| an implementation of the AES (Rijndael), from FIPS-197.
For further details see: http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/aes/.
This implementation is based on optimizations from Dr. Brian Gladman's paper and C code at
There are three levels of tradeoff of speed vs memory
Because java has no preprocessor, they are written as three separate classes from which to choose
The fastest uses 8Kbytes of static tables to precompute round calculations, 4 256 word tables for encryption
and 4 for decryption.
The middle performance version uses only one 256 word table for each, for a total of 2Kbytes,
adding 12 rotate operations per round to compute the values contained in the other tables from
the contents of the first
The slowest version uses no static tables at all and computes the values
in each round.
This file contains the slowest performance version with no static tables
for round precomputation, but it has the smallest foot print.