| java.lang.Object com.sun.perseus.model.ModelNode com.sun.perseus.model.CompositeNode com.sun.perseus.model.ElementNode com.sun.perseus.model.CompositeGraphicsNode
All known Subclasses: com.sun.perseus.model.AbstractRenderingNode, com.sun.perseus.model.Stop, com.sun.perseus.model.StructureNode,
CompositeGraphicsNode | abstract public class CompositeGraphicsNode extends ElementNode implements GraphicsNode,PaintTarget,SVGLocatableElement(Code) | | CompositeGraphicsNode is the base class for all nodes which are
both composites (i.e., they can have children) and have graphic properties
(such as fill or stroke ).
version: $Id: CompositeGraphicsNode.java,v 1.16 2006/06/29 10:47:29 ln156897 Exp $ |
Method Summary | |
void | clearMarker(int marker) Clears the input marker. | protected boolean | contributeBBox() A CompositeGraphicsNode contributes to its parent bounding
box only if its display property is turned on. | TraitAnim | createTraitAnimImpl(String traitName) | String | fillRuleToStringTrait(int fillRule) Converts the input fill-rule value to a string trait value.
Parameters: fillRule - the fill-rule value to convert. | public SVGRect | getBBox() | public RGB | getColor() the current color property. | public boolean | getDisplay() | public PaintServer | getFill() the current fill property. | public float | getFillOpacity() the current fillOpacity property. | public int | getFillRule() | protected float | getFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex) Returns the value of the given float-valued property. | float | getFloatTraitImpl(String name) Supported float traits: stroke-width, stroke-miterlimit,
stroke-dashoffset, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, opacity. | Transform | getInverseTransformState() this node's cached inverse transform. | public float | getOpacity() the current opacity property value. | protected int | getPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex) Returns the value for the given packed property. | protected Object | getPropertyState(int propertyIndex) Returns the value of the given Object-valued property. | SVGRGBColor | getRGBColorTraitImpl(String name) Supported color traits: color, fill, stroke
Parameters: name - the requested trait's name. | public SVGRect | getScreenBBox() | String | getSpecifiedTraitImpl(String name) Returns the specified trait value as String. | public PaintServer | getStroke() the stroke property. | public float[] | getStrokeDashArray() | public float | getStrokeDashOffset() | public int | getStrokeLineCap() | public int | getStrokeLineJoin() | public float | getStrokeMiterLimit() | public float | getStrokeOpacity() the current strokeOpacity property. | public float | getStrokeWidth() | public String | getTraitImpl(String name) | public Transform | getTransformState() this node's cached transform. | public boolean | getVisibility() | public boolean | isColorRelative(int propertyIndex) Returns true if the input property is color relative. | public boolean | isColorRelativeProperty(int propertyIndex) Returns true if the input property can be color-relative.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the index of the property which may be color-relative. | protected boolean | isFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float propertyValue) Checks the state of the float property value. | final public boolean | isInherited(int propertyIndex) Check if the property is inherited.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the index of the property for which the inherited state should be returned. | final boolean | isMarkerSet(int marker) | protected boolean | isPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int propertyValue) Checks the state of the packed property value. | protected boolean | isPropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object propertyValue) Checks the state of the Object-valued property. | public void | onPaintServerUpdate(String paintType, PaintServer paintServer) | protected void | propagateFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float parentPropertyValue) Called when the computed value of the given float-valued property has
changed. | protected void | propagatePackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int parentPropertyValue) Called when the computed value of the given packed property has changed. | protected void | propagatePropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object parentPropertyValue) Called when the computed value of the given Object-valued property
has changed. | protected void | recomputeFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float parentPropertyValue) Recomputes the given float-valued property's state given the new parent
property. | void | recomputeInheritedProperties() Recomputes all inherited properties. | protected void | recomputePackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int parentPropertyValue) Recomputes the given packed property's state given the new parent
property. | protected void | recomputePropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object parentPropertyValue) Recomputes the given Object-valued property's state given the
new parent property. | protected void | recomputeTransformState(Transform parentTransform) Recomputes the transform cache, if one exists. | public void | setColor(RGB newColor) Setting the color property clears this property's inherited flag. | public void | setColorRelative(int propertyIndex, boolean isColorRelative) | protected void | setColorRelativeQuiet(int propertyIndex, boolean isColorRelative) Implementation. | void | setComputedColor(RGB newColor) | void | setComputedDisplay(boolean newDisplay) | void | setComputedFill(PaintServer newFill) | void | setComputedFillOpacity(float newFillOpacity) | final void | setComputedFillRule(int newFillRule) | void | setComputedOpacity(float newOpacity) | void | setComputedStroke(PaintServer newStroke) | void | setComputedStrokeDashArray(float[] newStrokeDashArray) | void | setComputedStrokeDashOffset(float newStrokeDashOffset) | void | setComputedStrokeLineCap(int newStrokeLineCap) | void | setComputedStrokeLineJoin(int newStrokeLineJoin) | void | setComputedStrokeMiterLimit(float newStrokeMiterLimit) | void | setComputedStrokeOpacity(float newStrokeOpacity) | void | setComputedStrokeWidth(float newStrokeWidth) | void | setComputedVisibility(boolean newVisibility) | public void | setDisplay(boolean newDisplay) Setting the display property clears its inherited flag. | public void | setFill(PaintServer newFill) Setting the fill property clears the inherited and color relative
states (they are set to false). | public void | setFillOpacity(float newFillOpacity) Setting the fillOpacity property clears the inherited and color relative
states (they are set to false). | public void | setFillRule(int newFillRule) | void | setFloatArrayTrait(String name, float[][] value) Set the trait value as float array. | public void | setFloatInherited(int propertyIndex, boolean inherit) | protected void | setFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float propertyValue) Sets the computed value of the given float-valued property. | public void | setFloatTraitImpl(String name, float value) Set the trait value as float. | public void | setInherited(int propertyIndex, boolean inherit) | protected void | setInheritedQuiet(int propertyIndex, boolean inherit) Implementation. | void | setMarker(int marker) Sets the input marker. | public void | setOpacity(float newOpacity) Setting the opacity property clears the inherited and color
relative states (they are set to false). | public void | setPackedInherited(int propertyIndex, boolean inherit) | protected void | setPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int propertyValue) Sets the computed value of the given packed property. | protected void | setPropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object propertyValue) Sets the computed value of the given Object-valued property. | void | setRGBColorTraitImpl(String name, SVGRGBColor color) Set the trait value as
org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGRGBColor SVGRGBColor . | public void | setStroke(PaintServer newStroke) Setting the stroke clears the inherited and color relative states
(i.e., they are set to false).
Parameters: newStroke - new stroke property. | public void | setStrokeDashArray(float[] newStrokeDashArray) Setting the strokeDashArray property clears its inherited flag. | public void | setStrokeDashOffset(float newStrokeDashOffset) Setting the strokeDashOffset property clears its inherited flag. | public void | setStrokeLineCap(int newStrokeLineCap) | public void | setStrokeLineJoin(int newStrokeLineJoin) | public void | setStrokeMiterLimit(float newStrokeMiterLimit) Setting the strokeMiterLimit clears its inherited flag. | public void | setStrokeOpacity(float newStrokeOpacity) Setting the strokeOpacity property clears the inherited and color
relative states (they are set to false). | public void | setStrokeWidth(float newStrokeWidth) Setting the strokeWidth property clears its inherited flag.
Parameters: newStrokeWidth - new strokeWidth property. | public void | setTraitImpl(String name, String value) CompositeGraphicsNode handles the graphics node traits. | public void | setVisibility(boolean newVisibility) Setting the visibility clears its inherited flag. | String | strokeLineCapToStringTrait(int strokeLineCap) Parameters: strokeLineCap - the value to convert. | String | strokeLineJoinToStringTrait(int strokeLineJoin) Parameters: strokeLineJoin - the value to convert. | boolean | supportsTrait(String traitName) Supported traits: stroke-width, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-dashoffset,
fill-rule, stroke-linejoin, stroke-linecap, display, visibility,
color, fill, stroke, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, stroke-dasharray,
Parameters: traitName - the name of the trait which the element may support. | String | toStringTrait(String name, float[][] value) | public float[][] | validateFloatArrayTrait(String traitName, String value, String reqNamespaceURI, String reqLocalName, String reqTraitNamespace, String reqTraitName) Validates the float input trait value. | String | validateTraitNS(String namespaceURI, String traitName, String value, String reqNamespaceURI, String reqLocalName, String reqTraitNamespace, String reqTraitName) Validates the input trait value. |
CAP_BUTT_IMPL | final protected static int CAP_BUTT_IMPL(Code) | | |
CAP_ROUND_IMPL | final protected static int CAP_ROUND_IMPL(Code) | | |
CAP_SQUARE_IMPL | final protected static int CAP_SQUARE_IMPL(Code) | | |
DISPLAY_MASK | final protected static int DISPLAY_MASK(Code) | | |
FILL_OPACITY_MASK | final protected static int FILL_OPACITY_MASK(Code) | | |
FILL_RULE_MASK | final protected static int FILL_RULE_MASK(Code) | | |
FONT_STYLE_ITALIC_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_STYLE_ITALIC_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_STYLE_MASK | final protected static int FONT_STYLE_MASK(Code) | | |
FONT_STYLE_NORMAL_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_STYLE_NORMAL_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_100_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_100_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_200_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_200_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_300_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_300_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_400_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_400_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_500_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_500_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_600_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_600_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_700_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_700_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_800_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_800_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_900_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_900_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_BOLDER_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_BOLDER_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_LIGHTER_IMPL | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_LIGHTER_IMPL(Code) | | |
FONT_WEIGHT_MASK | final protected static int FONT_WEIGHT_MASK(Code) | | |
INITIAL_DISPLAY_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_DISPLAY_IMPL(Code) | | |
INITIAL_FILL_OPACITY_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_FILL_OPACITY_IMPL(Code) | | |
INITIAL_FILL_RULE_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_FILL_RULE_IMPL(Code) | | |
INITIAL_FONT_STYLE_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_FONT_STYLE_IMPL(Code) | | |
INITIAL_FONT_WEIGHT_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_FONT_WEIGHT_IMPL(Code) | | |
INITIAL_OPACITY_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_OPACITY_IMPL(Code) | | |
INITIAL_PACK | final protected static int INITIAL_PACK(Code) | | |
INITIAL_PACK2 | final protected static int INITIAL_PACK2(Code) | | |
INITIAL_STROKE_LINE_CAP_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_STROKE_LINE_CAP_IMPL(Code) | | |
INITIAL_TEXT_ANCHOR_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_TEXT_ANCHOR_IMPL(Code) | | |
INITIAL_VISIBILITY_IMPL | final protected static int INITIAL_VISIBILITY_IMPL(Code) | | |
JOIN_BEVEL_IMPL | final protected static int JOIN_BEVEL_IMPL(Code) | | |
JOIN_MITER_IMPL | final protected static int JOIN_MITER_IMPL(Code) | | |
JOIN_ROUND_IMPL | final protected static int JOIN_ROUND_IMPL(Code) | | |
OPACITY_MASK | final protected static int OPACITY_MASK(Code) | | |
STROKE_LINE_CAP_MASK | final protected static int STROKE_LINE_CAP_MASK(Code) | | |
STROKE_LINE_JOIN_MASK | final protected static int STROKE_LINE_JOIN_MASK(Code) | | |
STROKE_OPACITY_MASK | final protected static int STROKE_OPACITY_MASK(Code) | | |
TEXT_ANCHOR_END_IMPL | final protected static int TEXT_ANCHOR_END_IMPL(Code) | | |
TEXT_ANCHOR_MASK | final protected static int TEXT_ANCHOR_MASK(Code) | | |
TEXT_ANCHOR_MIDDLE_IMPL | final protected static int TEXT_ANCHOR_MIDDLE_IMPL(Code) | | |
TEXT_ANCHOR_START_IMPL | final protected static int TEXT_ANCHOR_START_IMPL(Code) | | |
VISIBILITY_MASK | final protected static int VISIBILITY_MASK(Code) | | |
color | protected RGB color(Code) | | The current color. The fill and stroke colors may be
relative to the current color
inverseTxf | protected Transform inverseTxf(Code) | | Cached inverse transform. May point to the parent inverse transform.
markers | protected int markers(Code) | | Markers are used to keep track of inherited properties, color relative
properties and bolder/lighter font weights.
0-20 : property inheritance
21-22 : color relative
23 : is bolder marker
24 : is lighter marker
pack2 | protected int pack2(Code) | | |
stroke | protected PaintServer stroke(Code) | | The stroke paint used to stroke the outline of
this ShapeNode
strokeDashArray | protected float[] strokeDashArray(Code) | | The stroke dash array
strokeDashOffset | protected float strokeDashOffset(Code) | | The stroke dash offset
strokeMiterLimit | protected float strokeMiterLimit(Code) | | The stroke miter limit
strokeWidth | protected float strokeWidth(Code) | | The stroke width
txf | protected Transform txf(Code) | | Cached Transform. May point to the parent transform.
CompositeGraphicsNode | public CompositeGraphicsNode(DocumentNode ownerDocument)(Code) | | Constructor.
Parameters: ownerDocument - this element's owner DocumentNode |
clearMarker | void clearMarker(int marker)(Code) | | Clears the input marker.
Parameters: marker - the marker to clear. |
contributeBBox | protected boolean contributeBBox()(Code) | | A CompositeGraphicsNode contributes to its parent bounding
box only if its display property is turned on.
true if the node's bounding box should be accounted for. |
createTraitAnimImpl | TraitAnim createTraitAnimImpl(String traitName)(Code) | | Parameters: traitName - the trait name. |
fillRuleToStringTrait | String fillRuleToStringTrait(int fillRule)(Code) | | Converts the input fill-rule value to a string trait value.
Parameters: fillRule - the fill-rule value to convert. In packed form, butwith mask applied. the converted value. |
getColor | public RGB getColor()(Code) | | the current color property. This is not the computedvalue and does not account for the inherited state. |
getDisplay | public boolean getDisplay()(Code) | | current display property value, exclusive of inheritance |
getFill | public PaintServer getFill()(Code) | | the current fill property. This is not the computed values,i.e., it does not account for the inherited or colorrelative states. |
getFillOpacity | public float getFillOpacity()(Code) | | the current fillOpacity property. |
getFillRule | public int getFillRule()(Code) | | the current fillRule property, exclusive ofthe inherited flag. |
getFloatPropertyState | protected float getFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code) | | Returns the value of the given float-valued property.
the value of the given property. |
getFloatTraitImpl | float getFloatTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code) | | Supported float traits: stroke-width, stroke-miterlimit,
stroke-dashoffset, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, opacity.
Parameters: name - the requested trait's name the requested trait's value, as a floating point. throws: DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requestedtrait is not supported on this element or null. throws: DOMException - with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requestedtrait's computed value cannot be converted to a float throws: SecurityException - if the application does not have the necessaryprivilege rights to access this (SVG) content. |
getInverseTransformState | Transform getInverseTransformState()(Code) | | this node's cached inverse transform. |
getOpacity | public float getOpacity()(Code) | | the current opacity property value. |
getPackedPropertyState | protected int getPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code) | | Returns the value for the given packed property.
the value for the given property. |
getPropertyState | protected Object getPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code) | | Returns the value of the given Object-valued property.
the value of the given Object-valued property. |
getRGBColorTraitImpl | SVGRGBColor getRGBColorTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code) | | Supported color traits: color, fill, stroke
Parameters: name - the requested trait's name. the requested trait's value, as an SVGRGBColor . throws: DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requestedtrait is not supported on this element or null. throws: DOMException - with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requestedtrait's computed value cannot be converted to org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGRGBColor SVGRGBColor throws: SecurityException - if the application does not have the necessaryprivilege rights to access this (SVG) content. |
getSpecifiedTraitImpl | String getSpecifiedTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code) | | Returns the specified trait value as String. In SVG Tiny only certain
traits can be obtained as a String value. Syntax of the returned String
matches the syntax of the corresponding attribute. This element is
exactly equivalent to
org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGElement.getTraitNSgetTraitNS with namespaceURI set to null.
The method is meant to be overridden by derived classes. The
implementation pattern is that derived classes will override the method
and call their super class' implementation. If the ElementNode
implementation is called, it means that the trait is either not supported
or that it cannot be seen as a String.
Parameters: name - the requested trait name. the trait value. throws: DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requestedtrait is not supported on this element or null. throws: DOMException - with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requestedtrait's computed value cannot be converted to a String (SVG Tiny only). |
getStroke | public PaintServer getStroke()(Code) | | the stroke property. This is not the computed value asit does not account for the inherited and color relativestates. |
getStrokeDashArray | public float[] getStrokeDashArray()(Code) | | current strokeDashArray, exclusive of the inherited state. |
getStrokeDashOffset | public float getStrokeDashOffset()(Code) | | current strokeDashOffset property value, exclusive of itsinherited state. |
getStrokeLineCap | public int getStrokeLineCap()(Code) | | the strokeLineCap property exclusive of its inherited state |
getStrokeLineJoin | public int getStrokeLineJoin()(Code) | | current strokeLineJoin exclusive of the inherited state |
getStrokeMiterLimit | public float getStrokeMiterLimit()(Code) | | current strokeMiterLimit, exclusive of the inherited state |
getStrokeOpacity | public float getStrokeOpacity()(Code) | | the current strokeOpacity property. |
getStrokeWidth | public float getStrokeWidth()(Code) | | current strokeWidth, exclusive of inheritance |
getTraitImpl | public String getTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code) | | Supported traits: stroke-width, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-dashoffset,
fill-rule, stroke-linejoin, stroke-linecap, display, visibility,
color, fill, stroke, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, stroke-dasharray,
Parameters: name - the requested trait's name the requested trait value, as a string. throws: DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requestedtrait is not supported on this element or null. throws: DOMException - with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if requestedtrait's computed value cannot be converted to a String (SVG Tiny only). |
getTransformState | public Transform getTransformState()(Code) | | this node's cached transform. |
getVisibility | public boolean getVisibility()(Code) | | current visibility property, exclusive of inheritance. |
isColorRelative | public boolean isColorRelative(int propertyIndex)(Code) | | Returns true if the input property is color relative. False
Parameters: propertyIndex - index for the property whose color relativestate should be returned. true if the property at index propertyIndex is relative to the color property. |
isColorRelativeProperty | public boolean isColorRelativeProperty(int propertyIndex)(Code) | | Returns true if the input property can be color-relative.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the index of the property which may be color-relative. true if the input property can be color relative. False otherwise. |
isFloatPropertyState | protected boolean isFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float propertyValue)(Code) | | Checks the state of the float property value.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the property index Parameters: propertyValue - the computed value of the property. |
isInherited | final public boolean isInherited(int propertyIndex)(Code) | | Check if the property is inherited.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the index of the property for which the inherited state should be returned. true if the input property is inherited. Falseotherwise |
isMarkerSet | final boolean isMarkerSet(int marker)(Code) | | true if the input marker is set. |
isPackedPropertyState | protected boolean isPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int propertyValue)(Code) | | Checks the state of the packed property value.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the property index Parameters: propertyValue - the computed value of the property. |
isPropertyState | protected boolean isPropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object propertyValue)(Code) | | Checks the state of the Object-valued property.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the property index Parameters: propertyValue - the computed value of the property. |
onPaintServerUpdate | public void onPaintServerUpdate(String paintType, PaintServer paintServer)(Code) | | Parameters: paintType - the key provided by the PaintTarget when it subscribed to associated PaintServer. Parameters: paintServer - the PaintServer generating the update. |
propagateFloatPropertyState | protected void propagateFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float parentPropertyValue)(Code) | | Called when the computed value of the given float-valued property has
Parameters: propertyIndex - index for the property whose value has changed. Parameters: parentPropertyValue - the value that children of this node should now inherit. |
propagatePackedPropertyState | protected void propagatePackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int parentPropertyValue)(Code) | | Called when the computed value of the given packed property has changed.
Parameters: propertyIndex - index for the property whose value has changed. Parameters: parentPropertyValue - the value that children of this node should now inherit. |
propagatePropertyState | protected void propagatePropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object parentPropertyValue)(Code) | | Called when the computed value of the given Object-valued property
has changed.
Parameters: propertyIndex - index for the property whose value has changed. Parameters: parentPropertyValue - the value that children of this node should now inherit. |
recomputeFloatPropertyState | protected void recomputeFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float parentPropertyValue)(Code) | | Recomputes the given float-valued property's state given the new parent
Parameters: propertyIndex - index for the property whose value is changing. Parameters: parentPropertyValue - the value that children of this node should now inherit. |
recomputeInheritedProperties | void recomputeInheritedProperties()(Code) | | Recomputes all inherited properties.
recomputePackedPropertyState | protected void recomputePackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int parentPropertyValue)(Code) | | Recomputes the given packed property's state given the new parent
Parameters: propertyIndex - index for the property whose value is changing. Parameters: parentPropertyValue - the value that children of this node should now inherit. |
recomputePropertyState | protected void recomputePropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object parentPropertyValue)(Code) | | Recomputes the given Object-valued property's state given the
new parent property.
Parameters: propertyIndex - index for the property whose value is changing. Parameters: parentPropertyValue - the value that children of this node should now inherit. |
recomputeTransformState | protected void recomputeTransformState(Transform parentTransform)(Code) | | Recomputes the transform cache, if one exists. This should recursively
call recomputeTransformState on children node or expanded content, if
By default, because a ModelNode has no transform and no cached transform,
this only does a pass down.
Parameters: parentTransform - the Transform applied to this node's parent. |
setColor | public void setColor(RGB newColor)(Code) | | Setting the color property clears this property's inherited flag.
Parameters: newColor - new color property. |
setColorRelative | public void setColorRelative(int propertyIndex, boolean isColorRelative)(Code) | | Sets the input property as a color-relative property
Parameters: propertyIndex - index of the property for which the color relativestate is set. Parameters: isColorRelative - the new color relative state for the propertyat propertyIndex. |
setColorRelativeQuiet | protected void setColorRelativeQuiet(int propertyIndex, boolean isColorRelative)(Code) | | Implementation. Sets the input property as a color-relative property
but does not generate modification events.
Parameters: propertyIndex - index of the property for which the color relativestate is set. Parameters: isColorRelative - the new color relative state for the propertyat propertyIndex. |
setComputedColor | void setComputedColor(RGB newColor)(Code) | | Parameters: newColor - the new computed color property. |
setComputedDisplay | void setComputedDisplay(boolean newDisplay)(Code) | | Parameters: newDisplay - the new computed display value |
setComputedFill | void setComputedFill(PaintServer newFill)(Code) | | Parameters: newFill - the new computed fill property. |
setComputedFillOpacity | void setComputedFillOpacity(float newFillOpacity)(Code) | | Parameters: newFillOpacity - the new computed value of the fill opacity property. |
setComputedFillRule | final void setComputedFillRule(int newFillRule)(Code) | | Parameters: newFillRule - the new computed fillRule property value. |
setComputedOpacity | void setComputedOpacity(float newOpacity)(Code) | | Parameters: newOpacity - the new computed opacity property. |
setComputedStroke | void setComputedStroke(PaintServer newStroke)(Code) | | Parameters: newStroke - the new computed stroke property. |
setComputedStrokeDashArray | void setComputedStrokeDashArray(float[] newStrokeDashArray)(Code) | | Parameters: newStrokeDashArray - the new computed stroke-dasharray property value. |
setComputedStrokeDashOffset | void setComputedStrokeDashOffset(float newStrokeDashOffset)(Code) | | Parameters: newStrokeDashOffset - the new stroke-dashoffset computed property value. |
setComputedStrokeLineCap | void setComputedStrokeLineCap(int newStrokeLineCap)(Code) | | Parameters: newStrokeLineCap - the new value for the stroke-linecap property. |
setComputedStrokeLineJoin | void setComputedStrokeLineJoin(int newStrokeLineJoin)(Code) | | Parameters: newStrokeLineJoin - the new computed value of stroke-line-join |
setComputedStrokeMiterLimit | void setComputedStrokeMiterLimit(float newStrokeMiterLimit)(Code) | | Parameters: newStrokeMiterLimit - the new computed stroke-miterlimit property. |
setComputedStrokeOpacity | void setComputedStrokeOpacity(float newStrokeOpacity)(Code) | | Parameters: newStrokeOpacity - the new computed stroke-opacity property. |
setComputedStrokeWidth | void setComputedStrokeWidth(float newStrokeWidth)(Code) | | Parameters: newStrokeWidth - the new computed stroke-width property value. |
setComputedVisibility | void setComputedVisibility(boolean newVisibility)(Code) | | Parameters: newVisibility - the new computed visibility property. |
setDisplay | public void setDisplay(boolean newDisplay)(Code) | | Setting the display property clears its inherited flag.
Parameters: newDisplay - new display property value |
setFill | public void setFill(PaintServer newFill)(Code) | | Setting the fill property clears the inherited and color relative
states (they are set to false).
Parameters: newFill - the new fill property |
setFillOpacity | public void setFillOpacity(float newFillOpacity)(Code) | | Setting the fillOpacity property clears the inherited and color relative
states (they are set to false).
Parameters: newFillOpacity - the new fill property |
setFillRule | public void setFillRule(int newFillRule)(Code) | | Setting the fillRule property clears its inherited flag
Parameters: newFillRule - new fillRule property |
setFloatArrayTrait | void setFloatArrayTrait(String name, float[][] value) throws DOMException(Code) | | Set the trait value as float array.
Parameters: name - the trait's name. Parameters: value - the trait's value. throws: DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requestedtrait is not supported on this element. throws: DOMException - with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requestedtrait's value cannot be specified as a float throws: DOMException - with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the inputvalue is an invalid value for the given trait. |
setFloatInherited | public void setFloatInherited(int propertyIndex, boolean inherit)(Code) | | Sets the given float-valued property's inheritance status
Parameters: propertyIndex - the index for the property whose inherited state is set Parameters: inherit - the new property's state |
setFloatPropertyState | protected void setFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float propertyValue)(Code) | | Sets the computed value of the given float-valued property.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the property index Parameters: propertyValue - the computed value of the property. |
setFloatTraitImpl | public void setFloatTraitImpl(String name, float value) throws DOMException(Code) | | Set the trait value as float.
Supported float traits: stroke-width, stroke-miterlimit,
stroke-dashoffset, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, opacity.
Parameters: name - the name of the trait to set. Parameters: value - the value of the trait to set. throws: DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requestedtrait is not supported on this element. throws: DOMException - with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requestedtrait's value cannot be specified as a float throws: DOMException - with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the inputvalue is an invalid value for the given trait. throws: SecurityException - if the application does not have the necessaryprivilege rights to access this (SVG) content. |
setInherited | public void setInherited(int propertyIndex, boolean inherit)(Code) | | Sets the given Object-valued property's inheritance status
Parameters: propertyIndex - the index for the property whose inherited state is set Parameters: inherit - the new property's state |
setInheritedQuiet | protected void setInheritedQuiet(int propertyIndex, boolean inherit)(Code) | | Implementation. Sets the input property's inheritance status,
but does not send modification events.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the index for the property whose inherited state is set Parameters: inherit - the new property's state |
setMarker | void setMarker(int marker)(Code) | | Sets the input marker.
Parameters: marker - the marker to set. |
setOpacity | public void setOpacity(float newOpacity)(Code) | | Setting the opacity property clears the inherited and color
relative states (they are set to false).
Parameters: newOpacity - the new opacity property |
setPackedInherited | public void setPackedInherited(int propertyIndex, boolean inherit)(Code) | | Sets the input packed property's inheritance status
Parameters: propertyIndex - the index for the property whose inherited state is set Parameters: inherit - the new property's state |
setPackedPropertyState | protected void setPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int propertyValue)(Code) | | Sets the computed value of the given packed property.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the property index Parameters: propertyValue - the computed value of the property. |
setPropertyState | protected void setPropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object propertyValue)(Code) | | Sets the computed value of the given Object-valued property.
Parameters: propertyIndex - the property index Parameters: propertyValue - the computed value of the property. |
setRGBColorTraitImpl | void setRGBColorTraitImpl(String name, SVGRGBColor color) throws DOMException(Code) | | Set the trait value as
org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGRGBColor SVGRGBColor .
Supported color traits: color, fill, stroke
Parameters: name - the name of the trait to set. Parameters: value - the value of the trait to set. throws: DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requestedtrait is not supported on this element or null. throws: DOMException - with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requestedtrait's value cannot be specified as an org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGRGBColor SVGRGBColor throws: DOMException - with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the inputvalue is null. throws: SecurityException - if the application does not have the necessaryprivilege rights to access this (SVG) content. |
setStroke | public void setStroke(PaintServer newStroke)(Code) | | Setting the stroke clears the inherited and color relative states
(i.e., they are set to false).
Parameters: newStroke - new stroke property. |
setStrokeDashArray | public void setStrokeDashArray(float[] newStrokeDashArray)(Code) | | Setting the strokeDashArray property clears its inherited flag.
Parameters: newStrokeDashArray - new strokeDashArray property. |
setStrokeDashOffset | public void setStrokeDashOffset(float newStrokeDashOffset)(Code) | | Setting the strokeDashOffset property clears its inherited flag.
Parameters: newStrokeDashOffset - new strokeDashOffset value |
setStrokeLineCap | public void setStrokeLineCap(int newStrokeLineCap)(Code) | | Setting the strokeLineCap property clears the inherited flag
Parameters: newStrokeLineCap - new strokeLineCap property |
setStrokeLineJoin | public void setStrokeLineJoin(int newStrokeLineJoin)(Code) | | Setting the strokeLineJoin property clears the inherited flag
Parameters: newStrokeLineJoin - new strokeLineJoin property |
setStrokeMiterLimit | public void setStrokeMiterLimit(float newStrokeMiterLimit)(Code) | | Setting the strokeMiterLimit clears its inherited flag.
Parameters: newStrokeMiterLimit - new strokeMiterLimit property |
setStrokeOpacity | public void setStrokeOpacity(float newStrokeOpacity)(Code) | | Setting the strokeOpacity property clears the inherited and color
relative states (they are set to false).
Parameters: newStrokeOpacity - the new stroke property |
setStrokeWidth | public void setStrokeWidth(float newStrokeWidth)(Code) | | Setting the strokeWidth property clears its inherited flag.
Parameters: newStrokeWidth - new strokeWidth property. Should be positive or zero. |
setTraitImpl | public void setTraitImpl(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code) | | CompositeGraphicsNode handles the graphics node traits.
Other attributes are handled by the super class.
Supported traits: stroke-width, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-dashoffset,
fill-rule, stroke-linejoin, stroke-linecap, display, visibility,
color, fill, stroke, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, stroke-dasharray,
Parameters: name - the name of the trait to set. Parameters: value - the value of the trait to set. throws: DOMException - with error code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR if the requestedtrait is not supported on this element or null. throws: DOMException - with error code TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR if the requestedtrait's value cannot be specified as a String throws: DOMException - with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the inputvalue is an invalid value for the given trait or null. throws: DOMException - with error code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: ifattempt is made to change readonly trait. |
setVisibility | public void setVisibility(boolean newVisibility)(Code) | | Setting the visibility clears its inherited flag.
Parameters: newVisibility - the new visibility value |
strokeLineCapToStringTrait | String strokeLineCapToStringTrait(int strokeLineCap)(Code) | | Parameters: strokeLineCap - the value to convert. the converted value. |
strokeLineJoinToStringTrait | String strokeLineJoinToStringTrait(int strokeLineJoin)(Code) | | Parameters: strokeLineJoin - the value to convert. In packed form, but withmask applied. the converted value. |
supportsTrait | boolean supportsTrait(String traitName)(Code) | | Supported traits: stroke-width, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-dashoffset,
fill-rule, stroke-linejoin, stroke-linecap, display, visibility,
color, fill, stroke, fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, stroke-dasharray,
Parameters: traitName - the name of the trait which the element may support. true if this element supports the given trait in one of thetrait accessor methods. |
toStringTrait | String toStringTrait(String name, float[][] value)(Code) | | Parameters: name - the name of the trait to convert. Parameters: value - the float trait value to convert. |
validateFloatArrayTrait | public float[][] validateFloatArrayTrait(String traitName, String value, String reqNamespaceURI, String reqLocalName, String reqTraitNamespace, String reqTraitName) throws DOMException(Code) | | Validates the float input trait value.
Parameters: traitName - the name of the trait to be validated. Parameters: value - the value to be validated Parameters: reqNamespaceURI - the namespace of the element requesting validation. Parameters: reqLocalName - the local name of the element requesting validation. Parameters: reqTraitNamespace - the namespace of the trait which has the valuesvalue on the requesting element. Parameters: reqTraitName - the name of the trait which has the values value on the requesting element. throws: DOMException - with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the inputvalue is incompatible with the given trait. |
validateTraitNS | String validateTraitNS(String namespaceURI, String traitName, String value, String reqNamespaceURI, String reqLocalName, String reqTraitNamespace, String reqTraitName) throws DOMException(Code) | | Validates the input trait value.
Parameters: namespaceURI - the trait's namespace URI. Parameters: traitName - the name of the trait to be validated. Parameters: value - the value to be validated Parameters: reqNamespaceURI - the namespace of the element requesting validation. Parameters: reqLocalName - the local name of the element requesting validation. Parameters: reqTraitNamespace - the namespace of the trait which has the valuesvalue on the requesting element. Parameters: reqTraitName - the name of the trait which has the values value on the requesting element. throws: DOMException - with error code INVALID_ACCESS_ERR if the inputvalue is incompatible with the given trait. |
Methods inherited from com.sun.perseus.model.ElementNode | public void add(ElementNode element)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addProxy(ElementNodeProxy proxy)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String alignToStringTrait(int align)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DOMException animationError(String targetId, String traitNamespace, String traitName, String targetNamespace, String targetName, String animationId, String animationNamespace, String animationLocalName, String errorDescription)(Code)(Java Doc) public void appendTextChild(String text)(Code)(Java Doc) protected ElementNodeProxy buildExpandedProxy()(Code)(Java Doc) ElementNodeProxy buildProxy()(Code)(Java Doc) final void checkNCName(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void checkPositive(String name, float value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void checkWriteLoading(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final boolean conditionEquals(int index, String[] conditionValue)(Code)(Java Doc) TraitAnim createTraitAnimImpl(String traitName)(Code)(Java Doc) TraitAnim createTraitAnimNS(String traitNamespace, String traitName)(Code)(Java Doc) TraitAnim createTraitAnimNSImpl(String traitNamespace, String traitName)(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean equal(Object objA, Object objB)(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean equal(float[] faa, float[] fab)(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean equal(String[] saa, String[] sab)(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean equal(int[][] iaa, int[][] iab)(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean equal(float[][] faa, float[][] fab)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String fontStylesToStringTrait(int styles)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String fontWeightsToStringTrait(int weight)(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getAttribute(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) String[] getConditionalAttribute(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) public String[][] getDefaultTraits()(Code)(Java Doc) public ModelNode getFirstComputedExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc) public Element getFirstElementChild()(Code)(Java Doc) ModelNode getFirstExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc) final public float getFloatTrait(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) float getFloatTraitImpl(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getId()(Code)(Java Doc) public Element getLastElementChild()(Code)(Java Doc) ModelNode getLastExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc) final public SVGMatrix getMatrixTrait(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) SVGMatrix getMatrixTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public String getNamespaceURI()(Code)(Java Doc) public Element getNextElementSibling()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getPaintNeedsLoad()(Code)(Java Doc) public Node getParentNode()(Code)(Java Doc) final public SVGPath getPathTrait(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) SVGPath getPathTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public Element getPreviousElementSibling()(Code)(Java Doc) final public SVGRGBColor getRGBColorTrait(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) SVGRGBColor getRGBColorTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public SVGRect getRectTrait(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) SVGRect getRectTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getRequiredExtensions()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getRequiredFeatures()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getRequiredTraits()(Code)(Java Doc) public String[][] getRequiredTraitsNS()(Code)(Java Doc) TraitAnim getSafeTraitAnimNS(String traitNamespace, String traitName)(Code)(Java Doc) String getSpecifiedTraitImpl(String traitName) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) String getSpecifiedTraitNSImpl(String traitNamespace, String traitName) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] getSystemLanguage()(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getTrait(String traitName) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public String[][] getTraitAliases()(Code)(Java Doc) TraitAnim getTraitAnimNS(String traitNamespace, String traitName)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getTraitImpl(String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public String getTraitNS(String namespaceURI, String name) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) String getTraitNSImpl(String namespaceURI, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getURIBase()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getXMLSpace()(Code)(Java Doc) DOMException illegalTraitValue(String name, String value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DOMException illegalTraitValue(String name, String namespaceURI, String value)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String intern(String str)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void modifiedNode()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void modifyingNode()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public ElementNode newInstance(DocumentNode doc)(Code)(Java Doc) void nodeHookedInDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc) DOMException notAnimatable(String traitNamespace, String traitName)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected Time parseClockTrait(String traitName, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected RGB parseColorTrait(String traitName, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public float[] parseFloatArrayTrait(String traitName, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public float[] parseFloatArrayTrait(String traitName, String value, char sep) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected float parseFloatTrait(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public String[] parseFontFamilyTrait(String name, String value)(Code)(Java Doc) final public int parseFontStylesTrait(String name, String value)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected int parseFontWeightsTrait(String name, String value)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected float parseLengthTrait(String name, String value, boolean isHorizontal) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected Time parseMinMaxClock(String traitName, String value, boolean isMin) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected PaintServer parsePaintTrait(String traitName, PaintTarget paintTarget, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected Path parsePathTrait(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected Path parsePointsTrait(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected float[] parsePositiveFloatArrayTrait(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected float parsePositiveFloatTrait(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected float parsePositiveLengthTrait(String name, String value, boolean isHorizontal) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected String[] parseStringArrayTrait(String name, String value, String seperators) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected Transform parseTransformTrait(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final protected int[][] parseUnicodeRangeTrait(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void preValidate()(Code)(Java Doc) ModelNode proxyNodeHitAt(float[] pt, ElementNodeProxy proxy)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DOMException readOnlyTraitError(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void recomputeProxyTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc) void removeProxy(ElementNodeProxy proxy)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setAttribute(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) void setConditionalAttribute(int index, String[] newValue)(Code)(Java Doc) void setFloatArrayTrait(String name, float[][] value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setFloatTrait(String name, float value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) void setFloatTraitImpl(String name, float value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setId(String newId)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setMatrixTrait(String name, SVGMatrix matrix) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) void setMatrixTraitImpl(String name, Transform matrix) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setPathTrait(String name, SVGPath path) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) void setPathTraitImpl(String name, SVGPath path) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPreferedPaintNeedsLoad(boolean paintNeedsLoad)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setRGBColorTrait(String name, SVGRGBColor color) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) void setRGBColorTraitImpl(String name, SVGRGBColor color) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setRectTrait(String name, SVGRect rect) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRectTraitImpl(String name, SVGRect rect) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRequiredExtensions(String[] newRequiredExtensions)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRequiredFeatures(String[] newRequiredFeatures)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSystemLanguage(String[] newSystemLanguage)(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setTrait(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTraitImpl(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) final public void setTraitNS(String namespaceURI, String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTraitNSImpl(String namespaceURI, String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setURIBase(String newUriBase)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setXMLSpace(int newXmlSpace)(Code)(Java Doc) boolean supportsTrait(String traitName)(Code)(Java Doc) boolean supportsTraitNS(String namespaceURI, String traitName)(Code)(Java Doc) float[][] toAnimatedFloatArray(float v)(Code)(Java Doc) float[][] toAnimatedFloatArray(float[] a)(Code)(Java Doc) float[][] toAnimatedFloatArray(Path path)(Code)(Java Doc) protected RGB toRGB(String name, float[][] v) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toRGBString(String name, float[][] v) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) protected SVGMatrix toSVGMatrixTrait(Transform transform)(Code)(Java Doc) protected SVGRGBColor toSVGRGBColor(String traitName, PaintServer paint)(Code)(Java Doc) protected SVGRect toSVGRect(float[][] viewBox)(Code)(Java Doc) String toString(PaintServer paintServer)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) String toStringTrait(String traitName, float[][] value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toStringTrait(String[] array)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toStringTrait(String[] array, String sep)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toStringTrait(float[] array)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toStringTrait(float[] array, char sep)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toStringTrait(float[][] array)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String toStringTrait(Transform transform)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toStringTraitQuote(String[] array)(Code)(Java Doc) float[] toTraitFloatArray(float[][] value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected float[][] toViewBox(String name, String value) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void unhookChildrenQuiet()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void unhookExpandedQuiet()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String unicodeRangeToStringTrait(int[][] u)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DOMException unsupportedTrait(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DOMException unsupportedTraitNS(String name, String namespaceURI)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DOMException unsupportedTraitType(String name, String type)(Code)(Java Doc) protected DOMException unsupportedTraitTypeNS(String name, String namespaceURI, String type)(Code)(Java Doc) float[][] validateFloatArrayTrait(String traitName, String value, String reqNamespaceURI, String reqLocalName, String reqTraitNamespace, String reqTraitName) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) String validateTraitNS(String namespaceURI, String traitName, String value, String reqNamespaceURI, String reqLocalName, String reqTraitNamespace, String reqTraitName) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from com.sun.perseus.model.ModelNode | Box addBBox(Box bbox, Transform t)(Code)(Java Doc) static Box addBBox(Box bbox, float x, float y, float width, float height)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, boolean useCapture) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) Box addNodeBBox(Box bbox, Transform t)(Code)(Java Doc) static Box addShapeBBox(Box bbox, Path path, Transform t)(Code)(Java Doc) static Box addTransformedBBox(Box bbox, float x, float y, float width, float height, Transform m)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Transform appendTransform(Transform tx, Transform workTx)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void clearLastRenderedTile()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void clearLayouts()(Code)(Java Doc) void clearLayouts(ModelNode node)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderDisplayBit(boolean display)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderEmptyPathBit(Path path)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderEmptyViewBoxBit(float[][] viewBox)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderFontSizeBit(float fontSize)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderHeightBit(float height)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderRequiredExtensionsBit(String[] requiredExtensions)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderRequiredFeaturesBit(String[] requiredFeatures)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderSystemLanguageBit(String[] systemLanguage)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderTransformBit(Transform transform)(Code)(Java Doc) final void computeCanRenderWidthBit(float width)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void computeRenderingTile(Tile tile)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean contributeBBox()(Code)(Java Doc) public void dispatchEvent(ModelEvent evt)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public ModelNode getFirstChildNode()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract ModelNode getFirstComputedExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract ModelNode getFirstExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc) protected float getFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected float getInheritedFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected int getInheritedPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected Object getInheritedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc) Transform getInverseTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public ModelNode getLastChildNode()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract ModelNode getLastExpandedChild()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Tile getLastRenderedTile()(Code)(Java Doc) public ModelNode getNextSiblingNode()(Code)(Java Doc) public DocumentNode getOwnerDocument()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc) boolean getPaintNeedsLoad()(Code)(Java Doc) public ModelNode getParent()(Code)(Java Doc) public ModelNode getPreviousSiblingNode()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object getPropertyState(int propertyIndex)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Tile getRenderingTile()(Code)(Java Doc) public SVGMatrix getScreenCTM()(Code)(Java Doc) public Transform getTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getURIBase()(Code)(Java Doc) protected UpdateListener getUpdateListener()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasDescendants()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean hasNodeRendering()(Code)(Java Doc) boolean inDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isInDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc) final public boolean isLoaded()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean isPropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void modifiedNode()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void modifyingNode()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void modifyingNodeRendering()(Code)(Java Doc) public ModelNode nodeHitAt(float[] pt)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected ModelNode nodeHitAt(ModelNode node, float[] pt)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void nodeInserted(ModelNode node)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void nodeRendered()(Code)(Java Doc) void onHookedInDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc) void onUnhookedFromDocumentTree()(Code)(Java Doc) static void paint(ModelNode node, RenderGraphics rg)(Code)(Java Doc) public void paint(RenderGraphics rg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void propagateCanRenderState(int oldCanRenderState, int newCanRenderState)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void propagateFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void propagatePackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void propagatePropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void recomputeFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) void recomputeInheritedProperties()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void recomputePackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void recomputePropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object parentPropertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void recomputeTransformState()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void recomputeTransformState(Transform parentTransform)(Code)(Java Doc) void recomputeTransformState(Transform parentTransform, ModelNode node)(Code)(Java Doc) final protected Transform recycleTransform(Transform tx, Transform workTx)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener, boolean useCapture) throws DOMException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setFloatPropertyState(int propertyIndex, float propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLoaded(boolean isLoaded)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setPackedPropertyState(int propertyIndex, int propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setParent(ModelNode newParent)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setParentQuiet(ModelNode newParent)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setPropertyState(int propertyIndex, Object propertyValue)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void unhookChildrenQuiet()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void unhookExpandedQuiet()(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void unhookQuiet(ModelNode node)(Code)(Java Doc)