// Copyright Microsoft Corporation.
// This source file is subject to the Microsoft Permissive License.
// See http://www.microsoft.com/resources/sharedsource/licensingbasics/sharedsourcelicenses.mspx.
// All other rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.IO;
namespace Microsoft.Ddue.Tools{
public class SaveComponent : BuildComponent {
private CustomContext context = new CustomContext();
private XPathExpression path_expression;
private XPathExpression select_expression;
private XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
public SaveComponent (BuildAssembler assembler, XPathNavigator configuration) : base(assembler, configuration) {
// load the target path format
XPathNavigator save_node = configuration.SelectSingleNode("save");
if (save_node == null) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("When instantiating a save component, you must specify a the target file using the <save> element.");
string base_value = save_node.GetAttribute("base", String.Empty);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(base_value)) {
basePath = Path.GetFullPath(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(base_value));
string path_value = save_node.GetAttribute("path", String.Empty);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path_value)) WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, "Each save element must have a path attribute specifying an XPath that evaluates to the location to save the file.");
path_expression = XPathExpression.Compile(path_value);
string select_value = save_node.GetAttribute("select", String.Empty);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(select_value))
select_expression = XPathExpression.Compile(select_value);
settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
string indent_value = save_node.GetAttribute("indent", String.Empty);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(indent_value)) settings.Indent = Convert.ToBoolean(indent_value);
string omit_value = save_node.GetAttribute("omit-xml-declaration", String.Empty);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(omit_value)) settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = Convert.ToBoolean(omit_value);
linkPath = save_node.GetAttribute("link", String.Empty);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(linkPath)) linkPath = "../html";
// encoding
settings.CloseOutput = true;
private string basePath = null;
private string linkPath = null;
public override void Apply (XmlDocument document, string key) {
// set the evaluation context
context["key"] = key;
XPathExpression path_xpath = path_expression.Clone();
// evaluate the path
string path = document.CreateNavigator().Evaluate(path_xpath).ToString();
string file = Path.GetFileName(path);
string fileLinkPath = Path.Combine(linkPath, file);
if (basePath != null) path = Path.Combine(basePath, path);
// *SECURIY* The path name may be derived from user entered meta data in Doc Studio and as such
// it is not trustworthy. To pass, the path must be inside the directory tree base_directory
// (which is the current directory if a path is not specified).
// This test is causing problems
string absoluteBasePath = (basePath == null) ? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() : Path.GetFullPath(basePath);
string targetPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
if (!targetPath.StartsWith(absoluteBasePath, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, string.Format("Cannot save document outside of base directory: {0}", targetPath));
string targetDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
if (!Directory.Exists(targetDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(targetDirectory);
// save the document
// select_expression determines which nodes get saved. If there is no select_expression
// we simply save the root node as before. If there is a select_expression, we evaluate the
// xpath expression and save the resulting node set. The select expression also enables the
// "literal-text" processing instruction, which outputs its content as unescaped text.
if (select_expression == null) {
XmlNode doctype = document.DocumentType;
try {
//Console.WriteLine("path = '{0}'", path);
using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(path, settings)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("An access error occured while attempting to save to the file '{0}'. The error message is: {1}", path, BuildComponentUtilities.GetExceptionMessage(e)));
} catch (XmlException e) {
WriteMessage(MessageLevel.Error, String.Format("Invalid XML was written to the output file '{0}'. The error message is: '{1}'", path, BuildComponentUtilities.GetExceptionMessage(e)));
// Get the relative html path for HXF generation.
int index = fileLinkPath.IndexOf('/');
string htmlPath = fileLinkPath.Substring(index + 1, fileLinkPath.Length - (index + 1));
FileCreatedEventArgs fe = new FileCreatedEventArgs(htmlPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(targetDirectory));
else {
// IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: The separate StreamWriter is used to maintain XML indenting.
// Without it the XmlWriter won't honor our indent settings after plain text nodes have been
// written.
settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto;
using (StreamWriter output = File.CreateText(path)) {
using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(output, settings)) {
XPathExpression select_xpath = select_expression.Clone();
XPathNodeIterator ni = document.CreateNavigator().Select(select_expression);
while (ni.MoveNext()) {
if (ni.Current.NodeType == XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction && ni.Current.Name.Equals("literal-text")) {