Explanation Explain(int doc)
      throw new System.NotSupportedException();
      /* How to explain the coordination factor?
      return countingSumScorer.explain(doc); // misses coord factor. 
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