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32feet.NET » InTheHand » Net » Bluetooth » Widcomm » WidcommRfcommStream.cs
// 32feet.NET - Personal Area Networking for .NET
// InTheHand.Net.Widcomm.WidcommSocketExceptions
// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 In The Hand Ltd, All rights reserved.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Alan J. McFarlane, All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the In The Hand Community License - see License.txt

//define TRACE_TO_FILE
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using WriteAsyncResultInTheHand.Net.AsyncNoResultInTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WidcommRfcommStream.BeginReadParameters;
using ReadAsyncResultInTheHand.Net.AsyncResultInTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WidcommRfcommStream.BeginReadParameters;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;

namespace InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm{
     * 1. Rename WidcommRfcommStream to WidcommRfcommStreamBase
     * 2. Recompile including Tests!
     * 3. Make WidcommRfcommStreamBase abstract, and add the concrete "sealed" version.
     * 4. Compile and fix the references needed to the concrete class.

        internal sealed class WidcommRfcommStream : WidcommRfcommStreamBase
            internal WidcommRfcommStream(IRfcommPort port, IRfCommIf rfCommIf, WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase factory)
                : base(port, rfCommIf, factory)

            internal WidcommRfcommStream(IRfcommPort port, IRfCommIf rfCommIf)
                : base(port, rfCommIf)

    //internal abstract class WidcommRfcommStreamBase : Stream
    internal class WidcommRfcommStream : Stream
        const string ObjectDisposedException_ObjectName = "Network";
        internal const string WrappingIOExceptionMessage = "IOError on socket.";
        WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase m_factory;
        IRfcommPort m_port;
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1823:AvoidUnusedPrivateFields", Justification = "Is used in the DEBUG build.")]
        IRfcommPort m_origPort;//DEBUG
        enum State
        State m_state_;
        // Socket.get_Connected reports false only after a (failed) user IO operation,
        // so we should do the same.  So m_state reports the live state, and this
        // property reports the user-visible connected state.
        bool m_connected;
        object lockKey = new object();
        BluetoothAddress m_remoteAddress;
        // Connect
        string m_passcodeToTry;
        BluetoothAddress m_addressToConnect;
        byte m_ocScn;
        AsyncResultNoResult m_arConnect, m_arConnectCompleted;
        WidcommRfcommInterface m_RfCommIf;
        // Receive
        int m_receivedDataFirstBlockOffset;
        Queue<byte[]> m_receivedData = new Queue<byte[]>();
        int m_amountInReadBuffers;
        Queue<ReadAsyncResult> m_arReceiveList = new Queue<AsyncResult<int, BeginReadParameters>>();
        // Write
        Queue<WriteAsyncResult> m_arWriteQueue = new Queue<WriteAsyncResult>();
        ManualResetEvent m_writeEmptied;
        // Single threading
        WidcommPortSingleThreader _singleThreader;
#if DEBUG && ! PocketPC
        string m_creationStackTrace;

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1816:CallGCSuppressFinalizeCorrectly",
            Justification = "If we don't create the native object, there's no need for finalization")]
        internal WidcommRfcommStream(IRfcommPort port, IRfCommIf rfCommIf, WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase factory)
            m_factory = factory;
            //m_sbLogging = new StringBuilder();
            //StringWriter wtr = new StringWriter(m_sbLogging, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            TextWriter wtr = File.CreateText("RfcommStream.txt");
            m_logWtr = TextWriter.Synchronized(wtr);
            m_log = new string[LogNumberOfLines];
#if DEBUG && ! PocketPC
            m_creationStackTrace = Environment.StackTrace;
            _singleThreader = factory.GetSingleThreader();
            bool created = false;
            try {
                if (rfCommIf != null) {
                    m_RfCommIf = new WidcommRfcommInterface(rfCommIf);
                created = true;
            } finally {
                if (!created) { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); }

        private void SetPort(IRfcommPort port)
            if (this.m_port != null) {
                this.m_origPort = this.m_port;
            this.m_port = port;
            m_debugId = null; // force re-create
            if (m_origPortId == null) {
                m_origPortId = port.DebugId;
            } else {
                m_curPortId = port.DebugId;

        private void DoPortCreate(IRfcommPort port)
            if (_singleThreader != null) {
                WidcommPortSingleThreader.PortCreateCommand cmd = AddCommand(
                    new WidcommPortSingleThreader.PortCreateCommand(port));
#if !NETCF
            } else if (WidcommBtInterface.IsWidcommCallbackThread) {
                ThreadStart dlgt = port.Create;
                IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(null, null);
            } else {

        readonly StringBuilder m_sbLogging;
        readonly TextWriter m_logWtr;
        const int LogNumberOfLines = 64;
        string[] m_log;
        int m_logIdx;
        string m_debugId, m_origPortId, m_curPortId;

        void Log(string message)
            WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine(message); // for PC command-line etc
            m_logWtr.WriteLine(message);  // for NETCF+debugger
            int idx0, idx;
            idx = idx0 = Interlocked.Increment(ref m_logIdx);
            uint ui = unchecked((uint)idx);
            ui %= (uint)m_log.Length;
            idx = checked((int)ui);
            m_log[idx] = "" + idx0 + "-- " + message; // for NETCF+debugger

        void LogFormat(string format, params object[] args)
                format, args));

        internal string DebugId
                if (m_debugId == null) {
                    string id = m_origPortId;
                    if (m_curPortId != null) {
                        id += "->" + m_curPortId;
                    m_debugId = id;
                return m_debugId;

        private LingerOption m_lingerState = new LingerOption(true, 0);

        internal LingerOption LingerState
            get { return m_lingerState; }
                if (!value.Enabled)
                    throw new ArgumentException("No support for non-Linger mode in Widcomm wrapper.");
                m_lingerState = value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Fails if state is not Connected.
        /// </summary>
        private void EnsureOpenForWrite()
            if (m_state_ == State.Connected)
            if (m_state_ == State.PeerDidClose) { // Extra negative condition to EnsureOpenForRead
                throw new IOException(WrappingIOExceptionMessage,
            Debug.Fail("Unknown state: " + m_state_);
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Not connected.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Fails if state is not Connected or PeerDidClose.
        /// </summary>
        private void EnsureOpenForRead()
            if (m_state_ == State.Closed)
                throw new IOException(WrappingIOExceptionMessage,
                    new ObjectDisposedException(ObjectDisposedException_ObjectName));
            if (m_state_ == State.New)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not connected.");
            if (!m_connected)
                throw new IOException(WrappingIOExceptionMessage,
            if (m_state_ == State.Connected || m_state_ == State.PeerDidClose)
            Debug.Fail("Unknown state: " + m_state_);
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Not connected.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Used by Client, note from MSDN Socket.Connected:
        /// "Gets a value that indicates whether a Socket is connected to a remote host as of the last Send or Receive operation."
        /// </summary>
        /// -
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>From MSDN <see cref="P:System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connected"/>:
        /// "Gets a value that indicates whether a Socket is connected to a remote host as of the last Send or Receive operation."
        /// From MSDN <see cref="P:System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.Connected"/>:
        /// "true if the Client socket was connected to a remote resource as of the most recent operation; otherwise, false."
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        internal bool Connected
            get { return m_connected; }

        internal bool LiveConnected
            get { return m_state_ == State.Connected; }

        void SetAsDisconnected()
            Debug.Assert(m_connected, "already not m_connected");

        void SetAsDisconnectedFromDisposal()
            Debug.Assert(m_state_ == State.Closed || m_state_ == State.PeerDidClose, "m_state open!");
            m_connected = false;

        private void ImplicitPeerClose()
            m_state_ = State.PeerDidClose;

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            LogFormat("Dispose({0})", disposing);
            if (disposing) {
            } else {
            State m_prevState = m_state_;
            ReadAsyncResult[] readsToAbort;
            WriteAsyncResult[] writesToAbort;
            AsyncResultNoResult connectToAbort = null;
            Exception exToThrow = null;
            bool dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue = false;
            try {
                if (m_state_ != State.Closed) {
                    try {
                        m_state_ = State.Closed;
                        DisposeLinger(disposing, out exToThrow, out dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue);
                        lock (lockKey) {
                            Log("Dispose: in lock");
                            if (m_prevState == State.PeerDidClose) { // Don't know whether its ok to call twice...
                                // COVERAGE
                            ClearAllReadRequests_inLock(out readsToAbort);
                            ClearAllWriteRequests_inLock(out writesToAbort);
                            if (m_arConnect != null) {
                                connectToAbort = m_arConnect;
                                m_arConnectCompleted = m_arConnect;
                                m_arConnect = null;
                            ManualResetEvent wee = m_writeEmptied;
                            if (disposing && wee != null) {
                                m_writeEmptied = null;
                        // Do we need to abort these when being Finalized? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
                        // TODO SetAsC on same thread (only on user/finalizer thread though).
                        if (connectToAbort != null) {
                            connectToAbort.SetAsCompleted(new ObjectDisposedException(
                                ObjectDisposedException_ObjectName), false);
                    } finally {
                        if (m_RfCommIf != null)
                        // Could there be a race of an event arriving just as we call Close?
                        // And thus the callback called when the object are being deleted.
                        // So do we need to delay etc before calling this??
            } finally {
                m_logWtr.Flush(); // let it just finalize -- in case we write after this
            Debug.Assert(!dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue || m_arWriteQueue.Count == 0,
                "Told to expect no remaining Send data, but was some...");
            if (exToThrow != null) {
                throw exToThrow;

        private void DoPortClose(bool disposing)
            if (_singleThreader != null) {
                WidcommPortSingleThreader.PortCloseCommand cmd = AddCommand(
                    new WidcommPortSingleThreader.PortCloseCommand(m_port));
            } else {

        private void DoPortDestroy(bool disposing)
            if (_singleThreader != null) {
                ThreadStart dlgt = delegate { m_port.Destroy(); };
                WidcommPortSingleThreader.MiscNoReturnCommand cmd = AddCommand(
                    new WidcommPortSingleThreader.MiscNoReturnCommand(dlgt));
            } else {

        private void DisposeLinger(bool disposing, out Exception exToThrow, out bool dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue)
            if (disposing) {
                if (!LingerState.Enabled) {
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Background non-linger Close not supported.");
                } else {
                    if (LingerState.LingerTime == 0) {
                        // Hard close, so just proceed and abort the writes.
                        dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue = true;
                        exToThrow = null;
                    } else {
                        // Wait for the linger-time to see if the writes are processed.
                        lock (lockKey) {
                            if (m_arWriteQueue.Count == 0) {
                                // NOP
                            } else {
                                m_writeEmptied = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                        if (m_writeEmptied == null) {
                            Debug.Assert(m_arWriteQueue.Count == 0);
                            exToThrow = null;
                            dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue = true;
                        } else {
                            const int MillisPerSeconds = 1000;
                            int msTime = LingerState.LingerTime * MillisPerSeconds;
                            bool emptied = m_writeEmptied.WaitOne(msTime, false);
                            if (emptied) {
                                Debug.Assert(m_arWriteQueue.Count == 0);
                                exToThrow = null;
                                dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue = true;
                            } else {
                                Debug.Assert(m_arWriteQueue.Count != 0);
                                exToThrow = new Exception("Linger time-out FIXME");
                                dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue = false;
            } else {
                exToThrow = null;
                dbgExpectEmptyWriteQueue = false;


        private static void MemoryBarrier()
#if ! PocketPC

        internal IAsyncResult BeginConnect(BluetoothEndPoint bep, string pin,
            AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state)
            if (bep.Port == 0 || bep.Port == -1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Channel Number must be set in the BluetoothEndPoint, i.e. SDP lookup done.", "bep");
            if (bep.Port < BluetoothEndPoint.MinScn || bep.Port > BluetoothEndPoint.MaxScn)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bep", "Channel Number must be in the range 1 to 30.");
            byte scn = (byte)bep.Port;
            m_passcodeToTry = pin;
            lock (lockKey) {
                if (m_state_ == State.Closed)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(ObjectDisposedException_ObjectName);
                if (m_state_ != State.New) {
                    const int SocketError_IsConnected = 10056;
                    throw new SocketException(SocketError_IsConnected); // [Begin]Connect called twice
                if (m_arConnect != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Another Connect operation is already in progress.");
                Debug.Assert(m_arConnectCompleted == null);
                AsyncResultNoResult ar = new AsyncResultNoResult(asyncCallback, state);
                m_RfCommIf.SetScnForPeerServer(bep.Service, scn);
                // Initiate the connect attempt, and then wait for the CONNECTED Event.
                m_ocScn = scn;
                m_addressToConnect = bep.Address;
                PORT_RETURN_CODE ret = DoOpenClient(m_ocScn, WidcommUtils.FromBluetoothAddress(m_addressToConnect));
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("OpenClient ret: {0}=0x{0:X}", ret);
                if (ret != PORT_RETURN_CODE.SUCCESS)
                    throw WidcommSocketExceptions.Create(ret, "OpenClient");
                Debug.Assert(ar != null);
                m_arConnect = ar;
                return ar;

        PORT_RETURN_CODE DoOpenClient(byte scn, byte[] address)
            PORT_RETURN_CODE ret;
            ret = m_port.OpenClient(scn, address);
            if (_singleThreader != null) {
                WidcommPortSingleThreader.OpenClientCommand cmd = AddCommand(
                    new WidcommPortSingleThreader.OpenClientCommand(scn, address, m_port));
                ret = cmd.WaitCompletion();
#if !NETCF
            } else if (WidcommBtInterface.IsWidcommCallbackThread) {
                Func<byte, byte[], PORT_RETURN_CODE> dlgt = m_port.OpenClient;
                IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(scn, address, null, null);
                ret = dlgt.EndInvoke(ar);
            } else {
                ret = m_port.OpenClient(scn, address);
            return ret;

        internal void EndConnect(IAsyncResult ar)
            // (Can't lock here as that would block the callback methods).
            if (ar != m_arConnect && ar != m_arConnectCompleted)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown IAsyncResult.");
            try {
            } finally {
                Debug.Assert(m_arConnect == null);
                m_arConnectCompleted = null;

        internal IAsyncResult BeginAccept(BluetoothEndPoint bep, string serviceName, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, Object state)
            if (bep == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("bep");
            if (bep.Port == 0 || bep.Port == -1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Channel Number must be set in the BluetoothEndPoint, i.e. SDP lookup done.", "bep");
            if (bep.Port < BluetoothEndPoint.MinScn || bep.Port > BluetoothEndPoint.MaxScn)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bep", "Channel Number must be in the range 1 to 30.");
            byte scn = (byte)bep.Port;
            lock (lockKey) {
                if (m_state_ == State.Closed)
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(ObjectDisposedException_ObjectName);
                if (m_state_ != State.New) {
                    const int SocketError_IsConnected = 10056;
                    throw new SocketException(SocketError_IsConnected); // [Begin]Connect/Accept called twice
                if (m_arConnect != null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Another Connect operation is already in progress.");
                Debug.Assert(m_arConnectCompleted == null);
                AsyncResultNoResult ar = new AsyncResultNoResult(asyncCallback, state);
                // Initiate the connect attempt, and then wait for the CONNECTED Event.
                PORT_RETURN_CODE ret = DoOpenServer(scn);
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("OpenServer ret: {0}=0x{0:X}", ret);
                if (ret != PORT_RETURN_CODE.SUCCESS)
                    throw WidcommSocketExceptions.Create(ret, "OpenServer");
                Debug.Assert(ar != null);
                m_arConnect = ar;
                return ar;

        private PORT_RETURN_CODE DoOpenServer(byte scn)
            PORT_RETURN_CODE ret;
            ret = m_port.OpenServer(scn);
            if (_singleThreader != null) {
                WidcommPortSingleThreader.OpenServerCommand cmd = AddCommand(
                    new WidcommPortSingleThreader.OpenServerCommand(scn, m_port));
                ret = cmd.WaitCompletion();
#if !NETCF
            } else if (WidcommBtInterface.IsWidcommCallbackThread) {
                Func<byte, PORT_RETURN_CODE> dlgt = m_port.OpenServer;
                IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(scn, null, null);
                ret = dlgt.EndInvoke(ar);
            } else {
                ret = m_port.OpenServer(scn);
            return ret;

        delegate TResult Func<T1, TResult>(T1 p1);
        delegate TResult Func<T1, T2, TResult>(T1 p1, T2 p2);

        internal void EndAccept(IAsyncResult ar)
            // (Can't lock here as that would block the callback methods).
            if (ar != m_arConnect && ar != m_arConnectCompleted)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown IAsyncResult.");
            try {
            } finally {
                Debug.Assert(m_arConnect == null);
                m_arConnectCompleted = null;

        internal BluetoothAddress RemoteAddress { get { return m_remoteAddress; } }

        public override bool CanRead { get { return Connected; } }
        public override bool CanWrite { get { return Connected; } }
        public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } }

        PORT_EV PORT_EV_ModemSignal

        internal void HandlePortEvent(PORT_EV eventId, IRfcommPort port)
            LogFormat("{3}: {0} ({1}) port: {2}\r\n", eventId, m_state_, port, DebugId);
            lock (lockKey) {
                if (port != m_port) {
            int handledCount = 0;
            if ((eventId & PORT_EV_ModemSignal) != 0) {
                ; //NOP
            if ((eventId & PORT_EV.CONNECTED) != 0) {
            if ((eventId & PORT_EV.CONNECT_ERR) != 0) {
            if ((eventId & PORT_EV.TXCHAR) != 0) {
            if ((eventId & PORT_EV.TXEMPTY) != 0) {
            if ((eventId & PORT_EV.FCS) != 0) { // FlowControl On
            if (((eventId & PORT_EV.FC) != 0)
                    && ((eventId & PORT_EV.FCS) == 0)) { // FlowControl Off
                ; // NOP
            if (handledCount == 0)
                WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine(DebugId + ": " + "Unknown event: '{0}'=0x{0:X}", eventId);

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        private void HandleCONNECTED(PORT_EV eventId)
            AsyncResultNoResult sacAr; // Call SetAsCompleted outside the lock.
            lock (lockKey) {
                    "CONNECTED {0}; m_state: {1}; m_arConnect {2}, IsCompleted: {3}.",
                    DebugId, m_state_,
                    (m_arConnect == null) ? "(null)" : "(set)",
                    (m_arConnect == null) ? "n/a" : m_arConnect.IsCompleted.ToString()));
                if (m_arConnect != null && !m_arConnect.IsCompleted) {
                    // Success!
                    m_state_ = State.Connected;
                    m_connected = true;
                    sacAr = m_arConnect;
                    m_arConnectCompleted = m_arConnect;
                    m_arConnect = null;
                    // Get the remote address
                    try {
                        bool connected = DoIsConnected(out m_remoteAddress);
                        Debug.Assert(connected || TestUtilities.IsUnderTestHarness(), "!CRfCommPort.IsConnected");
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        Debug.Assert(TestUtilities.IsUnderTestHarness(), DebugId + ": " + "m_port.IsConnected exception: " + ex);
                } else {
                    Debug.Assert(m_state_ == State.Connected
                        || m_state_ == State.Closed // Consumer called Close soon after connect.
                        DebugId + ": " +
                        eventId + ": m_state wanted: " + "Connected" + ", but was: " + m_state_
                        + ((m_arConnect == null) ? " ar==(null)" : " ar==(non-null)")
                    sacAr = null;
            if (sacAr != null)
                sacAr.SetAsCompleted(null, false);

        bool DoIsConnected(out BluetoothAddress p_remote_bdaddr)
            bool connected;
            connected = m_port.IsConnected(out p_remote_bdaddr);
            if (_singleThreader != null) {
                WidcommPortSingleThreader.Func<IsConnectedResult> dlgt = delegate {
                    IsConnectedResult rslt = new IsConnectedResult();
                    rslt._connected = m_port.IsConnected(out rslt._p_remote_bdaddr);
                    return rslt;
                WidcommPortSingleThreader.MiscReturnCommand<IsConnectedResult> cmd = AddCommand(
                    new WidcommPortSingleThreader.MiscReturnCommand<IsConnectedResult>(dlgt));
                IsConnectedResult ret = cmd.WaitCompletion();
                connected = ret._connected;
                p_remote_bdaddr = ret._p_remote_bdaddr;
            } else {
                connected = m_port.IsConnected(out p_remote_bdaddr);
            return connected;

        class IsConnectedResult
            public bool _connected;
            public BluetoothAddress _p_remote_bdaddr;

        private void HandleCONNECT_ERR(PORT_EV eventId)
            AsyncResultNoResult sacAr; // Call SetAsCompleted outside the lock.
            Exception sacEx;
            ReadAsyncResult[] allRead = null;
            WriteAsyncResult[] allWrite = null;
            lock (lockKey) {
                    "CONNECT_ERR {0}, m_state: {1}, m_arConnect {2}",
                    DebugId, m_state_,
                    (m_arConnect == null) ? "(null)" : "(set)"));
                if (m_arConnect != null) {
                    Debug.Assert(m_state_ == State.New, eventId + ": m_state wanted: " + "New" + ", but was: " + m_state_);
                    WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("HandlePortEvent: connect failed.");
                    // It **could** be that the peer needs authentication/bonding,
                    // unfortunately there's no specific error returned in the CONNECT_ERR
                    // event, so we'll try a Bond and try OpenClient again if there's
                    // a Passcode provided.  Three states are possible:
                    // 1. No Passcode, so we didn't retry.
                    // 2. Something failed, return that error to the consumer.
                    // 3. We are retrying, so expect CONNECT/CONNECT_ERR.
                    Exception bondEx;
                    bool retrying = TryBondingIf_inLock(out bondEx);
                    if (retrying) {
                        Debug.Assert(bondEx == null);
                        sacAr = null;
                        sacEx = null;
                    } else if (bondEx != null) {
                        // Report the new failure.
                        sacAr = m_arConnect;
                        sacEx = bondEx;
                        m_arConnectCompleted = m_arConnect;
                        m_arConnect = null;
                    } else {
                        // Report the original failure.
                        sacAr = m_arConnect;
                        sacEx = WidcommSocketExceptions.CreateConnectFailed("PortCONNECT_ERR");
                        m_arConnectCompleted = m_arConnect;
                        m_arConnect = null;
                } else if (m_state_ == State.Closed) {
                    // On Win32, at least, we get CONNECT_ERR on calling Close
                    //Debug.Fail("Info: here be CONNECT_ERR after calling Close");
                    sacAr = null;
                    sacEx = null;
                } else {
                    Debug.Assert(m_state_ == State.Connected
                            || m_state_ == State.PeerDidClose, // We've seen CONNECT_ERR occur twice
                        DebugId + ": " +
                        eventId + ": m_state wanted: " + "Connected" + ", but was: " + m_state_);
                    WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("HandlePortEvent: closed when open.");
                    CloseInternal(out allRead, out allWrite);
                    sacAr = null;
                    sacEx = null;
            if (sacAr != null)
                sacAr.SetAsCompleted(sacEx, false);
            AbortIf(allRead, allWrite);

        /// <summary>
        /// Used: 1. when we get CONNECT_ERR from the stack, and POSSIBLY 2. when we close the 
        /// stream to do consumer timeout (SO_RCVTIMEO/etc).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="allRead">Out: to call <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WidcommRfcommStream.AbortIf(System.Collections.Generic.IList{InTheHand.Net.AsyncResult{System.Int32,InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WidcommRfcommStream.BeginReadParameters}}, System.Collections.Generic.IList{InTheHand.Net.AsyncNoResult{InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WidcommRfcommStream.BeginReadParameters}})"/>
        /// on.</param>
        /// <param name="allWrite">Out: to call <see cref="M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WidcommRfcommStream.AbortIf(System.Collections.Generic.IList{InTheHand.Net.AsyncResult{System.Int32,InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WidcommRfcommStream.BeginReadParameters}}, System.Collections.Generic.IList{InTheHand.Net.AsyncNoResult{InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Widcomm.WidcommRfcommStream.BeginReadParameters}})"/>
        /// on.</param>
        private void CloseInternal(out ReadAsyncResult[] allRead, out WriteAsyncResult[] allWrite)
            // For Listener an old port (previously accepted and closed by
            // the peer) is re-used to accept a new connection even when other
            // ports have been create'd/OpenServer'd, so close immmediately.
            if (m_state_ != State.PeerDidClose) { // Don't know whether its ok to call twice...
                // i.e. Debug.Assert(m_state_ == State.Connected);
            // No information whether this is a hard or clean close! :-(
            m_state_ = State.PeerDidClose;
            if (GetPendingReceiveDataLength() == 0) {
                // Must signal EoS to release any pending Reads for which no data will arrive.
                ClearAllReadRequests_inLock(out allRead);
            } else {
                allRead = null;
            ClearAllWriteRequests_inLock(out allWrite);

        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        private bool TryBondingIf_inLock(out Exception error)
            const bool Retrying = true;
            const bool NotRetrying = false;
             * if(havePin)
             *   if(Bond success)
             *     if(OpenClient success)
             *       return Retrying;
             * return NotRetrying;
            try { // Mustn't die on this thread, need to report all exceptions back!!
                if (m_passcodeToTry != null) {
                    if (m_addressToConnect == null) {
                        Debug.Fail("In retry, have passcode, but looks like Server mode!!");
                        error = null;
                        return NotRetrying;
                    string passcodeToTry = m_passcodeToTry;
                    m_passcodeToTry = null;
                    Debug.Assert(m_addressToConnect != null, "m_addressToConnect != null");
                    bool didPair = Bond(m_addressToConnect, passcodeToTry);
                    if (didPair) {
                        Debug.Assert(m_arConnect != null);
                        Debug.Assert(!m_arConnect.IsCompleted, "!m_arConnect.IsCompleted");
                        //TODO Destroy old port!
                        PORT_RETURN_CODE ret = m_port.OpenClient(m_ocScn, WidcommUtils.FromBluetoothAddress(m_addressToConnect));
                        WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("OpenClient/AB ret: {0}=0x{0:X}", ret);
                        if (ret == PORT_RETURN_CODE.SUCCESS) {
                            error = null;
                            return Retrying;
                        } else {
                            error = WidcommSocketExceptions.Create(ret, "OpenClient/AB");
                            return NotRetrying;
                error = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                error = ex;
            return NotRetrying;

        /// <summary>
        /// Wrapper around CBtIf::Bond().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device"><see cref="BluetoothAddress"/></param>
        /// <param name="passcode"><see cref="T:System.String"/></param>
        /// <returns><see langword="true"/> if pairing was completed.
        /// <see langword="false"/> if were already paired, or pairing failed.
        /// </returns>
        private bool Bond(BluetoothAddress device, string passcode)
            //bool pd = BluetoothSecurity.PairRequest(device, passcode);
            BOND_RETURN_CODE rc = ((WidcommBluetoothSecurity)m_factory.DoGetBluetoothSecurity()).Bond_(device, passcode);
            Log("Bond: " + rc);
            switch (rc) {
                case BOND_RETURN_CODE.SUCCESS:
                    return true;
                case BOND_RETURN_CODE.FAIL:
                    // TODO ? BOND_RETURN_CODE.FAIL -> Report this in the exception?
                    return false;
                    // (BTW:"maintained for compatibility")
                    return false;
                    // What is this??
                    return false;
                case BOND_RETURN_CODE.BAD_PARAMETER:
                    // TODO ? BOND_RETURN_CODE.BAD_PARAMETER -> Report this in the exception?
                    return false;
                case BOND_RETURN_CODE.NO_BT_SERVER:
                    return false;

        void ClearAllReadRequests_inLock(out ReadAsyncResult[] all)
            all = m_arReceiveList.ToArray();

        void Abort(IList<ReadAsyncResult> all)
            foreach (ReadAsyncResult ar in all) {
                ar.SetAsCompleted(0, false);

        void ClearAllRequests_inLock(out ReadAsyncResult[] allRead, out WriteAsyncResult[] allWrite)
            ClearAllReadRequests_inLock(out allRead);
            ClearAllWriteRequests_inLock(out allWrite);

        void AbortIf(IList<ReadAsyncResult> allRead, IList<WriteAsyncResult> allWrite)
            if (allRead != null)
            if (allWrite != null)

        internal void HandlePortReceive(byte[] buffer, IRfcommPort port)
            Log("HandlePortReceive port: " + port.DebugId);
            lock (lockKey) {
                Log("HandlePortReceive: in lock");
                if (port != m_port) {
                // Put it on the queue.
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_amountInReadBuffers >= 0);
                m_amountInReadBuffers += buffer.Length;
                // TODO Check high-water mark and set SetFlowControl.
            // Free any waiting reads.
            int readLen;
            AsyncResult<int, BeginReadParameters> ar; // Call SetAsCompleted outside the lock.
            while (true) {
                lock (lockKey) {
                    if (m_arReceiveList.Count == 0 || GetPendingReceiveDataLength() == 0)
                    ar = m_arReceiveList.Dequeue();
                    BeginReadParameters args = ar.BeginParameters;
                    readLen = ReturnSomeReceivedData_MustBeInLock(args.buffer, args.offset, args.count);
                ar.SetAsCompleted(readLen, AsyncResultCompletion.MakeAsync);

        private int GetPendingReceiveDataLength()
            if (m_receivedData.Count == 0)
                return 0;
            else {
                int firstLen, firstOffset;
                FirstReceivedBlockInfo_(out firstLen, out firstOffset);
                return firstLen;

        private int ReturnSomeReceivedData_MustBeInLock(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            // Use the data; returning as much of the first block that will fit.
            // Possible TO-DO: Or we could return data from many of the blocks to fill the buffer.
            int firstLen, firstOffset;
            FirstReceivedBlockInfo_(out firstLen, out firstOffset);
            int returnedLen;
            if (firstLen <= count) { // Use all of the first block and remove it.
                byte[] data = m_receivedData.Dequeue();
                Array.Copy(data, m_receivedDataFirstBlockOffset, buffer, offset, firstLen);
                m_receivedDataFirstBlockOffset = 0;
                Debug.Assert(firstLen != 0, "Mustn't return 0 except at closed.");
                returnedLen = firstLen;
            } else { // Use some of the first block.
                byte[] data = m_receivedData.Peek();
                int lenToRead = Math.Min(count, firstLen);
                Array.Copy(data, firstOffset, buffer, offset, lenToRead);
                m_receivedDataFirstBlockOffset += lenToRead;
                Debug.Assert(m_receivedDataFirstBlockOffset <= data.Length, "Should not leave an empty block.");
                Debug.Assert(lenToRead != 0 || count == 0, "Mustn't return 0 except at closed, or when requested.");
                returnedLen = lenToRead;
            m_amountInReadBuffers -= returnedLen;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_amountInReadBuffers >= 0, "m_amountInReadBuffers: " + m_amountInReadBuffers);
            // TODO Check low-water mark and clear SetFlowControl
            return returnedLen;

        private void FirstReceivedBlockInfo_(out int length, out int offset)
            Debug.Assert(m_receivedData.Count != 0);
            byte[] data = m_receivedData.Peek();
            offset = m_receivedDataFirstBlockOffset;
            length = data.Length - offset;
            Debug.Assert(length != 0, "Found empty block on receive list.");

        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            // TODO Add parameter checking
            IAsyncResult ar;
            lock (lockKey) {
                if (m_receivedData.Count != 0) {
                    return ReturnSomeReceivedData_MustBeInLock(buffer, offset, count);
                } else {
                    // No pending data, due to closed?  Otherwise wait.
                    if (m_state_ == State.PeerDidClose)
                        return 0;
                    ar = this.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, null, null);
                    // We must exit the lock to allow new data to arrive!
            Debug.Assert(ar != null, "Should be here only after calling BeginRead");
            if (!IsInfiniteTimeout(_readTimeout)) {
                ApplyTimeout(ar, _readTimeout, m_arReceiveList);
            return this.EndRead(ar);

        public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            // TODO Add parameter checking
            AsyncResult<int, BeginReadParameters> sacAr; // Call SetAsCompleted outside the lock.
            int readLen;
            lock (lockKey) {
                BeginReadParameters args = new BeginReadParameters(buffer, offset, count);
                AsyncResult<int, BeginReadParameters> ar
                    = new AsyncResult<int, BeginReadParameters>(callback, state, args);
                if (m_receivedData.Count == 0) {
                    switch (m_state_) {
                        case State.Connected:
                            // Wait for some more data then.
                            return ar;
                        default: // Expect only "PeerDidClose", others blocked by EnsureOpen.
                            Debug.Assert(m_state_ == State.PeerDidClose, "Unexpected State: " + m_state_);
                            // So, we're at EoF -> Completed Synchronously
                            sacAr = ar;
                            readLen = 0;
                } else {
                    // Data available -> Completed Synchronously
                    readLen = ReturnSomeReceivedData_MustBeInLock(args.buffer, args.offset, args.count);
                    sacAr = ar;
            Debug.Assert(sacAr != null, "Only get here when want to call SetAsCompleted!");
            sacAr.SetAsCompleted(readLen, true);
            return sacAr;

        public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            // (Can't lock here as that would block the callback methods).
            AsyncResult<int, BeginReadParameters> ar
                = (AsyncResult<int, BeginReadParameters>)asyncResult;
            int readLen = ar.EndInvoke();
            Debug.Assert(!m_arReceiveList.Contains(ar), "Should have cleaned up outstanding IAsyncResult list");
            return readLen;

        internal sealed class BeginReadParameters
            //Unused: public readonly int startTicks = Environment.TickCount;
            public byte[] buffer;
            public int offset;
            public int count;

            public BeginReadParameters(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
                this.buffer = buffer;
                this.offset = offset;
                this.count = count;

        public virtual bool DataAvailable { get { return AmountInReadBuffers > 0; } }

        internal int AmountInReadBuffers
                lock (lockKey) {
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_amountInReadBuffers >= 0);
                    return m_amountInReadBuffers;

        int _readTimeout = Timeout.Infinite;
        int _writeTimeout = Timeout.Infinite;

        public override bool CanTimeout { get { return true; } }

        public override int ReadTimeout
            get { return _readTimeout; }
            set { _readTimeout = value; }

        public override int WriteTimeout
            get { return _writeTimeout; }
            set { _writeTimeout = value; }

        static bool IsInfiniteTimeout(int timeout)
            if (timeout == Timeout.Infinite)
                return true;
            if (timeout == 0)
                return true;
            return false;

        private void ApplyTimeout<TAsyncResult>(IAsyncResult ar, int timeout,
            Queue<TAsyncResult> queue)
            where TAsyncResult : AsyncResultNoResult
            Debug.Assert(timeout != Timeout.Infinite, "Called with invalid timeout (-1).");
            Debug.Assert(timeout != 0, "Called with invalid timeout (0).");
            TAsyncResult sacAr = null;
            ReadAsyncResult[] allRead = null;
            WriteAsyncResult[] allWrite = null;
            int watchdog = 0;
            while (true) { // See comment in loop
                Debug.Assert(sacAr == null);
                bool signalled = ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout, false);
                if (signalled) {
                } else {
                    lock (lockKey) {
                        TAsyncResult peekFirstAr = queue.Peek();
                        if (peekFirstAr == ar) {
                            sacAr = queue.Dequeue();
                            Debug.Assert(sacAr == ar, "How did a different AR get to the front of the queue?!?");
                            CloseInternal(out allRead, out allWrite);
                        } else {
                            // There are waiting Reads in the queue ahead of us
                            // and we can't remove ours from behind them, so we
                            // just have to wait some more...
                            sacAr = null;
                //if (watchdog > 10) {
                //    Debug.Fail("Looping in DoTimeout!");
                //    break;
            if (sacAr != null) { // Set completion with error.
                const int WSAETIMEDOUT = 10060;
                Exception ex0 = new SocketException(WSAETIMEDOUT);
                sacAr.SetAsCompleted(new IOException(ex0.Message, ex0), true);
                AbortIf(allRead, allWrite);
            } else {
                Debug.Assert(allRead == null, "inconsistent allRead");
                Debug.Assert(allWrite == null, "inconsistent allWrite");


        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        private void FreePendingWrites()
            // Release the async operations outside the lock.
            Queue<WriteAsyncResult> sacArQueue = new Queue<WriteAsyncResult>();
            WriteAsyncResult sacErroredLast = null;
            Exception sacEx = null;
            lock (lockKey) {
                int loops = 0;
                while (m_arWriteQueue.Count != 0) {
                    WriteAsyncResult arPeek = m_arWriteQueue.Peek();
                    BeginReadParameters work = arPeek.BeginParameters;
                    int lenWritten;
                    try {
                        lenWritten = PortWrite(work.buffer, work.offset, work.count);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        if (!TestUtilities.IsUnderTestHarness())
                            Debug.Fail("Write failed at FPW -- Not seen in reality");
                        WriteAsyncResult ar = m_arWriteQueue.Dequeue();
                        sacErroredLast = ar;
                        sacEx = ex;
                    if (lenWritten == work.count) {
                        WriteAsyncResult ar = m_arWriteQueue.Dequeue();
                    } else {
                        Debug.Assert(lenWritten < work.count, "lenWritten: " + lenWritten + ", work.count: " + work.count);
                        work.count -= lenWritten;
                        work.offset += lenWritten;
                        break; // Need to wait for the next event!
                if (m_arWriteQueue.Count == 0 && m_writeEmptied != null) {
                if (loops == 0) {
                    // DEBUG test-coverage
                } else if (loops == 1) {
                    // DEBUG test-coverage
                } else {
                    // DEBUG test-coverage
            while (sacArQueue.Count != 0) {
                WriteAsyncResult ar = sacArQueue.Dequeue();
                ar.SetAsCompleted(null, AsyncResultCompletion.MakeAsync);
            Debug.Assert((sacErroredLast == null) == (sacEx == null));
            if (sacErroredLast != null) {
                sacErroredLast.SetAsCompleted(sacEx, AsyncResultCompletion.MakeAsync);

        void ClearAllWriteRequests_inLock(out WriteAsyncResult[] all)
            all = m_arWriteQueue.ToArray();

        void Abort(IList<WriteAsyncResult> all)
            foreach (WriteAsyncResult ar in all) {
                ar.SetAsCompleted(new IOException(WrappingIOExceptionMessage,
                    WidcommSocketExceptions.ConnectionIsPeerClosed()), false);

        public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            WriteAsyncResult sacAr; // SetAsComplete outside the lock.
            lock (lockKey) {
                WriteAsyncResult ar;
                if (m_arWriteQueue.Count == 0) { // Try to complete the send immediately.
                    bool success = false;
                    int lenWritten;
                    try {
                        lenWritten = PortWrite(buffer, offset, count);
                        success = true;
                    } finally {
                        if (!success) {
                            if (!TestUtilities.IsUnderTestHarness())
                                Debug.Fail("Write failed at BW -- Not seen in reality");
                    if (lenWritten == count) { // -> CompletedSynchronously
                        ar = new WriteAsyncResult(callback, state, null);
                        sacAr = ar;
                    } else { // Queue the remainder...
                        BeginReadParameters work = new BeginReadParameters(
                            buffer, offset + lenWritten, count - lenWritten);
                        Debug.Assert(work.offset < buffer.Length, "work.offset: " + work.offset + ", buffer.Length: " + buffer.Length);
                        Debug.Assert(work.count > 0, "work.count: " + work.count);
                        ar = new WriteAsyncResult(callback, state, work);
                        return ar;
                } else { //-----------------------
                    // Queue it all...
                    ar = new WriteAsyncResult(callback, state,
                        new BeginReadParameters(buffer, offset, count));
                    return ar;
            // Fall throught from complete write.
            sacAr.SetAsCompleted(null, true);
            return sacAr;

        public override void EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            bool success = false;
            try {
                WriteAsyncResult ar2 = (WriteAsyncResult)asyncResult;
                success = true;
            } finally {
                if (!success) {
                    Debug.Assert(!LiveConnected, "EndWrite on !success !LiveConnected already");
                    Debug.Assert(!LiveConnected || !Connected, "EndWrite on !success !Connected already");

        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            IAsyncResult ar = BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, null, null);
            if (!IsInfiniteTimeout(_writeTimeout)) {
                ApplyTimeout(ar, _writeTimeout, m_arWriteQueue);

        private int PortWrite(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            int totalLenWritten = 0;
            UInt16 lenAttemptedToWrite, lenWritten;
            // Try in 16KB chunks
            while (count > 0) {
                PortWriteMax16kb(buffer, offset, count, out lenAttemptedToWrite, out lenWritten);
                Debug.Assert(lenWritten <= lenAttemptedToWrite, "lenWritten<= lenToWrite ("
                    + lenWritten + "," + lenAttemptedToWrite + ")");
                Debug.Assert(lenWritten >= 0, "NOT +ve lenWritten: " + lenWritten);
                count -= lenWritten;
                offset += lenWritten;
                Debug.Assert(count >= 0, "count: " + count);
                Debug.Assert(offset <= buffer.Length, "offset: " + offset + ", buffer.Length: " + buffer.Length);
                totalLenWritten += lenWritten;
                if (lenAttemptedToWrite != lenWritten)
                    break; // port.Write accepted only part!  The rest needs to be queued.
            return totalLenWritten;

        private void PortWriteMax16kb(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, out UInt16 lenAttemptToWrite, out UInt16 lenWritten)
            lenAttemptToWrite = (UInt16)Math.Min(count, UInt16.MaxValue);
            byte[] data;
            if (offset == 0 && lenAttemptToWrite == count && buffer.Length == lenAttemptToWrite) {
                // perf optimisation
                data = buffer;
            } else {
                data = new byte[lenAttemptToWrite];
                Array.Copy(buffer, offset, data, 0, lenAttemptToWrite);
            PORT_RETURN_CODE ret = DoWrite(data, lenAttemptToWrite, out lenWritten);
            if (ret != PORT_RETURN_CODE.SUCCESS)
                throw new IOException(WrappingIOExceptionMessage,
                    WidcommSocketExceptions.Create(ret, "Write"));
            WidcommUtils.Trace_WriteLine("m_port.Write: len in: {0}, len out: {1}", lenAttemptToWrite, lenWritten);
            Debug.Assert(lenWritten <= lenAttemptToWrite, "lenWritten<= lenToWrite ("
                + lenWritten + "," + lenAttemptToWrite + ")");

        PORT_RETURN_CODE DoWrite(byte[] p_data, UInt16 len_to_write, out UInt16 p_len_written)
            PORT_RETURN_CODE ret;
            ret = m_port.Write(p_data, len_to_write, out p_len_written);
            if (_singleThreader != null) {
                WidcommPortSingleThreader.PortWriteCommand cmd = AddCommand(
                    new WidcommPortSingleThreader.PortWriteCommand(p_data, len_to_write, m_port));
                ret = cmd.WaitCompletion(out p_len_written);
#if !NETCF
            } else if (WidcommBtInterface.IsWidcommCallbackThread) {
                // Must not call back into Widcomm from one of its threads.
                FuncPortWrite dlgt = new FuncPortWrite(BackgroundWrite);
                // How much slower than QueueUserWorkItem etc is this??
                IAsyncResult ar = dlgt.BeginInvoke(p_data, len_to_write, out p_len_written,
                    Thread.CurrentThread, null, null);
                ret = dlgt.EndInvoke(out p_len_written, ar);
            } else {
                ret = m_port.Write(p_data, len_to_write, out p_len_written);
            return ret;

        delegate PORT_RETURN_CODE FuncPortWrite(
            byte[] p_data, UInt16 len_to_write, out UInt16 p_len_written,
            Thread callerThread);

        PORT_RETURN_CODE BackgroundWrite(byte[] p_data, UInt16 len_to_write, out UInt16 p_len_written,
            Thread callerThread)
            Debug.Assert(Thread.CurrentThread != callerThread, "Same thread!!! "
                + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " =?= " + callerThread.ManagedThreadId);
            PORT_RETURN_CODE ret = m_port.Write(p_data, len_to_write, out p_len_written);
            return ret;

        public override void Flush()
            // TODO (((WidcommRfcommStream.Flush  Need we do anything here?)))
            // Can we do anything here?  We're not a buffered stream so there is 
            // no need to flush.  Any data in the write queue is there due to flow 
            // control, we can only send it when the stack signals that its ready.

        public override long Length { get { throw NewNotSupportedException(); } }

        public override long Position
            get { throw NewNotSupportedException(); }
            set { throw NewNotSupportedException(); }

        public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
            throw NewNotSupportedException();

        public override void SetLength(long value)
            throw NewNotSupportedException();

        private static Exception NewNotSupportedException()
            // no message, for NETCF
            throw new NotSupportedException();

        #region SingleThread Actions
        private T AddCommand<T>(T cmd)
            where T : WidcommPortSingleThreader.StCommand
            return _singleThreader.AddCommand(cmd);

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