MaterialSerializer.cs :  » Game » RealmForge » Axiom » Serialization » C# / CSharp Open Source

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RealmForge » Axiom » Serialization » MaterialSerializer.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using Axiom.Controllers;
using Axiom.Core;
using Axiom.Graphics;
using Axiom.Scripting;

namespace Axiom.Serialization{
  /// <summary>
  /// Summary description for MaterialSerializer.
  /// </summary>
  public class MaterialSerializer {
    #region Fields

    public static Hashtable materialSourceFiles = new Hashtable();

    /// <summary>
    ///    Represents the current parsing context.
    /// </summary>
    protected MaterialScriptContext scriptContext = new MaterialScriptContext();
    /// <summary>
    ///    Parsers for the root of the material script
    /// </summary>
    protected Hashtable rootAttribParsers = new Hashtable();
    /// <summary>
    ///    Parsers for the material section of a script.
    /// </summary>
    protected Hashtable materialAttribParsers = new Hashtable();
    /// <summary>
    ///    Parsers for the technique section of a script.
    /// </summary>
    protected Hashtable techniqueAttribParsers = new Hashtable();
    /// <summary>
    ///    Parsers for the pass section of a script.
    /// </summary>
    protected Hashtable passAttribParsers = new Hashtable();
    /// <summary>
    ///    Parsers for the texture unit section of a script.
    /// </summary>
    protected Hashtable textureUnitAttribParsers = new Hashtable();
    /// <summary>
    ///    Parsers for the program reference section of a script.
    /// </summary>
    protected Hashtable programRefAttribParsers = new Hashtable();
    /// <summary>
    ///    Parsers for the program definition section of a script.
    /// </summary>
    protected Hashtable programAttribParsers = new Hashtable();
    /// <summary>
    ///    Parsers for the program definition section of a script.
    /// </summary>
    protected Hashtable programDefaultParamAttribParsers = new Hashtable();
    #endregion Fields

    #region Delegates

    /// <summary>
    ///    The method signature for all material attribute parsing methods.
    /// </summary>
    delegate bool MaterialAttributeParserHandler(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context);

    #endregion Delegates

    #region Constructor
    /// <summary>
    ///    Default constructor.
    /// </summary>
    public MaterialSerializer() {

    #endregion Constructor

    #region Helper Methods
    /// <summary>
    ///    Internal method for finding & invoking an attribute parser.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="line"></param>
    /// <param name="parsers"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected bool InvokeParser(string line, Hashtable parsers) {
      string[] splitCmd = line.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'}, 2);

      // find attribute parser
      if(parsers.ContainsKey(splitCmd[0])) {
        string cmd = string.Empty;

        if(splitCmd.Length >= 2) {
          cmd = splitCmd[1];
        MaterialAttributeParserHandler handler = (MaterialAttributeParserHandler)parsers[splitCmd[0]];

        // Use parser, make sure we have 2 params before using splitCmd[1]
                // MONO: Does not like mangling the above and below lines into a single line (frankly, i don't blame it, but csc takes it).
                // i.e. (((MaterialAttributeParserHandler)parsers[splitCmd[0]]))(cmd, scriptContext);
        return handler(cmd, scriptContext);
      else {
        // BAD command, BAD!!
        LogParseError(scriptContext, "Unrecognized command: {0}", splitCmd[0]);
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Internal method for saving a program definition which has been built up.
    /// </summary>
    protected void FinishProgramDefinition() {
      MaterialScriptProgramDefinition def = scriptContext.programDef;
      GpuProgram gp = null;

      if(def.language == "asm") {
        // native assembler
        // validate
        if(def.source == string.Empty) {
          LogParseError(scriptContext, "Invalid program definition for {0}, you must specify a source file.",;
        if(def.syntax == string.Empty) {
          LogParseError(scriptContext, "Invalid program definition for {0}, you must specify a syntax code.",;

        // create
        gp = GpuProgramManager.Instance.CreateProgram(, def.source, def.progType, def.syntax);
      else  {
        // high level program
        // validate
        if(def.source == string.Empty) {
          LogParseError(scriptContext, "Invalid program definition for {0}, you must specify a source file.",;
        // create
        try {
          HighLevelGpuProgram hgp = HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.CreateProgram(, def.language, def.progType);
          gp = hgp;
          // set source file
          hgp.SourceFile = def.source;

          // set custom parameters
          foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in def.customParameters) {
            string param = (string)entry.Key;
            string val = (string)entry.Value;

            if(!hgp.SetParam(param, val)) {
              LogParseError(scriptContext, "Error in program {0} parameter {1} is not valid.",, param);
        catch(Exception ex) {
          LogManager.Instance.Write("Could not create GPU program '{0}'. error reported was: {1}.",, ex.Message);

      // set skeletal animation option
      gp.IsSkeletalAnimationIncluded = def.supportsSkeletalAnimation;

      // set up to receive default parameters
      if(gp.IsSupported && scriptContext.defaultParamLines.Count > 0) {
        scriptContext.programParams = gp.DefaultParameters;
        scriptContext.program = gp;

        for(int i = 0; i < scriptContext.defaultParamLines.Count; i++) {
          // find & invoke a parser
          // do this manually because we want to call a custom
          // routine when the parser is not found
          // First, split line on first divisor only
          string[] splitCmd = scriptContext.defaultParamLines[i].Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'}, 2);

          // find attribute parser
          if(programDefaultParamAttribParsers.ContainsKey(splitCmd[0])) {
            string cmd = splitCmd.Length >= 2 ? splitCmd[1] : string.Empty;
            MaterialAttributeParserHandler handler = (MaterialAttributeParserHandler)programDefaultParamAttribParsers[splitCmd[0]];

            // Use parser, make sure we have 2 params before using splitCmd[1]
            handler(cmd, scriptContext);

        // reset
        scriptContext.program = null;
        scriptContext.programParams = null;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Helper method for logging parser errors.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context">Current parsing context.</param>
    /// <param name="error">Error message.</param>
    /// <param name="substitutions">Items to sub in for the error message, if the error contains them.</param>
    protected static void LogParseError(MaterialScriptContext context, string error, params object[] substitutions) {
      StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();

      // log material name only if filename not specified
      if(context.filename == null && context.material != null) {
        errorBuilder.Append("Error in material ");
        errorBuilder.Append(" : ");
        errorBuilder.AppendFormat(error, substitutions);
      else {
        if(context.material != null) {
          errorBuilder.Append("Error in material ");
          errorBuilder.AppendFormat(" at line {0} ", context.lineNo);
          errorBuilder.AppendFormat(" of {0}: ", context.filename);
          errorBuilder.AppendFormat(error, substitutions);
        else {
          errorBuilder.AppendFormat("Error at line {0} ", context.lineNo);
          errorBuilder.AppendFormat(" of {0}: ", context.filename);
          errorBuilder.AppendFormat(error, substitutions);


    /// <summary>
    ///    Internal method for parsing a material.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="line"></param>
    /// <returns>True if it expects the next line to be a "{", false otherwise.</returns>
    protected bool ParseScriptLine(string line) {
      switch(scriptContext.section) {
        case MaterialScriptSection.None:
          if(line == "}") {
            LogParseError(scriptContext, "Unexpected terminating brace.");
            return false;
          else {
            // find and invoke a parser
            return InvokeParser(line, rootAttribParsers);

        case MaterialScriptSection.Material:
          if(line == "}") {
            // end of material
            scriptContext.section = MaterialScriptSection.None;
            scriptContext.material = null;
            // reset all levels for the next material
            scriptContext.passLev = -1;
            scriptContext.stateLev = -1;
            scriptContext.techLev = -1;
          else {
            // find and invoke parser
            return InvokeParser(line, materialAttribParsers);

        case MaterialScriptSection.Technique:
          if(line == "}") {
            // end of technique
            scriptContext.section = MaterialScriptSection.Material;
            scriptContext.technique = null;
            scriptContext.passLev = -1;
          else {
            // find and invoke parser
            return InvokeParser(line, techniqueAttribParsers);

        case MaterialScriptSection.Pass:
          if(line == "}") {
            // end of pass
            scriptContext.section = MaterialScriptSection.Technique;
            scriptContext.pass = null;
            scriptContext.stateLev = -1;
          else {
            // find and invoke parser
            return InvokeParser(line, passAttribParsers);

        case MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit:
          if(line == "}") {
            // end of texture unit
            scriptContext.section = MaterialScriptSection.Pass;
            scriptContext.textureUnit = null;
          else {
            // find and invoke parser
            return InvokeParser(line, textureUnitAttribParsers);

        case MaterialScriptSection.TextureSource:
          // TODO: Implement
          LogParseError(scriptContext, "Texture Source sections are not yet supported!");

        case MaterialScriptSection.ProgramRef:
          if(line == "}") {
            // end of program
            scriptContext.section = MaterialScriptSection.Pass;
            scriptContext.program = null;
          else {
            // find and invoke a parser
            return InvokeParser(line, programRefAttribParsers);

        case MaterialScriptSection.Program:
          // Program definitions are slightly different, they are deferred
          // until all the information required is known
          if(line == "}") {
            // end of program
            scriptContext.section = MaterialScriptSection.None;
            scriptContext.programDef = null;
          else {
            // find & invoke a parser
            // do this manually because we want to call a custom
            // routine when the parser is not found
            // First, split line on first divisor only
            string[] splitCmd = line.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'}, 2);

            // find attribute parser
            if(programAttribParsers.ContainsKey(splitCmd[0])) {
              string cmd = splitCmd.Length >= 2 ? splitCmd[1] : string.Empty;
              MaterialAttributeParserHandler handler = (MaterialAttributeParserHandler)programAttribParsers[splitCmd[0]];

              // Use parser, make sure we have 2 params before using splitCmd[1]
              return handler(cmd, scriptContext);
            else {
              // custom parameter, use original line
              ParseProgramCustomParameter(line, scriptContext);

        case MaterialScriptSection.DefaultParameters:
          if(line == "}") {
            // End of default parameters
            scriptContext.section = MaterialScriptSection.Program;
          else {
            // Save default parameter lines up until we finalise the program

      return false;

    /// <summary>
    ///    Queries this serializer class for methods intended to parse material script attributes.
    /// </summary>
    protected void RegisterParserMethods() {
      MethodInfo[] methods = this.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
      // loop through all methods and look for ones marked with attributes
      for(int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) {
        // get the current method in the loop
        MethodInfo method = methods[i];
        // see if the method should be used to parse one or more material attributes
        MaterialAttributeParserAttribute[] parserAtts = 
          (MaterialAttributeParserAttribute[])method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MaterialAttributeParserAttribute), true);

        // loop through each one we found and register its parser
        for(int j = 0; j < parserAtts.Length; j++) {
          MaterialAttributeParserAttribute parserAtt = parserAtts[j];

          Hashtable parserList = null;

          // determine which parser list we will add this handler to
          switch(parserAtt.Section) {
            case MaterialScriptSection.None:
              parserList = rootAttribParsers;

            case MaterialScriptSection.Material:
              parserList = materialAttribParsers;

            case MaterialScriptSection.Technique:
              parserList = techniqueAttribParsers;

            case MaterialScriptSection.Pass:
              parserList = passAttribParsers;

            case MaterialScriptSection.ProgramRef:
              parserList = programRefAttribParsers;

            case MaterialScriptSection.Program:
              parserList = programAttribParsers;

            case MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit:
              parserList = textureUnitAttribParsers;

            case MaterialScriptSection.DefaultParameters:
              parserList = programDefaultParamAttribParsers;

              parserList = null;
          } // switch

          if(parserList != null) {
            parserList.Add(parserAtt.Name, Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(MaterialAttributeParserHandler), method));
        } // for
      } // for
    #endregion Helper Methods

    #region Parser Methods

    /// <summary>
    ///    Parse custom GPU program parameters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///    This one is called explicitly, and is not added to any parser list.
    /// </remarks>
    protected static bool ParseProgramCustomParameter(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // This params object does not have the command stripped
      // Lower case the command, but not the value incase it's relevant
      // Split only up to first delimiter, program deals with the rest
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'}, 2);

      if(values.Length != 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid custom program parameter entry; there must be a parameter name and at least one value.");
        return false;

      context.programDef.customParameters[values[0]] = values[1];

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("material", MaterialScriptSection.None)]
    protected static bool ParseMaterial(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {

      // create a brand new material
      string materialName = parameters;
      string sourceFileForAlreadyExistingMaterial = (string)materialSourceFiles[materialName];
      if(sourceFileForAlreadyExistingMaterial != null)  {//if a material by this name was already created
        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("A material with name {0} was already created from material script file {1} and a duplicate from {2} cannot be created. "
          +"You may need to qualify the material names to prevent this name collision",materialName, sourceFileForAlreadyExistingMaterial, context.filename ));
      context.material = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.Create(materialName);
      materialSourceFiles.Add(materialName, context.filename);

      // remove pre-created technique from defaults

      // update section
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.Material;

      // return true because this must be followed by a {
      return true;
    [MaterialAttributeParser("vertex_program", MaterialScriptSection.None)]
    protected static bool ParseVertexProgram(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // update section
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.Program;

      // create new program definition-in-progress
      context.programDef = new MaterialScriptProgramDefinition();
      context.programDef.progType = GpuProgramType.Vertex;
      context.programDef.supportsSkeletalAnimation = false;

      // get name and language code
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid vertex_program entry - expected 2 parameters.");
        return true;

      // name, preserve case = values[0];
      // language code, make lower case
      context.programDef.language = values[1].ToLower();

      // return true, because this must be followed by a {
      return true;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("fragment_program", MaterialScriptSection.None)]
    protected static bool ParseFragmentProgram(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // update section
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.Program;

      // create new program definition-in-progress
      context.programDef = new MaterialScriptProgramDefinition();
      context.programDef.progType = GpuProgramType.Fragment;
      context.programDef.supportsSkeletalAnimation = false;

      // get name and language code
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid fragment_program entry - expected 2 parameters.");
        return true;

      // name, preserve case = values[0];
      // language code, make lower case
      context.programDef.language = values[1].ToLower();

      // return true, because this must be followed by a {
      return true;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("technique", MaterialScriptSection.Material)]
    protected static bool ParseTechnique(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // create a new technique
      context.technique = context.material.CreateTechnique();

      // update section
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.Technique;

      // increate technique level depth

      // return true because this must be followed by a {
      return true;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("pass", MaterialScriptSection.Technique)]
    protected static bool ParsePass(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // create a new pass
      context.pass = context.technique.CreatePass();

      // update section
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.Pass;

      // increase pass level depth

      // return true because this must be followed by a {
      return true;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("texture_unit", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseTextureUnit(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // create a new texture unit
      context.textureUnit = context.pass.CreateTextureUnitState();

      // update section
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit;

      // increase texture unit level depth

      // return true because this must be followed by a {
      return true;

    #region Material

    [MaterialAttributeParser("lod_distances", MaterialScriptSection.Material)]
    protected static bool ParseLodDistances(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      FloatList lodDistances = new FloatList();

      for(int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {


      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("receive_shadows", MaterialScriptSection.Material)]
    protected static bool ParseReceiveShadows(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      if(parameters != "on" && parameters != "off") {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad receive_shadows attribute, valid parameters are 'on' or 'off'.");

      context.material.ReceiveShadows = StringConverter.ParseBool(parameters);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("transparency_casts_shadows", MaterialScriptSection.Material)]
    protected static bool ParseTransparencyCastsShadows(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      if(parameters != "on" && parameters != "off") {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad transparency_casts_shadows attribute, valid parameters are 'on' or 'off'.");

      context.material.TransparencyCastsShadows = StringConverter.ParseBool(parameters);

      return false;

    #endregion Material

    #region Technique

    [MaterialAttributeParser("lod_index", MaterialScriptSection.Technique)]
    protected static bool ParseLodIndex(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      context.technique.LodIndex = int.Parse(parameters);

      return false;

    #endregion Technique

    #region Pass

    [MaterialAttributeParser("ambient", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseAmbient(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      // must be 3 or 4 parameters
      if(values.Length != 3 && values.Length != 4) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad ambient attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 3 or 4)");
      else {
        context.pass.Ambient = StringConverter.ParseColor(values);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("colour_write", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    [MaterialAttributeParser("color_write", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseColorWrite(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      switch(parameters.ToLower()) {
        case "on":
          context.pass.ColorWrite = true;
        case "off":
          context.pass.ColorWrite = false;
          LogParseError(context, "Bad color_write attribute, valid parameters are 'on' or 'off'.");

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("cull_hardware", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseCullHardware(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(parameters, typeof(CullingMode));

      // if a value was found, assign it
      if(val != null) {
        context.pass.CullMode = (CullingMode)val;
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(CullingMode));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad cull_hardware attribute, valid parameters are {0}.", legalValues);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("cull_software", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseCullSoftware(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(parameters, typeof(ManualCullingMode));

      // if a value was found, assign it
      if(val != null) {
        context.pass.ManualCullMode = (ManualCullingMode)val;
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(ManualCullingMode));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad cull_software attribute, valid parameters are {0}.", legalValues);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("depth_bias", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseDepthBias(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      context.pass.DepthBias = int.Parse(parameters);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("depth_check", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseDepthCheck(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      switch(parameters.ToLower()) {
        case "on":
          context.pass.DepthCheck = true;
        case "off":
          context.pass.DepthCheck = false;
          LogParseError(context, "Bad depth_check attribute, valid parameters are 'on' or 'off'.");

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("depth_func", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseDepthFunc(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(parameters, typeof(CompareFunction));

      // if a value was found, assign it
      if(val != null) {
        context.pass.DepthFunction = (CompareFunction)val;
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(CompareFunction));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad depth_func attribute, valid parameters are {0}.", legalValues);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("depth_write", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseDepthWrite(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      switch(parameters.ToLower()) {
        case "on":
          context.pass.DepthWrite = true;
        case "off":
          context.pass.DepthWrite = false;
          LogParseError(context, "Bad depth_write attribute, valid parameters are 'on' or 'off'.");

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("diffuse", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseDiffuse(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 3 && values.Length != 4) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad diffuse attribute, wrong numbe of parameters (expected 3 or 4).");
      else {
        context.pass.Diffuse = StringConverter.ParseColor(values);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("emissive", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseEmissive(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 4) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad emissive attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 4).");
      else {
        context.pass.Emissive = StringConverter.ParseColor(values);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("fog_override", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseFogOverride(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.ToLower().Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});
      if(values[0] == "true") {
        // if true, we need to see if they supplied all arguments, or just the 1... if just the one,
        // Assume they want to disable the default fog from effecting this material.
        if(values.Length == 8) {
          // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
          object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(FogMode));

          // if a value was found, assign it
          if(val != null) {
            FogMode mode = (FogMode)val;

              new ColorEx(StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[2]), StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[3]), StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[4])),
          else {
            string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(FogMode));
            LogParseError(context, "Bad fogging attribute, valid parameters are {0}.", legalValues);
        else {
      else if(values[0] == "false") {
      else {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad fog_override attribute, valid parameters are 'true' and 'false'.");

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("iteration", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseIteration(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length < 1 || values.Length > 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad iteration attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 1 or 2).");
        return false;

      if(values[0] == "once") {
      else if(values[0] == "once_per_light") {
        if(values.Length == 2) {
          // parse light type

          // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
          object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(LightType));

          // if a value was found, assign it
          if(val != null) {
            context.pass.SetRunOncePerLight(true, true, (LightType)val);
          else {
            string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(LightType));
            LogParseError(context, "Bad iteration attribute, valid values are {0}", legalValues);
        else {
          context.pass.SetRunOncePerLight(true, false);
      else {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad iteration attribute, valid valies are 'once' and 'once_per_light'.");

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("lighting", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseLighting(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      switch(parameters.ToLower()) {
        case "on":
          context.pass.LightingEnabled = true;
        case "off":
          context.pass.LightingEnabled = false;
          LogParseError(context, "Bad lighting attribute, must be 'on' or 'off'");

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("max_lights", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseMaxLights(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      context.pass.MaxLights = int.Parse(parameters);
      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("scene_blend", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)] 
    protected static bool ParseSceneBlend(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {           
      string[] values = parameters.ToLower().Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      switch (values.Length) { 
        case 1: 
          // e.g. scene_blend add 
          // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value 
          object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(SceneBlendType)); 
          // if a value was found, assign it 
          if(val != null) {
          else {
            string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(SceneBlendType));
            LogParseError(context, "Bad scene_blend attribute, valid values for the 2nd parameter are {0}.", legalValues); 
            return false;
        case 2: 
          // e.g. scene_blend source_alpha one_minus_source_alpha  
          // lookup the real enums equivalent to the script values 
          object srcVal = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(SceneBlendFactor)); 
          object destVal = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(SceneBlendFactor)); 
          // if both values were found, assign them 
          if(srcVal != null && destVal != null) {
            context.pass.SetSceneBlending((SceneBlendFactor)srcVal, (SceneBlendFactor)destVal); 
          else {
            string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(SceneBlendFactor));

            if (srcVal == null) {
              LogParseError(context, "Bad scene_blend attribute, valid src blend factor values are {0}.", legalValues); 
            if (destVal == null) {
              LogParseError(context, "Bad scene_blend attribute, valid dest blend factor values are {0}.", legalValues); 
          LogParseError(context, "Bad scene_blend attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 1 or 2)."); 

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("shading", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseShading(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(parameters, typeof(Shading));

      // if a value was found, assign it
      if(val != null) {
        context.pass.ShadingMode = (Shading)val;
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(Shading));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad shading attribute, valid parameters are {0}.", legalValues);

      return false;
    [MaterialAttributeParser("specular", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseSpecular(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 4 && values.Length != 5) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad emissive attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 4 or 5).");
      else {
        context.pass.Specular = StringConverter.ParseColor(values);

        if(values.Length == 5) {
          context.pass.Shininess = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[4]);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("vertex_program_ref", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseVertexProgramRef(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // update section
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.ProgramRef;

      context.program = GpuProgramManager.Instance.GetByName(parameters);

      if(context.program == null) {
        // unknown program
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid vertex_program_ref entry - vertex program {0} has not been defined.", parameters);
        return true;

      context.isProgramShadowCaster = false;
      context.isProgramShadowReceiver = false;

      // set the vertex program for this pass

      // create params?  skip this if program is not supported
      if(context.program.IsSupported) {
        context.programParams = context.pass.VertexProgramParameters;

      // Return TRUE because this must be followed by a {
      return true;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("fragment_program_ref", MaterialScriptSection.Pass)]
    protected static bool ParseFragmentProgramRef(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // update section
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.ProgramRef;

      context.program = GpuProgramManager.Instance.GetByName(parameters);

      if(context.program == null) {
        // unknown program
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid fragment_program_ref entry - fragment program {0} has not been defined.", parameters);
        return true;

      context.isProgramShadowCaster = false;
      context.isProgramShadowReceiver = false;

      // set the vertex program for this pass

      // create params?  skip this if program is not supported
      if(context.program.IsSupported) {
        context.programParams = context.pass.FragmentProgramParameters;

      // Return TRUE because this must be followed by a {
      return true;

    #endregion Pass

    #region Texture Unit

    [MaterialAttributeParser("alpha_op_ex", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseAlphaOpEx(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.ToLower().Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length < 3 || values.Length > 6) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad alpha_op_ex attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 3 or 6).");
        return false;

      LayerBlendOperationEx op = 0;
      LayerBlendSource src1 = 0;
      LayerBlendSource src2 = 0;
      float manual = 0.0f;
      float arg1 = 1.0f, arg2 = 1.0f;

      try {
        op = (LayerBlendOperationEx)ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(LayerBlendOperationEx));
        src1 = (LayerBlendSource)ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(LayerBlendSource));
        src2 = (LayerBlendSource)ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[2], typeof(LayerBlendSource));

        if(op == LayerBlendOperationEx.BlendManual) {
          if(values.Length < 4) {
            LogParseError(context, "Bad alpha_op_ex attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 4 for manual blend).");
            return false;

          manual = int.Parse(values[3]);

        if(src1 == LayerBlendSource.Manual) {
          int paramIndex = 3;
          if(op == LayerBlendOperationEx.BlendManual) {

          if(values.Length < paramIndex) {
            LogParseError(context, "Bad alpha_op_ex attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected {0}).", paramIndex - 1);
            return false;

          arg1 = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex]);

        if(src2 == LayerBlendSource.Manual) {
          int paramIndex = 3;

          if(op == LayerBlendOperationEx.BlendManual) {
          if(src1 == LayerBlendSource.Manual) {

          if(values.Length < paramIndex) {
            LogParseError(context, "Bad alpha_op_ex attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected {0}).", paramIndex - 1);
            return false;

          arg2 = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex]);
      catch(Exception ex) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad alpha_op_ex attribute, {0}.", ex.Message);
        return false;

      context.textureUnit.SetAlphaOperation(op, src1, src2, arg1, arg2, manual);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("alpha_rejection", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseAlphaRejection(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad alpha_rejection attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 2).");
        return false;

      // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(CompareFunction));

      // if a value was found, assign it
      if(val != null) {
        context.textureUnit.SetAlphaRejectSettings((CompareFunction)val, byte.Parse(values[1]));
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(Shading));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad alpha_rejection attribute, valid parameters are {0}.", legalValues);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("anim_texture", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseAnimTexture(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length < 3) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad anim_texture attribute, wrong number of parameters (excepted at least 3).");
        return false;

      if(values.Length == 3 && int.Parse(values[1]) != 0) {
        // first form using the base name and number of frames
        context.textureUnit.SetAnimatedTextureName(values[0], int.Parse(values[1]), StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[2]));
      else {
        // second form using individual names
        context.textureUnit.SetAnimatedTextureName(values, values.Length - 1, StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[values.Length - 1]));

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("max_anisotropy", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseAnisotropy(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      context.textureUnit.TextureAnisotropy = int.Parse(parameters);

      return false;

    /// Note: Allows both spellings of color :-).
    [MaterialAttributeParser("color_op", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    [MaterialAttributeParser("colour_op", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseColorOp(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(parameters, typeof(LayerBlendOperation));

      // if a value was found, assign it
      if(val != null) {
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(LayerBlendOperation));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad color_op attribute, valid values are {0}.", legalValues);

      return false;

    /// Note: Allows both spellings of color :-).
    [MaterialAttributeParser("colour_op_multipass_fallback", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    [MaterialAttributeParser("color_op_multipass_fallback", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseColorOpFallback(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      // lookup the real enums equivalent to the script values 
      object srcVal = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(SceneBlendFactor)); 
      object destVal = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(SceneBlendFactor)); 
      // if both values were found, assign them 
      if(srcVal != null && destVal != null) {
        context.textureUnit.SetColorOpMultipassFallback((SceneBlendFactor)srcVal, (SceneBlendFactor)destVal); 
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(SceneBlendFactor));

        if (srcVal == null) {
          LogParseError(context, "Bad color_op_multipass_fallback attribute, valid values for src value are {0}.", legalValues); 
        if (destVal == null) {
          LogParseError(context, "Bad color_op_multipass_fallback attribute, valid values for dest value are {0}.", legalValues); 

      return false;

    /// Note: Allows both spellings of color :-).
    [MaterialAttributeParser("color_op_ex", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    [MaterialAttributeParser("colour_op_ex", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseColorOpEx(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.ToLower().Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length < 3 || values.Length > 10) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad color_op_ex attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 3 or 10).");
        return false;

      LayerBlendOperationEx op = 0;
      LayerBlendSource src1 = 0;
      LayerBlendSource src2 = 0;
      float manual = 0.0f;
      ColorEx colSrc1 = ColorEx.White;
      ColorEx colSrc2 = ColorEx.White;

      try {
        op = (LayerBlendOperationEx)ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(LayerBlendOperationEx));
        src1 = (LayerBlendSource)ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(LayerBlendSource));
        src2 = (LayerBlendSource)ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[2], typeof(LayerBlendSource));

        if(op == LayerBlendOperationEx.BlendManual) {
          if(values.Length < 4) {
            LogParseError(context, "Bad color_op_ex attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 4 params for manual blending).");
            return false;

          manual = int.Parse(values[3]);

        if(src1 == LayerBlendSource.Manual) {
          int paramIndex = 3;
          if(op == LayerBlendOperationEx.BlendManual) {

          if(values.Length < paramIndex + 3) {
            LogParseError(context, "Bad color_op_ex attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected {0}).", paramIndex + 3);
            return false;

          colSrc1.r = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex++]);
          colSrc1.g = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex++]);
          colSrc1.b = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex]);

          if(values.Length > paramIndex) {
            colSrc1.a = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex]);
          else {
            colSrc1.a = 1.0f;

        if(src2 == LayerBlendSource.Manual) {
          int paramIndex = 3;

          if(op == LayerBlendOperationEx.BlendManual) {

          if(values.Length < paramIndex + 3) {
            LogParseError(context, "Bad color_op_ex attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected {0}).", paramIndex + 3);
            return false;

          colSrc2.r = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex++]);
          colSrc2.g = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex++]);
          colSrc2.b = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex++]);

          if(values.Length > paramIndex) {
            colSrc2.a = StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[paramIndex]);
          else {
            colSrc2.a = 1.0f;
      catch(Exception ex) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad color_op_ex attribute, {0}.", ex.Message);
        return false;

      context.textureUnit.SetColorOperationEx(op, src1, src2, colSrc1, colSrc2, manual);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("cubic_texture", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseCubicTexture(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      bool useUVW;
      string uvw = values[values.Length - 1].ToLower();

      switch(uvw) {
        case "combineduvw":
          useUVW = true;
        case "separateuv":
          useUVW = false;
          LogParseError(context, "Bad cubic_texture attribute, last param must be 'combinedUVW' or 'separateUV'.");
          return false;

      // use base name to infer the 6 texture names
      if(values.Length == 2) {
        context.textureUnit.SetCubicTexture(values[0], useUVW);
      else if(values.Length == 7) {
        // copy the array elements for the 6 tex names
        string[] names = new string[6];
        Array.Copy(values, 0, names, 0, 6);

        context.textureUnit.SetCubicTexture(names, useUVW);
      else {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad cubic_texture attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 2 or 7).");

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("env_map", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseEnvMap(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      if(parameters == "off") {
      else {
        // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
        object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(parameters, typeof(EnvironmentMap));

        // if a value was found, assign it
        if(val != null) {
          context.textureUnit.SetEnvironmentMap(true, (EnvironmentMap)val);
        else {
          string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(EnvironmentMap));
          LogParseError(context, "Bad env_map attribute, valid values are {0}.", legalValues);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("filtering", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseFiltering(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.ToLower().Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length == 1) {
        // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
        object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(TextureFiltering));

        // if a value was found, assign it
        if(val != null) {
        else {
          string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(TextureFiltering));
          LogParseError(context, "Bad filtering attribute, valid filtering values are {0}.", legalValues);
          return false;
      else if(values.Length == 3) {
        // complex format
        object val1 = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(FilterOptions));
        object val2 = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(FilterOptions));
        object val3 = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[2], typeof(FilterOptions));

        if(val1 == null || val2 == null || val3 == null) {
          string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(FilterOptions));
          LogParseError(context, "Bad filtering attribute, valid values for filter options are {0}", legalValues);
          return false;
        else {
          context.textureUnit.SetTextureFiltering((FilterOptions)val1, (FilterOptions)val2, (FilterOptions)val3);
      else {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad filtering attribute, wrong number of paramters (expected 1 or 3).");

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("rotate", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseRotate(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {    
      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("rotate_anim", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseRotateAnim(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("scale", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseScale(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad scale attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 2).");
      else {
        context.textureUnit.SetTextureScale(StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[0]), StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[1]));

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("scroll", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseScroll(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad scroll attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 2).");
      else {
        context.textureUnit.SetTextureScroll(StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[0]), StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[1]));

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("scroll_anim", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseScrollAnim(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad scroll_anim attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 2).");
      else {
        context.textureUnit.SetScrollAnimation(StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[0]), StringConverter.ParseFloat(values[1]));

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("tex_address_mode", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseTexAddressMode(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // lookup the real enum equivalent to the script value
      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(parameters, typeof(TextureAddressing));

      // if a value was found, assign it
      if(val != null) {
        context.textureUnit.TextureAddressing = (TextureAddressing)val;
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(TextureAddressing));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad tex_address_mode attribute, valid values are {0}", legalValues);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("tex_coord_set", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseTexCoordSet(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      context.textureUnit.TextureCoordSet = int.Parse(parameters);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("texture", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseTexture(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length < 1 || values.Length > 2) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad texture attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 1 or 2).");
        return false;

      // use 2d as default if anything goes wrong
      TextureType texType = TextureType.TwoD;

      if(values.Length == 2) {
        // check the transform type
        object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(TextureType));

        if(val == null) {
          string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(TextureType));
          LogParseError(context, "Bad texture attribute, valid texture type values are {0}", legalValues);
        else {
          texType = (TextureType)val;
      context.textureUnit.SetTextureName(values[0], texType);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("wave_xform", MaterialScriptSection.TextureUnit)]
    protected static bool ParseWaveXForm(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});

      if(values.Length != 6) {
        LogParseError(context, "Bad wave_xform attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 6).");
        return false;

      TextureTransform transType = 0;
      WaveformType waveType = 0;

      // check the transform type
      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[0], typeof(TextureTransform));

      if(val == null) {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(TextureTransform));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad wave_xform attribute, valid transform type values are {0}.", legalValues);
        return false;

      transType = (TextureTransform)val;

      // check the wavetype
      val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(values[1], typeof(WaveformType));

      if(val == null) {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(WaveformType));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad wave_xform attribute, valid waveform type values are {0}.", legalValues);
        return false;


      waveType = (WaveformType)val;

      // set the transform animation

      return false;

    #endregion Texture Unit

    #region Program Ref/Default Program Ref

    [MaterialAttributeParser("param_indexed", MaterialScriptSection.ProgramRef)]
    [MaterialAttributeParser("param_indexed", MaterialScriptSection.DefaultParameters)]
    protected static bool ParseParamIndexed(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // skip this if the program is not supported or could not be found
      if(context.program == null || !context.program.IsSupported) {
        return false;

      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});
      if(values.Length < 3) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid param_indexed attribute - expected at least 3 parameters.");
        return false;

      // get start index
      int index = int.Parse(values[0]);

      ProcessManualProgramParam(index, "param_indexed", values, context);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("param_indexed_auto", MaterialScriptSection.ProgramRef)]
    [MaterialAttributeParser("param_indexed_auto", MaterialScriptSection.DefaultParameters)]
    protected static bool ParseParamIndexedAuto(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // skip this if the program is not supported or could not be found
      if(context.program == null || !context.program.IsSupported) {
        return false;

      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});
      if(values.Length != 2 && values.Length != 3) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid param_indexed_auto attribute - expected at 2 or 3 parameters.");
        return false;

      // get start index
      int index = int.Parse(values[0]);

      ProcessAutoProgramParam(index, "param_indexed_auto", values, context);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("param_named", MaterialScriptSection.ProgramRef)]
    [MaterialAttributeParser("param_named", MaterialScriptSection.DefaultParameters)]
    protected static bool ParseParamNamed(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // skip this if the program is not supported or could not be found
      if(context.program == null || !context.program.IsSupported) {
        return false;

      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});
      if(values.Length < 3) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid param_named attribute - expected at least 3 parameters.");
        return false;

      // get start index
      try {
        int index = context.programParams.GetParamIndex(values[0]);

        ProcessManualProgramParam(index, "param_named", values, context);
      catch(Exception ex) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid param_named attribute - {0}.", ex.Message);
        return false;

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("param_named_auto", MaterialScriptSection.ProgramRef)]
    [MaterialAttributeParser("param_named_auto", MaterialScriptSection.DefaultParameters)]
    protected static bool ParseParamNamedAuto(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // skip this if the program is not supported or could not be found
      if(context.program == null || !context.program.IsSupported) {
        return false;

      string[] values = parameters.Split(new char[] {' ', '\t'});
      if(values.Length != 2 && values.Length != 3) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid param_named_auto attribute - expected 2 or 3 parameters.");
        return false;

      // get start index
      try {
        int index = context.programParams.GetParamIndex(values[0]);

        ProcessAutoProgramParam(index, "param_named_auto", values, context);
      catch(Exception ex) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid param_named_auto attribute - {0}.", ex.Message);
        return false;

      return false;

    #endregion Program Ref/Default Program Ref

    #region Program Definition

    [MaterialAttributeParser("source", MaterialScriptSection.Program)]
    protected static bool ParseProgramSource(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // source filename, preserve case
      context.programDef.source = parameters;

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("syntax", MaterialScriptSection.Program)]
    protected static bool ParseProgramSyntax(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      context.programDef.syntax = parameters.ToLower();

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("includes_skeletal_animation", MaterialScriptSection.Program)]
    protected static bool ParseProgramSkeletalAnimation(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      context.programDef.supportsSkeletalAnimation = bool.Parse(parameters);

      return false;

    [MaterialAttributeParser("default_params", MaterialScriptSection.Program)]
    protected static bool ParseDefaultParams(string parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      context.section = MaterialScriptSection.DefaultParameters;

      // should be a brace next
      return true;

    #endregion Program Definition

    #endregion Parser Methods

        /// <summary>
    ///    Parses a Material script file passed in the specified stream.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="data">Stream containing the material file data.</param></param>
    /// <param name="fileName">Name of the material file, which will only be used in logging.</param>
    public void ParseScript(Stream stream, string fileName) {
      StreamReader script = new StreamReader(stream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);

      string line = string.Empty;
      bool nextIsOpenBrace = false;

      scriptContext.section = MaterialScriptSection.None;
      scriptContext.material = null;
      scriptContext.technique = null;
      scriptContext.pass = null;
      scriptContext.textureUnit = null;
      scriptContext.program = null;
      scriptContext.lineNo = 0;
      scriptContext.techLev = -1;
      scriptContext.passLev = -1;
      scriptContext.stateLev = -1;
      scriptContext.filename = fileName;

      // parse through the data to the end
      while((line = ParseHelper.ReadLine(script)) != null) {

        // ignore blank lines and comments
        if(line.Length == 0 || line.StartsWith("//")) {

        if(nextIsOpenBrace) {
          if(line != "{") {
                        // MONO: Couldn't put a literal "{" in the format string
            LogParseError(scriptContext, "Expecting '{0}' but got {1} instead", "{", line);

          nextIsOpenBrace = false;
        else {
          nextIsOpenBrace = ParseScriptLine(line);
      } // while

      if(scriptContext.section != MaterialScriptSection.None) {
        LogParseError(scriptContext, "Unexpected end of file.");

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index"></param>
    /// <param name="commandName"></param>
    /// <param name="parameters"></param>
    /// <param name="context"></param>
    protected static void ProcessManualProgramParam(int index, string commandName, string[] parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      // NB we assume that the first element of vecparams is taken up with either 
      // the index or the parameter name, which we ignore

      int dims, roundedDims;
      bool isFloat = false;
      string type = parameters[1].ToLower();

      if(type == "matrix4x4") {
        dims = 16;
        isFloat = true;
      else if(type.IndexOf("float") != -1) {
        if(type == "float") {
          dims = 1;
        else {
          // the first 5 letters are "float", get the dim indicator at the end
          dims = int.Parse(type.Substring(5));

        isFloat = true;
      else if(type.IndexOf("int") != -1) {
        if(type == "int") {
          dims = 1;
        else {
          // the first 5 letters are "int", get the dim indicator at the end
          dims = int.Parse(type.Substring(3));
      else {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid {0} attribute - unrecognized parameter type {1}.", commandName, type);

      // make sure we have enough params for this type's size
      if(parameters.Length != 2 + dims) {
        LogParseError(context, "Invalid {0} attribute - you need {1} parameters for a parameter of type {2}", commandName, 2 + dims, type);

      // Round dims to multiple of 4
      if(dims % 4 != 0) {
        roundedDims = dims + 4 - (dims % 4);
      else {
        roundedDims = dims;

      int i = 0;

      // now parse all the values
      if(isFloat) {
        float[] buffer = new float[roundedDims];

        // do specified values
        for(i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
          buffer[i] = StringConverter.ParseFloat(parameters[i + 2]);

        // fill up to multiple of 4 with zero
        for(; i < roundedDims; i++) {
          buffer[i] = 0.0f;

        context.programParams.SetConstant(index, buffer);
      else {
        int[] buffer = new int[roundedDims];

        // do specified values
        for(i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
          buffer[i] = int.Parse(parameters[i + 2]);

        // fill up to multiple of 4 with zero
        for(; i < roundedDims; i++) {
          buffer[i] = 0;

        context.programParams.SetConstant(index, buffer);

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index"></param>
    /// <param name="commandName"></param>
    /// <param name="parameters"></param>
    /// <param name="context"></param>
    protected static void ProcessAutoProgramParam(int index, string commandName, string[] parameters, MaterialScriptContext context) {
      bool extras = false;

      object val = ScriptEnumAttribute.Lookup(parameters[1], typeof(AutoConstants));

      if(val != null) {
        AutoConstants constantType = (AutoConstants)val;

        // these types require extra data
        if(  constantType == AutoConstants.LightDiffuseColor ||
          constantType == AutoConstants.LightSpecularColor ||
          constantType == AutoConstants.LightAttenuation ||
          constantType == AutoConstants.LightPosition ||
          constantType == AutoConstants.LightDirection ||
          constantType == AutoConstants.LightPositionObjectSpace ||
          constantType == AutoConstants.LightDirectionObjectSpace ||
          constantType == AutoConstants.Custom) {

          extras = true;

        // time is a special case here
        if(constantType == AutoConstants.Time) {
          float factor = 1.0f;

          if(parameters.Length == 3) {
            factor = StringConverter.ParseFloat(parameters[2]);

          context.programParams.SetConstantFromTime(index, factor);


        int extraParam = 0;

        // do we require extra data for this parameter?
        if(extras) {
          if(parameters.Length != 3) {
            LogParseError(context, "Invalid {0} attribute - Expected 3 parameters.", commandName);

          extraParam = int.Parse(parameters[2]);

        context.programParams.SetAutoConstant(index, constantType, extraParam);
      else {
        string legalValues = ScriptEnumAttribute.GetLegalValues(typeof(AutoConstants));
        LogParseError(context, "Bad auto gpu program param - Invalid param type '{0}', valid values are {1}.", parameters[1], legalValues);

    #region Exporting
    //public void WriteMaterial

    #endregion Exporting

  /// <summary>
  ///    Enum to identify material sections.
  /// </summary>
  public enum MaterialScriptSection {

  public class MaterialScriptProgramDefinition {
    public string name;
    public GpuProgramType progType;
    public string language;
    public string source;
    public string syntax;
    public bool supportsSkeletalAnimation;
    public Hashtable customParameters = new Hashtable();

  /// <summary>
  ///    Struct for holding the script context while parsing.
  /// </summary>
  public class MaterialScriptContext {
    public MaterialScriptSection section;
    public Material material;
    public Technique technique;
    public Pass pass;
    public TextureUnitState textureUnit;
    public GpuProgram program; // used when referencing a program, not when defining it
    public bool isProgramShadowCaster; // when referencing, are we in context of shadow caster
    public bool isProgramShadowReceiver; // when referencing, are we in context of shadow caster
    public GpuProgramParameters programParams;
    public MaterialScriptProgramDefinition programDef = new MaterialScriptProgramDefinition(); // this is used while defining a program

    public int techLev;  //Keep track of what tech, pass, and state level we are in
    public int passLev;
    public int stateLev;
    public StringCollection defaultParamLines = new StringCollection();

    // Error reporting state
    public int lineNo;
    public string filename;

  /// <summary>
  ///    Custom attribute to mark methods as handling the parsing for a material script attribute.
  /// </summary>
  [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
  public sealed class MaterialAttributeParserAttribute : Attribute {
    private string attributeName;
    private MaterialScriptSection section;

    public MaterialAttributeParserAttribute(string name, MaterialScriptSection section) {
      this.attributeName = name;
      this.section = section;

    public string Name {
      get { 
        return attributeName; 

    public MaterialScriptSection Section {
      get { 
        return section; 
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