// Copyright Microsoft Corporation.
// This source file is subject to the Microsoft Permissive License.
// See http://www.microsoft.com/resources/sharedsource/licensingbasics/sharedsourcelicenses.mspx.
// All other rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
namespace Microsoft.Ddue.Tools{
public class IntellisenseComponent2 : BuildComponent {
public IntellisenseComponent2 (BuildAssembler assembler, XPathNavigator configuration) : base(assembler, configuration) {
XPathNavigator output_node = configuration.SelectSingleNode("output");
if (output_node != null) {
string directory_value = output_node.GetAttribute("directory", String.Empty);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(directory_value)) {
directory = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(directory_value);
if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The output directory '{0}' does not exist.", directory));
XPathNavigator expression_node = configuration.SelectSingleNode("expressions");
if (expression_node != null) {
string root = expression_node.GetAttribute("root", string.Empty);
try {
rootExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(root);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", root));
string assembly = expression_node.GetAttribute("assembly", string.Empty);
try {
assemblyExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(assembly);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", assembly));
string summary = expression_node.GetAttribute("summary", string.Empty);
try {
summaryExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(summary);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", summary));
string parameters = expression_node.GetAttribute("parameters", string.Empty);
try {
parametersExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(parameters);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", parameters));
string parameterContent = expression_node.GetAttribute("parameterContent", string.Empty);
try {
parameterContentExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(parameterContent);
} catch (XPathException ) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", parameterContent));
string templates = expression_node.GetAttribute("templates", string.Empty);
try {
templatesExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(templates);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", templates));
string templateContent = expression_node.GetAttribute("templateContent", string.Empty);
try {
templateContentExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(templateContent);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", templateContent));
string returns = expression_node.GetAttribute("returns", string.Empty);
try {
returnsExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(returns);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", returns));
string exception = expression_node.GetAttribute("exception", string.Empty);
try {
exceptionExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(exception);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", exception));
string exceptionCref = expression_node.GetAttribute("exceptionCref", string.Empty);
try {
exceptionCrefExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(exceptionCref);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", exceptionCref));
string enumeration = expression_node.GetAttribute("enumeration", string.Empty);
try {
enumerationExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(enumeration);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", enumeration));
string enumerationApi = expression_node.GetAttribute("enumerationApi", string.Empty);
try {
enumerationApiExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(enumerationApi);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", enumerationApi));
string memberSummary = expression_node.GetAttribute("memberSummary", string.Empty);
try {
memberSummaryExpression = XPathExpression.Compile(memberSummary);
} catch (XPathException) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The expression '{0}' is not a valid XPath expression.", memberSummary));
// a way to get additional information into the intellisense file
XPathNodeIterator input_nodes = configuration.Select("input");
foreach (XPathNavigator input_node in input_nodes) {
string file_value = input_node.GetAttribute("file", String.Empty);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(file_value)) {
string file = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(file_value);
// input content store
private void ReadInputFile (string file) {
try {
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument(file);
XPathNodeIterator member_nodes = document.CreateNavigator().Select("/metadata/topic[@id]");
foreach (XPathNavigator member_node in member_nodes) {
string id = member_node.GetAttribute("id", String.Empty);
content[id] = member_node.Clone();
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Info, String.Format("Read {0} input content nodes.", member_nodes.Count));
} catch (XmlException e) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("The input file '{0}' is not a well-formed XML file. The error message is: {1}", file, e.Message));
} catch (IOException e) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("An error occured while attempting to access the fileThe input file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", file, e.Message));
private Dictionary<string, XPathNavigator> content = new Dictionary<string, XPathNavigator>();
// the action of the component
public override void Apply (XmlDocument document, string id) {
// only generate intellisense if id corresponds to an allowed intellisense ID
if (id.Length < 2) return;
if (id[1] != ':') return;
if (!((id[0] == 'T') || (id[0] == 'M') || (id[0] == 'P') || (id[0] == 'F') || (id[0] == 'E') || (id[0] == 'N'))) return;
XPathNavigator root = document.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode(rootExpression);
// get the assembly information
string assembly = (string) root.Evaluate(assemblyExpression);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(assembly)) {
assembly = "namespaces";
// try/catch block for capturing errors
try {
// get the writer for the assembly
XmlWriter writer;
if (!writers.TryGetValue(assembly, out writer)) {
// create a writer for the assembly
string name = Path.Combine(directory, assembly + ".xml");
// Console.WriteLine("creating {0}", name);
XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
settings.Indent = true;
try {
writer = XmlWriter.Create(name, settings);
} catch (IOException e) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("An access error occured while attempting to create the intellisense output file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", name, e.Message));
writers.Add(assembly, writer);
// write out the initial data
//do not generate assembly nodes for namespace topics
if (assembly != "namespaces")
writer.WriteElementString("name", assembly);
writer.WriteAttributeString("name", id);
// summary
WriteSummary(root, summaryExpression, writer);
// return value
XPathNavigator returns = root.SelectSingleNode(returnsExpression);
if (returns != null) {
XmlReader reader = returns.ReadSubtree();
CopyContent(reader, writer);
// parameters
XPathNodeIterator parameters = root.Select(parametersExpression);
foreach (XPathNavigator parameter in parameters) {
string name = (string)parameter.GetAttribute("paramName", string.Empty);
XPathNavigator parameterContent = parameter.SelectSingleNode(parameterContentExpression);
if (parameterContent == null) continue;
XmlReader reader = parameterContent.ReadSubtree();
writer.WriteAttributeString("name", name);
CopyContent(reader, writer);
// templates
XPathNodeIterator templates = root.Select(templatesExpression);
foreach (XPathNavigator template in templates) {
string name = (string)template.GetAttribute("paramName", string.Empty);
XPathNavigator templateContent = template.SelectSingleNode(templateContentExpression);
if (templateContent == null) continue;
XmlReader reader = templateContent.ReadSubtree();
writer.WriteAttributeString("name", name);
CopyContent(reader, writer);
// exceptions
XPathNodeIterator exceptions = root.Select(exceptionExpression);
foreach (XPathNavigator exception in exceptions) {
XPathNavigator exceptionCref = exception.SelectSingleNode(exceptionCrefExpression);
if (exceptionCref == null) continue;
string cref = exceptionCref.GetAttribute("target", string.Empty);
XmlReader reader = exception.ReadSubtree();
writer.WriteAttributeString("cref", cref);
CopyContent(reader, writer);
// stored contents
XPathNavigator input;
if (content.TryGetValue(id, out input)) {
XPathNodeIterator input_nodes = input.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.Element);
foreach (XPathNavigator input_node in input_nodes) {
// enumeration members
XPathNodeIterator enumerationIterator = root.Select(enumerationExpression);
foreach (XPathNavigator enumeration in enumerationIterator) {
XPathNavigator enumApi = enumeration.SelectSingleNode(enumerationApiExpression);
if (enumApi == null) continue;
string api = (string)enumApi.GetAttribute("target", string.Empty);
writer.WriteAttributeString("name", api);
WriteSummary(enumeration, memberSummaryExpression, writer);
} catch (IOException e) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("An access error occured while attempting to write intellisense data. The error message is: {0}", e.Message));
} catch (XmlException e) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("Intellisense data was not valid XML. The error message is: {0}", e.Message));
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
if (disposing) {
foreach (XmlWriter writer in writers.Values) {
private void WriteSummary(XPathNavigator node, XPathExpression expression, XmlWriter writer) {
XPathNavigator summary = node.SelectSingleNode(expression);
if (summary != null) {
XmlReader reader = summary.ReadSubtree();
CopyContent(reader, writer);
} else {
// Console.WriteLine("no summary");
private void CopyContent (XmlReader reader, XmlWriter writer) {
while (true) {
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) {
} else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) {
if (reader.LocalName == "span" && (reader.GetAttribute("sdata",string.Empty) == "cer")) {
writer.WriteAttributeString("cref", reader.GetAttribute("target", string.Empty));
else if (reader.LocalName == "span" && (reader.GetAttribute("sdata", string.Empty) == "paramReference"))
writer.WriteAttributeString("name", reader.ReadElementString());
} else if (reader.LocalName == "span" && (reader.GetAttribute("sdata",string.Empty) == "link")) {
else if (reader.LocalName == "span" && (reader.GetAttribute("sdata", string.Empty) == "langKeyword"))
string keyword = reader.GetAttribute("value", string.Empty);
else {
} else {
if (!reader.Read()) break;
private string directory = String.Empty;
private Dictionary<string,XmlWriter> writers = new Dictionary<string,XmlWriter>();
private XPathExpression rootExpression;
private XPathExpression assemblyExpression;
private XPathExpression summaryExpression;
private XPathExpression parametersExpression;
private XPathExpression parameterContentExpression;
private XPathExpression templatesExpression;
private XPathExpression templateContentExpression;
private XPathExpression returnsExpression;
private XPathExpression exceptionExpression;
private XPathExpression exceptionCrefExpression;
private XPathExpression enumerationExpression;
private XPathExpression enumerationApiExpression;
private XPathExpression memberSummaryExpression;