buildMessages(Definition definition) Creates messages for each element found in the schema for which isRequestMessage(),
isResponseMessage(), or isFaultMessage() is true.
Creates a Types object that is populated with the types found in the schema.
Parameters: definition - the WSDL4J Definition throws: WSDLException - in case of errors
Given an request message name, return the corresponding fault message name.
Default implementation removes the request suffix, and appends the fault suffix.
Parameters: requestMessageName - the name of the request message the name of the corresponding response message, or null
Given an request message name, return the corresponding response message name.
Default implementation removes the request suffix, and appends the response suffix.
Parameters: requestMessageName - the name of the request message the name of the corresponding response message, or null
Indicates whether the given name should be included as Message in the definition. Default
implementation checks whether the local part ends with the fault suffix.
Parameters: name - the name of the element elligable for being a message true if to be included as message; false otherwise See Also:XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.setFaultSuffix(String)
Indicates whether the given name name should be included as request Message in the definition.
Default implementation checks whether the local part ends with the request suffix.
Parameters: name - the name of the element elligable for being a message true if to be included as message; false otherwise See Also:XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.setRequestSuffix(String)
Indicates whether the given name should be included as Message in the definition. Default
implementation checks whether the local part ends with the response suffix.
Parameters: name - the name of the element elligable for being a message true if to be included as message; false otherwise See Also:XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.setResponseSuffix(String)
Adds the target namespace and schema namespace to the definition.
protected void populateMessage(Message message, Element element)(Code)
Called after the Message has been created.
Default implementation sets the name of the message to the element name.
Parameters: message - the WSDL4J Message Parameters: element - the element throws: WSDLException - in case of errors
Called after the Operation has been created.
Default implementation sets the name of the operation to name of the messages, without suffix.
Parameters: operation - the WSDL4J Operation Parameters: requestMessage - the WSDL4J request Message Parameters: responseMessage - the WSDL4J response Message throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also:XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.setPortTypeName(String)
Called after the Part has been created.
Default implementation sets the element name of the part.
Parameters: part - the WSDL4J Part Parameters: elementName - the elementName throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also: Part.setElementName(javax.xml.namespace.QName)
Called after the PortType has been created.
Default implementation sets the name of the port type to the defined value.
Parameters: portType - the WSDL4J PortType throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also:XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.setPortTypeName(String)